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Example script on Windows 7 gives Unicode Error #2036
Hi @jengelman thanks for opening this. Can you try running this for a smaller time period? Such as Aside from that, I believe this is coming from changes to the Google API which we use |
@freddiev4 Got almost the exact same error message, including the attempted redownload of the entire benchmark. Only difference was 'position 35199' instead of 'position 35301'. |
Are you running the latest Zipline master branch? Or at some other commit-ish or version 1.1.1? |
FWIW, I just ran:
On latest Zipline master, and Zipline 1.1.1, in both a Py35 and Py36 environment (running macOS), and didn't see this issue |
Original issue is from Zipline 1.1.1, installed from pip. I tried uninstalling with pip, building master using
Installing Zipline: If you were to use Ingesting Data: You can also run Python Versions: |
Following the instructions, I tried installing using conda, and got the following conflict:
Does zipline not support python 3.6, or is there a way to change the required version of numpy here? |
Good question (edited my previous answer above). We don't yet have conda packages built for Python 3.6; if you create a Python 3.5 conda env it should work. |
I created a py3.5 conda env, successfully installed zipline from conda, and got the original error "can't decode btye" error again. edit: tried running both the jupyter notebook and example script directly from python, and got "No module named zipline" for both, so guess installation wasn't successful, despite being able to call zipline from the command line. might be a path issue somewhere? |
Interesting. So if you've installed via conda, in a Py35 env, and the latest master doesn't work for you and zipline 1.1.1 doesn't work, then I'm thinking #2031 should be the fix. However, I'm still able to run the command I pasted earlier without any issues; so it's a bit strange. Will have to do some more inspection. If you'd like to test out that #2031 branch, there are Development Guidelines on how to get everything set up. Otherwise, I'm thinking just wait for that PR to get merged. I don't have access to a Windows machine currently but I also don't think it has anything to do with that b/c there's #2029 (which looks like they're using a non-Windows OS). |
It's possible there's a path issue, after seeing your edit. Not entirely certain of that. |
Built the #2031 branch and running zipline from the command line worked. Tried importing zipline within python, and got this:
We recently did a release of zipline. You can see the release notes here Feel free to update to 1.2.0 with either:
If there are any problems, please reopen this or open a new issue 🙂 |
alabaster (0.7.10)
alembic (0.9.6)
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ipython-genutils (0.1.0)
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isort (4.2.5)
itsdangerous (0.24)
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Jinja2 (2.10)
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jsonschema (2.6.0)
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jupyter-client (5.0.1)
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lazy-object-proxy (1.2.2)
lifelines (0.11.2)
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llvmlite (0.19.0)
locket (0.2.0)
Logbook (1.1.0)
lru-dict (1.1.6)
lxml (3.7.3)
Mako (1.0.7)
manhattan (0.2.11)
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menuinst (1.4.7)
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mockextras (1.0.2)
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mpmath (0.19)
msgpack-python (0.4.8)
multipledispatch (0.4.9)
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notebook (5.0.0)
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numexpr (2.6.4)
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odo (0.5.0)
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ply (3.10)
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pykalman (0.9.5)
pylint (1.6.4)
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PyMySQL (0.7.9)
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pyparsing (2.2.0)
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pyreadline (2.1)
pystan (
pytest (3.0.7)
python-dateutil (2.6.1)
python-editor (1.0.3)
pytz (2017.3)
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PyYAML (3.12)
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xlwt (1.2.0)
zict (0.1.2)
I installed from pip, and successfully ran
zipline ingest
.I closed the repo from github, went to the directory, and attempted to run the example script as follows:
zipline run -f zipline/examples/buyapple.py --start 2000-1-1 --end 2014-1-1 -o buyapple_out.pickle
I got the following output:
I checked the cache, and it has data for the time period mentioned, but running the command again gives the same result. Any help would be appreciated.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: