CSLA 6 is a major new version of CSLA .NET, fully supporting (and requiring) dependency injection and other modern features of modern .NET.
This version supports
- .NET 6
- .NET 5
- NetStandard 2.0
- .NET Framework 4.6.2 and higher
- Blazor (all modern browsers)
- Xamarin (iOS, Android, more)
- Windows
- Linux
- Mac
- Kubernetes and other container-based runtimes
This is a major release with numerous breaking changes, including:
- Business domain types must have a public constructor
- Public constructors for most types will have parameters provided via depedency injection
- Support for .NET 4.0 and 4.5 has been dropped; .NET 4.6.2 is the minimum required
- #2120 🎉 Add .NET 6 support
- #1362 🛑 Remove EF 5 support
- #1315 🛑 Remove MVC 4 support
- #1314 🛑 Remove EF 4 support
- #1313 🛑 Remove .NET 4.0, .NET 4.5, .NET 4.6.1 support; add .NET 4.6.2 support
- #1738 🛑🎉 Support and require DI throughout CSLA
- #1994 🐜 Support factory methods in base classes
- #1974 🐜 Fix formatting of ErrorText
- #1743 🛑🎉 Use only
, as these are the only types supported in modern .NET
- @joshhanson314 DbContext resolution solution
- @j055 Authentication policy fix
- @dazinator DI enhancements
- @adrianwright109 Numerous Blazor fixes and enhancements
- @rockfordlhotka Enhancements