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T.","role":"board","twitter":"sairon"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jakub-vysoky.png","github":"kvbik","linkedin":"jakubvysoky","name":"Jakub Vysoký","role":"board","twitter":"kvbik"}],"public_members":[{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jiri-bajer.png","github":null,"linkedin":"jiribajer","name":"Jirka Bajer","role":"member","twitter":null},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/mia-bajic.png","github":"clytaemnestra","linkedin":"mia-bajic","name":"Mia Bajić","role":"member","twitter":null},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/lumir-balhar.png","github":"frenzymadness","linkedin":"lum%C3%ADr-balhar-b173833a","name":"Lumír Balhar","role":"member","twitter":"lumirbalhar"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jiri-barton.png","github":"whiskybar","linkedin":null,"name":"Jiří Bartoň","role":"member","twitter":"lurkingideas"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/martin-bilek.png","github":"martinbilek","linkedin":"martin-b%C3%ADlek-47699542","name":"Martin Bílek","role":"member","twitter":"ajtea"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/ondrej-caletka.png","github":"oskar456","linkedin":"caletkao","name":"Ondřej Caletka","role":"member","twitter":"oskar456"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/iva-fingerova.png","github":"IvaFingerova","linkedin":"ivafingerova","name":"Iva Fingerová","role":"member","twitter":"ivafingerova"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/peter-hozak.png","github":"Aprillion","linkedin":"hozak","name":"Peter Hozák","role":"member","twitter":"aprillion0042"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/miroslav-hroncok.png","github":"hroncok","linkedin":null,"name":"Miro Hrončok","role":"member","twitter":"hroncok"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/zuzana-javorkova.png","github":"zuzejk","linkedin":null,"name":"Zuzka Javorková","role":"member","twitter":null},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jan-kral.png","github":"HonzaKral","linkedin":"honzakral","name":"Honza Král","role":"member","twitter":"honzakral"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/stepanka-lucinova.png","github":"tystar86","linkedin":"stepankalucinova","name":"Štěpánka Lucinová","role":"member","twitter":"tystarcz"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/tomas-orsava.png","github":"torsava","linkedin":"tom%C3%A1%C5%A1-orsava-56284b57","name":"Tomáš Orsava","role":"member","twitter":null},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/radka-plankova.png","github":"radusaaa","linkedin":"radkaplankova","name":"Radka Planková","role":"member","twitter":null},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/vitezslav-pliska.png","github":"whit","linkedin":"vitekpliska","name":"Vítek Pliska","role":"member","twitter":"whiteck"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jiri-psotka.png","github":"jpsotka","linkedin":"jiripsotka","name":"Jiří Psotka","role":"member","twitter":"JiriPsotka"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/karolina-surma.png","github":"befeleme","linkedin":"karolina-surma-950452b7","name":"Karolina Surma","role":"member","twitter":null},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jakub-urban.png","github":"coobas","linkedin":"urbanj","name":"Kuba Urban","role":"member","twitter":"coobas"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/petr-viktorin.png","github":"encukou","linkedin":"petr-viktorin-a5043a14","name":"Petr Viktorin","role":"member","twitter":"encukou"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jaroslav-vysoky.png","github":"JerryFox","linkedin":null,"name":"Jarda Vysoký","role":"member","twitter":"jarda57"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/ales-zoulek.png","github":"aleszoulek","linkedin":"zoulek","name":"Aleš Zoulek","role":"member","twitter":"aleszoulek"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jan-florian.png","github":"starenka","linkedin":"janflorian","name":"stařenka","role":"member","twitter":"starenka"}],"total_count":28},"meta":{"address":{"directions":"Pyvec, z.s.
Ječná 507/6
