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🇬🇧 How to make FAQ-BOT your smart assistant to answer questions


Before we start doing something, we should start with why?. And in this section, it'll explain to you why? FAQ-Bot made.

Why do we need this bot? 🤔

When we make a product, we want our customers or users can use it as we wish. However, along with the development of this product, the more information is spread widely and make our customers lose their way.

To solve that, FAQ was created. FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Question, FAQ is a list of questions that most often asked from customer or user about a certain topic along with the answer.

To increase the quality of FAQ, as a producer we should be able to answer the following question :

  • Is the answer appropriate to customer?
  • What other questions do customers often ask?

What is the solution? 🙋‍♂️

As we know, Facebook messenger-platform has released an API that we can use to create a smart virtual assistant. This smart virtual assistant automatically reply to the messages from the costumers. This assistant can also be integrated with in order to make it easier to understand what customers saying.

By using the features, we are going to make a bot in messenger that able to understand the question from customers. Then, we will process the question to provide an appropriate answer.

Table of Contents

Table of contents generated with markdown-toc

Analyze app that we're going to make

The key of making high-quality applications is knowing the details. If we understand what we're doing, then it would be effective and efficient in the development process since we already know the tech specifications we need and what steps should be taken if errors/bugs occurs.

Defines the scope 🔍

We need to define the scope so that in this app development we can focus on primary things. The following is the diagram use case :

Use case diagram

  • Actor that ables to interact with the system is: 1) customer

  • Costumer actor ables to 1) Send a message and 2) receive an answer.

Find out the technology needed 💻

To know any specifications of the technology that we'll use, We need to try making the simple version or we can say hello-world app. The method we will use is spike[2].

Create messenger app

To make an application in messenger platform that could receive, read then answer the message, we need to understand how the platform architecture works. To understand that, we can directly go to short tutorial from messenger-platform through this link

Train AI to understand chat

To make the application understand the meaning of customer questions, we need to integrate AI. We train this AI by giving samples from customer questions then we specify from each sample, what does customer mean. To understand how, we can directly go to short tutorial from through this link


After doing spikes above, the following is diagram of the specifications technology that we'll use. The diagram is made as simple as possible, so it may miss some information. However, this should be enough to explain the high-level.

Each event conducted by the customers will be forwarded to the webhook that we have created. On this webhook your application will receive, process, and response to the message sent by the customer through Facebook page.

The webhook requirements are :

  • Supports HTTPS protocol

  • Valid SSL certificate

  • Open the port that ables to request POST and GET.

Facebook verifies the webhook

Setup webhook

We need to save the webhook URL to settings in Facebook application. When we save it, Facebook will send GET request which contains the verification process to make sure webhook requirements are met.

Application receives a question from customer

Customer sends a question

Facebook will sends POST request to the webhook URL that we already save on settings. This request contain information such as ID from sender, text messages, time sent, etc.

Application sends an answer to customer

Customer receives an answer

Our application will process a message corresponding to the logic we made. After that, the application will answer the message from sender by sending POST request to Facebook Graph API.

Prerequisite 📦

  1. Ruby ~> 2.5 installed on your device.

You may use rbenv or rvm, to install ruby version needed.

To check if your device has ruby installed, you can run the following command in terminal/command prompt:

$ ruby -v
# example: ruby 2.5.3p105 (2018-10-18 revision 65156) [x86_64-darwin18]

if your terminal sent back ruby <xxx> then it's ready to use.

  1. Bundler ~> v2

To install, open terminal/command prompt then run the following:

$ gem install bundler -v 2.0.2

To check if your device has bundler installed, you can run the following command in terminal/command prompt:

$ bundler -v
# example: Bundler version 2.1.4

if you see Bundler version <xxx> on your terminal then it's ready to use.

  1. Rails ~> v6

To install, open terminal/command prompt then run the following:

$ gem install rails -v 6

To check if your device has rails installed, you can run the following command in terminal/command prompt:

$ rails -v
# example: Rails

if you see Rails <xxx> on your terminal then it's ready to use.

  1. Docker

You can install docker through this link:

  1. Facebook Developer account

Facebook developer account is required to make a new application, that is core of Facebook integration. You can open the link to create a new account.

  1. account

This account is required to make NLP model[1], used to understand he user's question. If you don't have one, click on the link to create new account

  1. Ngrok account

This ngrok account is required to make https URL from your webserver to internet needed by Facebook so that able to sends data to your webhook. You can create a new account by click the link Don't forget to follows the setup tutorial on

It's Time to Develop the App!

