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1691, 36, 82, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"787aa14e-5b45-44e9-b657-85b8c282c130", +Cell[26790, 751, 1691, 36, 82, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"787aa14e-5b45-44e9-b657-85b8c282c130", CellID->2123317560] }, Open ]], -Cell[28554, 790, 151, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"827e2376-c504-41bf-9fe9-b9a532e11591", +Cell[28496, 790, 151, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"827e2376-c504-41bf-9fe9-b9a532e11591", CellID->1862468721], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[28730, 795, 244, 6, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a6cf1e23-6437-4061-a86e-4189c30e01d0", +Cell[28672, 795, 244, 6, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a6cf1e23-6437-4061-a86e-4189c30e01d0", CellID->1621196735], -Cell[28977, 803, 144, 2, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e05dfd91-2873-4f29-98f5-6bc3ccc85e8b", +Cell[28919, 803, 144, 2, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e05dfd91-2873-4f29-98f5-6bc3ccc85e8b", CellID->915846199] }, Open ]], -Cell[29136, 808, 388, 9, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"a8c5e77f-1bfc-4736-9db5-c2b70dc4e643", +Cell[29078, 808, 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"Input",ExpressionUUID->"67c39f8d-18b2-4788-8489-972c1c08de0c", +Cell[31185, 879, 389, 12, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"67c39f8d-18b2-4788-8489-972c1c08de0c", CellID->816567999], -Cell[31635, 893, 1012, 25, 52, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ac3a6d21-eddf-4fbf-b4b2-64f672988ae2", +Cell[31577, 893, 1012, 25, 52, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ac3a6d21-eddf-4fbf-b4b2-64f672988ae2", CellID->1682964925] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[32684, 923, 216, 5, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"60df44bc-b9f5-49e4-bbbe-cd96a7f2bb19", +Cell[32626, 923, 216, 5, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"60df44bc-b9f5-49e4-bbbe-cd96a7f2bb19", CellID->1143579059], -Cell[32903, 930, 229, 6, 65, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"03a35bfe-4324-48cc-869f-e3996228c0de", +Cell[32845, 930, 229, 6, 65, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"03a35bfe-4324-48cc-869f-e3996228c0de", CellID->853831543] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[33169, 941, 301, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8063a74e-28f3-452d-a134-145535eda9a0", +Cell[33111, 941, 301, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8063a74e-28f3-452d-a134-145535eda9a0", CellID->1837472783], -Cell[33473, 951, 229, 6, 65, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f3596c22-dd92-4a5b-b98b-52af97ef4c3e", +Cell[33415, 951, 229, 6, 65, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f3596c22-dd92-4a5b-b98b-52af97ef4c3e", CellID->814926606] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[33751, 963, 242, 5, 70, "ExampleDelimiter",ExpressionUUID->"4fbccb52-74d8-46c8-95b2-4859cce6731e", +Cell[33693, 963, 242, 5, 70, "ExampleDelimiter",ExpressionUUID->"4fbccb52-74d8-46c8-95b2-4859cce6731e", CellID->687045715], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[34018, 972, 400, 12, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"09819a04-57c5-4575-9560-a83bed3955c6", +Cell[33960, 972, 400, 12, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"09819a04-57c5-4575-9560-a83bed3955c6", CellID->1560363890], -Cell[34421, 986, 275, 6, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"57cdb26c-c8c1-4302-84e4-0632ebc3073a", +Cell[34363, 986, 275, 6, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"57cdb26c-c8c1-4302-84e4-0632ebc3073a", 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described by the density operator ", ". For example, when \[Rho] and/or \[Sigma] is a density operator acting \ non-trivially only on parts of the total system, there is no way to figure \ out the ingredient systems from the expression for \[Rho] (or \[Sigma]) alone." - }],ExpressionUUID->"9b3650a3-adee-42f1-b117-789b25dc9806"]} + }],ExpressionUUID->"f1cf3002-cc05-4e0c-8fbb-954eb89d8b99"]} }]], "Usage", CellID->1742267084,ExpressionUUID->"9d4f3b67-e973-47be-8381-ad47869d4757"] }, Open ]], @@ -385,12 +391,12 @@ Cell[TextData[Cell[BoxData[ PlotRange -> {{-3, 4}, {-1, 1}}, ImageSize -> 20], Magnification -> 0.68 Inherited], Rational[1, 2] Pi, {-1.65, -1}]]], ImageSizeCache->{14., {0.45000000000000107`, 13.549999999999999`}}]], - ExpressionUUID->"a105449c-9fb8-417d-939d-6832db11494b"], + ExpressionUUID->"b4e8a544-01a8-4de1-8780-75abf7179b80"], Cell[BoxData[ TemplateBox[{1}, - "Spacer1"]],ExpressionUUID->"95a9af02-2a19-4c18-bd92-59e53327d7bc"], + "Spacer1"]],ExpressionUUID->"008f66aa-f647-433f-b393-25a24e010a3f"], "Details and Options" - 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VonNeumannEntropy[\\[Rho], \ \\[Sigma]] returns the quantum relative entropy of the mixed state \\[Rho] \ with respect to \\[Sigma]. \\[Rho] and \\[Sigma] may be an operator (mixed \ -state) or ket (pure state) expression. VonNeumannEntropy[\\[Rho], {s1, s2, \ -...}] or VonNeumannEntropy[\\[Rho], \\[Sigma], {s1, s2, ...}] allows to \ -specify otherwise unclear systems by {s1, s2, ...}. For example, when \\[Rho] \ -and/or \\[Sigma] is a density operator acting non-trivially only on parts of \ -the total system, there is no way to figure out the ingredient systems from \ -the expression for \\[Rho] (or \\[Sigma]) alone.", "synonyms" -> {}, +state) or ket vector (pure state). VonNeumannEntropy[\\[Rho], {s1, s2, ...}] \ +or VonNeumannEntropy[\\[Rho], \\[Sigma], {s1, s2, ...}] allows to specify \ +otherwise unclear systems by {s1, s2, ...}. For example, when \\[Rho] and/or \ +\\[Sigma] is a density operator acting non-trivially only on parts of the \ +total system, there is no way to figure out the ingredient systems from the \ +expression for \\[Rho] (or \\[Sigma]) alone.", "synonyms" -> {}, "tabletags" -> {}, "title" -> "VonNeumannEntropy", "titlemodifier" -> "", "metadescription" -> "", "windowtitle" -> "VonNeumannEntropy", "type" -> "Symbol", "uri" -> "Q3/ref/VonNeumannEntropy"}}, @@ -1864,7 +1956,7 @@ StyleDefinitions->Notebook[{ StyleData["Output"], CellContext -> "Global`"]}, Visible -> False, FrontEndVersion -> "14.0 for Mac OS X ARM (64-bit) (December 12, 2023)", StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"], -ExpressionUUID->"cea4e85d-0d38-40a0-a569-dace7cb03ba6" +ExpressionUUID->"58e03d1f-c81f-4724-a155-e218f7b27be0" ] (* End of Notebook Content *) @@ -1872,225 +1964,229 @@ ExpressionUUID->"cea4e85d-0d38-40a0-a569-dace7cb03ba6" (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{ "PrimaryExamplesSection"->{ - Cell[16323, 435, 1390, 37, 36, 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1368, 36, 31, "ExampleSection",ExpressionUUID->"3871f8de-dc1d-4a53-b81a-4a002063cf48", + CellID->1477924204], +Cell[21337, 574, 209, 5, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"57b43e3b-179e-4e67-b01f-fcd05476fea2", CellID->1652188396], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[19538, 528, 684, 20, 48, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6d8c745c-efe7-47f9-b209-d5858cc80c18", +Cell[21571, 583, 684, 20, 48, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6d8c745c-efe7-47f9-b209-d5858cc80c18", CellID->1321378901], -Cell[20225, 550, 2669, 77, 62, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6ab62f21-bda6-4307-9331-da6e0ef01f2d", +Cell[22258, 605, 2669, 77, 62, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6ab62f21-bda6-4307-9331-da6e0ef01f2d", CellID->231772013] }, Open ]], -Cell[22909, 630, 146, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"4cc85613-9eec-4041-8f06-c469527165a7", +Cell[24942, 685, 146, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"4cc85613-9eec-4041-8f06-c469527165a7", CellID->640356233], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[23080, 635, 197, 4, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f6f27de1-c9de-4f1c-8342-c3279db913c8", +Cell[25113, 690, 197, 4, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f6f27de1-c9de-4f1c-8342-c3279db913c8", CellID->646395959], -Cell[23280, 641, 126, 2, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"401a4238-ad4c-4676-9dfb-facf38701af8", +Cell[25313, 696, 126, 2, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"401a4238-ad4c-4676-9dfb-facf38701af8", CellID->868477934] }, Open ]], -Cell[23421, 646, 202, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"07e83951-d65d-49d2-862b-977d63326c10", +Cell[25454, 701, 202, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"07e83951-d65d-49d2-862b-977d63326c10", CellID->1714880677], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[23648, 654, 319, 9, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"069cabd7-c6d6-4036-a5b8-7f20d7b75a0b", +Cell[25681, 709, 319, 9, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"069cabd7-c6d6-4036-a5b8-7f20d7b75a0b", CellID->554306059], -Cell[23970, 665, 404, 12, 55, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a9962767-e349-4d17-9957-af9f119e63ff", +Cell[26003, 720, 404, 12, 55, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a9962767-e349-4d17-9957-af9f119e63ff", CellID->246115549] }, Open ]], -Cell[24389, 680, 227, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"84218198-2b9a-4aab-9864-daf9b66187b6", +Cell[26422, 735, 227, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"84218198-2b9a-4aab-9864-daf9b66187b6", CellID->584680872], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[24641, 688, 197, 4, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"20097a51-1486-48bf-bce4-73668005fd72", +Cell[26674, 743, 197, 4, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"20097a51-1486-48bf-bce4-73668005fd72", CellID->706234714], -Cell[24841, 694, 413, 13, 65, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"06939b9a-e511-421f-ace4-6486061b357b", +Cell[26874, 749, 413, 13, 65, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"06939b9a-e511-421f-ace4-6486061b357b", CellID->738857432] }, Open ]], -Cell[25269, 710, 187, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"219633e3-4413-498a-8b61-51e99c0506dc", +Cell[27302, 765, 187, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"219633e3-4413-498a-8b61-51e99c0506dc", CellID->154932367], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[25481, 718, 293, 7, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7de99c28-a98e-49fd-b32d-e0f51923b38b", +Cell[27514, 773, 293, 7, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7de99c28-a98e-49fd-b32d-e0f51923b38b", CellID->97658908], -Cell[25777, 727, 752, 23, 82, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"01f8997d-5443-4709-9f23-ae1decb623fa", +Cell[27810, 782, 752, 23, 82, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"01f8997d-5443-4709-9f23-ae1decb623fa", CellID->2111554277] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[26566, 755, 196, 4, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f7c97c96-26ca-4de2-b7ac-5d3779464c52", +Cell[28599, 810, 196, 4, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f7c97c96-26ca-4de2-b7ac-5d3779464c52", CellID->91932198], -Cell[26765, 761, 413, 13, 65, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3f489ec0-1389-4286-9423-fa3e2fe314e4", +Cell[28798, 816, 413, 13, 65, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3f489ec0-1389-4286-9423-fa3e2fe314e4", CellID->204067214] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[27215, 779, 243, 5, 70, "ExampleDelimiter",ExpressionUUID->"5e7c7fd7-2000-4f20-bcb1-b30b59d89d1c", +Cell[29248, 834, 243, 5, 70, "ExampleDelimiter",ExpressionUUID->"5e7c7fd7-2000-4f20-bcb1-b30b59d89d1c", CellID->1200765697], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[27483, 788, 291, 7, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"40fa7e73-ee57-4ea1-bdff-106fe895df77", +Cell[29516, 843, 291, 7, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"40fa7e73-ee57-4ea1-bdff-106fe895df77", CellID->2011307070], -Cell[27777, 797, 338, 10, 56, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3b0fb368-3fa8-466a-a4eb-4d50178326e5", +Cell[29810, 852, 338, 10, 56, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3b0fb368-3fa8-466a-a4eb-4d50178326e5", CellID->41426647] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[28152, 812, 320, 9, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ce518c2f-2a30-43bc-a8af-e71ec94a5da8", +Cell[30185, 867, 320, 9, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ce518c2f-2a30-43bc-a8af-e71ec94a5da8", CellID->2134741016], -Cell[28475, 823, 404, 12, 55, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ede6cbdd-cac7-4625-a7b7-1b4217702495", +Cell[30508, 878, 404, 12, 55, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ede6cbdd-cac7-4625-a7b7-1b4217702495", CellID->595795990] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[28916, 840, 367, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d351ff59-9bae-4cdd-a7a5-d6003f1060ec", +Cell[30949, 895, 367, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d351ff59-9bae-4cdd-a7a5-d6003f1060ec", CellID->1080475167], -Cell[29286, 850, 752, 23, 82, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"53bdcf74-70de-4a15-b9b2-0527b14e734e", +Cell[31319, 905, 752, 23, 82, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"53bdcf74-70de-4a15-b9b2-0527b14e734e", CellID->1403484499], -Cell[30041, 875, 413, 13, 65, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6f9bb6d0-6d3e-4f77-9ddc-e2ec1586ec1b", +Cell[32074, 930, 413, 13, 65, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6f9bb6d0-6d3e-4f77-9ddc-e2ec1586ec1b", CellID->403596045] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[30503, 894, 243, 5, 70, "ExampleDelimiter",ExpressionUUID->"7710b571-ccbb-445c-b7cb-01c98ad931ac", +Cell[32536, 949, 243, 5, 70, "ExampleDelimiter",ExpressionUUID->"7710b571-ccbb-445c-b7cb-01c98ad931ac", CellID->1410425446], -Cell[30749, 901, 144, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"c55add4b-4dcf-42d7-b1f9-3a2578c13d64", +Cell[32782, 956, 144, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"c55add4b-4dcf-42d7-b1f9-3a2578c13d64", CellID->257649110], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[30918, 906, 768, 23, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4d1867b0-1701-4881-9100-3cfef5b7b04d", +Cell[32951, 961, 768, 23, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4d1867b0-1701-4881-9100-3cfef5b7b04d", CellID->397125546], -Cell[31689, 931, 2714, 82, 62, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"4a0920d5-b810-464c-8c92-14c9d3df6ae0", +Cell[33722, 986, 2714, 82, 62, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"4a0920d5-b810-464c-8c92-14c9d3df6ae0", CellID->407025216], -Cell[34406, 1015, 2104, 62, 62, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"d53a4840-7230-4013-b9cc-e76504b955c5", +Cell[36439, 1070, 2104, 62, 62, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"d53a4840-7230-4013-b9cc-e76504b955c5", CellID->1137389617] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[36547, 1082, 491, 14, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"08508c51-a900-4665-9b78-f52dfbaef89e", +Cell[38580, 1137, 491, 14, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"08508c51-a900-4665-9b78-f52dfbaef89e", CellID->1062214003], -Cell[37041, 1098, 959, 30, 55, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1bb01a1d-3f93-43b9-a539-f9c51323f9e9", +Cell[39074, 1153, 959, 30, 55, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1bb01a1d-3f93-43b9-a539-f9c51323f9e9", CellID->237028982], -Cell[38003, 1130, 649, 20, 55, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"564af1cd-e6de-4ab7-acb6-a81710d9434d", +Cell[40036, 1185, 649, 20, 55, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"564af1cd-e6de-4ab7-acb6-a81710d9434d", CellID->163935289] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[38689, 1155, 248, 6, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6e89d284-332a-48a2-94d6-ddaa4213a1b0", +Cell[40722, 1210, 248, 6, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6e89d284-332a-48a2-94d6-ddaa4213a1b0", CellID->1911169293], -Cell[38940, 1163, 145, 2, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0b40d4dc-cec2-454f-b9e4-2fe60301e20a", 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"ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"fb347c81-1fa0-49a5-b2f3-dfb7a5434fd0", CellID->1772957463], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[39949, 1198, 327, 9, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"33b70086-0cf7-4af2-91b5-58303250b138", +Cell[41982, 1253, 327, 9, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"33b70086-0cf7-4af2-91b5-58303250b138", CellID->605318309], -Cell[40279, 1209, 127, 2, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a2343342-c558-4882-acee-12e728af8cb9", +Cell[42312, 1264, 127, 2, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a2343342-c558-4882-acee-12e728af8cb9", CellID->2027640981] }, Open ]], -Cell[40421, 1214, 150, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"04a7d92a-3edb-4f9f-a95a-433f1258f5cd", +Cell[42454, 1269, 150, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"04a7d92a-3edb-4f9f-a95a-433f1258f5cd", CellID->627987823], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[40596, 1219, 219, 5, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"5db44d8a-8222-46a0-a483-cfb3e166f438", +Cell[42629, 1274, 219, 5, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"5db44d8a-8222-46a0-a483-cfb3e166f438", CellID->1289463484], -Cell[40818, 1226, 147, 3, 52, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ea15faf9-0b8b-46f0-8b5c-769cea450091", +Cell[42851, 1281, 147, 3, 52, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ea15faf9-0b8b-46f0-8b5c-769cea450091", CellID->1546880653] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Dynamic[CurrentValue[EvaluationNotebook[], {TaggingRules, "Openers", "ExampleSection", "0"}, Closed]]]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[41126, 1238, 1393, 36, 70, "ExampleSection",ExpressionUUID->"7a7ee479-468f-4f5b-99cb-6a7e823fc6b3", +Cell[43159, 1293, 1393, 36, 70, "ExampleSection",ExpressionUUID->"7a7ee479-468f-4f5b-99cb-6a7e823fc6b3", CellID->421778578], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[42544, 1278, 1404, 36, 70, "ExampleSubsection",ExpressionUUID->"4fc7982c-7424-420b-a122-f643c72cae6d", +Cell[44577, 1333, 1404, 36, 70, "ExampleSubsection",ExpressionUUID->"4fc7982c-7424-420b-a122-f643c72cae6d", CellID->608613097], -Cell[43951, 1316, 197, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"a75feedd-cb64-43fc-9ac5-772ce4c6bf54", +Cell[45984, 1371, 197, 4, 70, 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-2.241454781417565*^-19], Complex[0.000016605652687226302`, 0.0991690796661601]}, { Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, \ --3.3214464132085747`*^-7], +-3.3214464132085725`*^-7], Complex[-1.1079404291781963`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825007], Complex[0.000016605652687224523`, -0.0991690796661601], @@ -3376,11 +3372,9 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, 0.008602132075960674], Complex[3.469446951953614*^-18, -0.2780792901080426], - Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797062`*^-18], + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797066`*^-18], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, 0.2780792901080425]}, { - - Complex[-3.2526065174565133`*^-19, \ --0.00007843130586222762], + Complex[-3.252606517456514*^-19, -0.00007843130586222762], Complex[-7.894016335826398*^-6, 0.00860213207596067], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, -0.2780792901080425], Complex[-0.08602810901114219, 1.734723475976807*^-18]}}}}, @@ -3691,13 +3685,12 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp 14} -> -1.107940429399415*^-8, {1, 16} -> 1, {2, 3} -> Complex[ 0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 4} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { - 2, 5} -> - Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, - 6} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, \ --0.09916907966616018], {2, 7} -> - Complex[0.9411238678566561, -0.19341019859437134`], {2, - 8} -> 0.03920689940953653, {2, 9} -> + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, + 5} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, \ +-0.09883740970947764], {2, 6} -> + Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], \ +{2, 7} -> Complex[0.9411238678566561, -0.19341019859437134`], {2, 8} -> + 0.03920689940953653, {2, 9} -> Complex[0.9411238678566561, -0.19341019859437134`], {2, 10} -> 0.03920689940953653, {2, 11} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, @@ -3705,8 +3698,8 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp -0.09916907966616018], {2, 13} -> Complex[ 0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 14} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { - 2, 15} -> 1, {3, 4} -> 0.01966912300437454, {3, 5} -> + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, + 15} -> 1, {3, 4} -> 0.01966912300437454, {3, 5} -> Complex[0.00976883383345901, 0.09670511030136163], {3, 6} -> -0.00006578280908219912, {3, 7} -> Complex[0.0188559291818235, -0.004174127585568078], {3, @@ -3718,9 +3711,8 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[0.00976883383345901, 0.09670511030136163], {3, 12} -> -0.00006578280908219912, {3, 14} -> 0.01966912300437454, {3, 15} -> - Complex[ - 1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, - 16} -> -1.107940429399415*^-8, {4, 5} -> + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], { + 3, 16} -> -1.107940429399415*^-8, {4, 5} -> 0.00006578280908219793, {4, 6} -> Complex[-0.009768833833459008, 0.09670511030136167], {4, 7} -> Complex[ @@ -3807,9 +3799,8 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp 0.09883740970947764], {12, 16} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], {13, 14} -> 0.01966912300437454, {13, 15} -> - Complex[ - 1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {13, - 16} -> -1.107940429399415*^-8, {14, 15} -> + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], { + 13, 16} -> -1.107940429399415*^-8, {14, 15} -> Complex[ 0.000016594573282932862`, -0.0003313378120411798], {14, 16} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646]}, @@ -3856,7 +3847,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[0.9850706849009015, 0.09916907966616015], Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.00001659457328293116, -0.0003313378120411801], - Complex[-1.1079404292417903`*^-8, 3.3198626353946485`*^-7]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292417908`*^-8, 3.319862635394647*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.975137171273682, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], @@ -3865,23 +3856,23 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[-0.009916907974532263, 0.09883807384038251], Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947762]}, { - Complex[-1.1079404292422813`*^-8, 3.3198626353948343`*^-7], + Complex[-1.1079404292422816`*^-8, 3.319862635394833*^-7], Complex[0.000016594573282933133`, -0.0003313378120411798], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947763], Complex[0.9850706849009013, 0.09916907966616012]}}, {{ - Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495183`*^-22], + Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.529091319749519*^-22], Complex[-0.000016605652687225092`, 0.09916907966616013], - Complex[1.1079404289255492`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], - Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095884`*^-7]}, { + Complex[1.1079404289255497`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], + Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095863`*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], Complex[1.1079404291230823`*^-8, 4.433254424948396*^-21], - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], + Complex[1.6727401305043307`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], Complex[-1.1079404289878503`*^-8, -0.00033166995668250094`]}, { - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], Complex[1.1579790325831189`*^-18, -0.09916907966616013], Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], Complex[0.000016605652687226302`, 0.0991690796661601]}, { - Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, -3.3214464132085747`*^-7], + Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, -3.3214464132085725`*^-7], Complex[-1.1079404291781963`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825007], Complex[0.000016605652687224523`, -0.0991690796661601], Complex[-0.00995010820050242, 2.083853062282483*^-19]}}}, {{{ @@ -3943,9 +3934,9 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[-7.894016335826398*^-6, -0.008602132075960672]}, { Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, 0.008602132075960674], Complex[3.469446951953614*^-18, -0.2780792901080426], - Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797062`*^-18], + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797066`*^-18], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, 0.2780792901080425]}, { - Complex[-3.2526065174565133`*^-19, -0.00007843130586222762], + Complex[-3.252606517456514*^-19, -0.00007843130586222762], Complex[-7.894016335826398*^-6, 0.00860213207596067], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, -0.2780792901080425], Complex[-0.08602810901114219, 1.734723475976807*^-18]}}}}, @@ -3965,7 +3956,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 14} -> -1.107940429399415*^-8, {1, 16} -> 1, {2, 3} -> Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 4} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 5} -> + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 5} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, 6} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], {2, 7} -> Complex[0.9411238678566561, -0.19341019859437134`], {2, 8} -> @@ -3975,7 +3966,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, 12} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], {2, 13} -> Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 14} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 15} -> + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 15} -> 1, {3, 4} -> 0.01966912300437454, {3, 5} -> Complex[0.00976883383345901, 0.09670511030136163], {3, 6} -> -0.00006578280908219912, {3, 7} -> @@ -3986,7 +3977,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[0.00976883383345901, 0.09670511030136163], {3, 12} -> -0.00006578280908219912, {3, 14} -> 0.01966912300437454, {3, 15} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 16} -> -1.107940429399415*^-8, {4, 5} -> 0.00006578280908219793, {4, 6} -> Complex[-0.009768833833459008, 0.09670511030136167], {4, 7} -> @@ -4054,7 +4045,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], {12, 16} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], {13, 14} -> 0.01966912300437454, {13, 15} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {13, + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {13, 16} -> -1.107940429399415*^-8, {14, 15} -> Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, -0.0003313378120411798], {14, 16} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646]}, @@ -13950,7 +13941,7 @@ Cell[BoxData[GridBox[{ Cell[BoxData[ TemplateBox[{ Cell[ - TextData["WickOperate"]], "paclet:Q3/ref/WickOperate", + TextData["WickOperator"]], 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"a643ccde-cc74-4090-bf6d-43d74c4f700f"]}]}, + "70f80d5a-e59f-4e41-adf9-1f9e3d4d68d0"]}]}, { RowBox[{"\[FilledVerySmallSquare]", Cell[BoxData[ TemplateBox[{ @@ -14057,10 +14048,10 @@ Cell[BoxData[GridBox[{ TextData["Q3"]], "paclet:Q3/guide/Q3"}, "RefLinkPlain", BaseStyle->{"MoreAbout"}]], "MoreAbout",ExpressionUUID-> - "a2554833-90dc-4dfd-821a-6f1823656c30"]}]} + "d25aaa2c-2609-458e-9045-935197d39c0d"]}]} }]} - }]], "MoreAboutSection",ExpressionUUID->"0ced33b7-1766-480c-b276-\ -ace2bf94d4eb"], + }]], "MoreAboutSection",ExpressionUUID->"7f19c70b-3fdf-4133-b9d5-\ +fe06eb8fec59"], Cell[BoxData[GridBox[{ { @@ -14089,8 +14080,8 @@ Cell[BoxData[GridBox[{ "https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.65.032325"}, "WebLink", BaseStyle->{"RelatedLinks"}]],ExpressionUUID-> - "781e3da8-5f9a-496c-ab87-ee6bc5acbefc"]}]],ExpressionUUID-> - "e4898466-8b06-4a35-8338-40fe2c92d313"], + "78f61c58-b2bc-42c5-9a1d-f7b40898e33a"]}]],ExpressionUUID-> + "51523138-85cb-434a-846f-ff2d7527a925"], ", Physical Review A 65, 032325, \"Classical simulation of \ noninteracting-fermion quantum circuits.\"" }], "RelatedLinks",ExpressionUUID-> @@ -14112,16 +14103,16 @@ noninteracting-fermion quantum circuits.\"" "https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-91214-7"}, "WebLink", BaseStyle->{"RelatedLinks"}]],ExpressionUUID-> - "09015001-8efa-4257-8e3d-8672ed656e0b"]}]],ExpressionUUID-> - "f9d48b1c-bf7b-4f4a-b444-252b8ea8892e"], + "9ed83d8f-259d-428b-91e0-12cab370bdbe"]}]],ExpressionUUID-> + "efb8f7a4-fb16-493f-9b3d-84c417dada62"], ", A Quantum Computation Workbook (Springer)." }], "RelatedLinks",ExpressionUUID-> "b7f6eaa4-abf3-4bc4-8982-f8bfae8332fa"]} }]} - }]], "RelatedLinksSection",ExpressionUUID->"5af27708-970f-42bf-aa90-\ -85406c84d1e5"], + }]], "RelatedLinksSection",ExpressionUUID->"f5fa46e3-7ecd-409a-9ecd-\ +81fab605ad59"], -Cell[" ", "FooterCell",ExpressionUUID->"48f95264-d487-43cc-b7ac-91e988d1bd3d"] +Cell[" ", "FooterCell",ExpressionUUID->"9bbd4803-bb43-4f8d-bb61-3e980119734b"] }, Saveable->False, 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"PrimaryExamplesSection"->{ - Cell[13886, 376, 1390, 37, 36, "PrimaryExamplesSection",ExpressionUUID->"2d2c4500-8030-474d-919a-47a03ca2218a", + Cell[13888, 376, 1390, 37, 36, "PrimaryExamplesSection",ExpressionUUID->"8af0762c-8d81-4d35-a6a8-f3bd85708ef2", CellTags->"PrimaryExamplesSection", - CellID->2129073198]}, + CellID->1510271297]}, "RasterizedOutput"->{ - Cell[20825, 592, 7582, 131, 57, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"7ace707e-c4a0-457a-85da-0a029b2e04f9", + Cell[20827, 592, 7583, 131, 57, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6f0c32f8-65c3-4c9c-8817-d706957453f4", CellTags->"RasterizedOutput", - CellID->557953689]} + CellID->1940231938]} } *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{ - {"PrimaryExamplesSection", 635047, 14173}, - {"RasterizedOutput", 635248, 14177} + {"PrimaryExamplesSection", 634836, 14164}, + {"RasterizedOutput", 635037, 14168} } *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ -Cell[587, 21, 7087, 174, 57, "AnchorBarGrid",ExpressionUUID->"b9488941-2103-453a-818b-30e0e993c8fc", +Cell[587, 21, 7089, 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"PrimaryExamplesSection",ExpressionUUID->"8af0762c-8d81-4d35-a6a8-f3bd85708ef2", CellTags->"PrimaryExamplesSection", - CellID->2129073198], -Cell[15279, 415, 192, 3, 31, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"01468630-bdf3-45ba-8977-78072c7ce9a8", + CellID->1510271297], +Cell[15281, 415, 192, 3, 31, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"01468630-bdf3-45ba-8977-78072c7ce9a8", CellID->1273144629], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[15496, 422, 1368, 36, 31, "ExampleSection",ExpressionUUID->"4be1bf03-9fb2-4e8c-9006-0d107bc8e302", - CellID->1960712472], -Cell[16867, 460, 212, 6, 38, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"14c9dcdd-5d68-49c2-8d49-e1d94143a814", +Cell[15498, 422, 1368, 36, 31, "ExampleSection",ExpressionUUID->"3b02a15e-4415-404e-bfe0-8c9fc634dd59", + CellID->2020464786], +Cell[16869, 460, 212, 6, 38, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"14c9dcdd-5d68-49c2-8d49-e1d94143a814", CellID->857188823], -Cell[17082, 468, 211, 5, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"463c87de-62f4-4f08-890e-097e0198bbd3", +Cell[17084, 468, 211, 5, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"463c87de-62f4-4f08-890e-097e0198bbd3", CellID->1720633530], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[17318, 477, 518, 14, 84, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"cac8b798-29a0-45f5-823c-41557333ca60", +Cell[17320, 477, 518, 14, 84, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"cac8b798-29a0-45f5-823c-41557333ca60", CellID->471988081], -Cell[17839, 493, 719, 24, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b1eca0cd-d769-4274-ac07-663afaaa1c45", +Cell[17841, 493, 719, 24, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b1eca0cd-d769-4274-ac07-663afaaa1c45", CellID->487803404], -Cell[18561, 519, 1728, 52, 40, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"4e09d715-9da4-4b15-aef4-318032024aed", +Cell[18563, 519, 1728, 52, 40, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"4e09d715-9da4-4b15-aef4-318032024aed", CellID->1566730429] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[20326, 576, 496, 14, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b621e6a2-5a66-4cdb-ae59-00d5c12ce7b0", +Cell[20328, 576, 496, 14, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b621e6a2-5a66-4cdb-ae59-00d5c12ce7b0", CellID->2106863009], -Cell[20825, 592, 7582, 131, 57, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"7ace707e-c4a0-457a-85da-0a029b2e04f9", +Cell[20827, 592, 7583, 131, 57, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6f0c32f8-65c3-4c9c-8817-d706957453f4", CellTags->"RasterizedOutput", - CellID->557953689] + CellID->1940231938] }, Open ]], -Cell[28422, 726, 202, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"a8214cb9-ce67-482e-a2c9-112b60850a43", +Cell[28425, 726, 202, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"a8214cb9-ce67-482e-a2c9-112b60850a43", CellID->832921913], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[28649, 734, 188, 4, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b8dba0a4-6d16-4df2-b592-f362fc64347b", +Cell[28652, 734, 188, 4, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b8dba0a4-6d16-4df2-b592-f362fc64347b", CellID->989849518], -Cell[28840, 740, 7401, 172, 70, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ee1a5000-f5aa-4967-bf07-09acf699b6ec", +Cell[28843, 740, 7401, 172, 70, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ee1a5000-f5aa-4967-bf07-09acf699b6ec", CellID->1198564499] }, Open ]], -Cell[36256, 915, 169, 3, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"4631b464-5c0b-4c31-977e-01976067b358", +Cell[36259, 915, 169, 3, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"4631b464-5c0b-4c31-977e-01976067b358", CellID->18350583], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[36450, 922, 382, 10, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"35965ca7-9110-4846-bb27-7db2f60be455", +Cell[36453, 922, 382, 10, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"35965ca7-9110-4846-bb27-7db2f60be455", CellID->1232762840], -Cell[36835, 934, 3777, 100, 232, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6b6d2aaf-c77f-4213-bc42-0e5a15fe19bb", +Cell[36838, 934, 3777, 100, 232, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6b6d2aaf-c77f-4213-bc42-0e5a15fe19bb", CellID->717387845] }, Open ]], -Cell[40627, 1037, 386, 10, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"bb5e9988-5a0b-4c05-a449-269a8a0132ec", +Cell[40630, 1037, 386, 10, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"bb5e9988-5a0b-4c05-a449-269a8a0132ec", CellID->363488900], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[41038, 1051, 579, 17, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7eaf8bbd-d38d-4fad-973d-0d9a122f18da", +Cell[41041, 1051, 579, 17, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7eaf8bbd-d38d-4fad-973d-0d9a122f18da", CellID->1176894764], -Cell[41620, 1070, 8209, 166, 184, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"5115a246-5c06-4902-925d-b878f9486d98", +Cell[41623, 1070, 8209, 166, 184, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"5115a246-5c06-4902-925d-b878f9486d98", CellID->1501891287] }, Open ]], -Cell[49844, 1239, 239, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"9e665963-8c19-4dfc-bd16-504d16a3650c", +Cell[49847, 1239, 239, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"9e665963-8c19-4dfc-bd16-504d16a3650c", CellID->524586804], -Cell[50086, 1245, 1147, 37, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"32d64ffc-cded-48dd-b68c-da0ed76a2564", +Cell[50089, 1245, 1147, 37, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"32d64ffc-cded-48dd-b68c-da0ed76a2564", CellID->1319797561], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[51258, 1286, 676, 21, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"61d28d85-1399-4b88-9585-44940b421699", +Cell[51261, 1286, 676, 21, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"61d28d85-1399-4b88-9585-44940b421699", CellID->1059257203], -Cell[51937, 1309, 2726, 59, 104, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"2addd213-8c76-4da7-a3ce-06543a38503e", +Cell[51940, 1309, 2726, 59, 104, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"2addd213-8c76-4da7-a3ce-06543a38503e", CellID->814761511], -Cell[54666, 1370, 2641, 58, 108, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"652fbaaf-9ea5-4545-820d-87cdffed87fb", +Cell[54669, 1370, 2641, 58, 108, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"652fbaaf-9ea5-4545-820d-87cdffed87fb", CellID->1340982105] }, Open ]], -Cell[57322, 1431, 869, 20, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"8e015553-ef7a-4cf8-a109-2a80b6e8e342", +Cell[57325, 1431, 869, 20, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"8e015553-ef7a-4cf8-a109-2a80b6e8e342", CellID->1553546489], -Cell[58194, 1453, 4125, 99, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"1728a4d8-4bc8-4c4a-b7f6-29c691f0e29f", +Cell[58197, 1453, 4125, 99, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"1728a4d8-4bc8-4c4a-b7f6-29c691f0e29f", CellID->1004587520], -Cell[62322, 1554, 157, 2, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"ba87017b-cd01-4bbf-990d-60de8bab2195", +Cell[62325, 1554, 157, 2, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"ba87017b-cd01-4bbf-990d-60de8bab2195", CellID->706653800], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[62504, 1560, 1050, 32, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c8f24227-9f9d-4dd2-9608-26ffe2f6f979", +Cell[62507, 1560, 1050, 32, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c8f24227-9f9d-4dd2-9608-26ffe2f6f979", CellID->288901277], -Cell[63557, 1594, 136565, 2475, 70, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a1fe357d-7f6f-40f9-a166-f2a4b95a389b", +Cell[63560, 1594, 136349, 2466, 70, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a1fe357d-7f6f-40f9-a166-f2a4b95a389b", CellID->1073753493] }, Open ]], -Cell[200137, 4072, 379, 10, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"ed212871-0293-48a2-a89f-f2af1e2289b8", +Cell[199924, 4063, 379, 10, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"ed212871-0293-48a2-a89f-f2af1e2289b8", CellID->410713315], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[200541, 4086, 396, 11, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7d1837fa-c1eb-4d7f-835b-1f855a4e88b0", +Cell[200328, 4077, 396, 11, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7d1837fa-c1eb-4d7f-835b-1f855a4e88b0", CellID->865695866], -Cell[200940, 4099, 243, 4, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a4ccdf8b-f562-422c-9db5-e07daccf44a9", +Cell[200727, 4090, 243, 4, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a4ccdf8b-f562-422c-9db5-e07daccf44a9", CellID->1179844503] }, Open ]], -Cell[201198, 4106, 134, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"6c01b08f-9205-4c2b-8141-95fda9332571", +Cell[200985, 4097, 134, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"6c01b08f-9205-4c2b-8141-95fda9332571", CellID->422341092], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[201357, 4111, 341, 9, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"eeb6c57d-3994-4659-9dcd-6ec2eddd3701", +Cell[201144, 4102, 341, 9, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"eeb6c57d-3994-4659-9dcd-6ec2eddd3701", CellID->1295369066], -Cell[201701, 4122, 243, 4, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0d27c53f-960f-4cd6-acb7-1aa58338a70e", +Cell[201488, 4113, 243, 4, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0d27c53f-960f-4cd6-acb7-1aa58338a70e", CellID->717225159] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[201981, 4131, 435, 13, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"383a9614-44e9-48cb-81f6-6515817d966c", +Cell[201768, 4122, 435, 13, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"383a9614-44e9-48cb-81f6-6515817d966c", CellID->386992118], -Cell[202419, 4146, 146, 2, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"983aeec9-146c-4b6a-a9e5-6c62e25f55af", +Cell[202206, 4137, 146, 2, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"983aeec9-146c-4b6a-a9e5-6c62e25f55af", CellID->1469507373] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[202602, 4153, 406, 12, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ef63bb94-fced-429c-b26a-e28b157f2dda", +Cell[202389, 4144, 406, 12, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ef63bb94-fced-429c-b26a-e28b157f2dda", CellID->1845944279], -Cell[203011, 4167, 147, 2, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1402cd6f-734c-48d3-a2c1-80ca95e8657a", +Cell[202798, 4158, 147, 2, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1402cd6f-734c-48d3-a2c1-80ca95e8657a", CellID->1009369089] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[203195, 4174, 243, 5, 70, "ExampleDelimiter",ExpressionUUID->"59575db8-8585-44f1-b87c-efb63a143262", +Cell[202982, 4165, 243, 5, 70, "ExampleDelimiter",ExpressionUUID->"59575db8-8585-44f1-b87c-efb63a143262", CellID->1079196216], -Cell[203441, 4181, 210, 5, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8c299309-f5a0-4ae0-984b-51854e97c4cb", +Cell[203228, 4172, 210, 5, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8c299309-f5a0-4ae0-984b-51854e97c4cb", CellID->751578375], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[203676, 4190, 303, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"35b5d99e-c4a4-4469-8550-aab96543ec74", +Cell[203463, 4181, 303, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"35b5d99e-c4a4-4469-8550-aab96543ec74", CellID->767580696], -Cell[203982, 4200, 719, 24, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e9e8f9c0-4f6a-4afc-8d55-3dad70cfd71c", +Cell[203769, 4191, 719, 24, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e9e8f9c0-4f6a-4afc-8d55-3dad70cfd71c", CellID->394854948] }, Open ]], -Cell[204716, 4227, 172, 3, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"c290bf3b-da87-41ed-8bcd-db82a7fb15ca", +Cell[204503, 4218, 172, 3, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"c290bf3b-da87-41ed-8bcd-db82a7fb15ca", CellID->403919750], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[204913, 4234, 356, 11, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"64e1ed86-2371-4ae9-bdbb-073c911aba59", +Cell[204700, 4225, 356, 11, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"64e1ed86-2371-4ae9-bdbb-073c911aba59", CellID->591691975], -Cell[205272, 4247, 1325, 32, 41, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"39308c83-27e1-4d5f-b560-75a45c2d6b2e", +Cell[205059, 4238, 1325, 32, 41, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"39308c83-27e1-4d5f-b560-75a45c2d6b2e", CellID->6877095] }, Open ]], -Cell[206612, 4282, 229, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"889d27e5-b5d0-4c0d-bc1b-f81ecce0f220", +Cell[206399, 4273, 229, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"889d27e5-b5d0-4c0d-bc1b-f81ecce0f220", CellID->483430083], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[206866, 4290, 1706, 55, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"840672b8-7e3b-463d-8404-a07e109a3249", +Cell[206653, 4281, 1706, 55, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"840672b8-7e3b-463d-8404-a07e109a3249", CellID->1418416860], -Cell[208575, 4347, 5482, 117, 156, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"8a3355e6-c77f-4cb6-ac12-a3217c340c21", +Cell[208362, 4338, 5482, 117, 156, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"8a3355e6-c77f-4cb6-ac12-a3217c340c21", CellID->157820039] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[214094, 4469, 1706, 55, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0b6ef657-c644-4c77-a824-886f2b72de5e", +Cell[213881, 4460, 1706, 55, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0b6ef657-c644-4c77-a824-886f2b72de5e", CellID->1179531126], -Cell[215803, 4526, 5498, 118, 156, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"4f6610b5-7e1f-4395-beaa-301dd04c1d6c", +Cell[215590, 4517, 5498, 118, 156, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"4f6610b5-7e1f-4395-beaa-301dd04c1d6c", CellID->400099408] }, Open ]], -Cell[221316, 4647, 132, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"58fa1f9e-65e8-4ee4-98f2-29ac952e09be", +Cell[221103, 4638, 132, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"58fa1f9e-65e8-4ee4-98f2-29ac952e09be", CellID->369736484], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[221473, 4652, 315, 9, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"26dcc9c4-d94c-479b-9f85-ae62dcdb8224", +Cell[221260, 4643, 315, 9, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"26dcc9c4-d94c-479b-9f85-ae62dcdb8224", CellID->1192293500], -Cell[221791, 4663, 546, 16, 40, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"29082e67-6c97-4290-8dfd-2ad8b136b291", +Cell[221578, 4654, 546, 16, 40, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"29082e67-6c97-4290-8dfd-2ad8b136b291", CellID->1786183001] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[222374, 4684, 364, 10, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"29a3a8b0-1a61-4818-a1b8-526ce94d75dc", +Cell[222161, 4675, 364, 10, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"29a3a8b0-1a61-4818-a1b8-526ce94d75dc", CellID->168677970], -Cell[222741, 4696, 95517, 1740, 70, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"dd2eac83-da05-46d2-849a-c86d243575dc", +Cell[222528, 4687, 95517, 1740, 70, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"dd2eac83-da05-46d2-849a-c86d243575dc", CellID->2051593976] }, Open ]], -Cell[318273, 6439, 150, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"b7e5a053-d3b7-4c91-8d83-dc3c56b35619", +Cell[318060, 6430, 150, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"b7e5a053-d3b7-4c91-8d83-dc3c56b35619", CellID->523732884], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[318448, 6444, 409, 11, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8bbb0d4f-b947-4640-8728-b4aada419578", +Cell[318235, 6435, 409, 11, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8bbb0d4f-b947-4640-8728-b4aada419578", CellID->1836937540], -Cell[318860, 6457, 1295, 35, 39, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"992719c8-9c3b-44bf-9e60-d22f30d50df4", +Cell[318647, 6448, 1295, 35, 39, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"992719c8-9c3b-44bf-9e60-d22f30d50df4", CellID->285281990] }, Open ]], -Cell[320170, 6495, 130, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"3e075c95-2ba4-4e21-97f8-d0d873d83e25", +Cell[319957, 6486, 130, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"3e075c95-2ba4-4e21-97f8-d0d873d83e25", CellID->326682640], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[320325, 6500, 284, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9d259649-9663-4e7c-8926-3d6b8b5d1b70", +Cell[320112, 6491, 284, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9d259649-9663-4e7c-8926-3d6b8b5d1b70", CellID->1299047413], -Cell[320612, 6510, 242, 4, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"c2872f86-1cd3-4012-b27a-b66f46b52251", +Cell[320399, 6501, 242, 4, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"c2872f86-1cd3-4012-b27a-b66f46b52251", CellID->1202535871] }, Open ]], -Cell[320869, 6517, 186, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"6e3c923d-cb91-4f59-b65d-656dc9e53150", +Cell[320656, 6508, 186, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"6e3c923d-cb91-4f59-b65d-656dc9e53150", CellID->1078768380], -Cell[321058, 6523, 207, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"52e71a37-cfb8-4809-9198-0a043ec70d02", +Cell[320845, 6514, 207, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"52e71a37-cfb8-4809-9198-0a043ec70d02", CellID->1803214686], -Cell[321268, 6529, 121, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"d56ec007-6f13-4846-8354-e3ced3a27d27", +Cell[321055, 6520, 121, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"d56ec007-6f13-4846-8354-e3ced3a27d27", CellID->1583986999], -Cell[321392, 6532, 1146, 37, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"7dc54958-55fd-4c56-aac9-1e60a144a136", +Cell[321179, 6523, 1146, 37, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"7dc54958-55fd-4c56-aac9-1e60a144a136", CellID->487265615], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[322563, 6573, 699, 22, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c37ecf40-ef73-4465-a963-126ed568395e", +Cell[322350, 6564, 699, 22, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c37ecf40-ef73-4465-a963-126ed568395e", CellID->1957557603], -Cell[323265, 6597, 13641, 372, 236, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"7252ec85-0a88-4209-814f-5d4bde88fe72", +Cell[323052, 6588, 13641, 372, 236, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"7252ec85-0a88-4209-814f-5d4bde88fe72", CellID->464915159], -Cell[336909, 6971, 13650, 373, 236, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"aef30d37-d59a-4f0f-b5b5-15aa90ab79c8", +Cell[336696, 6962, 13650, 373, 236, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"aef30d37-d59a-4f0f-b5b5-15aa90ab79c8", CellID->1283569527] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[350596, 7349, 361, 11, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"46beb022-dc65-4d99-9a5d-edd0464b5d42", +Cell[350383, 7340, 361, 11, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"46beb022-dc65-4d99-9a5d-edd0464b5d42", CellID->1776721761], -Cell[350960, 7362, 10186, 242, 101, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"947809f4-31f3-447d-93ee-730638758de7", +Cell[350747, 7353, 10186, 242, 101, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"947809f4-31f3-447d-93ee-730638758de7", CellID->878367768] }, Open ]], -Cell[361161, 7607, 188, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"d0400ab1-af48-49b3-8612-c101a943368c", +Cell[360948, 7598, 188, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"d0400ab1-af48-49b3-8612-c101a943368c", CellID->1340001138], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[361374, 7615, 243, 6, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"15601029-728a-40b2-9b82-b75709dc465a", +Cell[361161, 7606, 243, 6, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"15601029-728a-40b2-9b82-b75709dc465a", CellID->1302208119], -Cell[361620, 7623, 115, 1, 70, "EchoTiming",ExpressionUUID->"aa36b356-7f3c-4c3d-b67a-f99a3554207f", +Cell[361407, 7614, 115, 1, 70, "EchoTiming",ExpressionUUID->"aa36b356-7f3c-4c3d-b67a-f99a3554207f", CellID->751760984], -Cell[361738, 7626, 123794, 3240, 721, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"5b6b617a-0970-4881-ad26-5a6f3b580fea", +Cell[361525, 7617, 123794, 3240, 721, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"5b6b617a-0970-4881-ad26-5a6f3b580fea", CellID->1200562787] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[485569, 10871, 378, 10, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2c0ae0ed-2916-4109-a4ce-aa92735b6f3f", +Cell[485356, 10862, 378, 10, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2c0ae0ed-2916-4109-a4ce-aa92735b6f3f", CellID->1553454996], -Cell[485950, 10883, 116, 1, 70, "EchoTiming",ExpressionUUID->"0da47ae0-ae56-4289-acfe-9c4b6175eb45", +Cell[485737, 10874, 116, 1, 70, "EchoTiming",ExpressionUUID->"0da47ae0-ae56-4289-acfe-9c4b6175eb45", CellID->1193590423], -Cell[486069, 10886, 244, 4, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f13062ad-2e84-418a-a8b8-09b90dadb953", +Cell[485856, 10877, 244, 4, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f13062ad-2e84-418a-a8b8-09b90dadb953", CellID->1029492734] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[486350, 10895, 207, 5, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f4846edb-dbc5-4509-a277-87e1ed9f9440", +Cell[486137, 10886, 207, 5, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f4846edb-dbc5-4509-a277-87e1ed9f9440", CellID->2139257805], -Cell[486560, 10902, 128, 2, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ea2fa54e-55dd-4a04-9ffa-3577d1a0cb86", +Cell[486347, 10893, 128, 2, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ea2fa54e-55dd-4a04-9ffa-3577d1a0cb86", CellID->2086313946] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[486737, 10910, 243, 5, 70, "ExampleDelimiter",ExpressionUUID->"a0480ecf-daa4-44ac-9877-1482ac82c695", +Cell[486524, 10901, 243, 5, 70, "ExampleDelimiter",ExpressionUUID->"a0480ecf-daa4-44ac-9877-1482ac82c695", CellID->2099496634], -Cell[486983, 10917, 206, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"a9fb3be3-e7ea-4236-b0af-fc0e74dbf0ec", +Cell[486770, 10908, 206, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"a9fb3be3-e7ea-4236-b0af-fc0e74dbf0ec", CellID->125614049], -Cell[487192, 10923, 210, 5, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"fc63c3c9-43c2-4e9a-a099-60673e837082", +Cell[486979, 10914, 210, 5, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"fc63c3c9-43c2-4e9a-a099-60673e837082", CellID->642232351], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[487427, 10932, 304, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"473fcffe-2064-461b-b089-608b357a6e8a", +Cell[487214, 10923, 304, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"473fcffe-2064-461b-b089-608b357a6e8a", CellID->2081441484], -Cell[487734, 10942, 720, 24, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b98e6599-a58a-4bc9-a881-85c930a1fb1b", +Cell[487521, 10933, 720, 24, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b98e6599-a58a-4bc9-a881-85c930a1fb1b", CellID->1824632949] }, Open ]], -Cell[488469, 10969, 172, 3, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"297ea4dd-60a2-485d-a3d2-0a36b4a47e0a", +Cell[488256, 10960, 172, 3, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"297ea4dd-60a2-485d-a3d2-0a36b4a47e0a", CellID->211265417], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[488666, 10976, 357, 11, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d66d69bf-cc71-4c54-b09d-55bc26a7e08f", +Cell[488453, 10967, 357, 11, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d66d69bf-cc71-4c54-b09d-55bc26a7e08f", CellID->1072961204], -Cell[489026, 10989, 1327, 32, 41, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"da6e9b6b-1cd9-452f-ac9d-7e95c7934ae5", +Cell[488813, 10980, 1327, 32, 41, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"da6e9b6b-1cd9-452f-ac9d-7e95c7934ae5", CellID->486960139] }, Open ]], -Cell[490368, 11024, 229, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"7d875810-0d45-4684-80b6-a6c30de1702f", +Cell[490155, 11015, 229, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"7d875810-0d45-4684-80b6-a6c30de1702f", CellID->1840183255], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[490622, 11032, 477, 13, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"58526da8-1963-45f7-8cfc-c8287b07736f", +Cell[490409, 11023, 477, 13, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"58526da8-1963-45f7-8cfc-c8287b07736f", CellID->1177047662], -Cell[491102, 11047, 2675, 59, 100, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"bb131ef3-a6b4-44a8-90be-64cd9505615d", +Cell[490889, 11038, 2675, 59, 100, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"bb131ef3-a6b4-44a8-90be-64cd9505615d", CellID->2064270232], -Cell[493780, 11108, 2663, 55, 100, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"29256fac-909e-4d50-b9fa-9899679ffa75", +Cell[493567, 11099, 2663, 55, 100, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"29256fac-909e-4d50-b9fa-9899679ffa75", CellID->1591471939] }, Open ]], -Cell[496458, 11166, 207, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"448676b8-5b2e-4dc3-abe6-acd4fa081a19", +Cell[496245, 11157, 207, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"448676b8-5b2e-4dc3-abe6-acd4fa081a19", CellID->342905876], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[496690, 11174, 293, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3a287df9-6c53-4c18-a865-4f2de4363e31", +Cell[496477, 11165, 293, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3a287df9-6c53-4c18-a865-4f2de4363e31", CellID->246320336], -Cell[496986, 11184, 786, 21, 39, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3d1aec80-5778-4274-ba75-15713e6403ae", +Cell[496773, 11175, 786, 21, 39, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3d1aec80-5778-4274-ba75-15713e6403ae", CellID->327543001] }, Open ]], -Cell[497787, 11208, 154, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"96577bae-d05f-4f8e-9e3e-b350429026f5", +Cell[497574, 11199, 154, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"96577bae-d05f-4f8e-9e3e-b350429026f5", CellID->1031968923], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[497966, 11213, 261, 6, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"926816b5-d4eb-4316-b14e-58a438601fcc", +Cell[497753, 11204, 261, 6, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"926816b5-d4eb-4316-b14e-58a438601fcc", CellID->1544438968], -Cell[498230, 11221, 89344, 1635, 70, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"7a28623e-baed-4b7b-881a-09de9174a317", +Cell[498017, 11212, 89344, 1635, 70, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"7a28623e-baed-4b7b-881a-09de9174a317", CellID->722065322] }, Open ]], -Cell[587589, 12859, 151, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"a2694bce-7376-4313-a0c9-ba9e050d7105", +Cell[587376, 12850, 151, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"a2694bce-7376-4313-a0c9-ba9e050d7105", CellID->2030733412], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[587765, 12864, 293, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b3d81630-0601-48dd-9c86-a9c54dbe911a", +Cell[587552, 12855, 293, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b3d81630-0601-48dd-9c86-a9c54dbe911a", CellID->889371961], -Cell[588061, 12874, 785, 21, 39, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"65ce90bf-9cd7-4955-b8ca-2d7897e2a5f7", +Cell[587848, 12865, 785, 21, 39, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"65ce90bf-9cd7-4955-b8ca-2d7897e2a5f7", CellID->29755640] }, Open ]], -Cell[588861, 12898, 184, 3, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"33dec2e5-7389-4151-bd69-2999de0a37ec", +Cell[588648, 12889, 184, 3, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"33dec2e5-7389-4151-bd69-2999de0a37ec", CellID->291580177], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[589070, 12905, 283, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"12b1a4bb-ac33-422c-a1d1-eadd36961522", +Cell[588857, 12896, 283, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"12b1a4bb-ac33-422c-a1d1-eadd36961522", CellID->662420490], -Cell[589356, 12915, 238, 5, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1508613b-f416-4ef0-9579-ad5f3b81e637", +Cell[589143, 12906, 238, 5, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1508613b-f416-4ef0-9579-ad5f3b81e637", CellID->655773067] }, Open ]], -Cell[589609, 12923, 185, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"d5311be1-53c8-4c26-9ced-855aa2658de9", +Cell[589396, 12914, 185, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"d5311be1-53c8-4c26-9ced-855aa2658de9", CellID->358366140], -Cell[589797, 12929, 221, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"78b93c85-aaec-4b7e-bea5-9634191e7f1c", +Cell[589584, 12920, 221, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"78b93c85-aaec-4b7e-bea5-9634191e7f1c", CellID->1352111716], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[590043, 12937, 411, 11, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0831df7c-f82e-40cc-acd0-cf27f2b58b9f", +Cell[589830, 12928, 411, 11, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0831df7c-f82e-40cc-acd0-cf27f2b58b9f", CellID->811619388], -Cell[590457, 12950, 6326, 187, 140, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"67691fe1-806e-41d7-aa17-98506e6b565b", +Cell[590244, 12941, 6326, 187, 140, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"67691fe1-806e-41d7-aa17-98506e6b565b", CellID->816007229], -Cell[596786, 13139, 6312, 184, 123, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b48d7dac-ae5b-47a3-9ea7-c917110853f0", +Cell[596573, 13130, 6312, 184, 123, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b48d7dac-ae5b-47a3-9ea7-c917110853f0", CellID->802928061] }, Open ]], -Cell[603113, 13326, 153, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"84233daa-6587-472f-896e-d58c85dd8925", +Cell[602900, 13317, 153, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"84233daa-6587-472f-896e-d58c85dd8925", CellID->1951471032], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[603291, 13331, 293, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7f4e3311-63fb-4cbe-88fd-57267b5fc0d7", +Cell[603078, 13322, 293, 8, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7f4e3311-63fb-4cbe-88fd-57267b5fc0d7", CellID->2118625828], -Cell[603587, 13341, 5888, 140, 61, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"cd5083ff-8ef2-4771-a71b-bdc83c3cafa4", +Cell[603374, 13332, 5888, 140, 61, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"cd5083ff-8ef2-4771-a71b-bdc83c3cafa4", CellID->240938094] }, Open ]], -Cell[609490, 13484, 216, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"8d301eee-0395-4188-8aa0-07ce8665b02d", +Cell[609277, 13475, 216, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"8d301eee-0395-4188-8aa0-07ce8665b02d", CellID->1101221534], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[609731, 13492, 205, 5, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"84503f34-c98d-4a8e-8c12-11a4881bbbfe", +Cell[609518, 13483, 205, 5, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"84503f34-c98d-4a8e-8c12-11a4881bbbfe", CellID->1541026710], -Cell[609939, 13499, 14145, 372, 129, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"5057be58-942c-4fc9-b805-f1fdb3510418", +Cell[609726, 13490, 14145, 372, 129, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"5057be58-942c-4fc9-b805-f1fdb3510418", CellID->608433255] }, Open ]], -Cell[624099, 13874, 160, 2, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"cecff693-83c7-4472-8d31-f55bdba25577", +Cell[623886, 13865, 160, 2, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"cecff693-83c7-4472-8d31-f55bdba25577", CellID->911311823], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[624284, 13880, 372, 11, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8725c9cd-6ca3-41b9-845b-bf32ff64b7d9", +Cell[624071, 13871, 372, 11, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8725c9cd-6ca3-41b9-845b-bf32ff64b7d9", CellID->1114693032], -Cell[624659, 13893, 240, 5, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"954e7d07-40c1-4b2d-8570-44c41389b0a3", +Cell[624446, 13884, 240, 5, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"954e7d07-40c1-4b2d-8570-44c41389b0a3", CellID->702974810] }, Open ]], -Cell[624914, 13901, 122, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"d702bf35-022e-494f-9933-585f1970464c", +Cell[624701, 13892, 122, 1, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"d702bf35-022e-494f-9933-585f1970464c", CellID->947911960], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[625061, 13906, 207, 5, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"cc6fbfc8-7aa7-4986-9367-f83a02225a72", +Cell[624848, 13897, 207, 5, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"cc6fbfc8-7aa7-4986-9367-f83a02225a72", 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-0.00007843130586222762], Complex[-7.894016335826398*^-6, 0.00860213207596067], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, -0.2780792901080425], Complex[-0.08602810901114219, 1.734723475976807*^-18]}}, @@ -3410,8 +3407,8 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.00001659457328293116, -0.0003313378120411801], - Complex[-1.1079404292417903`*^-8, - 3.3198626353946485`*^-7]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292417908`*^-8, + 3.319862635394647*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.975137171273682, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], @@ -3421,33 +3418,32 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[-0.009916907974532263, 0.09883807384038251], Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947762]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292422816`*^-8, 3.319862635394833*^-7], - Complex[-1.1079404292422813`*^-8, - 3.3198626353948343`*^-7], Complex[0.000016594573282933133`, -0.0003313378120411798], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947763], Complex[0.9850706849009013, 0.09916907966616012]}}, {{ - Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495183`*^-22], + Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.529091319749519*^-22], Complex[-0.000016605652687225092`, 0.09916907966616013], - Complex[1.1079404289255492`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], + Complex[1.1079404289255497`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], - Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095884`*^-7]}, { + Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095863`*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], Complex[1.1079404291230823`*^-8, 4.433254424948396*^-21], - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], + Complex[1.6727401305043307`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], Complex[-1.1079404289878503`*^-8, \ -0.00033166995668250094`]}, { - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], Complex[1.1579790325831189`*^-18, -0.09916907966616013], Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], Complex[0.000016605652687226302`, 0.0991690796661601]}, { Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, \ --3.3214464132085747`*^-7], +-3.3214464132085725`*^-7], Complex[-1.1079404291781963`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825007], Complex[0.000016605652687224523`, -0.0991690796661601], @@ -3524,11 +3520,9 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, 0.008602132075960674], Complex[3.469446951953614*^-18, -0.2780792901080426], - Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797062`*^-18], + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797066`*^-18], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, 0.2780792901080425]}, { - - Complex[-3.2526065174565133`*^-19, \ --0.00007843130586222762], + Complex[-3.252606517456514*^-19, -0.00007843130586222762], Complex[-7.894016335826398*^-6, 0.00860213207596067], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, -0.2780792901080425], Complex[-0.08602810901114219, 1.734723475976807*^-18]}}}}, @@ -3828,7 +3822,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 4} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], \ {1, 5} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, -0.09883807384038253], {1, 6} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], { + Complex[1.6727401305043307`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], { 1, 7} -> Complex[ 0.0002620773276979446, 0.002603237866672337], {1, 8} -> Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, -0.002613753063531294], {1, @@ -3837,19 +3831,18 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, -0.002613753063531294], {1, 11} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, \ -0.09883807384038253], {1, 12} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], { + Complex[1.6727401305043307`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], { 1, 13} -> Complex[ 0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 14} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], \ {1, 16} -> 1, {2, 3} -> Complex[ 0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 4} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { - 2, 5} -> - Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, - 6} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, \ --0.09916907966616018], {2, 7} -> - Complex[0.9411238678566561, -0.19341019859437134`], {2, - 8} -> Complex[0.03920689940953653, 0.], {2, 9} -> + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, + 5} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, \ +-0.09883740970947764], {2, 6} -> + Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], \ +{2, 7} -> Complex[0.9411238678566561, -0.19341019859437134`], {2, 8} -> + Complex[0.03920689940953653, 0.], {2, 9} -> Complex[0.9411238678566561, -0.19341019859437134`], {2, 10} -> Complex[0.03920689940953653, 0.], {2, 11} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, @@ -3857,8 +3850,8 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp -0.09916907966616018], {2, 13} -> Complex[ 0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 14} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { - 2, 15} -> 1, {3, 4} -> + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, + 15} -> 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 5} -> Complex[0.00976883383345901, 0.09670511030136163], {3, 6} -> Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, -7.28006620191595*^-19], \ @@ -3872,10 +3865,10 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, -7.28006620191595*^-19], \ {3, 13} -> Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, -4.336808689942018*^-19], {3, 14} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 15} -> + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], { + 3, 16} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, + 2.241454781417565*^-19], {4, 5} -> Complex[ - 1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 16} -> - Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, 2.241454781417565*^-19], { - 4, 5} -> Complex[ 0.00006578280908219793, -4.254244153408405*^-17], {4, 6} -> Complex[-0.009768833833459008, 0.09670511030136167], {4, 7} -> Complex[ @@ -3899,7 +3892,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp 0.01942284716938378, 0.09330760721542969], {5, 10} -> Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, 0.003888044555498485], {5, 11} -> - Complex[-1.5523466945211156`*^-18, \ + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, \ -1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {5, 12} -> Complex[0.019669123004374556`, 0.], {5, 13} -> Complex[-0.009768833833459008, -0.09670511030136167], {5, @@ -3907,7 +3900,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp 7.28006620191595*^-19], {5, 15} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], { 5, 16} -> Complex[ - 1.6727401305043303`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {6, 7} -> + 1.6727401305043307`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {6, 7} -> Complex[-0.009673644515389308, -0.09494936515397917], {6, 8} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, 0.1924766868815898], {6, 9} -> @@ -3915,7 +3908,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp 10} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, 0.1924766868815898], {6, 11} -> Complex[0.9803308769956256, 0.], {6, 12} -> - Complex[-1.5523466945211156`*^-18, + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, 1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {6, 13} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, 4.254244153408405*^-17], { 6, 14} -> Complex[ @@ -3925,7 +3918,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp 0.09883807384038253], {7, 8} -> Complex[0.03895158675127773, 0.], {7, 9} -> Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, \ --2.6488597589047426`*^-18], {7, 10} -> +-2.648859758904743*^-18], {7, 10} -> Complex[0.03895158675127773, 0.], {7, 11} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, -0.1924766868815898], {7, 12} -> Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, \ @@ -3937,7 +3930,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, 0.002613753063531294], {8, 9} -> Complex[0.9610484132487226, 0.], {8, 10} -> Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, - 2.6488597589047426`*^-18], {8, 11} -> + 2.648859758904743*^-18], {8, 11} -> Complex[-0.009673644515389308, 0.09494936515397917], {8, 12} -> Complex[ 0.01942284716938378, -0.09330760721542969], {8, 13} -> @@ -3971,7 +3964,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp 7.28006620191595*^-19], {11, 15} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], { 11, 16} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], { + Complex[1.6727401305043307`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], { 12, 13} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, 4.254244153408405*^-17], { 12, 14} -> @@ -3980,10 +3973,10 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp 0.09883740970947764], {12, 16} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], {13, 14} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {13, 15} -> - Complex[ - 1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {13, - 16} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, - 2.241454781417565*^-19], {14, 15} -> + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], { + 13, 16} -> + Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, 2.241454781417565*^-19], { + 14, 15} -> Complex[ 0.000016594573282932862`, -0.0003313378120411798], {14, 16} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646]}, @@ -4030,7 +4023,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[0.9850706849009015, 0.09916907966616015], Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.00001659457328293116, -0.0003313378120411801], - Complex[-1.1079404292417903`*^-8, 3.3198626353946485`*^-7]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292417908`*^-8, 3.319862635394647*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.975137171273682, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], @@ -4039,23 +4032,23 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[-0.009916907974532263, 0.09883807384038251], Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947762]}, { - Complex[-1.1079404292422813`*^-8, 3.3198626353948343`*^-7], + Complex[-1.1079404292422816`*^-8, 3.319862635394833*^-7], Complex[0.000016594573282933133`, -0.0003313378120411798], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947763], Complex[0.9850706849009013, 0.09916907966616012]}}, {{ - Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495183`*^-22], + Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.529091319749519*^-22], Complex[-0.000016605652687225092`, 0.09916907966616013], - Complex[1.1079404289255492`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], - Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095884`*^-7]}, { + Complex[1.1079404289255497`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], + Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095863`*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], Complex[1.1079404291230823`*^-8, 4.433254424948396*^-21], - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], + Complex[1.6727401305043307`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], Complex[-1.1079404289878503`*^-8, -0.00033166995668250094`]}, { - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], Complex[1.1579790325831189`*^-18, -0.09916907966616013], Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], Complex[0.000016605652687226302`, 0.0991690796661601]}, { - Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, -3.3214464132085747`*^-7], + Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, -3.3214464132085725`*^-7], Complex[-1.1079404291781963`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825007], Complex[0.000016605652687224523`, -0.0991690796661601], Complex[-0.00995010820050242, 2.083853062282483*^-19]}}}, {{{ @@ -4117,9 +4110,9 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[-7.894016335826398*^-6, -0.008602132075960672]}, { Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, 0.008602132075960674], Complex[3.469446951953614*^-18, -0.2780792901080426], - Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797062`*^-18], + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797066`*^-18], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, 0.2780792901080425]}, { - Complex[-3.2526065174565133`*^-19, -0.00007843130586222762], + Complex[-3.252606517456514*^-19, -0.00007843130586222762], Complex[-7.894016335826398*^-6, 0.00860213207596067], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, -0.2780792901080425], Complex[-0.08602810901114219, 1.734723475976807*^-18]}}}}, @@ -4129,18 +4122,18 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 4} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], {1, 5} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, -0.09883807384038253], {1, 6} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 7} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043307`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 7} -> Complex[0.0002620773276979446, 0.002603237866672337], {1, 8} -> Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, -0.002613753063531294], {1, 9} -> Complex[0.0002620773276979446, 0.002603237866672337], {1, 10} -> Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, -0.002613753063531294], {1, 11} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, -0.09883807384038253], {1, 12} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 13} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043307`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 13} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 14} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], {1, 16} -> 1, {2, 3} -> Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 4} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 5} -> + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 5} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, 6} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], {2, 7} -> Complex[0.9411238678566561, -0.19341019859437134`], {2, 8} -> @@ -4150,7 +4143,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, 12} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], {2, 13} -> Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 14} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 15} -> + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 15} -> 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 5} -> Complex[0.00976883383345901, 0.09670511030136163], {3, 6} -> Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, -7.28006620191595*^-19], {3, 7} -> @@ -4162,7 +4155,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, -7.28006620191595*^-19], {3, 13} -> Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, -4.336808689942018*^-19], {3, 14} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 15} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 16} -> + Complex[1.107940429445462*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 16} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, 2.241454781417565*^-19], {4, 5} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, -4.254244153408405*^-17], {4, 6} -> Complex[-0.009768833833459008, 0.09670511030136167], {4, 7} -> @@ -4181,24 +4174,24 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, 0.003888044555498485], {5, 9} -> Complex[0.01942284716938378, 0.09330760721542969], {5, 10} -> Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, 0.003888044555498485], {5, 11} -> - Complex[-1.5523466945211156`*^-18, -1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {5, 12} -> + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, -1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {5, 12} -> Complex[0.019669123004374556`, 0.], {5, 13} -> Complex[-0.009768833833459008, -0.09670511030136167], {5, 14} -> Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, 7.28006620191595*^-19], {5, 15} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], {5, 16} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {6, 7} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043307`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {6, 7} -> Complex[-0.009673644515389308, -0.09494936515397917], {6, 8} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, 0.1924766868815898], {6, 9} -> 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Opacity[0.5], + Thickness[Tiny], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], + FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, + GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ + GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> { + "Version" -> 1.2, "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, + "Effects" -> {"Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, + "HighlightPoint" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, + "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> True, + "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + Scaled[0.025]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Dimensions: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + 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"SummaryBoxCloser"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = False), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GraphicsBox[ + RasterBox[CompressedData[" +1:eJztWnlQzfv7j+Jayg1FK8mSRDdFKHpZWpCifVNSaZObQqi0ce0iUnFF0qaU +VlmKSClx1nbtnU6n5XRKGxG/fvP7/vue73xmvr+5c79zmzkzzZln5jzP8369 +X8/reX0+i5y8TQ8ICwkJSf3r87//Pz87su6dygfUH5WuOXcxGkrSwitHbtRD +6/gLh9uKNNzRiM9d96USvPhF7Sap3eAYd0ksbaCBY8a853alBgteee2KWdOD +KzJzBvsrmFjfUn/v5VoOtMv3eia86IPiT7bk1UAGNFcHp1xYRccpQaupqQUP +bXJ+Y9xMGt6sZJYZD1YjZv9MYweJHhwv+i3xwXw6TmocnPJAiQ3pxTleoy1d +iAj55Nm1mQ7PNTOlgoZqMXueqEhWcA+mDCXVrJdgQne8aYH14/fgdq9lz97b +CZekcdtiCTZsJGdMuiWUD0nf9MbnszmQ8N65cnoyDWP+npKLxtkYyqF/CdrU +jU/aml5VgUzQd+y3rpFth33q1TMv9Poox1PNh2q9VPtJ9bxI5071exKuTu0P +4dkw6bjVMXZj7Wg9tmgov7To6YHpQjm5ycEM8H4wBxKWNaP9cmSDW0Uv1mcM 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10} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, + 11} -> + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, -0.5466416856280665], {1, + 12} -> Complex[0.026618360435332, 0.558712091911503], {1, + 13} -> Complex[-0.3762881584492428, -0.5466416856280665], \ +{1, 14} -> Complex[0.026618360435332, 0.558712091911503], {1, 15} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, + 18} -> Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], { + 1, 19} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], { + 1, 20} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 21} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, + 22} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, + 0.1718935005705546], {1, 24} -> 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, + 4} -> Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, \ +-0.07746786401493004], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, + 6} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 8} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, + 9} -> Complex[-0.4011625553983744, + 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, 0.538814592741355], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.4668453048063547, -0.05078350561368887], {2, + 13} -> Complex[-0.3553481761967879, 0.538814592741355], { + 2, 14} -> Complex[ + 0.4668453048063547, -0.05078350561368887], {2, 15} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, + 16} -> Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], { + 2, 17} -> Complex[ + 0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 18} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, + 19} -> Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, + 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 20} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, + 21} -> Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, \ +-0.13976043531592253`], {2, 22} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, + 23} -> 1, {3, 4} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 6} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, 0.02507865217226392], {3, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.7158153645122745, 0.27727012752801655`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, 0.02507865217226392], {3, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.7158153645122745, 0.27727012752801655`], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 17} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 20} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 21} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, + 22} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, + 24} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 6} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 8} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, + 10} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, + 0.2714872146303018], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, 0.024942704399016517`], {4, + 12} -> Complex[-0.3305815973120849, \ +-0.06965984205559435], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, 0.024942704399016517`], {4, + 14} -> Complex[-0.3305815973120849, \ +-0.06965984205559435], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, + 16} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, + 0.2714872146303018], {4, 17} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 19} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 20} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 21} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 22} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, + 23} -> Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, + 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 24} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, + 6} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 8} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], \ +{5, 9} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 10} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, + 11} -> Complex[-0.5627685085366139, + 0.030340815968254775`], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, 0.48705077535147073`], {5, + 13} -> Complex[-0.5627685085366139, + 0.030340815968254775`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, 0.48705077535147073`], {5, + 15} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], \ +{5, 16} -> Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 17} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 18} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, \ +-0.05348186753768233], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], { + 5, 20} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 21} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 23} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 9} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.37825385334451644`, -0.40885350274382926`], {6, 12} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, 0.059159315768373466`], {6, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.37825385334451644`, -0.40885350274382926`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, 0.059159315768373466`], {6, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 16} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, + 17} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 18} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 19} -> Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 20} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 22} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, + 23} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 6, 24} -> Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, + 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.1951485712949499, 0.0046716318384972255`], {7, + 12} -> Complex[-0.8170560843015883, -0.3125759972803564], \ +{7, 13} -> Complex[0.1951485712949499, 0.0046716318384972255`], {7, 14} -> + Complex[-0.8170560843015883, -0.3125759972803564], {7, + 15} -> Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], { + 7, 16} -> Complex[-0.455490228261869, + 0.1840044440612254], {7, 17} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, + 18} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 19} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 7, 20} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {7, 21} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, + 22} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{7, 23} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 24} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, 0.37292347034559], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, -0.18742531340573343`], {8, + 13} -> Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, 0.37292347034559], { + 8, 14} -> Complex[ + 0.3746944626564604, -0.18742531340573343`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 17} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 18} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, + 19} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 20} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, + 21} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {8, 22} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 23} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 24} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, + 10} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, -0.0590141307297216], {9, + 12} -> Complex[0.501373591153116, 0.5153637211309552], {9, + 13} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, -0.0590141307297216], {9, + 14} -> Complex[0.501373591153116, 0.5153637211309552], {9, + 15} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, -0.30602272798394614`], {9, + 16} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 17} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {9, + 18} -> Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], { + 9, 19} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], { + 9, 20} -> Complex[ + 0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {9, 21} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {9, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {9, 23} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {9, 24} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {10, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.6008640448930245, -0.9992113400081515], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, 0.40242456329116516`], {10, + 13} -> Complex[0.6008640448930245, -0.9992113400081515], { + 10, 14} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, 0.40242456329116516`], {10, + 15} -> Complex[1.450065179250162, 0.], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, 0.30602272798394614`], {10, + 17} -> Complex[-0.5457126961790097, \ +-0.05668631714849469], {10, 18} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {10, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {10, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {10, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {10, 22} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {10, + 23} -> Complex[-0.4011625553983744, \ +-0.29553698205924495`], {10, 24} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {11, + 12} -> Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.8357882209095648, 0.5693746569990082], {11, + 14} -> Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {11, 15} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, -0.40242456329116516`], {11, + 16} -> Complex[0.501373591153116, -0.5153637211309552], { + 11, 17} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, 0.18742531340573343`], {11, + 18} -> Complex[-0.8170560843015883, 0.3125759972803564], { + 11, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, -0.059159315768373466`], { + 11, 20} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, -0.48705077535147073`], {11, + 21} -> Complex[-0.3305815973120849, + 0.06965984205559435], {11, 22} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, -0.27727012752801655`], {11, + 23} -> Complex[0.4668453048063547, 0.05078350561368887], { + 11, 24} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, -0.558712091911503], {12, 13} -> + Complex[1.277157136194063, 0.], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.8357882209095648, -0.5693746569990082], {12, + 15} -> Complex[0.6008640448930245, 0.9992113400081515], { + 12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, 0.0590141307297216], {12, + 17} -> Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, -0.37292347034559], \ +{12, 18} -> Complex[0.1951485712949499, -0.0046716318384972255`], {12, 19} -> + Complex[0.37825385334451644`, 0.40885350274382926`], {12, + 20} -> Complex[-0.5627685085366139, \ +-0.030340815968254775`], {12, 21} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, -0.024942704399016517`], {12, + 22} -> Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, \ +-0.02507865217226392], {12, 23} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, -0.538814592741355], {12, + 24} -> Complex[-0.3762881584492428, 0.5466416856280665], { + 13, 14} -> Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, -0.40242456329116516`], {13, + 16} -> Complex[0.501373591153116, -0.5153637211309552], { + 13, 17} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, 0.18742531340573343`], {13, + 18} -> Complex[-0.8170560843015883, 0.3125759972803564], { + 13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, -0.059159315768373466`], { + 13, 20} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, -0.48705077535147073`], {13, + 21} -> Complex[-0.3305815973120849, + 0.06965984205559435], {13, 22} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, -0.27727012752801655`], {13, + 23} -> Complex[0.4668453048063547, 0.05078350561368887], { + 13, 24} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, -0.558712091911503], {14, 15} -> + Complex[0.6008640448930245, 0.9992113400081515], {14, 16} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, 0.0590141307297216], {14, + 17} -> Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, -0.37292347034559], \ +{14, 18} -> Complex[0.1951485712949499, -0.0046716318384972255`], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.37825385334451644`, 0.40885350274382926`], {14, + 20} -> Complex[-0.5627685085366139, \ +-0.030340815968254775`], {14, 21} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, -0.024942704399016517`], {14, + 22} -> Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, \ +-0.02507865217226392], {14, 23} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, -0.538814592741355], {14, + 24} -> Complex[-0.3762881584492428, 0.5466416856280665], { + 15, 16} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {15, + 18} -> Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], { + 15, 19} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], { + 15, 20} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {15, + 21} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, \ +-0.2714872146303018], {15, 22} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {15, + 23} -> Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], { + 15, 24} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {16, + 17} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {16, + 18} -> Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], { + 16, 19} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {16, + 20} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], { + 16, 21} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {16, + 22} -> Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], { + 16, 23} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {16, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 17, 20} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {17, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {17, 22} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {17, + 23} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, \ +-0.004720384308614219], {17, 24} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {18, + 19} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {18, + 21} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {18, 22} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {18, + 23} -> Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], { + 18, 24} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {19, + 20} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {19, 21} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], { + 19, 22} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {19, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {19, 24} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {20, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {20, 22} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], { + 20, 23} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 20, 24} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], { + 21, 22} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {21, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {21, + 24} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {22, 23} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {22, + 24} -> Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, + 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> + False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> { + ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, + PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, + Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, + "SummaryPanel"], + DynamicModuleValues:>{}], "]"}], + Q3`WickState[{ + $CellContext`c[1, 3, 0], + $CellContext`c[1, 1, 0], + $CellContext`c[2, 4, 0], + $CellContext`c[2, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[3, 4, 0], + $CellContext`c[3, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 1], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 0], + $CellContext`c[4, 4, 0], + $CellContext`c[4, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[5, 1, 0], + $CellContext`c[5, 1, 1], + $CellContext`c[5, 1, 0], + $CellContext`c[5, 1, 1], + $CellContext`c[4, 4, 0], + $CellContext`c[4, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 1], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 0], + $CellContext`c[3, 4, 0], + $CellContext`c[3, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[2, 4, 0], + $CellContext`c[2, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[1, 1, 1], + $CellContext`c[1, 3, 1]}, {{ + SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { + 1, {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, 1}}], + SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, {1, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {}}, {}}]}, {{{ + Complex[0.0761220398541318, 0.17722428227256642`], + Complex[-0.1692227455159742, -0.00955861903291853], + Complex[0.1326379586373576, -0.282562140817938], + Complex[0.04990602355482773, -0.21189826314913265`]}, { + Complex[0.6527351788328424, 0.04094314533779381], + Complex[0.08128702857826951, -0.2261002627166157], + Complex[-0.13115610590791468`, -0.27523989393959086`], + Complex[0.002317525830475121, 0.18389303114510325`]}, { + Complex[0.12603831429763016`, 0.14410282282306391`], + Complex[-0.07245858672315154, 0.5993245691219025], + Complex[-0.3403471149025635, -0.2093845956169039], + Complex[-0.16043205588428594`, -0.3930611177747346]}, { + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], + Complex[0.3635152174042921, 0.12359172590337993`], + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], + Complex[0.5958913804471243, 0.30763435372569503`]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.10502227224558744`, 0.2578759385170891], + Complex[-0.3063688918768534, 0.1009809869273654], + Complex[0.2893141125637698, -0.44818540169804233`], + Complex[-0.5483419643703493, 0.14967682699122478`]}, { + Complex[-0.03450612081886077, 0.3919310689793163], + Complex[0.08554754810610539, 0.04325145918009163], + Complex[-0.10455839463447798`, 0.009899238314418652], + Complex[0.08611100223009287, -0.45311734656660346`]}, { + Complex[-0.0987343111959876, -0.270557722292807], + Complex[-0.012263292482132437`, -0.09544662746898838], + Complex[-0.0901658618100252, 0.20039475163084947`], + Complex[-0.17283351262032212`, -0.2976998907213325]}, { + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], + Complex[0.10846204399926629`, -0.024973249362109748`], + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], + Complex[-0.31403073369684686`, 0.023417426858537326`]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], + Complex[0.18935398968736805`, 0.025013607072666474`], + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], + Complex[0.28847128290249835`, -0.28252735770170245`]}, { + Complex[0.28591721995381936`, -0.09603964219780639], + Complex[0.07832741772737573, -0.21514076673001903`], + Complex[-0.128693165483946, 0.2491557478547205], + Complex[-0.01649283025664592, 0.024335224970437122`]}, { + Complex[-0.1160944432996616, 0.4347817466661372], + Complex[0.2184944053317642, -0.27445139897503085`], + Complex[0.48571001627488936`, 0.10438548560217037`], + Complex[-0.016867340251465295`, 0.03775930590016413]}, { + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], + Complex[0.3987042489501962, 0.10105884812398021`], + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], + Complex[0.49711368462748484`, 0.5561533916505781]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], + Complex[-0.5865880056222303, -0.21261173908509431`], + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], + Complex[-0.3979058538654757, 0.5578200392904937]}, { + Complex[0.03741911372848694, 0.3555770288492666], + Complex[-0.21911994873246649`, -0.08388101566785068], + Complex[0.2548268683415332, -0.26480673025090673`], + Complex[-0.6756231866977415, -0.2947005999126772]}, { + Complex[-0.3805816851208877, 0.20488005672499107`], + Complex[-0.06142241558335136, 0.00011278328113941555`], + Complex[0.34021125618690234`, -0.10819016114699895`], + Complex[0.0066668992201413535`, 0.05726654679628254]}, { + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], + Complex[0.01952114260176356, 0.3605368995212979], + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], + Complex[-0.15378550597192583`, -0.3594595686039512]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.24731369058188873`, -0.005978003694364159], + Complex[0.689381841095902, 0.01610359406221444], + Complex[-0.3447916089371626, -0.2945628361277986], + Complex[0.8564259611232028, -0.10540053453013315`]}, { + Complex[-0.10101307491053665`, -0.010816931796013562`], + Complex[-0.13000234714325792`, 