12000 Praha 2","heading":"Adresa"},"bank_account":{"bank_branch":2010,"bank_name":"Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, Praha 1","heading":"Transparentní účet","iban":"CZ5020100000002600260438","number":2600260438,"swift":"FIOBCZPP"},"billing_address":{"directions":"Pyvec, z.s. — [Impact Hub Praha](https://www.hubpraha.cz/)
Drtinova 10/557
15000 Praha 5","heading":"Fakturační adresa"},"claim":"Jsme nezisková servisní organizace české komunity
kolem programovacího jazyka [Python](https://python.cz/)","databox_no":{"label":"Datová schránka","value":"t94cfya"},"downloads":{"bylaws":"stanovy","filing":"sbírka listin","heading":"Ke stažení","json_data":"tato stránka jako JSON","resources":"grafika"},"reg_no":{"label":"IČO","link":"https://or.justice.cz/ias/ui/vypis-sl-firma?subjektId=760829","value":22746668},"title":"Pyvec, neziskovka české Python komunity"},"numbers":{"entries":[{"hint":"Počet všech konaných srazů, ve všech městech","text":["sraz","srazy","srazů"],"value":217},{"hint":"Počet autorů commitů a účastniků diskusí na GitHubu, Pyvec a PyLadiesCZ","icon":"github","text":["přispěvatel","přispěvatelé","přispěvatelů"],"value":195},{"exactly":true,"hint":"Počet všech pořádaných PyCon CZ konferencí","text":["konference","konference","konferencí"],"value":4},{"hint":"Počet členů na Pyvec Slacku vyhrazeném pro organizátory","icon":"slack","text":["diskutující","diskutující","diskutujících"],"value":158},{"exactly":true,"hint":"Počet českých měst, ve kterých existují srazy nebo PyLadies","text":["město","města","měst"],"value":6},{"hint":"Součet členů hlavních FB skupin české Python komunity","icon":"facebook","sum":[1896,186],"text":["diskutující","diskutující","diskutujících"]},{"hint":"Počet všech několikaměsíčních kurzů pro začátečníky konaných PyLadies, ve všech městech","sum":[8,10,4],"text":["kurz","kurzy","kurzů"]},{"hint":"Počet všech hlavních Pyvcem podporovaných workshopů, včetně Django Girls","sum":[5,5,10,2],"text":["workshop","workshopy","workshopů"]},{"hint":"Počet unikátních followerů hlavních Twitterových účtů české Python komunity","icon":"twitter","text":["follower","followeři","followerů"],"value":2083}],"heading":"Náš dopad"},"objectives":{"entries":[{"icon":"comments","text":"**Setkávání expertů** a jejich kontakt s **mezinárodní** komunitou"},{"icon":"graduation-cap","text":"**Výuka programování** na základě **otevřených** materiálů"},{"icon":"female","text":"**Více žen v IT** a celkově **inkluzivní kulturu** mezi programátory"}],"heading":"Podporujeme"},"partners":{"entries":[{"logo":"img/partners/psf.svg","name":"Python Software Foundation","url":"https://www.python.org/psf/"},{"logo":"img/partners/pyladies.svg","name":"PyLadies","url":"http://www.pyladies.com/"},{"logo":"img/partners/djangogirls.svg","name":"Django Girls Foundation","url":"https://djangogirls.org/foundation/"},{"logo":"img/partners/numfocus.png","name":"NumFOCUS","url":"https://numfocus.org"}],"heading":"Spolupracujeme"},"privacy_policy":{"text":"Správcem osobních údajů je Pyvec, z.s., IČO: 22746668, se sídlem Drtinova 10/557, Praha. Můžete jej kontaktovat na [info@pyvec.org](mailto:info@pyvec.org).\n\nPyvec, z.s., dále jen „Spolek“, udržuje neveřejný seznam svých členů, který obsahuje i jejich jméno, přezdívku, e-mail, datum narození, adresu a odkazy na jejich internetové profily. Pokud osobě zanikne členství, údaje o ní jsou smazány a nejsou nadále uchovávány. Členové mohou Spolku individuálně udělit nebo odebrat souhlas s uveřejněním ve veřejném seznamu členů, který se může nacházet na těchto stránkách. E-mailová a poštovní adresa slouží Spolku pouze k tomu, aby mohl členy kontaktovat za účelem naplňování [povinností, jež mu ukládají stanovy](https://docs.pyvec.org/operations/bylaws.html).\n\nSpolek pro shromažďování a uchovávání osobních údajů o členech využívá [Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/). Osobní údaje uchovává společnost Google LLC na základě svých [zásad ochrany osobních údajů](https://policies.google.com/privacy). Uživatelský přístup k datům mají pouze členové výboru Spolku.