转 spacemacs, 新的开始. 使用emacs默认快捷键,不使用evil.
快捷键习惯继承自 purcell/emacs.d 。平时主要方向是shell,python脚本, 以及html css js一些前端。
sudo apt-get install -y emacs24
git clone https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs.git ~/.emacs.d
git clone https://github.com/qinshulei/spacemacs-private.git ~/.spacemacs.d/
- camcorder 支持 gif 录制
- keyfreq 记录按键频率
- multiple-cursors 多行编辑
- visual-regexp 实时显示正则的match结果
- anzu 实时显示isearch的match结果
- dired+ 目录的一些操作
- move-dup 方便的行操作
- helm-dash 查看dash文档
- browse-kill-ring 浏览粘贴板
- groovy-mode 支持groovy语言
- helm-flx helm-fuzzier 更好的helm排序
- company-english-helper 英语提示
- highlight-indentation 缩进线
- lsp bash 补全
- paredit-everywhere 理解字符范围的kill
- symbol-overlay 符号高亮,辅助阅读代码
- bm 书签
- wgrep 可编辑的grep结果
- 支持org babel dot格式的图的显示
Keybinding | Description |
C-c o | Open the currently visited file with an external program. |
C-; | runs the command avy-goto-word-or-subword-1 |
C-= | runs the command er/expand-region |
C-+ | runs the command mc/mark-next-like-this |
M-Y | runs the command browse-kill-ring |
M-up | runs the command md/move-lines-up |
M-down | runs the command md/move-lines-down |
C-c d | runs the command md/duplicate-down |
C-c D | runs the command md/duplicate-up |
C-. | runs the command set-mark-command |
C-c j | runs the command join-line |
C-M-backspace | runs the command kill-back-to-indentation |
C-x t | insert date |
C-left | windmove-left |
C-down | windmove-down |
C-up | windmove-up |
C-right | windmove-right |
C-f5 | bm-toggle |
f5 | bm-next |
f6 | bm-previous |
S-f5 | bm-show-all |
S-f6 | bm-remove-all-current-buffer |
C-f6 | bm-bookmark-annotate |
Keybinding | Description |
M-z | runs the command zap-to-isearch |
C-o | runs the command isearch-occur |
Keybinding | Description |
F9 | stop record |
shift-F9 | pause record |
config home , and path by bat.
layer chinese don't support windows, close it.
windows don't support empty file. init these file.
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin
set LANG=en
set HOME=C:\Users\ts
C:\Users\ts\Desktop\emacs-25.1\bin\runemacs --debug-init %*