here means sequence.
student: !!seq
- marks
- name
- rol_no
We can also do something like
cities: [new delhi, mumbai, amritsar, gurdaspur]
We can also keep some of the keys of the Seqeuence empty. This is known as Sparse Sequence .
- hey
- how
- hello
- cool
- awesome
- sexy
- bad
- ugly
- rugged
The -
with no value, specifies start of a new object.
we can use !!map
data type
We can also define Nested Mappings. Map within a map.
name: Shubh Karman
age: 22
job: student
We can also do something like
name: Shubh Karman
role: {age: 22, job: student}
In pairs
, keys may have duplicate values.
to declare this data type.
pairExample: !!pairs
- job: student
- job: teacher
# This can also be seen as an array of hash tables
pairExamples: !!pairs [job: student, job: teacher]
in YAML can be seen as an data structure containing unique keys only.
names: !!set
? Shubh Karman
? Apoorv
? Rahul
is used when you want to represent entire sequence as a value. This is represented by !!omap
people: !!omap
- Kunal:
name: Shubh Karman
age: 22
- Rahul:
name: Rahul Sharma
age: 23
When their some repeated properties over multiple declarations you can declare them in a single data structure and use them in your other declarations.
So, basically which property / declaration you want to copy and where do you want to copy it.
likings: &likes
fav: mango
notFav: grapes
name: Shubh
<<: *likes
<<: *anchorName
will copy paste all the properties represented by anchorName
. To declare it use &