\n","title":"Zpracování osobních údajů"},"profiles":{"entries":[{"icon":"twitter","name":"Twitter","url":"https://twitter.com/pyvec/"},{"icon":"youtube","name":"YouTube","url":"https://www.youtube.com/user/pyvec"},{"icon":"github","name":"GitHub","url":"https://github.com/pyvec/"},{"icon":"slack","name":"Slack","url":"https://pyvec.slack.com/"}]},"projects":{"entries":[{"description":"Každoroční největší setkání lidí se zájmem o jazyk Python v ČR. Je součástí [mezinárodní sítě podobných konferencí](https://www.python.org/events/).","logo":"img/projects/pyconcz.svg","name":"Konference PyCon CZ","photo":"pyconcz","pyvec_help":["reimbursement","accounting","contracts","legal"],"url":"https://cz.pycon.org/"},{"description":"Otevřené a volně dostupné materiály pro začátečnické i pokročilé kurzy jazyka Python. Jediné svého druhu v češtině, neustále udržované a rozšiřované.","logo":"img/projects/python.svg","name":"Nauč se Python","photo":"naucse","pyvec_help":["operations"],"url":"http://naucse.python.cz/"},{"description":"[Mezinárodní](http://pyladies.com/) aktivita, která se snaží s pomocí jazyka Python sblížit ženy a IT. České skupiny pořádají několikaměsíční bezplatné začátečnické kurzy.","logo":"img/projects/pyladies.svg","name":"PyLadies CZ","photo":"pyladies","pyvec_help":["reimbursement","contracts","interconnection"],"url":"http://pyladies.cz/"},{"description":"Neformální programátorské srazy zaměřené na odborné přednášky, networking nebo vzdělávání, konané pravidelně každý měsíc.","logo":"img/projects/pyvo.svg","name":"Srazy Pyvo","photo":"pyvo","pyvec_help":["reimbursement","interconnection"],"url":"https://pyvo.cz/"},{"description":"Prakticky zaměřené srazy pro pokročilé začátečníky, kde si lze cokoliv vyzkoušet nebo konzultovat. V Praze navíc doplněné o občasné celodenní workshopy.","logo":"img/projects/pyworking.svg","name":"PyWorking","photo":"pyworking","pyvec_help":["reimbursement","contracts"],"url":"https://pyworking.cz/"},{"description":"Nepravidelná setkání s přednáškami pro milovníky dat, Pythonu a dalších jazyků, pořádaná pod hlavičkou mezinárodního vzdělacího programu [PyData](https://pydata.org).","logo":"img/projects/pydata.svg","name":"PyData Prague","photo":"pydata","pyvec_help":["contracts"],"url":"https://pydata.cz/"},{"description":"Hlavní zdroj informací a rozcestník pro českou Python komunitu.","logo":"img/projects/python.svg","name":"python.cz","photo":"pythoncz","pyvec_help":["operations"],"url":"https://python.cz/"},{"description":"Zprávy ze světa české Python komunity. Kdokoliv může přispět svým článkem.","logo":"img/projects/python.svg","name":"Komunitní blog","photo":"blog","pyvec_help":["operations"],"url":"http://blog.python.cz/"},{"description":"Dokumentace fungování komunity, která shrnuje i know-how pro organizátory akcí, jako jsou srazy, workshopy, kurzy, apod.","logo":"img/projects/python.svg","name":"Komunitní dokumentace","photo":"docs","pyvec_help":["operations"],"url":"https://docs.pyvec.org"}],"heading":"Projekty","note":{"heading":"Dobrovolník","icon":"hand-stop-o","text":"Pyvec nikomu **neříká, co má dělat**. [Pomáhá těm, kteří se o něco snaží](https://docs.pyvec.org/operations/support.html)\n— je to nezisková **servisní organizace**. Založení srazu ve tvém městě? Kurz\nna tvé škole? Workshop? Screencast? Pojďmě spolu vymyslet, jak\nto zrealizovat! Ozvi se nám na [info@pyvec.org](mailto:info@pyvec.org)."},"pyvec_help":{"accounting":"účetnictví","contracts":"smlouvy","interconnection":"propojení místních skupin","legal":"právní servis","operations":"provoz","reimbursement":"proplácení vybavení"},"pyvec_help_heading":"Jak pomáháme"},"supporters":{"entries":[{"logo":"img/supporters/fragaria.svg","name":"Fragaria","url":"https://fragaria.cz/"},{"logo":"img/supporters/rosticz.png","name":"Roští.cz","url":"https://rosti.cz/"},{"logo":"img/supporters/redhat.svg","name":"Red Hat","url":"https://jobs.redhat.com/"},{"logo":"img/supporters/kiwicom.svg","name":"Kiwi.com","url":"https://kiwi.com/"}],"heading":"Dlouhodobí podporovatelé","note":{"heading":"Podporovatel","icon":"credit-card","text":"Díky nám na českém trhu **stoupá počet programátorů**. Finanční podpora Pyvce\nje vaše **investice do vzdělávání**, **zdravějšího trhu práce** a do rozšiřování\nPython komunity. Využijte náš\n[transparentní účet](https://www.fio.cz/scgi-bin/hermes/dz-transparent.cgi?ID_ucet=2600260438),\n[Benevity](https://causes.benevity.org/causes/203-5781337120921_0a4a),\nnebo napište na [info@pyvec.org](mailto:info@pyvec.org)."}}} diff --git a/cs/index.html b/cs/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..467f680 --- /dev/null +++ b/cs/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,1454 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Pyvec, neziskovka české Python komunity + + + +