Project initialization 🧘‍♂️

Create new rails project

Open terminal/cmd, get into your any directory then run the following command below:

$ rails new my-faq-bot --force --api --skip-action-mailbox --skip-action-mailer --skip-active-storage --skip-system-test --skip-action-text --skip-javascript --skip-spring --skip-action-cable --no-skip-active-record --database=postgresql

This command will create a new folder named my-faq-bot contains the project template for REST API application.

Setting up a PostgreSQL Database

Get into your project directory, then create a new file named docker-compose.yml with the following code:

# <root_project_directory>/docker-compose.yml

version: '3'

    image: postgres:11-alpine
      - "5432:5432"
      - POSTGRES_DB=faq-bot_development
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres

Add key username and host in config/databse.yml file as the following:

# <root_project_directory>/config/database.yml

  <<: *default
  database: faq-bot_development
  username: postgres
  host: localhost

Open terminal/cmd, then run the following command:

$ docker-compose up -d

That command will run one PostgreSQL container that we can use as our database.

Running web server

Open terminal/cmd, get into your project directory then run the following command:

$ bin/rails server -port 3000

The command above will run your project as web server on the port:3000. Next open http://localhost:3000 on your browser and make sure you see the page: "Yay! You’re on Rails!"

Creating webhook 🕸

Adding /webhook to route

Go to your project directory, then add webhook resource in config/routes.rb.

# <root_project_directory>/config/routes.rb

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resource :webhook, only: [:show, :create]

To see if the URL works, open terminal/cmd, then run the following command:

$ bin/rails routes

#  Prefix Verb URI Pattern        Controller#Action
# webhook GET  /webhook(.:format) webhooks#show
#         POST /webhook(.:format) webhooks#create

From the example result above, then:

  • If there is request GET /webhook it should be routed to WebhooksController in a function #show.

  • If there is request POST /webhook it should be routed to WebhooksController in a function #create.

Creating GET /webhook for token verification

Get into your project directory, then create a new file webhooks_controller.rb in app/controllers/.

# <root_project_directory>/app/controllers/webhooks_controller.rb

class WebhooksController < ApplicationController
  def show
    mode = params['hub.mode']
    token = params['hub.verify_token']
    challenge = params['hub.challenge']

    if mode == 'subscribe' && token == 'foo'
      print 'WEBHOOK_VERIFIED'
      render json: challenge, status: :ok

    render json: 'FAILED', status: :forbidden

The contents of the #show function in the WebhooksController class are:

  1. Read the mode, token, and challenge of the query parameters.

  2. Check if the mode and token are suitable.

  3. If suitable, display the value of challenge with http status 200 ok.

  4. If it doesn't match, display "FAILED" with http status 403 forbidden.

Creating POST /webhook to receives event

Get into your project directory, then add a function #create in WebhooksController.

# <root_project_directory>/app/controllers/webhooks_controller.rb

class WebhooksController < ApplicationController
  # show ..

  def create
    webhook_data = params['webhook'].as_json
    if webhook_data['object'] != 'page'
      render json: 'FAILED', status: :not_found

    entries = webhook_data['entry']
    entries.each do |entry|
      messaging = entry['messaging'].first
      print messaging['message']
    render json: 'EVENT_RECEIVED', status: :ok

The contents of the #create function in the WebhooksController class are:

  1. Read the webhook_data from the request body which is entered in json form.

  2. Check whether the object is suitable or not.

  3. If suitable, retrieve the value of the message sent then display "EVENT_RECEIVED" with http status 200 ok.

  4. If it doesn't match, display "FAILED" with http status 404 not found.

Checking the webhook

To check if our webhook is successful, open terminal/cmd, then Running web server, after that run the following command to verify token:

$ curl -X GET "localhost:3000/webhook?hub.verify_token=foo&hub.challenge=CHALLENGE_ACCEPTED&hub.mode=subscribe"

To know if our webhook successful, is you can check:

  • if the contents of the query parameter hub.verify_token is equal to our specified token above, then we expect webhook should sent back contents from query parameter hub.challenge and the status 200 ok.

  • There is message WEBHOOK_VERIFIED shows in console.

For events on the webhook, run the following command:

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "localhost:3000/webhook" -d '{"object": "page", "entry": [{"messaging": [{"message": "TEST_MESSAGE"}]}]}'

We can check if our webhook successful is by seeing:

  • if the contents from request body object ispage then the expectations, webhook should send back EVENT_RECEIVED and the status 200 ok.

