- Leader\
- Local Leader:
- Command
- An argument in a list of arguments surrounded by braces and commas. (provided by argtextobj)ie
- The entire content of the current buffer (provided by textobj-entire).ii
- An Indentation level and line above/below (provided by textobj-indent)
- Move lines in normal and visual mode.<Leader>y
- Copy to and paste from system clipboard.<Leader>w
- Fast saving.<Leader>o
- Close all other windows but the current window.<Leader>O
- Close all other tabs but the current tab.<Leader>q
- Quit the current window.<Leader>Q
- Close the current tab.<Leader>a
- Hide all windows.<Leader>z
- Distraction free mode.<Leader>Z
- Zen mode.<Leader>x
- Run anything.<Leader>]
- Jump to definition in vertical split.<Leader>/
- Find in path.<Leader>\
- Replace in path.
- Previous or next tab.<Leader>#
- Switch tab by #.
- Open terminal tool window:TD
- Open TODO tool window:SS
- Open Services tool window:RT
- Open Run tool window:DT
- Open Debug tool window:ST
- Open Structure tool window:FT
- Open Favorites tool window:GT
- Open Git tool window:UT
- Open Undo history window.
- Expand and shrink the visual selection.<Ctrl-l>
- Clear highlighted text in normal mode
- Add surrounding, e.g.:saiw(
- Delete surrounding, e.g.:dst
- Change surrounding, , e.g.:sr'"
- Searchs a set of surrounding automatically.
- Convert to MixedCasecrc
- Convert to camelCasecrs
- Convert to snake_casecru
- Convert to UPPER_CASE
- Replace {motion} text with the contents of the unnamed register.grr
- Replace line with the contents of the unnamed register.{Visual}gr
- Replace the selection with the contents of the unnamed register.
comment out the target of a motiongcc
- comment out a line (takes a count)gc
- in visual mode to comment out the selection,Commentary
use it as a command, either with a range like:7,17Commentary
, or as part of a :global invocation like with:g/TODO/Commentary
- Buffers(bp, bn, bfirst, blast)[q
- Occurrence[<Space>
- new line above/below[s
- exchange statement above/below[e
- exchange line above/below[c
- Quick jumping between blocks of changed lines (prodivded by gitgutter)[r
- Errorg[
- Go to outer code block.
- Go to beginning of line.<Ctrl-e>
- Go to end of line.
- Qucklist popup actions.:GH
- Show history.:GU
- Update project.:GP
- Push.:GC
- Changes.:GD
- Diff.
- Show project file explorer.<Ctrl-p>
- Find in project files.<Leader>/
- Find in path.
- Search with browser.gK
- search translation for the word under cursor or the current visual selection.gZ
- search in devdocs.io.yp
- Copy path.yr
- Copy reference.
- find and go<Leader>b
- build<Leader>B
- rebuild<Leader>r
- run<Leader>R
- debug<Leader>t
- test<Leader>T
- failed tests<Leader>ia
- show intension actions<Leader>ip
- parameter info<Leader>ir
- expression type info<Leader>ie
- show error description<Leader>ii
- show implementation<Leader>gs
- go to super method<Leader>gi
- go to implementation<Leader>gr
- go to related<Leader>gd
- go to type declaration<Leader>gt
- go to test<Leader>df
- find usages<Leader>du
- show usages<Leader>dc
- call hierarchy<Leader>dt
- type hierarchy<Leader>cr
- reformat<Leader>cg
- generate<Leader>cs
- surround with<Leader>cS
- surround with template<Leader>co
- override methods<Leader>cm
- implment methods<Leader>ci
- optimize imports<Leader>mv
- rename<Leader>mr
- refactor<Leader>e
- execute