+ + Pyvec + +


+ + English + +

+ +

Jsme nezisková servisní organizace české komunity
kolem programovacího jazyka Python

+ +


+ +
+ +

Setkávání expertů a jejich kontakt s mezinárodní komunitou

+ +
+ +

Výuka programování na základě otevřených materiálů

+ +
+ +

Více žen v IT a celkově inkluzivní kulturu mezi programátory

+ +
+ + +

Náš dopad


+ + + + 210+ srazů + + + + + + + 190+ přispěvatelů + + + + + 4 konference + + + + + + + 150+ diskutujících + + + + + 6 měst + + + + + + + 2000+ diskutujících + + + + + 20+ kurzů + + + + + 20+ workshopů + + + + + + + 2000+ followerů + + +

+ +


+ +



Pyvec nikomu neříká, co má dělat. Pomáhá těm, kteří se o něco snaží +— je to nezisková servisní organizace. Založení srazu ve tvém městě? Kurz +na tvé škole? Workshop? Screencast? Pojďmě spolu vymyslet, jak +to zrealizovat! Ozvi se nám na info@pyvec.org.

+ + +

Dlouhodobí podporovatelé

+ +



Díky nám na českém trhu stoupá počet programátorů. Finanční podpora Pyvce +je vaše investice do vzdělávání, zdravějšího trhu práce a do rozšiřování +Python komunity. Využijte náš +transparentní účet, +Benevity, +nebo napište na info@pyvec.org.

+ + +


+ + +

Kdo je Pyvec

+ +



Pyvec je spolek založený na jaře roku 2012. +Výbor spolku rozhoduje o využívání financí a dalších významných tématech. +Staň se členem / členkou +a podílej se na tom, jak Pyvec podporuje českou Python komunitu!

+ + +

+ Celkový počet členů spolku: 28
+ Následují členové, kteří souhlasili s uvedením ve veřejném seznamu. +

+ + +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cs/zpracovani-osobnich-udaju/index.html b/cs/zpracovani-osobnich-udaju/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ddb807 --- /dev/null +++ b/cs/zpracovani-osobnich-udaju/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Pyvec, neziskovka české Python komunity + + + +

+ + Pyvec + +


+ + English + +

+ + +

Zpracování osobních údajů


Správcem osobních údajů je Pyvec, z.s., IČO: 22746668, se sídlem Drtinova 10/557, Praha. Můžete jej kontaktovat na info@pyvec.org.


Pyvec, z.s., dále jen „Spolek“, udržuje neveřejný seznam svých členů, který obsahuje i jejich jméno, přezdívku, e-mail, datum narození, adresu a odkazy na jejich internetové profily. Pokud osobě zanikne členství, údaje o ní jsou smazány a nejsou nadále uchovávány. Členové mohou Spolku individuálně udělit nebo odebrat souhlas s uveřejněním ve veřejném seznamu členů, který se může nacházet na těchto stránkách. E-mailová a poštovní adresa slouží Spolku pouze k tomu, aby mohl členy kontaktovat za účelem naplňování povinností, jež mu ukládají stanovy.


Spolek pro shromažďování a uchovávání osobních údajů o členech využívá Google Docs. Osobní údaje uchovává společnost Google LLC na základě svých zásad ochrany osobních údajů. Uživatelský přístup k datům mají pouze členové výboru Spolku.