  • There is message TEST_MESSAGE shows in console.

Testing webhook in Facebook app

As explained in Conclusion, several requirements must be met so that we can put our webhook in the app configuration. For now, since we are still in development stage, we can use a software named ngrok. The steps are:

1. Change app configuration

Get into your project directory, then allow ngrok hostname in config/environments/development.rb by adding config.hosts << /[a-z0-9]+\.ngrok\.io/ as follos:

# <root_project_directory>/config/environments/development.rb

Rails.application.configure do
  # configs ..

  config.hosts << /[a-z0-9]+\.ngrok\.io/

2. Run web server

Do as follows this step.

3. Run ngrok

Open a new tab in terminal/cmd, then run:

$ ngrok http 3000

Example output:

ngrok screenshot

Get https URL from line Forwarding for example

4. Save webhook URL in Facebook app configuration

If you follow this section, then you should already have Facebook developer account and ever made Facebook app. The next step is :

  1. Open the settings page from Facebook app that you've made.

  2. Get into messenger > settings > webhooks

Add ngrok host to settings

Add host and verify token according to the form in the image. For example, the url webhook is and the token verification is foo.

  1. Connect the bot with the Facebook page

Coonect Facebook page

Connect Facebook page

Add messages and messaging_postback as subcription settings.

  1. Check if the configuration is correct like this section by sending message to Facebook page that you have chosen.

Reply message to customer 💬

Get token access from facebook page

  1. Open settings page from facebook app you've made.

  2. Get into messenger > settings > webhooks

Get an access token

  1. Get token from section access tokens

⚠️ Be careful with this token. Don't share with anyone, unless you believe to them.

Add Faraday gem

Faraday is one of gem that serves as HTTP client. Get into your project directory, then add Faraday Gemfile:

# <root_project_directory>/Gemfile

gem 'faraday'

Open terminal/cmd, then run the following command:

$ bundle install

Modify create function

Get into your project directory, then modify #create function in WebhooksController.

# <root_project_directory>/app/controllers/webhooks_controller.rb

class WebhooksController < ApplicationController
  # show ..

  def create
    webhook_data = params['webhook'].as_json
    if webhook_data['object'] != 'page'
      render json: 'FAILED', status: 404

    entries = webhook_data['entry']
    entries.each do |entry|
      messaging = entry['messaging'].first
      message = messaging['message']
      sender_id = messaging['sender']['id']
      text_for_answer = message['text']
      send_message(sender_id, text_for_answer)
    render json: 'EVENT_RECEIVED', status: 200


    def send_message(recipient_id, text)
      access_token = '<put your page access token>'
      request_url = URI("{access_token}")
      request_body = {
        recipient: {
          id: recipient_id
        message: {
          text: text

      resp =, request_body, "Content-Type" => "application/json")

The contents of the modified #create function in the WebhooksController class are:

  1. Retrieve the contents of the message sent and the sender id.

  2. Make a POST request to the Facebook graph API to send a message on behalf of that page we choose. The contents of the request are the recipient id and the text which contains a message which we will send as a reply to the customer.

After that, you can test by sending message to your facebook page. Don't forget to make sure you have done this section and web server is already running.

Integrate chat with AI 🤖

Train AI Understanding in chat

To understand the meaning of customer question, we can train our app so that it can extract the meaning from the sentences based on how high the level of confidence.

If you have done this section, then it should be similiar. First thing first, we create an app in Next, get into understanding page.


After that, entry utterances, select the entity and the intent. The more utterance sample are used for this training, then the quality of level of confidence is way better.

Change the app settings on Facebook

  1. Get access token from account

get access token from

⚠️ Be careful with this token. Don't share it with anyone, unless you believe in them.

  1. Open Facebook app settings page that you've made.

  2. Get into messenger > settings > Built-In NLP

  3. Select Other Language Support, then select English, afterward select Custom. Next, enter the access token we got from

set token on messenger

Modify create function

Get into your project directory, then modify #create function in WebhooksController.

# <root_project_directory>/app/controllers/webhooks_controller.rb

class WebhooksController < ApplicationController
  # show ..

  def create
    webhook_data = params['webhook'].as_json
    if webhook_data['object'] != 'page'
      render json: 'FAILED', status: 404

    entries = webhook_data['entry']
    entries.each do |entry|
      messaging = entry['messaging'].first
      message = messaging['message']
      sender_id = messaging['sender']['id']
      send_message(sender_id, text_for_answer(message))
    render json: 'EVENT_RECEIVED', status: 200


    # send_message ...

    def text_for_answer(message)
      selected_intents = message['nlp']['intents'].select { |item| item['confidence'].to_f > 0.5 }
      sorted_intents = selected_intents.sort_by { |item| -item['confidence'].to_f }
      intent = sorted_intents.first['name'] unless sorted_intents.empty?
      return 'You can put anyname on Facebook' if intent == 'allowed_name'


The contents of the modified #create function in the WebhooksController class are:

  1. There is a new private function called #text_for_answer. The contents of this method is to take the results of the NLP analysis provided by

  2. Sort the analysis based on the highest level of truth and do not forget filter with a threshold such as 0.5

  3. Get the contents of the obtained intent, if the intent is ʻallowed_name, then return the text "You can put anyname on Facebook"`.

  4. If the intent is not what is intended, then return the text according to the message sent by the sender.

  5. The text returned above is used in the POST request as the body of the message which we will send as a reply to the customer.

After that, you can test by sending message to your facebook page. Don't forget to make sure you have done this section and web server is already running.

Send answer based on database

Change database scheme

Open terminal/cmd, get into any directory you want, then run the following commands:

$ bin/rails generate migration CreateAnswers

# invoke  active_record
# create  db/migrate/20201025103252_create_answers.rb

These commands will create a new file that contains a script template to change the scheme on database.

Next, get into the new file that just generated before, for example db/migrate/20201025103252_create_answers.rb. Then add the contents as follows:

# <root_project_directory>/db/migrate/20201025103252_create_answers.rb

class CreateAnswers < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    create_table :answers do |t|
      t.string :question_type, null: false
      t.string :text, null: false


    add_index :answers, :question_type, unique: true

The script is used for adding a new table named answers that has column question_type with type : string , and text with type string.

Back into terminal/cmd, then run:

$ docker-compose up -d
$ bin/rails db:migrate

That command will runs the container contains PostgreSQL that we have prepared in this section. Next, we execute the migration script to apply a new database scheme that we have designed.

Creating the Answer model

Get into your project directory, then create a new file answer.rb in app/models/.

# <root_project_directory>/app/models/answer.rb

class Answer < ApplicationRecord
  validates :question_type, uniqueness: true

Adding record on answers table

Open terminal/cmd, get into any directory you want, then run the following command:

$ bin/rails console

irb(main):001:0> Answer.create(question_type: 'allowed_name', text: 'You can put anyname on Facebook')

Modify private text_for_answer function

Get into your project directory, then modify private#text_for_answer function in WebhooksController.

# <root_project_directory>/app/controllers/webhooks_controller.rb

class WebhooksController < ApplicationController
  # show ..

  # create ..


    # send_message ...

    def text_for_answer(message)
      selected_intents = message['nlp']['intents'].select { |item| item['confidence'].to_f > 0.5 }
      sorted_intents = selected_intents.sort_by { |item| -item['confidence'].to_f }
      intent = sorted_intents.first['name'] unless sorted_intents.empty?
      answer = Answer.find_by_question_type(intent)
      return answer.text if answer.present?


The contents of the modified #text_for_answer function in the WebhooksController class are:

  1. If previously we hardcode the text to be used in return to the customer, we now perform a query to the database via Answer model.

  2. Then we take the contents of the text field which we get from the query results.

  3. Use the text as the text of the message that will be the reply to the customer.

After that you can test by sending message to your facebook page. Don't forget to make sure you have done in this section and web server is already running.



Congratulations! You have successfully created FAQ-bot using messenger and In this tutorial, we have learned many things such as preparation, how to make messenger app, how did NLP works, etc. Hopefully what we have learned can be really useful and you can develop into even cooler things 😁

You can access this project source code on :

What's next?

Of course, this app isn't perfect yet. In the future, you may add:

  1. Since ngrok is very limited and it is temporarily for development process, therefore we need to deploy the app on server as you wish so that the application always serving customer questions. You can use Heroku, Azure, AWS, etc.

  2. For now, to add record on the answers table, we are still using the rails console. If we provide API CRUD (create, read, update, delete) which can be consumed internally, the process will be even easier.

Anything else?

Of course! You can contribute to this repository by following issues in this repos. Any kind of contribution will be accepted! 😁
