The results in November 2017 are:
Key | Value |
Maximum outputs per transaction | 9223372036854775807 |
Maximum transaction value | 50000000000000 |
Minimum outputs per transaction | 1 |
Minimum transaction value | 0 |
Minimum Time | 1231006505 |
Maximum Time | 1510022605 |
Total number of blocks | 493409 |
In raw form, there are:
Maximum outputs per transaction 9223372036854775807
Maximum transaction value 50000000000000
Minimum outputs per transaction 1
Minimum transaction value 0
Time Minimum: 1231006505; Maximum: 1510022605
Total number of blocks 493409
- HDFS setup: Refer to the [Data ingestion section](../#Data ingestion)
- Program build
- Make sure you have at least Java JDK 1.7 installed; check with:
java -version
- Make sure you have Maven installed; check with:
mvn -version
- In this directory, enter this command to build the program
mvn clean install
- Make sure you have at least Java JDK 1.7 installed; check with:
- Program run
- In your hadoop environment, enter:
hadoop jar target/blockchain-1.jar /user/cloudera/bitcoin/input /user/cloudera/bitcoin/output
- Check the results with:
hdfs dfs -cat /user/cloudera/bitcoin/output/part-r-00000
- In your hadoop environment, enter: