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Tom Purucker edited this page Jun 24, 2017 · 3 revisions

Developing User Personas

Understanding the person(s) that will use your web application is a critical step in web development. The following is a template of the minimum information to create a persona. Use the template for each customer or user for your application.

Name & a picture

What does the persona look like? What is its name? Choose a picture and a name that are appropriate and that help you develop sympathy for the persona.


What are the persona’s relevant characteristics and behaviors? For instance, demographics such as age, gender, occupation, and income; psychographics including lifestyle, social class, and personality; behavioral attributes like usage patterns, attitudes, and brand loyalty. Only list relevant details.


Why would the persona want to use or buy the product? What benefit does the persona want to achieve? Which problem does the persona want to solve?


User Story Template

As a < persona >,
I want < what? >
So that < why? >

Acceptance Criteria: < a short statement about functionallity or a list of functions >


As a State of California EPA Regulator
I want a http endpoint in JSON that I can GET with a lat/long in XX.XXXX/-XX.XXXXX format and will return the most recent 12 weeks of data back for that lat/long. The below example shows how each week of the would be formatted and would expect to have 12 of these.

	"name": "Unknown Location",  
	"description": "This location is not a lake or is not yet available in our database.",  
	"latitude": 28.62979,  
	"longitude": -81.0,  
	"notes": null,  
	"cellConcentration": 0.0,  
	"meanCellConcentration": 10000.0,  
	"stdCellConcentration": 10000.0,  
	"countCellConcentration": 0,  
	"cellConcentrationBeforeSevenDays": 0.0,  
	"cellConcentrationQueryDate": 1489511078029,  
	"meris": false,  
	"modis": false,
        "weekStarting": 2017-03-14  

So that I can create my own awesome app from US EPA data

Acceptance Criteria: Using a web browser or Postman I am able to navigate to the http address, add my lat/long and return valid JSON as described above.

Note on Definition of Done (DoD)

In some scrum teams, a definition of done is also listed. For our purposes, the definition of done includes items such as

  • no known bugs
  • all tests pass
  • appropriate documentation updated
    These items need not be listed in the user story but are expected and checked in code review.
