This is a Next.js 15 Boilerplate project base on create-next-app
- pnpm
- chore
- husky
- lint-stage
- prettier
- commitlint
- css: tailwindcss
- UI Library: shadcn/ui
- bundle-analyzer: @next/bundle-analyzer
- logger: pino && development pretty logging pino-pretty
- test:
- i18n(TBD)
- setting-tutorials
- next-intl not compatible with turbo mode
Module not found: Can't resolve 'next-intl/config'
- next-international seems better, but not compatible with Not found page
- Maybe the best choice is official Example: app-dir-i18n-routing
- Docker
- Playwright: Write end-to-end tests like a pro or cypress
- Github actions/CI
- Turbo for task cache