+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en/api.json b/en/api.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1beaf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/en/api.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"members":{"heading":"Who is Pyvec","list":{"failure_text":"The list of members failed to load.","gdpr_note":"The following members consented with being listed publicly.","total_count_text":"Total count of all members"},"note":{"heading":"Organization","icon":"user-circle-o","text":"Pyvec is a nonprofit founded in **spring 2012**.\nThe board takes care of financial matters and makes decisions on other important issues.\n[Become a member](https://docs.pyvec.org/operations/runbooks.html#jak-clenstvi)\nand influence how Pyvec supports the Czech Python user group!"},"roles":{"board":"board member","chair":"chairman"}},"members_list":{"board":[{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/barbora-drbohlavova.png","github":"baradrb","linkedin":"baradrb","name":"Bára Drbohlavová","role":"chair","twitter":"baradrb"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jan-javorek.png","github":"honzajavorek","linkedin":"honzajavorek","name":"Honza Javorek","role":"board","twitter":"honzajavorek"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/anezka-muller.png","github":"anezkamll","linkedin":"anezkamll","name":"Anežka Müller","role":"board","twitter":"anezkamll"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jan-cermak.png","github":"sairon","linkedin":"sairon","name":"Kokoška P. T.","role":"board","twitter":"sairon"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jakub-vysoky.png","github":"kvbik","linkedin":"jakubvysoky","name":"Jakub Vysoký","role":"board","twitter":"kvbik"}],"public_members":[{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jiri-bajer.png","github":null,"linkedin":"jiribajer","name":"Jirka Bajer","role":"member","twitter":null},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/mia-bajic.png","github":"clytaemnestra","linkedin":"mia-bajic","name":"Mia Bajić","role":"member","twitter":null},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/lumir-balhar.png","github":"frenzymadness","linkedin":"lum%C3%ADr-balhar-b173833a","name":"Lumír Balhar","role":"member","twitter":"lumirbalhar"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jiri-barton.png","github":"whiskybar","linkedin":null,"name":"Jiří Bartoň","role":"member","twitter":"lurkingideas"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/martin-bilek.png","github":"martinbilek","linkedin":"martin-b%C3%ADlek-47699542","name":"Martin Bílek","role":"member","twitter":"ajtea"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/ondrej-caletka.png","github":"oskar456","linkedin":"caletkao","name":"Ondřej Caletka","role":"member","twitter":"oskar456"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/iva-fingerova.png","github":"IvaFingerova","linkedin":"ivafingerova","name":"Iva Fingerová","role":"member","twitter":"ivafingerova"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/peter-hozak.png","github":"Aprillion","linkedin":"hozak","name":"Peter Hozák","role":"member","twitter":"aprillion0042"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/miroslav-hroncok.png","github":"hroncok","linkedin":null,"name":"Miro Hrončok","role":"member","twitter":"hroncok"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/zuzana-javorkova.png","github":"zuzejk","linkedin":null,"name":"Zuzka Javorková","role":"member","twitter":null},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jan-kral.png","github":"HonzaKral","linkedin":"honzakral","name":"Honza Král","role":"member","twitter":"honzakral"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/stepanka-lucinova.png","github":"tystar86","linkedin":"stepankalucinova","name":"Štěpánka Lucinová","role":"member","twitter":"tystarcz"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/tomas-orsava.png","github":"torsava","linkedin":"tom%C3%A1%C5%A1-orsava-56284b57","name":"Tomáš Orsava","role":"member","twitter":null},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/radka-plankova.png","github":"radusaaa","linkedin":"radkaplankova","name":"Radka Planková","role":"member","twitter":null},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/vitezslav-pliska.png","github":"whit","linkedin":"vitekpliska","name":"Vítek Pliska","role":"member","twitter":"whiteck"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jiri-psotka.png","github":"jpsotka","linkedin":"jiripsotka","name":"Jiří Psotka","role":"member","twitter":"JiriPsotka"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/karolina-surma.png","github":"befeleme","linkedin":"karolina-surma-950452b7","name":"Karolina Surma","role":"member","twitter":null},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jakub-urban.png","github":"coobas","linkedin":"urbanj","name":"Kuba Urban","role":"member","twitter":"coobas"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/petr-viktorin.png","github":"encukou","linkedin":"petr-viktorin-a5043a14","name":"Petr Viktorin","role":"member","twitter":"encukou"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jaroslav-vysoky.png","github":"JerryFox","linkedin":null,"name":"Jarda Vysoký","role":"member","twitter":"jarda57"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/ales-zoulek.png","github":"aleszoulek","linkedin":"zoulek","name":"Aleš Zoulek","role":"member","twitter":"aleszoulek"},{"avatar_filename":"img/avatars/jan-florian.png","github":"starenka","linkedin":"janflorian","name":"stařenka","role":"member","twitter":"starenka"}],"total_count":28},"meta":{"address":{"directions":"Pyvec, z.s.
Ječná 507/6
12000 Prague
Czech Republic, EU","heading":"Address"},"bank_account":{"bank_branch":2010,"bank_name":"Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, Prague","heading":"Transparent account","iban":"CZ5020100000002600260438","number":2600260438,"swift":"FIOBCZPP"},"billing_address":{"directions":"Pyvec, z.s. — [Impact Hub Praha](https://www.hubpraha.cz/en/)
Drtinova 10/557
15000 Prague
Czech Republic, EU","heading":"Billing address"},"claim":"Service non-profit organization of the Czech
[Python](https://python.cz/en/) programming language user group","databox_no":{"label":"“Datová schránka”","value":"t94cfya"},"downloads":{"bylaws":"bylaws","filing":"filing history","heading":"Downloads","json_data":"this page as JSON","resources":"resources"},"reg_no":{"label":"Reg. No.","link":"https://or.justice.cz/ias/ui/vypis-sl-firma?subjektId=760829","value":22746668},"title":"Pyvec, the nonprofit of the Czech Python user group"},"numbers":{"entries":[{"hint":"All organized meetups, all locations","text":"meetups","value":217},{"hint":"Commit authors and discussions participants on GitHub, Pyvec and PyLadiesCZ","icon":"github","text":"contributors","value":195},{"exactly":true,"hint":"All organized PyCon CZ conferences","text":"conferences","value":4},{"hint":"Members on Pyvec Slack dedicated to organizators","icon":"slack","text":"participants","value":158},{"exactly":true,"hint":"All locations where there is a meetup or PyLadies present","text":"locations","value":6},{"hint":"Sum of members of the main Czech Python user group FB groups","icon":"facebook","sum":[1896,186],"text":"participants"},{"hint":"All beginner course tracks organized by PyLadies, all locations","sum":[8,10,4],"text":"courses"},{"hint":"All main workshops organized with Pyvec support, Django Girls included","sum":[5,5,10,2],"text":"workshops"},{"hint":"Number of unique followers of the main Czech Python user group Twitter accounts","icon":"twitter","text":"followers","value":2083}],"heading":"Our impact"},"objectives":{"entries":[{"icon":"comments","text":"**Networking of experts** and their contact with the **international** community"},{"icon":"graduation-cap","text":"**Education of programming** based on **open** materials"},{"icon":"female","text":"**More women in tech** and generally **inclusive culture** among programmers"}],"heading":"We support"},"partners":{"entries":[{"logo":"img/partners/psf.svg","name":"Python Software Foundation","url":"https://www.python.org/psf/"},{"logo":"img/partners/pyladies.svg","name":"PyLadies","url":"http://www.pyladies.com/"},{"logo":"img/partners/djangogirls.svg","name":"Django Girls Foundation","url":"https://djangogirls.org/foundation/"},{"logo":"img/partners/numfocus.png","name":"NumFOCUS","url":"https://numfocus.org"}],"heading":"Cooperating with"},"privacy_policy":{"text":"This privacy policy applies to Pyvec, z.s., a nonprofit with a registration number 22746668 and registered office at Drtinova 10/557, Prague, Czech Republic. You can contact Pyvec, z.s. at [info@pyvec.org](mailto:info@pyvec.org).\n\nPyvec, z.s. maintains a private list of its members, which contains their name, nickname, email, date of birth, address, and links to their public internet profiles. If person's membership ends, Pyvec, z.s. deletes all data about the person it has collected. Members of Pyvec, z.s. can individually give or remove consent with being present in a public list of memebers, which can appear at this website. Pyvec, z.s. can use the collected emails and addresses only to contact the members in order to fulfill [requirements given by the bylaws](https://docs.pyvec.org/operations/bylaws.html).\n\nPyvec, z.s. uses [Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/) to collect the personal information. Company Google LLC keeps the data according to terms in [their own privacy policy](https://policies.google.com/privacy). Only Pyvec, z.s. board members have user access to the data.\n","title":"Privacy Policy"},"profiles":{"entries":[{"icon":"twitter","name":"Twitter","url":"https://twitter.com/pyvec/"},{"icon":"youtube","name":"YouTube","url":"https://www.youtube.com/user/pyvec"},{"icon":"github","name":"GitHub","url":"https://github.com/pyvec/"},{"icon":"slack","name":"Slack","url":"https://pyvec.slack.com/"}]},"projects":{"entries":[{"description":"The largest yearly gathering of people interested in Python in the Czech Republic. Part of the [international PyCon series](https://www.python.org/events/).","logo":"img/projects/pyconcz.svg","name":"PyCon CZ conference","photo":"pyconcz","pyvec_help":["reimbursement","accounting","contracts","legal"],"url":"https://cz.pycon.org/"},{"description":"Open and freely accessible materials for beginner or advanced courses of the Python language. In Czech. Continuously developing and growing.","logo":"img/projects/python.svg","name":"Learn Python","photo":"naucse","pyvec_help":["operations"],"url":"http://naucse.python.cz/"},{"description":"[International](http://pyladies.com/) activity supporting women to get into tech with the help of the Python language. Czech groups hold semester-long free-of-charge beginner courses.","logo":"img/projects/pyladies.svg","name":"PyLadies CZ","photo":"pyladies","pyvec_help":["reimbursement","contracts","interconnection"],"url":"http://pyladies.cz/"},{"description":"Informal developer meetups focused on talks on advanced topics, networking, or education. Organized monthly.","logo":"img/projects/pyvo.svg","name":"Pyvo meetups","photo":"pyvo","pyvec_help":["reimbursement","interconnection"],"url":"https://pyvo.cz/"},{"description":"Hands-on meetups for intermediate Python developers where anyone can come and consult their solutions or try out anything they like. In Prague these are complemented by occasional day-long workshops.","logo":"img/projects/pyworking.svg","name":"PyWorking","photo":"pyworking","pyvec_help":["reimbursement","contracts"],"url":"https://pyworking.cz/"},{"description":"Irregular meetups with talks for lovers of data, Python and other languages, part of the [PyData](https://pydata.org) international educational programme.","logo":"img/projects/pydata.svg","name":"PyData Prague","photo":"pydata","pyvec_help":["contracts"],"url":"https://pydata.cz/"},{"description":"The main portal and source of information of the Czech Python user group.","logo":"img/projects/python.svg","name":"python.cz","photo":"pythoncz","pyvec_help":["operations"],"url":"https://python.cz/"},{"description":"Czech Python user group news. Anyone can contribute with their article.","logo":"img/projects/python.svg","name":"Community blog","photo":"blog","pyvec_help":["operations"],"url":"http://blog.python.cz/"},{"description":"A documentation of community operations, which also sums up know-how for organizers of user group events, such as meetups, workshops, courses, etc.","logo":"img/projects/python.svg","name":"Community docs","photo":"docs","pyvec_help":["operations"],"url":"https://docs.pyvec.org"}],"heading":"Projects","note":{"heading":"Volunteer","icon":"hand-stop-o","text":"Pyvec **doesn't give orders**. Pyvec helps to those who want to achieve\nsomething — it's a nonprofit **service organization**. Starting a meetup in your\ntown? Course in your school? Workshop? Screencast? Let's come up with\na way to make it happen! E-mail us at [info@pyvec.org](mailto:info@pyvec.org)."},"pyvec_help":{"accounting":"accounting","contracts":"contracts","interconnection":"interconnection of local groups","legal":"legal service","operations":"operations","reimbursement":"reimbursing equipment"},"pyvec_help_heading":"How Pyvec helps"},"supporters":{"entries":[{"logo":"img/supporters/fragaria.svg","name":"Fragaria","url":"https://fragaria.cz/"},{"logo":"img/supporters/rosticz.png","name":"Roští.cz","url":"https://rosti.cz/"},{"logo":"img/supporters/redhat.svg","name":"Red Hat","url":"https://jobs.redhat.com/"},{"logo":"img/supporters/kiwicom.svg","name":"Kiwi.com","url":"https://kiwi.com/"}],"heading":"Long-term supporters","note":{"heading":"Supporter","icon":"credit-card","text":"Thanks to our efforts, **there are more programmers** on the Czech market.\nFinancial support of Pyvec is your **investment in education**, **healthier\njob market** and the growth of the Python community. Use our\n[transparent bank account](https://www.fio.cz/scgi-bin/hermes/dz-transparent.cgi?ID_ucet=2600260438&l=ENGLISH),\n[Benevity](https://causes.benevity.org/causes/203-5781337120921_0a4a),\nor e-mail us at [info@pyvec.org](mailto:info@pyvec.org)."}}} diff --git a/en/index.html b/en/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cdb633e --- /dev/null +++ b/en/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,1456 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Pyvec, the nonprofit of the Czech Python user group + + + +

+ + Pyvec + +


+ + Česky + +

+ +

Service non-profit organization of the Czech
Python programming language user group

+ +

We support

+ +
+ +

Networking of experts and their contact with the international community

+ +
+ +

Education of programming based on open materials

+ +
+ +

More women in tech and generally inclusive culture among programmers

+ +
+ + +

Our impact


+ + + + 210+ meetups + + + + + + + 190+ contributors + + + + + 4 conferences + + + + + + + 150+ participants + + + + + 6 locations + + + + + + + 2000+ participants + + + + + 20+ courses + + + + + 20+ workshops + + + + + + + 2000+ followers + + +

+ +


+ +



Pyvec doesn't give orders. Pyvec helps to those who want to achieve +something — it's a nonprofit service organization. Starting a meetup in your +town? Course in your school? Workshop? Screencast? Let's come up with +a way to make it happen! E-mail us at info@pyvec.org.

+ + +

Long-term supporters

+ +



Thanks to our efforts, there are more programmers on the Czech market. +Financial support of Pyvec is your investment in education, healthier +job market and the growth of the Python community. Use our +transparent bank account, +Benevity, +or e-mail us at info@pyvec.org.

+ + +

Cooperating with

+ + +

Who is Pyvec

+ +



Pyvec is a nonprofit founded in spring 2012. +The board takes care of financial matters and makes decisions on other important issues. +Become a member +and influence how Pyvec supports the Czech Python user group!

+ + +

+ Total count of all members: 28
+ The following members consented with being listed publicly. +

+ + +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en/privacy-policy/index.html b/en/privacy-policy/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5a52d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/en/privacy-policy/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Pyvec, the nonprofit of the Czech Python user group + + + +

+ + Pyvec + +


+ + Česky + +

+ + +

Privacy Policy


This privacy policy applies to Pyvec, z.s., a nonprofit with a registration number 22746668 and registered office at Drtinova 10/557, Prague, Czech Republic. You can contact Pyvec, z.s. at info@pyvec.org.


Pyvec, z.s. maintains a private list of its members, which contains their name, nickname, email, date of birth, address, and links to their public internet profiles. If person's membership ends, Pyvec, z.s. deletes all data about the person it has collected. Members of Pyvec, z.s. can individually give or remove consent with being present in a public list of memebers, which can appear at this website. Pyvec, z.s. can use the collected emails and addresses only to contact the members in order to fulfill requirements given by the bylaws.


Pyvec, z.s. uses Google Docs to collect the personal information. Company Google LLC keeps the data according to terms in their own privacy policy. Only Pyvec, z.s. board members have user access to the data.

+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/favicon.ico b/favicon.ico new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b95b747 Binary files /dev/null and b/favicon.ico differ diff --git a/index.html b/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..467f680 --- /dev/null +++ b/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,1454 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Pyvec, neziskovka české Python komunity + + + +

+ + Pyvec + +


+ + English + +

+ +

Jsme nezisková servisní organizace české komunity
kolem programovacího jazyka Python

+ +


+ +
+ +

Setkávání expertů a jejich kontakt s mezinárodní komunitou

+ +
+ +

Výuka programování na základě otevřených materiálů

+ +
+ +

Více žen v IT a celkově inkluzivní kulturu mezi programátory

+ +
+ + +

Náš dopad


+ + + + 210+ srazů + + + + + + + 190+ přispěvatelů + + + + + 4 konference + + + + + + + 150+ diskutujících + + + + + 6 měst + + + + + + + 2000+ diskutujících + + + + + 20+ kurzů + + + + + 20+ workshopů + + + + + + + 2000+ followerů + + +

+ +


+ +



Pyvec nikomu neříká, co má dělat. Pomáhá těm, kteří se o něco snaží +— je to nezisková servisní organizace. Založení srazu ve tvém městě? Kurz +na tvé škole? Workshop? Screencast? Pojďmě spolu vymyslet, jak +to zrealizovat! Ozvi se nám na info@pyvec.org.

+ + +

Dlouhodobí podporovatelé

+ +



Díky nám na českém trhu stoupá počet programátorů. Finanční podpora Pyvce +je vaše investice do vzdělávání, zdravějšího trhu práce a do rozšiřování +Python komunity. Využijte náš +transparentní účet, +Benevity, +nebo napište na info@pyvec.org.

+ + +


+ + +

Kdo je Pyvec

+ +



Pyvec je spolek založený na jaře roku 2012. +Výbor spolku rozhoduje o využívání financí a dalších významných tématech. +Staň se členem / členkou +a podílej se na tom, jak Pyvec podporuje českou Python komunitu!

+ + +

+ Celkový počet členů spolku: 28
+ Následují členové, kteří souhlasili s uvedením ve veřejném seznamu. +

+ + +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/bylaws.pdf b/static/bylaws.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8c0026 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/bylaws.pdf differ diff --git a/static/favicon.ico b/static/favicon.ico new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b95b747 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/favicon.ico differ diff --git a/static/img/avatars/ales-zoulek.png b/static/img/avatars/ales-zoulek.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a321fae Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/avatars/ales-zoulek.png differ diff --git a/static/img/avatars/anezka-muller.png b/static/img/avatars/anezka-muller.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..656ca23 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/avatars/anezka-muller.png differ diff --git a/static/img/avatars/barbora-drbohlavova.png b/static/img/avatars/barbora-drbohlavova.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..210df33 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/avatars/barbora-drbohlavova.png differ diff --git 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