wget https://github.com/aws/aws-sam-cli/releases/latest/download/aws-sam-cli-linux-x86_64.zip
The target environment on AWS is nodejs14.x
on linux x64
. The build environment must be compatible with the target environment. Ubuntu 20.04 on WSL2 with nodejs14.x is compatible.
Node dependencies are managed via npm. Node bindings should be compiled after install.
npm install
Running the tests or playing with code in a REPL uses the ts-node
sudo -E npm install -g ts-node
sudo -E npm run build
Once the config is built, events can be passed to the function using the sam invoke
sam local invoke MapboxTileServerFunction --event events/tile_event.json
sam local invoke MapboxTileServerFunction --event events/tile_event.json
You can start a server you can fire custom requests to via curl or a browser with:
sam local start-api
statements can be placed in typescript code and compiled to JS.
Test an event with a debugger listening on port 5555:
sudo -E npm run debug
Which invokes ~/scripts/debug.sh
and contains the line:
sam local invoke MapboxTileServerFunction --event events/tile_json_event_dir.json -d 5555 --parameter-overrides 'tilebucket="qfes-mapbox-tiles-test"'
change the --event
argument to another .json file to interactively debug a different event type.
Once debug has been launched, attach the VSCode debugger by running the debug config for "Attach to SAM CLI"
Are written in Typescript, and use the Tape testing framework. A global install of ts-node
is required to run the tests.
To build config and Run tests:
sudo -E npm run test
deploy a test instance
sudo -E npm run deploy:test
deploy the prod instance
sudo -E npm run deploy
These use the sam deploy --guided option to step you through configuration.
The check the domain name is tne one you want and answer yes to this question:
MapboxTileServerFunction may not have authorization defined, Is this okay? [y/N]: Y
Since our function doesn't have any authorisation mechanism (e.g. tokens), it's an open API endpoint.