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Unitair: PyTorch-based quantum circuits

Documentation Status

Unitair is a lightweight Python package that brings quantum computing to PyTorch.

Unitair differs from other quantum computing software packages in important ways. Quantum states are PyTorch tensors (the PyTorch version of the NumPy ndarray). There is no special class for quantum states class nor is there an abstract QuantumCircuit class. Unitair doesn't directly rely on a circuit model although it fully supports circuit-model computation.

Manipulations of quantum states naturally take advantage of PyTorch's strengths. You can

  • Apply gates and other operations to a batch of states
  • Use gradients to track gate parameters or parameters used to build an initial state
  • Set device='cuda' to get GPU-acceleration
  • Mix unitair functions with torch.nn networks or any other PyTorch functionality

Documentation for Unitair is now available.

Rule-Breaking is Encouraged

Unitair does not hide state vectors or simulation details within carefully crafted tools but instead exposes states and operations on states as simple manipulations on PyTorch Tensor objects. As a result, there are few "seatbelts" preventing sser from manipulating states in unphysical or unrealistic ways like cloning, state-dependent time evolution, or cheating to get a result that we somehow know has to be the case.

Because Unitair encourages users to "just get the answer", Unitair should be regarded as an emulator rather than a simulator. As a simple example, rather than applying a Hadamard gate to every qubit starting with |0...0>, the best practice is to use unitair.uniform_superposition which reads off the state directly.

This approach has three notable downsides:

  1. Unitair does not aim to simulate noise realistically.
  2. Users should be aware that manipulations that look simple with Unitair and PyTorch may be very complex when constructed with realistic gates.
  3. Deployment to hardware or translation to other quantum computing packages is not an intended usage of Unitair.

On the other hand, emulation has benefits: researchers can test or develop quantum algorithms with lower runtimes than is possible with full simulation, and states can be manipulated in arbitrary ways, whether physically sensible or not.

Intended users

Unitair was designed with the goal of helping to bridge the fields of quantum computing and machine learning. Anyone with experience in PyTorch (or another machine learning library like TensorFlow) and basic knowledge of quantum computing should find unitair to be very simple. Users that are experts in machine learning or quantum computing but not both should find unitair helpful to start making a connection with the other discipline.

States are Tensors

The class for quantum states is torch.Tensor rather than a new quantum state class. For example, the state |00> is

import torch  # no need to import unitair yet!

# Intended state: |00>
state = torch.tensor([1.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j])

The four elements of this vector correspond to the computational basis elements |00>, |01>, |10>, and |11> (in that order). Since the quantum state can be written as

1 |00> + 0 |01> +  0 |10> + 0 |11>,

the vector [1., 0., 0., 0.] is sensible.

As another example, -i |01> is

import torch  # no need to import unitair yet!

# Intended state: |00>
state = torch.tensor([0.+0.j, 0.-1.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j])

Batches of states

To exploit the strengths of PyTorch, manipulations should be batched. Rather than constructing a tensor with size (4,), we might instead construct a Tensor with size (3, 4). The unitair interpretation of such a Tensor is that we have three quantum states for two qubits. For example:

>>> import unitair
>>> unitair.rand_state(num_qubits=2, batch_dims=(3,))
tensor([[ 0.1958-0.3280j,  0.3178+0.4487j, -0.4322-0.0840j, -0.5906+0.0957j],
        [ 0.1541+0.4326j,  0.6663-0.0448j, -0.3485-0.0493j, -0.1967-0.4249j],
        [ 0.2089+0.4304j,  0.3997+0.6920j, -0.1714-0.2164j,  0.1803+0.1543j]])

In fact, batch dimensions can be more general thant that:

state_batch = unitair.rand_state(num_qubits=5, batch_dims=(10, 3,))

>>> state_batch.size()
torch.Size([10, 3, 32])


In this case, state_batch[5, 1], is a quantum state for five qubits, as is any other selection of the first two indices of state_batch. This is a batch of 30 states for five qubits organized into the (10, 3) shape.

Manipulating quantum states

Because states are torch.Tensor objects, you are free to do anything to a state that you might do to a torch.Tensor. Manipulations need not have anything to do with quantum mechanics. On the other hand, the unitair package includes functions to perform operations that are natrual in quantum computing.

Applying Hadamard gates

We first apply a Hadamard gate to the initial state |0>:

from unitair import simulation, gates

# Initial state: |0>
state = unitair.unit_vector(index=0, num_qubits=1)
h = gates.hadamard()

state = simulation.apply_operator(
>>> state
tensor([0.7071+0.j, 0.7071+0.j])

Unitair can apply gates to batches of quantum states, batches of gates to a single state, and batches of gates to batches of states. For example, we can construct a batch consisting of 5 states for one qubit and then apply a Hadamard gate to each of those states in a single call:

state_batch = unitair.rand_state(num_qubits=1, batch_dims=(5,))
h = gates.hadamard()

state_batch = simulation.apply_operator(

The resulting state_batch has size (5, 2) and, e.g., state_batch[3] is the same as if we had applied a Hadamard gate directly to the index 3 element of the original state_batch.

Making a Bell state

The Bell state (|00> + |11>)/\sqrt{2} is typically constructed by starting with the state |00>, applying a Hadamard gate to the first qubit, and then applying a CNOT gate from the first to the second qubit. We recommend just writing down this state by hand, but the circuit construction can be done with Unitair as an example:

from unitair import simulation, gates

# Initial state: |00>
state = unitair.unit_vector(index=0, num_qubits=2)
h = gates.hadamard()
cnot = gates.cnot()

state = simulation.apply_operator(

state = simulation.apply_operator(
    qubits=(0, 1),
>>> state
tensor([0.7071+0.j, 0.0000+0.j, 0.0000+0.j, 0.7071+0.j])

About Unitair

Unitair was written at QC Ware Corp. by Sean Weinberg. Fabio Sanches envisioned and suggested the project in 2020.

If you have questions or feedback, or if you would like to contribute to Unitair, please email