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Documentation is built using Sphinx from docstrings using a GitHub action. The numpy docstring format is used.

Below the commands to run a local sphinx server that auto-updated when files are changed.

# Install docs dependency group
poetry install --with docs

# Start the sphinx server to see docs live by default at
sphinx-autobuild --watch src/ docs docs/_build/html

When you run the sphinx server live, it not always updates things if you make relevant changes (e.g. adding new pages, changing the css, etc.). To force an update, you can run the command below which deletes the existing build folder and then rebuilds it.

rm -rf docs/_build/html && sphinx-autobuild --watch src/ docs docs/_build/html

Adding new sections to the documentation

You can add new sections (equivalent to "Getting started" or "Example gallery") by creating a new .rst or .md file in the docs folder, and then adding a reference to it in the .. toctree:: directive in the docs/index.rst file.

Auto-generated files

The script is run in the github action before creating the docs. If you want to reproduce locally, you should run it from the docs folder

cd docs
  • It converts all notebooks in the docs/notebooks folder to .md in docs/markdown_notebooks (excluded from git)

  • It creates all files in docs/modules, which are used to generate the API reference. For instance, it will create a docs/modules/index.rst file that starts like this:

    .. toctree::
       :maxdepth: 1
       :caption: Modules:

    And then individual files for each module and submodule, e.g. docs/modules/pydna.rst.

    .. automodule:: pydna

Text imported from

To avoid having to maintain the same text in multiple files, fragments of the are imported using the directive include. For instance, in the installation.rst file, you can find the code below. What this does is to import the text of the file between the start and end markers, which are markdown comments and therefore not rendered.

.. include:: ../
   :parser: myst_parser.sphinx_
   :start-after: <!-- docs/installation.rst-start -->
   :end-before: <!-- docs/installation.rst-end -->

Including notebooks in the getting started and example sections

You can see the example of how to do this in the file. Note that the notebooks present in the docs/notebooks folder will automatically be converted to markdown in the docs/markdown_notebooks folder. So if you have a notebook docs/notebooks/Example_Gibson.ipynb, it will be converted to docs/markdown_notebooks/ and you can use that file path to make a link to it.

Custom CSS

For now, I have used css to make notebook outputs that are too long scrollable, and to add a small label python code to the code cells and output to the output cells.

For further customization, you can edit the custom.css file.


Other changes, such as changing the favicon, the css etc., can be made in the file. See the sphinx docs and the sphinx-rtd-theme docs for more information.