0.10650750561261996`], + Complex[0.18201510709668425`, -0.12756970869296128`], + Complex[0.582907926479713, -0.49332601643227303`]}, { + Complex[-0.2088605762760204, 0.12221088314809211`], + Complex[0.2424448960763253, -0.28717838213799235`], + Complex[0.3941662220696188, 0.22013024149882754`], + Complex[0.33255320825081014`, 0.28001609620970047`]}, { + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], + Complex[0.14604698073715178`, 0.023760642933120718`], + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], + Complex[0.1025861810966763, 0.3280835823005945]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.34961511524482436`, 0.06695082289629037], + Complex[-0.22721677701872972`, 0.10788176207153556`], + Complex[-0.15575860000961195`, 0.19995729240511323`], + Complex[-0.411694553787175, 0.3669635339695745]}, { + Complex[-0.26998689654824515`, -0.23606009686450402`], + Complex[-0.3785015208484167, -0.009131443548956203], + Complex[0.049435984155214815`, -0.22057746182687452`], + Complex[-0.7825103107832154, 0.660409806791661]}, { + Complex[-0.2339886958885329, -0.020514303546813148`], + Complex[0.08655083276919757, -0.07324537282570874], + Complex[0.27455376921119967`, -0.2228961867999453], + Complex[-0.5527246983393382, -0.12115050891727087`]}, { + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], + Complex[-0.5707749960844526, -0.011992276960298504`], + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], + Complex[-0.5036258677611142, -0.4186799288369736]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.4668453048063547, 0.05078350561368887], + Complex[0.5717504665456015, -0.22762797272994578`], + Complex[0.026618360435332, -0.558712091911503], + Complex[0.7305599283651154, 0.1929720694262925]}, { + Complex[0.007671777451409206, 0.19920903057736317`], + Complex[0.3118232639200961, 0.22657364921984724`], + Complex[0.1058448244038167, -0.5506657208575015], + Complex[0.7951255332506837, -0.3071818521229562]}, { + Complex[0.2352742944949184, -0.055182283636658364`], + Complex[-0.04808589278794599, 0.28822798844444075`], + Complex[-0.055863296690927794`, -0.32518014728329414`], + Complex[0.5596722301816094, 0.42362016413525366`]}, { + Complex[0.45531609033571524`, 0.6151125413684325], + Complex[0.013494032019214175`, 0.1112635929458276], + Complex[0.0675790805527822, -0.22476640371431453`], + Complex[0.48722223408824805`, 0.07097301086506483]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, 0.538814592741355], + Complex[0.09196642145704029, 0.26756603587814437`], + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, -0.5466416856280665], + Complex[-0.5609971206543622, 0.15933159839651245`]}, { + Complex[-0.4489823323283394, -0.11584139863279015`], + Complex[-0.26656427168387425`, 0.18690949976318316`], + Complex[-0.27016766125964786`, -0.06567014963051358], + Complex[-0.2972266005392272, 0.8849927041650091]}, { + Complex[0.181499243979495, -0.21360077867818675`], + Complex[-0.1619413383881858, -0.20014283068790933`], + Complex[-0.2354215281066983, 0.07969350206412064], + Complex[-0.4702635936099444, -0.29356615652119933`]}, { + Complex[-0.5074979911585726, 0.10530874449022248`], + Complex[-0.7416311192512353, -0.5088192470149466], + Complex[0.2907073848578795, -0.28690376906359405`], + Complex[-0.7820671540213748, -0.152424500314762]}}}}, + SymmetrizedArray[ + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{24, + 24}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, 4} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, 0.1718935005705546], {1, 5} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], {1, 6} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, 8} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], {1, 9} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 10} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, 11} -> + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, -0.5466416856280665], {1, 12} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, 0.558712091911503], {1, 13} -> + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, -0.5466416856280665], {1, 14} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, 0.558712091911503], {1, 15} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 16} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, 18} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], {1, 19} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], {1, 20} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 21} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, 22} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, 0.1718935005705546], {1, 24} -> + 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, 4} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 6} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 8} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, 0.538814592741355], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.4668453048063547, -0.05078350561368887], {2, 13} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, 0.538814592741355], {2, 14} -> + Complex[0.4668453048063547, -0.05078350561368887], {2, 15} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 16} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 17} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 18} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 20} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 21} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, 22} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, 23} -> + 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 6} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, 10} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, 0.02507865217226392], {3, 12} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, 0.27727012752801655`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, 0.02507865217226392], {3, 14} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, 0.27727012752801655`], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, 16} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 17} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 20} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 21} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, 22} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, 24} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 6} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, 10} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, 0.2714872146303018], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, 0.024942704399016517`], {4, 12} -> + Complex[-0.3305815973120849, -0.06965984205559435], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, 0.024942704399016517`], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.3305815973120849, -0.06965984205559435], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, 0.2714872146303018], {4, 17} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 18} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 19} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 20} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 21} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 22} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, 23} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 24} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 8} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 9} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 10} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 11} -> + Complex[-0.5627685085366139, 0.030340815968254775`], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, 0.48705077535147073`], {5, 13} -> + Complex[-0.5627685085366139, 0.030340815968254775`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, 0.48705077535147073`], {5, 15} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 16} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 17} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 18} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], {5, 20} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 21} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, 22} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 23} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, 24} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 9} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.37825385334451644`, -0.40885350274382926`], {6, 12} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, 0.059159315768373466`], {6, 13} -> + Complex[0.37825385334451644`, -0.40885350274382926`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, 0.059159315768373466`], {6, 15} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 16} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, 17} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 18} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 19} -> + Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 20} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, 21} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 22} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, 23} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {6, 24} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.1951485712949499, 0.0046716318384972255`], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.8170560843015883, -0.3125759972803564], {7, 13} -> + Complex[0.1951485712949499, 0.0046716318384972255`], {7, 14} -> + Complex[-0.8170560843015883, -0.3125759972803564], {7, 15} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 16} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 17} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, 18} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 19} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {7, 20} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {7, 21} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, 22} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {7, 23} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 24} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, 10} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, 0.37292347034559], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, -0.18742531340573343`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, 0.37292347034559], {8, 14} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, -0.18742531340573343`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, 16} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 17} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 18} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 20} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, 21} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {8, 22} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 23} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 24} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, -0.0590141307297216], {9, 12} -> + Complex[0.501373591153116, 0.5153637211309552], {9, 13} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, -0.0590141307297216], {9, 14} -> + Complex[0.501373591153116, 0.5153637211309552], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, -0.30602272798394614`], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 17} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {9, 18} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], {9, 19} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], {9, 20} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {9, 21} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {9, 22} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {9, 23} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {9, 24} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {10, 11} -> + Complex[0.6008640448930245, -0.9992113400081515], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, 0.40242456329116516`], {10, 13} -> + Complex[0.6008640448930245, -0.9992113400081515], {10, 14} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, 0.40242456329116516`], {10, 15} -> + Complex[1.450065179250162, 0.], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, 0.30602272798394614`], {10, 17} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {10, 18} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {10, 19} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {10, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {10, 21} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {10, 22} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {10, 23} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {10, 24} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {11, 12} -> + Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.8357882209095648, 0.5693746569990082], {11, 14} -> + Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {11, 15} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, -0.40242456329116516`], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.501373591153116, -0.5153637211309552], {11, 17} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, 0.18742531340573343`], {11, 18} -> + Complex[-0.8170560843015883, 0.3125759972803564], {11, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, -0.059159315768373466`], {11, 20} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, -0.48705077535147073`], {11, 21} -> + Complex[-0.3305815973120849, 0.06965984205559435], {11, 22} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, -0.27727012752801655`], {11, 23} -> + Complex[0.4668453048063547, 0.05078350561368887], {11, 24} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, -0.558712091911503], {12, 13} -> + Complex[1.277157136194063, 0.], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.8357882209095648, -0.5693746569990082], {12, 15} -> + Complex[0.6008640448930245, 0.9992113400081515], {12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, 0.0590141307297216], {12, 17} -> + Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, -0.37292347034559], {12, 18} -> + Complex[0.1951485712949499, -0.0046716318384972255`], {12, 19} -> + Complex[0.37825385334451644`, 0.40885350274382926`], {12, 20} -> + Complex[-0.5627685085366139, -0.030340815968254775`], {12, 21} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, -0.024942704399016517`], {12, 22} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, -0.02507865217226392], {12, 23} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, -0.538814592741355], {12, 24} -> + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, 0.5466416856280665], {13, 14} -> + Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, -0.40242456329116516`], {13, 16} -> + Complex[0.501373591153116, -0.5153637211309552], {13, 17} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, 0.18742531340573343`], {13, 18} -> + Complex[-0.8170560843015883, 0.3125759972803564], {13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, -0.059159315768373466`], {13, 20} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, -0.48705077535147073`], {13, 21} -> + Complex[-0.3305815973120849, 0.06965984205559435], {13, 22} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, -0.27727012752801655`], {13, 23} -> + Complex[0.4668453048063547, 0.05078350561368887], {13, 24} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, -0.558712091911503], {14, 15} -> + Complex[0.6008640448930245, 0.9992113400081515], {14, 16} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, 0.0590141307297216], {14, 17} -> + Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, -0.37292347034559], {14, 18} -> + Complex[0.1951485712949499, -0.0046716318384972255`], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.37825385334451644`, 0.40885350274382926`], {14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.5627685085366139, -0.030340815968254775`], {14, 21} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, -0.024942704399016517`], {14, 22} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, -0.02507865217226392], {14, 23} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, -0.538814592741355], {14, 24} -> + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, 0.5466416856280665], {15, 16} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {15, 18} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], {15, 19} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], {15, 20} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {15, 21} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {15, 22} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {15, 23} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {15, 24} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {16, 17} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {16, 18} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {16, 19} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {16, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {16, 21} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {16, 22} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {16, 23} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {16, 24} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {17, 20} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {17, 21} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {17, 22} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {17, 23} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {17, 24} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {18, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {18, 21} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {18, 22} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {18, 23} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {18, 24} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {19, 20} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {19, 21} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {19, 22} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {19, 23} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {19, 24} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {20, 21} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {20, 22} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {20, 23} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {20, 24} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {21, 22} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {21, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {21, 24} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {22, 23} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {22, 24} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { + $CellContext`c[1], + $CellContext`c[2], + $CellContext`c[3], + $CellContext`c[4]}], + Editable->False, + SelectWithContents->True, + Selectable->False]}], "}"}]], "Output", + CellLabel->"Out[7]=", + CellID->96783101,ExpressionUUID->"7c489344-0ec2-4098-8335-0f9ab9cce0cf"] +}, Open ]], + +Cell["Extract the history of the output state.", "ExampleText", + CellID->73219656,ExpressionUUID->"73d3c3dc-16c8-4f5a-b0e9-772a6fc0cd12"], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"ww", "=", + RowBox[{"WickHistory", "[", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"wc", ",", "out"}], "}"}], "]"}]}]], "Input", + CellProlog:>Needs["Q3`"], + CellLabel->"In[8]:=", + CellID->1112029889,ExpressionUUID->"a5477e1c-0cfc-4032-8d8c-1c7a83a33fc0"], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["WickState", + "SummaryHead"], "[", + DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = + "Ready"}, + TemplateBox[{ + PaneSelectorBox[{False -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = True), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + 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RasterBox[CompressedData[" +1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBggWIQ26p8d9wspXP2c4wXbTH/ccX+xSLFx4GrXtmPitNH +HACo2sx4 + "], {{0, 0}, {4, 4}}, {0, 1}], AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> + False, AxesStyle -> {}, Frame -> False, + FrameLabel -> {None, None}, FrameStyle -> Directive[ + Opacity[0.5], + Thickness[Tiny], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], + FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, + GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ + GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> {"Version" -> 1.2, + "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, "Effects" -> { + "Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, "HighlightPoint" -> { + "ratio" -> 2}, "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> + True, "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + Scaled[0.025]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Specified elements: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox["0", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Dimensions: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"4", ",", "4"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, + "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, + "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> {ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> + False, PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, + "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, + "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}], + True -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxCloser"]], ButtonFunction :> ( + Typeset`open$$ = False), Appearance -> None, + BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}]], + GraphicsBox[ + RasterBox[CompressedData[" +1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBggWIQ26p8d9wspXP2c4wXbTH/ccX+xSLFx4GrXtmPitNH +HACo2sx4 + "], {{0, 0}, {4, 4}}, {0, 1}], AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> + False, AxesStyle -> {}, Frame -> False, + FrameLabel -> {None, None}, FrameStyle -> Directive[ + Opacity[0.5], + Thickness[Tiny], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], + FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, + GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ + GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> {"Version" -> 1.2, + "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, "Effects" -> { + "Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, "HighlightPoint" -> { + "ratio" -> 2}, "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> + True, "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + Scaled[0.025]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Specified elements: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox["0", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Dimensions: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"4", ",", "4"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + 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DynamicModuleValues :> {}], "]"}], + SparseArray[Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { + 1, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {}}, {}}], Selectable -> False, + Editable -> False, SelectWithContents -> True]}], "}"}], + "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> {ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> + False, PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, + Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, + "SummaryPanel"], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], "]"}], {{ + SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { + 1, {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, + 1}}], SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, {1, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {}}, {}}]}}, + Selectable -> False, Editable -> False, + SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Wick matrix: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["SymmetrizedArray", "SummaryHead"], "[", + + DynamicModuleBox[{ + Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = "Ready"}, + TemplateBox[{ + PaneSelectorBox[{False -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = True), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GraphicsBox[ + RasterBox[CompressedData[" +1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBggWIQW+F9qLZw3VF7BigQ2XLy4WS/y/ZW5bvjZimds59j +vGiL+Y8r9i8WKT4OXPWKauIDZe/ObgPXnVte2N9wX76uZtpb+5MRuf/iv74f +MHsB6BbE9A== + "], {{0, 0}, {4, 4}}, {0, 1}], AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> + False, AxesStyle -> {}, Frame -> False, + FrameLabel -> {None, None}, FrameStyle -> Directive[ + Opacity[0.5], + Thickness[Tiny], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], + FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, + GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ + GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> { + "Version" -> 1.2, "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, + "Effects" -> {"Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, + "HighlightPoint" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, + "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> True, + "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + Scaled[0.025]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Dimensions: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"4", ",", "4"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Symmetry: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"Antisymmetric", "[", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"1", ",", "2"}], "}"}], "]"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> {ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> + False, PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}], True -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxCloser"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = False), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GraphicsBox[ + RasterBox[CompressedData[" +1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBggWIQW+F9qLZw3VF7BigQ2XLy4WS/y/ZW5bvjZimds59j +vGiL+Y8r9i8WKT4OXPWKauIDZe/ObgPXnVte2N9wX76uZtpb+5MRuf/iv74f +MHsB6BbE9A== + "], {{0, 0}, {4, 4}}, {0, 1}], AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> + False, AxesStyle -> {}, Frame -> False, + FrameLabel -> {None, None}, FrameStyle -> Directive[ + Opacity[0.5], + Thickness[Tiny], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], + FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, + GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ + GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> { + "Version" -> 1.2, "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, + "Effects" -> {"Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, + "HighlightPoint" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, + "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> True, + "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + Scaled[0.025]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Dimensions: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"4", ",", "4"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Symmetry: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"Antisymmetric", "[", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"1", ",", "2"}], "}"}], "]"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Symmetry order: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox["2", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Specified independent elements: \"", + "SummaryItemAnnotation"], "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox["2", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + TagBox[ + TagBox[ + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"1", ",", "4"}], "}"}], "\[Rule]", + StyleBox[ + PaneBox[ + "1", ContentPadding -> False, FrameMargins -> 0, + StripOnInput -> True, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, + ImageSize -> {{1, 300}, Automatic}], LineBreakWithin -> + False]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"2", ",", "3"}], "}"}], "\[Rule]", + StyleBox[ + PaneBox[ + "1", ContentPadding -> False, FrameMargins -> 0, + StripOnInput -> True, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, + ImageSize -> {{1, 300}, Automatic}], LineBreakWithin -> + False]}]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, + DefaultBaseStyle -> "Column", + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], + "Column"], "SummaryItem"]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> {ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> + False, PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, + Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, + "SummaryPanel"], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], "]"}], + SymmetrizedArray[ + + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{4, + 4}, {{{1, 4} -> 1, {2, 3} -> 1}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> + False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> { + ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, + PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, + Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, + "SummaryPanel"], + DynamicModuleValues:>{}], "]"}], + Q3`WickState[{ + $CellContext`c[1, 3, 0], + $CellContext`c[1, 1, 0], + $CellContext`c[1, 1, 1], + $CellContext`c[1, 3, 1]}, {{ + SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { + 1, {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, 1}}], + SparseArray[Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, {1, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {}}, {}}]}}, + SymmetrizedArray[ + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{4, 4}, {{{1, 4} -> 1, {2, 3} -> 1}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { + $CellContext`c[1], + $CellContext`c[2], + $CellContext`c[3], + $CellContext`c[4]}], + Editable->False, + SelectWithContents->True, + Selectable->False], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["WickState", + "SummaryHead"], "[", + DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = + "Ready"}, + TemplateBox[{ + PaneSelectorBox[{False -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = True), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{ + Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Bare modes: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "1"}, "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[1]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "2"}, "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[2]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "3"}, "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[3]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "4"}, "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[4]]}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Initial occupation: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"1", ",", "0", ",", "1", ",", "0"}], "}"}], + "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> { + ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, + PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}], True -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxCloser"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = False), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{ + Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Bare modes: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + 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+ InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "1", "1", "0"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[1, 1, 0]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "1", "1", "1"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[1, 1, 1]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "1", "3", "1"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[1, 3, 1]]}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Transformations: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["NambuMatrices", "SummaryHead"], "[", + + DynamicModuleBox[{ + Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = "Ready"}, + TemplateBox[{ + PaneSelectorBox[{False -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = True), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Number of Transformations: \"", + "SummaryItemAnnotation"], "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox["2", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Dimensions of each: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"4", ",", "4"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> {ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> + False, PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}], True -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxCloser"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = False), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Number of Transformations: \"", + "SummaryItemAnnotation"], "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox["2", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Dimensions of each: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"4", ",", "4"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Transformations: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + 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{{None, None}, {None, None}}, + GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ + GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> {"Version" -> 1.2, + "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, "Effects" -> { + "Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, "HighlightPoint" -> { + "ratio" -> 2}, "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> + True, "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + Scaled[0.025]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Specified elements: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox["4", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + 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AxesStyle -> {}, Frame -> False, + FrameLabel -> {None, None}, FrameStyle -> Directive[ + Opacity[0.5], + Thickness[Tiny], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], + FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, + GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ + GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> {"Version" -> 1.2, + "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, "Effects" -> { + "Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, "HighlightPoint" -> { + "ratio" -> 2}, "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> + True, "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + 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+ SparseArray[Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { + 1, {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, + 1}}], Selectable -> False, Editable -> False, + SelectWithContents -> True], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["SparseArray", "SummaryHead"], "[", + + DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`open$$ = False, + Typeset`embedState$$ = "Ready"}, + TemplateBox[{ + PaneSelectorBox[{False -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]], ButtonFunction :> ( + Typeset`open$$ = True), Appearance -> None, + BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}]], + GraphicsBox[ + RasterBox[CompressedData[" +1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBggWIQ26p8d9wspXP2c4wXbTH/ccX+xSLFx4GrXtmPitNH +HACo2sx4 + "], {{0, 0}, {4, 4}}, {0, 1}], AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> + False, AxesStyle -> {}, Frame -> False, + 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0.06560099110121112], {2, 13} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, + 14} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, + 15} -> 1, {3, 4} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 6} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 10} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 12} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, + 14} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, + 16} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 6} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 8} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 12} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, + 15} -> Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, + 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, + 6} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 8} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], \ +{5, 9} -> Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 10} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 11} -> Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, + 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 6, 16} -> Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, + 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, + 10} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 7, 12} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {7, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, + 14} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{7, 15} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 10} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, + 11} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, + 13} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {8, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, + 10} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 9, 12} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {9, + 14} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{9, 15} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {10, + 11} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {10, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {10, + 13} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {10, + 15} -> Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], { + 10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {11, + 12} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], { + 11, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {11, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {12, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], { + 12, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], { + 13, 14} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {13, + 16} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {14, + 16} -> 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4, 0], + $CellContext`c[3, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 1], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 0], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 1], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 0], + $CellContext`c[3, 4, 0], + $CellContext`c[3, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[2, 4, 0], + $CellContext`c[2, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[1, 1, 1], + $CellContext`c[1, 3, 1]}, {{ + SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { + 1, {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, 1}}], + SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, {1, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {}}, {}}]}, {{{ + Complex[0.0761220398541318, 0.17722428227256642`], + Complex[-0.1692227455159742, -0.00955861903291853], + Complex[0.1326379586373576, -0.282562140817938], + Complex[0.04990602355482773, -0.21189826314913265`]}, { + Complex[0.6527351788328424, 0.04094314533779381], + Complex[0.08128702857826951, -0.2261002627166157], + Complex[-0.13115610590791468`, -0.27523989393959086`], + Complex[0.002317525830475121, 0.18389303114510325`]}, { + Complex[0.12603831429763016`, 0.14410282282306391`], + 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-> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {10, 11} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {10, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {10, 13} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {10, 15} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {11, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {12, 14} -> + 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False]}]}, { + ItemBox[ + "\"\[VerticalEllipsis]\"", Alignment -> Center, + StripOnInput -> False]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, + DefaultBaseStyle -> "Column", + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], + "Column"], "SummaryItem"]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> {ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> + False, PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, + Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, + "SummaryPanel"], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], "]"}], + SymmetrizedArray[ + + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{16, + 16}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, + 4} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, + 0.1718935005705546], {1, 5} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], { + 1, 6} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, + 8} -> Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], { + 1, 9} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, + 10} -> Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], { + 1, 11} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], { + 1, 12} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 13} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, + 14} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, + 0.1718935005705546], {1, 16} -> 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, + 4} -> Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, \ +-0.07746786401493004], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, + 6} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 8} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, + 9} -> Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], { + 2, 10} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, + 0.004720384308614219], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 13} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, + 14} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, + 15} -> 1, {3, 4} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 6} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 10} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 12} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, + 14} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, + 16} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 6} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 8} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 12} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, + 15} -> Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, + 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, + 6} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 8} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], \ +{5, 9} -> Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 10} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 11} -> Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, + 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 6, 16} -> Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, + 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, + 10} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 7, 12} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {7, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, + 14} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{7, 15} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 10} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, + 11} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, + 13} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {8, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, + 10} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 9, 12} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {9, + 14} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{9, 15} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {10, + 11} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {10, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {10, + 13} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {10, + 15} -> Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], { + 10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {11, + 12} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], { + 11, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {11, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {12, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], { + 12, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], { + 13, 14} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {13, + 16} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {14, + 16} -> Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, + 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> + False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> { + ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, + PrintPrecision -> 3, 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0.17722428227256642`], + Complex[-0.1692227455159742, -0.00955861903291853], + Complex[0.1326379586373576, -0.282562140817938], + Complex[0.04990602355482773, -0.21189826314913265`]}, { + Complex[0.6527351788328424, 0.04094314533779381], + Complex[0.08128702857826951, -0.2261002627166157], + Complex[-0.13115610590791468`, -0.27523989393959086`], + Complex[0.002317525830475121, 0.18389303114510325`]}, { + Complex[0.12603831429763016`, 0.14410282282306391`], + Complex[-0.07245858672315154, 0.5993245691219025], + Complex[-0.3403471149025635, -0.2093845956169039], + Complex[-0.16043205588428594`, -0.3930611177747346]}, { + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], + Complex[0.3635152174042921, 0.12359172590337993`], + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], + Complex[0.5958913804471243, 0.30763435372569503`]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.10502227224558744`, 0.2578759385170891], + Complex[-0.3063688918768534, 0.1009809869273654], + Complex[0.2893141125637698, -0.44818540169804233`], + Complex[-0.5483419643703493, 0.14967682699122478`]}, { + Complex[-0.03450612081886077, 0.3919310689793163], + Complex[0.08554754810610539, 0.04325145918009163], + Complex[-0.10455839463447798`, 0.009899238314418652], + Complex[0.08611100223009287, -0.45311734656660346`]}, { + Complex[-0.0987343111959876, -0.270557722292807], + Complex[-0.012263292482132437`, -0.09544662746898838], + Complex[-0.0901658618100252, 0.20039475163084947`], + Complex[-0.17283351262032212`, -0.2976998907213325]}, { + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], + Complex[0.10846204399926629`, -0.024973249362109748`], + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], + Complex[-0.31403073369684686`, 0.023417426858537326`]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], + Complex[0.18935398968736805`, 0.025013607072666474`], + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], + Complex[0.28847128290249835`, -0.28252735770170245`]}, { + Complex[0.28591721995381936`, -0.09603964219780639], + Complex[0.07832741772737573, -0.21514076673001903`], + Complex[-0.128693165483946, 0.2491557478547205], + Complex[-0.01649283025664592, 0.024335224970437122`]}, { + Complex[-0.1160944432996616, 0.4347817466661372], + Complex[0.2184944053317642, -0.27445139897503085`], + Complex[0.48571001627488936`, 0.10438548560217037`], + Complex[-0.016867340251465295`, 0.03775930590016413]}, { + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], + Complex[0.3987042489501962, 0.10105884812398021`], + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], + Complex[0.49711368462748484`, 0.5561533916505781]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], + Complex[-0.5865880056222303, -0.21261173908509431`], + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], + Complex[-0.3979058538654757, 0.5578200392904937]}, { + Complex[0.03741911372848694, 0.3555770288492666], + Complex[-0.21911994873246649`, -0.08388101566785068], + Complex[0.2548268683415332, -0.26480673025090673`], + Complex[-0.6756231866977415, -0.2947005999126772]}, { + Complex[-0.3805816851208877, 0.20488005672499107`], + Complex[-0.06142241558335136, 0.00011278328113941555`], + Complex[0.34021125618690234`, -0.10819016114699895`], + Complex[0.0066668992201413535`, 0.05726654679628254]}, { + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], + Complex[0.01952114260176356, 0.3605368995212979], + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], + Complex[-0.15378550597192583`, -0.3594595686039512]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.006653088178586161, 0.26159886819878075`], + Complex[0.07829011874648033, -0.09976800016915115], + Complex[0.14084935509162594`, -0.5137326343255457], + Complex[0.5957974987727246, -0.48437053017933446`]}, { + Complex[0.33101229374142566`, 0.015685723385118415`], + Complex[-0.28228197880967437`, -0.24173497254498455`], + Complex[0.1476979061073465, 0.013645714014521096`], + Complex[0.4268265340673635, -0.10852684512918939`]}, { + Complex[0.19461110112545638`, 0.11250563257654121`], + Complex[0.00844101099932991, 0.16950492171792914`], + Complex[-0.3893816589211979, -0.26163886979603224`], + Complex[0.2854211803032094, -0.08586880087868948]}, { + Complex[0.5552239822156273, 0.16867993817083266`], + Complex[0.33198296516513626`, 0.27430194690092924`], + Complex[-0.04969360699826658, -0.20672709347387602`], + Complex[0.0762087950770102, 0.6711833918900478]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.46078642327598535`, 0.06898400197517976], + Complex[0.022122601996924035`, 0.0173962772931867], + Complex[-0.05111494146710249, -0.34528637664081396`], + Complex[-0.3912036015107412, 0.4751437468311146]}, { + Complex[0.13679993225230905`, 0.12278434050612444`], + Complex[-0.5054824520115726, -0.21778080264274535`], + Complex[0.008930163390685322, -0.1409798279324695], + Complex[-0.6515860410601066, 0.26931759248683407`]}, { + Complex[-0.012831807741723548`, -0.11194420231714547`], + Complex[0.0027807685394340698`, -0.43032921297367144`], + Complex[-0.11641562336139481`, 0.2922379133930507], + Complex[-0.20841419313436851`, -0.42928208886933705`]}, { + Complex[-0.1763234533141227, 0.32178967564744465`], + Complex[-0.28965601060391877`, 0.06038538104855726], + Complex[-0.1319375502410514, -0.3800126267810613], + Complex[-0.3350726554673833, -0.45026218213433356`]}}}}, + SymmetrizedArray[ + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{16, + 16}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, 4} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, 0.1718935005705546], {1, 5} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], {1, 6} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, 8} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], {1, 9} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, 10} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], {1, 11} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], {1, 12} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 13} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, 14} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, 0.1718935005705546], {1, 16} -> + 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, 4} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 6} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 8} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, 9} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 10} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 13} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, 14} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, 15} -> + 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 6} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 10} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 12} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, 14} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, 16} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 6} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 10} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 12} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 8} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 9} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 10} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 11} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, 13} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {6, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], 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+ Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {9, 12} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {9, 14} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {10, 11} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {10, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {10, 13} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {10, 15} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {11, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {12, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {13, 16} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { + $CellContext`c[1], + $CellContext`c[2], + $CellContext`c[3], + $CellContext`c[4]}], + Editable->False, + SelectWithContents->True, + 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{3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 6} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 10} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 12} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, + 14} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, + 16} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 6} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 8} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 12} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, + 15} -> Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, + 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, + 6} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 8} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], \ +{5, 9} -> Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 10} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 11} -> Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, + 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 6, 16} -> Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, + 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, + 10} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 7, 12} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {7, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, + 14} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{7, 15} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 10} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, + 11} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, + 13} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {8, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, + 10} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 9, 12} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {9, + 14} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{9, 15} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {10, + 11} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {10, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {10, + 13} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {10, + 15} -> Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], { + 10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {11, + 12} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], { + 11, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {11, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {12, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], { + 12, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], { + 13, 14} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {13, + 16} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {14, + 16} -> Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, + 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> + False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, 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0.1600109431330354], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {11, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {12, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {13, 16} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`]}, + 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1}], AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> + False, AxesStyle -> {}, Frame -> False, + FrameLabel -> {None, None}, FrameStyle -> Directive[ + Opacity[0.5], + Thickness[Tiny], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], + FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, + GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ + GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> {"Version" -> 1.2, + "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, "Effects" -> { + "Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, "HighlightPoint" -> { + "ratio" -> 2}, "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> + True, "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> 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16}}, {0, 1}], AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> + False, AxesStyle -> {}, Frame -> False, + FrameLabel -> {None, None}, FrameStyle -> Directive[ + Opacity[0.5], + Thickness[Tiny], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], + FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, + GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ + GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> { + "Version" -> 1.2, "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, + "Effects" -> {"Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, + "HighlightPoint" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, + "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> True, + "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, 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-0.11365212494890278`], { + 11, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {11, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {12, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], { + 12, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], { + 13, 14} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {13, + 16} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {14, + 16} -> Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, + 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> + False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> 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4, 0], + $CellContext`c[2, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[1, 1, 1], + $CellContext`c[1, 3, 1]}, {{ + SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { + 1, {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, 1}}], + SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, {1, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {}}, {}}]}, {{{ + Complex[0.0761220398541318, 0.17722428227256642`], + Complex[-0.1692227455159742, -0.00955861903291853], + Complex[0.1326379586373576, -0.282562140817938], + Complex[0.04990602355482773, -0.21189826314913265`]}, { + Complex[0.6527351788328424, 0.04094314533779381], + Complex[0.08128702857826951, -0.2261002627166157], + Complex[-0.13115610590791468`, -0.27523989393959086`], + Complex[0.002317525830475121, 0.18389303114510325`]}, { + Complex[0.12603831429763016`, 0.14410282282306391`], + Complex[-0.07245858672315154, 0.5993245691219025], + Complex[-0.3403471149025635, -0.2093845956169039], + Complex[-0.16043205588428594`, -0.3930611177747346]}, { + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], + 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Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, 16} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 6} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 10} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 12} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 8} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 9} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 10} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 11} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, 13} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {6, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, 10} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {7, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, 14} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {7, 15} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 10} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {8, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {9, 12} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {9, 14} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {10, 11} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {10, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {10, 13} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {10, 15} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {11, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {12, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {13, 16} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { + $CellContext`c[1], + $CellContext`c[2], + $CellContext`c[3], + $CellContext`c[4]}], + Editable->False, + SelectWithContents->True, + Selectable->False], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["WickState", + "SummaryHead"], "[", + DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = + "Ready"}, + TemplateBox[{ + PaneSelectorBox[{False -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = True), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{ + Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Bare modes: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + 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{None, None}, FrameStyle -> Directive[ + Opacity[0.5], + Thickness[Tiny], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], + FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, + GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ + GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> { + "Version" -> 1.2, "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, + "Effects" -> {"Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, + "HighlightPoint" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, + "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> True, + "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + Scaled[0.025]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + 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FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxCloser"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = False), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GraphicsBox[ + RasterBox[CompressedData[" +1:eJztWnsw1HsbF6UUnQrd6LIqueRITnRRn0i8cskl5VKki8olukmlnE5EN4VK +bnVUjqKLtLooISSF3d8ucotddllr7XqTruL1zpx/v/POb+a8c+acOWbMmJ3P +zD7P9/M8n+fzfL8Ym4OctynIycmp/f7737/FM7+Xtdi/wbDqj1vWh12AaW94 +l9e1eiw58NQrSasKKcbXmKafqyG6xmhzyhTjww6f2LjvVSgdMLh2Yngd1PJz +i4/Zd8Gz1HT2xykc3PxaN2vlfCGW2TSWMGfJENHaE6NVz8b83+6L9gZVYJ9G +rJlBfgd4HIWiR4VVSDD/WJ6p/xYTTOIy5s7sQsShFSZxZiww5DMPpPI5EEmd +Xa+86MSFB/c14o+wcJ5R0ppZUY/pOlYR7be7sCnzcpreKQou9hucmueXIdx+ +W9LSpHYEqN+bwD7AhZ3W2nozrfsIlVXqvd/VRhtPNx66+dI9TxIvdD8n8e6z +Z/0vQdPY6P/4VM0sqAlGtbUWXxZLkBL6KFhSxsZIzvJqnQQehkstFCcu6sbR 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"AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> { + "Version" -> 1.2, "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, + "Effects" -> {"Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, + "HighlightPoint" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, + "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> True, + "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + Scaled[0.025]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Dimensions: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"20", ",", "20"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Symmetry: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"Antisymmetric", "[", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"1", ",", "2"}], "}"}], "]"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + 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Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, + 20} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 6} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 8} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, + 10} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, + 0.2714872146303018], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, + 12} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, + 0.2714872146303018], {4, 13} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 16} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 17} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 18} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, + 19} -> Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, + 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 20} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, + 6} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 8} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], \ +{5, 9} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 10} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, + 11} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], \ +{5, 12} -> Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 13} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 14} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, \ +-0.05348186753768233], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], { + 5, 16} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 17} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 9} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 12} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, + 13} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 15} -> Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 16} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 18} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, + 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 6, 20} -> Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, + 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 13} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, + 14} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 15} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 7, 16} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {7, 17} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, + 18} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{7, 19} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 20} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 14} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, + 15} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 16} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, + 17} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {8, 18} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 19} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 20} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, + 10} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, -0.30602272798394614`], {9, + 12} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {9, + 14} -> Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], { + 9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], { + 9, 16} -> Complex[ + 0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {9, 17} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {9, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {9, 19} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {9, 20} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {10, + 11} -> Complex[1.450065179250162, 0.], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, 0.30602272798394614`], {10, + 13} -> Complex[-0.5457126961790097, \ +-0.05668631714849469], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {10, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {10, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {10, 18} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {10, + 19} -> Complex[-0.4011625553983744, \ +-0.29553698205924495`], {10, 20} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {11, + 12} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {11, + 14} -> Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], { + 11, 15} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], { + 11, 16} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {11, + 17} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, \ +-0.2714872146303018], {11, 18} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {11, + 19} -> Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], { + 11, 20} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {12, + 13} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {12, + 14} -> Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], { + 12, 15} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {12, + 16} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], { + 12, 17} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {12, + 18} -> Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], { + 12, 19} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {12, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 13, 16} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {13, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {13, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {13, + 19} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, \ +-0.004720384308614219], {13, 20} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {14, + 15} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {14, + 17} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {14, 18} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {14, + 19} -> Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], { + 14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {15, + 16} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], { + 15, 18} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {15, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {15, 20} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {16, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], { + 16, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 16, 20} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], { + 17, 18} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {17, + 20} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {18, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {18, + 20} -> Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, + 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> + False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> { + ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, + PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, + Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, + "SummaryPanel"], + DynamicModuleValues:>{}], "]"}], + Q3`WickState[{ + $CellContext`c[1, 3, 0], + $CellContext`c[1, 1, 0], + $CellContext`c[2, 4, 0], + $CellContext`c[2, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[3, 4, 0], + $CellContext`c[3, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 1], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 0], + $CellContext`c[4, 4, 0], + $CellContext`c[4, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[4, 4, 0], + $CellContext`c[4, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 1], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 0], + $CellContext`c[3, 4, 0], + $CellContext`c[3, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[2, 4, 0], + $CellContext`c[2, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[1, 1, 1], + $CellContext`c[1, 3, 1]}, {{ + SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { + 1, {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, 1}}], + SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, {1, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {}}, {}}]}, {{{ + Complex[0.0761220398541318, 0.17722428227256642`], + Complex[-0.1692227455159742, -0.00955861903291853], + Complex[0.1326379586373576, -0.282562140817938], + Complex[0.04990602355482773, -0.21189826314913265`]}, { + Complex[0.6527351788328424, 0.04094314533779381], + Complex[0.08128702857826951, -0.2261002627166157], + Complex[-0.13115610590791468`, -0.27523989393959086`], + Complex[0.002317525830475121, 0.18389303114510325`]}, { + Complex[0.12603831429763016`, 0.14410282282306391`], + Complex[-0.07245858672315154, 0.5993245691219025], + Complex[-0.3403471149025635, -0.2093845956169039], + Complex[-0.16043205588428594`, -0.3930611177747346]}, { + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], + Complex[0.3635152174042921, 0.12359172590337993`], + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], + Complex[0.5958913804471243, 0.30763435372569503`]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.10502227224558744`, 0.2578759385170891], + Complex[-0.3063688918768534, 0.1009809869273654], + Complex[0.2893141125637698, -0.44818540169804233`], + Complex[-0.5483419643703493, 0.14967682699122478`]}, { + Complex[-0.03450612081886077, 0.3919310689793163], + Complex[0.08554754810610539, 0.04325145918009163], + Complex[-0.10455839463447798`, 0.009899238314418652], + Complex[0.08611100223009287, -0.45311734656660346`]}, { + Complex[-0.0987343111959876, -0.270557722292807], + 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0.10438548560217037`], + Complex[-0.016867340251465295`, 0.03775930590016413]}, { + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], + Complex[0.3987042489501962, 0.10105884812398021`], + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], + Complex[0.49711368462748484`, 0.5561533916505781]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], + Complex[-0.5865880056222303, -0.21261173908509431`], + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], + Complex[-0.3979058538654757, 0.5578200392904937]}, { + Complex[0.03741911372848694, 0.3555770288492666], + Complex[-0.21911994873246649`, -0.08388101566785068], + Complex[0.2548268683415332, -0.26480673025090673`], + Complex[-0.6756231866977415, -0.2947005999126772]}, { + Complex[-0.3805816851208877, 0.20488005672499107`], + Complex[-0.06142241558335136, 0.00011278328113941555`], + Complex[0.34021125618690234`, -0.10819016114699895`], + Complex[0.0066668992201413535`, 0.05726654679628254]}, { + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], + Complex[0.01952114260176356, 0.3605368995212979], + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], + Complex[-0.15378550597192583`, -0.3594595686039512]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.24731369058188873`, -0.005978003694364159], + Complex[0.689381841095902, 0.01610359406221444], + Complex[-0.3447916089371626, -0.2945628361277986], + Complex[0.8564259611232028, -0.10540053453013315`]}, { + Complex[-0.10101307491053665`, -0.010816931796013562`], + Complex[-0.13000234714325792`, 0.10650750561261996`], + Complex[0.18201510709668425`, -0.12756970869296128`], + Complex[0.582907926479713, -0.49332601643227303`]}, { + Complex[-0.2088605762760204, 0.12221088314809211`], + Complex[0.2424448960763253, -0.28717838213799235`], + Complex[0.3941662220696188, 0.22013024149882754`], + Complex[0.33255320825081014`, 0.28001609620970047`]}, { + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], + Complex[0.14604698073715178`, 0.023760642933120718`], + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], + Complex[0.1025861810966763, 0.3280835823005945]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.34961511524482436`, 0.06695082289629037], + Complex[-0.22721677701872972`, 0.10788176207153556`], + Complex[-0.15575860000961195`, 0.19995729240511323`], + Complex[-0.411694553787175, 0.3669635339695745]}, { + Complex[-0.26998689654824515`, -0.23606009686450402`], + Complex[-0.3785015208484167, -0.009131443548956203], + Complex[0.049435984155214815`, -0.22057746182687452`], + Complex[-0.7825103107832154, 0.660409806791661]}, { + Complex[-0.2339886958885329, -0.020514303546813148`], + Complex[0.08655083276919757, -0.07324537282570874], + Complex[0.27455376921119967`, -0.2228961867999453], + Complex[-0.5527246983393382, -0.12115050891727087`]}, { + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], + Complex[-0.5707749960844526, -0.011992276960298504`], + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], + Complex[-0.5036258677611142, -0.4186799288369736]}}}}, + SymmetrizedArray[ + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{20, + 20}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, 4} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, 0.1718935005705546], {1, 5} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], {1, 6} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, 8} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], {1, 9} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 10} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, 11} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 12} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, 13} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, 14} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], {1, 15} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], {1, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, 18} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, 0.1718935005705546], {1, 20} -> + 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, 4} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 6} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 8} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 13} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 14} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 16} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 17} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, 18} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, 19} -> + 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 6} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, 10} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, 12} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 13} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 14} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 16} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 17} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, 18} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, 20} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 6} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, 10} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, 0.2714872146303018], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, 12} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, 0.2714872146303018], {4, 13} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 14} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 17} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 18} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 20} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 8} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 9} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 10} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 11} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 13} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], {5, 16} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 17} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, 18} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, 20} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 9} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 12} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, 13} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 15} -> + Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 16} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, 17} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 18} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {6, 20} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 13} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, 14} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 15} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {7, 16} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {7, 17} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {7, 19} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 20} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, 10} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 14} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 16} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, 17} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {8, 18} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 19} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 20} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, -0.30602272798394614`], {9, 12} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {9, 14} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {9, 17} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {9, 18} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {9, 19} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {9, 20} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {10, 11} -> + Complex[1.450065179250162, 0.], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, 0.30602272798394614`], {10, 13} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {10, 15} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {10, 17} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {10, 18} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {10, 19} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {10, 20} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {11, 14} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], {11, 15} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {11, 17} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {11, 18} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {11, 19} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {11, 20} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {12, 13} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {12, 14} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {12, 15} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {12, 17} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {12, 18} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {12, 19} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {12, 20} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {13, 16} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {13, 17} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {13, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {13, 20} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {14, 17} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {14, 18} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {15, 16} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {15, 18} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {15, 19} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {15, 20} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {16, 17} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {16, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {16, 20} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {17, 20} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {18, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { + 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"\",\"", "4", "4", "1"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[4, 4, 1]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "4", "4", "0"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[4, 4, 0]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "4", "4", "1"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[4, 4, 1]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "3", "1", "1"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 1]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "3", "1", "0"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 0]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "3", "4", "0"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[3, 4, 0]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "3", "4", "1"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[3, 4, 1]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", 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{{Automatic}}}, BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, + Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, + "SummaryPanel"], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], "]"}], + SparseArray[Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { + 1, {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, + 1}}], Selectable -> False, Editable -> False, + SelectWithContents -> True], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["SparseArray", "SummaryHead"], "[", + + DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`open$$ = False, + Typeset`embedState$$ = "Ready"}, + TemplateBox[{ + PaneSelectorBox[{False -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]], ButtonFunction :> ( + Typeset`open$$ = True), Appearance -> None, + BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}]], + GraphicsBox[ + RasterBox[CompressedData[" 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+ RasterBox[CompressedData[" +1:eJztWnsw1HsbF6UUnQrd6LIqueRITnRRn0i8cskl5VKki8olukmlnE5EN4VK +bnVUjqKLtLooISSF3d8ucotddllr7XqTruL1zpx/v/POb+a8c+acOWbMmJ3P +zD7P9/M8n+fzfL8Ym4OctynIycmp/f7737/FM7+Xtdi/wbDqj1vWh12AaW94 +l9e1eiw58NQrSasKKcbXmKafqyG6xmhzyhTjww6f2LjvVSgdMLh2Yngd1PJz +i4/Zd8Gz1HT2xykc3PxaN2vlfCGW2TSWMGfJENHaE6NVz8b83+6L9gZVYJ9G +rJlBfgd4HIWiR4VVSDD/WJ6p/xYTTOIy5s7sQsShFSZxZiww5DMPpPI5EEmd +Xa+86MSFB/c14o+wcJ5R0ppZUY/pOlYR7be7sCnzcpreKQou9hucmueXIdx+ +W9LSpHYEqN+bwD7AhZ3W2nozrfsIlVXqvd/VRhtPNx66+dI9TxIvdD8n8e6z +Z/0vQdPY6P/4VM0sqAlGtbUWXxZLkBL6KFhSxsZIzvJqnQQehkstFCcu6sbR +pk9vmN8pML3uO6eVFOPKmnqGe5MQOV/Os1WusTGHw4pdOI6HmRueGd4YlEDu +al1/oRsFxWNXmi2TW2Gnw0v58IMUn5OUj3docLA1ZlN8SssLRPzSpfg4U4if +tGeMWnKUwm/MKdl6rzIw1uZgce4gD/KzGmzzZBQ+3h0RuSpXgL5v5b7feqS0 +8XTjoZsv3fOkyyOpfkjf26+dWb55Lxta8m1hFzRu4Py2tUu35rWAWtKgvHsM +GwuUO3d8lzYi7Fy269wZEoznuUuSP7GRvVrZPKM7Ha8/Ga/UDuRB22u59LgG +C4M/5UQsCapDpDFjE2dLF6h5WcGROW+ht0Nl+rnsdsSFf6EMbGTQErnxlo+m 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Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + Scaled[0.025]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Dimensions: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"20", ",", "20"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Symmetry: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"Antisymmetric", "[", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"1", ",", "2"}], "}"}], "]"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> {ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> + False, PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}], True -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxCloser"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = False), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GraphicsBox[ + RasterBox[CompressedData[" +1:eJztWnsw1HsbF6UUnQrd6LIqueRITnRRn0i8cskl5VKki8olukmlnE5EN4VK +bnVUjqKLtLooISSF3d8ucotddllr7XqTruL1zpx/v/POb+a8c+acOWbMmJ3P +zD7P9/M8n+fzfL8Ym4OctynIycmp/f7737/FM7+Xtdi/wbDqj1vWh12AaW94 +l9e1eiw58NQrSasKKcbXmKafqyG6xmhzyhTjww6f2LjvVSgdMLh2Yngd1PJz +i4/Zd8Gz1HT2xykc3PxaN2vlfCGW2TSWMGfJENHaE6NVz8b83+6L9gZVYJ9G +rJlBfgd4HIWiR4VVSDD/WJ6p/xYTTOIy5s7sQsShFSZxZiww5DMPpPI5EEmd 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Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 16} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 17} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, + 18} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, + 20} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 6} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 8} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, + 10} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, + 0.2714872146303018], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, + 12} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, + 0.2714872146303018], {4, 13} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 16} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 17} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 18} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, + 19} -> Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, + 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 20} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, + 6} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 8} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], \ +{5, 9} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 10} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, + 11} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], \ +{5, 12} -> Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 13} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 14} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, \ +-0.05348186753768233], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], { + 5, 16} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 17} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 9} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 12} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, + 13} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 15} -> Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 16} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 18} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, + 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 6, 20} -> Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, + 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 13} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, + 14} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 15} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 7, 16} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {7, 17} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, + 18} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{7, 19} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 20} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 14} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, + 15} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 16} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, + 17} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {8, 18} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 19} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 20} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, + 10} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, -0.30602272798394614`], {9, + 12} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {9, + 14} -> Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], { + 9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], { + 9, 16} -> Complex[ + 0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {9, 17} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {9, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {9, 19} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {9, 20} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {10, + 11} -> Complex[1.450065179250162, 0.], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, 0.30602272798394614`], {10, + 13} -> Complex[-0.5457126961790097, \ +-0.05668631714849469], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {10, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {10, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {10, 18} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {10, + 19} -> Complex[-0.4011625553983744, \ +-0.29553698205924495`], {10, 20} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {11, + 12} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {11, + 14} -> Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], { + 11, 15} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], { + 11, 16} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {11, + 17} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, \ +-0.2714872146303018], {11, 18} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {11, + 19} -> Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], { + 11, 20} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {12, + 13} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {12, + 14} -> Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], { + 12, 15} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {12, + 16} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], { + 12, 17} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {12, + 18} -> Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], { + 12, 19} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {12, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 13, 16} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {13, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {13, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {13, + 19} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, \ +-0.004720384308614219], {13, 20} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {14, + 15} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {14, + 17} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {14, 18} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {14, + 19} -> Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], { + 14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {15, + 16} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], { + 15, 18} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {15, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {15, 20} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {16, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], { + 16, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 16, 20} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], { + 17, 18} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {17, + 20} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {18, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {18, + 20} -> Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, + 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> + False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> { + ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, + PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, + Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, + "SummaryPanel"], + 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0.00011278328113941555`], + Complex[0.34021125618690234`, -0.10819016114699895`], + Complex[0.0066668992201413535`, 0.05726654679628254]}, { + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], + Complex[0.01952114260176356, 0.3605368995212979], + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], + Complex[-0.15378550597192583`, -0.3594595686039512]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.24731369058188873`, -0.005978003694364159], + Complex[0.689381841095902, 0.01610359406221444], + Complex[-0.3447916089371626, -0.2945628361277986], + Complex[0.8564259611232028, -0.10540053453013315`]}, { + Complex[-0.10101307491053665`, -0.010816931796013562`], + Complex[-0.13000234714325792`, 0.10650750561261996`], + Complex[0.18201510709668425`, -0.12756970869296128`], + Complex[0.582907926479713, -0.49332601643227303`]}, { + Complex[-0.2088605762760204, 0.12221088314809211`], + Complex[0.2424448960763253, -0.28717838213799235`], + Complex[0.3941662220696188, 0.22013024149882754`], + Complex[0.33255320825081014`, 0.28001609620970047`]}, { + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], + Complex[0.14604698073715178`, 0.023760642933120718`], + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], + Complex[0.1025861810966763, 0.3280835823005945]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.34961511524482436`, 0.06695082289629037], + Complex[-0.22721677701872972`, 0.10788176207153556`], + Complex[-0.15575860000961195`, 0.19995729240511323`], + Complex[-0.411694553787175, 0.3669635339695745]}, { + Complex[-0.26998689654824515`, -0.23606009686450402`], + Complex[-0.3785015208484167, -0.009131443548956203], + Complex[0.049435984155214815`, -0.22057746182687452`], + Complex[-0.7825103107832154, 0.660409806791661]}, { + Complex[-0.2339886958885329, -0.020514303546813148`], + Complex[0.08655083276919757, -0.07324537282570874], + Complex[0.27455376921119967`, -0.2228961867999453], + Complex[-0.5527246983393382, -0.12115050891727087`]}, { + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], + Complex[-0.5707749960844526, -0.011992276960298504`], + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], + Complex[-0.5036258677611142, -0.4186799288369736]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.4668453048063547, 0.05078350561368887], + Complex[0.5717504665456015, -0.22762797272994578`], + Complex[0.026618360435332, -0.558712091911503], + Complex[0.7305599283651154, 0.1929720694262925]}, { + Complex[0.007671777451409206, 0.19920903057736317`], + Complex[0.3118232639200961, 0.22657364921984724`], + Complex[0.1058448244038167, -0.5506657208575015], + Complex[0.7951255332506837, -0.3071818521229562]}, { + Complex[0.2352742944949184, -0.055182283636658364`], + Complex[-0.04808589278794599, 0.28822798844444075`], + Complex[-0.055863296690927794`, -0.32518014728329414`], + Complex[0.5596722301816094, 0.42362016413525366`]}, { + Complex[0.45531609033571524`, 0.6151125413684325], + Complex[0.013494032019214175`, 0.1112635929458276], + Complex[0.0675790805527822, -0.22476640371431453`], + Complex[0.48722223408824805`, 0.07097301086506483]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, 0.538814592741355], + Complex[0.09196642145704029, 0.26756603587814437`], + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, -0.5466416856280665], + Complex[-0.5609971206543622, 0.15933159839651245`]}, { + Complex[-0.4489823323283394, -0.11584139863279015`], + Complex[-0.26656427168387425`, 0.18690949976318316`], + Complex[-0.27016766125964786`, -0.06567014963051358], + Complex[-0.2972266005392272, 0.8849927041650091]}, { + Complex[0.181499243979495, -0.21360077867818675`], + Complex[-0.1619413383881858, -0.20014283068790933`], + Complex[-0.2354215281066983, 0.07969350206412064], + Complex[-0.4702635936099444, -0.29356615652119933`]}, { + Complex[-0.5074979911585726, 0.10530874449022248`], + Complex[-0.7416311192512353, -0.5088192470149466], + Complex[0.2907073848578795, -0.28690376906359405`], + Complex[-0.7820671540213748, -0.152424500314762]}}}}, + SymmetrizedArray[ + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{20, + 20}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, 4} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, 0.1718935005705546], {1, 5} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], {1, 6} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, 8} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], {1, 9} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 10} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, 11} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 12} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, 13} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, 14} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], {1, 15} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], {1, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, 18} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, 0.1718935005705546], {1, 20} -> + 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, 4} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 6} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 8} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 13} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 14} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 16} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 17} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, 18} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, 19} -> + 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 6} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, 10} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, 12} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 13} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 14} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 16} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 17} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, 18} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, 20} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 6} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, 10} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, 0.2714872146303018], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, 12} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, 0.2714872146303018], {4, 13} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 14} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 17} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 18} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 20} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 8} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 9} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 10} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 11} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 13} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], {5, 16} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 17} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, 18} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, 20} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 9} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 12} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, 13} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 15} -> + Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 16} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, 17} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 18} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {6, 20} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 13} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, 14} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 15} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {7, 16} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {7, 17} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {7, 19} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 20} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, 10} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 14} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 16} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, 17} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {8, 18} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 19} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 20} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, -0.30602272798394614`], {9, 12} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {9, 14} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {9, 17} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {9, 18} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {9, 19} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {9, 20} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {10, 11} -> + Complex[1.450065179250162, 0.], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, 0.30602272798394614`], {10, 13} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {10, 15} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {10, 17} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {10, 18} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {10, 19} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {10, 20} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {11, 14} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], {11, 15} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {11, 17} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {11, 18} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {11, 19} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {11, 20} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {12, 13} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {12, 14} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {12, 15} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {12, 17} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {12, 18} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {12, 19} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {12, 20} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {13, 16} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {13, 17} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {13, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {13, 20} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {14, 17} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {14, 18} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {15, 16} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {15, 18} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {15, 19} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {15, 20} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {16, 17} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {16, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {16, 20} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {17, 20} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {18, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { + $CellContext`c[1], + $CellContext`c[2], + $CellContext`c[3], + 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BaselinePosition -> Baseline, + ImageSize -> {{1, 300}, Automatic}], LineBreakWithin -> + False]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"1", ",", "5"}], "}"}], "\[Rule]", + StyleBox[ + PaneBox[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"-", "0.039769349206147636`"}], "-", + RowBox[{"0.26003894784963594`", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]"}]}], + ContentPadding -> False, FrameMargins -> 0, StripOnInput -> + True, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, + ImageSize -> {{1, 300}, Automatic}], LineBreakWithin -> + False]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"1", ",", "6"}], "}"}], "\[Rule]", + StyleBox[ + PaneBox[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"0.13544428648031903`", "\[VeryThinSpace]"}], "+", + RowBox[{"0.19691843469914722`", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]"}]}], + ContentPadding -> False, FrameMargins -> 0, StripOnInput -> + True, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, + ImageSize -> {{1, 300}, Automatic}], LineBreakWithin -> + False]}]}, { + ItemBox[ + "\"\[VerticalEllipsis]\"", Alignment -> Center, + StripOnInput -> False]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, + DefaultBaseStyle -> "Column", + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], + "Column"], "SummaryItem"]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> {ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> + False, PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, + Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, + "SummaryPanel"], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], "]"}], + SymmetrizedArray[ + + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{24, + 24}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, + 4} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, + 0.1718935005705546], {1, 5} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], { + 1, 6} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, + 8} -> Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], { + 1, 9} -> Complex[ + 0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 10} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, + 11} -> + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, -0.5466416856280665], {1, + 12} -> Complex[0.026618360435332, 0.558712091911503], {1, + 13} -> Complex[-0.3762881584492428, -0.5466416856280665], \ +{1, 14} -> Complex[0.026618360435332, 0.558712091911503], {1, 15} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, + 18} -> Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], { + 1, 19} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], { + 1, 20} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 21} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, + 22} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, + 0.1718935005705546], {1, 24} -> 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, + 4} -> Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, \ +-0.07746786401493004], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, + 6} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 8} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, + 9} -> Complex[-0.4011625553983744, + 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, 0.538814592741355], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.4668453048063547, -0.05078350561368887], {2, + 13} -> Complex[-0.3553481761967879, 0.538814592741355], { + 2, 14} -> Complex[ + 0.4668453048063547, -0.05078350561368887], {2, 15} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, + 16} -> Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], { + 2, 17} -> Complex[ + 0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 18} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, + 19} -> Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, + 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 20} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, + 21} -> Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, \ +-0.13976043531592253`], {2, 22} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, + 23} -> 1, {3, 4} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 6} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, 0.02507865217226392], {3, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.7158153645122745, 0.27727012752801655`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, 0.02507865217226392], {3, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.7158153645122745, 0.27727012752801655`], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 17} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 20} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 21} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, + 22} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, + 24} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 6} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 8} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, + 10} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, + 0.2714872146303018], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, 0.024942704399016517`], {4, + 12} -> Complex[-0.3305815973120849, \ +-0.06965984205559435], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, 0.024942704399016517`], {4, + 14} -> Complex[-0.3305815973120849, \ +-0.06965984205559435], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, + 16} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, + 0.2714872146303018], {4, 17} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 19} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 20} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 21} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 22} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, + 23} -> Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, + 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 24} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, + 6} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 8} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], \ +{5, 9} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 10} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, + 11} -> Complex[-0.5627685085366139, + 0.030340815968254775`], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, 0.48705077535147073`], {5, + 13} -> Complex[-0.5627685085366139, + 0.030340815968254775`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, 0.48705077535147073`], {5, + 15} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], \ +{5, 16} -> Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 17} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 18} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, \ +-0.05348186753768233], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], { + 5, 20} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 21} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 23} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 9} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.37825385334451644`, -0.40885350274382926`], {6, 12} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, 0.059159315768373466`], {6, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.37825385334451644`, -0.40885350274382926`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, 0.059159315768373466`], {6, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 16} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, + 17} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 18} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 19} -> Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 20} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 22} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, + 23} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 6, 24} -> Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, + 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.1951485712949499, 0.0046716318384972255`], {7, + 12} -> Complex[-0.8170560843015883, -0.3125759972803564], \ +{7, 13} -> Complex[0.1951485712949499, 0.0046716318384972255`], {7, 14} -> + Complex[-0.8170560843015883, -0.3125759972803564], {7, + 15} -> Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], { + 7, 16} -> Complex[-0.455490228261869, + 0.1840044440612254], {7, 17} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, + 18} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 19} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 7, 20} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {7, 21} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, + 22} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{7, 23} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 24} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, 0.37292347034559], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, -0.18742531340573343`], {8, + 13} -> Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, 0.37292347034559], { + 8, 14} -> Complex[ + 0.3746944626564604, -0.18742531340573343`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 17} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 18} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, + 19} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 20} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, + 21} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {8, 22} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 23} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 24} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, + 10} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, -0.0590141307297216], {9, + 12} -> Complex[0.501373591153116, 0.5153637211309552], {9, + 13} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, -0.0590141307297216], {9, + 14} -> Complex[0.501373591153116, 0.5153637211309552], {9, + 15} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, -0.30602272798394614`], {9, + 16} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 17} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {9, + 18} -> Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], { + 9, 19} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], { + 9, 20} -> Complex[ + 0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {9, 21} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {9, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {9, 23} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {9, 24} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {10, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.6008640448930245, -0.9992113400081515], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, 0.40242456329116516`], {10, + 13} -> Complex[0.6008640448930245, -0.9992113400081515], { + 10, 14} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, 0.40242456329116516`], {10, + 15} -> Complex[1.450065179250162, 0.], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, 0.30602272798394614`], {10, + 17} -> Complex[-0.5457126961790097, \ +-0.05668631714849469], {10, 18} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {10, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {10, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {10, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {10, 22} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {10, + 23} -> Complex[-0.4011625553983744, \ +-0.29553698205924495`], {10, 24} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {11, + 12} -> Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.8357882209095648, 0.5693746569990082], {11, + 14} -> Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {11, 15} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, -0.40242456329116516`], {11, + 16} -> Complex[0.501373591153116, -0.5153637211309552], { + 11, 17} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, 0.18742531340573343`], {11, + 18} -> Complex[-0.8170560843015883, 0.3125759972803564], { + 11, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, -0.059159315768373466`], { + 11, 20} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, -0.48705077535147073`], {11, + 21} -> Complex[-0.3305815973120849, + 0.06965984205559435], {11, 22} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, -0.27727012752801655`], {11, + 23} -> Complex[0.4668453048063547, 0.05078350561368887], { + 11, 24} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, -0.558712091911503], {12, 13} -> + Complex[1.277157136194063, 0.], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.8357882209095648, -0.5693746569990082], {12, + 15} -> Complex[0.6008640448930245, 0.9992113400081515], { + 12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, 0.0590141307297216], {12, + 17} -> Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, -0.37292347034559], \ +{12, 18} -> Complex[0.1951485712949499, -0.0046716318384972255`], {12, 19} -> + Complex[0.37825385334451644`, 0.40885350274382926`], {12, + 20} -> Complex[-0.5627685085366139, \ +-0.030340815968254775`], {12, 21} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, -0.024942704399016517`], {12, + 22} -> Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, \ +-0.02507865217226392], {12, 23} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, -0.538814592741355], {12, + 24} -> Complex[-0.3762881584492428, 0.5466416856280665], { + 13, 14} -> Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, -0.40242456329116516`], {13, + 16} -> Complex[0.501373591153116, -0.5153637211309552], { + 13, 17} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, 0.18742531340573343`], {13, + 18} -> Complex[-0.8170560843015883, 0.3125759972803564], { + 13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, -0.059159315768373466`], { + 13, 20} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, -0.48705077535147073`], {13, + 21} -> Complex[-0.3305815973120849, + 0.06965984205559435], {13, 22} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, -0.27727012752801655`], {13, + 23} -> Complex[0.4668453048063547, 0.05078350561368887], { + 13, 24} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, -0.558712091911503], {14, 15} -> + Complex[0.6008640448930245, 0.9992113400081515], {14, 16} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, 0.0590141307297216], {14, + 17} -> Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, -0.37292347034559], \ +{14, 18} -> Complex[0.1951485712949499, -0.0046716318384972255`], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.37825385334451644`, 0.40885350274382926`], {14, + 20} -> Complex[-0.5627685085366139, \ +-0.030340815968254775`], {14, 21} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, -0.024942704399016517`], {14, + 22} -> Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, \ +-0.02507865217226392], {14, 23} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, -0.538814592741355], {14, + 24} -> Complex[-0.3762881584492428, 0.5466416856280665], { + 15, 16} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {15, + 18} -> Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], { + 15, 19} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], { + 15, 20} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {15, + 21} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, \ +-0.2714872146303018], {15, 22} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {15, + 23} -> Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], { + 15, 24} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {16, + 17} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {16, + 18} -> Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], { + 16, 19} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {16, + 20} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], { + 16, 21} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {16, + 22} -> Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], { + 16, 23} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {16, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 17, 20} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {17, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {17, 22} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {17, + 23} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, \ +-0.004720384308614219], {17, 24} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {18, + 19} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {18, + 21} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {18, 22} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {18, + 23} -> Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], { + 18, 24} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {19, + 20} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {19, 21} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], { + 19, 22} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {19, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {19, 24} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {20, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {20, 22} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], { + 20, 23} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 20, 24} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], { + 21, 22} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {21, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {21, + 24} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {22, 23} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {22, + 24} -> Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, + 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> + False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, 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1, 1], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 0], + $CellContext`c[3, 4, 0], + $CellContext`c[3, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[2, 4, 0], + $CellContext`c[2, 4, 1], + $CellContext`c[1, 1, 1], + $CellContext`c[1, 3, 1]}, {{ + SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { + 1, {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, 1}}], + SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, {1, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {}}, {}}]}, {{{ + Complex[0.0761220398541318, 0.17722428227256642`], + Complex[-0.1692227455159742, -0.00955861903291853], + Complex[0.1326379586373576, -0.282562140817938], + Complex[0.04990602355482773, -0.21189826314913265`]}, { + Complex[0.6527351788328424, 0.04094314533779381], + Complex[0.08128702857826951, -0.2261002627166157], + Complex[-0.13115610590791468`, -0.27523989393959086`], + Complex[0.002317525830475121, 0.18389303114510325`]}, { + Complex[0.12603831429763016`, 0.14410282282306391`], + Complex[-0.07245858672315154, 0.5993245691219025], + Complex[-0.3403471149025635, -0.2093845956169039], + 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+ Complex[0.49711368462748484`, 0.5561533916505781]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], + Complex[-0.5865880056222303, -0.21261173908509431`], + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], + Complex[-0.3979058538654757, 0.5578200392904937]}, { + Complex[0.03741911372848694, 0.3555770288492666], + Complex[-0.21911994873246649`, -0.08388101566785068], + Complex[0.2548268683415332, -0.26480673025090673`], + Complex[-0.6756231866977415, -0.2947005999126772]}, { + Complex[-0.3805816851208877, 0.20488005672499107`], + Complex[-0.06142241558335136, 0.00011278328113941555`], + Complex[0.34021125618690234`, -0.10819016114699895`], + Complex[0.0066668992201413535`, 0.05726654679628254]}, { + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], + Complex[0.01952114260176356, 0.3605368995212979], + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], + Complex[-0.15378550597192583`, -0.3594595686039512]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.24731369058188873`, -0.005978003694364159], + Complex[0.689381841095902, 0.01610359406221444], + Complex[-0.3447916089371626, -0.2945628361277986], + Complex[0.8564259611232028, -0.10540053453013315`]}, { + Complex[-0.10101307491053665`, -0.010816931796013562`], + Complex[-0.13000234714325792`, 0.10650750561261996`], + Complex[0.18201510709668425`, -0.12756970869296128`], + Complex[0.582907926479713, -0.49332601643227303`]}, { + Complex[-0.2088605762760204, 0.12221088314809211`], + Complex[0.2424448960763253, -0.28717838213799235`], + Complex[0.3941662220696188, 0.22013024149882754`], + Complex[0.33255320825081014`, 0.28001609620970047`]}, { + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], + Complex[0.14604698073715178`, 0.023760642933120718`], + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], + Complex[0.1025861810966763, 0.3280835823005945]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.34961511524482436`, 0.06695082289629037], + Complex[-0.22721677701872972`, 0.10788176207153556`], + Complex[-0.15575860000961195`, 0.19995729240511323`], + Complex[-0.411694553787175, 0.3669635339695745]}, { + Complex[-0.26998689654824515`, -0.23606009686450402`], + Complex[-0.3785015208484167, -0.009131443548956203], + Complex[0.049435984155214815`, -0.22057746182687452`], + Complex[-0.7825103107832154, 0.660409806791661]}, { + Complex[-0.2339886958885329, -0.020514303546813148`], + Complex[0.08655083276919757, -0.07324537282570874], + Complex[0.27455376921119967`, -0.2228961867999453], + Complex[-0.5527246983393382, -0.12115050891727087`]}, { + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], + Complex[-0.5707749960844526, -0.011992276960298504`], + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], + Complex[-0.5036258677611142, -0.4186799288369736]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.4668453048063547, 0.05078350561368887], + Complex[0.5717504665456015, -0.22762797272994578`], + Complex[0.026618360435332, -0.558712091911503], + Complex[0.7305599283651154, 0.1929720694262925]}, { + Complex[0.007671777451409206, 0.19920903057736317`], + Complex[0.3118232639200961, 0.22657364921984724`], + Complex[0.1058448244038167, -0.5506657208575015], + Complex[0.7951255332506837, -0.3071818521229562]}, { + Complex[0.2352742944949184, -0.055182283636658364`], + Complex[-0.04808589278794599, 0.28822798844444075`], + Complex[-0.055863296690927794`, -0.32518014728329414`], + Complex[0.5596722301816094, 0.42362016413525366`]}, { + Complex[0.45531609033571524`, 0.6151125413684325], + Complex[0.013494032019214175`, 0.1112635929458276], + Complex[0.0675790805527822, -0.22476640371431453`], + Complex[0.48722223408824805`, 0.07097301086506483]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, 0.538814592741355], + Complex[0.09196642145704029, 0.26756603587814437`], + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, -0.5466416856280665], + Complex[-0.5609971206543622, 0.15933159839651245`]}, { + Complex[-0.4489823323283394, -0.11584139863279015`], + Complex[-0.26656427168387425`, 0.18690949976318316`], + Complex[-0.27016766125964786`, -0.06567014963051358], + Complex[-0.2972266005392272, 0.8849927041650091]}, { + Complex[0.181499243979495, -0.21360077867818675`], + Complex[-0.1619413383881858, -0.20014283068790933`], + Complex[-0.2354215281066983, 0.07969350206412064], + Complex[-0.4702635936099444, -0.29356615652119933`]}, { + Complex[-0.5074979911585726, 0.10530874449022248`], + Complex[-0.7416311192512353, -0.5088192470149466], + Complex[0.2907073848578795, -0.28690376906359405`], + Complex[-0.7820671540213748, -0.152424500314762]}}}}, + SymmetrizedArray[ + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{24, + 24}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, 4} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, 0.1718935005705546], {1, 5} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], {1, 6} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, 8} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], {1, 9} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 10} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, 11} -> + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, -0.5466416856280665], {1, 12} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, 0.558712091911503], {1, 13} -> + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, -0.5466416856280665], {1, 14} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, 0.558712091911503], {1, 15} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 16} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, 18} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], {1, 19} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], {1, 20} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 21} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, 22} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, 0.1718935005705546], {1, 24} -> + 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, 4} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 6} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 8} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, 0.538814592741355], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.4668453048063547, -0.05078350561368887], {2, 13} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, 0.538814592741355], {2, 14} -> + Complex[0.4668453048063547, -0.05078350561368887], {2, 15} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 16} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 17} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 18} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 20} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 21} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, 22} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, 23} -> + 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 6} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, 10} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, 0.02507865217226392], {3, 12} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, 0.27727012752801655`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, 0.02507865217226392], {3, 14} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, 0.27727012752801655`], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, 16} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 17} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 20} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 21} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, 22} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, 24} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 6} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, 10} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, 0.2714872146303018], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, 0.024942704399016517`], {4, 12} -> + Complex[-0.3305815973120849, -0.06965984205559435], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, 0.024942704399016517`], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.3305815973120849, -0.06965984205559435], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, 0.2714872146303018], {4, 17} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 18} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 19} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 20} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 21} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 22} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, 23} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 24} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 8} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 9} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 10} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 11} -> + Complex[-0.5627685085366139, 0.030340815968254775`], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, 0.48705077535147073`], {5, 13} -> + Complex[-0.5627685085366139, 0.030340815968254775`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, 0.48705077535147073`], {5, 15} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 16} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 17} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 18} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], {5, 20} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 21} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, 22} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 23} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, 24} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 9} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.37825385334451644`, -0.40885350274382926`], {6, 12} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, 0.059159315768373466`], {6, 13} -> + Complex[0.37825385334451644`, -0.40885350274382926`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, 0.059159315768373466`], {6, 15} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 16} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, 17} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 18} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 19} -> + Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 20} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, 21} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 22} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, 23} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {6, 24} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.1951485712949499, 0.0046716318384972255`], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.8170560843015883, -0.3125759972803564], {7, 13} -> + Complex[0.1951485712949499, 0.0046716318384972255`], {7, 14} -> + Complex[-0.8170560843015883, -0.3125759972803564], {7, 15} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 16} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 17} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, 18} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 19} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {7, 20} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {7, 21} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, 22} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {7, 23} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 24} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, 10} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, 0.37292347034559], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, -0.18742531340573343`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, 0.37292347034559], {8, 14} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, -0.18742531340573343`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, 16} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 17} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 18} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 20} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, 21} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {8, 22} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 23} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 24} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, -0.0590141307297216], {9, 12} -> + Complex[0.501373591153116, 0.5153637211309552], {9, 13} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, -0.0590141307297216], {9, 14} -> + Complex[0.501373591153116, 0.5153637211309552], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, -0.30602272798394614`], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 17} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {9, 18} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], {9, 19} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], {9, 20} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {9, 21} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {9, 22} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {9, 23} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {9, 24} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {10, 11} -> + Complex[0.6008640448930245, -0.9992113400081515], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, 0.40242456329116516`], {10, 13} -> + Complex[0.6008640448930245, -0.9992113400081515], {10, 14} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, 0.40242456329116516`], {10, 15} -> + Complex[1.450065179250162, 0.], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, 0.30602272798394614`], {10, 17} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {10, 18} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {10, 19} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {10, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {10, 21} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {10, 22} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {10, 23} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {10, 24} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {11, 12} -> + Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.8357882209095648, 0.5693746569990082], {11, 14} -> + Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {11, 15} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, -0.40242456329116516`], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.501373591153116, -0.5153637211309552], {11, 17} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, 0.18742531340573343`], {11, 18} -> + Complex[-0.8170560843015883, 0.3125759972803564], {11, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, -0.059159315768373466`], {11, 20} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, -0.48705077535147073`], {11, 21} -> + Complex[-0.3305815973120849, 0.06965984205559435], {11, 22} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, -0.27727012752801655`], {11, 23} -> + Complex[0.4668453048063547, 0.05078350561368887], {11, 24} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, -0.558712091911503], {12, 13} -> + Complex[1.277157136194063, 0.], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.8357882209095648, -0.5693746569990082], {12, 15} -> + Complex[0.6008640448930245, 0.9992113400081515], {12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, 0.0590141307297216], {12, 17} -> + Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, -0.37292347034559], {12, 18} -> + Complex[0.1951485712949499, -0.0046716318384972255`], {12, 19} -> + Complex[0.37825385334451644`, 0.40885350274382926`], {12, 20} -> + Complex[-0.5627685085366139, -0.030340815968254775`], {12, 21} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, -0.024942704399016517`], {12, 22} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, -0.02507865217226392], {12, 23} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, -0.538814592741355], {12, 24} -> + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, 0.5466416856280665], {13, 14} -> + Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, -0.40242456329116516`], {13, 16} -> + Complex[0.501373591153116, -0.5153637211309552], {13, 17} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, 0.18742531340573343`], {13, 18} -> + Complex[-0.8170560843015883, 0.3125759972803564], {13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, -0.059159315768373466`], {13, 20} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, -0.48705077535147073`], {13, 21} -> + Complex[-0.3305815973120849, 0.06965984205559435], {13, 22} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, -0.27727012752801655`], {13, 23} -> + Complex[0.4668453048063547, 0.05078350561368887], {13, 24} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, -0.558712091911503], {14, 15} -> + Complex[0.6008640448930245, 0.9992113400081515], {14, 16} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, 0.0590141307297216], {14, 17} -> + Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, -0.37292347034559], {14, 18} -> + Complex[0.1951485712949499, -0.0046716318384972255`], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.37825385334451644`, 0.40885350274382926`], {14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.5627685085366139, -0.030340815968254775`], {14, 21} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, -0.024942704399016517`], {14, 22} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, -0.02507865217226392], {14, 23} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, -0.538814592741355], {14, 24} -> + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, 0.5466416856280665], {15, 16} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {15, 18} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], {15, 19} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], {15, 20} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {15, 21} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {15, 22} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {15, 23} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {15, 24} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {16, 17} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {16, 18} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {16, 19} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {16, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {16, 21} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {16, 22} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {16, 23} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {16, 24} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {17, 20} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {17, 21} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {17, 22} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {17, 23} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {17, 24} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {18, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {18, 21} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {18, 22} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {18, 23} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {18, 24} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {19, 20} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {19, 21} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {19, 22} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {19, 23} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {19, 24} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {20, 21} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {20, 22} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {20, 23} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {20, 24} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {21, 22} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {21, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {21, 24} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {22, 23} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {22, 24} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { + $CellContext`c[1], + $CellContext`c[2], + $CellContext`c[3], + $CellContext`c[4]}], + Editable->False, + SelectWithContents->True, + Selectable->False]}], "}"}]], "Output", + CellLabel->"Out[8]=", + CellID->1406648659,ExpressionUUID->"087ded16-98ba-46c1-a8ee-0aa8f79482d2"] +}, Open ]], + +Cell["\<\ +Let us now verify the above result by manually operating circuit elements. \ +First, take a look at the circuit elements.\ +\>", "ExampleText", + CellID->679237436,ExpressionUUID->"26d8c973-ed3e-4f1d-aca8-6a221d44647e"], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"qc", "=", + RowBox[{"wc", "[", + RowBox[{"[", "1", "]"}], "]"}]}]], "Input", + CellProlog:>Needs["Q3`"], + CellLabel->"In[9]:=", + CellID->1238916065,ExpressionUUID->"d9601ae8-4001-430a-a651-c91fceebbaa6"], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + 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1}], AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> + False, AxesStyle -> {}, Frame -> False, + FrameLabel -> {None, None}, FrameStyle -> Directive[ + Opacity[0.5], + Thickness[Tiny], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], + FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, + GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ + GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> {"Version" -> 1.2, + "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, "Effects" -> { + "Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, "HighlightPoint" -> { + "ratio" -> 2}, "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> + True, "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> 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-> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, + Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, + "SummaryPanel"], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], "]"}], {{ + SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { + 1, {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, + 1}}], SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, {1, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {}}, {}}]}}, + Selectable -> False, Editable -> False, + SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Wick matrix: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["SymmetrizedArray", "SummaryHead"], "[", + + DynamicModuleBox[{ + Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = "Ready"}, + TemplateBox[{ + PaneSelectorBox[{False -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = True), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GraphicsBox[ + RasterBox[CompressedData[" +1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBggWIQW+F9qLZw3VF7BigQ2XLy4WS/y/ZW5bvjZimds59j +vGiL+Y8r9i8WKT4OXPWKauIDZe/ObgPXnVte2N9wX76uZtpb+5MRuf/iv74f +MHsB6BbE9A== + "], {{0, 0}, {4, 4}}, {0, 1}], AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> + False, AxesStyle -> {}, Frame -> False, + FrameLabel -> {None, None}, FrameStyle -> Directive[ + Opacity[0.5], + Thickness[Tiny], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], + FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, + GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ + GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> { + "Version" -> 1.2, "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, + "Effects" -> {"Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, + "HighlightPoint" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, + "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> True, + "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + Scaled[0.025]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Dimensions: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"4", ",", "4"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Symmetry: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"Antisymmetric", "[", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"1", ",", "2"}], "}"}], "]"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + 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-> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + Scaled[0.025]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Dimensions: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"4", ",", "4"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Symmetry: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"Antisymmetric", "[", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"1", ",", "2"}], "}"}], "]"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Symmetry order: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox["2", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Specified independent elements: \"", + "SummaryItemAnnotation"], "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox["2", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + TagBox[ + TagBox[ + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"1", ",", "4"}], "}"}], "\[Rule]", + StyleBox[ + 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ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, + Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, + "SummaryPanel"], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], "]"}], + SymmetrizedArray[ + + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{4, + 4}, {{{1, 4} -> 1, {2, 3} -> 1}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> + False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> { + ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, + PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, + 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"\",\"", "4"}, "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[4]]}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Initial occupation: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"1", ",", "0", ",", "1", ",", "0"}], "}"}], + "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> { + ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, + PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}], True -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxCloser"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = False), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{ + Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Bare modes: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "1"}, "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[1]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "2"}, "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[2]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "3"}, "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[3]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "4"}, "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[4]]}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Initial occupation: \"", 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{{Automatic}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> {ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> + False, PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}], True -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxCloser"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = False), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Number of Transformations: \"", + "SummaryItemAnnotation"], "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox["2", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Dimensions of each: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"4", ",", "4"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Transformations: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["SparseArray", "SummaryHead"], "[", + + DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`open$$ = False, + Typeset`embedState$$ = "Ready"}, + TemplateBox[{ + PaneSelectorBox[{False -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]], ButtonFunction :> ( + Typeset`open$$ = True), Appearance -> None, + BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}]], + GraphicsBox[ + RasterBox[CompressedData[" +1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBggWIQ26p8d9wspXP2c4wXbTH/ccX+xSLFx4GrXtmTKr6z +28B155YX9jfcl6+rmfbW/mRE7r/4r+9HzSEgDgDactH8 + "], {{0, 0}, {4, 4}}, {0, 1}], AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> + False, AxesStyle -> {}, Frame -> False, + FrameLabel -> {None, None}, FrameStyle -> Directive[ + Opacity[0.5], + Thickness[Tiny], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], + FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, + GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ + GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> {"Version" -> 1.2, + "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, "Effects" -> { + "Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, "HighlightPoint" -> { + "ratio" -> 2}, "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> + True, "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + Scaled[0.025]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Specified elements: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox["4", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Dimensions: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"4", ",", "4"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, + "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, + "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> {ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> + False, PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, + "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, + "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}], + True -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxCloser"]], ButtonFunction :> ( + Typeset`open$$ = False), Appearance -> None, + BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}]], + GraphicsBox[ + RasterBox[CompressedData[" +1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBggWIQ26p8d9wspXP2c4wXbTH/ccX+xSLFx4GrXtmTKr6z +28B155YX9jfcl6+rmfbW/mRE7r/4r+9HzSEgDgDactH8 + "], {{0, 0}, {4, 4}}, {0, 1}], AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> + False, AxesStyle -> {}, Frame -> False, + FrameLabel -> {None, None}, FrameStyle -> Directive[ + Opacity[0.5], + Thickness[Tiny], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], + FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, + 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{{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, + 1}}], Selectable -> False, Editable -> False, + SelectWithContents -> True], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["SparseArray", "SummaryHead"], "[", + + DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`open$$ = False, + Typeset`embedState$$ = "Ready"}, + TemplateBox[{ + PaneSelectorBox[{False -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]], ButtonFunction :> ( + Typeset`open$$ = True), Appearance -> None, + BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}]], + GraphicsBox[ + RasterBox[CompressedData[" +1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBggWIQ26p8d9wspXP2c4wXbTH/ccX+xSLFx4GrXtmPitNH +HACo2sx4 + "], {{0, 0}, {4, 4}}, {0, 1}], AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> + False, AxesStyle -> {}, Frame -> False, + FrameLabel -> {None, None}, FrameStyle -> Directive[ + 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-> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { + $CellContext`c[1], + $CellContext`c[2], + $CellContext`c[3], + $CellContext`c[4]}], + Editable->False, + SelectWithContents->True, + Selectable->False], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["WickState", + "SummaryHead"], "[", + DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = + "Ready"}, + TemplateBox[{ + PaneSelectorBox[{False -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = True), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{ + Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Bare modes: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + 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16} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 11} -> Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, + 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 6, 16} -> Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, + 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, + 10} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 7, 12} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {7, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, + 14} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{7, 15} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 10} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, + 11} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, + 13} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {8, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, + 10} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 9, 12} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {9, + 14} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{9, 15} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {10, + 11} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {10, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {10, + 13} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {10, + 15} -> Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], { + 10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {11, + 12} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], { + 11, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {11, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {12, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], { + 12, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], { + 13, 14} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {13, + 16} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {14, + 16} -> Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, + 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> + False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + 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SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, {1, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {}}, {}}]}, {{{ + Complex[0.0761220398541318, 0.17722428227256642`], + Complex[-0.1692227455159742, -0.00955861903291853], + Complex[0.1326379586373576, -0.282562140817938], + Complex[0.04990602355482773, -0.21189826314913265`]}, { + Complex[0.6527351788328424, 0.04094314533779381], + Complex[0.08128702857826951, -0.2261002627166157], + Complex[-0.13115610590791468`, -0.27523989393959086`], + Complex[0.002317525830475121, 0.18389303114510325`]}, { + Complex[0.12603831429763016`, 0.14410282282306391`], + Complex[-0.07245858672315154, 0.5993245691219025], + Complex[-0.3403471149025635, -0.2093845956169039], + Complex[-0.16043205588428594`, -0.3930611177747346]}, { + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], + Complex[0.3635152174042921, 0.12359172590337993`], + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], + Complex[0.5958913804471243, 0.30763435372569503`]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.10502227224558744`, 0.2578759385170891], + Complex[-0.3063688918768534, 0.1009809869273654], + Complex[0.2893141125637698, -0.44818540169804233`], + Complex[-0.5483419643703493, 0.14967682699122478`]}, { + Complex[-0.03450612081886077, 0.3919310689793163], + Complex[0.08554754810610539, 0.04325145918009163], + Complex[-0.10455839463447798`, 0.009899238314418652], + Complex[0.08611100223009287, -0.45311734656660346`]}, { + Complex[-0.0987343111959876, -0.270557722292807], + Complex[-0.012263292482132437`, -0.09544662746898838], + Complex[-0.0901658618100252, 0.20039475163084947`], + Complex[-0.17283351262032212`, -0.2976998907213325]}, { + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], + Complex[0.10846204399926629`, -0.024973249362109748`], + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], + Complex[-0.31403073369684686`, 0.023417426858537326`]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], + Complex[0.18935398968736805`, 0.025013607072666474`], + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], + Complex[0.28847128290249835`, -0.28252735770170245`]}, { + Complex[0.28591721995381936`, -0.09603964219780639], + Complex[0.07832741772737573, -0.21514076673001903`], + Complex[-0.128693165483946, 0.2491557478547205], + Complex[-0.01649283025664592, 0.024335224970437122`]}, { + Complex[-0.1160944432996616, 0.4347817466661372], + Complex[0.2184944053317642, -0.27445139897503085`], + Complex[0.48571001627488936`, 0.10438548560217037`], + Complex[-0.016867340251465295`, 0.03775930590016413]}, { + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], + Complex[0.3987042489501962, 0.10105884812398021`], + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], + Complex[0.49711368462748484`, 0.5561533916505781]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], + Complex[-0.5865880056222303, -0.21261173908509431`], + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], + Complex[-0.3979058538654757, 0.5578200392904937]}, { + Complex[0.03741911372848694, 0.3555770288492666], + Complex[-0.21911994873246649`, -0.08388101566785068], + Complex[0.2548268683415332, -0.26480673025090673`], + Complex[-0.6756231866977415, -0.2947005999126772]}, { + Complex[-0.3805816851208877, 0.20488005672499107`], + Complex[-0.06142241558335136, 0.00011278328113941555`], + Complex[0.34021125618690234`, -0.10819016114699895`], + Complex[0.0066668992201413535`, 0.05726654679628254]}, { + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], + Complex[0.01952114260176356, 0.3605368995212979], + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], + Complex[-0.15378550597192583`, -0.3594595686039512]}}}}, + SymmetrizedArray[ + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{16, + 16}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, 4} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, 0.1718935005705546], {1, 5} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], {1, 6} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, 8} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], {1, 9} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, 10} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], {1, 11} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], {1, 12} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 13} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, 14} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, 0.1718935005705546], {1, 16} -> + 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, 4} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 6} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 8} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, 9} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 10} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 13} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, 14} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, 15} -> + 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 6} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 10} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 12} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, 14} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, 16} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 6} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 10} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 12} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + 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0.12148045184745768`], {6, 13} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {6, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, 10} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {7, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, 14} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {7, 15} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 10} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {8, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {9, 12} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {9, 14} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {10, 11} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {10, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {10, 13} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {10, 15} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {11, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {12, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {13, 16} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { + $CellContext`c[1], + $CellContext`c[2], + $CellContext`c[3], + $CellContext`c[4]}], + Editable->False, + SelectWithContents->True, + Selectable->False], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["WickState", + "SummaryHead"], "[", + DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = + "Ready"}, + TemplateBox[{ + PaneSelectorBox[{False -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = True), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{ + Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Bare modes: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + 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2, 10} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, + 0.004720384308614219], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 13} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, + 14} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, + 15} -> 1, {3, 4} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 6} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 10} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 12} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, + 14} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, + 16} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 6} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 8} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 12} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, + 15} -> Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, + 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, + 6} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 8} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], \ +{5, 9} -> Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 10} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 11} -> Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, + 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 6, 16} -> Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, + 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, + 10} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 7, 12} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {7, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, + 14} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{7, 15} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 10} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, + 11} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, + 13} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {8, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, + 10} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 9, 12} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {9, + 14} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{9, 15} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {10, + 11} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {10, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {10, + 13} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {10, + 15} -> Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], { + 10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {11, + 12} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], { + 11, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {11, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {12, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], { + 12, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], { + 13, 14} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {13, + 16} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {14, + 16} -> Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, + 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> + False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> { + ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, + PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, + Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, + "SummaryPanel"], + DynamicModuleValues:>{}], "]"}], + 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0.22297370914670617`], {4, 12} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 8} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 9} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 10} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 11} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, 13} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {6, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, 10} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {7, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, 14} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {7, 15} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 10} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {8, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {9, 12} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {9, 14} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {10, 11} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {10, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {10, 13} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {10, 15} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {11, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {12, 14} -> + 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14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], { + 12, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], { + 13, 14} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {13, + 16} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {14, + 16} -> Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, + 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> + False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> { + ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, + PrintPrecision -> 3, 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-0.12148045184745768`], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, 13} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {6, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], 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-0.11365212494890278`], {11, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {12, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {13, 16} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { + $CellContext`c[1], + $CellContext`c[2], + $CellContext`c[3], + $CellContext`c[4]}], + Editable->False, + SelectWithContents->True, + 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Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 10} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 12} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, + 14} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, + 16} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 6} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 8} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 12} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, + 15} -> Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, + 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, + 6} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 8} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], \ +{5, 9} -> Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 10} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 11} -> Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, + 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 6, 16} -> Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, + 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, + 10} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 7, 12} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {7, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, + 14} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{7, 15} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 10} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, + 11} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, + 13} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {8, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, + 10} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 9, 12} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {9, + 14} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{9, 15} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {10, + 11} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {10, 12} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {10, + 13} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {10, + 15} -> Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], { + 10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {11, + 12} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], { + 11, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {11, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, 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0.22297370914670617`], {4, 6} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 10} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 12} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 8} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 9} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 10} -> + 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0.00407613141158851], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {11, 14} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {12, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {13, 16} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { + $CellContext`c[1], + 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"RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[4, 4, 1]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "4", "4", "0"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[4, 4, 0]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "4", "4", "1"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[4, 4, 1]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "3", "1", "1"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 1]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "3", "1", "0"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 0]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "3", "4", "0"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[3, 4, 0]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "3", "4", "1"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[3, 4, 1]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "2", "4", "0"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[2, 4, 0]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "2", "4", "1"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[2, 4, 1]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "1", "1", "1"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[1, 1, 1]], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + SubscriptBox["c", + + TemplateBox[{",", "\",\"", "1", "3", "1"}, + "RowWithSeparators"]], + $CellContext`c[1, 3, 1]]}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Transformations: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["NambuMatrices", "SummaryHead"], "[", + + DynamicModuleBox[{ + Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = "Ready"}, + TemplateBox[{ + PaneSelectorBox[{False -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]], + ButtonFunction :> 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"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}], True -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxCloser"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = False), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Number of Transformations: \"", + "SummaryItemAnnotation"], "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox["4", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Dimensions of each: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"4", ",", "4"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Transformations: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + 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Opacity[0.5], + Thickness[Tiny], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], + FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, + GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ + GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> {"Version" -> 1.2, + "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, "Effects" -> { + "Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, "HighlightPoint" -> { + "ratio" -> 2}, "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> + True, "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + Scaled[0.025]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Specified elements: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox["4", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Dimensions: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"4", ",", "4"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, + "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, + "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> {ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> + False, PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, + "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, + "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}], + True -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxCloser"]], ButtonFunction :> ( + Typeset`open$$ = False), Appearance -> None, + BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}]], + GraphicsBox[ + RasterBox[CompressedData[" +1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBggWIQ26p8d9wspXP2c4wXbTH/ccX+xSLFx4GrXtmTKr6z +28B155YX9jfcl6+rmfbW/mRE7r/4r+9HzSEgDgDactH8 + "], {{0, 0}, {4, 4}}, {0, 1}], AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> + False, AxesStyle -> {}, Frame -> False, + FrameLabel -> {None, None}, FrameStyle -> Directive[ + Opacity[0.5], + Thickness[Tiny], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], + FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, + GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ + GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> {"Version" -> 1.2, + 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False]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"4", ",", "4"}], "}"}], "\[Rule]", + StyleBox[ + PaneBox[ + "1", ContentPadding -> False, FrameMargins -> 0, + StripOnInput -> True, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, + ImageSize -> {{1, 300}, Automatic}], LineBreakWithin -> + False]}]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, + DefaultBaseStyle -> "Column", GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], + "Column"], "SummaryItem"]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{ + Automatic}}}, BaseStyle -> {ShowStringCharacters -> False, + NumberMarks -> False, PrintPrecision -> 3, + ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, + "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, + Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, + "SummaryPanel"], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], "]"}], + SparseArray[Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { + 1, {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, + 1}}], Selectable -> False, Editable -> False, + SelectWithContents -> True], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["SparseArray", "SummaryHead"], "[", + + DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`open$$ = False, + Typeset`embedState$$ = "Ready"}, + TemplateBox[{ + PaneSelectorBox[{False -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]], ButtonFunction :> ( + Typeset`open$$ = True), Appearance -> None, + BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}]], + GraphicsBox[ + RasterBox[CompressedData[" 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Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + Scaled[0.025]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Specified elements: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox["0", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Dimensions: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"4", ",", "4"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, + "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, + "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> {ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> + False, PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, + "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, + "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}], + True -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxCloser"]], ButtonFunction :> ( + Typeset`open$$ = False), Appearance -> None, + BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}]], + GraphicsBox[ + RasterBox[CompressedData[" +1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGBggWIQ26p8d9wspXP2c4wXbTH/ccX+xSLFx4GrXtmPitNH +HACo2sx4 + "], {{0, 0}, {4, 4}}, {0, 1}], AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> + False, AxesStyle -> {}, Frame -> False, + FrameLabel -> {None, None}, FrameStyle -> Directive[ + Opacity[0.5], + Thickness[Tiny], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], + FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, + GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ + GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> {"Version" -> 1.2, + "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, "Effects" -> { + "Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, "HighlightPoint" -> { + "ratio" -> 2}, "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> + True, "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + Scaled[0.025]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + "\"Specified elements: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox["0", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Dimensions: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"4", ",", "4"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + 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AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> +1:eJztWnsw1HsbF6UUnQrd6LIqueRITnRRn0i8cskl5VKki8olukmlnE5EN4VK +bnVUjqKLtLooISSF3d8ucotddllr7XqTruL1zpx/v/POb+a8c+acOWbMmJ3P +zD7P9/M8n+fzfL8Ym4OctynIycmp/f7737/FM7+Xtdi/wbDqj1vWh12AaW94 +l9e1eiw58NQrSasKKcbXmKafqyG6xmhzyhTjww6f2LjvVSgdMLh2Yngd1PJz +i4/Zd8Gz1HT2xykc3PxaN2vlfCGW2TSWMGfJENHaE6NVz8b83+6L9gZVYJ9G +rJlBfgd4HIWiR4VVSDD/WJ6p/xYTTOIy5s7sQsShFSZxZiww5DMPpPI5EEmd +Xa+86MSFB/c14o+wcJ5R0ppZUY/pOlYR7be7sCnzcpreKQou9hucmueXIdx+ +W9LSpHYEqN+bwD7AhZ3W2nozrfsIlVXqvd/VRhtPNx66+dI9TxIvdD8n8e6z +Z/0vQdPY6P/4VM0sqAlGtbUWXxZLkBL6KFhSxsZIzvJqnQQehkstFCcu6sbR +pk9vmN8pML3uO6eVFOPKmnqGe5MQOV/Os1WusTGHw4pdOI6HmRueGd4YlEDu +al1/oRsFxWNXmi2TW2Gnw0v58IMUn5OUj3docLA1ZlN8SssLRPzSpfg4U4if +tGeMWnKUwm/MKdl6rzIw1uZgce4gD/KzGmzzZBQ+3h0RuSpXgL5v5b7feqS0 +8XTjoZsv3fOkyyOpfkjf26+dWb55Lxta8m1hFzRu4Py2tUu35rWAWtKgvHsM +GwuUO3d8lzYi7Fy269wZEoznuUuSP7GRvVrZPKM7Ha8/Ga/UDuRB22u59LgG +C4M/5UQsCapDpDFjE2dLF6h5WcGROW+ht0Nl+rnsdsSFf6EMbGTQErnxlo+m 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" ", "\[ImaginaryI]"}]}], + ContentPadding -> False, FrameMargins -> 0, StripOnInput -> + True, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, ImageSize -> {{1, 300}, Automatic}], LineBreakWithin -> - False]}]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, + False]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"1", ",", "6"}], "}"}], "\[Rule]", + StyleBox[ + PaneBox[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"0.13544428648031903`", "\[VeryThinSpace]"}], "+", + RowBox[{"0.19691843469914722`", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]"}]}], + ContentPadding -> False, FrameMargins -> 0, StripOnInput -> + True, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, + ImageSize -> {{1, 300}, Automatic}], LineBreakWithin -> + False]}]}, { + ItemBox[ + "\"\[VerticalEllipsis]\"", Alignment -> Center, + StripOnInput -> False]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, DefaultBaseStyle -> "Column", GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], @@ -3179,150 +51827,637 @@ MHsB6BbE9A== "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, GridBoxSpacings -> { "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, - BaseStyle -> { - ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, - PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, - GridBoxAlignment -> { + BaseStyle -> {ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> + False, PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, "SummaryPanel"], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], "]"}], - SymmetrizedArray[ - - StructuredArray`StructuredData[{4, - 4}, {{{1, 4} -> 1, {2, 3} -> 1}, + SymmetrizedArray[ + + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{20, + 20}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, + 4} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, + 0.1718935005705546], {1, 5} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], { + 1, 6} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, + 8} -> Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], { + 1, 9} -> Complex[ + 0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 10} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 12} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, + 13} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, + 14} -> Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], { + 1, 15} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], { + 1, 16} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, + 18} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, + 0.1718935005705546], {1, 20} -> 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, + 4} -> Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, \ +-0.07746786401493004], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, + 6} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 8} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, + 9} -> Complex[-0.4011625553983744, + 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, + 12} -> Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], { + 2, 13} -> Complex[ + 0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 14} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, + 15} -> Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, + 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 16} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, + 17} -> Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, \ +-0.13976043531592253`], {2, 18} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, + 19} -> 1, {3, 4} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 6} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 13} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 14} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 16} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 17} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, + 18} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, + 20} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 6} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 8} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, + 10} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, + 0.2714872146303018], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, + 12} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, + 0.2714872146303018], {4, 13} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 16} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 17} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 18} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, + 19} -> Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, + 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 20} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, + 6} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 8} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], \ +{5, 9} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 10} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, + 11} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], \ +{5, 12} -> Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 13} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 14} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, \ +-0.05348186753768233], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], { + 5, 16} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 17} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 9} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 12} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, + 13} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 15} -> Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 16} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 18} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, + 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 6, 20} -> Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, + 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 13} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, + 14} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 15} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 7, 16} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {7, 17} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, + 18} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{7, 19} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 20} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 14} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, + 15} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 16} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, + 17} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {8, 18} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 19} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 20} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, + 10} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, -0.30602272798394614`], {9, + 12} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {9, + 14} -> Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], { + 9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], { + 9, 16} -> Complex[ + 0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {9, 17} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {9, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {9, 19} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {9, 20} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {10, + 11} -> Complex[1.450065179250162, 0.], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, 0.30602272798394614`], {10, + 13} -> Complex[-0.5457126961790097, \ +-0.05668631714849469], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {10, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {10, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {10, 18} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {10, + 19} -> Complex[-0.4011625553983744, \ +-0.29553698205924495`], {10, 20} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {11, + 12} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {11, + 14} -> Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], { + 11, 15} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], { + 11, 16} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {11, + 17} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, \ +-0.2714872146303018], {11, 18} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {11, + 19} -> Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], { + 11, 20} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {12, + 13} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {12, + 14} -> Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], { + 12, 15} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {12, + 16} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], { + 12, 17} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {12, + 18} -> Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], { + 12, 19} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {12, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 13, 16} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {13, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {13, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {13, + 19} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, \ +-0.004720384308614219], {13, 20} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {14, + 15} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {14, + 17} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {14, 18} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {14, + 19} -> Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], { + 14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {15, + 16} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], { + 15, 18} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {15, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {15, 20} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {16, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], { + 16, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 16, 20} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], { + 17, 18} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {17, + 20} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {18, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {18, + 20} -> Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, + 0.10096704656405156`]}, Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> - False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, - GridBoxAlignment -> { - "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> - False, GridBoxItemSize -> { - "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, - GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, - BaseStyle -> { - ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, - PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, - GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, - AutoDelete -> False, - GridBoxItemSize -> { - "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, - BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, - Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, - "SummaryPanel"], - DynamicModuleValues:>{}], "]"}], - Q3`WickState[{ - $CellContext`c[1, 3, 0], - $CellContext`c[1, 1, 0], - $CellContext`c[1, 1, 1], - $CellContext`c[1, 3, 1]}, {{ - SparseArray[ - Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { - 1, {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, 1}}], SparseArray[ - Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, {1, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {}}, {}}]}, {{{ - Complex[-0.45109358752254786`, -0.09460162479535734], - Complex[0.11902174712489595`, 0.201827845160678], - Complex[0.06898434080010694, 0.09215296359165348], - Complex[-0.3747740602431165, -0.33164718426449513`]}, { - Complex[0.09934150706180704, 0.1587801019435698], - Complex[0.24310650270526865`, -0.29666023491971233`], - Complex[0.5159598379039979, -0.22420045292897806`], - Complex[-0.1765027293016732, -0.5142402207410368]}, { - Complex[0.25580759380917384`, -0.04941468259721406], - Complex[0.330777708804938, -0.08360332277662641], - Complex[0.18704671801965359`, 0.1486947091683832], - Complex[-0.23464984627439936`, 0.060224870512694366`]}, { - Complex[-0.20541066099006214`, -0.18786777175576813`], - Complex[0.23290145349224925`, 0.15720983821554824`], - Complex[0.2726269335621064, -0.20033857474550126`], - Complex[0.25691397398050164`, 0.10708413915007527`]}}, {{ - Complex[0.4199586015679177, -0.005857444943267762], - Complex[0.20038195378268195`, 0.18944070982976507`], - Complex[0.02499085543716096, -0.07549372038404914], - Complex[0.24928194062019307`, 0.38478879433818214`]}, { - Complex[-0.26324874492522643`, 0.03930416302816894], - Complex[-0.15203037292698596`, -0.21991240851706656`], - Complex[-0.09549084351775722, -0.1338032683415449], - Complex[-0.1409397343528623, 0.12856989101982294`]}, { - Complex[0.17628704842731352`, 0.2374256703153332], - Complex[-0.12576605483130027`, 0.33986042369930153`], - Complex[0.5900744821682186, -0.01872722551179404], - Complex[0.022200760555071128`, -0.3634987227857804]}, { - Complex[-0.12247318824250777`, 0.2789177168080611], - Complex[-0.08394628099969657, 0.33909174870103187`], - Complex[-0.4682981358954673, -0.11383273049498188`], - Complex[0.34047684596791056`, -0.29767577013288316`]}}}}, - SymmetrizedArray[ - StructuredArray`StructuredData[{4, 4}, {{{1, 4} -> 1, {2, 3} -> 1}, - Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { - $CellContext`c[1], - $CellContext`c[2], - 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Complex[0.0761220398541318, 0.17722428227256642`], + Complex[-0.1692227455159742, -0.00955861903291853], + Complex[0.1326379586373576, -0.282562140817938], + Complex[0.04990602355482773, -0.21189826314913265`]}, { + Complex[0.6527351788328424, 0.04094314533779381], + Complex[0.08128702857826951, -0.2261002627166157], + Complex[-0.13115610590791468`, -0.27523989393959086`], + Complex[0.002317525830475121, 0.18389303114510325`]}, { + Complex[0.12603831429763016`, 0.14410282282306391`], + Complex[-0.07245858672315154, 0.5993245691219025], + Complex[-0.3403471149025635, -0.2093845956169039], + Complex[-0.16043205588428594`, -0.3930611177747346]}, { + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], + Complex[0.3635152174042921, 0.12359172590337993`], + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], + Complex[0.5958913804471243, 0.30763435372569503`]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.10502227224558744`, 0.2578759385170891], + Complex[-0.3063688918768534, 0.1009809869273654], + Complex[0.2893141125637698, -0.44818540169804233`], + Complex[-0.5483419643703493, 0.14967682699122478`]}, { + Complex[-0.03450612081886077, 0.3919310689793163], + Complex[0.08554754810610539, 0.04325145918009163], + Complex[-0.10455839463447798`, 0.009899238314418652], + Complex[0.08611100223009287, -0.45311734656660346`]}, { + Complex[-0.0987343111959876, -0.270557722292807], + Complex[-0.012263292482132437`, -0.09544662746898838], + Complex[-0.0901658618100252, 0.20039475163084947`], + Complex[-0.17283351262032212`, -0.2976998907213325]}, { + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], + Complex[0.10846204399926629`, -0.024973249362109748`], + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], + Complex[-0.31403073369684686`, 0.023417426858537326`]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], + Complex[0.18935398968736805`, 0.025013607072666474`], + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], + Complex[0.28847128290249835`, -0.28252735770170245`]}, { + Complex[0.28591721995381936`, -0.09603964219780639], + Complex[0.07832741772737573, -0.21514076673001903`], + Complex[-0.128693165483946, 0.2491557478547205], + Complex[-0.01649283025664592, 0.024335224970437122`]}, { + Complex[-0.1160944432996616, 0.4347817466661372], + Complex[0.2184944053317642, -0.27445139897503085`], + Complex[0.48571001627488936`, 0.10438548560217037`], + Complex[-0.016867340251465295`, 0.03775930590016413]}, { + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], + Complex[0.3987042489501962, 0.10105884812398021`], + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], + Complex[0.49711368462748484`, 0.5561533916505781]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], + Complex[-0.5865880056222303, -0.21261173908509431`], + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], + Complex[-0.3979058538654757, 0.5578200392904937]}, { + Complex[0.03741911372848694, 0.3555770288492666], + Complex[-0.21911994873246649`, -0.08388101566785068], + Complex[0.2548268683415332, -0.26480673025090673`], + Complex[-0.6756231866977415, -0.2947005999126772]}, { + Complex[-0.3805816851208877, 0.20488005672499107`], + Complex[-0.06142241558335136, 0.00011278328113941555`], + Complex[0.34021125618690234`, -0.10819016114699895`], + Complex[0.0066668992201413535`, 0.05726654679628254]}, { + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], + Complex[0.01952114260176356, 0.3605368995212979], + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], + Complex[-0.15378550597192583`, -0.3594595686039512]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.24731369058188873`, -0.005978003694364159], + Complex[0.689381841095902, 0.01610359406221444], + Complex[-0.3447916089371626, -0.2945628361277986], + Complex[0.8564259611232028, -0.10540053453013315`]}, { + Complex[-0.10101307491053665`, -0.010816931796013562`], + Complex[-0.13000234714325792`, 0.10650750561261996`], + Complex[0.18201510709668425`, -0.12756970869296128`], + Complex[0.582907926479713, -0.49332601643227303`]}, { + Complex[-0.2088605762760204, 0.12221088314809211`], + Complex[0.2424448960763253, -0.28717838213799235`], + Complex[0.3941662220696188, 0.22013024149882754`], + Complex[0.33255320825081014`, 0.28001609620970047`]}, { + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], + Complex[0.14604698073715178`, 0.023760642933120718`], + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], + Complex[0.1025861810966763, 0.3280835823005945]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.34961511524482436`, 0.06695082289629037], + Complex[-0.22721677701872972`, 0.10788176207153556`], + Complex[-0.15575860000961195`, 0.19995729240511323`], + Complex[-0.411694553787175, 0.3669635339695745]}, { + Complex[-0.26998689654824515`, -0.23606009686450402`], + Complex[-0.3785015208484167, -0.009131443548956203], + Complex[0.049435984155214815`, -0.22057746182687452`], + Complex[-0.7825103107832154, 0.660409806791661]}, { + Complex[-0.2339886958885329, -0.020514303546813148`], + 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Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 13} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 14} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 16} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 17} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, 18} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, 19} -> + 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 6} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, 10} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, 12} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 13} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 14} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 16} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 17} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, 18} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, 20} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 6} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, 10} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, 0.2714872146303018], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, 12} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, 0.2714872146303018], {4, 13} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 14} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 17} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 18} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 20} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 8} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 9} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 10} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 11} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 13} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], {5, 16} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 17} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, 18} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, 20} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 9} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 12} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, 13} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 15} -> + Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 16} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, 17} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 18} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {6, 20} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 13} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, 14} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 15} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {7, 16} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {7, 17} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {7, 19} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 20} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, 10} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 14} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 16} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, 17} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {8, 18} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 19} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 20} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, -0.30602272798394614`], {9, 12} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {9, 14} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {9, 17} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {9, 18} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {9, 19} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {9, 20} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {10, 11} -> + Complex[1.450065179250162, 0.], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, 0.30602272798394614`], {10, 13} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {10, 15} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {10, 17} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {10, 18} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {10, 19} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {10, 20} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {11, 14} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], {11, 15} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {11, 17} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {11, 18} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {11, 19} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {11, 20} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {12, 13} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {12, 14} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {12, 15} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {12, 17} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {12, 18} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {12, 19} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {12, 20} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {13, 16} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {13, 17} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {13, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {13, 20} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {14, 17} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {14, 18} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {15, 16} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {15, 18} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {15, 19} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {15, 20} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {16, 17} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {16, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {16, 20} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {17, 20} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {18, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { + $CellContext`c[1], + $CellContext`c[2], + $CellContext`c[3], + $CellContext`c[4]}], + Editable->False, + SelectWithContents->True, + Selectable->False], ",", + InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ - RowBox[{ - RowBox[{"EchoTiming", "[", - RowBox[{"Construct", "[", - RowBox[{"#2", ",", "#1"}], "]"}], "]"}], "&"}], ",", "in", ",", - "qc"}], "]"}]}], ";"}]], "Input", - CellProlog:>Needs["Q3`"], - CellLabel->"In[8]:=", - CellID->2110735634,ExpressionUUID->"c8bf5351-dd55-442e-b8cc-8b9ed22fc178"], - -Cell["The last one contains all the history.", "ExampleText", - 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Complex[0.06949610637940966, 0.34610767847110757`]}, { - Complex[0.121035035207534, -0.15933522490880775`], - Complex[0.12911391712348008`, 0.08147222135723531], - Complex[0.23577550381229875`, -0.007868846046102607], - Complex[-0.6432590773588154, 0.2881073880725527]}, { - Complex[0.30037138218770437`, 0.08159464178110597], - Complex[0.016200631229593934`, 0.25694997410103293`], - Complex[0.011808581739673085`, 0.08185705393476161], - Complex[-0.35346637799029007`, 0.06288595335855354]}, { - Complex[-0.1269076579479738, 0.22162498470499792`], - Complex[-0.15810457630722993`, -0.13933792396892297`], - Complex[-0.23941239630766256`, -0.29158115553155245`], - Complex[0.19670323700478784`, -0.37323400977577387`]}}}}, - Selectable -> False, Editable -> False, SelectWithContents -> - True], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { - RowBox[{ - TagBox["\"Wick matrix: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], - "\[InvisibleSpace]", - TagBox[ - InterpretationBox[ - RowBox[{ + Complex[0.0761220398541318, 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Complex[0.28591721995381936`, -0.09603964219780639], + Complex[0.07832741772737573, -0.21514076673001903`], + Complex[-0.128693165483946, 0.2491557478547205], + Complex[-0.01649283025664592, 0.024335224970437122`]}, { + Complex[-0.1160944432996616, 0.4347817466661372], + Complex[0.2184944053317642, -0.27445139897503085`], + Complex[0.48571001627488936`, 0.10438548560217037`], + Complex[-0.016867340251465295`, 0.03775930590016413]}, { + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], + Complex[0.3987042489501962, 0.10105884812398021`], + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], + Complex[0.49711368462748484`, 0.5561533916505781]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], + Complex[-0.5865880056222303, -0.21261173908509431`], + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], + Complex[-0.3979058538654757, 0.5578200392904937]}, { + Complex[0.03741911372848694, 0.3555770288492666], + Complex[-0.21911994873246649`, -0.08388101566785068], + 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-0.07324537282570874], + Complex[0.27455376921119967`, -0.2228961867999453], + Complex[-0.5527246983393382, -0.12115050891727087`]}, { + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], + Complex[-0.5707749960844526, -0.011992276960298504`], + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], + Complex[-0.5036258677611142, -0.4186799288369736]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.4668453048063547, 0.05078350561368887], + Complex[0.5717504665456015, -0.22762797272994578`], + Complex[0.026618360435332, -0.558712091911503], + Complex[0.7305599283651154, 0.1929720694262925]}, { + Complex[0.007671777451409206, 0.19920903057736317`], + Complex[0.3118232639200961, 0.22657364921984724`], + Complex[0.1058448244038167, -0.5506657208575015], + Complex[0.7951255332506837, -0.3071818521229562]}, { + Complex[0.2352742944949184, -0.055182283636658364`], + Complex[-0.04808589278794599, 0.28822798844444075`], + Complex[-0.055863296690927794`, -0.32518014728329414`], + Complex[0.5596722301816094, 0.42362016413525366`]}, { + Complex[0.45531609033571524`, 0.6151125413684325], + Complex[0.013494032019214175`, 0.1112635929458276], + Complex[0.0675790805527822, -0.22476640371431453`], + Complex[0.48722223408824805`, 0.07097301086506483]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, 0.538814592741355], + Complex[0.09196642145704029, 0.26756603587814437`], + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, -0.5466416856280665], + Complex[-0.5609971206543622, 0.15933159839651245`]}, { + Complex[-0.4489823323283394, -0.11584139863279015`], + Complex[-0.26656427168387425`, 0.18690949976318316`], + Complex[-0.27016766125964786`, -0.06567014963051358], + Complex[-0.2972266005392272, 0.8849927041650091]}, { + Complex[0.181499243979495, -0.21360077867818675`], + Complex[-0.1619413383881858, -0.20014283068790933`], + Complex[-0.2354215281066983, 0.07969350206412064], + Complex[-0.4702635936099444, -0.29356615652119933`]}, { + Complex[-0.5074979911585726, 0.10530874449022248`], + Complex[-0.7416311192512353, -0.5088192470149466], + Complex[0.2907073848578795, -0.28690376906359405`], + Complex[-0.7820671540213748, -0.152424500314762]}}}}, + Selectable -> False, Editable -> False, + SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Wick matrix: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ TagBox["SymmetrizedArray", "SummaryHead"], "[", DynamicModuleBox[{ @@ -6012,93 +54610,73 @@ HACo2sx4 Magnification])}]], GraphicsBox[ RasterBox[CompressedData[" -1:eJzlWntUjHv3j1wi0t29RByn6ETCIX0qjm6SEiLX3HKrxAmp0CEhJZWSThRd -FUkqpYt0VzPzzKRS0mWaaaq5cDhO0nF+/dZ6/91/WOt91/ue9521Zq1Ze83a -l8/+7r0/+/s8Oq4ejnvl5eTkNP/x/f/fM2Qb9NX8yyH3j496dnVH+FoeZKEm -wx2NOejsa08U3uOgLG3mgn01Imy0lZ955iULHw0cFsrl8bD45M3BIO1e7JfP -9K0r4UC0Tz6pyq8doownPSfnS1AQNJF59ICLke7rpxWPK4RKe1fqqaddWHVN -PK8ljIUt7XNHWM+uB2vcXlfh2l7osO5YjFPiwFBRknFt2BvIm6Wzx8wS46h4 -mZq2Kw/v/OVscCgLPXe1rKOv8zFt4IdsOQkH+Tsem1Q2vUTfIHd7YGw32PcU 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None}, FrameStyle -> Directive[ Opacity[0.5], @@ -6282,7 +54839,7 @@ o84V1X+oOUXxGYr3UvsRtUdT9y3UvRwlp/RQdik/qbgoHCjcKJypvFB57Fyy "\[InvisibleSpace]", TagBox[ RowBox[{"{", - RowBox[{"44", ",", "44"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{"20", ",", "20"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { RowBox[{ TagBox["\"Symmetry: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], "\[InvisibleSpace]", @@ -6298,7 +54855,7 @@ o84V1X+oOUXxGYr3UvsRtUdT9y3UvRwlp/RQdik/qbgoHCjcKJypvFB57Fyy TagBox[ "\"Specified independent elements: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], "\[InvisibleSpace]", - TagBox["942", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + TagBox["186", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { TagBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ @@ -6308,8 +54865,8 @@ o84V1X+oOUXxGYr3UvsRtUdT9y3UvRwlp/RQdik/qbgoHCjcKJypvFB57Fyy StyleBox[ PaneBox[ RowBox[{ - RowBox[{"-", "0.09549084351775722`"}], "-", - RowBox[{"0.1338032683415449`", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]"}]}], + RowBox[{"-", "0.41190457842673445`"}], "-", + RowBox[{"0.10096704656405156`", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]"}]}], ContentPadding -> False, 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-0.013372910644229352`], {1, - 11} -> Complex[ - 0.2510790597533612, 0.48812162559983474`], {1, 12} -> - Complex[-0.26307950478543923`, 0.1141036247953411], {1, - 13} -> Complex[-0.30526343247770915`, \ --0.24598488074984254`], {1, 14} -> - Complex[0.19966066214556275`, -0.07718245548597671], {1, - 15} -> Complex[0.11114423430093813`, 0.070615153044467], { + SymmetrizedArray[ + + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{20, + 20}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, + 4} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, + 0.1718935005705546], {1, 5} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], { + 1, 6} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, + 8} -> Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], { + 1, 9} -> Complex[ + 0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 10} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 12} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, + 13} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, + 14} -> Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], { + 1, 15} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], { 1, 16} -> Complex[ - 0.21413154936334694`, -0.18298303659642504`], {1, 17} -> - Complex[-0.2243553137616041, -0.13100788893385992`], {1, - 18} -> Complex[0.4011342036506945, 0.08275884395276589], { - 1, 19} -> - Complex[-0.16724537207779577`, -0.03765174623244656], {1, - 20} -> Complex[-0.09000982956815268, \ --0.0903867564752118], {1, 21} -> - Complex[0.23577550381229875`, -0.007868846046102607], {1, - 22} -> Complex[-0.05020246914255188, - 0.08183924224939915], {1, 23} -> - Complex[0.23577550381229875`, -0.007868846046102607], {1, - 24} -> Complex[-0.05020246914255188, - 0.08183924224939915], {1, 25} -> - Complex[-0.16724537207779577`, -0.03765174623244656], {1, - 26} -> Complex[-0.09000982956815268, \ --0.0903867564752118], {1, 27} -> - Complex[-0.2243553137616041, -0.13100788893385992`], {1, - 28} -> Complex[0.4011342036506945, 0.08275884395276589], { - 1, 29} -> Complex[ - 0.11114423430093813`, 0.070615153044467], {1, 30} -> - Complex[0.21413154936334694`, -0.18298303659642504`], {1, - 31} -> Complex[-0.30526343247770915`, \ --0.24598488074984254`], {1, 32} -> - Complex[0.19966066214556275`, -0.07718245548597671], {1, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.2510790597533612, 0.48812162559983474`], {1, 34} -> - Complex[-0.26307950478543923`, 0.1141036247953411], {1, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.061769134612388144`, 0.4327409797306362], {1, 36} -> - Complex[0.1303218739406829, -0.013372910644229352`], {1, - 37} -> Complex[-0.13039638629884198`, \ --0.034128661373563796`], {1, 38} -> - Complex[-0.025669162689525127`, -0.01601380409712927], {1, - 39} -> Complex[ - 0.06898434080010694, -0.09215296359165348], {1, 40} -> - Complex[0.02499085543716096, -0.07549372038404914], {1, - 41} -> Complex[-0.09549084351775722, \ --0.1338032683415449], {1, 42} -> - Complex[0.5159598379039979, 0.22420045292897806`], {1, - 44} -> 1, {2, 3} -> - Complex[-0.26324874492522643`, 0.03930416302816894], {2, - 4} -> Complex[0.09934150706180704, -0.1587801019435698], { - 2, 5} -> Complex[-0.45109358752254786`, - 0.09460162479535734], {2, 6} -> - Complex[0.4199586015679177, -0.005857444943267762], {2, - 7} -> Complex[-0.15170199807896514`, \ --0.08485524070787617], {2, 8} -> - Complex[-0.17438166315534948`, -0.03950929068321911], {2, - 9} -> Complex[ - 0.02713104019918751, -0.08552834190809729], {2, 10} -> - Complex[0.3515392968529229, 0.1183042407887405], {2, 11} -> - Complex[-0.3528482206005182, -0.13773954600162294`], {2, - 12} -> Complex[ - 0.4055612310928953, -0.08934959360815586], {2, 13} -> - Complex[-0.013262976685837952`, 0.27747406999082147`], {2, - 14} -> - Complex[-0.20560310592993947`, -0.0017739749319820586`], { - 2, 15} -> Complex[ - 0.21100933205865569`, 0.0338211900528364], {2, 16} -> - Complex[0.12154323489501183`, -0.0314843880544678], {2, - 17} -> Complex[ - 0.41131977612624415`, 0.13232992191324358`], {2, 18} -> - Complex[-0.2084122202569052, -0.00020103428177624394`], { - 2, 19} -> - Complex[-0.14592289770481853`, -0.16407230390985175`], {2, - 20} -> Complex[-0.13251183168772646`, - 0.07292772674550725], {2, 21} -> - Complex[0.121035035207534, -0.15933522490880775`], {2, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.3016026771798053, 0.10079527738029274`], {2, 23} -> - Complex[0.121035035207534, -0.15933522490880775`], {2, - 24} -> Complex[ - 0.3016026771798053, 0.10079527738029274`], {2, 25} -> - Complex[-0.14592289770481853`, -0.16407230390985175`], {2, - 26} -> Complex[-0.13251183168772646`, - 0.07292772674550725], {2, 27} -> - Complex[0.41131977612624415`, 0.13232992191324358`], {2, - 28} -> Complex[-0.2084122202569052, \ --0.00020103428177624394`], {2, 29} -> - Complex[0.21100933205865569`, 0.0338211900528364], {2, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.12154323489501183`, -0.0314843880544678], {2, 31} -> - Complex[-0.013262976685837952`, 0.27747406999082147`], {2, - 32} -> - Complex[-0.20560310592993947`, -0.0017739749319820586`], { - 2, 33} -> - Complex[-0.3528482206005182, -0.13773954600162294`], {2, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.4055612310928953, -0.08934959360815586], {2, 35} -> - Complex[0.02713104019918751, -0.08552834190809729], {2, - 36} -> Complex[0.3515392968529229, 0.1183042407887405], { - 2, 37} -> - Complex[-0.15170199807896514`, -0.08485524070787617], {2, - 38} -> Complex[-0.17438166315534948`, \ --0.03950929068321911], {2, 39} -> - Complex[-0.45109358752254786`, 0.09460162479535734], {2, - 40} -> Complex[ - 0.4199586015679177, -0.005857444943267762], {2, 41} -> - Complex[-0.26324874492522643`, 0.03930416302816894], {2, - 42} -> Complex[ - 0.09934150706180704, -0.1587801019435698], {2, 43} -> - 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.7942645379409359, 0.], {3, 5} -> - Complex[0.16085487116109504`, -0.07542778521341045], {3, - 6} -> Complex[0.2974065306304634, -0.1879536683021757], { - 3, 7} -> - Complex[-0.13014881358492147`, -0.2568379516702825], {3, - 8} -> Complex[-0.38111102023432214`, - 0.1362923217488655], {3, 9} -> - Complex[0.379622482561638, 0.37763535611646337`], {3, 10} -> - Complex[0.054844360699783046`, 0.14881405380941012`], {3, - 11} -> Complex[ - 0.34476738289430997`, 0.2555576049300379], {3, 12} -> - Complex[0.07987741073093885, 0.09325674519337618], {3, - 13} -> Complex[-0.5832263376040618, - 0.009064309617321076], {3, 14} -> - Complex[-0.00017138517387816493`, -0.2782657630841046], { - 3, 15} -> Complex[ - 0.29615037375733383`, 0.1520353321758059], {3, 16} -> - Complex[0.3032958359848409, 0.155571682390279], {3, 17} -> - Complex[0.1317222714029774, 0.021975788878054098`], {3, - 18} -> Complex[ - 0.35677684495956996`, 0.26782996788376523`], {3, 19} -> - Complex[-0.25669798623355977`, -0.3682894392044831], {3, - 20} -> Complex[-0.4877238013526435, \ --0.007955471813542392], {3, 21} -> - Complex[0.4744609487513754, 0.20790978200823096`], {3, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.24202191124971967`, 0.1824193133420845], {3, 23} -> - Complex[0.4744609487513754, 0.20790978200823096`], {3, - 24} -> Complex[ - 0.24202191124971967`, 0.1824193133420845], {3, 25} -> - Complex[-0.25669798623355977`, -0.3682894392044831], {3, - 26} -> Complex[-0.4877238013526435, \ --0.007955471813542392], {3, 27} -> - Complex[0.1317222714029774, 0.021975788878054098`], {3, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.35677684495956996`, 0.26782996788376523`], {3, 29} -> - Complex[0.29615037375733383`, 0.1520353321758059], {3, - 30} -> Complex[0.3032958359848409, 0.155571682390279], {3, - 31} -> Complex[-0.5832263376040618, - 0.009064309617321076], {3, 32} -> - Complex[-0.00017138517387816493`, -0.2782657630841046], { - 3, 33} -> Complex[ - 0.34476738289430997`, 0.2555576049300379], {3, 34} -> - Complex[0.07987741073093885, 0.09325674519337618], {3, - 35} -> Complex[0.379622482561638, 0.37763535611646337`], { - 3, 36} -> Complex[ - 0.054844360699783046`, 0.14881405380941012`], {3, 37} -> - Complex[-0.13014881358492147`, -0.2568379516702825], {3, - 38} -> Complex[-0.38111102023432214`, - 0.1362923217488655], {3, 39} -> - Complex[0.16085487116109504`, -0.07542778521341045], {3, - 40} -> Complex[0.2974065306304634, -0.1879536683021757], { - 3, 41} -> - Complex[-0.1228672216943828, -0.04409897699884402], {3, - 42} -> Complex[0.7942645379409359, 0.], {3, 43} -> - Complex[0.09934150706180704, 0.1587801019435698], {3, 44} -> - Complex[0.5159598379039979, -0.22420045292897806`], {4, - 5} -> Complex[ - 0.24996097903041953`, 0.06915690707552657], {4, 6} -> - Complex[-0.16085487116109506`, -0.07542778521341045], {4, - 7} -> Complex[-0.027880395040276548`, \ --0.022333165755832735`], {4, 8} -> - Complex[0.022359289844474148`, 0.05594243870731504], {4, - 9} -> Complex[-0.08644616482776159, - 0.02912593915216866], {4, 10} -> - Complex[-0.16355189170640141`, 0.0020087730063969023`], { - 4, 11} -> Complex[ - 0.08638740713343389, 0.17434418695303155`], {4, 12} -> - Complex[-0.2314546186051366, -0.10371093144607982`], {4, - 13} -> Complex[ - 0.07253158825046907, -0.09918291848868536], {4, 14} -> - Complex[0.05708663295773911, -0.035481827368848175`], {4, - 15} -> Complex[-0.09640011973456236, \ --0.13730072302174962`], {4, 16} -> - Complex[0.08011310849505847, 0.15416886768894952`], {4, - 17} -> Complex[-0.16369481408407635`, \ --0.20495023616051494`], {4, 18} -> - Complex[0.14271885197121797`, 0.16451603870911535`], {4, - 19} -> Complex[-0.0019470322311122695`, - 0.006498565497976172], {4, 20} -> - Complex[0.011086587625856487`, 0.03977734422600335], {4, - 21} -> Complex[ - 0.030570326386135577`, 0.12759202400017805`], {4, 22} -> - Complex[-0.08725292832596576, -0.09110106173880848], {4, - 23} -> Complex[ - 0.030570326386135577`, 0.12759202400017805`], {4, 24} -> - Complex[-0.08725292832596576, -0.09110106173880848], {4, - 25} -> Complex[-0.0019470322311122695`, - 0.006498565497976172], {4, 26} -> - Complex[0.011086587625856487`, 0.03977734422600335], {4, - 27} -> Complex[-0.16369481408407635`, \ --0.20495023616051494`], {4, 28} -> - Complex[0.14271885197121797`, 0.16451603870911535`], {4, - 29} -> Complex[-0.09640011973456236, \ --0.13730072302174962`], {4, 30} -> - Complex[0.08011310849505847, 0.15416886768894952`], {4, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.07253158825046907, -0.09918291848868536], {4, 32} -> - Complex[0.05708663295773911, -0.035481827368848175`], {4, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.08638740713343389, 0.17434418695303155`], {4, 34} -> - Complex[-0.2314546186051366, -0.10371093144607982`], {4, - 35} -> Complex[-0.08644616482776159, - 0.02912593915216866], {4, 36} -> - Complex[-0.16355189170640141`, 0.0020087730063969023`], { - 4, 37} -> - Complex[-0.027880395040276548`, -0.022333165755832735`], { - 4, 38} -> Complex[ - 0.022359289844474148`, 0.05594243870731504], {4, 39} -> - Complex[0.24996097903041953`, 0.06915690707552657], {4, - 40} -> Complex[-0.16085487116109506`, \ --0.07542778521341045], {4, 41} -> Complex[0.2057354620590642, 0.], {4, 42} -> - Complex[-0.1228672216943828, 0.04409897699884402], {4, - 43} -> Complex[-0.26324874492522643`, \ --0.03930416302816894], {4, 44} -> - Complex[-0.09549084351775722, 0.1338032683415449], {5, 6} -> - Complex[0.468967993475222, 0.], {5, 7} -> - Complex[0.05878770379884127, -0.22658992563855607`], {5, - 8} -> Complex[-0.34981732611662325`, \ --0.11696760053686867`], {5, 9} -> - Complex[0.009374693569077844, 0.15977491506986388`], {5, + 0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, + 18} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, + 0.1718935005705546], {1, 20} -> 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, + 4} -> Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, \ +-0.07746786401493004], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, + 6} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 8} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, + 9} -> Complex[-0.4011625553983744, + 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, + 12} -> Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], { + 2, 13} -> Complex[ + 0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 14} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, + 15} -> Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, + 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 16} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, + 17} -> Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, \ +-0.13976043531592253`], {2, 18} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, + 19} -> 1, {3, 4} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 6} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, 10} -> Complex[ - 0.08962504736031421, 0.07047087465677605], {5, 11} -> - Complex[-0.27009710197247705`, 0.09683696616535195], {5, - 12} -> Complex[0.336844195579561, -0.07854946929481876], { - 5, 13} -> - Complex[-0.1819302056638001, -0.03832842256630628], {5, - 14} -> Complex[-0.0011166380242527973`, \ --0.07436247657447947], {5, 15} -> - Complex[0.21950094015099447`, 0.20337016113487644`], {5, - 16} -> Complex[-0.029524381219098658`, - 0.27058433189071296`], {5, 17} -> - Complex[0.4292561195547466, 0.1261529658539593], {5, 18} -> - Complex[-0.25988577880868147`, 0.32025955513177806`], {5, - 19} -> Complex[ - 0.03370619313857502, -0.3668678320559675], {5, 20} -> - Complex[-0.29051819451055283`, -0.1845802827902772], {5, - 21} -> Complex[ - 0.05006315921831328, 0.26260266300147606`], {5, 22} -> - Complex[0.2318925306003834, 0.19656264018073483`], {5, - 23} -> Complex[ - 0.05006315921831328, 0.26260266300147606`], {5, 24} -> - Complex[0.2318925306003834, 0.19656264018073483`], {5, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.03370619313857502, -0.3668678320559675], {5, 26} -> - Complex[-0.29051819451055283`, -0.1845802827902772], {5, - 27} -> Complex[0.4292561195547466, 0.1261529658539593], { - 5, 28} -> Complex[-0.25988577880868147`, - 0.32025955513177806`], {5, 29} -> - Complex[0.21950094015099447`, 0.20337016113487644`], {5, - 30} -> Complex[-0.029524381219098658`, - 0.27058433189071296`], {5, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1819302056638001, -0.03832842256630628], {5, - 32} -> Complex[-0.0011166380242527973`, \ --0.07436247657447947], {5, 33} -> - Complex[-0.27009710197247705`, 0.09683696616535195], {5, - 34} -> Complex[0.336844195579561, -0.07854946929481876], { - 5, 35} -> Complex[ - 0.009374693569077844, 0.15977491506986388`], {5, 36} -> - Complex[0.08962504736031421, 0.07047087465677605], {5, - 37} -> Complex[ - 0.05878770379884127, -0.22658992563855607`], {5, 38} -> - Complex[-0.34981732611662325`, -0.11696760053686867`], {5, - 39} -> Complex[-0.1615086931185547, - 0.2038837036292387], {5, 40} -> - Complex[0.468967993475222, 0.], {5, 41} -> - Complex[-0.16085487116109506`, 0.07542778521341045], {5, - 42} -> Complex[0.2974065306304634, 0.1879536683021757], { - 5, 43} -> Complex[ - 0.4199586015679177, 0.005857444943267762], {5, 44} -> - Complex[0.02499085543716096, 0.07549372038404914], {6, 7} -> - Complex[-0.10463685944321956`, -0.07511789469324247], {6, - 8} -> Complex[-0.12205487501450044`, - 0.20289574844353508`], {6, 9} -> - Complex[0.09702226222507297, 0.22133024046114783`], {6, - 10} -> Complex[-0.20427899641694272`, - 0.07412556370526623], {6, 11} -> - Complex[0.3968568746645965, 0.3179542352133835], {6, 12} -> - Complex[-0.3491533250344545, -0.03996336991178122], {6, - 13} -> Complex[-0.1609340029528849, \ --0.14622439757739267`], {6, 14} -> - Complex[0.02734387279170107, -0.15732878597712807`], {6, - 15} -> - Complex[-0.09481874255295673, -0.10031131935700385`], {6, - 16} -> Complex[ - 0.31083656874000754`, 0.20480433581617183`], {6, 17} -> - Complex[-0.25297712909181935`, -0.24121475433095296`], {6, + 0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 13} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 14} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 16} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 17} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, + 18} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, + 20} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 6} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 8} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, + 10} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, + 0.2714872146303018], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, + 12} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, + 0.2714872146303018], {4, 13} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 16} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 17} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 18} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, + 19} -> Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, + 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 20} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, + 6} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 8} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], \ +{5, 9} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 10} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, + 11} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], \ +{5, 12} -> Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 13} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 14} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, \ +-0.05348186753768233], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], { + 5, 16} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 17} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, 18} -> Complex[ - 0.45325964260328205`, 0.28221185233103285`], {6, 19} -> - Complex[-0.14609298550332978`, -0.10886984234665863`], {6, - 20} -> Complex[-0.16708358508261859`, - 0.0952802518296103], {6, 21} -> - Complex[0.2828692771265636, 0.22272520744230984`], {6, - 22} -> Complex[-0.03839447190915796, \ --0.0785609790385338], {6, 23} -> - Complex[0.2828692771265636, 0.22272520744230984`], {6, - 24} -> Complex[-0.03839447190915796, \ --0.0785609790385338], {6, 25} -> - Complex[-0.14609298550332978`, -0.10886984234665863`], {6, - 26} -> Complex[-0.16708358508261859`, - 0.0952802518296103], {6, 27} -> - Complex[-0.25297712909181935`, -0.24121475433095296`], {6, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.45325964260328205`, 0.28221185233103285`], {6, 29} -> - Complex[-0.09481874255295673, -0.10031131935700385`], {6, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.31083656874000754`, 0.20480433581617183`], {6, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1609340029528849, -0.14622439757739267`], {6, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.02734387279170107, -0.15732878597712807`], {6, 33} -> - Complex[0.3968568746645965, 0.3179542352133835], {6, 34} -> - Complex[-0.3491533250344545, -0.03996336991178122], {6, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.09702226222507297, 0.22133024046114783`], {6, 36} -> - Complex[-0.20427899641694272`, 0.07412556370526623], {6, - 37} -> Complex[-0.10463685944321956`, \ --0.07511789469324247], {6, 38} -> - Complex[-0.12205487501450044`, 0.20289574844353508`], {6, - 39} -> Complex[0.5310320065247784, 0.], {6, 40} -> - Complex[-0.1615086931185547, -0.2038837036292387], {6, - 41} -> Complex[ - 0.24996097903041953`, -0.06915690707552657], {6, 42} -> - Complex[0.16085487116109504`, 0.07542778521341045], {6, - 43} -> Complex[-0.45109358752254786`, \ --0.09460162479535734], {6, 44} -> - Complex[0.06898434080010694, 0.09215296359165348], {7, 8} -> - Complex[0.40722091172603664`, 0.], {7, 9} -> - Complex[-0.11182389060304421`, -0.25265368675817396`], {7, - 10} -> Complex[ - 0.037776510481617454`, -0.09367396801112708], {7, 11} -> - Complex[-0.01419351798580596, -0.23202353736641174`], {7, - 12} -> Complex[-0.14788859535778534`, - 0.07700626795012017], {7, 13} -> - Complex[0.28236460239168537`, 0.06515002989777242], {7, - 14} -> Complex[-0.000017190129231528517`, - 0.1919850410618445], {7, 15} -> - Complex[-0.16663539437880773`, -0.10437706201084027`], {7, - 16} -> - Complex[-0.11579180416428306`, -0.3654825088637898], {7, - 17} -> Complex[-0.2578313234243952, \ --0.008223482143912858], {7, 18} -> - Complex[-0.0010546882191990493`, -0.4188657078206115], {7, - 19} -> Complex[ - 0.04950835193514282, 0.39192964728125823`], {7, 20} -> - Complex[0.3849695122204991, 0.1062213573260169], {7, 21} -> - Complex[-0.19902782536665659`, -0.3494630626340304], {7, - 22} -> Complex[-0.2157400959251074, \ --0.14810189039274838`], {7, 23} -> - Complex[-0.19902782536665659`, -0.3494630626340304], {7, - 24} -> Complex[-0.2157400959251074, \ --0.14810189039274838`], {7, 25} -> - Complex[0.04950835193514282, 0.39192964728125823`], {7, - 26} -> Complex[0.3849695122204991, 0.1062213573260169], { - 7, 27} -> - Complex[-0.2578313234243952, -0.008223482143912858], {7, - 28} -> Complex[-0.0010546882191990493`, \ --0.4188657078206115], {7, 29} -> - Complex[-0.16663539437880773`, -0.10437706201084027`], {7, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.11579180416428306`, -0.3654825088637898], {7, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.28236460239168537`, 0.06515002989777242], {7, 32} -> - Complex[-0.000017190129231528517`, 0.1919850410618445], { - 7, 33} -> - Complex[-0.01419351798580596, -0.23202353736641174`], {7, - 34} -> Complex[-0.14788859535778534`, - 0.07700626795012017], {7, 35} -> - Complex[-0.11182389060304421`, -0.25265368675817396`], {7, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.037776510481617454`, -0.09367396801112708], {7, 37} -> - Complex[0.010402704038078874`, 0.24698236535710935`], {7, - 38} -> Complex[0.40722091172603664`, 0.], {7, 39} -> - Complex[-0.12205487501450044`, -0.20289574844353508`], {7, - 40} -> Complex[-0.34981732611662325`, - 0.11696760053686867`], {7, 41} -> - Complex[0.022359289844474148`, -0.05594243870731504], {7, - 42} -> Complex[-0.38111102023432214`, \ --0.1362923217488655], {7, 43} -> - Complex[-0.17438166315534948`, 0.03950929068321911], {7, - 44} -> Complex[-0.025669162689525127`, - 0.01601380409712927], {8, 9} -> - Complex[-0.15753135165944274`, 0.015530037395122431`], {8, - 10} -> - Complex[-0.10764128844166919`, -0.06170068553810148], {8, - 11} -> Complex[-0.18342661221059317`, \ --0.0691351893734958], {8, 12} -> - Complex[0.09808243309028082, 0.08309117318181813], {8, - 13} -> Complex[ - 0.07074686751407203, -0.1846815194029794], {8, 14} -> - Complex[0.12729567759922444`, 0.0474240351088444], {8, - 15} -> Complex[-0.06799939323987887, - 0.15542062808459078`], {8, 16} -> - Complex[-0.3260753449894908, 0.09076864462541498], {8, - 17} -> Complex[ - 0.054106634788614424`, 0.19153336538244783`], {8, 18} -> - Complex[-0.35213150811029553`, -0.004581446940964962], {8, - 19} -> Complex[ - 0.3030470345876809, -0.022519062872992452`], {8, 20} -> - Complex[0.0853534267428824, -0.2685944681825865], {8, 21} -> - Complex[-0.29947000384932826`, 0.15932598599277575`], {8, - 22} -> Complex[-0.1066773309353098, - 0.12038972095215114`], {8, 23} -> - Complex[-0.29947000384932826`, 0.15932598599277575`], {8, - 24} -> Complex[-0.1066773309353098, - 0.12038972095215114`], {8, 25} -> - Complex[0.3030470345876809, -0.022519062872992452`], {8, - 26} -> Complex[0.0853534267428824, -0.2685944681825865], { - 8, 27} -> Complex[ - 0.054106634788614424`, 0.19153336538244783`], {8, 28} -> - Complex[-0.35213150811029553`, -0.004581446940964962], {8, - 29} -> Complex[-0.06799939323987887, - 0.15542062808459078`], {8, 30} -> - Complex[-0.3260753449894908, 0.09076864462541498], {8, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.07074686751407203, -0.1846815194029794], {8, 32} -> - Complex[0.12729567759922444`, 0.0474240351088444], {8, - 33} -> Complex[-0.18342661221059317`, \ --0.0691351893734958], {8, 34} -> - Complex[0.09808243309028082, 0.08309117318181813], {8, - 35} -> Complex[-0.15753135165944274`, - 0.015530037395122431`], {8, 36} -> - Complex[-0.10764128844166919`, -0.06170068553810148], {8, - 37} -> Complex[0.23794441743992187`, 0.], {8, 38} -> - Complex[0.010402704038078874`, -0.24698236535710935`], {8, - 39} -> Complex[-0.10463685944321956`, - 0.07511789469324247], {8, 40} -> - Complex[0.05878770379884127, 0.22658992563855607`], {8, - 41} -> Complex[-0.027880395040276548`, - 0.022333165755832735`], {8, 42} -> - Complex[-0.13014881358492147`, 0.2568379516702825], {8, - 43} -> Complex[-0.15170199807896514`, - 0.08485524070787617], {8, 44} -> - Complex[-0.13039638629884198`, 0.034128661373563796`], {9, - 10} -> Complex[0.25196673625598803`, 0.], {9, 11} -> - Complex[-0.10288428074555514`, -0.11276794141596694`], {9, - 12} -> Complex[ - 0.14071347978647328`, -0.02565787631307584], {9, 13} -> - Complex[0.02273034207641774, 0.17980351945521167`], {9, - 14} -> Complex[-0.12743791707027466`, - 0.10129786140711028`], {9, 15} -> - Complex[0.09733875051643903, 0.02252167088462168], {9, - 16} -> Complex[ - 0.10291125338889108`, -0.24223763722943603`], {9, 17} -> - Complex[0.1420818225049802, 0.020549905336444067`], {9, - 18} -> Complex[ - 0.01836995244926526, -0.1484624429717301], {9, 19} -> - Complex[-0.16763998959907517`, 0.06187718632736254], {9, + 0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, 20} -> Complex[ - 0.0333938099578483, 0.13285998183650485`], {9, 21} -> - Complex[0.0773132411259754, -0.2576476349973377], {9, 22} -> - Complex[0.11625516970040772`, -0.0444573016449614], {9, - 23} -> Complex[0.0773132411259754, -0.2576476349973377], { - 9, 24} -> Complex[ - 0.11625516970040772`, -0.0444573016449614], {9, 25} -> - Complex[-0.16763998959907517`, 0.06187718632736254], {9, - 26} -> Complex[ - 0.0333938099578483, 0.13285998183650485`], {9, 27} -> - Complex[0.1420818225049802, 0.020549905336444067`], {9, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.01836995244926526, -0.1484624429717301], {9, 29} -> - Complex[0.09733875051643903, 0.02252167088462168], {9, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.10291125338889108`, -0.24223763722943603`], {9, 31} -> - Complex[0.02273034207641774, 0.17980351945521167`], {9, - 32} -> Complex[-0.12743791707027466`, - 0.10129786140711028`], {9, 33} -> - Complex[-0.10288428074555514`, -0.11276794141596694`], {9, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.14071347978647328`, -0.02565787631307584], {9, 35} -> - Complex[0.06900560553474475, -0.09147719506750722], {9, - 36} -> Complex[0.25196673625598803`, 0.], {9, 37} -> - Complex[-0.10764128844166919`, 0.06170068553810148], {9, - 38} -> Complex[ - 0.037776510481617454`, 0.09367396801112708], {9, 39} -> - Complex[-0.20427899641694272`, -0.07412556370526623], {9, - 40} -> Complex[ - 0.08962504736031421, -0.07047087465677605], {9, 41} -> - Complex[-0.16355189170640141`, -0.0020087730063969023`], { - 9, 42} -> Complex[ - 0.054844360699783046`, -0.14881405380941012`], {9, 43} -> - Complex[0.3515392968529229, -0.1183042407887405], {9, 44} -> - Complex[0.1303218739406829, 0.013372910644229352`], {10, - 11} -> Complex[ - 0.4234517136865772, -0.17382859154523886`], {10, 12} -> - Complex[0.08297996191121794, 0.14731977594965492`], {10, - 13} -> Complex[-0.3267580701610388, 0.2909584163641271], { - 10, 14} -> - Complex[-0.1864696256262259, -0.16562554341192864`], {10, + 0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 9} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 12} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, + 13} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 15} -> Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 16} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 18} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, + 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 6, 20} -> Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, + 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 13} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, + 14} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 15} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 7, 16} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {7, 17} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, + 18} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{7, 19} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 20} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 14} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, + 15} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 16} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, + 17} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {8, 18} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 19} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 20} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, + 10} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, -0.30602272798394614`], {9, + 12} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {9, + 14} -> Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], { + 9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], { + 9, 16} -> Complex[ + 0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {9, 17} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {9, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {9, 19} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {9, 20} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {10, + 11} -> Complex[1.450065179250162, 0.], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, 0.30602272798394614`], {10, + 13} -> Complex[-0.5457126961790097, \ +-0.05668631714849469], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {10, 15} -> Complex[ - 0.12752255814459348`, -0.01058258297182084], {10, 16} -> - Complex[0.23082108426859382`, -0.1151631361820325], {10, - 17} -> Complex[-0.003894793002414687, - 0.08913866560779202], {10, 18} -> - Complex[0.3339398475970939, -0.15997328431271962`], {10, - 19} -> Complex[-0.26920184199068836`, \ --0.03518514503066193], {10, 20} -> - Complex[-0.22526455556679315`, 0.2299720433182001], {10, - 21} -> Complex[ - 0.34304074287236563`, -0.14955941448349905`], {10, 22} -> - Complex[0.17642220929810848`, 0.008365816397526732], {10, - 23} -> Complex[ - 0.34304074287236563`, -0.14955941448349905`], {10, 24} -> - Complex[0.17642220929810848`, 0.008365816397526732], {10, - 25} -> Complex[-0.26920184199068836`, \ --0.03518514503066193], {10, 26} -> - Complex[-0.22526455556679315`, 0.2299720433182001], {10, - 27} -> Complex[-0.003894793002414687, - 0.08913866560779202], {10, 28} -> - Complex[0.3339398475970939, -0.15997328431271962`], {10, - 29} -> Complex[ - 0.12752255814459348`, -0.01058258297182084], {10, 30} -> - Complex[0.23082108426859382`, -0.1151631361820325], {10, - 31} -> Complex[-0.3267580701610388, 0.2909584163641271], { - 10, 32} -> - Complex[-0.1864696256262259, -0.16562554341192864`], {10, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.4234517136865772, -0.17382859154523886`], {10, 34} -> - Complex[0.08297996191121794, 0.14731977594965492`], {10, - 35} -> Complex[0.43857566553537836`, 0.], {10, 36} -> - Complex[0.06900560553474475, 0.09147719506750722], {10, - 37} -> Complex[-0.15753135165944274`, \ --0.015530037395122431`], {10, 38} -> - Complex[-0.11182389060304421`, 0.25265368675817396`], {10, - 39} -> Complex[ - 0.09702226222507297, -0.22133024046114783`], {10, 40} -> - Complex[0.009374693569077844, -0.15977491506986388`], {10, - 41} -> - Complex[-0.08644616482776159, -0.02912593915216866], {10, - 42} -> Complex[ - 0.379622482561638, -0.37763535611646337`], {10, 43} -> - Complex[0.02713104019918751, 0.08552834190809729], {10, - 44} -> Complex[ - 0.061769134612388144`, -0.4327409797306362], {11, 12} -> - Complex[0.47847656274123934`, 0.], {11, 13} -> - Complex[-0.04614471842445865, 0.2012403202344506], {11, - 14} -> Complex[-0.11825712208599867`, - 0.03281527611416887], {11, 15} -> - Complex[0.19273536111508338`, 0.17960309701589544`], {11, - 16} -> Complex[-0.18153329267644502`, - 0.04101286407624916], {11, 17} -> - Complex[0.44801071428465117`, 0.2692922761438914], {11, - 18} -> Complex[-0.3929683587836577, \ --0.049717383500414464`], {11, 19} -> - Complex[0.06151949272740251, -0.14597827062414853`], {11, - 20} -> Complex[-0.11512173225228697`, \ --0.06603202019404991], {11, 21} -> - Complex[-0.08480107108956837, -0.011733274510644723`], { - 11, 22} -> - Complex[0.2100350983072742, 0.12968311623120948`], {11, - 23} -> - Complex[-0.08480107108956837, -0.011733274510644723`], { - 11, 24} -> - Complex[0.2100350983072742, 0.12968311623120948`], {11, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.06151949272740251, -0.14597827062414853`], {11, 26} -> - Complex[-0.11512173225228697`, -0.06603202019404991], {11, - 27} -> Complex[ - 0.44801071428465117`, 0.2692922761438914], {11, 28} -> - Complex[-0.3929683587836577, -0.049717383500414464`], {11, - 29} -> Complex[ - 0.19273536111508338`, 0.17960309701589544`], {11, 30} -> - Complex[-0.18153329267644502`, 0.04101286407624916], {11, - 31} -> Complex[-0.04614471842445865, - 0.2012403202344506], {11, 32} -> - Complex[-0.11825712208599867`, 0.03281527611416887], {11, - 33} -> Complex[-0.2995258955811395, \ --0.31724225693749325`], {11, 34} -> - Complex[0.47847656274123934`, 0.], {11, 35} -> - Complex[0.08297996191121794, -0.14731977594965492`], {11, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.14071347978647328`, 0.02565787631307584], {11, 37} -> - Complex[0.09808243309028082, -0.08309117318181813], {11, - 38} -> Complex[-0.14788859535778534`, \ --0.07700626795012017], {11, 39} -> - Complex[-0.3491533250344545, 0.03996336991178122], {11, - 40} -> Complex[0.336844195579561, 0.07854946929481876], { - 11, 41} -> - Complex[-0.2314546186051366, 0.10371093144607982`], {11, - 42} -> Complex[ - 0.07987741073093885, -0.09325674519337618], {11, 43} -> - Complex[0.4055612310928953, 0.08934959360815586], {11, - 44} -> Complex[-0.26307950478543923`, \ --0.1141036247953411], {12, 13} -> - Complex[-0.3741286789371999, 0.08815664694864397], {12, - 14} -> Complex[-0.0895373655226468, -0.2726390562042197], \ -{12, 15} -> Complex[-0.10619283788354225`, -0.09442620281597475], {12, 16} -> - Complex[0.32708256838048577`, -0.13908395997171136`], {12, - 17} -> Complex[-0.46001366242443475`, - 0.04501903103250712], {12, 18} -> - Complex[0.6355045742435778, -0.21145565318624404`], {12, - 19} -> Complex[-0.2261801898794757, 0.0697599821374323], { - 12, 20} -> - Complex[-0.14250557605474204`, 0.2063165128775194], {12, - 21} -> Complex[ - 0.3907111567253396, -0.10268276555989041`], {12, 22} -> - Complex[-0.03463050797136755, -0.0005686162402836065], { - 12, 23} -> - Complex[0.3907111567253396, -0.10268276555989041`], {12, - 24} -> Complex[-0.03463050797136755, \ --0.0005686162402836065], {12, 25} -> - Complex[-0.2261801898794757, 0.0697599821374323], {12, - 26} -> Complex[-0.14250557605474204`, - 0.2063165128775194], {12, 27} -> - Complex[-0.46001366242443475`, 0.04501903103250712], {12, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.6355045742435778, -0.21145565318624404`], {12, 29} -> - Complex[-0.10619283788354225`, -0.09442620281597475], {12, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.32708256838048577`, -0.13908395997171136`], {12, 31} -> - Complex[-0.3741286789371999, 0.08815664694864397], {12, - 32} -> Complex[-0.0895373655226468, -0.2726390562042197], \ -{12, 33} -> Complex[0.7967874310583581, 0.], {12, 34} -> - Complex[-0.2995258955811395, 0.31724225693749325`], {12, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.4234517136865772, 0.17382859154523886`], {12, 36} -> - Complex[-0.10288428074555514`, 0.11276794141596694`], {12, - 37} -> Complex[-0.18342661221059317`, - 0.0691351893734958], {12, 38} -> - Complex[-0.01419351798580596, 0.23202353736641174`], {12, - 39} -> Complex[0.3968568746645965, -0.3179542352133835], { - 12, 40} -> - Complex[-0.27009710197247705`, -0.09683696616535195], {12, - 41} -> Complex[ - 0.08638740713343389, -0.17434418695303155`], {12, 42} -> - Complex[0.34476738289430997`, -0.2555576049300379], {12, - 43} -> Complex[-0.3528482206005182, - 0.13773954600162294`], {12, 44} -> - Complex[0.2510790597533612, -0.48812162559983474`], {13, - 14} -> Complex[0.23765539643867975`, 0.], {13, 15} -> - Complex[-0.01114356571997462, 0.027664002308237984`], {13, - 16} -> Complex[-0.19358892550608142`, - 0.1309226927016317], {13, 17} -> - Complex[-0.06851992241433469, -0.0744015573825995], {13, - 18} -> Complex[-0.11993561442023166`, - 0.17547153928175108`], {13, 19} -> - Complex[0.18655369587288279`, -0.03316644798025127], {13, + 0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {10, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {10, 18} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {10, + 19} -> Complex[-0.4011625553983744, \ +-0.29553698205924495`], {10, 20} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {11, + 12} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {11, + 14} -> Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], { + 11, 15} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], { + 11, 16} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {11, + 17} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, \ +-0.2714872146303018], {11, 18} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {11, + 19} -> Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], { + 11, 20} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {12, + 13} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {12, + 14} -> Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], { + 12, 15} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {12, + 16} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], { + 12, 17} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {12, + 18} -> Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], { + 12, 19} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {12, 20} -> Complex[ - 0.030760616858804858`, -0.23538416809123017`], {13, 21} -> - Complex[-0.18155862358181848`, 0.21175025822039334`], {13, - 22} -> Complex[-0.12865709489960156`, - 0.05845882137761309], {13, 23} -> - Complex[-0.18155862358181848`, 0.21175025822039334`], {13, - 24} -> Complex[-0.12865709489960156`, - 0.05845882137761309], {13, 25} -> - Complex[0.18655369587288279`, -0.03316644798025127], {13, - 26} -> Complex[ - 0.030760616858804858`, -0.23538416809123017`], {13, 27} -> - Complex[-0.06851992241433469, -0.0744015573825995], {13, - 28} -> Complex[-0.11993561442023166`, - 0.17547153928175108`], {13, 29} -> - Complex[-0.01114356571997462, 0.027664002308237984`], {13, - 30} -> Complex[-0.19358892550608142`, - 0.1309226927016317], {13, 31} -> - Complex[0.02230195983430227, -0.2772501264695485], {13, - 32} -> Complex[0.23765539643867975`, 0.], {13, 33} -> - Complex[-0.0895373655226468, 0.2726390562042197], {13, - 34} -> Complex[-0.11825712208599867`, \ --0.03281527611416887], {13, 35} -> - Complex[-0.1864696256262259, 0.16562554341192864`], {13, - 36} -> Complex[-0.12743791707027466`, \ --0.10129786140711028`], {13, 37} -> - Complex[0.12729567759922444`, -0.0474240351088444], {13, - 38} -> Complex[-0.000017190129231528517`, \ --0.1919850410618445], {13, 39} -> - Complex[0.02734387279170107, 0.15732878597712807`], {13, - 40} -> Complex[-0.0011166380242527973`, - 0.07436247657447947], {13, 41} -> - Complex[0.05708663295773911, 0.035481827368848175`], {13, - 42} -> Complex[-0.00017138517387816493`, - 0.2782657630841046], {13, 43} -> - Complex[-0.20560310592993947`, 0.0017739749319820586`], { - 13, 44} -> - Complex[0.19966066214556275`, 0.07718245548597671], {14, - 15} -> Complex[-0.1434740078467142, \ --0.14249005754771799`], {14, 16} -> - Complex[-0.22606462874900565`, -0.1399133548131939], {14, - 17} -> Complex[-0.0043849913193274165`, \ --0.14245792695609336`], {14, 18} -> - Complex[-0.285231737878617, -0.11923332261820863`], {14, + 0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 13, 16} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {13, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {13, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {13, + 19} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, \ +-0.004720384308614219], {13, 20} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {14, + 15} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {14, + 17} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {14, 18} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {14, + 19} -> Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], { + 14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {15, + 16} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], { + 15, 18} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {15, 19} -> Complex[ - 0.13352455457746898`, 0.28187182844600256`], {14, 20} -> - Complex[0.3674430035252537, 0.02942988722855236], {14, - 21} -> Complex[-0.3706890731222189, \ --0.18044487919137855`], {14, 22} -> - Complex[-0.14083455775068546`, -0.19707451798647965`], { - 14, 23} -> - Complex[-0.3706890731222189, -0.18044487919137855`], {14, - 24} -> Complex[-0.14083455775068546`, \ --0.19707451798647965`], {14, 25} -> - Complex[0.13352455457746898`, 0.28187182844600256`], {14, - 26} -> Complex[0.3674430035252537, 0.02942988722855236], { - 14, 27} -> - Complex[-0.0043849913193274165`, -0.14245792695609336`], { - 14, 28} -> - Complex[-0.285231737878617, -0.11923332261820863`], {14, - 29} -> Complex[-0.1434740078467142, \ --0.14249005754771799`], {14, 30} -> - Complex[-0.22606462874900565`, -0.1399133548131939], {14, - 31} -> Complex[0.4906588842328401, 0.], {14, 32} -> - Complex[0.02230195983430227, 0.2772501264695485], {14, - 33} -> Complex[-0.3741286789371999, \ --0.08815664694864397], {14, 34} -> - Complex[-0.04614471842445865, -0.2012403202344506], {14, - 35} -> Complex[-0.3267580701610388, -0.2909584163641271], \ -{14, 36} -> Complex[0.02273034207641774, -0.17980351945521167`], {14, 37} -> - Complex[0.07074686751407203, 0.1846815194029794], {14, - 38} -> Complex[ - 0.28236460239168537`, -0.06515002989777242], {14, 39} -> - Complex[-0.1609340029528849, 0.14622439757739267`], {14, - 40} -> Complex[-0.1819302056638001, - 0.03832842256630628], {14, 41} -> - Complex[0.07253158825046907, 0.09918291848868536], {14, - 42} -> Complex[-0.5832263376040618, \ --0.009064309617321076], {14, 43} -> - Complex[-0.013262976685837952`, -0.27747406999082147`], { - 14, 44} -> - Complex[-0.30526343247770915`, 0.24598488074984254`], {15, - 16} -> Complex[0.6239172945486772, 0.], {15, 17} -> - Complex[-0.09783202355353876, -0.205800420187774], {15, - 18} -> Complex[ - 0.6038715987396429, 0.13410176235407406`], {15, 19} -> - Complex[-0.4320941387037918, -0.12991593488691688`], {15, - 20} -> Complex[-0.2194984593087177, 0.3316347549781254], { - 15, 21} -> - Complex[0.5764010633854448, -0.06134795783007195], {15, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.14469920882684142`, -0.08927758557149193], {15, 23} -> - Complex[0.5764010633854448, -0.06134795783007195], {15, - 24} -> Complex[ - 0.14469920882684142`, -0.08927758557149193], {15, 25} -> - Complex[-0.4320941387037918, -0.12991593488691688`], {15, - 26} -> Complex[-0.2194984593087177, 0.3316347549781254], { - 15, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09783202355353876, -0.205800420187774], {15, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.6038715987396429, 0.13410176235407406`], {15, 29} -> - Complex[0.04520966568846207, -0.09180189043755807], {15, - 30} -> Complex[0.6239172945486772, 0.], {15, 31} -> - Complex[-0.22606462874900565`, 0.1399133548131939], {15, - 32} -> Complex[-0.19358892550608142`, \ --0.1309226927016317], {15, 33} -> - Complex[0.32708256838048577`, 0.13908395997171136`], {15, - 34} -> Complex[-0.18153329267644502`, \ --0.04101286407624916], {15, 35} -> - Complex[0.23082108426859382`, 0.1151631361820325], {15, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.10291125338889108`, 0.24223763722943603`], {15, 37} -> - Complex[-0.3260753449894908, -0.09076864462541498], {15, - 38} -> Complex[-0.11579180416428306`, - 0.3654825088637898], {15, 39} -> - Complex[0.31083656874000754`, -0.20480433581617183`], {15, - 40} -> - Complex[-0.029524381219098658`, -0.27058433189071296`], { - 15, 41} -> - Complex[0.08011310849505847, -0.15416886768894952`], {15, - 42} -> Complex[0.3032958359848409, -0.155571682390279], { - 15, 43} -> - Complex[0.12154323489501183`, 0.0314843880544678], {15, - 44} -> Complex[ - 0.21413154936334694`, 0.18298303659642504`], {16, 17} -> - Complex[0.307309293748822, -0.12573777648869972`], {16, - 18} -> Complex[-0.005406308519185013, - 0.1923155305107149], {16, 19} -> - Complex[-0.16337863033937647`, -0.15896380516087896`], { + 0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {15, 20} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {16, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], { + 16, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { 16, 20} -> - Complex[-0.22589711673635846`, 0.05687526412308362], {16, - 21} -> Complex[0.1400611094476761, 0.04426166547149747], { - 16, 22} -> - Complex[0.21056098056343198`, -0.0010063259480176945`], { - 16, 23} -> - Complex[0.1400611094476761, 0.04426166547149747], {16, - 24} -> Complex[ - 0.21056098056343198`, -0.0010063259480176945`], {16, 25} -> - Complex[-0.16337863033937647`, -0.15896380516087896`], { - 16, 26} -> - Complex[-0.22589711673635846`, 0.05687526412308362], {16, - 27} -> Complex[ - 0.307309293748822, -0.12573777648869972`], {16, 28} -> - Complex[-0.005406308519185013, 0.1923155305107149], {16, - 29} -> Complex[0.2999888691706436, 0.], {16, 30} -> - Complex[0.04520966568846207, 0.09180189043755807], {16, - 31} -> Complex[-0.1434740078467142, - 0.14249005754771799`], {16, 32} -> - Complex[-0.01114356571997462, -0.027664002308237984`], { - 16, 33} -> - Complex[-0.10619283788354225`, 0.09442620281597475], {16, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.19273536111508338`, -0.17960309701589544`], {16, 35} -> - Complex[0.12752255814459348`, 0.01058258297182084], {16, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.09733875051643903, -0.02252167088462168], {16, 37} -> - Complex[-0.06799939323987887, -0.15542062808459078`], {16, - 38} -> Complex[-0.16663539437880773`, - 0.10437706201084027`], {16, 39} -> - Complex[-0.09481874255295673, 0.10031131935700385`], {16, - 40} -> Complex[ - 0.21950094015099447`, -0.20337016113487644`], {16, 41} -> - Complex[-0.09640011973456236, 0.13730072302174962`], {16, - 42} -> Complex[ - 0.29615037375733383`, -0.1520353321758059], {16, 43} -> - Complex[0.21100933205865569`, -0.0338211900528364], {16, - 44} -> Complex[ - 0.11114423430093813`, -0.070615153044467], {17, 18} -> - Complex[0.8226177838286826, 0.], {17, 19} -> - Complex[-0.4628811864347869, 0.03398995650383704], {17, - 20} -> Complex[-0.16284304226858476`, - 0.37837076485202586`], {17, 21} -> - Complex[0.5819149254202538, -0.1453748291300389], {17, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.03538868677262991, -0.15172437718360862`], {17, 23} -> - Complex[0.5819149254202538, -0.1453748291300389], {17, - 24} -> Complex[ - 0.03538868677262991, -0.15172437718360862`], {17, 25} -> - Complex[-0.4628811864347869, 0.03398995650383704], {17, - 26} -> Complex[-0.16284304226858476`, - 0.37837076485202586`], {17, 27} -> - Complex[-0.3687303710508583, -0.2805809812057185], {17, - 28} -> Complex[0.8226177838286826, 0.], {17, 29} -> - Complex[-0.005406308519185013, -0.1923155305107149], {17, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.6038715987396429, -0.13410176235407406`], {17, 31} -> - Complex[-0.285231737878617, 0.11923332261820863`], {17, - 32} -> Complex[-0.11993561442023166`, \ --0.17547153928175108`], {17, 33} -> - Complex[0.6355045742435778, 0.21145565318624404`], {17, - 34} -> Complex[-0.3929683587836577, - 0.049717383500414464`], {17, 35} -> - Complex[0.3339398475970939, 0.15997328431271962`], {17, - 36} -> Complex[0.01836995244926526, 0.1484624429717301], { - 17, 37} -> - Complex[-0.35213150811029553`, 0.004581446940964962], {17, - 38} -> Complex[-0.0010546882191990493`, - 0.4188657078206115], {17, 39} -> - Complex[0.45325964260328205`, -0.28221185233103285`], {17, - 40} -> - Complex[-0.25988577880868147`, -0.32025955513177806`], { - 17, 41} -> - Complex[0.14271885197121797`, -0.16451603870911535`], {17, - 42} -> Complex[ - 0.35677684495956996`, -0.26782996788376523`], {17, 43} -> - Complex[-0.2084122202569052, 0.00020103428177624394`], { - 17, 44} -> - Complex[0.4011342036506945, -0.08275884395276589], {18, - 19} -> Complex[-0.03295479383775109, \ --0.2657905892829302], {18, 20} -> - Complex[-0.21652607315161407`, -0.04438031043332], {18, - 21} -> Complex[-0.028900154169874605`, - 0.13017700930644915`], {18, 22} -> - Complex[0.28957213463729153`, 0.04412598324971386], {18, - 23} -> Complex[-0.028900154169874605`, - 0.13017700930644915`], {18, 24} -> - Complex[0.28957213463729153`, 0.04412598324971386], {18, - 25} -> Complex[-0.03295479383775109, \ --0.2657905892829302], {18, 26} -> - Complex[-0.21652607315161407`, -0.04438031043332], {18, - 27} -> Complex[0.6078793215741036, 0.], {18, 28} -> - Complex[-0.3687303710508583, 0.2805809812057185], {18, - 29} -> Complex[0.307309293748822, 0.12573777648869972`], { - 18, 30} -> - Complex[-0.09783202355353876, 0.205800420187774], {18, - 31} -> Complex[-0.0043849913193274165`, - 0.14245792695609336`], {18, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06851992241433469, 0.0744015573825995], {18, - 33} -> Complex[-0.46001366242443475`, \ --0.04501903103250712], {18, 34} -> - Complex[0.44801071428465117`, -0.2692922761438914], {18, - 35} -> Complex[-0.003894793002414687, \ --0.08913866560779202], {18, 36} -> - Complex[0.1420818225049802, -0.020549905336444067`], {18, - 37} -> Complex[ - 0.054106634788614424`, -0.19153336538244783`], {18, 38} -> - Complex[-0.2578313234243952, 0.008223482143912858], {18, - 39} -> Complex[-0.25297712909181935`, - 0.24121475433095296`], {18, 40} -> - Complex[0.4292561195547466, -0.1261529658539593], {18, - 41} -> Complex[-0.16369481408407635`, - 0.20495023616051494`], {18, 42} -> - Complex[0.1317222714029774, -0.021975788878054098`], {18, - 43} -> Complex[ - 0.41131977612624415`, -0.13232992191324358`], {18, 44} -> - Complex[-0.2243553137616041, 0.13100788893385992`], {19, - 20} -> Complex[0.43562184855409647`, 0.], {19, 21} -> - Complex[-0.3369744999236155, -0.29271844816622855`], {19, - 22} -> Complex[-0.24041532021506196`, \ --0.1184011853639306], {19, 23} -> - Complex[-0.3369744999236155, -0.29271844816622855`], {19, - 24} -> Complex[-0.24041532021506196`, \ --0.1184011853639306], {19, 25} -> - Complex[0.1616697000123189, 0.377583947982878], {19, 26} -> - Complex[0.43562184855409647`, 0.], {19, 27} -> - Complex[-0.21652607315161407`, 0.04438031043332], {19, - 28} -> Complex[-0.16284304226858476`, \ --0.37837076485202586`], {19, 29} -> - Complex[-0.22589711673635846`, -0.05687526412308362], {19, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.2194984593087177, -0.3316347549781254], {19, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.3674430035252537, -0.02942988722855236], {19, 32} -> - Complex[0.030760616858804858`, 0.23538416809123017`], {19, - 33} -> - Complex[-0.14250557605474204`, -0.2063165128775194], {19, - 34} -> Complex[-0.11512173225228697`, - 0.06603202019404991], {19, 35} -> - Complex[-0.22526455556679315`, -0.2299720433182001], {19, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.0333938099578483, -0.13285998183650485`], {19, 37} -> - Complex[0.0853534267428824, 0.2685944681825865], {19, 38} -> - Complex[0.3849695122204991, -0.1062213573260169], {19, - 39} -> Complex[-0.16708358508261859`, \ --0.0952802518296103], {19, 40} -> - Complex[-0.29051819451055283`, 0.1845802827902772], {19, - 41} -> Complex[ - 0.011086587625856487`, -0.03977734422600335], {19, 42} -> - Complex[-0.4877238013526435, 0.007955471813542392], {19, - 43} -> Complex[-0.13251183168772646`, \ --0.07292772674550725], {19, 44} -> - Complex[-0.09000982956815268, 0.0903867564752118], {20, - 21} -> Complex[-0.42325127739355767`, - 0.20956565510527553`], {20, 22} -> - Complex[-0.1948780812666511, 0.1767152316856876], {20, - 23} -> Complex[-0.42325127739355767`, - 0.20956565510527553`], {20, 24} -> - Complex[-0.1948780812666511, 0.1767152316856876], {20, - 25} -> Complex[0.4472151812462272, 0.], {20, 26} -> - Complex[0.1616697000123189, -0.377583947982878], {20, 27} -> - Complex[-0.03295479383775109, 0.2657905892829302], {20, - 28} -> Complex[-0.4628811864347869, \ --0.03398995650383704], {20, 29} -> - Complex[-0.16337863033937647`, 0.15896380516087896`], {20, - 30} -> Complex[-0.4320941387037918, - 0.12991593488691688`], {20, 31} -> - Complex[0.13352455457746898`, -0.28187182844600256`], {20, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.18655369587288279`, 0.03316644798025127], {20, 33} -> - Complex[-0.2261801898794757, -0.0697599821374323], {20, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.06151949272740251, 0.14597827062414853`], {20, 35} -> - Complex[-0.26920184199068836`, 0.03518514503066193], {20, - 36} -> Complex[-0.16763998959907517`, \ --0.06187718632736254], {20, 37} -> - Complex[0.3030470345876809, 0.022519062872992452`], {20, - 38} -> Complex[ - 0.04950835193514282, -0.39192964728125823`], {20, 39} -> - Complex[-0.14609298550332978`, 0.10886984234665863`], {20, - 40} -> Complex[ - 0.03370619313857502, 0.3668678320559675], {20, 41} -> - Complex[-0.0019470322311122695`, -0.006498565497976172], { - 20, 42} -> - Complex[-0.25669798623355977`, 0.3682894392044831], {20, - 43} -> Complex[-0.14592289770481853`, - 0.16407230390985175`], {20, 44} -> - Complex[-0.16724537207779577`, 0.03765174623244656], {21, - 22} -> Complex[0.24951228881406945`, 0.], {21, 23} -> - Complex[0.2012043060989246, 0.013499323207191383`], {21, - 24} -> Complex[0.24951228881406945`, 0.], {21, 25} -> - Complex[-0.1948780812666511, -0.1767152316856876], {21, - 26} -> Complex[-0.24041532021506196`, - 0.1184011853639306], {21, 27} -> - Complex[0.28957213463729153`, -0.04412598324971386], {21, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.03538868677262991, 0.15172437718360862`], {21, 29} -> - Complex[0.21056098056343198`, 0.0010063259480176945`], { - 21, 30} -> - Complex[0.14469920882684142`, 0.08927758557149193], {21, - 31} -> Complex[-0.14083455775068546`, - 0.19707451798647965`], {21, 32} -> - Complex[-0.12865709489960156`, -0.05845882137761309], {21, - 33} -> Complex[-0.03463050797136755, - 0.0005686162402836065], {21, 34} -> - Complex[0.2100350983072742, -0.12968311623120948`], {21, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.17642220929810848`, -0.008365816397526732], {21, 36} -> - Complex[0.11625516970040772`, 0.0444573016449614], {21, - 37} -> Complex[-0.1066773309353098, \ --0.12038972095215114`], {21, 38} -> - Complex[-0.2157400959251074, 0.14810189039274838`], {21, - 39} -> Complex[-0.03839447190915796, - 0.0785609790385338], {21, 40} -> - Complex[0.2318925306003834, -0.19656264018073483`], {21, - 41} -> Complex[-0.08725292832596576, - 0.09110106173880848], {21, 42} -> - Complex[0.24202191124971967`, -0.1824193133420845], {21, - 43} -> Complex[ - 0.3016026771798053, -0.10079527738029274`], {21, 44} -> - Complex[-0.05020246914255188, -0.08183924224939915], {22, - 23} -> Complex[0.615785434694824, 0.], {22, 24} -> - Complex[0.2012043060989246, -0.013499323207191383`], {22, - 25} -> Complex[-0.42325127739355767`, \ --0.20956565510527553`], {22, 26} -> - Complex[-0.3369744999236155, 0.29271844816622855`], {22, - 27} -> Complex[-0.028900154169874605`, \ --0.13017700930644915`], {22, 28} -> - Complex[0.5819149254202538, 0.1453748291300389], {22, 29} -> - Complex[0.1400611094476761, -0.04426166547149747], {22, - 30} -> Complex[0.5764010633854448, 0.06134795783007195], { - 22, 31} -> - Complex[-0.3706890731222189, 0.18044487919137855`], {22, - 32} -> Complex[-0.18155862358181848`, \ --0.21175025822039334`], {22, 33} -> - Complex[0.3907111567253396, 0.10268276555989041`], {22, - 34} -> Complex[-0.08480107108956837, - 0.011733274510644723`], {22, 35} -> - Complex[0.34304074287236563`, 0.14955941448349905`], {22, - 36} -> Complex[0.0773132411259754, 0.2576476349973377], { - 22, 37} -> - Complex[-0.29947000384932826`, -0.15932598599277575`], { - 22, 38} -> - Complex[-0.19902782536665659`, 0.3494630626340304], {22, - 39} -> Complex[ - 0.2828692771265636, -0.22272520744230984`], {22, 40} -> - Complex[0.05006315921831328, -0.26260266300147606`], {22, - 41} -> Complex[ - 0.030570326386135577`, -0.12759202400017805`], {22, 42} -> - Complex[0.4744609487513754, -0.20790978200823096`], {22, - 43} -> Complex[0.121035035207534, 0.15933522490880775`], { - 22, 44} -> - Complex[0.23577550381229875`, 0.007868846046102607], {23, - 24} -> Complex[0.24951228881406945`, 0.], {23, 25} -> - Complex[-0.1948780812666511, -0.1767152316856876], {23, - 26} -> Complex[-0.24041532021506196`, - 0.1184011853639306], {23, 27} -> - Complex[0.28957213463729153`, -0.04412598324971386], {23, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.03538868677262991, 0.15172437718360862`], {23, 29} -> - Complex[0.21056098056343198`, 0.0010063259480176945`], { - 23, 30} -> - Complex[0.14469920882684142`, 0.08927758557149193], {23, - 31} -> Complex[-0.14083455775068546`, - 0.19707451798647965`], {23, 32} -> - Complex[-0.12865709489960156`, -0.05845882137761309], {23, - 33} -> Complex[-0.03463050797136755, - 0.0005686162402836065], {23, 34} -> - Complex[0.2100350983072742, -0.12968311623120948`], {23, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.17642220929810848`, -0.008365816397526732], {23, 36} -> - Complex[0.11625516970040772`, 0.0444573016449614], {23, - 37} -> Complex[-0.1066773309353098, \ --0.12038972095215114`], {23, 38} -> - Complex[-0.2157400959251074, 0.14810189039274838`], {23, - 39} -> Complex[-0.03839447190915796, - 0.0785609790385338], {23, 40} -> - Complex[0.2318925306003834, -0.19656264018073483`], {23, - 41} -> Complex[-0.08725292832596576, - 0.09110106173880848], {23, 42} -> - Complex[0.24202191124971967`, -0.1824193133420845], {23, - 43} -> Complex[ - 0.3016026771798053, -0.10079527738029274`], {23, 44} -> - Complex[-0.05020246914255188, -0.08183924224939915], {24, - 25} -> Complex[-0.42325127739355767`, \ --0.20956565510527553`], {24, 26} -> - Complex[-0.3369744999236155, 0.29271844816622855`], {24, - 27} -> Complex[-0.028900154169874605`, \ --0.13017700930644915`], {24, 28} -> - Complex[0.5819149254202538, 0.1453748291300389], {24, 29} -> - Complex[0.1400611094476761, -0.04426166547149747], {24, - 30} -> Complex[0.5764010633854448, 0.06134795783007195], { - 24, 31} -> - Complex[-0.3706890731222189, 0.18044487919137855`], {24, - 32} -> Complex[-0.18155862358181848`, \ --0.21175025822039334`], {24, 33} -> - Complex[0.3907111567253396, 0.10268276555989041`], {24, - 34} -> Complex[-0.08480107108956837, - 0.011733274510644723`], {24, 35} -> - Complex[0.34304074287236563`, 0.14955941448349905`], {24, - 36} -> Complex[0.0773132411259754, 0.2576476349973377], { - 24, 37} -> - Complex[-0.29947000384932826`, -0.15932598599277575`], { - 24, 38} -> - Complex[-0.19902782536665659`, 0.3494630626340304], {24, - 39} -> Complex[ - 0.2828692771265636, -0.22272520744230984`], {24, 40} -> - Complex[0.05006315921831328, -0.26260266300147606`], {24, - 41} -> Complex[ - 0.030570326386135577`, -0.12759202400017805`], {24, 42} -> - Complex[0.4744609487513754, -0.20790978200823096`], {24, - 43} -> Complex[0.121035035207534, 0.15933522490880775`], { - 24, 44} -> - Complex[0.23577550381229875`, 0.007868846046102607], {25, - 26} -> Complex[0.43562184855409647`, 0.], {25, 27} -> - Complex[-0.21652607315161407`, 0.04438031043332], {25, - 28} -> Complex[-0.16284304226858476`, \ --0.37837076485202586`], {25, 29} -> - Complex[-0.22589711673635846`, -0.05687526412308362], {25, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.2194984593087177, -0.3316347549781254], {25, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.3674430035252537, -0.02942988722855236], {25, 32} -> - Complex[0.030760616858804858`, 0.23538416809123017`], {25, - 33} -> - Complex[-0.14250557605474204`, -0.2063165128775194], {25, - 34} -> Complex[-0.11512173225228697`, - 0.06603202019404991], {25, 35} -> - Complex[-0.22526455556679315`, -0.2299720433182001], {25, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.0333938099578483, -0.13285998183650485`], {25, 37} -> - Complex[0.0853534267428824, 0.2685944681825865], {25, 38} -> - Complex[0.3849695122204991, -0.1062213573260169], {25, - 39} -> Complex[-0.16708358508261859`, \ --0.0952802518296103], {25, 40} -> - Complex[-0.29051819451055283`, 0.1845802827902772], {25, - 41} -> Complex[ - 0.011086587625856487`, -0.03977734422600335], {25, 42} -> - Complex[-0.4877238013526435, 0.007955471813542392], {25, - 43} -> Complex[-0.13251183168772646`, \ --0.07292772674550725], {25, 44} -> - Complex[-0.09000982956815268, 0.0903867564752118], {26, - 27} -> Complex[-0.03295479383775109, - 0.2657905892829302], {26, 28} -> - Complex[-0.4628811864347869, -0.03398995650383704], {26, - 29} -> Complex[-0.16337863033937647`, - 0.15896380516087896`], {26, 30} -> - Complex[-0.4320941387037918, 0.12991593488691688`], {26, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.13352455457746898`, -0.28187182844600256`], {26, 32} -> - Complex[0.18655369587288279`, 0.03316644798025127], {26, - 33} -> Complex[-0.2261801898794757, -0.0697599821374323], \ -{26, 34} -> Complex[0.06151949272740251, 0.14597827062414853`], {26, 35} -> - Complex[-0.26920184199068836`, 0.03518514503066193], {26, - 36} -> Complex[-0.16763998959907517`, \ --0.06187718632736254], {26, 37} -> - Complex[0.3030470345876809, 0.022519062872992452`], {26, - 38} -> Complex[ - 0.04950835193514282, -0.39192964728125823`], {26, 39} -> - Complex[-0.14609298550332978`, 0.10886984234665863`], {26, - 40} -> Complex[ - 0.03370619313857502, 0.3668678320559675], {26, 41} -> - Complex[-0.0019470322311122695`, -0.006498565497976172], { - 26, 42} -> - Complex[-0.25669798623355977`, 0.3682894392044831], {26, - 43} -> Complex[-0.14592289770481853`, - 0.16407230390985175`], {26, 44} -> - Complex[-0.16724537207779577`, 0.03765174623244656], {27, - 28} -> Complex[0.8226177838286826, 0.], {27, 29} -> - Complex[-0.005406308519185013, -0.1923155305107149], {27, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.6038715987396429, -0.13410176235407406`], {27, 31} -> - Complex[-0.285231737878617, 0.11923332261820863`], {27, - 32} -> Complex[-0.11993561442023166`, \ --0.17547153928175108`], {27, 33} -> - Complex[0.6355045742435778, 0.21145565318624404`], {27, - 34} -> Complex[-0.3929683587836577, - 0.049717383500414464`], {27, 35} -> - Complex[0.3339398475970939, 0.15997328431271962`], {27, - 36} -> Complex[0.01836995244926526, 0.1484624429717301], { - 27, 37} -> - Complex[-0.35213150811029553`, 0.004581446940964962], {27, - 38} -> Complex[-0.0010546882191990493`, - 0.4188657078206115], {27, 39} -> - Complex[0.45325964260328205`, -0.28221185233103285`], {27, - 40} -> - Complex[-0.25988577880868147`, -0.32025955513177806`], { - 27, 41} -> - Complex[0.14271885197121797`, -0.16451603870911535`], {27, - 42} -> Complex[ - 0.35677684495956996`, -0.26782996788376523`], {27, 43} -> - Complex[-0.2084122202569052, 0.00020103428177624394`], { - 27, 44} -> - Complex[0.4011342036506945, -0.08275884395276589], {28, - 29} -> Complex[0.307309293748822, 0.12573777648869972`], { - 28, 30} -> - Complex[-0.09783202355353876, 0.205800420187774], {28, - 31} -> Complex[-0.0043849913193274165`, - 0.14245792695609336`], {28, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06851992241433469, 0.0744015573825995], {28, - 33} -> Complex[-0.46001366242443475`, \ --0.04501903103250712], {28, 34} -> - Complex[0.44801071428465117`, -0.2692922761438914], {28, - 35} -> Complex[-0.003894793002414687, \ --0.08913866560779202], {28, 36} -> - Complex[0.1420818225049802, -0.020549905336444067`], {28, - 37} -> Complex[ - 0.054106634788614424`, -0.19153336538244783`], {28, 38} -> - Complex[-0.2578313234243952, 0.008223482143912858], {28, - 39} -> Complex[-0.25297712909181935`, - 0.24121475433095296`], {28, 40} -> - Complex[0.4292561195547466, -0.1261529658539593], {28, - 41} -> Complex[-0.16369481408407635`, - 0.20495023616051494`], {28, 42} -> - Complex[0.1317222714029774, -0.021975788878054098`], {28, - 43} -> Complex[ - 0.41131977612624415`, -0.13232992191324358`], {28, 44} -> - Complex[-0.2243553137616041, 0.13100788893385992`], {29, - 30} -> Complex[0.6239172945486772, 0.], {29, 31} -> - Complex[-0.22606462874900565`, 0.1399133548131939], {29, - 32} -> Complex[-0.19358892550608142`, \ --0.1309226927016317], {29, 33} -> - Complex[0.32708256838048577`, 0.13908395997171136`], {29, - 34} -> Complex[-0.18153329267644502`, \ --0.04101286407624916], {29, 35} -> - Complex[0.23082108426859382`, 0.1151631361820325], {29, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.10291125338889108`, 0.24223763722943603`], {29, 37} -> - Complex[-0.3260753449894908, -0.09076864462541498], {29, - 38} -> Complex[-0.11579180416428306`, - 0.3654825088637898], {29, 39} -> - Complex[0.31083656874000754`, -0.20480433581617183`], {29, - 40} -> - Complex[-0.029524381219098658`, -0.27058433189071296`], { - 29, 41} -> - Complex[0.08011310849505847, -0.15416886768894952`], {29, - 42} -> Complex[0.3032958359848409, -0.155571682390279], { - 29, 43} -> - Complex[0.12154323489501183`, 0.0314843880544678], {29, - 44} -> Complex[ - 0.21413154936334694`, 0.18298303659642504`], {30, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1434740078467142, 0.14249005754771799`], {30, - 32} -> Complex[-0.01114356571997462, \ --0.027664002308237984`], {30, 33} -> - Complex[-0.10619283788354225`, 0.09442620281597475], {30, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.19273536111508338`, -0.17960309701589544`], {30, 35} -> - Complex[0.12752255814459348`, 0.01058258297182084], {30, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.09733875051643903, -0.02252167088462168], {30, 37} -> - Complex[-0.06799939323987887, -0.15542062808459078`], {30, - 38} -> Complex[-0.16663539437880773`, - 0.10437706201084027`], {30, 39} -> - Complex[-0.09481874255295673, 0.10031131935700385`], {30, - 40} -> Complex[ - 0.21950094015099447`, -0.20337016113487644`], {30, 41} -> - Complex[-0.09640011973456236, 0.13730072302174962`], {30, - 42} -> Complex[ - 0.29615037375733383`, -0.1520353321758059], {30, 43} -> - Complex[0.21100933205865569`, -0.0338211900528364], {30, - 44} -> Complex[ - 0.11114423430093813`, -0.070615153044467], {31, 32} -> - Complex[0.23765539643867975`, 0.], {31, 33} -> - Complex[-0.0895373655226468, 0.2726390562042197], {31, - 34} -> Complex[-0.11825712208599867`, \ --0.03281527611416887], {31, 35} -> - Complex[-0.1864696256262259, 0.16562554341192864`], {31, - 36} -> Complex[-0.12743791707027466`, \ --0.10129786140711028`], {31, 37} -> - Complex[0.12729567759922444`, -0.0474240351088444], {31, - 38} -> Complex[-0.000017190129231528517`, \ --0.1919850410618445], {31, 39} -> - Complex[0.02734387279170107, 0.15732878597712807`], {31, - 40} -> Complex[-0.0011166380242527973`, - 0.07436247657447947], {31, 41} -> - Complex[0.05708663295773911, 0.035481827368848175`], {31, - 42} -> Complex[-0.00017138517387816493`, - 0.2782657630841046], {31, 43} -> - Complex[-0.20560310592993947`, 0.0017739749319820586`], { - 31, 44} -> - Complex[0.19966066214556275`, 0.07718245548597671], {32, - 33} -> Complex[-0.3741286789371999, \ --0.08815664694864397], {32, 34} -> - Complex[-0.04614471842445865, -0.2012403202344506], {32, - 35} -> Complex[-0.3267580701610388, -0.2909584163641271], \ -{32, 36} -> Complex[0.02273034207641774, -0.17980351945521167`], {32, 37} -> - Complex[0.07074686751407203, 0.1846815194029794], {32, - 38} -> Complex[ - 0.28236460239168537`, -0.06515002989777242], {32, 39} -> - Complex[-0.1609340029528849, 0.14622439757739267`], {32, - 40} -> Complex[-0.1819302056638001, - 0.03832842256630628], {32, 41} -> - Complex[0.07253158825046907, 0.09918291848868536], {32, - 42} -> Complex[-0.5832263376040618, \ --0.009064309617321076], {32, 43} -> - Complex[-0.013262976685837952`, -0.27747406999082147`], { - 32, 44} -> - Complex[-0.30526343247770915`, 0.24598488074984254`], {33, - 34} -> Complex[0.47847656274123934`, 0.], {33, 35} -> - Complex[0.08297996191121794, -0.14731977594965492`], {33, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.14071347978647328`, 0.02565787631307584], {33, 37} -> - Complex[0.09808243309028082, -0.08309117318181813], {33, - 38} -> Complex[-0.14788859535778534`, \ --0.07700626795012017], {33, 39} -> - Complex[-0.3491533250344545, 0.03996336991178122], {33, - 40} -> Complex[0.336844195579561, 0.07854946929481876], { - 33, 41} -> - Complex[-0.2314546186051366, 0.10371093144607982`], {33, - 42} -> Complex[ - 0.07987741073093885, -0.09325674519337618], {33, 43} -> - Complex[0.4055612310928953, 0.08934959360815586], {33, - 44} -> Complex[-0.26307950478543923`, \ --0.1141036247953411], {34, 35} -> - Complex[0.4234517136865772, 0.17382859154523886`], {34, - 36} -> Complex[-0.10288428074555514`, - 0.11276794141596694`], {34, 37} -> - Complex[-0.18342661221059317`, 0.0691351893734958], {34, - 38} -> Complex[-0.01419351798580596, - 0.23202353736641174`], {34, 39} -> - Complex[0.3968568746645965, -0.3179542352133835], {34, - 40} -> Complex[-0.27009710197247705`, \ --0.09683696616535195], {34, 41} -> - Complex[0.08638740713343389, -0.17434418695303155`], {34, - 42} -> Complex[ - 0.34476738289430997`, -0.2555576049300379], {34, 43} -> - Complex[-0.3528482206005182, 0.13773954600162294`], {34, - 44} -> Complex[ - 0.2510790597533612, -0.48812162559983474`], {35, 36} -> - Complex[0.25196673625598803`, 0.], {35, 37} -> - Complex[-0.10764128844166919`, 0.06170068553810148], {35, - 38} -> Complex[ - 0.037776510481617454`, 0.09367396801112708], {35, 39} -> - Complex[-0.20427899641694272`, -0.07412556370526623], {35, - 40} -> Complex[ - 0.08962504736031421, -0.07047087465677605], {35, 41} -> - Complex[-0.16355189170640141`, -0.0020087730063969023`], { - 35, 42} -> - Complex[0.054844360699783046`, -0.14881405380941012`], { - 35, 43} -> - Complex[0.3515392968529229, -0.1183042407887405], {35, - 44} -> Complex[ - 0.1303218739406829, 0.013372910644229352`], {36, 37} -> - Complex[-0.15753135165944274`, -0.015530037395122431`], { - 36, 38} -> - Complex[-0.11182389060304421`, 0.25265368675817396`], {36, - 39} -> Complex[ - 0.09702226222507297, -0.22133024046114783`], {36, 40} -> - Complex[0.009374693569077844, -0.15977491506986388`], {36, - 41} -> - Complex[-0.08644616482776159, -0.02912593915216866], {36, - 42} -> Complex[ - 0.379622482561638, -0.37763535611646337`], {36, 43} -> - Complex[0.02713104019918751, 0.08552834190809729], {36, - 44} -> Complex[ - 0.061769134612388144`, -0.4327409797306362], {37, 38} -> - Complex[0.40722091172603664`, 0.], {37, 39} -> - Complex[-0.12205487501450044`, -0.20289574844353508`], { - 37, 40} -> - Complex[-0.34981732611662325`, 0.11696760053686867`], {37, - 41} -> Complex[ - 0.022359289844474148`, -0.05594243870731504], {37, 42} -> - Complex[-0.38111102023432214`, -0.1362923217488655], {37, - 43} -> Complex[-0.17438166315534948`, - 0.03950929068321911], {37, 44} -> - Complex[-0.025669162689525127`, 0.01601380409712927], {38, - 39} -> Complex[-0.10463685944321956`, - 0.07511789469324247], {38, 40} -> - Complex[0.05878770379884127, 0.22658992563855607`], {38, - 41} -> Complex[-0.027880395040276548`, - 0.022333165755832735`], {38, 42} -> - Complex[-0.13014881358492147`, 0.2568379516702825], {38, - 43} -> Complex[-0.15170199807896514`, - 0.08485524070787617], {38, 44} -> - Complex[-0.13039638629884198`, 0.034128661373563796`], { - 39, 40} -> Complex[0.468967993475222, 0.], {39, 41} -> - Complex[-0.16085487116109506`, 0.07542778521341045], {39, - 42} -> Complex[0.2974065306304634, 0.1879536683021757], { - 39, 43} -> - Complex[0.4199586015679177, 0.005857444943267762], {39, - 44} -> Complex[ - 0.02499085543716096, 0.07549372038404914], {40, 41} -> - Complex[0.24996097903041953`, -0.06915690707552657], {40, - 42} -> Complex[ - 0.16085487116109504`, 0.07542778521341045], {40, 43} -> - Complex[-0.45109358752254786`, -0.09460162479535734], {40, - 44} -> Complex[ - 0.06898434080010694, 0.09215296359165348], {41, 42} -> - Complex[0.7942645379409359, 0.], {41, 43} -> - Complex[0.09934150706180704, 0.1587801019435698], {41, - 44} -> Complex[ - 0.5159598379039979, -0.22420045292897806`], {42, 43} -> - Complex[-0.26324874492522643`, -0.03930416302816894], {42, - 44} -> Complex[-0.09549084351775722, - 0.1338032683415449]}, + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], { + 17, 18} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {17, + 20} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {18, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {18, + 20} -> Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, + 0.10096704656405156`]}, Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> - False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, - GridBoxAlignment -> { - "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> - False, GridBoxItemSize -> { - "Columns" -> 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$CellContext`c[4, 1, 0], - $CellContext`c[4, 1, 1], - $CellContext`c[5, 4, 1], - $CellContext`c[5, 4, 0], - $CellContext`c[6, 2, 0], - $CellContext`c[6, 2, 1], - $CellContext`c[6, 2, 0], - $CellContext`c[6, 2, 1], - $CellContext`c[5, 4, 1], - $CellContext`c[5, 4, 0], - $CellContext`c[4, 1, 0], - $CellContext`c[4, 1, 1], - $CellContext`c[4, 2, 1], - $CellContext`c[4, 2, 0], - $CellContext`c[4, 4, 0], - $CellContext`c[4, 4, 1], - $CellContext`c[3, 1, 0], - $CellContext`c[3, 1, 1], - $CellContext`c[3, 2, 1], - $CellContext`c[3, 2, 0], - $CellContext`c[3, 4, 1], - $CellContext`c[3, 4, 0], - $CellContext`c[2, 1, 1], - $CellContext`c[2, 1, 0], - $CellContext`c[2, 2, 0], - $CellContext`c[2, 2, 1], - $CellContext`c[1, 1, 1], - $CellContext`c[1, 3, 1]}, {{ - SparseArray[ - Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { - 1, {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, 1}}], SparseArray[ - Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, {1, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {}}, {}}]}, {{{ - Complex[-0.45109358752254786`, -0.09460162479535734], - Complex[0.11902174712489595`, 0.201827845160678], - Complex[0.06898434080010694, 0.09215296359165348], - Complex[-0.3747740602431165, -0.33164718426449513`]}, { - Complex[0.09934150706180704, 0.1587801019435698], - Complex[0.24310650270526865`, -0.29666023491971233`], - Complex[0.5159598379039979, -0.22420045292897806`], - Complex[-0.1765027293016732, -0.5142402207410368]}, { - Complex[0.25580759380917384`, -0.04941468259721406], - Complex[0.330777708804938, -0.08360332277662641], - Complex[0.18704671801965359`, 0.1486947091683832], - Complex[-0.23464984627439936`, 0.060224870512694366`]}, { - Complex[-0.20541066099006214`, -0.18786777175576813`], - Complex[0.23290145349224925`, 0.15720983821554824`], - Complex[0.2726269335621064, -0.20033857474550126`], - Complex[0.25691397398050164`, 0.10708413915007527`]}}, {{ - Complex[0.4199586015679177, -0.005857444943267762], - Complex[0.20038195378268195`, 0.18944070982976507`], - Complex[0.02499085543716096, -0.07549372038404914], - Complex[0.24928194062019307`, 0.38478879433818214`]}, { - Complex[-0.26324874492522643`, 0.03930416302816894], - Complex[-0.15203037292698596`, -0.21991240851706656`], - Complex[-0.09549084351775722, -0.1338032683415449], - Complex[-0.1409397343528623, 0.12856989101982294`]}, { - Complex[0.17628704842731352`, 0.2374256703153332], - Complex[-0.12576605483130027`, 0.33986042369930153`], - Complex[0.5900744821682186, -0.01872722551179404], - Complex[0.022200760555071128`, -0.3634987227857804]}, { - Complex[-0.12247318824250777`, 0.2789177168080611], - Complex[-0.08394628099969657, 0.33909174870103187`], - Complex[-0.4682981358954673, -0.11383273049498188`], - Complex[0.34047684596791056`, -0.29767577013288316`]}}}, {{{ - Complex[0.4055612310928953, 0.08934959360815586], - Complex[0.14125816965639748`, -0.3812858481556687], - Complex[-0.26307950478543923`, -0.1141036247953411], - Complex[0.2348344633166778, -0.05747037505035647]}, { - Complex[0.02713104019918751, 0.08552834190809729], - 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Complex[-0.09821607260716347, -0.2203297894810773]}, { - Complex[0.18804562932682783`, 0.07706995800359391], - Complex[-0.0005589953325763342, -0.06824801308314198], - Complex[0.2692031218160575, -0.012681734244423953`], - Complex[-0.427042070116893, -0.11599477293138621`]}, { - Complex[-0.17438166315534948`, -0.03950929068321911], - Complex[-0.2226572008140486, -0.039910431785270956`], - Complex[-0.025669162689525127`, -0.01601380409712927], - Complex[-0.02690689247922813, -0.5678402617757516]}}}, {{{ - Complex[-0.2084122202569052, 0.00020103428177624394`], - Complex[0.02929468882597948, 0.10510954463124181`], - Complex[0.4011342036506945, -0.08275884395276589], - Complex[-0.7703659191385155, -0.07781111575144281]}, { - Complex[0.21100933205865569`, -0.0338211900528364], - Complex[-0.1661251888014621, -0.3770903844457933], - Complex[0.11114423430093813`, -0.070615153044467], - Complex[-0.01625578918901069, -0.2586919602972289]}, { - Complex[0.20285306856651697`, 0.11562726432390791`], - Complex[0.13295849945436758`, 0.0054446765077533765`], - Complex[0.3064057265976107, -0.051725884779172226`], - Complex[-0.32693857945905275`, -0.1389427213332923]}, { - Complex[-0.20560310592993947`, 0.0017739749319820586`], - Complex[-0.1572596957305245, 0.08881521815396665], - Complex[0.19966066214556275`, 0.07718245548597671], - Complex[0.3241298384852897, -0.1089917142118583]}}, {{ - Complex[0.41131977612624415`, 0.13232992191324358`], - Complex[0.012122571148917988`, 0.482536682973746], - Complex[-0.2243553137616041, -0.13100788893385992`], - Complex[0.19976703165868495`, 0.2842363580679507]}, { - Complex[0.12154323489501183`, -0.0314843880544678], - Complex[0.1286501211003857, -0.05076874766805106], - Complex[0.21413154936334694`, -0.18298303659642504`], - Complex[-0.6978921004929269, 0.1504541606756586]}, { - Complex[0.2716776883781239, 0.17572111938409365`], - Complex[-0.04359849587049491, 0.2621413821454948], - Complex[0.2188094900729873, 0.0019665530337165393`], - Complex[-0.15324190608169364`, -0.08944686009317002]}, { - Complex[-0.013262976685837952`, 0.27747406999082147`], - Complex[-0.2761160148378319, -0.11426666276079814`], - Complex[-0.30526343247770915`, -0.24598488074984254`], - Complex[0.15481899915918412`, -0.3827936089204539]}}}, {{{ - Complex[0.49429364416496163`, 0.024558052486378934`], - Complex[0.03487338167575023, -0.346292183952048], - Complex[-0.4352619283704752, 0.003789861700458176], - Complex[0.08815867110890804, -0.1465503855824174]}, { - Complex[0.061774460200953396`, 0.0530206922243396], - Complex[-0.02208914435643153, 0.08165007603693047], - Complex[0.26184456968747327`, -0.42757086623652707`], - Complex[-0.4708029709586735, -0.09700583580932515]}, { - Complex[0.21635980618828154`, 0.022076379797625556`], - Complex[0.06986297617656326, -0.19073752583164139`], - Complex[0.1948293846678488, 0.08691211332365013], - Complex[-0.04246182971081436, -0.30862437309591967`]}, { - Complex[-0.14592289770481853`, 0.16407230390985175`], - Complex[0.05741521644843807, 0.19045274862206954`], - Complex[-0.16724537207779577`, 0.03765174623244656], - Complex[0.5715042233703238, 0.05854456352162396]}}, {{ - Complex[-0.1585425018369687, -0.19012725868737523`], - Complex[0.009006163034985332, -0.14347763950206857`], - Complex[0.46783838570976255`, 0.4188469298729416], - Complex[-0.698108070064189, 0.06775429392214663]}, { - Complex[0.38925220116335507`, -0.07962501770548824], - Complex[0.09181417283624697, 0.2895942461907602], - Complex[-0.11376467024238424`, -0.05487972286355649], - Complex[-0.22439349138592984`, 0.24999791076798783`]}, { - Complex[0.19801701025920337`, 0.02091891734589582], - Complex[0.05522662325498489, 0.08205272769809065], - Complex[0.2899820536553209, 0.06059982720101495], - Complex[-0.5654154353245678, -0.003958007134699348]}, { - Complex[-0.13251183168772646`, 0.07292772674550725], - Complex[-0.12302284525977536`, -0.1346732851817142], - Complex[-0.09000982956815268, -0.0903867564752118], - Complex[0.14525480493127368`, -0.5848948640315859]}}}, {{{ - Complex[-0.10615913783507384`, 0.05513486215277292], - Complex[-0.012978424761914714`, 0.06061263979962454], - Complex[0.5010414852030084, -0.11797327962491451`], - Complex[-0.7532073795167153, -0.157969774403398]}, { - Complex[0.3016026771798053, -0.10079527738029274`], - Complex[0.05650584672670342, -0.22761056330040713`], - Complex[-0.05020246914255188, -0.08183924224939915], - Complex[-0.1486487151550218, -0.24914766053976817`]}, { - Complex[0.15196606467924906`, 0.13189243927551625`], - Complex[0.1394858957897388, -0.034659426320320666`], - Complex[0.37861380130643, -0.12931518531485026`], - Complex[-0.35973708991638953`, -0.32733628106677193`]}, { - Complex[-0.3377458408110423, -0.02697332838502895], - Complex[-0.10264072208438474`, 0.22420230869780577`], - Complex[0.14588018544977613`, 0.1905425554996755], - Complex[0.6239164656659597, -0.10556607335865092`]}}, {{ - Complex[0.4618712004579511, 0.08008934939067303], - Complex[0.0639914134752553, 0.31767750626209823`], - Complex[-0.3959431444033883, -0.12244193551511273`], - Complex[0.06949610637940966, 0.34610767847110757`]}, { - Complex[0.121035035207534, -0.15933522490880775`], - Complex[0.12911391712348008`, 0.08147222135723531], - Complex[0.23577550381229875`, -0.007868846046102607], - Complex[-0.6432590773588154, 0.2881073880725527]}, { - Complex[0.30037138218770437`, 0.08159464178110597], - Complex[0.016200631229593934`, 0.25694997410103293`], - Complex[0.011808581739673085`, 0.08185705393476161], - Complex[-0.35346637799029007`, 0.06288595335855354]}, { - Complex[-0.1269076579479738, 0.22162498470499792`], - Complex[-0.15810457630722993`, -0.13933792396892297`], - Complex[-0.23941239630766256`, -0.29158115553155245`], - Complex[0.19670323700478784`, -0.37323400977577387`]}}}}, - SymmetrizedArray[ - StructuredArray`StructuredData[{44, - 44}, {{{1, 3} -> - Complex[-0.09549084351775722, -0.1338032683415449], {1, 4} -> - Complex[0.5159598379039979, 0.22420045292897806`], {1, 5} -> - Complex[0.06898434080010694, -0.09215296359165348], {1, 6} -> - Complex[0.02499085543716096, -0.07549372038404914], {1, 7} -> - Complex[-0.13039638629884198`, -0.034128661373563796`], {1, 8} -> - Complex[-0.025669162689525127`, -0.01601380409712927], {1, 9} -> - Complex[0.061769134612388144`, 0.4327409797306362], {1, 10} -> - Complex[0.1303218739406829, -0.013372910644229352`], {1, 11} -> - Complex[0.2510790597533612, 0.48812162559983474`], {1, 12} -> - Complex[-0.26307950478543923`, 0.1141036247953411], {1, 13} -> - Complex[-0.30526343247770915`, -0.24598488074984254`], {1, 14} -> - Complex[0.19966066214556275`, -0.07718245548597671], {1, 15} -> - Complex[0.11114423430093813`, 0.070615153044467], {1, 16} -> - Complex[0.21413154936334694`, -0.18298303659642504`], {1, 17} -> - Complex[-0.2243553137616041, -0.13100788893385992`], {1, 18} -> - Complex[0.4011342036506945, 0.08275884395276589], {1, 19} -> - Complex[-0.16724537207779577`, -0.03765174623244656], {1, 20} -> - Complex[-0.09000982956815268, -0.0903867564752118], {1, 21} -> - Complex[0.23577550381229875`, -0.007868846046102607], {1, 22} -> - Complex[-0.05020246914255188, 0.08183924224939915], {1, 23} -> - Complex[0.23577550381229875`, -0.007868846046102607], {1, 24} -> - Complex[-0.05020246914255188, 0.08183924224939915], {1, 25} -> - Complex[-0.16724537207779577`, -0.03765174623244656], {1, 26} -> - Complex[-0.09000982956815268, -0.0903867564752118], {1, 27} -> - Complex[-0.2243553137616041, -0.13100788893385992`], {1, 28} -> - Complex[0.4011342036506945, 0.08275884395276589], {1, 29} -> - Complex[0.11114423430093813`, 0.070615153044467], {1, 30} -> - Complex[0.21413154936334694`, -0.18298303659642504`], {1, 31} -> - Complex[-0.30526343247770915`, -0.24598488074984254`], {1, 32} -> - Complex[0.19966066214556275`, -0.07718245548597671], {1, 33} -> - Complex[0.2510790597533612, 0.48812162559983474`], {1, 34} -> - Complex[-0.26307950478543923`, 0.1141036247953411], {1, 35} -> - Complex[0.061769134612388144`, 0.4327409797306362], {1, 36} -> - Complex[0.1303218739406829, -0.013372910644229352`], {1, 37} -> - Complex[-0.13039638629884198`, -0.034128661373563796`], {1, 38} -> - Complex[-0.025669162689525127`, -0.01601380409712927], {1, 39} -> - Complex[0.06898434080010694, -0.09215296359165348], {1, 40} -> - Complex[0.02499085543716096, -0.07549372038404914], {1, 41} -> - Complex[-0.09549084351775722, -0.1338032683415449], {1, 42} -> - Complex[0.5159598379039979, 0.22420045292897806`], {1, 44} -> - 1, {2, 3} -> - Complex[-0.26324874492522643`, 0.03930416302816894], {2, 4} -> - Complex[0.09934150706180704, -0.1587801019435698], {2, 5} -> - Complex[-0.45109358752254786`, 0.09460162479535734], {2, 6} -> - Complex[0.4199586015679177, -0.005857444943267762], {2, 7} -> - Complex[-0.15170199807896514`, -0.08485524070787617], {2, 8} -> - Complex[-0.17438166315534948`, -0.03950929068321911], {2, 9} -> - Complex[0.02713104019918751, -0.08552834190809729], {2, 10} -> - Complex[0.3515392968529229, 0.1183042407887405], {2, 11} -> - Complex[-0.3528482206005182, -0.13773954600162294`], {2, 12} -> - Complex[0.4055612310928953, -0.08934959360815586], {2, 13} -> - Complex[-0.013262976685837952`, 0.27747406999082147`], {2, 14} -> - Complex[-0.20560310592993947`, -0.0017739749319820586`], {2, 15} -> - Complex[0.21100933205865569`, 0.0338211900528364], {2, 16} -> - Complex[0.12154323489501183`, -0.0314843880544678], {2, 17} -> - Complex[0.41131977612624415`, 0.13232992191324358`], {2, 18} -> - Complex[-0.2084122202569052, -0.00020103428177624394`], {2, 19} -> - Complex[-0.14592289770481853`, -0.16407230390985175`], {2, 20} -> - Complex[-0.13251183168772646`, 0.07292772674550725], {2, 21} -> - Complex[0.121035035207534, -0.15933522490880775`], {2, 22} -> - Complex[0.3016026771798053, 0.10079527738029274`], {2, 23} -> - Complex[0.121035035207534, -0.15933522490880775`], {2, 24} -> - Complex[0.3016026771798053, 0.10079527738029274`], {2, 25} -> - Complex[-0.14592289770481853`, -0.16407230390985175`], {2, 26} -> - Complex[-0.13251183168772646`, 0.07292772674550725], {2, 27} -> - Complex[0.41131977612624415`, 0.13232992191324358`], {2, 28} -> - Complex[-0.2084122202569052, -0.00020103428177624394`], {2, 29} -> - Complex[0.21100933205865569`, 0.0338211900528364], {2, 30} -> - Complex[0.12154323489501183`, -0.0314843880544678], {2, 31} -> - Complex[-0.013262976685837952`, 0.27747406999082147`], {2, 32} -> - Complex[-0.20560310592993947`, -0.0017739749319820586`], {2, 33} -> - Complex[-0.3528482206005182, -0.13773954600162294`], {2, 34} -> - Complex[0.4055612310928953, -0.08934959360815586], {2, 35} -> - Complex[0.02713104019918751, -0.08552834190809729], {2, 36} -> - Complex[0.3515392968529229, 0.1183042407887405], {2, 37} -> - Complex[-0.15170199807896514`, -0.08485524070787617], {2, 38} -> - Complex[-0.17438166315534948`, -0.03950929068321911], {2, 39} -> - Complex[-0.45109358752254786`, 0.09460162479535734], {2, 40} -> - Complex[0.4199586015679177, -0.005857444943267762], {2, 41} -> - Complex[-0.26324874492522643`, 0.03930416302816894], {2, 42} -> - Complex[0.09934150706180704, -0.1587801019435698], {2, 43} -> - 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.7942645379409359, 0.], {3, 5} -> - Complex[0.16085487116109504`, -0.07542778521341045], {3, 6} -> - Complex[0.2974065306304634, -0.1879536683021757], {3, 7} -> - Complex[-0.13014881358492147`, -0.2568379516702825], {3, 8} -> - Complex[-0.38111102023432214`, 0.1362923217488655], {3, 9} -> - Complex[0.379622482561638, 0.37763535611646337`], {3, 10} -> - Complex[0.054844360699783046`, 0.14881405380941012`], {3, 11} -> - Complex[0.34476738289430997`, 0.2555576049300379], {3, 12} -> - Complex[0.07987741073093885, 0.09325674519337618], {3, 13} -> - Complex[-0.5832263376040618, 0.009064309617321076], {3, 14} -> - Complex[-0.00017138517387816493`, -0.2782657630841046], {3, 15} -> - Complex[0.29615037375733383`, 0.1520353321758059], {3, 16} -> - Complex[0.3032958359848409, 0.155571682390279], {3, 17} -> - Complex[0.1317222714029774, 0.021975788878054098`], {3, 18} -> - Complex[0.35677684495956996`, 0.26782996788376523`], {3, 19} -> - Complex[-0.25669798623355977`, -0.3682894392044831], {3, 20} -> - Complex[-0.4877238013526435, -0.007955471813542392], {3, 21} -> - Complex[0.4744609487513754, 0.20790978200823096`], {3, 22} -> - Complex[0.24202191124971967`, 0.1824193133420845], {3, 23} -> - Complex[0.4744609487513754, 0.20790978200823096`], {3, 24} -> - Complex[0.24202191124971967`, 0.1824193133420845], {3, 25} -> - Complex[-0.25669798623355977`, -0.3682894392044831], {3, 26} -> - Complex[-0.4877238013526435, -0.007955471813542392], {3, 27} -> - Complex[0.1317222714029774, 0.021975788878054098`], {3, 28} -> - Complex[0.35677684495956996`, 0.26782996788376523`], {3, 29} -> - Complex[0.29615037375733383`, 0.1520353321758059], {3, 30} -> - Complex[0.3032958359848409, 0.155571682390279], {3, 31} -> - Complex[-0.5832263376040618, 0.009064309617321076], {3, 32} -> - Complex[-0.00017138517387816493`, -0.2782657630841046], {3, 33} -> - Complex[0.34476738289430997`, 0.2555576049300379], {3, 34} -> - Complex[0.07987741073093885, 0.09325674519337618], {3, 35} -> - Complex[0.379622482561638, 0.37763535611646337`], {3, 36} -> - Complex[0.054844360699783046`, 0.14881405380941012`], {3, 37} -> - Complex[-0.13014881358492147`, -0.2568379516702825], {3, 38} -> - Complex[-0.38111102023432214`, 0.1362923217488655], {3, 39} -> - Complex[0.16085487116109504`, -0.07542778521341045], {3, 40} -> - Complex[0.2974065306304634, -0.1879536683021757], {3, 41} -> - Complex[-0.1228672216943828, -0.04409897699884402], {3, 42} -> - Complex[0.7942645379409359, 0.], {3, 43} -> - Complex[0.09934150706180704, 0.1587801019435698], {3, 44} -> - Complex[0.5159598379039979, -0.22420045292897806`], {4, 5} -> - Complex[0.24996097903041953`, 0.06915690707552657], {4, 6} -> - Complex[-0.16085487116109506`, -0.07542778521341045], {4, 7} -> - Complex[-0.027880395040276548`, -0.022333165755832735`], {4, 8} -> - Complex[0.022359289844474148`, 0.05594243870731504], {4, 9} -> - Complex[-0.08644616482776159, 0.02912593915216866], {4, 10} -> - Complex[-0.16355189170640141`, 0.0020087730063969023`], {4, 11} -> - Complex[0.08638740713343389, 0.17434418695303155`], {4, 12} -> - Complex[-0.2314546186051366, -0.10371093144607982`], {4, 13} -> - Complex[0.07253158825046907, -0.09918291848868536], {4, 14} -> - Complex[0.05708663295773911, -0.035481827368848175`], {4, 15} -> - Complex[-0.09640011973456236, -0.13730072302174962`], {4, 16} -> - Complex[0.08011310849505847, 0.15416886768894952`], {4, 17} -> - Complex[-0.16369481408407635`, -0.20495023616051494`], {4, 18} -> - Complex[0.14271885197121797`, 0.16451603870911535`], {4, 19} -> - Complex[-0.0019470322311122695`, 0.006498565497976172], {4, 20} -> - Complex[0.011086587625856487`, 0.03977734422600335], {4, 21} -> - Complex[0.030570326386135577`, 0.12759202400017805`], {4, 22} -> - Complex[-0.08725292832596576, -0.09110106173880848], {4, 23} -> - Complex[0.030570326386135577`, 0.12759202400017805`], {4, 24} -> - Complex[-0.08725292832596576, -0.09110106173880848], {4, 25} -> - Complex[-0.0019470322311122695`, 0.006498565497976172], {4, 26} -> - Complex[0.011086587625856487`, 0.03977734422600335], {4, 27} -> - Complex[-0.16369481408407635`, -0.20495023616051494`], {4, 28} -> - Complex[0.14271885197121797`, 0.16451603870911535`], {4, 29} -> - Complex[-0.09640011973456236, -0.13730072302174962`], {4, 30} -> - Complex[0.08011310849505847, 0.15416886768894952`], {4, 31} -> - Complex[0.07253158825046907, -0.09918291848868536], {4, 32} -> - Complex[0.05708663295773911, -0.035481827368848175`], {4, 33} -> - Complex[0.08638740713343389, 0.17434418695303155`], {4, 34} -> - Complex[-0.2314546186051366, -0.10371093144607982`], {4, 35} -> - Complex[-0.08644616482776159, 0.02912593915216866], {4, 36} -> - Complex[-0.16355189170640141`, 0.0020087730063969023`], {4, 37} -> - Complex[-0.027880395040276548`, -0.022333165755832735`], {4, 38} -> - Complex[0.022359289844474148`, 0.05594243870731504], {4, 39} -> - Complex[0.24996097903041953`, 0.06915690707552657], {4, 40} -> - Complex[-0.16085487116109506`, -0.07542778521341045], {4, 41} -> - Complex[0.2057354620590642, 0.], {4, 42} -> - Complex[-0.1228672216943828, 0.04409897699884402], {4, 43} -> - Complex[-0.26324874492522643`, -0.03930416302816894], {4, 44} -> - Complex[-0.09549084351775722, 0.1338032683415449], {5, 6} -> - Complex[0.468967993475222, 0.], {5, 7} -> - Complex[0.05878770379884127, -0.22658992563855607`], {5, 8} -> - Complex[-0.34981732611662325`, -0.11696760053686867`], {5, 9} -> - Complex[0.009374693569077844, 0.15977491506986388`], {5, 10} -> - Complex[0.08962504736031421, 0.07047087465677605], {5, 11} -> - Complex[-0.27009710197247705`, 0.09683696616535195], {5, 12} -> - Complex[0.336844195579561, -0.07854946929481876], {5, 13} -> - Complex[-0.1819302056638001, -0.03832842256630628], {5, 14} -> - Complex[-0.0011166380242527973`, -0.07436247657447947], {5, 15} -> - Complex[0.21950094015099447`, 0.20337016113487644`], {5, 16} -> - Complex[-0.029524381219098658`, 0.27058433189071296`], {5, 17} -> - Complex[0.4292561195547466, 0.1261529658539593], {5, 18} -> - Complex[-0.25988577880868147`, 0.32025955513177806`], {5, 19} -> - Complex[0.03370619313857502, -0.3668678320559675], {5, 20} -> - Complex[-0.29051819451055283`, -0.1845802827902772], {5, 21} -> - Complex[0.05006315921831328, 0.26260266300147606`], {5, 22} -> - Complex[0.2318925306003834, 0.19656264018073483`], {5, 23} -> - Complex[0.05006315921831328, 0.26260266300147606`], {5, 24} -> - Complex[0.2318925306003834, 0.19656264018073483`], {5, 25} -> - Complex[0.03370619313857502, -0.3668678320559675], {5, 26} -> - Complex[-0.29051819451055283`, -0.1845802827902772], {5, 27} -> - Complex[0.4292561195547466, 0.1261529658539593], {5, 28} -> - Complex[-0.25988577880868147`, 0.32025955513177806`], {5, 29} -> - Complex[0.21950094015099447`, 0.20337016113487644`], {5, 30} -> - Complex[-0.029524381219098658`, 0.27058433189071296`], {5, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1819302056638001, -0.03832842256630628], {5, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0011166380242527973`, -0.07436247657447947], {5, 33} -> - Complex[-0.27009710197247705`, 0.09683696616535195], {5, 34} -> - Complex[0.336844195579561, -0.07854946929481876], {5, 35} -> - Complex[0.009374693569077844, 0.15977491506986388`], {5, 36} -> - Complex[0.08962504736031421, 0.07047087465677605], {5, 37} -> - Complex[0.05878770379884127, -0.22658992563855607`], {5, 38} -> - Complex[-0.34981732611662325`, -0.11696760053686867`], {5, 39} -> - Complex[-0.1615086931185547, 0.2038837036292387], {5, 40} -> - Complex[0.468967993475222, 0.], {5, 41} -> - Complex[-0.16085487116109506`, 0.07542778521341045], {5, 42} -> - Complex[0.2974065306304634, 0.1879536683021757], {5, 43} -> - Complex[0.4199586015679177, 0.005857444943267762], {5, 44} -> - Complex[0.02499085543716096, 0.07549372038404914], {6, 7} -> - Complex[-0.10463685944321956`, -0.07511789469324247], {6, 8} -> - Complex[-0.12205487501450044`, 0.20289574844353508`], {6, 9} -> - Complex[0.09702226222507297, 0.22133024046114783`], {6, 10} -> - Complex[-0.20427899641694272`, 0.07412556370526623], {6, 11} -> - Complex[0.3968568746645965, 0.3179542352133835], {6, 12} -> - Complex[-0.3491533250344545, -0.03996336991178122], {6, 13} -> - Complex[-0.1609340029528849, -0.14622439757739267`], {6, 14} -> - Complex[0.02734387279170107, -0.15732878597712807`], {6, 15} -> - Complex[-0.09481874255295673, -0.10031131935700385`], {6, 16} -> - Complex[0.31083656874000754`, 0.20480433581617183`], {6, 17} -> - Complex[-0.25297712909181935`, -0.24121475433095296`], {6, 18} -> - Complex[0.45325964260328205`, 0.28221185233103285`], {6, 19} -> - Complex[-0.14609298550332978`, -0.10886984234665863`], {6, 20} -> - Complex[-0.16708358508261859`, 0.0952802518296103], {6, 21} -> - Complex[0.2828692771265636, 0.22272520744230984`], {6, 22} -> - Complex[-0.03839447190915796, -0.0785609790385338], {6, 23} -> - Complex[0.2828692771265636, 0.22272520744230984`], {6, 24} -> - Complex[-0.03839447190915796, -0.0785609790385338], {6, 25} -> - Complex[-0.14609298550332978`, -0.10886984234665863`], {6, 26} -> - Complex[-0.16708358508261859`, 0.0952802518296103], {6, 27} -> - Complex[-0.25297712909181935`, -0.24121475433095296`], {6, 28} -> - Complex[0.45325964260328205`, 0.28221185233103285`], {6, 29} -> - Complex[-0.09481874255295673, -0.10031131935700385`], {6, 30} -> - Complex[0.31083656874000754`, 0.20480433581617183`], {6, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1609340029528849, -0.14622439757739267`], {6, 32} -> - Complex[0.02734387279170107, -0.15732878597712807`], {6, 33} -> - Complex[0.3968568746645965, 0.3179542352133835], {6, 34} -> - Complex[-0.3491533250344545, -0.03996336991178122], {6, 35} -> - Complex[0.09702226222507297, 0.22133024046114783`], {6, 36} -> - Complex[-0.20427899641694272`, 0.07412556370526623], {6, 37} -> - Complex[-0.10463685944321956`, -0.07511789469324247], {6, 38} -> - Complex[-0.12205487501450044`, 0.20289574844353508`], {6, 39} -> - Complex[0.5310320065247784, 0.], {6, 40} -> - Complex[-0.1615086931185547, -0.2038837036292387], {6, 41} -> - Complex[0.24996097903041953`, -0.06915690707552657], {6, 42} -> - Complex[0.16085487116109504`, 0.07542778521341045], {6, 43} -> - Complex[-0.45109358752254786`, -0.09460162479535734], {6, 44} -> - Complex[0.06898434080010694, 0.09215296359165348], {7, 8} -> - Complex[0.40722091172603664`, 0.], {7, 9} -> - Complex[-0.11182389060304421`, -0.25265368675817396`], {7, 10} -> - Complex[0.037776510481617454`, -0.09367396801112708], {7, 11} -> - Complex[-0.01419351798580596, -0.23202353736641174`], {7, 12} -> - Complex[-0.14788859535778534`, 0.07700626795012017], {7, 13} -> - Complex[0.28236460239168537`, 0.06515002989777242], {7, 14} -> - Complex[-0.000017190129231528517`, 0.1919850410618445], {7, 15} -> - Complex[-0.16663539437880773`, -0.10437706201084027`], {7, 16} -> - Complex[-0.11579180416428306`, -0.3654825088637898], {7, 17} -> - Complex[-0.2578313234243952, -0.008223482143912858], {7, 18} -> - Complex[-0.0010546882191990493`, -0.4188657078206115], {7, 19} -> - Complex[0.04950835193514282, 0.39192964728125823`], {7, 20} -> - Complex[0.3849695122204991, 0.1062213573260169], {7, 21} -> - Complex[-0.19902782536665659`, -0.3494630626340304], {7, 22} -> - Complex[-0.2157400959251074, -0.14810189039274838`], {7, 23} -> - Complex[-0.19902782536665659`, -0.3494630626340304], {7, 24} -> - Complex[-0.2157400959251074, -0.14810189039274838`], {7, 25} -> - Complex[0.04950835193514282, 0.39192964728125823`], {7, 26} -> - Complex[0.3849695122204991, 0.1062213573260169], {7, 27} -> - Complex[-0.2578313234243952, -0.008223482143912858], {7, 28} -> - Complex[-0.0010546882191990493`, -0.4188657078206115], {7, 29} -> - Complex[-0.16663539437880773`, -0.10437706201084027`], {7, 30} -> - Complex[-0.11579180416428306`, -0.3654825088637898], {7, 31} -> - Complex[0.28236460239168537`, 0.06515002989777242], {7, 32} -> - Complex[-0.000017190129231528517`, 0.1919850410618445], {7, 33} -> - Complex[-0.01419351798580596, -0.23202353736641174`], {7, 34} -> - Complex[-0.14788859535778534`, 0.07700626795012017], {7, 35} -> - Complex[-0.11182389060304421`, -0.25265368675817396`], {7, 36} -> - Complex[0.037776510481617454`, -0.09367396801112708], {7, 37} -> - Complex[0.010402704038078874`, 0.24698236535710935`], {7, 38} -> - Complex[0.40722091172603664`, 0.], {7, 39} -> - Complex[-0.12205487501450044`, -0.20289574844353508`], {7, 40} -> - Complex[-0.34981732611662325`, 0.11696760053686867`], {7, 41} -> - Complex[0.022359289844474148`, -0.05594243870731504], {7, 42} -> - Complex[-0.38111102023432214`, -0.1362923217488655], {7, 43} -> - Complex[-0.17438166315534948`, 0.03950929068321911], {7, 44} -> - Complex[-0.025669162689525127`, 0.01601380409712927], {8, 9} -> - Complex[-0.15753135165944274`, 0.015530037395122431`], {8, 10} -> - Complex[-0.10764128844166919`, -0.06170068553810148], {8, 11} -> - Complex[-0.18342661221059317`, -0.0691351893734958], {8, 12} -> - Complex[0.09808243309028082, 0.08309117318181813], {8, 13} -> - Complex[0.07074686751407203, -0.1846815194029794], {8, 14} -> - Complex[0.12729567759922444`, 0.0474240351088444], {8, 15} -> - Complex[-0.06799939323987887, 0.15542062808459078`], {8, 16} -> - Complex[-0.3260753449894908, 0.09076864462541498], {8, 17} -> - Complex[0.054106634788614424`, 0.19153336538244783`], {8, 18} -> - Complex[-0.35213150811029553`, -0.004581446940964962], {8, 19} -> - Complex[0.3030470345876809, -0.022519062872992452`], {8, 20} -> - Complex[0.0853534267428824, -0.2685944681825865], {8, 21} -> - Complex[-0.29947000384932826`, 0.15932598599277575`], {8, 22} -> - Complex[-0.1066773309353098, 0.12038972095215114`], {8, 23} -> - Complex[-0.29947000384932826`, 0.15932598599277575`], {8, 24} -> - Complex[-0.1066773309353098, 0.12038972095215114`], {8, 25} -> - Complex[0.3030470345876809, -0.022519062872992452`], {8, 26} -> - Complex[0.0853534267428824, -0.2685944681825865], {8, 27} -> - Complex[0.054106634788614424`, 0.19153336538244783`], {8, 28} -> - Complex[-0.35213150811029553`, -0.004581446940964962], {8, 29} -> - Complex[-0.06799939323987887, 0.15542062808459078`], {8, 30} -> - Complex[-0.3260753449894908, 0.09076864462541498], {8, 31} -> - Complex[0.07074686751407203, -0.1846815194029794], {8, 32} -> - Complex[0.12729567759922444`, 0.0474240351088444], {8, 33} -> - Complex[-0.18342661221059317`, -0.0691351893734958], {8, 34} -> - Complex[0.09808243309028082, 0.08309117318181813], {8, 35} -> - Complex[-0.15753135165944274`, 0.015530037395122431`], {8, 36} -> - Complex[-0.10764128844166919`, -0.06170068553810148], {8, 37} -> - Complex[0.23794441743992187`, 0.], {8, 38} -> - Complex[0.010402704038078874`, -0.24698236535710935`], {8, 39} -> - Complex[-0.10463685944321956`, 0.07511789469324247], {8, 40} -> - Complex[0.05878770379884127, 0.22658992563855607`], {8, 41} -> - Complex[-0.027880395040276548`, 0.022333165755832735`], {8, 42} -> - Complex[-0.13014881358492147`, 0.2568379516702825], {8, 43} -> - Complex[-0.15170199807896514`, 0.08485524070787617], {8, 44} -> - Complex[-0.13039638629884198`, 0.034128661373563796`], {9, 10} -> - Complex[0.25196673625598803`, 0.], {9, 11} -> - Complex[-0.10288428074555514`, -0.11276794141596694`], {9, 12} -> - Complex[0.14071347978647328`, -0.02565787631307584], {9, 13} -> - Complex[0.02273034207641774, 0.17980351945521167`], {9, 14} -> - Complex[-0.12743791707027466`, 0.10129786140711028`], {9, 15} -> - Complex[0.09733875051643903, 0.02252167088462168], {9, 16} -> - Complex[0.10291125338889108`, -0.24223763722943603`], {9, 17} -> - Complex[0.1420818225049802, 0.020549905336444067`], {9, 18} -> - Complex[0.01836995244926526, -0.1484624429717301], {9, 19} -> - Complex[-0.16763998959907517`, 0.06187718632736254], {9, 20} -> - Complex[0.0333938099578483, 0.13285998183650485`], {9, 21} -> - Complex[0.0773132411259754, -0.2576476349973377], {9, 22} -> - Complex[0.11625516970040772`, -0.0444573016449614], {9, 23} -> - Complex[0.0773132411259754, -0.2576476349973377], {9, 24} -> - Complex[0.11625516970040772`, -0.0444573016449614], {9, 25} -> - Complex[-0.16763998959907517`, 0.06187718632736254], {9, 26} -> - Complex[0.0333938099578483, 0.13285998183650485`], {9, 27} -> - Complex[0.1420818225049802, 0.020549905336444067`], {9, 28} -> - Complex[0.01836995244926526, -0.1484624429717301], {9, 29} -> - Complex[0.09733875051643903, 0.02252167088462168], {9, 30} -> - Complex[0.10291125338889108`, -0.24223763722943603`], {9, 31} -> - Complex[0.02273034207641774, 0.17980351945521167`], {9, 32} -> - Complex[-0.12743791707027466`, 0.10129786140711028`], {9, 33} -> - Complex[-0.10288428074555514`, -0.11276794141596694`], {9, 34} -> - Complex[0.14071347978647328`, -0.02565787631307584], {9, 35} -> - Complex[0.06900560553474475, -0.09147719506750722], {9, 36} -> - Complex[0.25196673625598803`, 0.], {9, 37} -> - Complex[-0.10764128844166919`, 0.06170068553810148], {9, 38} -> - Complex[0.037776510481617454`, 0.09367396801112708], {9, 39} -> - Complex[-0.20427899641694272`, -0.07412556370526623], {9, 40} -> - Complex[0.08962504736031421, -0.07047087465677605], {9, 41} -> - Complex[-0.16355189170640141`, -0.0020087730063969023`], {9, 42} -> - Complex[0.054844360699783046`, -0.14881405380941012`], {9, 43} -> - Complex[0.3515392968529229, -0.1183042407887405], {9, 44} -> - Complex[0.1303218739406829, 0.013372910644229352`], {10, 11} -> - Complex[0.4234517136865772, -0.17382859154523886`], {10, 12} -> - Complex[0.08297996191121794, 0.14731977594965492`], {10, 13} -> - Complex[-0.3267580701610388, 0.2909584163641271], {10, 14} -> - Complex[-0.1864696256262259, -0.16562554341192864`], {10, 15} -> - Complex[0.12752255814459348`, -0.01058258297182084], {10, 16} -> - Complex[0.23082108426859382`, -0.1151631361820325], {10, 17} -> - Complex[-0.003894793002414687, 0.08913866560779202], {10, 18} -> - Complex[0.3339398475970939, -0.15997328431271962`], {10, 19} -> - Complex[-0.26920184199068836`, -0.03518514503066193], {10, 20} -> - Complex[-0.22526455556679315`, 0.2299720433182001], {10, 21} -> - Complex[0.34304074287236563`, -0.14955941448349905`], {10, 22} -> - Complex[0.17642220929810848`, 0.008365816397526732], {10, 23} -> - Complex[0.34304074287236563`, -0.14955941448349905`], {10, 24} -> - Complex[0.17642220929810848`, 0.008365816397526732], {10, 25} -> - Complex[-0.26920184199068836`, -0.03518514503066193], {10, 26} -> - Complex[-0.22526455556679315`, 0.2299720433182001], {10, 27} -> - Complex[-0.003894793002414687, 0.08913866560779202], {10, 28} -> - Complex[0.3339398475970939, -0.15997328431271962`], {10, 29} -> - Complex[0.12752255814459348`, -0.01058258297182084], {10, 30} -> - Complex[0.23082108426859382`, -0.1151631361820325], {10, 31} -> - Complex[-0.3267580701610388, 0.2909584163641271], {10, 32} -> - Complex[-0.1864696256262259, -0.16562554341192864`], {10, 33} -> - Complex[0.4234517136865772, -0.17382859154523886`], {10, 34} -> - Complex[0.08297996191121794, 0.14731977594965492`], {10, 35} -> - Complex[0.43857566553537836`, 0.], {10, 36} -> - Complex[0.06900560553474475, 0.09147719506750722], {10, 37} -> - Complex[-0.15753135165944274`, -0.015530037395122431`], {10, 38} -> - Complex[-0.11182389060304421`, 0.25265368675817396`], {10, 39} -> - Complex[0.09702226222507297, -0.22133024046114783`], {10, 40} -> - Complex[0.009374693569077844, -0.15977491506986388`], {10, 41} -> - Complex[-0.08644616482776159, -0.02912593915216866], {10, 42} -> - Complex[0.379622482561638, -0.37763535611646337`], {10, 43} -> - Complex[0.02713104019918751, 0.08552834190809729], {10, 44} -> - Complex[0.061769134612388144`, -0.4327409797306362], {11, 12} -> - Complex[0.47847656274123934`, 0.], {11, 13} -> - Complex[-0.04614471842445865, 0.2012403202344506], {11, 14} -> - Complex[-0.11825712208599867`, 0.03281527611416887], {11, 15} -> - Complex[0.19273536111508338`, 0.17960309701589544`], {11, 16} -> - Complex[-0.18153329267644502`, 0.04101286407624916], {11, 17} -> - Complex[0.44801071428465117`, 0.2692922761438914], {11, 18} -> - Complex[-0.3929683587836577, -0.049717383500414464`], {11, 19} -> - Complex[0.06151949272740251, -0.14597827062414853`], {11, 20} -> - Complex[-0.11512173225228697`, -0.06603202019404991], {11, 21} -> - Complex[-0.08480107108956837, -0.011733274510644723`], {11, 22} -> - Complex[0.2100350983072742, 0.12968311623120948`], {11, 23} -> - Complex[-0.08480107108956837, -0.011733274510644723`], {11, 24} -> - Complex[0.2100350983072742, 0.12968311623120948`], {11, 25} -> - Complex[0.06151949272740251, -0.14597827062414853`], {11, 26} -> - Complex[-0.11512173225228697`, -0.06603202019404991], {11, 27} -> - Complex[0.44801071428465117`, 0.2692922761438914], {11, 28} -> - Complex[-0.3929683587836577, -0.049717383500414464`], {11, 29} -> - Complex[0.19273536111508338`, 0.17960309701589544`], {11, 30} -> - Complex[-0.18153329267644502`, 0.04101286407624916], {11, 31} -> - Complex[-0.04614471842445865, 0.2012403202344506], {11, 32} -> - Complex[-0.11825712208599867`, 0.03281527611416887], {11, 33} -> - Complex[-0.2995258955811395, -0.31724225693749325`], {11, 34} -> - Complex[0.47847656274123934`, 0.], {11, 35} -> - Complex[0.08297996191121794, -0.14731977594965492`], {11, 36} -> - Complex[0.14071347978647328`, 0.02565787631307584], {11, 37} -> - Complex[0.09808243309028082, -0.08309117318181813], {11, 38} -> - Complex[-0.14788859535778534`, -0.07700626795012017], {11, 39} -> - Complex[-0.3491533250344545, 0.03996336991178122], {11, 40} -> - Complex[0.336844195579561, 0.07854946929481876], {11, 41} -> - Complex[-0.2314546186051366, 0.10371093144607982`], {11, 42} -> - Complex[0.07987741073093885, -0.09325674519337618], {11, 43} -> - Complex[0.4055612310928953, 0.08934959360815586], {11, 44} -> - Complex[-0.26307950478543923`, -0.1141036247953411], {12, 13} -> - Complex[-0.3741286789371999, 0.08815664694864397], {12, 14} -> - Complex[-0.0895373655226468, -0.2726390562042197], {12, 15} -> - Complex[-0.10619283788354225`, -0.09442620281597475], {12, 16} -> - Complex[0.32708256838048577`, -0.13908395997171136`], {12, 17} -> - Complex[-0.46001366242443475`, 0.04501903103250712], {12, 18} -> - Complex[0.6355045742435778, -0.21145565318624404`], {12, 19} -> - Complex[-0.2261801898794757, 0.0697599821374323], {12, 20} -> - Complex[-0.14250557605474204`, 0.2063165128775194], {12, 21} -> - Complex[0.3907111567253396, -0.10268276555989041`], {12, 22} -> - Complex[-0.03463050797136755, -0.0005686162402836065], {12, 23} -> - Complex[0.3907111567253396, -0.10268276555989041`], {12, 24} -> - Complex[-0.03463050797136755, -0.0005686162402836065], {12, 25} -> - Complex[-0.2261801898794757, 0.0697599821374323], {12, 26} -> - Complex[-0.14250557605474204`, 0.2063165128775194], {12, 27} -> - Complex[-0.46001366242443475`, 0.04501903103250712], {12, 28} -> - Complex[0.6355045742435778, -0.21145565318624404`], {12, 29} -> - Complex[-0.10619283788354225`, -0.09442620281597475], {12, 30} -> - Complex[0.32708256838048577`, -0.13908395997171136`], {12, 31} -> - Complex[-0.3741286789371999, 0.08815664694864397], {12, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0895373655226468, -0.2726390562042197], {12, 33} -> - Complex[0.7967874310583581, 0.], {12, 34} -> - Complex[-0.2995258955811395, 0.31724225693749325`], {12, 35} -> - Complex[0.4234517136865772, 0.17382859154523886`], {12, 36} -> - Complex[-0.10288428074555514`, 0.11276794141596694`], {12, 37} -> - Complex[-0.18342661221059317`, 0.0691351893734958], {12, 38} -> - Complex[-0.01419351798580596, 0.23202353736641174`], {12, 39} -> - Complex[0.3968568746645965, -0.3179542352133835], {12, 40} -> - Complex[-0.27009710197247705`, -0.09683696616535195], {12, 41} -> - Complex[0.08638740713343389, -0.17434418695303155`], {12, 42} -> - Complex[0.34476738289430997`, -0.2555576049300379], {12, 43} -> - Complex[-0.3528482206005182, 0.13773954600162294`], {12, 44} -> - Complex[0.2510790597533612, -0.48812162559983474`], {13, 14} -> - Complex[0.23765539643867975`, 0.], {13, 15} -> - Complex[-0.01114356571997462, 0.027664002308237984`], {13, 16} -> - Complex[-0.19358892550608142`, 0.1309226927016317], {13, 17} -> - Complex[-0.06851992241433469, -0.0744015573825995], {13, 18} -> - Complex[-0.11993561442023166`, 0.17547153928175108`], {13, 19} -> - Complex[0.18655369587288279`, -0.03316644798025127], {13, 20} -> - Complex[0.030760616858804858`, -0.23538416809123017`], {13, 21} -> - Complex[-0.18155862358181848`, 0.21175025822039334`], {13, 22} -> - Complex[-0.12865709489960156`, 0.05845882137761309], {13, 23} -> - Complex[-0.18155862358181848`, 0.21175025822039334`], {13, 24} -> - Complex[-0.12865709489960156`, 0.05845882137761309], {13, 25} -> - Complex[0.18655369587288279`, -0.03316644798025127], {13, 26} -> - Complex[0.030760616858804858`, -0.23538416809123017`], {13, 27} -> - Complex[-0.06851992241433469, -0.0744015573825995], {13, 28} -> - Complex[-0.11993561442023166`, 0.17547153928175108`], {13, 29} -> - Complex[-0.01114356571997462, 0.027664002308237984`], {13, 30} -> - Complex[-0.19358892550608142`, 0.1309226927016317], {13, 31} -> - Complex[0.02230195983430227, -0.2772501264695485], {13, 32} -> - Complex[0.23765539643867975`, 0.], {13, 33} -> - Complex[-0.0895373655226468, 0.2726390562042197], {13, 34} -> - Complex[-0.11825712208599867`, -0.03281527611416887], {13, 35} -> - Complex[-0.1864696256262259, 0.16562554341192864`], {13, 36} -> - Complex[-0.12743791707027466`, -0.10129786140711028`], {13, 37} -> - Complex[0.12729567759922444`, -0.0474240351088444], {13, 38} -> - Complex[-0.000017190129231528517`, -0.1919850410618445], {13, 39} -> - Complex[0.02734387279170107, 0.15732878597712807`], {13, 40} -> - Complex[-0.0011166380242527973`, 0.07436247657447947], {13, 41} -> - Complex[0.05708663295773911, 0.035481827368848175`], {13, 42} -> - Complex[-0.00017138517387816493`, 0.2782657630841046], {13, 43} -> - Complex[-0.20560310592993947`, 0.0017739749319820586`], {13, 44} -> - Complex[0.19966066214556275`, 0.07718245548597671], {14, 15} -> - Complex[-0.1434740078467142, -0.14249005754771799`], {14, 16} -> - Complex[-0.22606462874900565`, -0.1399133548131939], {14, 17} -> - Complex[-0.0043849913193274165`, -0.14245792695609336`], {14, 18} -> - Complex[-0.285231737878617, -0.11923332261820863`], {14, 19} -> - Complex[0.13352455457746898`, 0.28187182844600256`], {14, 20} -> - Complex[0.3674430035252537, 0.02942988722855236], {14, 21} -> - Complex[-0.3706890731222189, -0.18044487919137855`], {14, 22} -> - Complex[-0.14083455775068546`, -0.19707451798647965`], {14, 23} -> - Complex[-0.3706890731222189, -0.18044487919137855`], {14, 24} -> - Complex[-0.14083455775068546`, -0.19707451798647965`], {14, 25} -> - Complex[0.13352455457746898`, 0.28187182844600256`], {14, 26} -> - Complex[0.3674430035252537, 0.02942988722855236], {14, 27} -> - Complex[-0.0043849913193274165`, -0.14245792695609336`], {14, 28} -> - Complex[-0.285231737878617, -0.11923332261820863`], {14, 29} -> - Complex[-0.1434740078467142, -0.14249005754771799`], {14, 30} -> - Complex[-0.22606462874900565`, -0.1399133548131939], {14, 31} -> - Complex[0.4906588842328401, 0.], {14, 32} -> - Complex[0.02230195983430227, 0.2772501264695485], {14, 33} -> - Complex[-0.3741286789371999, -0.08815664694864397], {14, 34} -> - Complex[-0.04614471842445865, -0.2012403202344506], {14, 35} -> - Complex[-0.3267580701610388, -0.2909584163641271], {14, 36} -> - Complex[0.02273034207641774, -0.17980351945521167`], {14, 37} -> - Complex[0.07074686751407203, 0.1846815194029794], {14, 38} -> - Complex[0.28236460239168537`, -0.06515002989777242], {14, 39} -> - Complex[-0.1609340029528849, 0.14622439757739267`], {14, 40} -> - Complex[-0.1819302056638001, 0.03832842256630628], {14, 41} -> - Complex[0.07253158825046907, 0.09918291848868536], {14, 42} -> - Complex[-0.5832263376040618, -0.009064309617321076], {14, 43} -> - Complex[-0.013262976685837952`, -0.27747406999082147`], {14, 44} -> - Complex[-0.30526343247770915`, 0.24598488074984254`], {15, 16} -> - Complex[0.6239172945486772, 0.], {15, 17} -> - Complex[-0.09783202355353876, -0.205800420187774], {15, 18} -> - Complex[0.6038715987396429, 0.13410176235407406`], {15, 19} -> - Complex[-0.4320941387037918, -0.12991593488691688`], {15, 20} -> - Complex[-0.2194984593087177, 0.3316347549781254], {15, 21} -> - Complex[0.5764010633854448, -0.06134795783007195], {15, 22} -> - Complex[0.14469920882684142`, -0.08927758557149193], {15, 23} -> - Complex[0.5764010633854448, -0.06134795783007195], {15, 24} -> - Complex[0.14469920882684142`, -0.08927758557149193], {15, 25} -> - Complex[-0.4320941387037918, -0.12991593488691688`], {15, 26} -> - Complex[-0.2194984593087177, 0.3316347549781254], {15, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09783202355353876, -0.205800420187774], {15, 28} -> - Complex[0.6038715987396429, 0.13410176235407406`], {15, 29} -> - Complex[0.04520966568846207, -0.09180189043755807], {15, 30} -> - Complex[0.6239172945486772, 0.], {15, 31} -> - Complex[-0.22606462874900565`, 0.1399133548131939], {15, 32} -> - Complex[-0.19358892550608142`, -0.1309226927016317], {15, 33} -> - Complex[0.32708256838048577`, 0.13908395997171136`], {15, 34} -> - Complex[-0.18153329267644502`, -0.04101286407624916], {15, 35} -> - Complex[0.23082108426859382`, 0.1151631361820325], {15, 36} -> - Complex[0.10291125338889108`, 0.24223763722943603`], {15, 37} -> - Complex[-0.3260753449894908, -0.09076864462541498], {15, 38} -> - Complex[-0.11579180416428306`, 0.3654825088637898], {15, 39} -> - Complex[0.31083656874000754`, -0.20480433581617183`], {15, 40} -> - Complex[-0.029524381219098658`, -0.27058433189071296`], {15, 41} -> - Complex[0.08011310849505847, -0.15416886768894952`], {15, 42} -> - Complex[0.3032958359848409, -0.155571682390279], {15, 43} -> - Complex[0.12154323489501183`, 0.0314843880544678], {15, 44} -> - Complex[0.21413154936334694`, 0.18298303659642504`], {16, 17} -> - Complex[0.307309293748822, -0.12573777648869972`], {16, 18} -> - Complex[-0.005406308519185013, 0.1923155305107149], {16, 19} -> - Complex[-0.16337863033937647`, -0.15896380516087896`], {16, 20} -> - Complex[-0.22589711673635846`, 0.05687526412308362], {16, 21} -> - Complex[0.1400611094476761, 0.04426166547149747], {16, 22} -> - Complex[0.21056098056343198`, -0.0010063259480176945`], {16, 23} -> - Complex[0.1400611094476761, 0.04426166547149747], {16, 24} -> - Complex[0.21056098056343198`, -0.0010063259480176945`], {16, 25} -> - Complex[-0.16337863033937647`, -0.15896380516087896`], {16, 26} -> - Complex[-0.22589711673635846`, 0.05687526412308362], {16, 27} -> - Complex[0.307309293748822, -0.12573777648869972`], {16, 28} -> - Complex[-0.005406308519185013, 0.1923155305107149], {16, 29} -> - Complex[0.2999888691706436, 0.], {16, 30} -> - Complex[0.04520966568846207, 0.09180189043755807], {16, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1434740078467142, 0.14249005754771799`], {16, 32} -> - Complex[-0.01114356571997462, -0.027664002308237984`], {16, 33} -> - Complex[-0.10619283788354225`, 0.09442620281597475], {16, 34} -> - Complex[0.19273536111508338`, -0.17960309701589544`], {16, 35} -> - Complex[0.12752255814459348`, 0.01058258297182084], {16, 36} -> - Complex[0.09733875051643903, -0.02252167088462168], {16, 37} -> - Complex[-0.06799939323987887, -0.15542062808459078`], {16, 38} -> - Complex[-0.16663539437880773`, 0.10437706201084027`], {16, 39} -> - Complex[-0.09481874255295673, 0.10031131935700385`], {16, 40} -> - Complex[0.21950094015099447`, -0.20337016113487644`], {16, 41} -> - Complex[-0.09640011973456236, 0.13730072302174962`], {16, 42} -> - Complex[0.29615037375733383`, -0.1520353321758059], {16, 43} -> - Complex[0.21100933205865569`, -0.0338211900528364], {16, 44} -> - Complex[0.11114423430093813`, -0.070615153044467], {17, 18} -> - Complex[0.8226177838286826, 0.], {17, 19} -> - Complex[-0.4628811864347869, 0.03398995650383704], {17, 20} -> - Complex[-0.16284304226858476`, 0.37837076485202586`], {17, 21} -> - Complex[0.5819149254202538, -0.1453748291300389], {17, 22} -> - Complex[0.03538868677262991, -0.15172437718360862`], {17, 23} -> - Complex[0.5819149254202538, -0.1453748291300389], {17, 24} -> - Complex[0.03538868677262991, -0.15172437718360862`], {17, 25} -> - Complex[-0.4628811864347869, 0.03398995650383704], {17, 26} -> - Complex[-0.16284304226858476`, 0.37837076485202586`], {17, 27} -> - Complex[-0.3687303710508583, -0.2805809812057185], {17, 28} -> - Complex[0.8226177838286826, 0.], {17, 29} -> - Complex[-0.005406308519185013, -0.1923155305107149], {17, 30} -> - Complex[0.6038715987396429, -0.13410176235407406`], {17, 31} -> - Complex[-0.285231737878617, 0.11923332261820863`], {17, 32} -> - Complex[-0.11993561442023166`, -0.17547153928175108`], {17, 33} -> - Complex[0.6355045742435778, 0.21145565318624404`], {17, 34} -> - Complex[-0.3929683587836577, 0.049717383500414464`], {17, 35} -> - Complex[0.3339398475970939, 0.15997328431271962`], {17, 36} -> - Complex[0.01836995244926526, 0.1484624429717301], {17, 37} -> - Complex[-0.35213150811029553`, 0.004581446940964962], {17, 38} -> - Complex[-0.0010546882191990493`, 0.4188657078206115], {17, 39} -> - Complex[0.45325964260328205`, -0.28221185233103285`], {17, 40} -> - Complex[-0.25988577880868147`, -0.32025955513177806`], {17, 41} -> - Complex[0.14271885197121797`, -0.16451603870911535`], {17, 42} -> - Complex[0.35677684495956996`, -0.26782996788376523`], {17, 43} -> - Complex[-0.2084122202569052, 0.00020103428177624394`], {17, 44} -> - Complex[0.4011342036506945, -0.08275884395276589], {18, 19} -> - Complex[-0.03295479383775109, -0.2657905892829302], {18, 20} -> - Complex[-0.21652607315161407`, -0.04438031043332], {18, 21} -> - Complex[-0.028900154169874605`, 0.13017700930644915`], {18, 22} -> - Complex[0.28957213463729153`, 0.04412598324971386], {18, 23} -> - Complex[-0.028900154169874605`, 0.13017700930644915`], {18, 24} -> - Complex[0.28957213463729153`, 0.04412598324971386], {18, 25} -> - Complex[-0.03295479383775109, -0.2657905892829302], {18, 26} -> - Complex[-0.21652607315161407`, -0.04438031043332], {18, 27} -> - Complex[0.6078793215741036, 0.], {18, 28} -> - Complex[-0.3687303710508583, 0.2805809812057185], {18, 29} -> - Complex[0.307309293748822, 0.12573777648869972`], {18, 30} -> - Complex[-0.09783202355353876, 0.205800420187774], {18, 31} -> - Complex[-0.0043849913193274165`, 0.14245792695609336`], {18, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06851992241433469, 0.0744015573825995], {18, 33} -> - Complex[-0.46001366242443475`, -0.04501903103250712], {18, 34} -> - Complex[0.44801071428465117`, -0.2692922761438914], {18, 35} -> - Complex[-0.003894793002414687, -0.08913866560779202], {18, 36} -> - Complex[0.1420818225049802, -0.020549905336444067`], {18, 37} -> - Complex[0.054106634788614424`, -0.19153336538244783`], {18, 38} -> - Complex[-0.2578313234243952, 0.008223482143912858], {18, 39} -> - Complex[-0.25297712909181935`, 0.24121475433095296`], {18, 40} -> - Complex[0.4292561195547466, -0.1261529658539593], {18, 41} -> - Complex[-0.16369481408407635`, 0.20495023616051494`], {18, 42} -> - Complex[0.1317222714029774, -0.021975788878054098`], {18, 43} -> - Complex[0.41131977612624415`, -0.13232992191324358`], {18, 44} -> - Complex[-0.2243553137616041, 0.13100788893385992`], {19, 20} -> - Complex[0.43562184855409647`, 0.], {19, 21} -> - Complex[-0.3369744999236155, -0.29271844816622855`], {19, 22} -> - Complex[-0.24041532021506196`, -0.1184011853639306], {19, 23} -> - Complex[-0.3369744999236155, -0.29271844816622855`], {19, 24} -> - Complex[-0.24041532021506196`, -0.1184011853639306], {19, 25} -> - Complex[0.1616697000123189, 0.377583947982878], {19, 26} -> - Complex[0.43562184855409647`, 0.], {19, 27} -> - Complex[-0.21652607315161407`, 0.04438031043332], {19, 28} -> - Complex[-0.16284304226858476`, -0.37837076485202586`], {19, 29} -> - Complex[-0.22589711673635846`, -0.05687526412308362], {19, 30} -> - Complex[-0.2194984593087177, -0.3316347549781254], {19, 31} -> - Complex[0.3674430035252537, -0.02942988722855236], {19, 32} -> - Complex[0.030760616858804858`, 0.23538416809123017`], {19, 33} -> - Complex[-0.14250557605474204`, -0.2063165128775194], {19, 34} -> - Complex[-0.11512173225228697`, 0.06603202019404991], {19, 35} -> - Complex[-0.22526455556679315`, -0.2299720433182001], {19, 36} -> - Complex[0.0333938099578483, -0.13285998183650485`], {19, 37} -> - Complex[0.0853534267428824, 0.2685944681825865], {19, 38} -> - Complex[0.3849695122204991, -0.1062213573260169], {19, 39} -> - Complex[-0.16708358508261859`, -0.0952802518296103], {19, 40} -> - Complex[-0.29051819451055283`, 0.1845802827902772], {19, 41} -> - Complex[0.011086587625856487`, -0.03977734422600335], {19, 42} -> - Complex[-0.4877238013526435, 0.007955471813542392], {19, 43} -> - Complex[-0.13251183168772646`, -0.07292772674550725], {19, 44} -> - Complex[-0.09000982956815268, 0.0903867564752118], {20, 21} -> - Complex[-0.42325127739355767`, 0.20956565510527553`], {20, 22} -> - Complex[-0.1948780812666511, 0.1767152316856876], {20, 23} -> - Complex[-0.42325127739355767`, 0.20956565510527553`], {20, 24} -> - Complex[-0.1948780812666511, 0.1767152316856876], {20, 25} -> - Complex[0.4472151812462272, 0.], {20, 26} -> - Complex[0.1616697000123189, -0.377583947982878], {20, 27} -> - Complex[-0.03295479383775109, 0.2657905892829302], {20, 28} -> - Complex[-0.4628811864347869, -0.03398995650383704], {20, 29} -> - Complex[-0.16337863033937647`, 0.15896380516087896`], {20, 30} -> - Complex[-0.4320941387037918, 0.12991593488691688`], {20, 31} -> - Complex[0.13352455457746898`, -0.28187182844600256`], {20, 32} -> - Complex[0.18655369587288279`, 0.03316644798025127], {20, 33} -> - Complex[-0.2261801898794757, -0.0697599821374323], {20, 34} -> - Complex[0.06151949272740251, 0.14597827062414853`], {20, 35} -> - Complex[-0.26920184199068836`, 0.03518514503066193], {20, 36} -> - Complex[-0.16763998959907517`, -0.06187718632736254], {20, 37} -> - Complex[0.3030470345876809, 0.022519062872992452`], {20, 38} -> - Complex[0.04950835193514282, -0.39192964728125823`], {20, 39} -> - Complex[-0.14609298550332978`, 0.10886984234665863`], {20, 40} -> - Complex[0.03370619313857502, 0.3668678320559675], {20, 41} -> - Complex[-0.0019470322311122695`, -0.006498565497976172], {20, 42} -> - Complex[-0.25669798623355977`, 0.3682894392044831], {20, 43} -> - Complex[-0.14592289770481853`, 0.16407230390985175`], {20, 44} -> - Complex[-0.16724537207779577`, 0.03765174623244656], {21, 22} -> - Complex[0.24951228881406945`, 0.], {21, 23} -> - Complex[0.2012043060989246, 0.013499323207191383`], {21, 24} -> - Complex[0.24951228881406945`, 0.], {21, 25} -> - Complex[-0.1948780812666511, -0.1767152316856876], {21, 26} -> - Complex[-0.24041532021506196`, 0.1184011853639306], {21, 27} -> - Complex[0.28957213463729153`, -0.04412598324971386], {21, 28} -> - Complex[0.03538868677262991, 0.15172437718360862`], {21, 29} -> - Complex[0.21056098056343198`, 0.0010063259480176945`], {21, 30} -> - Complex[0.14469920882684142`, 0.08927758557149193], {21, 31} -> - Complex[-0.14083455775068546`, 0.19707451798647965`], {21, 32} -> - Complex[-0.12865709489960156`, -0.05845882137761309], {21, 33} -> - Complex[-0.03463050797136755, 0.0005686162402836065], {21, 34} -> - Complex[0.2100350983072742, -0.12968311623120948`], {21, 35} -> - Complex[0.17642220929810848`, -0.008365816397526732], {21, 36} -> - Complex[0.11625516970040772`, 0.0444573016449614], {21, 37} -> - Complex[-0.1066773309353098, -0.12038972095215114`], {21, 38} -> - Complex[-0.2157400959251074, 0.14810189039274838`], {21, 39} -> - Complex[-0.03839447190915796, 0.0785609790385338], {21, 40} -> - Complex[0.2318925306003834, -0.19656264018073483`], {21, 41} -> - Complex[-0.08725292832596576, 0.09110106173880848], {21, 42} -> - Complex[0.24202191124971967`, -0.1824193133420845], {21, 43} -> - Complex[0.3016026771798053, -0.10079527738029274`], {21, 44} -> - Complex[-0.05020246914255188, -0.08183924224939915], {22, 23} -> - Complex[0.615785434694824, 0.], {22, 24} -> - Complex[0.2012043060989246, -0.013499323207191383`], {22, 25} -> - Complex[-0.42325127739355767`, -0.20956565510527553`], {22, 26} -> - Complex[-0.3369744999236155, 0.29271844816622855`], {22, 27} -> - Complex[-0.028900154169874605`, -0.13017700930644915`], {22, 28} -> - Complex[0.5819149254202538, 0.1453748291300389], {22, 29} -> - Complex[0.1400611094476761, -0.04426166547149747], {22, 30} -> - Complex[0.5764010633854448, 0.06134795783007195], {22, 31} -> - Complex[-0.3706890731222189, 0.18044487919137855`], {22, 32} -> - Complex[-0.18155862358181848`, -0.21175025822039334`], {22, 33} -> - Complex[0.3907111567253396, 0.10268276555989041`], {22, 34} -> - Complex[-0.08480107108956837, 0.011733274510644723`], {22, 35} -> - Complex[0.34304074287236563`, 0.14955941448349905`], {22, 36} -> - Complex[0.0773132411259754, 0.2576476349973377], {22, 37} -> - Complex[-0.29947000384932826`, -0.15932598599277575`], {22, 38} -> - Complex[-0.19902782536665659`, 0.3494630626340304], {22, 39} -> - Complex[0.2828692771265636, -0.22272520744230984`], {22, 40} -> - Complex[0.05006315921831328, -0.26260266300147606`], {22, 41} -> - Complex[0.030570326386135577`, -0.12759202400017805`], {22, 42} -> - Complex[0.4744609487513754, -0.20790978200823096`], {22, 43} -> - Complex[0.121035035207534, 0.15933522490880775`], {22, 44} -> - Complex[0.23577550381229875`, 0.007868846046102607], {23, 24} -> - Complex[0.24951228881406945`, 0.], {23, 25} -> - Complex[-0.1948780812666511, -0.1767152316856876], {23, 26} -> - Complex[-0.24041532021506196`, 0.1184011853639306], {23, 27} -> - Complex[0.28957213463729153`, -0.04412598324971386], {23, 28} -> - Complex[0.03538868677262991, 0.15172437718360862`], {23, 29} -> - Complex[0.21056098056343198`, 0.0010063259480176945`], {23, 30} -> - Complex[0.14469920882684142`, 0.08927758557149193], {23, 31} -> - Complex[-0.14083455775068546`, 0.19707451798647965`], {23, 32} -> - Complex[-0.12865709489960156`, -0.05845882137761309], {23, 33} -> - Complex[-0.03463050797136755, 0.0005686162402836065], {23, 34} -> - Complex[0.2100350983072742, -0.12968311623120948`], {23, 35} -> - Complex[0.17642220929810848`, -0.008365816397526732], {23, 36} -> - Complex[0.11625516970040772`, 0.0444573016449614], {23, 37} -> - Complex[-0.1066773309353098, -0.12038972095215114`], {23, 38} -> - Complex[-0.2157400959251074, 0.14810189039274838`], {23, 39} -> - Complex[-0.03839447190915796, 0.0785609790385338], {23, 40} -> - Complex[0.2318925306003834, -0.19656264018073483`], {23, 41} -> - Complex[-0.08725292832596576, 0.09110106173880848], {23, 42} -> - Complex[0.24202191124971967`, -0.1824193133420845], {23, 43} -> - Complex[0.3016026771798053, -0.10079527738029274`], {23, 44} -> - Complex[-0.05020246914255188, -0.08183924224939915], {24, 25} -> - Complex[-0.42325127739355767`, -0.20956565510527553`], {24, 26} -> - Complex[-0.3369744999236155, 0.29271844816622855`], {24, 27} -> - Complex[-0.028900154169874605`, -0.13017700930644915`], {24, 28} -> - Complex[0.5819149254202538, 0.1453748291300389], {24, 29} -> - Complex[0.1400611094476761, -0.04426166547149747], {24, 30} -> - Complex[0.5764010633854448, 0.06134795783007195], {24, 31} -> - Complex[-0.3706890731222189, 0.18044487919137855`], {24, 32} -> - Complex[-0.18155862358181848`, -0.21175025822039334`], {24, 33} -> - Complex[0.3907111567253396, 0.10268276555989041`], {24, 34} -> - Complex[-0.08480107108956837, 0.011733274510644723`], {24, 35} -> - Complex[0.34304074287236563`, 0.14955941448349905`], {24, 36} -> - Complex[0.0773132411259754, 0.2576476349973377], {24, 37} -> - Complex[-0.29947000384932826`, -0.15932598599277575`], {24, 38} -> - Complex[-0.19902782536665659`, 0.3494630626340304], {24, 39} -> - Complex[0.2828692771265636, -0.22272520744230984`], {24, 40} -> - Complex[0.05006315921831328, -0.26260266300147606`], {24, 41} -> - Complex[0.030570326386135577`, -0.12759202400017805`], {24, 42} -> - Complex[0.4744609487513754, -0.20790978200823096`], {24, 43} -> - Complex[0.121035035207534, 0.15933522490880775`], {24, 44} -> - Complex[0.23577550381229875`, 0.007868846046102607], {25, 26} -> - Complex[0.43562184855409647`, 0.], {25, 27} -> - Complex[-0.21652607315161407`, 0.04438031043332], {25, 28} -> - Complex[-0.16284304226858476`, -0.37837076485202586`], {25, 29} -> - Complex[-0.22589711673635846`, -0.05687526412308362], {25, 30} -> - Complex[-0.2194984593087177, -0.3316347549781254], {25, 31} -> - Complex[0.3674430035252537, -0.02942988722855236], {25, 32} -> - Complex[0.030760616858804858`, 0.23538416809123017`], {25, 33} -> - Complex[-0.14250557605474204`, -0.2063165128775194], {25, 34} -> - Complex[-0.11512173225228697`, 0.06603202019404991], {25, 35} -> - Complex[-0.22526455556679315`, -0.2299720433182001], {25, 36} -> - Complex[0.0333938099578483, -0.13285998183650485`], {25, 37} -> - Complex[0.0853534267428824, 0.2685944681825865], {25, 38} -> - Complex[0.3849695122204991, -0.1062213573260169], {25, 39} -> - Complex[-0.16708358508261859`, -0.0952802518296103], {25, 40} -> - Complex[-0.29051819451055283`, 0.1845802827902772], {25, 41} -> - Complex[0.011086587625856487`, -0.03977734422600335], {25, 42} -> - Complex[-0.4877238013526435, 0.007955471813542392], {25, 43} -> - Complex[-0.13251183168772646`, -0.07292772674550725], {25, 44} -> - Complex[-0.09000982956815268, 0.0903867564752118], {26, 27} -> - Complex[-0.03295479383775109, 0.2657905892829302], {26, 28} -> - Complex[-0.4628811864347869, -0.03398995650383704], {26, 29} -> - Complex[-0.16337863033937647`, 0.15896380516087896`], {26, 30} -> - Complex[-0.4320941387037918, 0.12991593488691688`], {26, 31} -> - Complex[0.13352455457746898`, -0.28187182844600256`], {26, 32} -> - Complex[0.18655369587288279`, 0.03316644798025127], {26, 33} -> - Complex[-0.2261801898794757, -0.0697599821374323], {26, 34} -> - Complex[0.06151949272740251, 0.14597827062414853`], {26, 35} -> - Complex[-0.26920184199068836`, 0.03518514503066193], {26, 36} -> - Complex[-0.16763998959907517`, -0.06187718632736254], {26, 37} -> - Complex[0.3030470345876809, 0.022519062872992452`], {26, 38} -> - Complex[0.04950835193514282, -0.39192964728125823`], {26, 39} -> - Complex[-0.14609298550332978`, 0.10886984234665863`], {26, 40} -> - Complex[0.03370619313857502, 0.3668678320559675], {26, 41} -> - Complex[-0.0019470322311122695`, -0.006498565497976172], {26, 42} -> - Complex[-0.25669798623355977`, 0.3682894392044831], {26, 43} -> - Complex[-0.14592289770481853`, 0.16407230390985175`], {26, 44} -> - Complex[-0.16724537207779577`, 0.03765174623244656], {27, 28} -> - Complex[0.8226177838286826, 0.], {27, 29} -> - Complex[-0.005406308519185013, -0.1923155305107149], {27, 30} -> - Complex[0.6038715987396429, -0.13410176235407406`], {27, 31} -> - Complex[-0.285231737878617, 0.11923332261820863`], {27, 32} -> - Complex[-0.11993561442023166`, -0.17547153928175108`], {27, 33} -> - Complex[0.6355045742435778, 0.21145565318624404`], {27, 34} -> - Complex[-0.3929683587836577, 0.049717383500414464`], {27, 35} -> - Complex[0.3339398475970939, 0.15997328431271962`], {27, 36} -> - Complex[0.01836995244926526, 0.1484624429717301], {27, 37} -> - Complex[-0.35213150811029553`, 0.004581446940964962], {27, 38} -> - Complex[-0.0010546882191990493`, 0.4188657078206115], {27, 39} -> - Complex[0.45325964260328205`, -0.28221185233103285`], {27, 40} -> - Complex[-0.25988577880868147`, -0.32025955513177806`], {27, 41} -> - Complex[0.14271885197121797`, -0.16451603870911535`], {27, 42} -> - Complex[0.35677684495956996`, -0.26782996788376523`], {27, 43} -> - Complex[-0.2084122202569052, 0.00020103428177624394`], {27, 44} -> - Complex[0.4011342036506945, -0.08275884395276589], {28, 29} -> - Complex[0.307309293748822, 0.12573777648869972`], {28, 30} -> - Complex[-0.09783202355353876, 0.205800420187774], {28, 31} -> - Complex[-0.0043849913193274165`, 0.14245792695609336`], {28, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06851992241433469, 0.0744015573825995], {28, 33} -> - Complex[-0.46001366242443475`, -0.04501903103250712], {28, 34} -> - Complex[0.44801071428465117`, -0.2692922761438914], {28, 35} -> - Complex[-0.003894793002414687, -0.08913866560779202], {28, 36} -> - Complex[0.1420818225049802, -0.020549905336444067`], {28, 37} -> - Complex[0.054106634788614424`, -0.19153336538244783`], {28, 38} -> - Complex[-0.2578313234243952, 0.008223482143912858], {28, 39} -> - Complex[-0.25297712909181935`, 0.24121475433095296`], {28, 40} -> - Complex[0.4292561195547466, -0.1261529658539593], {28, 41} -> - Complex[-0.16369481408407635`, 0.20495023616051494`], {28, 42} -> - Complex[0.1317222714029774, -0.021975788878054098`], {28, 43} -> - Complex[0.41131977612624415`, -0.13232992191324358`], {28, 44} -> - Complex[-0.2243553137616041, 0.13100788893385992`], {29, 30} -> - Complex[0.6239172945486772, 0.], {29, 31} -> - Complex[-0.22606462874900565`, 0.1399133548131939], {29, 32} -> - Complex[-0.19358892550608142`, -0.1309226927016317], {29, 33} -> - Complex[0.32708256838048577`, 0.13908395997171136`], {29, 34} -> - Complex[-0.18153329267644502`, -0.04101286407624916], {29, 35} -> - Complex[0.23082108426859382`, 0.1151631361820325], {29, 36} -> - Complex[0.10291125338889108`, 0.24223763722943603`], {29, 37} -> - Complex[-0.3260753449894908, -0.09076864462541498], {29, 38} -> - Complex[-0.11579180416428306`, 0.3654825088637898], {29, 39} -> - Complex[0.31083656874000754`, -0.20480433581617183`], {29, 40} -> - Complex[-0.029524381219098658`, -0.27058433189071296`], {29, 41} -> - Complex[0.08011310849505847, -0.15416886768894952`], {29, 42} -> - Complex[0.3032958359848409, -0.155571682390279], {29, 43} -> - Complex[0.12154323489501183`, 0.0314843880544678], {29, 44} -> - Complex[0.21413154936334694`, 0.18298303659642504`], {30, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1434740078467142, 0.14249005754771799`], {30, 32} -> - Complex[-0.01114356571997462, -0.027664002308237984`], {30, 33} -> - Complex[-0.10619283788354225`, 0.09442620281597475], {30, 34} -> - Complex[0.19273536111508338`, -0.17960309701589544`], {30, 35} -> - Complex[0.12752255814459348`, 0.01058258297182084], {30, 36} -> - Complex[0.09733875051643903, -0.02252167088462168], {30, 37} -> - Complex[-0.06799939323987887, -0.15542062808459078`], {30, 38} -> - Complex[-0.16663539437880773`, 0.10437706201084027`], {30, 39} -> - Complex[-0.09481874255295673, 0.10031131935700385`], {30, 40} -> - Complex[0.21950094015099447`, -0.20337016113487644`], {30, 41} -> - Complex[-0.09640011973456236, 0.13730072302174962`], {30, 42} -> - Complex[0.29615037375733383`, -0.1520353321758059], {30, 43} -> - Complex[0.21100933205865569`, -0.0338211900528364], {30, 44} -> - Complex[0.11114423430093813`, -0.070615153044467], {31, 32} -> - Complex[0.23765539643867975`, 0.], {31, 33} -> - Complex[-0.0895373655226468, 0.2726390562042197], {31, 34} -> - Complex[-0.11825712208599867`, -0.03281527611416887], {31, 35} -> - Complex[-0.1864696256262259, 0.16562554341192864`], {31, 36} -> - Complex[-0.12743791707027466`, -0.10129786140711028`], {31, 37} -> - Complex[0.12729567759922444`, -0.0474240351088444], {31, 38} -> - Complex[-0.000017190129231528517`, -0.1919850410618445], {31, 39} -> - Complex[0.02734387279170107, 0.15732878597712807`], {31, 40} -> - Complex[-0.0011166380242527973`, 0.07436247657447947], {31, 41} -> - Complex[0.05708663295773911, 0.035481827368848175`], {31, 42} -> - Complex[-0.00017138517387816493`, 0.2782657630841046], {31, 43} -> - Complex[-0.20560310592993947`, 0.0017739749319820586`], {31, 44} -> - Complex[0.19966066214556275`, 0.07718245548597671], {32, 33} -> - Complex[-0.3741286789371999, -0.08815664694864397], {32, 34} -> - Complex[-0.04614471842445865, -0.2012403202344506], {32, 35} -> - Complex[-0.3267580701610388, -0.2909584163641271], {32, 36} -> - Complex[0.02273034207641774, -0.17980351945521167`], {32, 37} -> - Complex[0.07074686751407203, 0.1846815194029794], {32, 38} -> - Complex[0.28236460239168537`, -0.06515002989777242], {32, 39} -> - Complex[-0.1609340029528849, 0.14622439757739267`], {32, 40} -> - Complex[-0.1819302056638001, 0.03832842256630628], {32, 41} -> - Complex[0.07253158825046907, 0.09918291848868536], {32, 42} -> - Complex[-0.5832263376040618, -0.009064309617321076], {32, 43} -> - Complex[-0.013262976685837952`, -0.27747406999082147`], {32, 44} -> - Complex[-0.30526343247770915`, 0.24598488074984254`], {33, 34} -> - Complex[0.47847656274123934`, 0.], {33, 35} -> - Complex[0.08297996191121794, -0.14731977594965492`], {33, 36} -> - Complex[0.14071347978647328`, 0.02565787631307584], {33, 37} -> - Complex[0.09808243309028082, -0.08309117318181813], {33, 38} -> - Complex[-0.14788859535778534`, -0.07700626795012017], {33, 39} -> - Complex[-0.3491533250344545, 0.03996336991178122], {33, 40} -> - Complex[0.336844195579561, 0.07854946929481876], {33, 41} -> - Complex[-0.2314546186051366, 0.10371093144607982`], {33, 42} -> - Complex[0.07987741073093885, -0.09325674519337618], {33, 43} -> - Complex[0.4055612310928953, 0.08934959360815586], {33, 44} -> - Complex[-0.26307950478543923`, -0.1141036247953411], {34, 35} -> - Complex[0.4234517136865772, 0.17382859154523886`], {34, 36} -> - Complex[-0.10288428074555514`, 0.11276794141596694`], {34, 37} -> - Complex[-0.18342661221059317`, 0.0691351893734958], {34, 38} -> - Complex[-0.01419351798580596, 0.23202353736641174`], {34, 39} -> - Complex[0.3968568746645965, -0.3179542352133835], {34, 40} -> - Complex[-0.27009710197247705`, -0.09683696616535195], {34, 41} -> - Complex[0.08638740713343389, -0.17434418695303155`], {34, 42} -> - Complex[0.34476738289430997`, -0.2555576049300379], {34, 43} -> - Complex[-0.3528482206005182, 0.13773954600162294`], {34, 44} -> - Complex[0.2510790597533612, -0.48812162559983474`], {35, 36} -> - Complex[0.25196673625598803`, 0.], {35, 37} -> - Complex[-0.10764128844166919`, 0.06170068553810148], {35, 38} -> - Complex[0.037776510481617454`, 0.09367396801112708], {35, 39} -> - Complex[-0.20427899641694272`, -0.07412556370526623], {35, 40} -> - Complex[0.08962504736031421, -0.07047087465677605], {35, 41} -> - Complex[-0.16355189170640141`, -0.0020087730063969023`], {35, 42} -> - Complex[0.054844360699783046`, -0.14881405380941012`], {35, 43} -> - Complex[0.3515392968529229, -0.1183042407887405], {35, 44} -> - Complex[0.1303218739406829, 0.013372910644229352`], {36, 37} -> - Complex[-0.15753135165944274`, -0.015530037395122431`], {36, 38} -> - Complex[-0.11182389060304421`, 0.25265368675817396`], {36, 39} -> - Complex[0.09702226222507297, -0.22133024046114783`], {36, 40} -> - Complex[0.009374693569077844, -0.15977491506986388`], {36, 41} -> - Complex[-0.08644616482776159, -0.02912593915216866], {36, 42} -> - Complex[0.379622482561638, -0.37763535611646337`], {36, 43} -> - Complex[0.02713104019918751, 0.08552834190809729], {36, 44} -> - Complex[0.061769134612388144`, -0.4327409797306362], {37, 38} -> - Complex[0.40722091172603664`, 0.], {37, 39} -> - Complex[-0.12205487501450044`, -0.20289574844353508`], {37, 40} -> - Complex[-0.34981732611662325`, 0.11696760053686867`], {37, 41} -> - Complex[0.022359289844474148`, -0.05594243870731504], {37, 42} -> - Complex[-0.38111102023432214`, -0.1362923217488655], {37, 43} -> - Complex[-0.17438166315534948`, 0.03950929068321911], {37, 44} -> - Complex[-0.025669162689525127`, 0.01601380409712927], {38, 39} -> - Complex[-0.10463685944321956`, 0.07511789469324247], {38, 40} -> - Complex[0.05878770379884127, 0.22658992563855607`], {38, 41} -> - Complex[-0.027880395040276548`, 0.022333165755832735`], {38, 42} -> - Complex[-0.13014881358492147`, 0.2568379516702825], {38, 43} -> - Complex[-0.15170199807896514`, 0.08485524070787617], {38, 44} -> - Complex[-0.13039638629884198`, 0.034128661373563796`], {39, 40} -> - Complex[0.468967993475222, 0.], {39, 41} -> - Complex[-0.16085487116109506`, 0.07542778521341045], {39, 42} -> - Complex[0.2974065306304634, 0.1879536683021757], {39, 43} -> - Complex[0.4199586015679177, 0.005857444943267762], {39, 44} -> - Complex[0.02499085543716096, 0.07549372038404914], {40, 41} -> - Complex[0.24996097903041953`, -0.06915690707552657], {40, 42} -> - Complex[0.16085487116109504`, 0.07542778521341045], {40, 43} -> - Complex[-0.45109358752254786`, -0.09460162479535734], {40, 44} -> - Complex[0.06898434080010694, 0.09215296359165348], {41, 42} -> - Complex[0.7942645379409359, 0.], {41, 43} -> - Complex[0.09934150706180704, 0.1587801019435698], {41, 44} -> - Complex[0.5159598379039979, -0.22420045292897806`], {42, 43} -> - Complex[-0.26324874492522643`, -0.03930416302816894], {42, 44} -> - Complex[-0.09549084351775722, 0.1338032683415449]}, - Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { - $CellContext`c[1], - $CellContext`c[2], - $CellContext`c[3], - $CellContext`c[4]}], - Editable->False, - SelectWithContents->True, - Selectable->False]], "Output", - CellLabel->"Out[9]=", - CellID->186862648,ExpressionUUID->"fbccb77a-afee-4441-96e4-0dc05c8704b8"] -}, Open ]], - -Cell[CellGroupData[{ - -Cell[BoxData[ - RowBox[{"ws", "=", - RowBox[{"WickHistory", "[", - RowBox[{"out", ",", "2"}], "]"}]}]], "Input", - CellProlog:>Needs["Q3`"], - CellLabel->"In[10]:=", - CellID->986135692,ExpressionUUID->"e071b30d-f1ea-409b-86c7-056b09a75a65"], - -Cell[BoxData[ - InterpretationBox[ - RowBox[{ - TagBox["WickState", - "SummaryHead"], "[", - DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = "Ready"}, - - TemplateBox[{ - 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Complex[0.582907926479713, -0.49332601643227303`]}, { + Complex[-0.2088605762760204, 0.12221088314809211`], + Complex[0.2424448960763253, -0.28717838213799235`], + Complex[0.3941662220696188, 0.22013024149882754`], + Complex[0.33255320825081014`, 0.28001609620970047`]}, { + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], + Complex[0.14604698073715178`, 0.023760642933120718`], + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], + Complex[0.1025861810966763, 0.3280835823005945]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.34961511524482436`, 0.06695082289629037], + Complex[-0.22721677701872972`, 0.10788176207153556`], + Complex[-0.15575860000961195`, 0.19995729240511323`], + Complex[-0.411694553787175, 0.3669635339695745]}, { + Complex[-0.26998689654824515`, -0.23606009686450402`], + Complex[-0.3785015208484167, -0.009131443548956203], + Complex[0.049435984155214815`, -0.22057746182687452`], + Complex[-0.7825103107832154, 0.660409806791661]}, { + Complex[-0.2339886958885329, -0.020514303546813148`], + 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Complex[-0.7416311192512353, -0.5088192470149466], + Complex[0.2907073848578795, -0.28690376906359405`], + Complex[-0.7820671540213748, -0.152424500314762]}}}}, + SymmetrizedArray[ + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{20, + 20}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, 4} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, 0.1718935005705546], {1, 5} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], {1, 6} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, 8} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], {1, 9} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 10} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, 11} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 12} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, 13} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, 14} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], {1, 15} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], {1, 16} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, 18} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, 0.1718935005705546], {1, 20} -> + 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, 4} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 6} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 8} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 13} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 14} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, 15} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 16} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 17} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, 18} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, 19} -> + 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 6} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, 10} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, 12} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 13} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 14} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 16} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 17} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, 18} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, 20} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 6} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, 10} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, 0.2714872146303018], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, 12} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, 0.2714872146303018], {4, 13} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 14} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 17} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 18} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 20} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 8} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 9} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 10} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 11} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 13} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], {5, 16} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 17} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, 18} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, 20} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 9} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 12} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, 13} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 15} -> + Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 16} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, 17} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 18} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {6, 20} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 13} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, 14} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 15} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {7, 16} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {7, 17} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {7, 19} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 20} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, 10} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 14} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 16} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, 17} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {8, 18} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 19} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 20} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, -0.30602272798394614`], {9, 12} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {9, 14} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {9, 17} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {9, 18} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {9, 19} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {9, 20} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {10, 11} -> + Complex[1.450065179250162, 0.], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, 0.30602272798394614`], {10, 13} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {10, 15} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {10, 17} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {10, 18} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {10, 19} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {10, 20} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {11, 14} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], {11, 15} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {11, 17} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {11, 18} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {11, 19} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {11, 20} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {12, 13} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {12, 14} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {12, 15} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {12, 17} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {12, 18} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {12, 19} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {12, 20} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {13, 16} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {13, 17} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {13, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {13, 20} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {14, 17} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {14, 18} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {15, 16} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {15, 18} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {15, 19} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {15, 20} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {16, 17} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {16, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {16, 20} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {17, 20} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {18, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { + $CellContext`c[1], + $CellContext`c[2], + $CellContext`c[3], + $CellContext`c[4]}], + Editable->False, + SelectWithContents->True, + Selectable->False], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["WickState", + "SummaryHead"], "[", + DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = + "Ready"}, + TemplateBox[{ + PaneSelectorBox[{False -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = True), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{ + Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Bare modes: \"", 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"SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{"24", ",", "24"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { RowBox[{ TagBox["\"Symmetry: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], "\[InvisibleSpace]", @@ -11545,10 +57901,9 @@ rTqMc282nbu2gqGwxCdRG/Q5kNZJOSTxJ917pH6nq6frh1QXidvf59Hq1g== "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, GridBoxSpacings -> { "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, - BaseStyle -> { - ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, - PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, - GridBoxAlignment -> { + BaseStyle -> {ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> + False, PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, @@ -11566,32 +57921,100 @@ rTqMc282nbu2gqGwxCdRG/Q5kNZJOSTxJ917pH6nq6frh1QXidvf59Hq1g== Magnification])}]], GraphicsBox[ RasterBox[CompressedData[" 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"\[InvisibleSpace]", - TagBox["62", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + TagBox["272", "SummaryItem"]}]}, { TagBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ @@ -11648,8 +58071,8 @@ rTqMc282nbu2gqGwxCdRG/Q5kNZJOSTxJ917pH6nq6frh1QXidvf59Hq1g== StyleBox[ PaneBox[ RowBox[{ - RowBox[{"-", "0.09549084351775722`"}], "-", - RowBox[{"0.1338032683415449`", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]"}]}], + RowBox[{"-", "0.41190457842673445`"}], "-", + RowBox[{"0.10096704656405156`", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]"}]}], ContentPadding -> False, FrameMargins -> 0, StripOnInput -> True, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, ImageSize -> {{1, 300}, Automatic}], LineBreakWithin -> @@ -11660,9 +58083,8 @@ rTqMc282nbu2gqGwxCdRG/Q5kNZJOSTxJ917pH6nq6frh1QXidvf59Hq1g== StyleBox[ PaneBox[ RowBox[{ - RowBox[{"0.5159598379039979`", "\[VeryThinSpace]"}], "+", - - RowBox[{"0.22420045292897806`", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]"}]}], + RowBox[{"-", "0.04247672407517362`"}], "+", + RowBox[{"0.1718935005705546`", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]"}]}], ContentPadding -> False, FrameMargins -> 0, StripOnInput -> True, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, ImageSize -> {{1, 300}, Automatic}], LineBreakWithin -> @@ -11673,8 +58095,8 @@ rTqMc282nbu2gqGwxCdRG/Q5kNZJOSTxJ917pH6nq6frh1QXidvf59Hq1g== StyleBox[ PaneBox[ RowBox[{ - RowBox[{"0.06898434080010694`", "\[VeryThinSpace]"}], "-", - RowBox[{"0.09215296359165348`", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]"}]}], + RowBox[{"-", "0.039769349206147636`"}], "-", + RowBox[{"0.26003894784963594`", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]"}]}], ContentPadding -> False, FrameMargins -> 0, StripOnInput -> True, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, ImageSize -> {{1, 300}, Automatic}], LineBreakWithin -> @@ -11685,8 +58107,8 @@ rTqMc282nbu2gqGwxCdRG/Q5kNZJOSTxJ917pH6nq6frh1QXidvf59Hq1g== StyleBox[ PaneBox[ RowBox[{ - RowBox[{"0.02499085543716096`", "\[VeryThinSpace]"}], "-", - RowBox[{"0.07549372038404914`", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]"}]}], + RowBox[{"0.13544428648031903`", "\[VeryThinSpace]"}], "+", + RowBox[{"0.19691843469914722`", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]"}]}], ContentPadding -> False, FrameMargins -> 0, StripOnInput -> True, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, ImageSize -> {{1, 300}, Automatic}], LineBreakWithin -> @@ -11706,316 +58128,877 @@ rTqMc282nbu2gqGwxCdRG/Q5kNZJOSTxJ917pH6nq6frh1QXidvf59Hq1g== "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, GridBoxSpacings -> { "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, - BaseStyle -> { - ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, - PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, - GridBoxAlignment -> { + BaseStyle -> {ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> + False, PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, "SummaryPanel"], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], "]"}], - SymmetrizedArray[ - - StructuredArray`StructuredData[{12, - 12}, {{{1, 3} -> - Complex[-0.09549084351775722, -0.1338032683415449], {1, - 4} -> Complex[0.5159598379039979, 0.22420045292897806`], { - 1, 5} -> Complex[ - 0.06898434080010694, -0.09215296359165348], {1, 6} -> - Complex[0.02499085543716096, -0.07549372038404914], {1, - 7} -> Complex[ - 0.06898434080010694, -0.09215296359165348], {1, 8} -> - Complex[0.02499085543716096, -0.07549372038404914], {1, - 9} -> Complex[-0.09549084351775722, -0.1338032683415449], \ -{1, 10} -> Complex[0.5159598379039979, 0.22420045292897806`], {1, 12} -> - 1, {2, 3} -> - Complex[-0.26324874492522643`, 0.03930416302816894], {2, - 4} -> Complex[0.09934150706180704, -0.1587801019435698], { - 2, 5} -> Complex[-0.45109358752254786`, - 0.09460162479535734], {2, 6} -> - Complex[0.4199586015679177, -0.005857444943267762], {2, - 7} -> Complex[-0.45109358752254786`, - 0.09460162479535734], {2, 8} -> - Complex[0.4199586015679177, -0.005857444943267762], {2, - 9} -> Complex[-0.26324874492522643`, - 0.03930416302816894], {2, 10} -> - Complex[0.09934150706180704, -0.1587801019435698], {2, - 11} -> 1, {3, 4} -> - Complex[0.7942645379409359, 0.], {3, 5} -> - Complex[0.16085487116109504`, -0.07542778521341045], {3, - 6} -> Complex[0.2974065306304634, -0.1879536683021757], { - 3, 7} -> Complex[ - 0.16085487116109504`, -0.07542778521341045], {3, 8} -> - Complex[0.2974065306304634, -0.1879536683021757], {3, 9} -> - Complex[-0.1228672216943828, -0.04409897699884402], {3, - 10} -> Complex[0.7942645379409359, 0.], {3, 11} -> - Complex[0.09934150706180704, 0.1587801019435698], {3, 12} -> - Complex[0.5159598379039979, -0.22420045292897806`], {4, - 5} -> Complex[ - 0.24996097903041953`, 0.06915690707552657], {4, 6} -> - Complex[-0.16085487116109506`, -0.07542778521341045], {4, - 7} -> Complex[ - 0.24996097903041953`, 0.06915690707552657], {4, 8} -> - Complex[-0.16085487116109506`, -0.07542778521341045], {4, - 9} -> Complex[0.2057354620590642, 0.], {4, 10} -> - Complex[-0.1228672216943828, 0.04409897699884402], {4, - 11} -> Complex[-0.26324874492522643`, \ --0.03930416302816894], {4, 12} -> - Complex[-0.09549084351775722, 0.1338032683415449], {5, 6} -> - Complex[0.468967993475222, 0.], {5, 7} -> - Complex[-0.1615086931185547, 0.2038837036292387], {5, 8} -> - Complex[0.468967993475222, 0.], {5, 9} -> - Complex[-0.16085487116109506`, 0.07542778521341045], {5, - 10} -> Complex[0.2974065306304634, 0.1879536683021757], { - 5, 11} -> Complex[ - 0.4199586015679177, 0.005857444943267762], {5, 12} -> - Complex[0.02499085543716096, 0.07549372038404914], {6, 7} -> - Complex[0.5310320065247784, 0.], {6, 8} -> - Complex[-0.1615086931185547, -0.2038837036292387], {6, 9} -> - Complex[0.24996097903041953`, -0.06915690707552657], {6, + SymmetrizedArray[ + + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{24, + 24}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, + 4} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, + 0.1718935005705546], {1, 5} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], { + 1, 6} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, + 8} -> Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], { + 1, 9} -> Complex[ + 0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 10} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, + 11} -> + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, -0.5466416856280665], {1, + 12} -> Complex[0.026618360435332, 0.558712091911503], {1, + 13} -> Complex[-0.3762881584492428, -0.5466416856280665], \ +{1, 14} -> Complex[0.026618360435332, 0.558712091911503], {1, 15} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, + 18} -> Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], { + 1, 19} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], { + 1, 20} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 21} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, + 22} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, + 0.1718935005705546], {1, 24} -> 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, + 4} -> Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, \ +-0.07746786401493004], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, + 6} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 8} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, + 9} -> Complex[-0.4011625553983744, + 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, 0.538814592741355], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.4668453048063547, -0.05078350561368887], {2, + 13} -> Complex[-0.3553481761967879, 0.538814592741355], { + 2, 14} -> Complex[ + 0.4668453048063547, -0.05078350561368887], {2, 15} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, + 16} -> Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], { + 2, 17} -> Complex[ + 0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 18} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, + 19} -> Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, + 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 20} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, + 21} -> Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, \ +-0.13976043531592253`], {2, 22} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, + 23} -> 1, {3, 4} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 6} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, 10} -> Complex[ - 0.16085487116109504`, 0.07542778521341045], {6, 11} -> - Complex[-0.45109358752254786`, -0.09460162479535734], {6, + 0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, 0.02507865217226392], {3, 12} -> Complex[ - 0.06898434080010694, 0.09215296359165348], {7, 8} -> - Complex[0.468967993475222, 0.], {7, 9} -> - Complex[-0.16085487116109506`, 0.07542778521341045], {7, - 10} -> Complex[0.2974065306304634, 0.1879536683021757], { - 7, 11} -> Complex[ - 0.4199586015679177, 0.005857444943267762], {7, 12} -> - Complex[0.02499085543716096, 0.07549372038404914], {8, 9} -> - Complex[0.24996097903041953`, -0.06915690707552657], {8, + 0.7158153645122745, 0.27727012752801655`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, 0.02507865217226392], {3, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.7158153645122745, 0.27727012752801655`], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 17} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], { + 3, 20} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 21} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, + 22} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, + 24} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 6} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 8} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, + 10} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, + 0.2714872146303018], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, 0.024942704399016517`], {4, + 12} -> Complex[-0.3305815973120849, \ +-0.06965984205559435], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, 0.024942704399016517`], {4, + 14} -> Complex[-0.3305815973120849, \ +-0.06965984205559435], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, + 16} -> Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, + 0.2714872146303018], {4, 17} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 19} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, + 20} -> Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, + 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 21} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 22} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, + 23} -> Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, + 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 24} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, + 6} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 8} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], \ +{5, 9} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 10} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, + 11} -> Complex[-0.5627685085366139, + 0.030340815968254775`], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, 0.48705077535147073`], {5, + 13} -> Complex[-0.5627685085366139, + 0.030340815968254775`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, 0.48705077535147073`], {5, + 15} -> Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], \ +{5, 16} -> Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 17} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, + 18} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, \ +-0.05348186753768233], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], { + 5, 20} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 21} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 23} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 9} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.37825385334451644`, -0.40885350274382926`], {6, 12} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, 0.059159315768373466`], {6, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.37825385334451644`, -0.40885350274382926`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, 0.059159315768373466`], {6, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 16} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, + 17} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], { + 6, 18} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], { + 6, 19} -> Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 20} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 22} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, + 23} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 6, 24} -> Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, + 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.1951485712949499, 0.0046716318384972255`], {7, + 12} -> Complex[-0.8170560843015883, -0.3125759972803564], \ +{7, 13} -> Complex[0.1951485712949499, 0.0046716318384972255`], {7, 14} -> + Complex[-0.8170560843015883, -0.3125759972803564], {7, + 15} -> Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], { + 7, 16} -> Complex[-0.455490228261869, + 0.1840044440612254], {7, 17} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, + 18} -> Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 19} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], { + 7, 20} -> Complex[-0.7455268330838196, + 0.05348186753768233], {7, 21} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, + 22} -> Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], \ +{7, 23} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 24} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, 10} -> Complex[ - 0.16085487116109504`, 0.07542778521341045], {8, 11} -> - Complex[-0.45109358752254786`, -0.09460162479535734], {8, - 12} -> Complex[ - 0.06898434080010694, 0.09215296359165348], {9, 10} -> - Complex[0.7942645379409359, 0.], {9, 11} -> - Complex[0.09934150706180704, 0.1587801019435698], {9, 12} -> - Complex[0.5159598379039979, -0.22420045292897806`], {10, - 11} -> Complex[-0.26324874492522643`, \ --0.03930416302816894], {10, 12} -> - Complex[-0.09549084351775722, 0.1338032683415449]}, + 0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, 0.37292347034559], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, -0.18742531340573343`], {8, + 13} -> Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, 0.37292347034559], { + 8, 14} -> Complex[ + 0.3746944626564604, -0.18742531340573343`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 17} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 18} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, + 19} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 20} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, + 21} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {8, 22} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 23} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 24} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, + 10} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, -0.0590141307297216], {9, + 12} -> Complex[0.501373591153116, 0.5153637211309552], {9, + 13} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, -0.0590141307297216], {9, + 14} -> Complex[0.501373591153116, 0.5153637211309552], {9, + 15} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, -0.30602272798394614`], {9, + 16} -> Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 17} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {9, + 18} -> Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], { + 9, 19} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], { + 9, 20} -> Complex[ + 0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {9, 21} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {9, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {9, 23} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {9, 24} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {10, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.6008640448930245, -0.9992113400081515], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, 0.40242456329116516`], {10, + 13} -> Complex[0.6008640448930245, -0.9992113400081515], { + 10, 14} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, 0.40242456329116516`], {10, + 15} -> Complex[1.450065179250162, 0.], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, 0.30602272798394614`], {10, + 17} -> Complex[-0.5457126961790097, \ +-0.05668631714849469], {10, 18} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {10, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {10, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {10, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {10, 22} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {10, + 23} -> Complex[-0.4011625553983744, \ +-0.29553698205924495`], {10, 24} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {11, + 12} -> Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.8357882209095648, 0.5693746569990082], {11, + 14} -> Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {11, 15} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, -0.40242456329116516`], {11, + 16} -> Complex[0.501373591153116, -0.5153637211309552], { + 11, 17} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, 0.18742531340573343`], {11, + 18} -> Complex[-0.8170560843015883, 0.3125759972803564], { + 11, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, -0.059159315768373466`], { + 11, 20} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, -0.48705077535147073`], {11, + 21} -> Complex[-0.3305815973120849, + 0.06965984205559435], {11, 22} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, -0.27727012752801655`], {11, + 23} -> Complex[0.4668453048063547, 0.05078350561368887], { + 11, 24} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, -0.558712091911503], {12, 13} -> + Complex[1.277157136194063, 0.], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.8357882209095648, -0.5693746569990082], {12, + 15} -> Complex[0.6008640448930245, 0.9992113400081515], { + 12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, 0.0590141307297216], {12, + 17} -> Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, -0.37292347034559], \ +{12, 18} -> Complex[0.1951485712949499, -0.0046716318384972255`], {12, 19} -> + Complex[0.37825385334451644`, 0.40885350274382926`], {12, + 20} -> Complex[-0.5627685085366139, \ +-0.030340815968254775`], {12, 21} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, -0.024942704399016517`], {12, + 22} -> Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, \ +-0.02507865217226392], {12, 23} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, -0.538814592741355], {12, + 24} -> Complex[-0.3762881584492428, 0.5466416856280665], { + 13, 14} -> Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, -0.40242456329116516`], {13, + 16} -> Complex[0.501373591153116, -0.5153637211309552], { + 13, 17} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, 0.18742531340573343`], {13, + 18} -> Complex[-0.8170560843015883, 0.3125759972803564], { + 13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, -0.059159315768373466`], { + 13, 20} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, -0.48705077535147073`], {13, + 21} -> Complex[-0.3305815973120849, + 0.06965984205559435], {13, 22} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, -0.27727012752801655`], {13, + 23} -> Complex[0.4668453048063547, 0.05078350561368887], { + 13, 24} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, 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0.05348186753768233], {17, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {17, 22} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {17, + 23} -> Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, \ +-0.004720384308614219], {17, 24} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {18, + 19} -> Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, + 0.013431678465735945`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {18, + 21} -> Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, + 0.03461602826134062], {18, 22} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {18, + 23} -> Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], { + 18, 24} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {19, + 20} -> Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {19, 21} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], { + 19, 22} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {19, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {19, 24} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {20, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {20, 22} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], { + 20, 23} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], { + 20, 24} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], { + 21, 22} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {21, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {21, + 24} -> Complex[-0.04247672407517362, \ +-0.1718935005705546], {22, 23} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {22, + 24} -> Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, + 0.10096704656405156`]}, Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> - False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, - GridBoxAlignment -> { - "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> - False, GridBoxItemSize -> { - "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, - GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, - 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Complex[0.49711368462748484`, 0.5561533916505781]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], + Complex[-0.5865880056222303, -0.21261173908509431`], + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], + Complex[-0.3979058538654757, 0.5578200392904937]}, { + Complex[0.03741911372848694, 0.3555770288492666], + Complex[-0.21911994873246649`, -0.08388101566785068], + Complex[0.2548268683415332, -0.26480673025090673`], + Complex[-0.6756231866977415, -0.2947005999126772]}, { + Complex[-0.3805816851208877, 0.20488005672499107`], + Complex[-0.06142241558335136, 0.00011278328113941555`], + Complex[0.34021125618690234`, -0.10819016114699895`], + Complex[0.0066668992201413535`, 0.05726654679628254]}, { + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], + Complex[0.01952114260176356, 0.3605368995212979], + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], + Complex[-0.15378550597192583`, -0.3594595686039512]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.24731369058188873`, -0.005978003694364159], + Complex[0.689381841095902, 0.01610359406221444], + Complex[-0.3447916089371626, -0.2945628361277986], + Complex[0.8564259611232028, -0.10540053453013315`]}, { + Complex[-0.10101307491053665`, -0.010816931796013562`], + Complex[-0.13000234714325792`, 0.10650750561261996`], + Complex[0.18201510709668425`, -0.12756970869296128`], + Complex[0.582907926479713, -0.49332601643227303`]}, { + Complex[-0.2088605762760204, 0.12221088314809211`], + Complex[0.2424448960763253, -0.28717838213799235`], + Complex[0.3941662220696188, 0.22013024149882754`], + Complex[0.33255320825081014`, 0.28001609620970047`]}, { + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], + Complex[0.14604698073715178`, 0.023760642933120718`], + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], + Complex[0.1025861810966763, 0.3280835823005945]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.34961511524482436`, 0.06695082289629037], + Complex[-0.22721677701872972`, 0.10788176207153556`], + Complex[-0.15575860000961195`, 0.19995729240511323`], + Complex[-0.411694553787175, 0.3669635339695745]}, { + Complex[-0.26998689654824515`, -0.23606009686450402`], + Complex[-0.3785015208484167, -0.009131443548956203], + Complex[0.049435984155214815`, -0.22057746182687452`], + Complex[-0.7825103107832154, 0.660409806791661]}, { + Complex[-0.2339886958885329, -0.020514303546813148`], + Complex[0.08655083276919757, -0.07324537282570874], + Complex[0.27455376921119967`, -0.2228961867999453], + Complex[-0.5527246983393382, -0.12115050891727087`]}, { + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], + Complex[-0.5707749960844526, -0.011992276960298504`], + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], + Complex[-0.5036258677611142, -0.4186799288369736]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.4668453048063547, 0.05078350561368887], + Complex[0.5717504665456015, -0.22762797272994578`], + Complex[0.026618360435332, -0.558712091911503], + Complex[0.7305599283651154, 0.1929720694262925]}, { + Complex[0.007671777451409206, 0.19920903057736317`], + Complex[0.3118232639200961, 0.22657364921984724`], + Complex[0.1058448244038167, -0.5506657208575015], + Complex[0.7951255332506837, -0.3071818521229562]}, { + Complex[0.2352742944949184, -0.055182283636658364`], + Complex[-0.04808589278794599, 0.28822798844444075`], + Complex[-0.055863296690927794`, -0.32518014728329414`], + Complex[0.5596722301816094, 0.42362016413525366`]}, { + Complex[0.45531609033571524`, 0.6151125413684325], + Complex[0.013494032019214175`, 0.1112635929458276], + Complex[0.0675790805527822, -0.22476640371431453`], + Complex[0.48722223408824805`, 0.07097301086506483]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, 0.538814592741355], + Complex[0.09196642145704029, 0.26756603587814437`], + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, -0.5466416856280665], + Complex[-0.5609971206543622, 0.15933159839651245`]}, { + Complex[-0.4489823323283394, -0.11584139863279015`], + Complex[-0.26656427168387425`, 0.18690949976318316`], + Complex[-0.27016766125964786`, -0.06567014963051358], + Complex[-0.2972266005392272, 0.8849927041650091]}, { + Complex[0.181499243979495, -0.21360077867818675`], + Complex[-0.1619413383881858, -0.20014283068790933`], + Complex[-0.2354215281066983, 0.07969350206412064], + Complex[-0.4702635936099444, -0.29356615652119933`]}, { + Complex[-0.5074979911585726, 0.10530874449022248`], + Complex[-0.7416311192512353, -0.5088192470149466], + Complex[0.2907073848578795, -0.28690376906359405`], + Complex[-0.7820671540213748, -0.152424500314762]}}}}, + SymmetrizedArray[ + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{24, + 24}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, 4} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, 0.1718935005705546], {1, 5} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], {1, 6} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, 8} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], {1, 9} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 10} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, 11} -> + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, -0.5466416856280665], {1, 12} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, 0.558712091911503], {1, 13} -> + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, -0.5466416856280665], {1, 14} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, 0.558712091911503], {1, 15} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, -0.5324589366414598], {1, 16} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, -0.0002551202108215661], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, -0.00407613141158851], {1, 18} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, 0.1702432986761785], {1, 19} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, -0.26003894784963594`], {1, 20} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, 0.19691843469914722`], {1, 21} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, -0.10096704656405156`], {1, 22} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, 0.1718935005705546], {1, 24} -> + 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, 4} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 6} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 8} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, 0.538814592741355], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.4668453048063547, -0.05078350561368887], {2, 13} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, 0.538814592741355], {2, 14} -> + Complex[0.4668453048063547, -0.05078350561368887], {2, 15} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, 0.29553698205924495`], {2, 16} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, -0.3615055764194781], {2, 17} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, -0.1600109431330354], {2, 18} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, 0.004720384308614219], {2, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, 0.054332597736416854`], {2, 20} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, 0.06560099110121112], {2, 21} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, -0.13976043531592253`], {2, 22} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, -0.07746786401493004], {2, 23} -> + 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 6} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 9} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, 10} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, 0.02507865217226392], {3, 12} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, 0.27727012752801655`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, 0.02507865217226392], {3, 14} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, 0.27727012752801655`], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, -0.5936293598441543], {3, 16} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, -0.09995815269446029], {3, 17} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, 0.3238436916080838], {3, 18} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, 0.0237137427878297], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, -0.13092163118113936`], {3, 20} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, -0.18785648024342128`], {3, 21} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, -0.00142083881204072], {3, 22} -> + Complex[0.6496315505865562, 0.], {3, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12302427453674074`, 0.07746786401493004], {3, 24} -> + Complex[-0.04247672407517362, -0.1718935005705546], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 6} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, 10} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, 0.2714872146303018], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, 0.024942704399016517`], {4, 12} -> + Complex[-0.3305815973120849, -0.06965984205559435], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, 0.024942704399016517`], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.3305815973120849, -0.06965984205559435], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, 0.2731083147166365], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, 0.2714872146303018], {4, 17} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, -0.03461602826134062], {4, 18} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, -0.3097238448325561], {4, 19} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, 0.22297370914670617`], {4, 20} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, 0.11365212494890278`], {4, 21} -> + Complex[0.35036844941344375`, 0.], {4, 22} -> + Complex[-0.11642322363360733`, 0.00142083881204072], {4, 23} -> + Complex[-0.19855575578138907`, 0.13976043531592253`], {4, 24} -> + Complex[-0.41190457842673445`, 0.10096704656405156`], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 8} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 9} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 10} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 11} -> + Complex[-0.5627685085366139, 0.030340815968254775`], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, 0.48705077535147073`], {5, 13} -> + Complex[-0.5627685085366139, 0.030340815968254775`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, 0.48705077535147073`], {5, 15} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, -0.6081952666850816], {5, 16} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, -0.25879396108227437`], {5, 17} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, 0.27295068652732835`], {5, 18} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, -0.05348186753768233], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, -0.12148045184745768`], {5, 20} -> + Complex[0.8398164624754396, 0.], {5, 21} -> + Complex[-0.25382331338985276`, -0.11365212494890278`], {5, 22} -> + Complex[0.6194919077719369, 0.18785648024342128`], {5, 23} -> + Complex[0.22974848938352552`, -0.06560099110121112], {5, 24} -> + Complex[0.13544428648031903`, -0.19691843469914722`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 9} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.37825385334451644`, -0.40885350274382926`], {6, 12} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, 0.059159315768373466`], {6, 13} -> + Complex[0.37825385334451644`, -0.40885350274382926`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, 0.059159315768373466`], {6, 15} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, 0.1832687161369394], {6, 16} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, 0.11991386581324648`], {6, 17} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, -0.013431678465735945`], {6, 18} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, -0.0033464669109926626`], {6, 19} -> + Complex[0.38843505731967287`, 0.], {6, 20} -> + Complex[0.00001597216632635845, 0.12148045184745768`], {6, 21} -> + Complex[0.10413016943956718`, -0.22297370914670617`], {6, 22} -> + Complex[-0.043373158188954805`, 0.13092163118113936`], {6, 23} -> + Complex[-0.18180230024664332`, -0.054332597736416854`], {6, 24} -> + Complex[-0.039769349206147636`, 0.26003894784963594`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.1951485712949499, 0.0046716318384972255`], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.8170560843015883, -0.3125759972803564], {7, 13} -> + Complex[0.1951485712949499, 0.0046716318384972255`], {7, 14} -> + Complex[-0.8170560843015883, -0.3125759972803564], {7, 15} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, 0.1618613168639682], {7, 16} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, 0.1840044440612254], {7, 17} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, -0.16101632026955323`], {7, 18} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {7, 19} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {7, 20} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {7, 21} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {7, 22} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {7, 23} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {7, 24} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, 10} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, 0.37292347034559], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, -0.18742531340573343`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, 0.37292347034559], {8, 14} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, -0.18742531340573343`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, 0.05668631714849469], {8, 16} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, -0.12087423369216294`], {8, 17} -> + Complex[0.2895038053873007, 0.], {8, 18} -> + Complex[-0.13506899338841022`, 0.16101632026955323`], {8, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {8, 20} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {8, 21} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {8, 22} -> + Complex[0.1424802831685226, -0.3238436916080838], {8, 23} -> + Complex[0.2403621718962033, 0.1600109431330354], {8, 24} -> + Complex[-0.08118935940382904, 0.00407613141158851], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, -0.0590141307297216], {9, 12} -> + Complex[0.501373591153116, 0.5153637211309552], {9, 13} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, -0.0590141307297216], {9, 14} -> + Complex[0.501373591153116, 0.5153637211309552], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, -0.30602272798394614`], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {9, 17} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {9, 18} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], {9, 19} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], {9, 20} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {9, 21} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {9, 22} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {9, 23} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {9, 24} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {10, 11} -> + Complex[0.6008640448930245, -0.9992113400081515], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, 0.40242456329116516`], {10, 13} -> + Complex[0.6008640448930245, -0.9992113400081515], {10, 14} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, 0.40242456329116516`], {10, 15} -> + Complex[1.450065179250162, 0.], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.2505304362934819, 0.30602272798394614`], {10, 17} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {10, 18} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {10, 19} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {10, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {10, 21} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {10, 22} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {10, 23} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {10, 24} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {11, 12} -> + Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-0.8357882209095648, 0.5693746569990082], {11, 14} -> + Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {11, 15} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, -0.40242456329116516`], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.501373591153116, -0.5153637211309552], {11, 17} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, 0.18742531340573343`], {11, 18} -> + Complex[-0.8170560843015883, 0.3125759972803564], {11, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, -0.059159315768373466`], {11, 20} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, -0.48705077535147073`], {11, 21} -> + Complex[-0.3305815973120849, 0.06965984205559435], {11, 22} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, -0.27727012752801655`], {11, 23} -> + Complex[0.4668453048063547, 0.05078350561368887], {11, 24} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, -0.558712091911503], {12, 13} -> + Complex[1.277157136194063, 0.], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.8357882209095648, -0.5693746569990082], {12, 15} -> + Complex[0.6008640448930245, 0.9992113400081515], {12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, 0.0590141307297216], {12, 17} -> + Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, -0.37292347034559], {12, 18} -> + Complex[0.1951485712949499, -0.0046716318384972255`], {12, 19} -> + Complex[0.37825385334451644`, 0.40885350274382926`], {12, 20} -> + Complex[-0.5627685085366139, -0.030340815968254775`], {12, 21} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, -0.024942704399016517`], {12, 22} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, -0.02507865217226392], {12, 23} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, -0.538814592741355], {12, 24} -> + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, 0.5466416856280665], {13, 14} -> + Complex[1.4830603602983132`, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[-1.1052259848324768`, -0.40242456329116516`], {13, 16} -> + Complex[0.501373591153116, -0.5153637211309552], {13, 17} -> + Complex[0.3746944626564604, 0.18742531340573343`], {13, 18} -> + Complex[-0.8170560843015883, 0.3125759972803564], {13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.18373261493369997`, -0.059159315768373466`], {13, 20} -> + Complex[0.8930004990404787, -0.48705077535147073`], {13, 21} -> + Complex[-0.3305815973120849, 0.06965984205559435], {13, 22} -> + Complex[0.7158153645122745, -0.27727012752801655`], {13, 23} -> + Complex[0.4668453048063547, 0.05078350561368887], {13, 24} -> + Complex[0.026618360435332, -0.558712091911503], {14, 15} -> + Complex[0.6008640448930245, 0.9992113400081515], {14, 16} -> + Complex[-0.5695146048704645, 0.0590141307297216], {14, 17} -> + Complex[-0.24494431916069087`, -0.37292347034559], {14, 18} -> + Complex[0.1951485712949499, -0.0046716318384972255`], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.37825385334451644`, 0.40885350274382926`], {14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.5627685085366139, -0.030340815968254775`], {14, 21} -> + Complex[0.3886334216221809, -0.024942704399016517`], {14, 22} -> + Complex[-0.45895200506821454`, -0.02507865217226392], {14, 23} -> + Complex[-0.3553481761967879, -0.538814592741355], {14, 24} -> + Complex[-0.3762881584492428, 0.5466416856280665], {15, 16} -> + Complex[0.6224509318602711, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[0.14196523770708375`, 0.12087423369216294`], {15, 18} -> + Complex[-0.455490228261869, -0.1840044440612254], {15, 19} -> + Complex[-0.032737659113787204`, -0.11991386581324648`], {15, 20} -> + Complex[0.42535358720445315`, 0.25879396108227437`], {15, 21} -> + Complex[-0.16406380344662008`, -0.2714872146303018], {15, 22} -> + Complex[0.16886226853284902`, 0.09995815269446029], {15, 23} -> + Complex[0.560455833981222, 0.3615055764194781], {15, 24} -> + Complex[0.19389892440588408`, 0.0002551202108215661], {16, 17} -> + Complex[-0.5457126961790097, -0.05668631714849469], {16, 18} -> + Complex[0.3437995753290022, -0.1618613168639682], {16, 19} -> + Complex[0.42385583336309873`, -0.1832687161369394], {16, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3667439231349111, 0.6081952666850816], {16, 21} -> + Complex[0.012338140113366952`, -0.2731083147166365], {16, 22} -> + Complex[-0.4595486349928525, 0.5936293598441543], {16, 23} -> + Complex[-0.4011625553983744, -0.29553698205924495`], {16, 24} -> + Complex[0.40425159006663103`, 0.5324589366414598], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.9680395782291871, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.22207629370492424`, 0.0033464669109926626`], {17, 20} -> + Complex[-0.7455268330838196, 0.05348186753768233], {17, 21} -> + Complex[0.10085100467749833`, 0.3097238448325561], {17, 22} -> + Complex[-0.5339977812084036, -0.0237137427878297], {17, 23} -> + Complex[-0.28038176358745925`, -0.004720384308614219], {17, 24} -> + Complex[0.04048552078818336, -0.1702432986761785], {18, 19} -> + Complex[-0.19934519146288274`, 0.013431678465735945`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[0.09722522986530092, -0.27295068652732835`], {18, 21} -> + Complex[-0.054318662904563914`, 0.03461602826134062], {18, 22} -> + 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"d8517eb3-1b40-467c-85f5-dd00b89fcd0f"], ", Physical Review A 65, 032325, \"Classical simulation of \ noninteracting-fermion quantum circuits.\"" }], "RelatedLinks",ExpressionUUID-> @@ -12199,16 +59210,16 @@ noninteracting-fermion quantum circuits.\"" "https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-91214-7"}, "WebLink", BaseStyle->{"RelatedLinks"}]],ExpressionUUID-> - "2300128c-121b-48c7-9e95-7958490b1900"]}]],ExpressionUUID-> - "e6c4f16f-afdf-47b9-9240-612f6b7687f7"], + "fb0ed7f5-868e-49ae-bcc1-30c0bd51d1be"]}]],ExpressionUUID-> + "1b195d53-bd1f-4cb8-b7a7-b770d9a44732"], ", A Quantum Computation Workbook (Springer)." }], "RelatedLinks",ExpressionUUID-> "974e6873-368d-47a2-a6ef-afa9dabc9d28"]} }]} - }]], "RelatedLinksSection",ExpressionUUID->"fbfd4eeb-299b-4efa-a2b0-\ -55b335a7a4c1"], + }]], "RelatedLinksSection",ExpressionUUID->"6994302e-c4e6-4895-8a4d-\ +c6e9114b372f"], -Cell[" ", "FooterCell",ExpressionUUID->"9a6b6a24-ad9e-4b8a-8111-4870f0d57be4"] +Cell[" ", "FooterCell",ExpressionUUID->"0ac8963b-ec7b-42f6-9f12-8e6a6db0afe2"] }, Saveable->False, ScreenStyleEnvironment->"Working", @@ -12224,13 +59235,15 @@ TaggingRules->{ "CitationPopupData" -> $Failed, "ShowCitation" -> False, "HasOptions" -> True, "RootCaptions" -> "", "HeaderCoreAreaLink" -> {}, "Metadata" -> { - "built" -> "{2024, 6, 17, 21, 21, 38.695032}", + "built" -> "{2024, 6, 19, 19, 42, 45.176563}", "history" -> {"14.0", "", "", ""}, "context" -> "Q3`", "keywords" -> {"Wick theorem"}, "specialkeywords" -> {}, "tutorialcollectionlinks" -> {}, "index" -> True, "label" -> "Q3 Symbol", "language" -> "en", "paclet" -> "Q3", "status" -> "None", "summary" -> - "WickHistory[ws, t] returns the past Wick state at stage t of the current \ -Wick state ws. WickHistory[ws] returns the list of all past states of ws.", + "WickHistory[{wc, ws}] returns a list of past Wick states of the current \ +Wick state ws by referring to the Wick circuit wc that has generated ws. \ +WickHistory[ws, t] returns the past Wick state at stage t of the current Wick \ +state ws. WickHistory[ws] returns the list of all past states of ws.", "synonyms" -> {}, "tabletags" -> {}, "title" -> "WickHistory", "titlemodifier" -> "", "metadescription" -> "", "windowtitle" -> "WickHistory", "type" -> "Symbol", "uri" -> "Q3/ref/WickHistory"}}, @@ -12246,7 +59259,7 @@ StyleDefinitions->Notebook[{ StyleData["Output"], CellContext -> "Global`"]}, Visible -> False, FrontEndVersion -> "14.0 for Mac OS X ARM (64-bit) (December 12, 2023)", StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"], -ExpressionUUID->"5fe3a681-31b8-48ed-8409-257e85f3b1bb" +ExpressionUUID->"8929bb2b-d951-4e43-b1a4-3f648d8f88f8" ] (* End of Notebook Content *) @@ -12254,118 +59267,126 @@ ExpressionUUID->"5fe3a681-31b8-48ed-8409-257e85f3b1bb" (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{ "PrimaryExamplesSection"->{ - Cell[10906, 293, 1390, 37, 36, "PrimaryExamplesSection",ExpressionUUID->"7c93cc75-0ff2-4d95-a84f-5f3febd84fb7", + Cell[12439, 334, 1390, 37, 36, "PrimaryExamplesSection",ExpressionUUID->"72d1b3ee-5662-4312-8189-29b5a546d943", CellTags->"PrimaryExamplesSection", - 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WickOperate[{u, v}, ws] \ -returns the output state of applying unitary operator specified by the \ -unitary matrix ( { {u, v^*}, {v, u^*} } ). WickOperate[Measurement[...], ws] \ -is equivalent to Measurement[...][ws].", "synonyms" -> {}, "tabletags" -> {}, - "title" -> "WickOperate", "titlemodifier" -> "", "metadescription" -> "", - "windowtitle" -> "WickOperate", "type" -> "Symbol", "uri" -> - "Q3/ref/WickOperate"}}, + "WickOperator[{c1, c2, ..., ck}] represents an operator equivalent to c1 \ +** c2 ** ... ** ck, but is to be applied to a WickState.", "synonyms" -> {}, + "tabletags" -> {}, "title" -> "WickOperator", "titlemodifier" -> "", + "metadescription" -> "", "windowtitle" -> "WickOperator", "type" -> + "Symbol", "uri" -> "Q3/ref/WickOperator"}}, CellContext->"Global`", FrontEndVersion->"14.0 for Mac OS X ARM (64-bit) (December 12, 2023)", StyleDefinitions->Notebook[{ @@ -683,7 +606,7 @@ StyleDefinitions->Notebook[{ StyleData["Output"], CellContext -> "Global`"]}, Visible -> False, FrontEndVersion -> "14.0 for Mac OS X ARM (64-bit) (December 12, 2023)", StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"], -ExpressionUUID->"f5b8aba3-4881-4565-ad7a-d3855239e915" +ExpressionUUID->"6f46d576-27af-4c5b-b730-374bec08a8e8" ] (* End of Notebook Content *) @@ -691,44 +614,44 @@ ExpressionUUID->"f5b8aba3-4881-4565-ad7a-d3855239e915" (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{ "PrimaryExamplesSection"->{ - 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+ Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, -0.16136872833117036`], + Complex[0.4266480564832073, -0.09840513097388259], + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, 0.23954012515618292`], + Complex[0.29276217861120085`, 0.1449382561823072]}, { + Complex[-0.0787075454411436, 0.21942688568145816`], + Complex[0.5765715827892969, -0.10727998385272841`], + Complex[-0.23900933429180296`, 0.15506168363724596`], + Complex[-0.06994879210016913, -0.3824573093558085]}, { + Complex[0.28180229848689087`, -0.5907837285509041], + Complex[0.29801852875047735`, -0.06304460914533387], + Complex[0.0009165564077229906, -0.140840695399167], + Complex[-0.2583878268354531, -0.23198135847059925`]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.1010880662215651, 0.2972876289713202], + Complex[0.34084517778834855`, -0.2333019226225273], + Complex[-0.19385457348075047`, 0.006233190196377511], + Complex[0.0891863490794428, -0.039089212721672956`]}, { + Complex[0.22413783737510187`, 0.2659647559326443], + Complex[0.08253673019323067, 0.5557729070125575], + Complex[0.06036066880126487, -0.16967333523499792`], + Complex[0.0678309681136268, -0.31720377148197304`]}, { + Complex[0.022804136157169308`, -0.04974423302758542], + Complex[0.0962888708570245, -0.15811787240987046`], + Complex[0.012564259022067488`, 0.12028908568184815`], + Complex[0.23857707146454205`, -0.230978844109279]}, { + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], + Complex[0.2571310317419955, -0.009486882760989052], + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], + Complex[0.32602960521749574`, 0.4427800292338828]}}, {{ + Complex[0.16619735695448307`, 0.10248090286290432`], + Complex[-0.10185986428421329`, 0.6623805938409351], + Complex[-0.22330749744864944`, -0.004844778892875989], + Complex[0.16508926717317823`, 0.3566109790957292]}, { + Complex[0.23329428917151418`, 0.17215543357342863`], + Complex[0.05535136214604841, 0.5355522231304224], + Complex[-0.032358426275859276`, -0.21540191490254632`], + Complex[0.29603930280783336`, -0.6528816057820233]}, { + Complex[-0.23195182875717876`, -0.23112477989312824`], + Complex[-0.015113552074627987`, -0.08034144282125823], + Complex[0.14635592819073845`, -0.14587425672070267`], + Complex[-0.09060654254936633, -0.417039841848608]}, { + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], + Complex[-0.4390455509040296, -0.052544079731776216`], + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], + Complex[-0.2978383812250926, 0.043678847750783484`]}}}, {{{ + Complex[-0.1593137200824323, 0.013412764900290378`], + Complex[-0.5145486849952703, 0.34100802192908464`], + Complex[0.15161292352106592`, 0.18392146106406904`], + Complex[0.07955219438522235, 0.28935645225084505`]}, { + Complex[0.13415479114756595`, -0.07757010000649706], + Complex[0.05304282560381651, -0.15787654906649123`], + Complex[-0.2613584882869106, 0.34148114779570343`], + Complex[-0.15676940204379025`, 0.4214380034569123]}, { + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], + Complex[0.1837878984656533, -0.21883550465263563`], + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], + Complex[0.43891258651443155`, 0.0741992627006739]}, { + Complex[0.13619460699433977`, -0.1577932957397995], + Complex[-0.3632992863469063, -0.15809831861823043`], + Complex[0.16085882371032906`, 0.23378891755394915`], + Complex[0.03142176755953406, 0.12693215999038798`]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.186700450349657, 0.08153155193177619], + Complex[-0.02382600995443485, -0.3107830480377137], + Complex[0.3495189178479763, 0.12804134376702397`], + Complex[0.6299716952165508, -0.009749873007820431]}, { + Complex[0.18714488119497355`, -0.1339794433982704], + Complex[0.05079269681685693, -0.4225778856669555], + Complex[0.28551005996007756`, 0.07971111129765984], + Complex[0.10537303981274923`, -0.06234935793852832]}, { + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], + Complex[-0.006811263998116934, -0.006324320856191834], + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], + Complex[-0.07850650319040442, 0.08996985911843679]}, { + Complex[0.06426343869068082, -0.09112578109042907], + Complex[0.2553656323680869, -0.225716532831462], + Complex[-0.17356528059232826`, 0.021271004050220574`], + Complex[0.07427806473775235, -0.03678533347899745]}}}, {{{ + + Complex[0.26252913458365945`, 0.36816002543419984`], + Complex[0.5790881139680791, 0.0732051866974398], + Complex[-0.36285710059532195`, -0.28805800159041506`], + Complex[-0.438639576181108, -0.14724437865841383`]}, { + Complex[0.205649088470696, 0.1952027311525777], + Complex[0.13206514972545308`, 0.1528064847296205], + Complex[0.07997909975257539, 0.035658916432852156`], + Complex[0.09276928341043214, 0.22612359610730548`]}, { + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], + Complex[0.06924778796823765, 0.3392611590971487], + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], + Complex[0.15091263428766727`, 0.2228612167998718]}, { + Complex[0.0010190112156733822`, 0.1129619972224615], + Complex[0.16898776080680572`, 0.18912093210280806`], + Complex[0.08931254046091314, -0.12514120802029044`], + Complex[0.1513899027918974, -0.3474639674355249]}}, {{ + Complex[0.3944474729614066, 0.2188672060002173], + Complex[0.3096121239335217, 0.47673248261413864`], + Complex[-0.2382666838911986, -0.0024230464141801467`], + Complex[-0.19206924454095325`, -0.09196348615447132]}, { + Complex[0.09850742759746575, 0.13201703665249773`], + Complex[-0.09824475286720405, 0.26537804307649243`], + Complex[-0.15132264085215427`, -0.2556264006201731], + Complex[-0.05571181525456548, -0.00232440389180405]}, { + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], + Complex[-0.03999197651078942, -0.08108739701849048], + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], + Complex[-0.19794378627517756`, -0.18344740966364476`]}, { + Complex[0.05500540410168902, 0.09120545255702392], + Complex[-0.11166394499212068`, 0.15888871982827596`], + Complex[-0.11852257287681439`, -0.3006085542145621], + Complex[-0.10698386630910972`, -0.489463823816771]}}}, 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oPJG5VllYNcsmZ0T3xvH2Bz06EeexVjoiwEx/gcdwHoc "\[InvisibleSpace]", TagBox[ RowBox[{"{", - RowBox[{"36", ",", "36"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{"32", ",", "32"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { RowBox[{ TagBox["\"Symmetry: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], "\[InvisibleSpace]", @@ -3857,64 +5668,54 @@ oPJG5VllYNcsmZ0T3xvH2Bz06EeexVjoiwEx/gcdwHoc Magnification])}]], GraphicsBox[ RasterBox[CompressedData[" -1:eJzVWXk01XkflvJahlJipFFZkqlUJNE0PWWPRqiEaZXJmmmheSsj2jORUCQV -khpkKVOh7Msk3dXY47rXenEvGdJQvd5z5t/PH86ZOTM5557jPPee57N+n8/n -+/tpuH3v+N1UCQmJWX9+/v//AvG2JUpB5ZD48292zou2KDsuTHRWWFuEcTB+ -NsX3sXQhTni/e+sx0I70o4aBsi+ZWPQwY88vvEac1g9VS+zshfHGa9tEtU2w -NpsyKvWqC/Nyg6qE7mKk/Z7gMtunDd9aHDa++KAHDrsuJpdHiTFzWKukOI+N -sIayjpBRAdSYb32kk0SoaLZafkKNhZQHZpl6rs0w9b4/fGVVH5o91ydc7ONg -ndFqrT3cdDw2NO44E84H/4Opb3oqG0MB0Ttq3e/DfI/MrTkr2kic4qHsUn5S -cVF5oPJG5XnND/m74jQZiF+ZlLN6tAbdSRoCh1Qh+fs3iUc+qD+vRtWdlW9+ -C72OWVFT6vQNmrBrTZDroJCF5oVWuUNKbUjWEJpY+/aj0sKXJZzPxmUXu6Q8 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18}}, {0, 1}], AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> +1:eJzVWGlQlFcWxaCIbCIwHUZEBUU0agWJiiLjGXaDCwETARnEEdkGEEQEFYnS +xCi4DD0qUQQXQGUggAyIG7ggiCz2SjdIszbQNt006IDshjhV8/f+oCqpJD+6 +quvUV3c5795z73sme8Ld/VVVVFR0///73/+8Ws43s0YrMRkUGiZkeCPhYWBJ +ZL0AF/T0d9SweDB8f1ekNfwCtYubdYrPSsGuszVSe8/DYOZxVbOXXfjXzQSb +9pE+HD8Z5/LMVYBhldrdRqvyUeSQNpg4JkGdW8oaVhsfPrmppw6aP8RYvPc9 +8+AudDCuKAdKeKi71TK+tqUSHfsKW69/JcW35xIrkgK4+FsM6zmznoMqx07f ++MMyxJQuHh9x4cGOa3JqgW41nEZndjE+eUPilB3KLxUnlRfFA8WbdcyjXamm +bKR9kVFsNVIPWYZJp1uOnPx+VrpniX0OH+P511Ure3KRvbSJ7eMkQdU2J4X8 +IRvn/F2Zk4wG/J3ZZCA0UiD73b6RUX8+BI4/PRLnPUWN3FxtwqIblyM/5dxr +5iGLcX0G53EFunO3GCfrSaF99JrjKS4XOr7tzwvv1GFa1YzUr2rf4FZ1+xyN +cS5c/F6nbd9Xi1IuQxB14iOflrfXDu/jYVfo5Jj5ZBWkDu8K+l9ISZyyQ/ml +4qTyonigeD4WG6+jUcrF5fHoJZzQdiwOXbTTd4mSPEfKviP7cBGLX4e+hxO3 +D4gu49njd8/OfCnG7a2ylVsf8BEUMWbRElKKJpGXgWZ2Fwpjzq7TzWyEYYTB +csY7KeS2Vy8dcu1HQHaF0047PlSs7W/Hxebg7U8d3jbCDhxUCJoajDiQFqun ++Ec0wqUoQaG7V4GqCDdDzWl87MgNC3fPfY6glhkmLaJuEqfsUH6pOKm8KJ4r 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0.23954012515618292`], {1, 5} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, + 6} -> Complex[-0.09765512477307971, -0.4821278045577343], \ +{1, 7} -> Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], {1, 8} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, + 9} -> Complex[-0.06765757529077783, + 0.13038007028245235`], {1, 10} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, 12} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], {1, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, 14} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, -0.22986188863366275`], {1, + 15} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 19} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, + 20} -> Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, \ +-0.22986188863366275`], {1, 21} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, + 22} -> Complex[-0.1353776277549702, \ +-0.09474310902835915], {1, 23} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], {1, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, 25} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], {1, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, 27} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, + 28} -> Complex[-0.09765512477307971, \ +-0.4821278045577343], {1, 29} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, -0.45412395229305985`], {1, + 30} -> Complex[-0.09661499346651439, + 0.23954012515618292`], {1, 32} -> 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, + 4} -> Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, \ +-0.16136872833117036`], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, -0.09400730406176475], {2, + 6} -> Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, + 0.1668433676200188], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 8} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], { + 2, 9} -> Complex[ + 0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], {2, 11} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, 13} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 15} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, 0.06896354235277449], {2, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, 17} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, 0.06896354235277449], {2, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, 19} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 21} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, 23} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, + 24} -> Complex[0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], { + 2, 25} -> Complex[ + 0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 26} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], { + 2, 27} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, -0.09400730406176475], {2, + 28} -> Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, + 0.1668433676200188], {2, 29} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, + 30} -> Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, \ +-0.16136872833117036`], {2, 31} -> 1, {3, 4} -> + Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, + 6} -> Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], { + 3, 7} -> Complex[-0.3396867137428587, + 0.13646163767421743`], {3, 8} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {3, + 9} -> Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], { + 3, 10} -> Complex[ + 0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {3, 11} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {3, 12} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, - 13} -> Complex[ - 0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, 14} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, 0.18558736962752792`], {1, - 15} -> Complex[ - 0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, 16} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, - 17} -> Complex[ - 0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, 18} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {3, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {3, 14} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {3, + 15} -> Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, \ +-0.03544251396822046], {3, 16} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {3, + 17} -> Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, \ +-0.03544251396822046], {3, 18} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {3, 19} -> Complex[ - 0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, 20} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, + 0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {3, 20} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {3, 21} -> Complex[ - 0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, 22} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, + 0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {3, 22} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {3, 23} -> Complex[ - 0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, 24} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, 0.18558736962752792`], {1, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], {1, 26} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, - 27} -> Complex[-0.1821537065194496, - 0.1809373735116714], {1, 28} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, 0.154590481023119], {1, - 29} -> Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, \ --0.08613557464795678], {1, 30} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, 0.06573453711443833], {1, - 31} -> Complex[0.07140571807962026, 0.3254707548282041], { - 1, 32} -> Complex[-0.0838892214676934, - 0.35906971113552444`], {1, 33} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, 0.2915805668549216], {1, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.13232155584348976`, -0.2865643065030182], {1, 36} -> - 1, {2, 3} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, - 4} -> Complex[ - 0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, 5} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, - 6} -> Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], { - 2, 7} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, - 8} -> Complex[-0.006051982269297387, \ --0.008414767951100507], {2, 9} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], {2, - 10} -> Complex[-0.05909814548140835, - 0.07667698906457968], {2, 11} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], {2, - 12} -> Complex[-0.2191443754011676, \ --0.15579730043133583`], {2, 13} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, - 14} -> Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, - 0.22696868263028766`], {2, 15} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, - 16} -> Complex[ - 0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 17} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, - 18} -> Complex[ - 0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, 19} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, - 20} -> Complex[ - 0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, 21} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 23} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, - 24} -> Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, - 0.22696868263028766`], {2, 25} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], {2, - 26} -> Complex[-0.2191443754011676, \ --0.15579730043133583`], {2, 27} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], {2, - 28} -> Complex[-0.05909814548140835, - 0.07667698906457968], {2, 29} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, - 30} -> Complex[-0.006051982269297387, \ --0.008414767951100507], {2, 31} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], {2, 33} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, 35} -> - 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {3, 5} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, 0.30182786908398773`], {3, - 6} -> Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, \ --0.08045040304054488], {3, 7} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, -0.2690120226571733], {3, - 8} -> Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, - 0.2062898932256956], {3, 9} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, 0.01333219816254436], {3, - 10} -> Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], \ -{3, 11} -> Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {3, 12} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {3, - 13} -> Complex[-0.08996062722681389, \ --0.04963088270675587], {3, 14} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, -0.05145411756901592], {3, - 15} -> Complex[ - 0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {3, 16} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {3, - 17} -> Complex[ - 0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {3, 18} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], {3, 19} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {3, - 20} -> Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], { - 3, 21} -> Complex[ - 0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {3, 22} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {3, - 23} -> Complex[-0.08996062722681389, \ --0.04963088270675587], {3, 24} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, -0.05145411756901592], {3, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {3, 26} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {3, - 27} -> Complex[-0.2521578356402413, - 0.01333219816254436], {3, 28} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], {3, - 29} -> Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, \ --0.2690120226571733], {3, 30} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, 0.2062898932256956], {3, - 31} -> Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, - 0.30182786908398773`], {3, 32} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, -0.08045040304054488], {3, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.10920936073748258`, -0.03308934997069378], {3, 34} -> - Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {3, 35} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, -0.10568804847511024`], {3, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.13232155584348976`, 0.2865643065030182], {4, 5} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {4, + 0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], {3, 24} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {3, + 25} -> Complex[-0.3396867137428587, + 0.13646163767421743`], {3, 26} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {3, + 27} -> Complex[-0.05442442802981293, \ +-0.14858688449114604`], {3, 28} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], {3, + 29} -> Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, \ +-0.0014004115937454042`], {3, 30} -> Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {3, 31} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, 0.16136872833117036`], {3, + 32} -> Complex[-0.09661499346651439, \ +-0.23954012515618292`], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {4, 6} -> Complex[ - 0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {4, 7} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, -0.04266786697540802], {4, + 0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {4, 8} -> Complex[ - 0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {4, 9} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {4, + 0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {4, 9} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, -0.11263382211139406`], {4, 10} -> Complex[ - 0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {4, 11} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, 0.12060096224364471`], {4, + 0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {4, 12} -> Complex[ - 0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {4, 13} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, 0.11027596484454191`], {4, - 14} -> Complex[-0.06287334385176857, \ --0.039875195608224154`], {4, 15} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], { - 4, 16} -> Complex[ - 0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {4, 17} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, -0.04277649306205672], {4, - 18} -> Complex[-0.1355879777222275, \ --0.08845876363140671], {4, 19} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, -0.04277649306205672], {4, - 20} -> Complex[-0.1355879777222275, \ --0.08845876363140671], {4, 21} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], { - 4, 22} -> Complex[ - 0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {4, 23} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, 0.11027596484454191`], {4, - 24} -> Complex[-0.06287334385176857, \ --0.039875195608224154`], {4, 25} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, 0.12060096224364471`], {4, + 0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {4, 13} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {4, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {4, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {4, 17} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {4, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {4, 19} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {4, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {4, 21} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {4, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {4, 23} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, -0.11263382211139406`], {4, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {4, 25} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {4, 26} -> Complex[ - 0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {4, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {4, + 0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {4, 27} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {4, 28} -> Complex[ - 0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {4, 29} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, -0.04266786697540802], {4, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {4, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {4, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {4, 33} -> - Complex[0.49636369297926336`, 0.], {4, 34} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, 0.03308934997069378], {4, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.35814065944152734`, 0.08293748621875244], {4, 36} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, -0.2915805668549216], {5, - 6} -> Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {5, 7} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, 0.18050668434763023`], {5, - 8} -> Complex[-0.08951618372581999, \ --0.1398945044720049], {5, 9} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {5, - 10} -> Complex[ - 0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {5, 11} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, 0.03247283136099954], {5, - 12} -> Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, - 0.24585233281751626`], {5, 13} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {5, - 14} -> Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], { - 5, 15} -> Complex[ - 0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {5, 16} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {5, + 0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, 29} -> + Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {4, 30} -> + Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, 0.0014004115937454042`], { + 4, 31} -> Complex[ + 0.26087816486149346`, 0.0990678397300458], {4, 32} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, 0.45412395229305985`], {5, + 6} -> Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {5, + 8} -> Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, + 0.45619687405618636`], {5, 9} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, -0.04387994353782962], {5, + 10} -> Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, + 0.04912752076041336], {5, 11} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {5, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {5, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {5, 16} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, 0.2479052297980392], {5, 17} -> Complex[ - 0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {5, 18} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, -0.18155756040588286`], {5, + 0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {5, 18} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, 0.2479052297980392], {5, 19} -> Complex[ - 0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {5, 20} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, -0.18155756040588286`], {5, - 21} -> Complex[ - 0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {5, 22} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {5, - 23} -> Complex[ - 0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {5, 24} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], {5, 25} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, 0.03247283136099954], {5, - 26} -> Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, - 0.24585233281751626`], {5, 27} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {5, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {5, 29} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, 0.18050668434763023`], {5, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, -0.1398945044720049], {5, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.05957085045120364, -0.0686364172150267], {5, 32} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {5, 33} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, 0.07846271521707039], {5, - 34} -> Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, - 0.08045040304054488], {5, 35} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, -0.20164942303248495`], {5, - 36} -> Complex[-0.0838892214676934, \ --0.35906971113552444`], {6, 7} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {6, - 8} -> Complex[0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], { - 6, 9} -> Complex[ - 0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {6, 10} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, 0.2594729794590618], {6, + 0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {5, 20} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {5, + 21} -> Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], { + 5, 22} -> Complex[ + 0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {5, 23} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, -0.04387994353782962], {5, + 24} -> Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, + 0.04912752076041336], {5, 25} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {5, + 26} -> Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, + 0.45619687405618636`], {5, 27} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, 0.22179319605394876`], {5, + 28} -> Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {5, 29} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {5, + 30} -> Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], { + 5, 31} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, -0.1668433676200188], {5, + 32} -> Complex[-0.09765512477307971, + 0.4821278045577343], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, -0.12484288796949913`], {6, + 8} -> Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], { + 6, 9} -> Complex[-0.05062234940479168, + 0.059412074076411546`], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, 0.09437594864128791], {6, 11} -> Complex[ - 0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {6, 12} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, 0.034035129192128775`], {6, - 13} -> Complex[-0.1091396557759862, \ --0.054766912594803374`], {6, 14} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {6, - 15} -> Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, \ --0.2023899803882464], {6, 16} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {6, - 17} -> Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, \ --0.17856311543581216`], {6, 18} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], {6, 19} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {6, - 20} -> Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], { - 6, 21} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, -0.2023899803882464], {6, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {6, 23} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, -0.054766912594803374`], {6, - 24} -> Complex[ - 0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {6, 25} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {6, - 26} -> Complex[-0.05197448003562596, - 0.034035129192128775`], {6, 27} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {6, - 28} -> Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, - 0.2594729794590618], {6, 29} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {6, + 0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {6, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {6, 14} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {6, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {6, 16} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {6, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {6, 18} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {6, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {6, 20} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {6, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {6, 22} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {6, + 23} -> Complex[-0.05062234940479168, + 0.059412074076411546`], {6, 24} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, 0.09437594864128791], {6, + 25} -> Complex[-0.04788255890923551, \ +-0.12484288796949913`], {6, 26} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], {6, + 27} -> Complex[0.20263910536773755`, 0.], {6, 28} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, -0.22179319605394876`], {6, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {6, 30} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, 0.14858688449114604`], {6, + 31} -> Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, + 0.09400730406176475], {6, 32} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, 0.19241450807239194`], {7, + 8} -> Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {7, + 10} -> Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], { + 7, 11} -> Complex[ + 0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], { + 7, 13} -> Complex[ + 0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {7, 14} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {7, + 15} -> Complex[-0.06038101273760845, \ +-0.13919179950515956`], {7, 16} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {7, + 17} -> Complex[-0.06038101273760845, \ +-0.13919179950515956`], {7, 18} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {7, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {7, 20} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {7, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {7, 22} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], { + 7, 23} -> Complex[-0.07482735080148525, + 0.01554709808796357], {7, 24} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], {7, 25} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, -0.19937008578078047`], {7, + 26} -> Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {7, 27} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {7, + 28} -> Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, \ +-0.45619687405618636`], {7, 29} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {7, 30} -> Complex[ - 0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], {6, 31} -> - Complex[0.5058138015078811, 0.], {6, 32} -> - Complex[0.05957085045120364, 0.0686364172150267], {6, 33} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, 0.10280421447880453`], {6, - 34} -> Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, \ --0.30182786908398773`], {6, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, -0.03825515355084523], {6, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], {7, 8} -> - Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {7, 9} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {7, - 10} -> Complex[ - 0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {7, 11} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {7, - 12} -> Complex[-0.09078438719781487, \ --0.08387695970470208], {7, 13} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {7, - 14} -> Complex[-0.03694461851812731, - 0.11992171449363792`], {7, 15} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {7, - 16} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, \ --0.18394307455842968`], {7, 17} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, 0.12113458402956634`], {7, - 18} -> Complex[-0.06511122587857304, \ --0.01569343622580683], {7, 19} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, 0.12113458402956634`], {7, - 20} -> Complex[-0.06511122587857304, \ --0.01569343622580683], {7, 21} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {7, - 22} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, \ --0.18394307455842968`], {7, 23} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {7, - 24} -> Complex[-0.03694461851812731, - 0.11992171449363792`], {7, 25} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {7, - 26} -> Complex[-0.09078438719781487, \ --0.08387695970470208], {7, 27} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {7, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {7, 29} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, 0.1534965717731505], {7, - 30} -> Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {7, 31} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, -0.0906083646195344], {7, - 32} -> Complex[-0.08951618372581999, - 0.1398945044720049], {7, 33} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, -0.31356085339344003`], {7, - 34} -> Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, \ --0.2062898932256956], {7, 35} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, 0.008414767951100507], {7, - 36} -> Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, \ --0.06573453711443833], {8, 9} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {8, - 10} -> Complex[ - 0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {8, 11} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {8, - 12} -> Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {8, - 13} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {8, + 0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {7, 31} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], {7, + 32} -> Complex[ + 0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {8, 9} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {8, + 10} -> Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, + 0.035808072295513985`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {8, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {8, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {8, + 16} -> Complex[-0.1855462901651881, + 0.08953347157789894], {8, 17} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {8, + 18} -> Complex[-0.1855462901651881, + 0.08953347157789894], {8, 19} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {8, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {8, 21} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {8, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {8, 23} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {8, + 24} -> Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, + 0.035808072295513985`], {8, 25} -> + Complex[0.5333747400652373, 0.], {8, 26} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, 0.19937008578078047`], {8, + 27} -> Complex[-0.04788255890923551, + 0.12484288796949913`], {8, 28} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {8, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {8, 30} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, -0.13646163767421743`], {8, + 31} -> Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], { + 8, 32} -> Complex[-0.2128973260243628, + 0.2803118968875541], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {9, + 12} -> Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, \ +-0.13747106056552227`], {9, 13} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], {9, 14} -> Complex[ - 0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {8, 15} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, 0.13038883546342855`], {8, - 16} -> Complex[-0.218113151712259, - 0.025091517498334166`], {8, 17} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {8, - 18} -> Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, - 0.11085568682814102`], {8, 19} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {8, - 20} -> Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, - 0.11085568682814102`], {8, 21} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, 0.13038883546342855`], {8, - 22} -> Complex[-0.218113151712259, - 0.025091517498334166`], {8, 23} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {8, - 24} -> Complex[ - 0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {8, 25} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {8, - 26} -> Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {8, - 27} -> Complex[ - 0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {8, 28} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {8, - 29} -> Complex[0.3480244926609176, 0.], {8, 30} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, -0.1534965717731505], {8, - 31} -> Complex[-0.06282282822605365, \ --0.17443733981734005`], {8, 32} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, -0.18050668434763023`], { - 8, 33} -> Complex[-0.07400883501291561, - 0.04266786697540802], {8, 34} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, 0.2690120226571733], {8, - 35} -> Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, - 0.2799821244558118], {8, 36} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, 0.08613557464795678], {9, - 10} -> Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {9, 11} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, 0.07147202526604769], {9, - 12} -> Complex[-0.002703366170010074, - 0.1342165202528226], {9, 13} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], {9, 14} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {9, - 15} -> Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, - 0.23052958058187878`], {9, 16} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], {9, - 17} -> Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, - 0.1963794168890443], {9, 18} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {9, - 19} -> Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, - 0.1963794168890443], {9, 20} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {9, - 21} -> Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, - 0.23052958058187878`], {9, 22} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], {9, - 23} -> Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], { - 9, 24} -> Complex[ - 0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {9, 25} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, 0.07147202526604769], {9, - 26} -> Complex[-0.002703366170010074, - 0.1342165202528226], {9, 27} -> - Complex[0.10214442350629199`, -0.026260413784740505`], {9, - 28} -> Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {9, 29} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {9, + 0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, 0.014151525468183115`], {9, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {9, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, 0.014151525468183115`], {9, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {9, 19} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], {9, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {9, 21} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {9, + 22} -> Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, \ +-0.13747106056552227`], {9, 23} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, -0.05916418261795878], {9, + 24} -> Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {9, 25} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], { + 9, 26} -> Complex[ + 0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {9, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, -0.09437594864128791], {9, + 28} -> Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, \ +-0.04912752076041336], {9, 29} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {9, 30} -> Complex[ - 0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {9, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, -0.2594729794590618], {9, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.10082205206266875`, -0.054783259519745345`], {9, 33} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, -0.22507239863090805`], {9, - 34} -> Complex[-0.2841944960267362, 0.0881056163125139], { - 9, 35} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, -0.07667698906457968], {9, - 36} -> Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, \ --0.154590481023119], {10, 11} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], { - 10, 12} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {10, - 13} -> Complex[-0.09249860156321268, \ --0.12601316051490963`], {10, 14} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {10, - 15} -> Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, \ --0.05577367679001426], {10, 16} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {10, - 17} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, -0.1270548580331935], {10, - 18} -> Complex[-0.1350116019726202, \ --0.04516801561911384], {10, 19} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, -0.1270548580331935], {10, - 20} -> Complex[-0.1350116019726202, \ --0.04516801561911384], {10, 21} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {10, - 22} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {10, - 23} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, -0.12601316051490963`], {10, - 24} -> Complex[ - 0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {10, 25} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], { - 10, 26} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {10, - 27} -> Complex[0.33314595779251727`, 0.], {10, 28} -> - Complex[0.10214442350629199`, 0.026260413784740505`], {10, - 29} -> Complex[ - 0.22196866627101539`, 0.20220472842758744`], {10, 30} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, 0.009826517437731715], {10, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.18344402773596857`, -0.12440237009032867`], {10, 32} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, -0.15479143125784764`], {10, - 33} -> Complex[-0.09116148563358083, - 0.08672925004639812], {10, 34} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, -0.01333219816254436], {10, - 35} -> Complex[-0.5009225822231967, - 0.03036622844279574], {10, 36} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], {11, - 12} -> Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {11, 13} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, -0.06407563305713601], {11, - 14} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, -0.229189990199907], {11, - 15} -> Complex[ - 0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {11, 16} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, 0.06148505498780174], {11, - 17} -> Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, \ --0.1016185353576046], {11, 18} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, 0.15781559429956118`], {11, - 19} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {11, - 20} -> Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, - 0.15781559429956118`], {11, 21} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {11, - 22} -> Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, - 0.06148505498780174], {11, 23} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, -0.06407563305713601], {11, - 24} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, -0.229189990199907], {11, + 0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {9, 31} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], {9, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {10, + 11} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {10, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {10, 13} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], { + 10, 14} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, 0.07905444855796712], {10, + 15} -> Complex[-0.04860629109081113, + 0.04246480370392383], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, -0.026330641239406972`], { + 10, 17} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, 0.04246480370392383], {10, + 18} -> Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, \ +-0.026330641239406972`], {10, 19} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], { + 10, 20} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, 0.07905444855796712], {10, + 21} -> Complex[-0.08930473416931554, \ +-0.007048096041707605], {10, 22} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {10, + 23} -> Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {10, 24} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, 0.05916418261795878], {10, 25} -> Complex[ - 0.03589005743520234, -0.010244248183710654`], {11, 26} -> - Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {11, 27} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {11, - 28} -> Complex[-0.002703366170010074, \ --0.1342165202528226], {11, 29} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], {11, 30} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {11, - 31} -> Complex[-0.05197448003562596, \ --0.034035129192128775`], {11, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], { - 11, 33} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {11, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {11, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {11, - 36} -> Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, - 0.15967643343543628`], {12, 13} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, -0.07911629825938535], {12, - 14} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {12, - 15} -> Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], { + 0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {10, 26} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, -0.01554709808796357], {10, + 27} -> Complex[-0.05062234940479168, \ +-0.059412074076411546`], {10, 28} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {10, + 29} -> Complex[-0.06778091820891004, + 0.11263382211139406`], {10, 30} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {10, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {10, 32} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, -0.13038007028245235`], {11, + 12} -> Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {11, + 14} -> Complex[-0.03666874742079528, + 0.07798472902890301], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {11, + 16} -> Complex[-0.07116526154293495, + 0.12925982418550483`], {11, 17} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {11, + 18} -> Complex[-0.07116526154293495, + 0.12925982418550483`], {11, 19} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {11, + 20} -> Complex[-0.03666874742079528, + 0.07798472902890301], {11, 21} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, 0.13067968221082676`], { + 11, 22} -> Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {11, 23} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {11, + 24} -> Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, + 0.13747106056552227`], {11, 25} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], { + 11, 26} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], { + 11, 27} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {11, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {11, 29} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {11, + 30} -> Complex[-0.0832461030605116, + 0.0007900461969849934], {11, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {11, + 32} -> Complex[-0.1353776277549702, + 0.09474310902835915], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], {12, + 14} -> Complex[-0.07986138310064092, \ +-0.05490753841460036], {12, 15} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], { 12, 16} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, -0.02799549139813756], { - 12, 17} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {12, - 18} -> Complex[-0.004104217599466588, - 0.09920939692115077], {12, 19} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {12, - 20} -> Complex[-0.004104217599466588, - 0.09920939692115077], {12, 21} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {12, - 22} -> Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, \ --0.02799549139813756], {12, 23} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, -0.07911629825938535], {12, - 24} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {12, - 25} -> Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {12, 26} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, 0.010244248183710654`], {12, - 27} -> Complex[ - 0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {12, 28} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {12, - 29} -> Complex[-0.07072413917244547, - 0.06080711260518379], {12, 30} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {12, - 31} -> Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], { - 12, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, -0.03247283136099954], {12, - 33} -> Complex[-0.07901145315910152, \ --0.12060096224364471`], {12, 34} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {12, - 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {12, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {13, 14} -> - Complex[0.35279363941541053`, 0.], {13, 15} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, 0.12231882955045151`], { - 13, 16} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {13, - 17} -> Complex[ - 0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {13, 18} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, -0.18913477597107048`], { - 13, 19} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {13, - 20} -> Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, \ --0.18913477597107048`], {13, 21} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, 0.12231882955045151`], { - 13, 22} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {13, - 23} -> Complex[ - 0.06998304089724083, -0.09262495833114717], {13, 24} -> - Complex[0.35279363941541053`, 0.], {13, 25} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], {13, 26} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, 0.229189990199907], {13, + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {12, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], {12, 18} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {12, + 19} -> Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], { + 12, 20} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, -0.05490753841460036], {12, + 21} -> Complex[0.288790430194917, 0.], {12, 22} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, -0.13067968221082676`], { + 12, 23} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, 0.007048096041707605], {12, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {12, 25} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], { + 12, 26} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {12, 27} -> Complex[ - 0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {13, 28} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {13, + 0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {12, 28} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], {12, 29} -> Complex[ - 0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {13, 30} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, -0.11992171449363792`], {13, + 0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {12, 30} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {12, 31} -> Complex[ - 0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {13, 32} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {13, - 33} -> Complex[-0.06287334385176857, - 0.039875195608224154`], {13, 34} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, 0.05145411756901592], {13, - 35} -> Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, \ --0.22696868263028766`], {13, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], { - 14, 15} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {14, - 16} -> Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, \ --0.00875520102328074], {14, 17} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {14, + 0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {12, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {13, + 14} -> Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, 17} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, 18} -> Complex[ - 0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], {14, 19} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {14, - 20} -> Complex[ - 0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], {14, 21} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {14, - 22} -> Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, \ --0.00875520102328074], {14, 23} -> Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {14, 24} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, 0.09262495833114717], {14, - 25} -> Complex[-0.005254583355195047, - 0.07911629825938535], {14, 26} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, 0.06407563305713601], {14, - 27} -> Complex[-0.09249860156321268, - 0.12601316051490963`], {14, 28} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], {14, - 29} -> Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, - 0.06462209257745277], {14, 30} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], { - 14, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {14, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {14, 33} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, -0.11027596484454191`], { - 14, 34} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {14, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], {14, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {15, - 16} -> Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {15, 17} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {15, + 0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, -0.0383011718065015], {13, + 20} -> Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {13, + 22} -> Complex[-0.03666874742079528, \ +-0.07798472902890301], {13, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, -0.07905444855796712], {13, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {13, 25} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {13, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {13, 27} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {13, + 28} -> Complex[-0.1475728871036449, + 0.14922079251460418`], {13, 29} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], { + 13, 30} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {13, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {13, 32} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], {14, + 15} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 17} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, 18} -> Complex[ - 0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {15, 19} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {15, - 20} -> Complex[ - 0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {15, 21} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, -0.11355320674819902`], { - 15, 22} -> Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {15, 23} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, 0.00875520102328074], {15, - 24} -> Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, - 0.1383242023528445], {15, 25} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, 0.02799549139813756], {15, - 26} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {15, - 27} -> Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, - 0.08944943686956167], {15, 28} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, 0.21978330419104863`], {15, - 29} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {15, - 30} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, - 0.18394307455842968`], {15, 31} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {15, - 32} -> Complex[-0.00498052152715275, - 0.08042658142468531], {15, 33} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {15, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {15, 35} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {15, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {16, 17} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {16, - 18} -> Complex[ - 0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {16, 19} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {16, - 20} -> Complex[ - 0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {16, 21} -> - Complex[0.349552824256183, 0.], {16, 22} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, 0.11355320674819902`], { - 16, 23} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {16, - 24} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], { - 16, 25} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], {16, 26} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {16, - 27} -> Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, - 0.05577367679001426], {16, 28} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, -0.23052958058187878`], { - 16, 29} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {16, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {16, - 31} -> Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, - 0.2023899803882464], {16, 32} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {16, - 33} -> Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, - 0.010763626429992096`], {16, 34} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {16, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {16, 36} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {17, - 18} -> Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {17, 19} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, -0.02423539675981027], {17, - 20} -> Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {17, 21} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {17, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {17, 23} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], { - 17, 24} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, 0.18913477597107048`], {17, - 25} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {17, - 26} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], { - 17, 27} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, 0.04516801561911384], {17, - 28} -> Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, - 0.09375100770632477], {17, 29} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, -0.11085568682814102`], { - 17, 30} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {17, - 31} -> Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], { - 17, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {17, - 33} -> Complex[-0.1355879777222275, - 0.08845876363140671], {17, 34} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {17, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {17, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {18, - 19} -> Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {18, 20} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, 0.02423539675981027], {18, + 0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.29582940176126815`, 0.], {14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, 0.0383011718065015], {14, 21} -> Complex[ - 0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {18, 22} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {18, + 0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {14, 22} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {14, 23} -> Complex[ - 0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {18, 24} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {18, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {18, 26} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, 0.1016185353576046], {18, - 27} -> Complex[-0.09261261877802832, - 0.1270548580331935], {18, 28} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, -0.1963794168890443], {18, - 29} -> Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, \ --0.0475059953974924], {18, 30} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {18, - 31} -> Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, - 0.17856311543581216`], {18, 32} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {18, - 33} -> Complex[-0.1606002091580235, - 0.04277649306205672], {18, 34} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {18, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {18, 36} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {19, - 20} -> Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {19, 21} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {19, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {19, 23} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], { - 19, 24} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, 0.18913477597107048`], {19, + 0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {14, 24} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, 0.14328868692391553`], {14, 25} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {19, - 26} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], { - 19, 27} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, 0.04516801561911384], {19, - 28} -> Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, - 0.09375100770632477], {19, 29} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, -0.11085568682814102`], { - 19, 30} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {19, - 31} -> Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], { - 19, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {19, - 33} -> Complex[-0.1355879777222275, - 0.08845876363140671], {19, 34} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {19, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {19, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {20, + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], { + 14, 26} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {14, + 27} -> Complex[ + 0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {14, 28} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {14, + 29} -> Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, \ +-0.004668871253339259], {14, 30} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {14, + 31} -> Complex[-0.005519120018070173, + 0.32277555558099397`], {14, 32} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {15, + 16} -> Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, -0.10986947258054452`], {15, + 18} -> Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {15, 19} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {15, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {15, 21} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {15, + 22} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {15, + 23} -> Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, + 0.026330641239406972`], {15, 24} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {15, + 25} -> Complex[-0.1855462901651881, \ +-0.08953347157789894], {15, 26} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {15, + 27} -> Complex[ + 0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {15, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {15, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {15, 30} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {15, + 31} -> Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], { + 15, 32} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {16, + 17} -> Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, 0.10986947258054452`], {16, + 19} -> Complex[-0.08476806338113038, + 0.11473204575369803`], {16, 20} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {16, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], {16, 22} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {16, + 23} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {16, + 24} -> Complex[-0.07538887957770507, \ +-0.014151525468183115`], {16, 25} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {16, + 26} -> Complex[-0.06038101273760845, + 0.13919179950515956`], {16, 27} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {16, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {16, 29} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], {16, + 30} -> Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, + 0.03544251396822046], {16, 31} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], {16, + 32} -> Complex[-0.0749459256389439, + 0.2284108346745835], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {17, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {17, 21} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {17, + 22} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {17, + 23} -> Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, + 0.026330641239406972`], {17, 24} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {17, + 25} -> Complex[-0.1855462901651881, \ +-0.08953347157789894], {17, 26} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {17, + 27} -> Complex[ + 0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {17, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {17, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {17, 30} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {17, + 31} -> Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], { + 17, 32} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {18, + 19} -> Complex[-0.08476806338113038, + 0.11473204575369803`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {18, 21} -> Complex[ - 0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {20, 22} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {20, + 0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], {18, 22} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {18, + 23} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {18, + 24} -> Complex[-0.07538887957770507, \ +-0.014151525468183115`], {18, 25} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {18, + 26} -> Complex[-0.06038101273760845, + 0.13919179950515956`], {18, 27} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {18, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {18, 29} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], {18, + 30} -> Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, + 0.03544251396822046], {18, 31} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], {18, + 32} -> Complex[-0.0749459256389439, + 0.2284108346745835], {19, 20} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {19, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {19, + 22} -> Complex[-0.03666874742079528, \ +-0.07798472902890301], {19, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, -0.07905444855796712], {19, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {19, 25} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {19, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {19, 27} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {19, + 28} -> Complex[-0.1475728871036449, + 0.14922079251460418`], {19, 29} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], { + 19, 30} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {19, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {19, 32} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], {20, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {20, 22} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {20, 23} -> Complex[ - 0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {20, 24} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {20, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {20, 26} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, 0.1016185353576046], {20, - 27} -> Complex[-0.09261261877802832, - 0.1270548580331935], {20, 28} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, -0.1963794168890443], {20, - 29} -> Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, \ --0.0475059953974924], {20, 30} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {20, - 31} -> Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, - 0.17856311543581216`], {20, 32} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {20, - 33} -> Complex[-0.1606002091580235, - 0.04277649306205672], {20, 34} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {20, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {20, 36} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {21, - 22} -> Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {21, 23} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, 0.00875520102328074], {21, - 24} -> Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, - 0.1383242023528445], {21, 25} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, 0.02799549139813756], {21, - 26} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {21, - 27} -> Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, - 0.08944943686956167], {21, 28} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, 0.21978330419104863`], {21, - 29} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {21, - 30} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, - 0.18394307455842968`], {21, 31} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {21, - 32} -> Complex[-0.00498052152715275, - 0.08042658142468531], {21, 33} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {21, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {21, 35} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {21, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {22, 23} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {22, - 24} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], { - 22, 25} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], {22, 26} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {22, - 27} -> Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, - 0.05577367679001426], {22, 28} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, -0.23052958058187878`], { - 22, 29} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {22, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {22, - 31} -> Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, - 0.2023899803882464], {22, 32} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {22, - 33} -> Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, - 0.010763626429992096`], {22, 34} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {22, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {22, 36} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {23, - 24} -> Complex[0.35279363941541053`, 0.], {23, 25} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], {23, 26} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, 0.229189990199907], {23, + 0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {20, 24} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, 0.14328868692391553`], {20, + 25} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], { + 20, 26} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {20, + 27} -> Complex[ + 0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {20, 28} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {20, + 29} -> Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, \ +-0.004668871253339259], {20, 30} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {20, + 31} -> Complex[-0.005519120018070173, + 0.32277555558099397`], {20, 32} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {21, + 22} -> Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {21, 23} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {21, + 24} -> Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, + 0.13747106056552227`], {21, 25} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], { + 21, 26} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], { + 21, 27} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {21, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {21, 29} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {21, + 30} -> Complex[-0.0832461030605116, + 0.0007900461969849934], {21, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {21, + 32} -> Complex[-0.1353776277549702, + 0.09474310902835915], {22, 23} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, 0.007048096041707605], {22, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {22, 25} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], { + 22, 26} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {22, 27} -> Complex[ - 0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {23, 28} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {23, + 0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {22, 28} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], {22, 29} -> Complex[ - 0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {23, 30} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, -0.11992171449363792`], {23, + 0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {22, 30} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {22, 31} -> Complex[ - 0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {23, 32} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {23, - 33} -> Complex[-0.06287334385176857, - 0.039875195608224154`], {23, 34} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, 0.05145411756901592], {23, - 35} -> Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, \ --0.22696868263028766`], {23, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], { - 24, 25} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, 0.07911629825938535], {24, - 26} -> Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, - 0.06407563305713601], {24, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, 0.12601316051490963`], {24, - 28} -> Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], { - 24, 29} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {24, + 0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {22, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {23, + 24} -> Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {23, 25} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], { + 23, 26} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {23, + 27} -> Complex[-0.05565875071499052, \ +-0.09437594864128791], {23, 28} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, -0.04912752076041336], {23, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {23, 30} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {23, + 31} -> Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], { + 23, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {24, + 25} -> Complex[ + 0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {24, 26} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, -0.01554709808796357], {24, + 27} -> Complex[-0.05062234940479168, \ +-0.059412074076411546`], {24, 28} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {24, + 29} -> Complex[-0.06778091820891004, + 0.11263382211139406`], {24, 30} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {24, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {24, 32} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, -0.13038007028245235`], {25, + 26} -> Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {25, 27} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {25, + 28} -> Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, \ +-0.45619687405618636`], {25, 29} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {25, 30} -> Complex[ - 0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], {24, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {24, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {24, 33} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, -0.11027596484454191`], { - 24, 34} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {24, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], {24, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {25, - 26} -> Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {25, 27} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {25, - 28} -> Complex[-0.002703366170010074, \ --0.1342165202528226], {25, 29} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], {25, 30} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {25, - 31} -> Complex[-0.05197448003562596, \ --0.034035129192128775`], {25, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], { - 25, 33} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {25, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {25, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {25, - 36} -> Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, - 0.15967643343543628`], {26, 27} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {26, - 28} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {26, - 29} -> Complex[-0.07072413917244547, - 0.06080711260518379], {26, 30} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {26, - 31} -> Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], { + 0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {25, 31} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], { + 25, 32} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {26, + 27} -> Complex[-0.04788255890923551, + 0.12484288796949913`], {26, 28} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {26, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {26, 30} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, -0.13646163767421743`], {26, + 31} -> Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], { 26, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, -0.03247283136099954], {26, - 33} -> Complex[-0.07901145315910152, \ --0.12060096224364471`], {26, 34} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {26, - 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {26, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {27, 28} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {27, 29} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {27, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {27, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, -0.2594729794590618], {27, + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, 0.2803118968875541], {27, + 28} -> Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {27, 29} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {27, + 30} -> Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], { + 27, 31} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, -0.1668433676200188], {27, + 32} -> Complex[-0.09765512477307971, + 0.4821278045577343], {28, 29} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {28, + 30} -> Complex[-0.05442442802981293, + 0.14858688449114604`], {28, 31} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, 0.09400730406176475], {28, 32} -> Complex[ - 0.10082205206266875`, -0.054783259519745345`], {27, 33} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, -0.22507239863090805`], {27, - 34} -> Complex[-0.2841944960267362, - 0.0881056163125139], {27, 35} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, -0.07667698906457968], {27, - 36} -> Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, \ --0.154590481023119], {28, 29} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, 0.20220472842758744`], {28, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.020907170696056646`, 0.009826517437731715], {28, 31} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, -0.12440237009032867`], {28, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.05541102122851009, -0.15479143125784764`], {28, 33} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, 0.08672925004639812], {28, - 34} -> Complex[-0.2521578356402413, \ --0.01333219816254436], {28, 35} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, 0.03036622844279574], {28, - 36} -> Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], \ -{29, 30} -> Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {29, 31} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, -0.0906083646195344], {29, - 32} -> Complex[-0.08951618372581999, - 0.1398945044720049], {29, 33} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, -0.31356085339344003`], {29, - 34} -> Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, \ --0.2062898932256956], {29, 35} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, 0.008414767951100507], {29, - 36} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, -0.06573453711443833], {30, - 31} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, -0.17443733981734005`], {30, + 0.13546634634545274`, 0.19241450807239194`], {29, 30} -> + Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {29, 31} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, 0.16136872833117036`], {29, 32} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, -0.18050668434763023`], { - 30, 33} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, 0.04266786697540802], {30, - 34} -> Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, - 0.2690120226571733], {30, 35} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, 0.2799821244558118], {30, - 36} -> Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, - 0.08613557464795678], {31, 32} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {31, 33} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, 0.07846271521707039], {31, - 34} -> Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, - 0.08045040304054488], {31, 35} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, -0.20164942303248495`], {31, - 36} -> Complex[-0.0838892214676934, \ --0.35906971113552444`], {32, 33} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, 0.10280421447880453`], {32, - 34} -> Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, \ --0.30182786908398773`], {32, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, -0.03825515355084523], {32, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], {33, 34} -> - Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {33, 35} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, -0.10568804847511024`], {33, - 36} -> Complex[ - 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Complex[0.2503414865217611, -0.15948743107284857`], - Complex[-0.03994232656574391, -0.24068348995883046`], - Complex[-0.34707775670409796`, -0.06311906387645908]}, { - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], - Complex[-0.35604400486853827`, -0.19202003300499665`], - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], - Complex[0.05965686121477262, -0.11934556517969719`]}, { - Complex[0.2918182566849722, -0.1560488150630844], - Complex[-0.3469521645222371, -0.3001778222790187], - Complex[-0.1277481947510152, 0.010521080018301474`], - Complex[-0.06631005352268324, 0.27312236326349937`]}, { - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], - Complex[0.08162611181070703, 0.22402329196233706`], - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, 0.15967643343543628`], - Complex[0.07531904297420958, -0.15272107986304584`]}}, {{ - Complex[0.030629438373976914`, -0.20597933220226664`], - Complex[-0.5034951012109696, -0.1528174905060085], - Complex[-0.27041063956269074`, 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-0.022927244239727723`], - Complex[0.14080589561787266`, 0.30137375364482416`], - Complex[0.1419125191065882, -0.04606132582837804], - Complex[-0.004140301947261497, -0.10446853151827695`]}, { - Complex[-0.26398001434935564`, -0.037127407354014], - Complex[-0.17375731940135264`, 0.12748337551287386`], - Complex[-0.1462103221636279, 0.03719835734241454], - Complex[0.156687825402905, -0.041004228308001364`]}}, {{ - Complex[0.09056376729137025, 0.12903703571192585`], - Complex[0.15975136850429977`, -0.09579661629343296], - Complex[0.22392059548906296`, 0.17384782125675002`], - Complex[-0.11566937328920632`, 0.2036285052616825]}, { - Complex[-0.025874770511720754`, 0.07023555673715301], - Complex[0.40043128429152025`, -0.18119121031046845`], - Complex[0.3523027675575462, 0.048879960142675705`], - Complex[-0.04379726327543235, 0.006708937863314765]}, { - Complex[0.17283905164661448`, -0.34415914729547625`], - Complex[0.1402877745936879, 0.1297917646521906], - Complex[0.11350893278292475`, -0.20421446451923492`], - Complex[0.10296082468490665`, 0.10665556587747226`]}, { - Complex[-0.02434288647371114, 0.2762574156606259], - Complex[0.09870055262426544, -0.038643159461413286`], - Complex[0.15069598693099004`, -0.09534078439632095], - Complex[-0.04554246678213743, -0.2934646843989378]}}}}, - SymmetrizedArray[ - StructuredArray`StructuredData[{36, - 36}, {{{1, 3} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, 0.2915805668549216], {1, 4} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, -0.2865643065030182], {1, 5} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, 0.3254707548282041], {1, 6} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, 0.35906971113552444`], {1, 7} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, -0.08613557464795678], {1, 8} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, 0.06573453711443833], {1, 9} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, 0.1809373735116714], {1, 10} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, 0.154590481023119], {1, 11} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], {1, 12} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, 13} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, 14} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, 0.18558736962752792`], {1, 15} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, 16} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, 17} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, 18} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, 19} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, 20} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, 21} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, 22} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, 23} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, 24} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, 0.18558736962752792`], {1, 25} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], {1, 26} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, 27} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, 0.1809373735116714], {1, 28} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, 0.154590481023119], {1, 29} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, -0.08613557464795678], {1, 30} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, 0.06573453711443833], {1, 31} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, 0.3254707548282041], {1, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, 0.35906971113552444`], {1, 33} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, 0.2915805668549216], {1, 34} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, -0.2865643065030182], {1, 36} -> - 1, {2, 3} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, 4} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, 5} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, 6} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], {2, 7} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, 8} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, -0.008414767951100507], {2, 9} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], {2, 10} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, 0.07667698906457968], {2, 11} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], {2, 12} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, -0.15579730043133583`], {2, 13} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 14} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, 15} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, 16} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 17} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, 18} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, 19} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, 20} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, 21} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, 22} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 23} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 24} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, 25} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], {2, 26} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, -0.15579730043133583`], {2, 27} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], {2, 28} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, 0.07667698906457968], {2, 29} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, 30} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, -0.008414767951100507], {2, 31} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, 32} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], {2, 33} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, 34} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, 35} -> - 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {3, 5} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, 0.30182786908398773`], {3, 6} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, -0.08045040304054488], {3, 7} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, -0.2690120226571733], {3, 8} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, 0.2062898932256956], {3, 9} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, 0.01333219816254436], {3, 10} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], {3, 11} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {3, 12} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {3, 13} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, -0.04963088270675587], {3, 14} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, -0.05145411756901592], {3, 15} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {3, 16} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {3, 17} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {3, 18} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], {3, 19} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {3, 20} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], {3, 21} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {3, 22} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {3, 23} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, -0.04963088270675587], {3, 24} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, -0.05145411756901592], {3, 25} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {3, 26} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {3, 27} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, 0.01333219816254436], {3, 28} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], {3, 29} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, -0.2690120226571733], {3, 30} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, 0.2062898932256956], {3, 31} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, 0.30182786908398773`], {3, 32} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, -0.08045040304054488], {3, 33} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, -0.03308934997069378], {3, 34} -> - Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {3, 35} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, -0.10568804847511024`], {3, 36} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, 0.2865643065030182], {4, 5} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {4, 6} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {4, 7} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, -0.04266786697540802], {4, 8} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {4, 9} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {4, 10} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {4, 11} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, 0.12060096224364471`], {4, 12} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {4, 13} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, 0.11027596484454191`], {4, 14} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {4, 15} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], {4, 16} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {4, 17} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, -0.04277649306205672], {4, 18} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, -0.08845876363140671], {4, 19} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, -0.04277649306205672], {4, 20} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, -0.08845876363140671], {4, 21} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], {4, 22} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {4, 23} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, 0.11027596484454191`], {4, 24} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {4, 25} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, 0.12060096224364471`], {4, 26} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {4, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {4, 28} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {4, 29} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, -0.04266786697540802], {4, 30} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {4, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {4, 32} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {4, 33} -> - Complex[0.49636369297926336`, 0.], {4, 34} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, 0.03308934997069378], {4, 35} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, 0.08293748621875244], {4, 36} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, -0.2915805668549216], {5, 6} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {5, 7} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, 0.18050668434763023`], {5, 8} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, -0.1398945044720049], {5, 9} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {5, 10} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {5, 11} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, 0.03247283136099954], {5, 12} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, 0.24585233281751626`], {5, 13} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {5, 14} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], {5, 15} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {5, 16} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {5, 17} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {5, 18} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, -0.18155756040588286`], {5, 19} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {5, 20} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, -0.18155756040588286`], {5, 21} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {5, 22} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {5, 23} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {5, 24} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], {5, 25} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, 0.03247283136099954], {5, 26} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, 0.24585233281751626`], {5, 27} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {5, 28} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {5, 29} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, 0.18050668434763023`], {5, 30} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, -0.1398945044720049], {5, 31} -> - Complex[0.05957085045120364, -0.0686364172150267], {5, 32} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {5, 33} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, 0.07846271521707039], {5, 34} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, 0.08045040304054488], {5, 35} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, -0.20164942303248495`], {5, 36} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, -0.35906971113552444`], {6, 7} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {6, 8} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], {6, 9} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {6, 10} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, 0.2594729794590618], {6, 11} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {6, 12} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, 0.034035129192128775`], {6, 13} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, -0.054766912594803374`], {6, 14} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {6, 15} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, -0.2023899803882464], {6, 16} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {6, 17} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {6, 18} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], {6, 19} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {6, 20} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], {6, 21} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, -0.2023899803882464], {6, 22} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {6, 23} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, -0.054766912594803374`], {6, 24} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {6, 25} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {6, 26} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, 0.034035129192128775`], {6, 27} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {6, 28} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, 0.2594729794590618], {6, 29} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {6, 30} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], {6, 31} -> - Complex[0.5058138015078811, 0.], {6, 32} -> - Complex[0.05957085045120364, 0.0686364172150267], {6, 33} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, 0.10280421447880453`], {6, 34} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, -0.30182786908398773`], {6, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, -0.03825515355084523], {6, 36} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], {7, 8} -> - Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {7, 9} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {7, 10} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {7, 11} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {7, 12} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, -0.08387695970470208], {7, 13} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {7, 14} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, 0.11992171449363792`], {7, 15} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {7, 16} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, -0.18394307455842968`], {7, 17} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, 0.12113458402956634`], {7, 18} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {7, 19} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, 0.12113458402956634`], {7, 20} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {7, 21} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {7, 22} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, -0.18394307455842968`], {7, 23} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {7, 24} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, 0.11992171449363792`], {7, 25} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {7, 26} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, -0.08387695970470208], {7, 27} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {7, 28} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {7, 29} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, 0.1534965717731505], {7, 30} -> - Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {7, 31} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, -0.0906083646195344], {7, 32} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, 0.1398945044720049], {7, 33} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, -0.31356085339344003`], {7, 34} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, -0.2062898932256956], {7, 35} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, 0.008414767951100507], {7, 36} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, -0.06573453711443833], {8, 9} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {8, 10} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {8, 11} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {8, 12} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {8, 13} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {8, 14} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {8, 15} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, 0.13038883546342855`], {8, 16} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, 0.025091517498334166`], {8, 17} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {8, 18} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, 0.11085568682814102`], {8, 19} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {8, 20} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, 0.11085568682814102`], {8, 21} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, 0.13038883546342855`], {8, 22} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, 0.025091517498334166`], {8, 23} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {8, 24} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {8, 25} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {8, 26} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {8, 27} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {8, 28} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {8, 29} -> - Complex[0.3480244926609176, 0.], {8, 30} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, -0.1534965717731505], {8, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, -0.17443733981734005`], {8, 32} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, -0.18050668434763023`], {8, 33} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, 0.04266786697540802], {8, 34} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, 0.2690120226571733], {8, 35} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, 0.2799821244558118], {8, 36} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, 0.08613557464795678], {9, 10} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {9, 11} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, 0.07147202526604769], {9, 12} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, 0.1342165202528226], {9, 13} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], {9, 14} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {9, 15} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, 0.23052958058187878`], {9, 16} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], {9, 17} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, 0.1963794168890443], {9, 18} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {9, 19} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, 0.1963794168890443], {9, 20} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {9, 21} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, 0.23052958058187878`], {9, 22} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], {9, 23} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], {9, 24} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {9, 25} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, 0.07147202526604769], {9, 26} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, 0.1342165202528226], {9, 27} -> - Complex[0.10214442350629199`, -0.026260413784740505`], {9, 28} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {9, 29} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {9, 30} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {9, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, -0.2594729794590618], {9, 32} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, -0.054783259519745345`], {9, 33} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, -0.22507239863090805`], {9, 34} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, 0.0881056163125139], {9, 35} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, -0.07667698906457968], {9, 36} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, -0.154590481023119], {10, 11} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], {10, 12} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {10, 13} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, -0.12601316051490963`], {10, 14} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {10, 15} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {10, 16} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {10, 17} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, -0.1270548580331935], {10, 18} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, -0.04516801561911384], {10, 19} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, -0.1270548580331935], {10, 20} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, -0.04516801561911384], {10, 21} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {10, 22} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {10, 23} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, -0.12601316051490963`], {10, 24} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {10, 25} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], {10, 26} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {10, 27} -> - Complex[0.33314595779251727`, 0.], {10, 28} -> - Complex[0.10214442350629199`, 0.026260413784740505`], {10, 29} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, 0.20220472842758744`], {10, 30} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, 0.009826517437731715], {10, 31} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, -0.12440237009032867`], {10, 32} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, -0.15479143125784764`], {10, 33} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, 0.08672925004639812], {10, 34} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, -0.01333219816254436], {10, 35} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, 0.03036622844279574], {10, 36} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], {11, 12} -> - Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {11, 13} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, -0.06407563305713601], {11, 14} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, -0.229189990199907], {11, 15} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {11, 16} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, 0.06148505498780174], {11, 17} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {11, 18} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, 0.15781559429956118`], {11, 19} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {11, 20} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, 0.15781559429956118`], {11, 21} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {11, 22} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, 0.06148505498780174], {11, 23} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, -0.06407563305713601], {11, 24} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, -0.229189990199907], {11, 25} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, -0.010244248183710654`], {11, 26} -> - Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {11, 27} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {11, 28} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, -0.1342165202528226], {11, 29} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], {11, 30} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {11, 31} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, -0.034035129192128775`], {11, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], {11, 33} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {11, 34} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {11, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {11, 36} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, 0.15967643343543628`], {12, 13} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, -0.07911629825938535], {12, 14} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {12, 15} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {12, 16} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, -0.02799549139813756], {12, 17} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {12, 18} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {12, 19} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {12, 20} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {12, 21} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {12, 22} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, -0.02799549139813756], {12, 23} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, -0.07911629825938535], {12, 24} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {12, 25} -> - Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {12, 26} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, 0.010244248183710654`], {12, 27} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {12, 28} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {12, 29} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, 0.06080711260518379], {12, 30} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {12, 31} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], {12, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, -0.03247283136099954], {12, 33} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, -0.12060096224364471`], {12, 34} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {12, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {12, 36} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {13, 14} -> - Complex[0.35279363941541053`, 0.], {13, 15} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, 0.12231882955045151`], {13, 16} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {13, 17} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {13, 18} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, -0.18913477597107048`], {13, 19} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {13, 20} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, -0.18913477597107048`], {13, 21} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, 0.12231882955045151`], {13, 22} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {13, 23} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, -0.09262495833114717], {13, 24} -> - Complex[0.35279363941541053`, 0.], {13, 25} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], {13, 26} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, 0.229189990199907], {13, 27} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {13, 28} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {13, 29} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {13, 30} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, -0.11992171449363792`], {13, 31} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {13, 32} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {13, 33} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, 0.039875195608224154`], {13, 34} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, 0.05145411756901592], {13, 35} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], {13, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], {14, 15} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {14, 16} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, -0.00875520102328074], {14, 17} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {14, 18} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], {14, 19} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {14, 20} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], {14, 21} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {14, 22} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, -0.00875520102328074], {14, 23} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {14, 24} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, 0.09262495833114717], {14, 25} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, 0.07911629825938535], {14, 26} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, 0.06407563305713601], {14, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, 0.12601316051490963`], {14, 28} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], {14, 29} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {14, 30} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], {14, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {14, 32} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {14, 33} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, -0.11027596484454191`], {14, 34} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {14, 35} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], {14, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {15, 16} -> - Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {15, 17} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {15, 18} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {15, 19} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {15, 20} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {15, 21} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, -0.11355320674819902`], {15, 22} -> - Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {15, 23} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, 0.00875520102328074], {15, 24} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {15, 25} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, 0.02799549139813756], {15, 26} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {15, 27} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, 0.08944943686956167], {15, 28} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, 0.21978330419104863`], {15, 29} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {15, 30} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, 0.18394307455842968`], {15, 31} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {15, 32} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, 0.08042658142468531], {15, 33} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {15, 34} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {15, 35} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {15, 36} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {16, 17} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {16, 18} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {16, 19} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {16, 20} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {16, 21} -> - Complex[0.349552824256183, 0.], {16, 22} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, 0.11355320674819902`], {16, 23} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {16, 24} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], {16, 25} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], {16, 26} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {16, 27} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, 0.05577367679001426], {16, 28} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, -0.23052958058187878`], {16, 29} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {16, 30} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {16, 31} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, 0.2023899803882464], {16, 32} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {16, 33} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, 0.010763626429992096`], {16, 34} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {16, 35} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {16, 36} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {17, 18} -> - Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {17, 19} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, -0.02423539675981027], {17, 20} -> - Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {17, 21} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {17, 22} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {17, 23} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], {17, 24} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, 0.18913477597107048`], {17, 25} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {17, 26} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], {17, 27} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, 0.04516801561911384], {17, 28} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, 0.09375100770632477], {17, 29} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, -0.11085568682814102`], {17, 30} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {17, 31} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], {17, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {17, 33} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, 0.08845876363140671], {17, 34} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {17, 35} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {17, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {18, 19} -> - Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {18, 20} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, 0.02423539675981027], {18, 21} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {18, 22} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {18, 23} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {18, 24} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {18, 25} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {18, 26} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, 0.1016185353576046], {18, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, 0.1270548580331935], {18, 28} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, -0.1963794168890443], {18, 29} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, -0.0475059953974924], {18, 30} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {18, 31} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, 0.17856311543581216`], {18, 32} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {18, 33} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, 0.04277649306205672], {18, 34} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {18, 35} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {18, 36} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {19, 20} -> - Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {19, 21} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {19, 22} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {19, 23} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], {19, 24} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, 0.18913477597107048`], {19, 25} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {19, 26} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], {19, 27} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, 0.04516801561911384], {19, 28} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, 0.09375100770632477], {19, 29} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, -0.11085568682814102`], {19, 30} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {19, 31} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], {19, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {19, 33} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, 0.08845876363140671], {19, 34} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {19, 35} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {19, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {20, 21} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {20, 22} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {20, 23} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {20, 24} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {20, 25} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {20, 26} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, 0.1016185353576046], {20, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, 0.1270548580331935], {20, 28} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, -0.1963794168890443], {20, 29} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, -0.0475059953974924], {20, 30} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {20, 31} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, 0.17856311543581216`], {20, 32} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {20, 33} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, 0.04277649306205672], {20, 34} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {20, 35} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {20, 36} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {21, 22} -> - Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {21, 23} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, 0.00875520102328074], {21, 24} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {21, 25} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, 0.02799549139813756], {21, 26} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {21, 27} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, 0.08944943686956167], {21, 28} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, 0.21978330419104863`], {21, 29} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {21, 30} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, 0.18394307455842968`], {21, 31} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {21, 32} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, 0.08042658142468531], {21, 33} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {21, 34} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {21, 35} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {21, 36} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {22, 23} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {22, 24} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], {22, 25} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], {22, 26} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {22, 27} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, 0.05577367679001426], {22, 28} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, -0.23052958058187878`], {22, 29} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {22, 30} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {22, 31} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, 0.2023899803882464], {22, 32} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {22, 33} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, 0.010763626429992096`], {22, 34} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {22, 35} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {22, 36} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {23, 24} -> - Complex[0.35279363941541053`, 0.], {23, 25} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], {23, 26} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, 0.229189990199907], {23, 27} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {23, 28} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {23, 29} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {23, 30} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, -0.11992171449363792`], {23, 31} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {23, 32} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {23, 33} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, 0.039875195608224154`], {23, 34} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, 0.05145411756901592], {23, 35} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], {23, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], {24, 25} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, 0.07911629825938535], {24, 26} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, 0.06407563305713601], {24, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, 0.12601316051490963`], {24, 28} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], {24, 29} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {24, 30} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], {24, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {24, 32} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {24, 33} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, -0.11027596484454191`], {24, 34} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {24, 35} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], {24, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {25, 26} -> - Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {25, 27} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {25, 28} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, -0.1342165202528226], {25, 29} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], {25, 30} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {25, 31} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, -0.034035129192128775`], {25, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], {25, 33} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {25, 34} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {25, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {25, 36} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, 0.15967643343543628`], {26, 27} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {26, 28} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {26, 29} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, 0.06080711260518379], {26, 30} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {26, 31} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], {26, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, -0.03247283136099954], {26, 33} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, -0.12060096224364471`], {26, 34} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {26, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {26, 36} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {27, 28} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {27, 29} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {27, 30} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {27, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, -0.2594729794590618], {27, 32} -> - 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Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], + Complex[-0.03999197651078942, -0.08108739701849048], + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], + Complex[-0.19794378627517756`, -0.18344740966364476`]}, { + Complex[0.05500540410168902, 0.09120545255702392], + Complex[-0.11166394499212068`, 0.15888871982827596`], + Complex[-0.11852257287681439`, -0.3006085542145621], + Complex[-0.10698386630910972`, -0.489463823816771]}}}, {{{ + Complex[-0.20051145955164862`, -0.019978948991496662`], + Complex[-0.6026645637823169, 0.025745425656669832`], + Complex[0.059360091421089306`, 0.43821938618982414`], + Complex[-0.04296792298565183, 0.4142235632072107]}, { + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], + Complex[-0.2727492043214132, 0.03650760667605782], + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], + Complex[-0.0779157268128722, 0.11514790480422857`]}, { + Complex[0.15094883017161237`, -0.017967745813698206`], + Complex[0.07227379479966149, -0.1267397367640276], + Complex[-0.005234481095472324, 0.08375527438370217], + Complex[-0.055302208064202024`, -0.048534074509855855`]}, { + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], + Complex[-0.07419048161268496, -0.44785444839788086`], + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], + Complex[0.1618081612353034, 0.15437985466267745`]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.19935008044199365`, -0.01476401633281204], + Complex[-0.2928650289852777, -0.46687962670164623`], + Complex[0.5132821370143701, -0.08200379158801555], + Complex[0.39787211766682684`, 0.02018928830199271]}, { + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], + Complex[0.1545150779993909, -0.07185006552804889], + Complex[0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], + Complex[0.3726827733239779, -0.09985152182770193]}, { + Complex[0.19889965185547961`, -0.10176495470379088`], + Complex[0.14162344222586734`, 0.16542191643180643`], + Complex[-0.20384384748898732`, -0.023288188749349403`], + Complex[-0.10760410221567202`, -0.09726459002159923]}, { + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], + Complex[0.10259904200108994`, -0.38164006740997314`], + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], + Complex[-0.004173210656446616, 0.06838658845069481]}}}}, + SymmetrizedArray[ + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{32, + 32}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, -0.45412395229305985`], {1, 4} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, 0.23954012515618292`], {1, 5} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, 6} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, -0.4821278045577343], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], {1, 8} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, 9} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], {1, 10} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, 11} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, 12} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], {1, 13} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, 14} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, -0.22986188863366275`], {1, 15} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, 16} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, 18} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 19} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, 20} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, -0.22986188863366275`], {1, 21} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, 22} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], {1, 23} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], {1, 24} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, 25} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], {1, 26} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, 27} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, 28} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, -0.4821278045577343], {1, 29} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, -0.45412395229305985`], {1, 30} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, 0.23954012515618292`], {1, 32} -> + 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, 4} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, -0.16136872833117036`], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, -0.09400730406176475], {2, 6} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, 0.1668433676200188], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 8} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], {2, 9} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], {2, 11} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, 13} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, 14} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 15} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, 0.06896354235277449], {2, 16} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, 17} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, 0.06896354235277449], {2, 18} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, 19} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, 20} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 21} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, 22} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, 23} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, 24} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], {2, 25} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 26} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], {2, 27} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, -0.09400730406176475], {2, 28} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, 0.1668433676200188], {2, 29} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, 30} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, -0.16136872833117036`], {2, 31} -> + 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, 6} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], {3, 7} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, 0.13646163767421743`], {3, 8} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {3, 9} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], {3, 10} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {3, 11} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {3, 12} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {3, 13} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {3, 14} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {3, 15} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, -0.03544251396822046], {3, 16} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {3, 17} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, -0.03544251396822046], {3, 18} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {3, 19} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {3, 20} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {3, 21} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {3, 22} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {3, 23} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], {3, 24} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {3, 25} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, 0.13646163767421743`], {3, 26} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {3, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, 28} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], {3, 29} -> + Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, -0.0014004115937454042`], {3, 30} -> + Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {3, 31} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, 0.16136872833117036`], {3, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, -0.23954012515618292`], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {4, 6} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {4, 9} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, -0.11263382211139406`], {4, 10} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {4, 12} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {4, 13} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {4, 14} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {4, 16} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {4, 17} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {4, 18} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {4, 19} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {4, 20} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {4, 21} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {4, 22} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {4, 23} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, -0.11263382211139406`], {4, 24} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {4, 25} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {4, 26} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {4, 27} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {4, 28} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, 29} -> + Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {4, 30} -> + Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, 0.0014004115937454042`], {4, 31} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, 0.0990678397300458], {4, 32} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, 0.45412395229305985`], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {5, 8} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, 0.45619687405618636`], {5, 9} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, -0.04387994353782962], {5, 10} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, 0.04912752076041336], {5, 11} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {5, 13} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {5, 16} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, 0.2479052297980392], {5, 17} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {5, 18} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, 0.2479052297980392], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {5, 20} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {5, 21} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], {5, 22} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {5, 23} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, -0.04387994353782962], {5, 24} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, 0.04912752076041336], {5, 25} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {5, 26} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, 0.45619687405618636`], {5, 27} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, 0.22179319605394876`], {5, 28} -> + Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {5, 29} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {5, 30} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], {5, 31} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, -0.1668433676200188], {5, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, 0.4821278045577343], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, -0.12484288796949913`], {6, 8} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], {6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, 0.059412074076411546`], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, 0.09437594864128791], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {6, 13} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {6, 14} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {6, 15} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {6, 16} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {6, 17} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {6, 18} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {6, 19} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {6, 20} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {6, 21} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {6, 22} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {6, 23} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, 0.059412074076411546`], {6, 24} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, 0.09437594864128791], {6, 25} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, -0.12484288796949913`], {6, 26} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], {6, 27} -> + Complex[0.20263910536773755`, 0.], {6, 28} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, -0.22179319605394876`], {6, 29} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {6, 30} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, 0.14858688449114604`], {6, 31} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, 0.09400730406176475], {6, 32} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, 0.19241450807239194`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {7, 10} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], {7, 13} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {7, 14} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {7, 15} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, -0.13919179950515956`], {7, 16} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {7, 17} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, -0.13919179950515956`], {7, 18} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {7, 19} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {7, 20} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {7, 21} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {7, 22} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], {7, 23} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {7, 24} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], {7, 25} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, -0.19937008578078047`], {7, 26} -> + Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {7, 27} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {7, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, -0.45619687405618636`], {7, 29} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {7, 30} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {7, 31} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], {7, 32} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {8, 9} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {8, 10} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, 0.035808072295513985`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {8, 14} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {8, 16} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, 0.08953347157789894], {8, 17} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {8, 18} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, 0.08953347157789894], {8, 19} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {8, 20} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {8, 21} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {8, 22} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {8, 23} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {8, 24} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, 0.035808072295513985`], {8, 25} -> + Complex[0.5333747400652373, 0.], {8, 26} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, 0.19937008578078047`], {8, 27} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, 0.12484288796949913`], {8, 28} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {8, 29} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {8, 30} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, -0.13646163767421743`], {8, 31} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], {8, 32} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, 0.2803118968875541], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {9, 12} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, -0.13747106056552227`], {9, 13} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], {9, 14} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, 0.014151525468183115`], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {9, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, 0.014151525468183115`], {9, 18} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {9, 19} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], {9, 20} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {9, 21} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {9, 22} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, -0.13747106056552227`], {9, 23} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, -0.05916418261795878], {9, 24} -> + Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {9, 25} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], {9, 26} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {9, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, -0.09437594864128791], {9, 28} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, -0.04912752076041336], {9, 29} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {9, 30} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {9, 31} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], {9, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {10, 11} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {10, 12} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {10, 13} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], {10, 14} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, 0.07905444855796712], {10, 15} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, 0.04246480370392383], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, -0.026330641239406972`], {10, 17} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, 0.04246480370392383], {10, 18} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, -0.026330641239406972`], {10, 19} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], {10, 20} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, 0.07905444855796712], {10, 21} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {10, 22} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {10, 23} -> + Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {10, 24} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, 0.05916418261795878], {10, 25} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {10, 26} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, -0.01554709808796357], {10, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, -0.059412074076411546`], {10, 28} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {10, 29} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, 0.11263382211139406`], {10, 30} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {10, 31} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {10, 32} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, -0.13038007028245235`], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {11, 14} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, 0.07798472902890301], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {11, 16} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, 0.12925982418550483`], {11, 17} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {11, 18} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, 0.12925982418550483`], {11, 19} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {11, 20} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, 0.07798472902890301], {11, 21} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, 0.13067968221082676`], {11, 22} -> + Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {11, 23} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {11, 24} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, 0.13747106056552227`], {11, 25} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], {11, 26} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], {11, 27} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {11, 28} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {11, 29} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {11, 30} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, 0.0007900461969849934], {11, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {11, 32} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, 0.09474310902835915], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, -0.05490753841460036], {12, 15} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], {12, 16} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {12, 17} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], {12, 18} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {12, 19} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], {12, 20} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, -0.05490753841460036], {12, 21} -> + Complex[0.288790430194917, 0.], {12, 22} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, -0.13067968221082676`], {12, 23} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, 0.007048096041707605], {12, 24} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {12, 25} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], {12, 26} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {12, 27} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {12, 28} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], {12, 29} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {12, 30} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {12, 31} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {12, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, 16} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, 17} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, 18} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, -0.0383011718065015], {13, 20} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {13, 22} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, -0.07798472902890301], {13, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, -0.07905444855796712], {13, 24} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {13, 25} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {13, 26} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {13, 27} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {13, 28} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, 0.14922079251460418`], {13, 29} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], {13, 30} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {13, 31} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {13, 32} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 17} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, 18} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.29582940176126815`, 0.], {14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, 0.0383011718065015], {14, 21} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {14, 22} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {14, 23} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {14, 24} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, 0.14328868692391553`], {14, 25} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], {14, 26} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {14, 27} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {14, 28} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {14, 29} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, -0.004668871253339259], {14, 30} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {14, 31} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, 0.32277555558099397`], {14, 32} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {15, 16} -> + Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, -0.10986947258054452`], {15, 18} -> + Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {15, 19} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {15, 20} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {15, 21} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {15, 22} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {15, 23} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, 0.026330641239406972`], {15, 24} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {15, 25} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, -0.08953347157789894], {15, 26} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {15, 27} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {15, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {15, 29} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {15, 30} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {15, 31} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], {15, 32} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {16, 17} -> + Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, 0.10986947258054452`], {16, 19} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, 0.11473204575369803`], {16, 20} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {16, 21} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], {16, 22} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {16, 23} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {16, 24} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, -0.014151525468183115`], {16, 25} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {16, 26} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, 0.13919179950515956`], {16, 27} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {16, 28} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {16, 29} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], {16, 30} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, 0.03544251396822046], {16, 31} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], {16, 32} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {17, 20} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {17, 21} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {17, 22} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {17, 23} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, 0.026330641239406972`], {17, 24} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {17, 25} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, -0.08953347157789894], {17, 26} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {17, 27} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {17, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {17, 29} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {17, 30} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {17, 31} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], {17, 32} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {18, 19} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, 0.11473204575369803`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {18, 21} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], {18, 22} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {18, 23} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {18, 24} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, -0.014151525468183115`], {18, 25} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {18, 26} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, 0.13919179950515956`], {18, 27} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {18, 28} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {18, 29} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], {18, 30} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, 0.03544251396822046], {18, 31} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], {18, 32} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], {19, 20} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {19, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {19, 22} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, -0.07798472902890301], {19, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, -0.07905444855796712], {19, 24} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {19, 25} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {19, 26} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {19, 27} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {19, 28} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, 0.14922079251460418`], {19, 29} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], {19, 30} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {19, 31} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {19, 32} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], {20, 21} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {20, 22} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {20, 23} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {20, 24} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, 0.14328868692391553`], {20, 25} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], {20, 26} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {20, 27} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {20, 28} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {20, 29} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, -0.004668871253339259], {20, 30} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {20, 31} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, 0.32277555558099397`], {20, 32} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {21, 22} -> + Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {21, 23} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {21, 24} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, 0.13747106056552227`], {21, 25} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], {21, 26} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], {21, 27} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {21, 28} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {21, 29} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {21, 30} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, 0.0007900461969849934], {21, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {21, 32} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, 0.09474310902835915], {22, 23} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, 0.007048096041707605], {22, 24} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {22, 25} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], {22, 26} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {22, 27} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {22, 28} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], {22, 29} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {22, 30} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {22, 31} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {22, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {23, 24} -> + Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {23, 25} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], {23, 26} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {23, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, -0.09437594864128791], {23, 28} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, -0.04912752076041336], {23, 29} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {23, 30} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {23, 31} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], {23, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {24, 25} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {24, 26} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, -0.01554709808796357], {24, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, -0.059412074076411546`], {24, 28} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {24, 29} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, 0.11263382211139406`], {24, 30} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {24, 31} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {24, 32} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, -0.13038007028245235`], {25, 26} -> + Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {25, 27} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {25, 28} -> + 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Complex[-0.06308093175862647, -0.21862997442732623`]}}}, \ -{{{ - Complex[0.38561520853829834`, -0.0349760127027563], - Complex[-0.12045163122112326`, -0.3073390765981347], - Complex[0.07364742267667151, 0.07039259563873915], - Complex[-0.06352751100469292, 0.023280642382329134`]}, { - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], - Complex[0.16145318386301, -0.17129348602271738`], - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], - Complex[0.12838126863645427`, -0.07650696033991101]}, { - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], - Complex[-0.24028961870410578`, 0.39818339174816486`], - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], - Complex[0.12223400142556862`, 0.02429598116105823]}, { - Complex[-0.32631810220655216`, 0.1492086982359996], - Complex[0.05766080135719996, -0.28235317729215736`], - Complex[-0.0598294552633834, -0.17660297273001005`], - Complex[0.2787005766777592, 0.08610654180035877]}}, {{ - Complex[-0.18027597983706614`, 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Complex[-0.0787075454411436, 0.21942688568145816`], + Complex[0.5765715827892969, -0.10727998385272841`], + Complex[-0.23900933429180296`, 0.15506168363724596`], + Complex[-0.06994879210016913, -0.3824573093558085]}, { + Complex[0.28180229848689087`, -0.5907837285509041], + Complex[0.29801852875047735`, -0.06304460914533387], + Complex[0.0009165564077229906, -0.140840695399167], + Complex[-0.2583878268354531, -0.23198135847059925`]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.1010880662215651, 0.2972876289713202], + Complex[0.34084517778834855`, -0.2333019226225273], + Complex[-0.19385457348075047`, 0.006233190196377511], + Complex[0.0891863490794428, -0.039089212721672956`]}, { + Complex[0.22413783737510187`, 0.2659647559326443], + Complex[0.08253673019323067, 0.5557729070125575], + Complex[0.06036066880126487, -0.16967333523499792`], + Complex[0.0678309681136268, -0.31720377148197304`]}, { + Complex[0.022804136157169308`, -0.04974423302758542], + Complex[0.0962888708570245, -0.15811787240987046`], + 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Magnification])}]], GraphicsBox[ RasterBox[CompressedData[" -1:eJzVWXk01XkflvJahlJipFFZkqlUJNE0PWWPRqiEaZXJmmmheSsj2jORUCQV -khpkKVOh7Msk3dXY47rXenEvGdJQvd5z5t/PH86ZOTM5557jPPee57N+n8/n -+/tpuH3v+N1UCQmJWX9+/v//AvG2JUpB5ZD48292zou2KDsuTHRWWFuEcTB+ -NsX3sXQhTni/e+sx0I70o4aBsi+ZWPQwY88vvEac1g9VS+zshfHGa9tEtU2w -NpsyKvWqC/Nyg6qE7mKk/Z7gMtunDd9aHDa++KAHDrsuJpdHiTFzWKukOI+N -sIayjpBRAdSYb32kk0SoaLZafkKNhZQHZpl6rs0w9b4/fGVVH5o91ydc7ONg -ndFqrT3cdDw2NO44E84H/4Opb3oqG0MB0Ttq3e/DfI/MrTkr2kic4qHsUn5S -cVF5oPJG5XnND/m74jQZiF+ZlLN6tAbdSRoCh1Qh+fs3iUc+qD+vRtWdlW9+ -C72OWVFT6vQNmrBrTZDroJCF5oVWuUNKbUjWEJpY+/aj0sKXJZzPxmUXu6Q8 -VhvY8ezor/P74W6zck2hGRtcm/cjnvZ8uG/jzrg70I9T1QWLQltYWPrrYcFR -y2r8FHrI1TanCzJHFIYDGzlYeN+utHtfB6xcVKYW6IrB+CxZVTjORhG3Jiqp -qhQRMxXNUl53QMZWS/pyJQOaL0bO/1DIRb3Nyj3lmkISJ3kIu5SfVFxUHqi8 -UXXhzVQoiNnHRrvyZ3XtxXwEx+12+2KBiKw7xf+HZoHZeiMWFOTCx5TN78Dw -sfRay1WtCL39X4b8IAMNaapFnXV1YJ95mbbUvBczOtR+11/MRonVQ4kcmSrc -VJTSH17dhWsm313S1WMhyPerXpvWZlzgtUR7OvQhR7xwQ4UFG/b7NWJ+Wv0C 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"SummaryItemAnnotation"], "\[InvisibleSpace]", @@ -8594,64 +10012,54 @@ oPJG5VllYNcsmZ0T3xvH2Bz06EeexVjoiwEx/gcdwHoc Magnification])}]], GraphicsBox[ RasterBox[CompressedData[" -1:eJzVWXk01XkflvJahlJipFFZkqlUJNE0PWWPRqiEaZXJmmmheSsj2jORUCQV -khpkKVOh7Msk3dXY47rXenEvGdJQvd5z5t/PH86ZOTM5557jPPee57N+n8/n -+/tpuH3v+N1UCQmJWX9+/v//AvG2JUpB5ZD48292zou2KDsuTHRWWFuEcTB+ -NsX3sXQhTni/e+sx0I70o4aBsi+ZWPQwY88vvEac1g9VS+zshfHGa9tEtU2w -NpsyKvWqC/Nyg6qE7mKk/Z7gMtunDd9aHDa++KAHDrsuJpdHiTFzWKukOI+N -sIayjpBRAdSYb32kk0SoaLZafkKNhZQHZpl6rs0w9b4/fGVVH5o91ydc7ONg -ndFqrT3cdDw2NO44E84H/4Opb3oqG0MB0Ttq3e/DfI/MrTkr2kic4qHsUn5S -cVF5oPJG5XnND/m74jQZiF+ZlLN6tAbdSRoCh1Qh+fs3iUc+qD+vRtWdlW9+ -C72OWVFT6vQNmrBrTZDroJCF5oVWuUNKbUjWEJpY+/aj0sKXJZzPxmUXu6Q8 -VhvY8ezor/P74W6zck2hGRtcm/cjnvZ8uG/jzrg70I9T1QWLQltYWPrrYcFR -y2r8FHrI1TanCzJHFIYDGzlYeN+utHtfB6xcVKYW6IrB+CxZVTjORhG3Jiqp -qhQRMxXNUl53QMZWS/pyJQOaL0bO/1DIRb3Nyj3lmkISJ3kIu5SfVFxUHqi8 -UXXhzVQoiNnHRrvyZ3XtxXwEx+12+2KBiKw7xf+HZoHZeiMWFOTCx5TN78Dw 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"0.0838892214676934`"}], "+", - RowBox[{"0.35906971113552444`", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]"}]}], + RowBox[{"-", "0.09765512477307971`"}], "-", + RowBox[{"0.4821278045577343`", " ", "\[ImaginaryI]"}]}], ContentPadding -> False, FrameMargins -> 0, StripOnInput -> True, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, ImageSize -> {{1, 300}, Automatic}], LineBreakWithin -> @@ -8755,9 +10163,8 @@ oPJG5VllYNcsmZ0T3xvH2Bz06EeexVjoiwEx/gcdwHoc StripOnInput -> False]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, DefaultBaseStyle -> "Column", - GridBoxItemSize -> { - "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], - "Column"], "SummaryItem"]}}, + GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, + "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Column"], "SummaryItem"]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> False, @@ -8776,1805 +10183,1469 @@ oPJG5VllYNcsmZ0T3xvH2Bz06EeexVjoiwEx/gcdwHoc "SummaryPanel"], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], "]"}], SymmetrizedArray[ - StructuredArray`StructuredData[{36, - 36}, {{{1, 3} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, 0.2915805668549216], {1, - 4} -> Complex[ - 0.13232155584348976`, -0.2865643065030182], {1, 5} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, 0.3254707548282041], {1, 6} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, 0.35906971113552444`], {1, - 7} -> Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, - 0.06573453711443833], {1, 8} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, -0.08613557464795678], {1, - 9} -> Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, 0.154590481023119], { - 1, 10} -> Complex[-0.1821537065194496, - 0.1809373735116714], {1, 11} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], {1, - 12} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, - 13} -> Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, - 0.18558736962752792`], {1, 14} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, - 15} -> Complex[ - 0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, 16} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, - 17} -> Complex[ - 0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, 18} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, - 19} -> Complex[ - 0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, 20} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, - 21} -> Complex[ - 0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, 22} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, - 23} -> Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, - 0.18558736962752792`], {1, 24} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], {1, 26} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, - 27} -> Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, - 0.154590481023119], {1, 28} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, 0.1809373735116714], {1, 29} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, 0.06573453711443833], {1, - 30} -> Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, \ --0.08613557464795678], {1, 31} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, 0.3254707548282041], {1, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, 0.35906971113552444`], {1, - 33} -> Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, - 0.2915805668549216], {1, 34} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, -0.2865643065030182], {1, - 36} -> 1, {2, 3} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{32, + 32}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, 0.23954012515618292`], {1, 4} -> Complex[ - 0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, 5} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, - 6} -> Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], { - 2, 7} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, -0.008414767951100507], {2, - 8} -> Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, \ --0.2799821244558118], {2, 9} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, 0.07667698906457968], {2, - 10} -> Complex[-0.5009225822231967, \ --0.03036622844279574], {2, 11} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], {2, - 12} -> Complex[-0.2191443754011676, \ --0.15579730043133583`], {2, 13} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, - 14} -> Complex[ - 0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 15} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, + 0.15997502039138747`, -0.45412395229305985`], {1, 5} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, + 6} -> Complex[-0.09765512477307971, -0.4821278045577343], \ +{1, 7} -> Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], {1, 8} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, + 9} -> Complex[-0.06765757529077783, + 0.13038007028245235`], {1, 10} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, 12} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], {1, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, 14} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, -0.22986188863366275`], {1, + 15} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, 16} -> Complex[ - 0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 17} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, - 18} -> Complex[ - 0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, 19} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, - 20} -> Complex[ - 0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, 21} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 23} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, + 0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 19} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, + 20} -> Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, \ +-0.22986188863366275`], {1, 21} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, + 22} -> Complex[-0.1353776277549702, \ +-0.09474310902835915], {1, 23} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], {1, 24} -> Complex[ - 0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 25} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], {2, - 26} -> Complex[-0.2191443754011676, \ --0.15579730043133583`], {2, 27} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, 0.07667698906457968], {2, - 28} -> Complex[-0.5009225822231967, \ --0.03036622844279574], {2, 29} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, -0.008414767951100507], {2, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, - 31} -> Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, - 0.03825515355084523], {2, 32} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], {2, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, 34} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, - 35} -> 1, {3, 4} -> - Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {3, 5} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, 0.30182786908398773`], {3, - 6} -> Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, \ --0.08045040304054488], {3, 7} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, 0.2062898932256956], {3, - 8} -> Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, \ --0.2690120226571733], {3, 9} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], {3, - 10} -> Complex[-0.2521578356402413, - 0.01333219816254436], {3, 11} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {3, + 0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, 25} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], {1, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, 27} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, + 28} -> Complex[-0.09765512477307971, \ +-0.4821278045577343], {1, 29} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, 0.23954012515618292`], {1, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.15997502039138747`, -0.45412395229305985`], {1, 32} -> + 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, -0.16136872833117036`], {2, + 4} -> Complex[ + 0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, -0.09400730406176475], {2, + 6} -> Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, + 0.1668433676200188], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 8} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], { + 2, 9} -> Complex[ + 0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], {2, 11} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, 12} -> Complex[ - 0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {3, 13} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, -0.05145411756901592], {3, - 14} -> Complex[-0.08996062722681389, \ --0.04963088270675587], {3, 15} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {3, + 0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, 13} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 15} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, 0.06896354235277449], {2, 16} -> Complex[ - 0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {3, 17} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], {3, 18} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {3, - 19} -> Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], { - 3, 20} -> Complex[ - 0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {3, 21} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {3, + 0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, 17} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, 0.06896354235277449], {2, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, 19} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 21} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, 22} -> Complex[ - 0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {3, 23} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, -0.05145411756901592], {3, - 24} -> Complex[-0.08996062722681389, \ --0.04963088270675587], {3, 25} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {3, - 26} -> Complex[ - 0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {3, 27} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], {3, - 28} -> Complex[-0.2521578356402413, - 0.01333219816254436], {3, 29} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, 0.2062898932256956], {3, - 30} -> Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, \ --0.2690120226571733], {3, 31} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, 0.30182786908398773`], {3, - 32} -> Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, \ --0.08045040304054488], {3, 33} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, -0.03308934997069378], {3, - 34} -> Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {3, 35} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, -0.10568804847511024`], {3, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.13232155584348976`, 0.2865643065030182], {4, 5} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {4, + 0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, 23} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, + 24} -> Complex[0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], { + 2, 25} -> Complex[ + 0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 26} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], { + 2, 27} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, -0.09400730406176475], {2, + 28} -> Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, + 0.1668433676200188], {2, 29} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, -0.16136872833117036`], {2, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, 31} -> + 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {3, 6} -> Complex[ - 0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {4, 7} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {4, - 8} -> Complex[-0.07400883501291561, \ --0.04266786697540802], {4, 9} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {4, - 10} -> Complex[-0.09116148563358083, \ --0.08672925004639812], {4, 11} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, 0.12060096224364471`], {4, + 0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {3, + 8} -> Complex[ + 0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {3, 9} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, -0.11263382211139406`], {3, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {3, 11} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {3, 12} -> Complex[ - 0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {4, 13} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {4, - 14} -> Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, - 0.11027596484454191`], {4, 15} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], { - 4, 16} -> Complex[ - 0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {4, 17} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, -0.08845876363140671], {4, - 18} -> Complex[-0.1606002091580235, \ --0.04277649306205672], {4, 19} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, -0.08845876363140671], {4, - 20} -> Complex[-0.1606002091580235, \ --0.04277649306205672], {4, 21} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], { - 4, 22} -> Complex[ - 0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {4, 23} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {4, - 24} -> Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, - 0.11027596484454191`], {4, 25} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, 0.12060096224364471`], {4, + 0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {3, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {3, 15} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {3, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {3, 17} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {3, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {3, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {3, 21} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {3, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {3, 23} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, -0.11263382211139406`], {3, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {3, 25} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {3, 26} -> Complex[ - 0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {4, 27} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {4, - 28} -> Complex[-0.09116148563358083, \ --0.08672925004639812], {4, 29} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {4, - 30} -> Complex[-0.07400883501291561, \ --0.04266786697540802], {4, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {4, + 0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {3, 27} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {3, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, 29} -> + Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, 0.0014004115937454042`], { + 3, 30} -> Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {3, 31} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, 0.0990678397300458], {3, 32} -> Complex[ - 0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {4, 33} -> - Complex[0.49636369297926336`, 0.], {4, 34} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, 0.03308934997069378], {4, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.35814065944152734`, 0.08293748621875244], {4, 36} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, -0.2915805668549216], {5, - 6} -> Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {5, 7} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, -0.1398945044720049], {5, - 8} -> Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, - 0.18050668434763023`], {5, 9} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {5, - 10} -> Complex[ - 0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {5, 11} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, 0.03247283136099954], {5, - 12} -> Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, - 0.24585233281751626`], {5, 13} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], {5, 14} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {5, - 15} -> Complex[ - 0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {5, 16} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {5, - 17} -> Complex[-0.0863909413535702, \ --0.18155756040588286`], {5, 18} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {5, - 19} -> Complex[-0.0863909413535702, \ --0.18155756040588286`], {5, 20} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {5, + 0.15997502039138747`, 0.45412395229305985`], {4, 5} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, + 6} -> Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], { + 4, 7} -> Complex[-0.3396867137428587, + 0.13646163767421743`], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {4, + 9} -> Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], { + 4, 10} -> Complex[ + 0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {4, + 12} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {4, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {4, + 15} -> Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, \ +-0.03544251396822046], {4, 16} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {4, + 17} -> Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, \ +-0.03544251396822046], {4, 18} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {4, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {4, 20} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {4, 21} -> Complex[ - 0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {5, 22} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {5, - 23} -> Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], { - 5, 24} -> Complex[ - 0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {5, 25} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, 0.03247283136099954], {5, - 26} -> Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, - 0.24585233281751626`], {5, 27} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {5, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {5, 29} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, -0.1398945044720049], {5, - 30} -> Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, - 0.18050668434763023`], {5, 31} -> - Complex[0.05957085045120364, -0.0686364172150267], {5, - 32} -> Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {5, 33} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, 0.07846271521707039], {5, - 34} -> Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, - 0.08045040304054488], {5, 35} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, -0.20164942303248495`], {5, - 36} -> Complex[-0.0838892214676934, \ --0.35906971113552444`], {6, 7} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], {6, 8} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {6, - 9} -> Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, - 0.2594729794590618], {6, 10} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {6, + 0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {4, 22} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {4, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], {4, 24} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {4, + 25} -> Complex[-0.3396867137428587, + 0.13646163767421743`], {4, 26} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {4, + 27} -> Complex[-0.05442442802981293, \ +-0.14858688449114604`], {4, 28} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], {4, + 29} -> Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {4, 30} -> + Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, -0.0014004115937454042`], { + 4, 31} -> Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, + 0.16136872833117036`], {4, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, -0.23954012515618292`], {5, + 6} -> Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {5, + 8} -> Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, + 0.45619687405618636`], {5, 9} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, -0.04387994353782962], {5, + 10} -> Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, + 0.04912752076041336], {5, 11} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {5, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {5, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {5, 16} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, 0.2479052297980392], {5, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {5, 18} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, 0.2479052297980392], {5, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {5, 20} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {5, + 21} -> Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], { + 5, 22} -> Complex[ + 0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {5, 23} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, -0.04387994353782962], {5, + 24} -> Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, + 0.04912752076041336], {5, 25} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {5, + 26} -> Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, + 0.45619687405618636`], {5, 27} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, 0.22179319605394876`], {5, + 28} -> Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {5, 29} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], {5, 30} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {5, + 31} -> Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, \ +-0.1668433676200188], {5, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, 0.4821278045577343], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, -0.12484288796949913`], {6, + 8} -> Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], { + 6, 9} -> Complex[-0.05062234940479168, + 0.059412074076411546`], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, 0.09437594864128791], {6, 11} -> Complex[ - 0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {6, 12} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, 0.034035129192128775`], {6, + 0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {6, 13} -> Complex[ - 0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {6, 14} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, -0.054766912594803374`], {6, - 15} -> Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, \ --0.2023899803882464], {6, 16} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {6, - 17} -> Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], { - 6, 18} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {6, - 19} -> Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], { - 6, 20} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {6, - 21} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, -0.2023899803882464], {6, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {6, 23} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {6, - 24} -> Complex[-0.1091396557759862, \ --0.054766912594803374`], {6, 25} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {6, - 26} -> Complex[-0.05197448003562596, - 0.034035129192128775`], {6, 27} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, 0.2594729794590618], {6, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {6, 29} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], {6, - 30} -> Complex[-0.06282282822605365, - 0.17443733981734005`], {6, 31} -> - Complex[0.5058138015078811, 0.], {6, 32} -> - Complex[0.05957085045120364, 0.0686364172150267], {6, 33} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, 0.10280421447880453`], {6, - 34} -> Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, \ --0.30182786908398773`], {6, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, -0.03825515355084523], {6, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], {7, 8} -> - Complex[0.3480244926609176, 0.], {7, 9} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {7, - 10} -> Complex[ - 0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {7, 11} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {7, - 12} -> Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {7, - 13} -> Complex[ - 0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {7, 14} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {7, - 15} -> Complex[-0.02849651545902821, - 0.13038883546342855`], {7, 16} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, 0.025091517498334166`], {7, - 17} -> Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, - 0.11085568682814102`], {7, 18} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {7, - 19} -> Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, - 0.11085568682814102`], {7, 20} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {7, - 21} -> Complex[-0.02849651545902821, - 0.13038883546342855`], {7, 22} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, 0.025091517498334166`], {7, - 23} -> Complex[ - 0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {7, 24} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {7, - 25} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {7, - 26} -> Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {7, - 27} -> Complex[ - 0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {7, 28} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {7, - 29} -> Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, \ --0.1534965717731505], {7, 30} -> Complex[0.3480244926609176, 0.], {7, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, -0.17443733981734005`], {7, - 32} -> Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, \ --0.18050668434763023`], {7, 33} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, 0.04266786697540802], {7, - 34} -> Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, - 0.2690120226571733], {7, 35} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, 0.2799821244558118], {7, - 36} -> Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, - 0.08613557464795678], {8, 9} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {8, - 10} -> Complex[ - 0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {8, 11} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {8, - 12} -> Complex[-0.09078438719781487, \ --0.08387695970470208], {8, 13} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, 0.11992171449363792`], {8, + 0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {6, 14} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {6, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {6, 16} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {6, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {6, 18} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {6, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {6, 20} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {6, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {6, 22} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {6, + 23} -> Complex[-0.05062234940479168, + 0.059412074076411546`], {6, 24} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, 0.09437594864128791], {6, + 25} -> Complex[-0.04788255890923551, \ +-0.12484288796949913`], {6, 26} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], {6, + 27} -> Complex[0.20263910536773755`, 0.], {6, 28} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, -0.22179319605394876`], {6, + 29} -> Complex[-0.05442442802981293, + 0.14858688449114604`], {6, 30} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {6, + 31} -> Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, + 0.09400730406176475], {6, 32} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, 0.19241450807239194`], {7, + 8} -> Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {7, + 10} -> Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], { + 7, 11} -> Complex[ + 0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], { + 7, 13} -> Complex[ + 0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {7, 14} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {7, + 15} -> Complex[-0.06038101273760845, \ +-0.13919179950515956`], {7, 16} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {7, + 17} -> Complex[-0.06038101273760845, \ +-0.13919179950515956`], {7, 18} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {7, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {7, 20} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {7, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {7, 22} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], { + 7, 23} -> Complex[-0.07482735080148525, + 0.01554709808796357], {7, 24} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], {7, 25} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, -0.19937008578078047`], {7, + 26} -> Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {7, 27} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {7, + 28} -> Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, \ +-0.45619687405618636`], {7, 29} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {7, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {7, 31} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], {7, + 32} -> Complex[ + 0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {8, 9} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {8, + 10} -> Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, + 0.035808072295513985`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {8, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {8, 14} -> Complex[ - 0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {8, 15} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {8, - 16} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, \ --0.18394307455842968`], {8, 17} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {8, - 18} -> Complex[-0.3429240772478055, - 0.12113458402956634`], {8, 19} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {8, - 20} -> Complex[-0.3429240772478055, - 0.12113458402956634`], {8, 21} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {8, - 22} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, -0.18394307455842968`], {8, - 23} -> Complex[-0.03694461851812731, - 0.11992171449363792`], {8, 24} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {8, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {8, 26} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, -0.08387695970470208], {8, - 27} -> Complex[ - 0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {8, 28} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {8, - 29} -> Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {8, 30} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, 0.1534965717731505], {8, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.11313471290638971`, -0.0906083646195344], {8, 32} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, 0.1398945044720049], {8, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.09671382069915349, -0.31356085339344003`], {8, 34} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, -0.2062898932256956], {8, - 35} -> Complex[-0.006051982269297387, - 0.008414767951100507], {8, 36} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, -0.06573453711443833], {9, - 10} -> Complex[0.33314595779251727`, 0.], {9, 11} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], {9, - 12} -> Complex[ - 0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {9, 13} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {9, - 14} -> Complex[-0.09249860156321268, \ --0.12601316051490963`], {9, 15} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {9, - 16} -> Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, \ --0.08944943686956167], {9, 17} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, -0.04516801561911384], {9, - 18} -> Complex[-0.09261261877802832, \ --0.1270548580331935], {9, 19} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, -0.04516801561911384], {9, - 20} -> Complex[-0.09261261877802832, \ --0.1270548580331935], {9, 21} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {9, - 22} -> Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, \ --0.08944943686956167], {9, 23} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {9, - 24} -> Complex[-0.09249860156321268, \ --0.12601316051490963`], {9, 25} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], {9, - 26} -> Complex[ - 0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {9, 27} -> - Complex[0.10214442350629199`, 0.026260413784740505`], {9, - 28} -> Complex[0.33314595779251727`, 0.], {9, 29} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, 0.009826517437731715], {9, + 0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {8, + 16} -> Complex[-0.1855462901651881, + 0.08953347157789894], {8, 17} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {8, + 18} -> Complex[-0.1855462901651881, + 0.08953347157789894], {8, 19} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {8, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {8, 21} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {8, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {8, 23} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {8, + 24} -> Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, + 0.035808072295513985`], {8, 25} -> + Complex[0.5333747400652373, 0.], {8, 26} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, 0.19937008578078047`], {8, + 27} -> Complex[-0.04788255890923551, + 0.12484288796949913`], {8, 28} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {8, + 29} -> Complex[-0.3396867137428587, \ +-0.13646163767421743`], {8, 30} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {8, + 31} -> Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], { + 8, 32} -> Complex[-0.2128973260243628, + 0.2803118968875541], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {9, + 12} -> Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, \ +-0.13747106056552227`], {9, 13} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], {9, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, 0.014151525468183115`], {9, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {9, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, 0.014151525468183115`], {9, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {9, 19} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], {9, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {9, 21} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {9, + 22} -> Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, \ +-0.13747106056552227`], {9, 23} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, -0.05916418261795878], {9, + 24} -> Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {9, 25} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], { + 9, 26} -> Complex[ + 0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {9, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, -0.09437594864128791], {9, + 28} -> Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, \ +-0.04912752076041336], {9, 29} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {9, 30} -> Complex[ - 0.22196866627101539`, 0.20220472842758744`], {9, 31} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, -0.12440237009032867`], {9, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.05541102122851009, -0.15479143125784764`], {9, 33} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, 0.08672925004639812], {9, - 34} -> Complex[-0.2521578356402413, \ --0.01333219816254436], {9, 35} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, 0.03036622844279574], {9, - 36} -> Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], \ -{10, 11} -> Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, 0.07147202526604769], {10, 12} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, 0.1342165202528226], {10, - 13} -> Complex[ - 0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {10, 14} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], {10, 15} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, 0.23052958058187878`], {10, - 16} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], { + 0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {9, 31} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], {9, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {10, + 11} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {10, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {10, 13} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], { + 10, 14} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, 0.07905444855796712], {10, + 15} -> Complex[-0.04860629109081113, + 0.04246480370392383], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, -0.026330641239406972`], { 10, 17} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {10, - 18} -> Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, - 0.1963794168890443], {10, 19} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {10, - 20} -> Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, - 0.1963794168890443], {10, 21} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, 0.23052958058187878`], {10, - 22} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], { - 10, 23} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {10, - 24} -> Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], { - 10, 25} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, 0.07147202526604769], {10, - 26} -> Complex[-0.002703366170010074, - 0.1342165202528226], {10, 27} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {10, 28} -> - Complex[0.10214442350629199`, -0.026260413784740505`], { - 10, 29} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {10, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {10, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, -0.2594729794590618], {10, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.10082205206266875`, -0.054783259519745345`], {10, 33} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, -0.22507239863090805`], {10, - 34} -> Complex[-0.2841944960267362, - 0.0881056163125139], {10, 35} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, -0.07667698906457968], {10, - 36} -> Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, \ --0.154590481023119], {11, 12} -> Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {11, 13} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, -0.229189990199907], {11, - 14} -> Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, \ --0.06407563305713601], {11, 15} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {11, - 16} -> Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, - 0.06148505498780174], {11, 17} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, 0.15781559429956118`], {11, - 18} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {11, - 19} -> Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, - 0.15781559429956118`], {11, 20} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {11, - 21} -> Complex[ - 0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {11, 22} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, 0.06148505498780174], {11, - 23} -> Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, \ --0.229189990199907], {11, 24} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, -0.06407563305713601], {11, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.03589005743520234, -0.010244248183710654`], {11, 26} -> - Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {11, 27} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, -0.1342165202528226], {11, + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, 0.04246480370392383], {10, + 18} -> Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, \ +-0.026330641239406972`], {10, 19} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], { + 10, 20} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, 0.07905444855796712], {10, + 21} -> Complex[-0.08930473416931554, \ +-0.007048096041707605], {10, 22} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {10, + 23} -> Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {10, 24} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, 0.05916418261795878], {10, + 25} -> Complex[ + 0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {10, 26} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, -0.01554709808796357], {10, + 27} -> Complex[-0.05062234940479168, \ +-0.059412074076411546`], {10, 28} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {10, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {10, 30} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, 0.11263382211139406`], {10, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {10, 32} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, -0.13038007028245235`], {11, + 12} -> Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {11, + 14} -> Complex[-0.03666874742079528, + 0.07798472902890301], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {11, + 16} -> Complex[-0.07116526154293495, + 0.12925982418550483`], {11, 17} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {11, + 18} -> Complex[-0.07116526154293495, + 0.12925982418550483`], {11, 19} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {11, + 20} -> Complex[-0.03666874742079528, + 0.07798472902890301], {11, 21} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, 0.13067968221082676`], { + 11, 22} -> Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {11, 23} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {11, + 24} -> Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, + 0.13747106056552227`], {11, 25} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], { + 11, 26} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], { + 11, 27} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {11, 28} -> Complex[ - 0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {11, 29} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {11, - 30} -> Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], { - 11, 31} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, -0.034035129192128775`], { - 11, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], { - 11, 33} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {11, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {11, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {11, - 36} -> Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, - 0.15967643343543628`], {12, 13} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {12, - 14} -> Complex[-0.005254583355195047, \ --0.07911629825938535], {12, 15} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {12, - 16} -> Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, \ --0.02799549139813756], {12, 17} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {12, - 18} -> Complex[ - 0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {12, 19} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {12, - 20} -> Complex[ - 0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {12, 21} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {12, - 22} -> Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, \ --0.02799549139813756], {12, 23} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {12, - 24} -> Complex[-0.005254583355195047, \ --0.07911629825938535], {12, 25} -> - Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {12, 26} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, 0.010244248183710654`], {12, - 27} -> Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, \ --0.07147202526604769], {12, 28} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {12, - 29} -> Complex[ - 0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {12, 30} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, 0.06080711260518379], {12, - 31} -> Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], { - 12, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, -0.03247283136099954], {12, - 33} -> Complex[-0.07901145315910152, \ --0.12060096224364471`], {12, 34} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {12, - 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {12, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {13, 14} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {13, 15} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {13, - 16} -> Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, \ --0.00875520102328074], {13, 17} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], { - 13, 18} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {13, - 19} -> Complex[ - 0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], {13, 20} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {13, - 21} -> Complex[ - 0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {13, 22} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, -0.00875520102328074], { - 13, 23} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, 0.09262495833114717], {13, - 24} -> Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {13, 25} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, 0.07911629825938535], {13, - 26} -> Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, - 0.06407563305713601], {13, 27} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], {13, - 28} -> Complex[-0.09249860156321268, - 0.12601316051490963`], {13, 29} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], { - 13, 30} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {13, - 31} -> Complex[-0.1091396557759862, - 0.054766912594803374`], {13, 32} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {13, - 33} -> Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, \ --0.11027596484454191`], {13, 34} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {13, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], {13, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {14, - 15} -> Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, - 0.12231882955045151`], {14, 16} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {14, - 17} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, -0.18913477597107048`], { - 14, 18} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {14, - 19} -> Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, \ --0.18913477597107048`], {14, 20} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {14, - 21} -> Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, - 0.12231882955045151`], {14, 22} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {14, - 23} -> Complex[0.35279363941541053`, 0.], {14, 24} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, -0.09262495833114717], {14, - 25} -> Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], { - 14, 26} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, 0.229189990199907], {14, + 0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {11, 29} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, 0.0007900461969849934], {11, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {11, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {11, + 32} -> Complex[-0.1353776277549702, + 0.09474310902835915], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], {12, + 14} -> Complex[-0.07986138310064092, \ +-0.05490753841460036], {12, 15} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], { + 12, 16} -> Complex[ + 0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {12, 17} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], { + 12, 18} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {12, + 19} -> Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], { + 12, 20} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, -0.05490753841460036], {12, + 21} -> Complex[0.288790430194917, 0.], {12, 22} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, -0.13067968221082676`], { + 12, 23} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, 0.007048096041707605], {12, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {12, 25} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], { + 12, 26} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {12, 27} -> Complex[ - 0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {14, 28} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {14, - 29} -> Complex[-0.03694461851812731, \ --0.11992171449363792`], {14, 30} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {14, + 0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {12, 28} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], {12, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {12, 30} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {12, 31} -> Complex[ - 0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {14, 32} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {14, - 33} -> Complex[-0.06287334385176857, - 0.039875195608224154`], {14, 34} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, 0.05145411756901592], {14, - 35} -> Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, \ --0.22696868263028766`], {14, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], { - 15, 16} -> Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {15, 17} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {15, + 0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {12, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {13, + 14} -> Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, 17} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, 18} -> Complex[ - 0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {15, 19} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {15, - 20} -> Complex[ - 0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {15, 21} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, -0.11355320674819902`], { - 15, 22} -> Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {15, 23} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {15, - 24} -> Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, - 0.00875520102328074], {15, 25} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, 0.02799549139813756], {15, - 26} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {15, - 27} -> Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, - 0.21978330419104863`], {15, 28} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, 0.08944943686956167], {15, - 29} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, - 0.18394307455842968`], {15, 30} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {15, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {15, 32} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, 0.08042658142468531], {15, - 33} -> Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], { - 15, 34} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {15, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {15, 36} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {16, - 17} -> Complex[ - 0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {16, 18} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {16, - 19} -> Complex[ - 0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {16, 20} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {16, - 21} -> Complex[0.349552824256183, 0.], {16, 22} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, 0.11355320674819902`], { - 16, 23} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], { - 16, 24} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {16, - 25} -> Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], { - 16, 26} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {16, - 27} -> Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, \ --0.23052958058187878`], {16, 28} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, 0.05577367679001426], {16, - 29} -> Complex[-0.3170629158392618, \ --0.07863950467973177], {16, 30} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {16, - 31} -> Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, - 0.2023899803882464], {16, 32} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {16, - 33} -> Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, - 0.010763626429992096`], {16, 34} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {16, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {16, 36} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {17, - 18} -> Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {17, 19} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, 0.02423539675981027], {17, - 20} -> Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {17, 21} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {17, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {17, 23} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {17, + 0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, -0.0383011718065015], {13, + 20} -> Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {13, + 22} -> Complex[-0.03666874742079528, \ +-0.07798472902890301], {13, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, -0.07905444855796712], {13, 24} -> Complex[ - 0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {17, 25} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {17, - 26} -> Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, - 0.1016185353576046], {17, 27} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, -0.1963794168890443], {17, - 28} -> Complex[-0.09261261877802832, - 0.1270548580331935], {17, 29} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {17, - 30} -> Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, \ --0.0475059953974924], {17, 31} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, 0.17856311543581216`], {17, + 0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {13, 25} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {13, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {13, 27} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {13, + 28} -> Complex[-0.1475728871036449, + 0.14922079251460418`], {13, 29} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {13, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], {13, 31} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {13, + 32} -> Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, + 0.22986188863366275`], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 17} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.29582940176126815`, 0.], {14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, 0.0383011718065015], {14, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {14, 22} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {14, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {14, 24} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, 0.14328868692391553`], {14, + 25} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], { + 14, 26} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {14, + 27} -> Complex[ + 0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {14, 28} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {14, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {14, 30} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, -0.004668871253339259], { + 14, 31} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, 0.32277555558099397`], {14, 32} -> Complex[ - 0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {17, 33} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, 0.04277649306205672], {17, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {17, 35} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {17, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {18, 19} -> - Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {18, 20} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, -0.02423539675981027], {18, + 0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {15, 16} -> + Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, -0.10986947258054452`], {15, + 18} -> Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {15, 19} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {15, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {15, 21} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {15, + 22} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {15, + 23} -> Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, + 0.026330641239406972`], {15, 24} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {15, + 25} -> Complex[-0.1855462901651881, \ +-0.08953347157789894], {15, 26} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {15, + 27} -> Complex[ + 0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {15, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {15, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {15, 30} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {15, + 31} -> Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], { + 15, 32} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {16, + 17} -> Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, 0.10986947258054452`], {16, + 19} -> Complex[-0.08476806338113038, + 0.11473204575369803`], {16, 20} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {16, 21} -> Complex[ - 0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {18, 22} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {18, - 23} -> Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, - 0.18913477597107048`], {18, 24} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], { - 18, 25} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {18, - 26} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], { - 18, 27} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, 0.09375100770632477], {18, - 28} -> Complex[-0.1350116019726202, - 0.04516801561911384], {18, 29} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {18, - 30} -> Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, \ --0.11085568682814102`], {18, 31} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], {18, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {18, - 33} -> Complex[-0.1355879777222275, - 0.08845876363140671], {18, 34} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {18, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {18, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {19, - 20} -> Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {19, 21} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {19, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {19, 23} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {19, + 0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], {16, 22} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {16, + 23} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {16, + 24} -> Complex[-0.07538887957770507, \ +-0.014151525468183115`], {16, 25} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {16, + 26} -> Complex[-0.06038101273760845, + 0.13919179950515956`], {16, 27} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {16, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {16, 29} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, 0.03544251396822046], {16, + 30} -> Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], { + 16, 31} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], {16, + 32} -> Complex[-0.0749459256389439, + 0.2284108346745835], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {17, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {17, 21} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {17, + 22} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {17, + 23} -> Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, + 0.026330641239406972`], {17, 24} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {17, + 25} -> Complex[-0.1855462901651881, \ +-0.08953347157789894], {17, 26} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {17, + 27} -> Complex[ + 0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {17, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {17, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {17, 30} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {17, + 31} -> Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], { + 17, 32} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {18, + 19} -> Complex[-0.08476806338113038, + 0.11473204575369803`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {18, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], {18, 22} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {18, + 23} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {18, + 24} -> Complex[-0.07538887957770507, \ +-0.014151525468183115`], {18, 25} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {18, + 26} -> Complex[-0.06038101273760845, + 0.13919179950515956`], {18, 27} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {18, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {18, 29} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, 0.03544251396822046], {18, + 30} -> Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], { + 18, 31} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], {18, + 32} -> Complex[-0.0749459256389439, + 0.2284108346745835], {19, 20} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {19, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {19, + 22} -> Complex[-0.03666874742079528, \ +-0.07798472902890301], {19, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, -0.07905444855796712], {19, 24} -> Complex[ - 0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {19, 25} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {19, - 26} -> Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, - 0.1016185353576046], {19, 27} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, -0.1963794168890443], {19, - 28} -> Complex[-0.09261261877802832, - 0.1270548580331935], {19, 29} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {19, - 30} -> Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, \ --0.0475059953974924], {19, 31} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, 0.17856311543581216`], {19, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {19, 33} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, 0.04277649306205672], {19, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {19, 35} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {19, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {20, 21} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {20, + 0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {19, 25} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {19, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {19, 27} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {19, + 28} -> Complex[-0.1475728871036449, + 0.14922079251460418`], {19, 29} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {19, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], {19, 31} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {19, + 32} -> Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, + 0.22986188863366275`], {20, 21} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {20, 22} -> Complex[ - 0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {20, 23} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, 0.18913477597107048`], {20, - 24} -> Complex[ - 0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], {20, 25} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {20, - 26} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], { - 20, 27} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, 0.09375100770632477], {20, - 28} -> Complex[-0.1350116019726202, - 0.04516801561911384], {20, 29} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {20, - 30} -> Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, \ --0.11085568682814102`], {20, 31} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], {20, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {20, - 33} -> Complex[-0.1355879777222275, - 0.08845876363140671], {20, 34} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {20, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {20, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {21, - 22} -> Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {21, 23} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {21, - 24} -> Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, - 0.00875520102328074], {21, 25} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, 0.02799549139813756], {21, - 26} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {21, - 27} -> Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, - 0.21978330419104863`], {21, 28} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, 0.08944943686956167], {21, - 29} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, - 0.18394307455842968`], {21, 30} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {21, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {21, 32} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, 0.08042658142468531], {21, - 33} -> Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], { - 21, 34} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {21, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {21, 36} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {22, - 23} -> Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, \ --0.12231882955045151`], {22, 24} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {22, - 25} -> Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], { + 0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {20, 23} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {20, + 24} -> Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, + 0.14328868692391553`], {20, 25} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], { + 20, 26} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {20, + 27} -> Complex[ + 0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {20, 28} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {20, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {20, 30} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, -0.004668871253339259], { + 20, 31} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, 0.32277555558099397`], {20, + 32} -> Complex[ + 0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {21, 22} -> + Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {21, 23} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {21, + 24} -> Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, + 0.13747106056552227`], {21, 25} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], { + 21, 26} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], { + 21, 27} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {21, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {21, 29} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, 0.0007900461969849934], {21, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {21, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {21, + 32} -> Complex[-0.1353776277549702, + 0.09474310902835915], {22, 23} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, 0.007048096041707605], {22, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {22, 25} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], { 22, 26} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {22, - 27} -> Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, \ --0.23052958058187878`], {22, 28} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, 0.05577367679001426], {22, - 29} -> Complex[-0.3170629158392618, \ --0.07863950467973177], {22, 30} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {22, - 31} -> Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, - 0.2023899803882464], {22, 32} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {22, - 33} -> Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, - 0.010763626429992096`], {22, 34} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {22, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {22, 36} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {23, - 24} -> Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {23, 25} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, 0.07911629825938535], {23, - 26} -> Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, - 0.06407563305713601], {23, 27} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], {23, - 28} -> Complex[-0.09249860156321268, - 0.12601316051490963`], {23, 29} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], { - 23, 30} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {23, - 31} -> Complex[-0.1091396557759862, - 0.054766912594803374`], {23, 32} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {23, - 33} -> Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, \ --0.11027596484454191`], {23, 34} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {23, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], {23, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {24, - 25} -> Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], { - 24, 26} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, 0.229189990199907], {24, + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {22, 27} -> Complex[ - 0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {24, 28} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {24, - 29} -> Complex[-0.03694461851812731, \ --0.11992171449363792`], {24, 30} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {24, + 0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {22, 28} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], {22, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {22, 30} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {22, 31} -> Complex[ - 0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {24, 32} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {24, - 33} -> Complex[-0.06287334385176857, - 0.039875195608224154`], {24, 34} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, 0.05145411756901592], {24, - 35} -> Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, \ --0.22696868263028766`], {24, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], { - 25, 26} -> Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {25, 27} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, -0.1342165202528226], {25, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {25, 29} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {25, - 30} -> Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], { - 25, 31} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, -0.034035129192128775`], { + 0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {22, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {23, + 24} -> Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {23, 25} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], { + 23, 26} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {23, + 27} -> Complex[-0.05565875071499052, \ +-0.09437594864128791], {23, 28} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, -0.04912752076041336], {23, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {23, 30} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {23, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], {23, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {24, + 25} -> Complex[ + 0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {24, 26} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, -0.01554709808796357], {24, + 27} -> Complex[-0.05062234940479168, \ +-0.059412074076411546`], {24, 28} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {24, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {24, 30} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, 0.11263382211139406`], {24, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {24, 32} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, -0.13038007028245235`], {25, + 26} -> Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {25, 27} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {25, + 28} -> Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, \ +-0.45619687405618636`], {25, 29} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {25, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {25, 31} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], { 25, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], { - 25, 33} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {25, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {25, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {25, - 36} -> Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, - 0.15967643343543628`], {26, 27} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {26, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {26, 29} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {26, - 30} -> Complex[-0.07072413917244547, - 0.06080711260518379], {26, 31} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], {26, - 32} -> Complex[-0.06540345886434173, \ --0.03247283136099954], {26, 33} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, -0.12060096224364471`], {26, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {26, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {26, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {27, 28} -> - Complex[0.33314595779251727`, 0.], {27, 29} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, 0.009826517437731715], {27, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.22196866627101539`, 0.20220472842758744`], {27, 31} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, -0.12440237009032867`], {27, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.05541102122851009, -0.15479143125784764`], {27, 33} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, 0.08672925004639812], {27, - 34} -> Complex[-0.2521578356402413, \ --0.01333219816254436], {27, 35} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, 0.03036622844279574], {27, - 36} -> Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], \ -{28, 29} -> Complex[0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {28, 30} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {28, - 31} -> Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, \ --0.2594729794590618], {28, 32} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, -0.054783259519745345`], { - 28, 33} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, -0.22507239863090805`], {28, - 34} -> Complex[-0.2841944960267362, - 0.0881056163125139], {28, 35} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, -0.07667698906457968], {28, - 36} -> Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, \ --0.154590481023119], {29, 30} -> Complex[0.3480244926609176, 0.], {29, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, -0.17443733981734005`], {29, + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {26, + 27} -> Complex[-0.04788255890923551, + 0.12484288796949913`], {26, 28} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {26, + 29} -> Complex[-0.3396867137428587, \ +-0.13646163767421743`], {26, 30} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {26, + 31} -> Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], { + 26, 32} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, 0.2803118968875541], {27, + 28} -> Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {27, 29} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], {27, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {27, 31} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, -0.1668433676200188], {27, + 32} -> Complex[-0.09765512477307971, + 0.4821278045577343], {28, 29} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, 0.14858688449114604`], {28, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {28, 31} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, 0.09400730406176475], {28, + 32} -> Complex[ + 0.13546634634545274`, 0.19241450807239194`], {29, 30} -> + Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {29, 31} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, 0.0990678397300458], {29, + 32} -> Complex[ + 0.15997502039138747`, 0.45412395229305985`], {30, 31} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, 0.16136872833117036`], {30, 32} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, -0.18050668434763023`], { - 29, 33} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, 0.04266786697540802], {29, - 34} -> Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, - 0.2690120226571733], {29, 35} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, 0.2799821244558118], {29, - 36} -> Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, - 0.08613557464795678], {30, 31} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, -0.0906083646195344], {30, - 32} -> Complex[-0.08951618372581999, - 0.1398945044720049], {30, 33} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, -0.31356085339344003`], {30, - 34} -> Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, \ --0.2062898932256956], {30, 35} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, 0.008414767951100507], {30, - 36} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, -0.06573453711443833], {31, - 32} -> Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {31, 33} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, 0.07846271521707039], {31, - 34} -> Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, - 0.08045040304054488], {31, 35} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, -0.20164942303248495`], {31, - 36} -> Complex[-0.0838892214676934, \ --0.35906971113552444`], {32, 33} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, 0.10280421447880453`], {32, - 34} -> Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, \ --0.30182786908398773`], {32, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, -0.03825515355084523], {32, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], {33, 34} -> - Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {33, 35} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, -0.10568804847511024`], {33, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.13232155584348976`, 0.2865643065030182], {34, 35} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, 0.08293748621875244], {34, - 36} -> Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, \ --0.2915805668549216]}, + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, -0.23954012515618292`]}, Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, - GridBoxAlignment -> { - "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> - False, GridBoxItemSize -> { - "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, - GridBoxSpacings -> { - "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, - BaseStyle -> { - ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, - PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, - GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, - AutoDelete -> False, - GridBoxItemSize -> { - "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, - 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$CellContext`c[3, 4, 0], - $CellContext`c[2, 1, 0], - $CellContext`c[2, 1, 1], - $CellContext`c[1, 1, 1], - $CellContext`c[1, 3, 1]}, {{ - SparseArray[ - Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { - 1, {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, 1}}], - SparseArray[ - Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, {1, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {}}, {}}]}, {{{ - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, -0.10568804847511024`], - Complex[0.1841226407340772, 0.4644210067398907], - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, 0.2865643065030182], - Complex[0.04989518370504925, -0.18665208741165829`]}, { - Complex[-0.2177440230289007, 0.19081348483555569`], - Complex[0.2579619114268801, -0.07956430972969844], - Complex[-0.3105268134665331, -0.20603018117982785`], - Complex[-0.1190848809050218, -0.3121294018319221]}, { - Complex[-0.1492970958932202, 0.18621214262544897`], - Complex[0.0028551242050466386`, 0.15806174472013146`], - Complex[-0.07639682255932793, -0.13170825775245318`], - Complex[0.11748703732415075`, -0.08868051144124744]}, { - Complex[-0.314046719422647, -0.2896009262756371], - Complex[0.2256455237168773, 0.24689970637134065`], - Complex[-0.2178460929220627, 0.37230336936926456`], - Complex[0.01794957121250989, -0.06488431142349256]}}, {{ - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], - Complex[0.10464123961533933`, -0.15710677492865316`], - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, 0.2915805668549216], - Complex[-0.2732979855809666, 0.2577342807755634]}, { - Complex[-0.21612918655667462`, -0.00007950670131708311], - Complex[0.27185079204316426`, 0.1983952489611899], - Complex[-0.21337700481469163`, 0.5203562156790007], - Complex[-0.2129024022219681, -0.26686792187215175`]}, { - Complex[-0.015328979150833599`, -0.5166959703163483], - Complex[0.6154724640910653, -0.03185325872871505], - Complex[0.18302390131733287`, -0.35648412824160725`], - Complex[-0.03380281839098211, 0.2538518689132732]}, { - Complex[0.18084522856674318`, 0.002625084584484758], - Complex[0.07434022418627342, -0.2690671535290815], - Complex[0.26968328995478974`, -0.1038082384589159], - Complex[0.11672502257641577`, -0.5543160345567598]}}}, {{{ - Complex[-0.2588313163882107, -0.19488321206657472`], - Complex[-0.0393808388445982, 0.32793438752387605`], - Complex[-0.30520851173085295`, -0.20007075118246914`], - Complex[-0.0404067289477924, -0.2229268705522598]}, { - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, 0.03036622844279574], - Complex[0.012112518418208193`, -0.05416378896341312], - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], - Complex[0.10266251001861575`, -0.0419772622835155]}, { - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, 0.008414767951100507], - Complex[0.2621030911152236, -0.3890006163543744], - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, -0.06573453711443833], - Complex[-0.4408538494592626, 0.29220671877963955`]}, { - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, -0.03825515355084523], - Complex[0.42758138363477327`, -0.32132395556573284`], - Complex[0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], - Complex[0.27665696943595475`, -0.03008858541069303]}}, {{ - Complex[0.40871523016801836`, -0.3914161992146915], - Complex[0.13349318441649863`, 0.20795982040001967`], - Complex[-0.06763809937190401, 0.013232629169555005`], - Complex[-0.16643607446992745`, 0.04647603925314831]}, { - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, 0.07667698906457968], - Complex[-0.21519470881736716`, 0.17637701127028402`], - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, 0.154590481023119], - Complex[-0.35273246360518196`, -0.15796707304273339`]}, { - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], - Complex[-0.16555194244624516`, -0.04194109386058791], - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, -0.08613557464795678], - Complex[0.10332134600574336`, -0.07023148255996145]}, { - Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], - Complex[-0.2554035629956043, 0.013529437056424676`], - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, 0.35906971113552444`], - Complex[0.21991615350662097`, -0.10151011163037268`]}}}, {{{ - Complex[-0.01368758738520967, -0.23777209168407892`], - Complex[0.2503414865217611, -0.15948743107284857`], - Complex[-0.03994232656574391, -0.24068348995883046`], - Complex[-0.34707775670409796`, -0.06311906387645908]}, { - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], - Complex[-0.35604400486853827`, -0.19202003300499665`], - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], - Complex[0.05965686121477262, -0.11934556517969719`]}, { - Complex[0.2918182566849722, -0.1560488150630844], - Complex[-0.3469521645222371, -0.3001778222790187], - Complex[-0.1277481947510152, 0.010521080018301474`], - Complex[-0.06631005352268324, 0.27312236326349937`]}, { - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], - Complex[0.08162611181070703, 0.22402329196233706`], - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, 0.15967643343543628`], - Complex[0.07531904297420958, -0.15272107986304584`]}}, {{ - Complex[0.030629438373976914`, -0.20597933220226664`], - Complex[-0.5034951012109696, -0.1528174905060085], - Complex[-0.27041063956269074`, -0.2522877717519627], - Complex[0.14720351194291928`, -0.08784323112483998]}, { - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], - Complex[-0.2954182539539358, 0.1269226494967629], - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], - Complex[0.04296528508762501, -0.374281368603055]}, { - Complex[-0.19857936937631845`, 0.2914940928923156], - Complex[-0.17786777119229386`, 0.14331417218189915`], - Complex[-0.08146067387371154, 0.3807686961440316], - Complex[0.01833150829266631, 0.07910897096744227]}, { - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], - Complex[0.32247414581811346`, -0.3334374323683452], - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], - Complex[-0.06308093175862647, -0.21862997442732623`]}}}, {{{ - Complex[0.38561520853829834`, -0.0349760127027563], - Complex[-0.12045163122112326`, -0.3073390765981347], - Complex[0.07364742267667151, 0.07039259563873915], - Complex[-0.06352751100469292, 0.023280642382329134`]}, { - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], - Complex[0.16145318386301, -0.17129348602271738`], - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], - Complex[0.12838126863645427`, -0.07650696033991101]}, { - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], - Complex[-0.24028961870410578`, 0.39818339174816486`], - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], - Complex[0.12223400142556862`, 0.02429598116105823]}, { - Complex[-0.32631810220655216`, 0.1492086982359996], - Complex[0.05766080135719996, -0.28235317729215736`], - Complex[-0.0598294552633834, -0.17660297273001005`], - Complex[0.2787005766777592, 0.08610654180035877]}}, {{ - Complex[-0.18027597983706614`, 0.18621633240065366`], - Complex[-0.2509929254124046, -0.22036382183049225`], - Complex[0.03193097321359681, 0.08016164657929792], - Complex[0.10268734577075919`, 0.022457609190944902`]}, { - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], - Complex[-0.3333440582606853, -0.34696015766298627`], - Complex[0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], - Complex[0.16444004482932767`, -0.03354664016459169]}, { - Complex[0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], - Complex[0.08667092556500258, 0.03207772345721513], - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], - Complex[-0.036480142723888234`, 0.2552259542422248]}, { - Complex[-0.13513084937672884`, 0.23193353915499637`], - Complex[-0.1215930846936491, 0.2103034689922707], - Complex[-0.17066899083240678`, 0.30057932892885286`], - Complex[0.002498830620524431, -0.1865032854960023]}}}, {{{ - Complex[0.1602424978888557, 0.12449912442406211`], - Complex[-0.1406613450432752, 0.16506661315729487`], - Complex[0.09661337368178458, 0.3965655903895604], - Complex[0.1747075510358761, 0.030985816041650405`]}, { - Complex[0.06921727495358904, 0.3737638513013193], - Complex[0.037320689344688684`, 0.03813923144433613], - Complex[0.011957248356972806`, 0.28158219249904803`], - Complex[0.20284117494628473`, -0.13542244365159856`]}, { - Complex[-0.1366235958687781, -0.022927244239727723`], - Complex[0.14080589561787266`, 0.30137375364482416`], - Complex[0.1419125191065882, -0.04606132582837804], - Complex[-0.004140301947261497, -0.10446853151827695`]}, { - Complex[-0.26398001434935564`, -0.037127407354014], - Complex[-0.17375731940135264`, 0.12748337551287386`], - Complex[-0.1462103221636279, 0.03719835734241454], - Complex[0.156687825402905, -0.041004228308001364`]}}, {{ - Complex[0.09056376729137025, 0.12903703571192585`], - Complex[0.15975136850429977`, -0.09579661629343296], - Complex[0.22392059548906296`, 0.17384782125675002`], - Complex[-0.11566937328920632`, 0.2036285052616825]}, { - Complex[-0.025874770511720754`, 0.07023555673715301], - Complex[0.40043128429152025`, -0.18119121031046845`], - Complex[0.3523027675575462, 0.048879960142675705`], - Complex[-0.04379726327543235, 0.006708937863314765]}, { - Complex[0.17283905164661448`, -0.34415914729547625`], - Complex[0.1402877745936879, 0.1297917646521906], - Complex[0.11350893278292475`, -0.20421446451923492`], - Complex[0.10296082468490665`, 0.10665556587747226`]}, { - Complex[-0.02434288647371114, 0.2762574156606259], - Complex[0.09870055262426544, -0.038643159461413286`], - Complex[0.15069598693099004`, -0.09534078439632095], - Complex[-0.04554246678213743, -0.2934646843989378]}}}}, - SymmetrizedArray[ - StructuredArray`StructuredData[{36, - 36}, {{{1, 3} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, 0.2915805668549216], {1, 4} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, -0.2865643065030182], {1, 5} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, 0.3254707548282041], {1, 6} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, 0.35906971113552444`], {1, 7} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, 0.06573453711443833], {1, 8} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, -0.08613557464795678], {1, 9} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, 0.154590481023119], {1, 10} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, 0.1809373735116714], {1, 11} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], {1, 12} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, 13} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, 0.18558736962752792`], {1, 14} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, 15} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, 16} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, 17} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, 18} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, 19} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, 20} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, 21} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, 22} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, 23} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, 0.18558736962752792`], {1, 24} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, 25} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], {1, 26} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, 27} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, 0.154590481023119], {1, 28} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, 0.1809373735116714], {1, 29} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, 0.06573453711443833], {1, 30} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, -0.08613557464795678], {1, 31} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, 0.3254707548282041], {1, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, 0.35906971113552444`], {1, 33} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, 0.2915805668549216], {1, 34} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, -0.2865643065030182], {1, 36} -> - 1, {2, 3} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, 4} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, 5} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, 6} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], {2, 7} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, -0.008414767951100507], {2, 8} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, 9} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, 0.07667698906457968], {2, 10} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], {2, 11} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], {2, 12} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, -0.15579730043133583`], {2, 13} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, 14} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 15} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, 16} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 17} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, 18} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, 19} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, 20} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, 21} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, 22} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 23} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, 24} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 25} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], {2, 26} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, -0.15579730043133583`], {2, 27} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, 0.07667698906457968], {2, 28} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], {2, 29} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, -0.008414767951100507], {2, 30} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, 31} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, 32} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], {2, 33} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, 34} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, 35} -> - 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {3, 5} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, 0.30182786908398773`], {3, 6} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, -0.08045040304054488], {3, 7} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, 0.2062898932256956], {3, 8} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, -0.2690120226571733], {3, 9} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], {3, 10} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, 0.01333219816254436], {3, 11} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {3, 12} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {3, 13} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, -0.05145411756901592], {3, 14} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, -0.04963088270675587], {3, 15} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {3, 16} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {3, 17} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], {3, 18} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {3, 19} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], {3, 20} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {3, 21} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {3, 22} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {3, 23} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, -0.05145411756901592], {3, 24} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, -0.04963088270675587], {3, 25} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {3, 26} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {3, 27} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], {3, 28} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, 0.01333219816254436], {3, 29} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, 0.2062898932256956], {3, 30} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, -0.2690120226571733], {3, 31} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, 0.30182786908398773`], {3, 32} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, -0.08045040304054488], {3, 33} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, -0.03308934997069378], {3, 34} -> - Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {3, 35} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, -0.10568804847511024`], {3, 36} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, 0.2865643065030182], {4, 5} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {4, 6} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {4, 7} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {4, 8} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, -0.04266786697540802], {4, 9} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {4, 10} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {4, 11} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, 0.12060096224364471`], {4, 12} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {4, 13} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {4, 14} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, 0.11027596484454191`], {4, 15} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], {4, 16} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {4, 17} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, -0.08845876363140671], {4, 18} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, -0.04277649306205672], {4, 19} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, -0.08845876363140671], {4, 20} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, -0.04277649306205672], {4, 21} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], {4, 22} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {4, 23} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {4, 24} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, 0.11027596484454191`], {4, 25} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, 0.12060096224364471`], {4, 26} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {4, 27} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {4, 28} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {4, 29} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {4, 30} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, -0.04266786697540802], {4, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {4, 32} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {4, 33} -> - Complex[0.49636369297926336`, 0.], {4, 34} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, 0.03308934997069378], {4, 35} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, 0.08293748621875244], {4, 36} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, -0.2915805668549216], {5, 6} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {5, 7} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, -0.1398945044720049], {5, 8} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, 0.18050668434763023`], {5, 9} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {5, 10} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {5, 11} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, 0.03247283136099954], {5, 12} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, 0.24585233281751626`], {5, 13} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], {5, 14} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {5, 15} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {5, 16} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {5, 17} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, -0.18155756040588286`], {5, 18} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {5, 19} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, -0.18155756040588286`], {5, 20} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {5, 21} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {5, 22} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {5, 23} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], {5, 24} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {5, 25} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, 0.03247283136099954], {5, 26} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, 0.24585233281751626`], {5, 27} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {5, 28} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {5, 29} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, -0.1398945044720049], {5, 30} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, 0.18050668434763023`], {5, 31} -> - Complex[0.05957085045120364, -0.0686364172150267], {5, 32} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {5, 33} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, 0.07846271521707039], {5, 34} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, 0.08045040304054488], {5, 35} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, -0.20164942303248495`], {5, 36} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, -0.35906971113552444`], {6, 7} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], {6, 8} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {6, 9} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, 0.2594729794590618], {6, 10} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {6, 11} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {6, 12} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, 0.034035129192128775`], {6, 13} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {6, 14} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, -0.054766912594803374`], {6, 15} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, -0.2023899803882464], {6, 16} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {6, 17} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], {6, 18} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {6, 19} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], {6, 20} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {6, 21} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, -0.2023899803882464], {6, 22} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {6, 23} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {6, 24} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, -0.054766912594803374`], {6, 25} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {6, 26} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, 0.034035129192128775`], {6, 27} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, 0.2594729794590618], {6, 28} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {6, 29} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], {6, 30} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {6, 31} -> - Complex[0.5058138015078811, 0.], {6, 32} -> - Complex[0.05957085045120364, 0.0686364172150267], {6, 33} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, 0.10280421447880453`], {6, 34} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, -0.30182786908398773`], {6, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, -0.03825515355084523], {6, 36} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], {7, 8} -> - Complex[0.3480244926609176, 0.], {7, 9} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {7, 10} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {7, 11} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {7, 12} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {7, 13} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {7, 14} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {7, 15} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, 0.13038883546342855`], {7, 16} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, 0.025091517498334166`], {7, 17} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, 0.11085568682814102`], {7, 18} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {7, 19} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, 0.11085568682814102`], {7, 20} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {7, 21} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, 0.13038883546342855`], {7, 22} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, 0.025091517498334166`], {7, 23} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {7, 24} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {7, 25} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {7, 26} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {7, 27} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {7, 28} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {7, 29} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, -0.1534965717731505], {7, 30} -> - Complex[0.3480244926609176, 0.], {7, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, -0.17443733981734005`], {7, 32} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, -0.18050668434763023`], {7, 33} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, 0.04266786697540802], {7, 34} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, 0.2690120226571733], {7, 35} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, 0.2799821244558118], {7, 36} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, 0.08613557464795678], {8, 9} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {8, 10} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {8, 11} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {8, 12} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, -0.08387695970470208], {8, 13} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, 0.11992171449363792`], {8, 14} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {8, 15} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {8, 16} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, -0.18394307455842968`], {8, 17} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {8, 18} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, 0.12113458402956634`], {8, 19} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {8, 20} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, 0.12113458402956634`], {8, 21} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {8, 22} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, -0.18394307455842968`], {8, 23} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, 0.11992171449363792`], {8, 24} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {8, 25} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {8, 26} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, -0.08387695970470208], {8, 27} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {8, 28} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {8, 29} -> - Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {8, 30} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, 0.1534965717731505], {8, 31} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, -0.0906083646195344], {8, 32} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, 0.1398945044720049], {8, 33} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, -0.31356085339344003`], {8, 34} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, -0.2062898932256956], {8, 35} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, 0.008414767951100507], {8, 36} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, -0.06573453711443833], {9, 10} -> - Complex[0.33314595779251727`, 0.], {9, 11} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], {9, 12} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {9, 13} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {9, 14} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, -0.12601316051490963`], {9, 15} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {9, 16} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {9, 17} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, -0.04516801561911384], {9, 18} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, -0.1270548580331935], {9, 19} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, -0.04516801561911384], {9, 20} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, -0.1270548580331935], {9, 21} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {9, 22} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {9, 23} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {9, 24} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, -0.12601316051490963`], {9, 25} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], {9, 26} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {9, 27} -> - Complex[0.10214442350629199`, 0.026260413784740505`], {9, 28} -> - Complex[0.33314595779251727`, 0.], {9, 29} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, 0.009826517437731715], {9, 30} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, 0.20220472842758744`], {9, 31} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, -0.12440237009032867`], {9, 32} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, -0.15479143125784764`], {9, 33} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, 0.08672925004639812], {9, 34} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, -0.01333219816254436], {9, 35} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, 0.03036622844279574], {9, 36} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], {10, 11} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, 0.07147202526604769], {10, 12} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, 0.1342165202528226], {10, 13} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {10, 14} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], {10, 15} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, 0.23052958058187878`], {10, 16} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], {10, 17} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {10, 18} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, 0.1963794168890443], {10, 19} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {10, 20} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, 0.1963794168890443], {10, 21} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, 0.23052958058187878`], {10, 22} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], {10, 23} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {10, 24} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], {10, 25} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, 0.07147202526604769], {10, 26} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, 0.1342165202528226], {10, 27} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {10, 28} -> - Complex[0.10214442350629199`, -0.026260413784740505`], {10, 29} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {10, 30} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {10, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, -0.2594729794590618], {10, 32} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, -0.054783259519745345`], {10, 33} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, -0.22507239863090805`], {10, 34} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, 0.0881056163125139], {10, 35} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, -0.07667698906457968], {10, 36} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, -0.154590481023119], {11, 12} -> - Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {11, 13} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, -0.229189990199907], {11, 14} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, -0.06407563305713601], {11, 15} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {11, 16} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, 0.06148505498780174], {11, 17} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, 0.15781559429956118`], {11, 18} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {11, 19} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, 0.15781559429956118`], {11, 20} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {11, 21} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {11, 22} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, 0.06148505498780174], {11, 23} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, -0.229189990199907], {11, 24} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, -0.06407563305713601], {11, 25} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, -0.010244248183710654`], {11, 26} -> - Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {11, 27} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, -0.1342165202528226], {11, 28} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {11, 29} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {11, 30} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], {11, 31} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, -0.034035129192128775`], {11, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], {11, 33} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {11, 34} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {11, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {11, 36} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, 0.15967643343543628`], {12, 13} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {12, 14} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, -0.07911629825938535], {12, 15} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {12, 16} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, -0.02799549139813756], {12, 17} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {12, 18} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {12, 19} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {12, 20} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {12, 21} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {12, 22} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, -0.02799549139813756], {12, 23} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {12, 24} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, -0.07911629825938535], {12, 25} -> - Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {12, 26} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, 0.010244248183710654`], {12, 27} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {12, 28} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {12, 29} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {12, 30} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, 0.06080711260518379], {12, 31} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], {12, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, -0.03247283136099954], {12, 33} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, -0.12060096224364471`], {12, 34} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {12, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {12, 36} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {13, 14} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {13, 15} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {13, 16} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, -0.00875520102328074], {13, 17} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], {13, 18} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {13, 19} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], {13, 20} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {13, 21} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {13, 22} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, -0.00875520102328074], {13, 23} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, 0.09262495833114717], {13, 24} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {13, 25} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, 0.07911629825938535], {13, 26} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, 0.06407563305713601], {13, 27} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], {13, 28} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, 0.12601316051490963`], {13, 29} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], {13, 30} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {13, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {13, 32} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {13, 33} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, -0.11027596484454191`], {13, 34} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {13, 35} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], {13, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {14, 15} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, 0.12231882955045151`], {14, 16} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {14, 17} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, -0.18913477597107048`], {14, 18} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {14, 19} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, -0.18913477597107048`], {14, 20} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {14, 21} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, 0.12231882955045151`], {14, 22} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {14, 23} -> - Complex[0.35279363941541053`, 0.], {14, 24} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, -0.09262495833114717], {14, 25} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], {14, 26} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, 0.229189990199907], {14, 27} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {14, 28} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {14, 29} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, -0.11992171449363792`], {14, 30} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {14, 31} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {14, 32} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {14, 33} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, 0.039875195608224154`], {14, 34} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, 0.05145411756901592], {14, 35} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], {14, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], {15, 16} -> - Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {15, 17} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {15, 18} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {15, 19} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {15, 20} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {15, 21} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, -0.11355320674819902`], {15, 22} -> - Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {15, 23} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {15, 24} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, 0.00875520102328074], {15, 25} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, 0.02799549139813756], {15, 26} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {15, 27} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, 0.21978330419104863`], {15, 28} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, 0.08944943686956167], {15, 29} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, 0.18394307455842968`], {15, 30} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {15, 31} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {15, 32} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, 0.08042658142468531], {15, 33} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {15, 34} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {15, 35} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {15, 36} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {16, 17} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {16, 18} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {16, 19} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {16, 20} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {16, 21} -> - Complex[0.349552824256183, 0.], {16, 22} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, 0.11355320674819902`], {16, 23} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], {16, 24} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {16, 25} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], {16, 26} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {16, 27} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, -0.23052958058187878`], {16, 28} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, 0.05577367679001426], {16, 29} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {16, 30} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {16, 31} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, 0.2023899803882464], {16, 32} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {16, 33} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, 0.010763626429992096`], {16, 34} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {16, 35} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {16, 36} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {17, 18} -> - Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {17, 19} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, 0.02423539675981027], {17, 20} -> - Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {17, 21} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {17, 22} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {17, 23} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {17, 24} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {17, 25} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {17, 26} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, 0.1016185353576046], {17, 27} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, -0.1963794168890443], {17, 28} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, 0.1270548580331935], {17, 29} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {17, 30} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, -0.0475059953974924], {17, 31} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, 0.17856311543581216`], {17, 32} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {17, 33} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, 0.04277649306205672], {17, 34} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {17, 35} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {17, 36} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {18, 19} -> - Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {18, 20} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, -0.02423539675981027], {18, 21} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {18, 22} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {18, 23} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, 0.18913477597107048`], {18, 24} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], {18, 25} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {18, 26} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], {18, 27} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, 0.09375100770632477], {18, 28} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, 0.04516801561911384], {18, 29} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {18, 30} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, -0.11085568682814102`], {18, 31} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], {18, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {18, 33} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, 0.08845876363140671], {18, 34} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {18, 35} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {18, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {19, 20} -> - Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {19, 21} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {19, 22} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {19, 23} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {19, 24} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {19, 25} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {19, 26} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, 0.1016185353576046], {19, 27} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, -0.1963794168890443], {19, 28} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, 0.1270548580331935], {19, 29} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {19, 30} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, -0.0475059953974924], {19, 31} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, 0.17856311543581216`], {19, 32} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {19, 33} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, 0.04277649306205672], {19, 34} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {19, 35} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {19, 36} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {20, 21} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {20, 22} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {20, 23} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, 0.18913477597107048`], {20, 24} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], {20, 25} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {20, 26} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], {20, 27} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, 0.09375100770632477], {20, 28} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, 0.04516801561911384], {20, 29} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {20, 30} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, -0.11085568682814102`], {20, 31} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], {20, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {20, 33} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, 0.08845876363140671], {20, 34} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {20, 35} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {20, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {21, 22} -> - Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {21, 23} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {21, 24} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, 0.00875520102328074], {21, 25} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, 0.02799549139813756], {21, 26} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {21, 27} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, 0.21978330419104863`], {21, 28} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, 0.08944943686956167], {21, 29} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, 0.18394307455842968`], {21, 30} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {21, 31} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {21, 32} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, 0.08042658142468531], {21, 33} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {21, 34} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {21, 35} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {21, 36} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {22, 23} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], {22, 24} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {22, 25} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], {22, 26} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {22, 27} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, -0.23052958058187878`], {22, 28} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, 0.05577367679001426], {22, 29} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {22, 30} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {22, 31} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, 0.2023899803882464], {22, 32} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {22, 33} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, 0.010763626429992096`], {22, 34} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {22, 35} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {22, 36} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {23, 24} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {23, 25} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, 0.07911629825938535], {23, 26} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, 0.06407563305713601], {23, 27} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], {23, 28} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, 0.12601316051490963`], {23, 29} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], {23, 30} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {23, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {23, 32} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {23, 33} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, -0.11027596484454191`], {23, 34} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {23, 35} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], {23, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {24, 25} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], {24, 26} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, 0.229189990199907], {24, 27} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {24, 28} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {24, 29} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, -0.11992171449363792`], {24, 30} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {24, 31} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {24, 32} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {24, 33} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, 0.039875195608224154`], {24, 34} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, 0.05145411756901592], {24, 35} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], {24, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], {25, 26} -> - Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {25, 27} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, -0.1342165202528226], {25, 28} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {25, 29} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {25, 30} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], {25, 31} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, -0.034035129192128775`], {25, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], {25, 33} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {25, 34} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {25, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {25, 36} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, 0.15967643343543628`], {26, 27} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {26, 28} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {26, 29} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {26, 30} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, 0.06080711260518379], {26, 31} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], {26, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, -0.03247283136099954], {26, 33} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, -0.12060096224364471`], {26, 34} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {26, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {26, 36} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {27, 28} -> - Complex[0.33314595779251727`, 0.], {27, 29} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, 0.009826517437731715], {27, 30} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, 0.20220472842758744`], {27, 31} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, -0.12440237009032867`], {27, 32} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, -0.15479143125784764`], {27, 33} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, 0.08672925004639812], {27, 34} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, -0.01333219816254436], {27, 35} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, 0.03036622844279574], {27, 36} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], {28, 29} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {28, 30} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {28, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, -0.2594729794590618], {28, 32} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, -0.054783259519745345`], {28, 33} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, -0.22507239863090805`], {28, 34} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, 0.0881056163125139], {28, 35} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, -0.07667698906457968], {28, 36} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, -0.154590481023119], {29, 30} -> - Complex[0.3480244926609176, 0.], {29, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, -0.17443733981734005`], {29, 32} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, -0.18050668434763023`], {29, 33} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, 0.04266786697540802], {29, 34} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, 0.2690120226571733], {29, 35} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, 0.2799821244558118], {29, 36} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, 0.08613557464795678], {30, 31} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, -0.0906083646195344], {30, 32} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, 0.1398945044720049], {30, 33} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, -0.31356085339344003`], {30, 34} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, -0.2062898932256956], {30, 35} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, 0.008414767951100507], {30, 36} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, -0.06573453711443833], {31, 32} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {31, 33} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, 0.07846271521707039], {31, 34} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, 0.08045040304054488], {31, 35} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, -0.20164942303248495`], {31, 36} -> - 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-0.140840695399167], + Complex[-0.2583878268354531, -0.23198135847059925`]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.1010880662215651, 0.2972876289713202], + Complex[0.34084517778834855`, -0.2333019226225273], + Complex[-0.19385457348075047`, 0.006233190196377511], + Complex[0.0891863490794428, -0.039089212721672956`]}, { + Complex[0.22413783737510187`, 0.2659647559326443], + Complex[0.08253673019323067, 0.5557729070125575], + Complex[0.06036066880126487, -0.16967333523499792`], + Complex[0.0678309681136268, -0.31720377148197304`]}, { + Complex[0.022804136157169308`, -0.04974423302758542], + Complex[0.0962888708570245, -0.15811787240987046`], + Complex[0.012564259022067488`, 0.12028908568184815`], + Complex[0.23857707146454205`, -0.230978844109279]}, { + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], + Complex[0.2571310317419955, -0.009486882760989052], + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], + Complex[0.32602960521749574`, 0.4427800292338828]}}, {{ + Complex[0.16619735695448307`, 0.10248090286290432`], + Complex[-0.10185986428421329`, 0.6623805938409351], + Complex[-0.22330749744864944`, -0.004844778892875989], + Complex[0.16508926717317823`, 0.3566109790957292]}, { + Complex[0.23329428917151418`, 0.17215543357342863`], + Complex[0.05535136214604841, 0.5355522231304224], + Complex[-0.032358426275859276`, -0.21540191490254632`], + Complex[0.29603930280783336`, -0.6528816057820233]}, { + Complex[-0.23195182875717876`, -0.23112477989312824`], + Complex[-0.015113552074627987`, -0.08034144282125823], + Complex[0.14635592819073845`, -0.14587425672070267`], + Complex[-0.09060654254936633, -0.417039841848608]}, { + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], + Complex[-0.4390455509040296, -0.052544079731776216`], + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], + Complex[-0.2978383812250926, 0.043678847750783484`]}}}, {{{ + Complex[-0.1593137200824323, 0.013412764900290378`], + Complex[-0.5145486849952703, 0.34100802192908464`], + Complex[0.15161292352106592`, 0.18392146106406904`], + Complex[0.07955219438522235, 0.28935645225084505`]}, { + Complex[0.13415479114756595`, -0.07757010000649706], + Complex[0.05304282560381651, -0.15787654906649123`], + Complex[-0.2613584882869106, 0.34148114779570343`], + Complex[-0.15676940204379025`, 0.4214380034569123]}, { + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], + Complex[0.1837878984656533, -0.21883550465263563`], + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], + Complex[0.43891258651443155`, 0.0741992627006739]}, { + Complex[0.13619460699433977`, -0.1577932957397995], + Complex[-0.3632992863469063, -0.15809831861823043`], + Complex[0.16085882371032906`, 0.23378891755394915`], + Complex[0.03142176755953406, 0.12693215999038798`]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.186700450349657, 0.08153155193177619], + Complex[-0.02382600995443485, -0.3107830480377137], + Complex[0.3495189178479763, 0.12804134376702397`], + Complex[0.6299716952165508, -0.009749873007820431]}, { + Complex[0.18714488119497355`, -0.1339794433982704], + Complex[0.05079269681685693, -0.4225778856669555], + Complex[0.28551005996007756`, 0.07971111129765984], + Complex[0.10537303981274923`, -0.06234935793852832]}, { + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], + Complex[-0.006811263998116934, -0.006324320856191834], + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], + Complex[-0.07850650319040442, 0.08996985911843679]}, { + Complex[0.06426343869068082, -0.09112578109042907], + Complex[0.2553656323680869, -0.225716532831462], + Complex[-0.17356528059232826`, 0.021271004050220574`], + Complex[0.07427806473775235, -0.03678533347899745]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.26252913458365945`, 0.36816002543419984`], + Complex[0.5790881139680791, 0.0732051866974398], + Complex[-0.36285710059532195`, -0.28805800159041506`], + Complex[-0.438639576181108, -0.14724437865841383`]}, { + Complex[0.205649088470696, 0.1952027311525777], + Complex[0.13206514972545308`, 0.1528064847296205], + Complex[0.07997909975257539, 0.035658916432852156`], + Complex[0.09276928341043214, 0.22612359610730548`]}, { + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], + Complex[0.06924778796823765, 0.3392611590971487], + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], + Complex[0.15091263428766727`, 0.2228612167998718]}, { + Complex[0.0010190112156733822`, 0.1129619972224615], + Complex[0.16898776080680572`, 0.18912093210280806`], + Complex[0.08931254046091314, -0.12514120802029044`], + Complex[0.1513899027918974, -0.3474639674355249]}}, {{ + Complex[0.3944474729614066, 0.2188672060002173], + Complex[0.3096121239335217, 0.47673248261413864`], + Complex[-0.2382666838911986, -0.0024230464141801467`], + Complex[-0.19206924454095325`, -0.09196348615447132]}, { + Complex[0.09850742759746575, 0.13201703665249773`], + Complex[-0.09824475286720405, 0.26537804307649243`], + Complex[-0.15132264085215427`, -0.2556264006201731], + Complex[-0.05571181525456548, -0.00232440389180405]}, { + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], + Complex[-0.03999197651078942, -0.08108739701849048], + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], + Complex[-0.19794378627517756`, -0.18344740966364476`]}, { + Complex[0.05500540410168902, 0.09120545255702392], + Complex[-0.11166394499212068`, 0.15888871982827596`], + Complex[-0.11852257287681439`, -0.3006085542145621], + Complex[-0.10698386630910972`, -0.489463823816771]}}}, {{{ + Complex[-0.20051145955164862`, -0.019978948991496662`], + Complex[-0.6026645637823169, 0.025745425656669832`], + Complex[0.059360091421089306`, 0.43821938618982414`], + Complex[-0.04296792298565183, 0.4142235632072107]}, { + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], + Complex[-0.2727492043214132, 0.03650760667605782], + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], + Complex[-0.0779157268128722, 0.11514790480422857`]}, { + Complex[0.15094883017161237`, -0.017967745813698206`], + Complex[0.07227379479966149, -0.1267397367640276], + Complex[-0.005234481095472324, 0.08375527438370217], + Complex[-0.055302208064202024`, -0.048534074509855855`]}, { + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], + Complex[-0.07419048161268496, -0.44785444839788086`], + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], + Complex[0.1618081612353034, 0.15437985466267745`]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.19935008044199365`, -0.01476401633281204], + Complex[-0.2928650289852777, -0.46687962670164623`], + Complex[0.5132821370143701, -0.08200379158801555], + Complex[0.39787211766682684`, 0.02018928830199271]}, { + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], + Complex[0.1545150779993909, -0.07185006552804889], + Complex[0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], + Complex[0.3726827733239779, -0.09985152182770193]}, { + Complex[0.19889965185547961`, -0.10176495470379088`], + Complex[0.14162344222586734`, 0.16542191643180643`], + Complex[-0.20384384748898732`, -0.023288188749349403`], + Complex[-0.10760410221567202`, -0.09726459002159923]}, { + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], + Complex[0.10259904200108994`, -0.38164006740997314`], + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], + Complex[-0.004173210656446616, 0.06838658845069481]}}}}, + SymmetrizedArray[ + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{32, + 32}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, 0.23954012515618292`], {1, 4} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, -0.45412395229305985`], {1, 5} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, 6} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, -0.4821278045577343], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], {1, 8} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, 9} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], {1, 10} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, 11} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, 12} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], {1, 13} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, 14} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, -0.22986188863366275`], {1, 15} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, 16} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, 18} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 19} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, 20} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, -0.22986188863366275`], {1, 21} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, 22} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], {1, 23} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], {1, 24} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, 25} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], {1, 26} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, 27} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, 28} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, -0.4821278045577343], {1, 29} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, 0.23954012515618292`], {1, 30} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, -0.45412395229305985`], {1, 32} -> + 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, -0.16136872833117036`], {2, 4} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, -0.09400730406176475], {2, 6} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, 0.1668433676200188], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 8} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], {2, 9} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], {2, 11} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, 13} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, 14} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 15} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, 0.06896354235277449], {2, 16} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, 17} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, 0.06896354235277449], {2, 18} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, 19} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, 20} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 21} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, 22} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, 23} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, 24} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], {2, 25} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 26} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], {2, 27} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, -0.09400730406176475], {2, 28} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, 0.1668433676200188], {2, 29} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, -0.16136872833117036`], {2, 30} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, 31} -> + 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {3, 6} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {3, 8} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {3, 9} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, -0.11263382211139406`], {3, 10} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {3, 11} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {3, 12} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {3, 14} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {3, 15} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {3, 16} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {3, 17} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {3, 18} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {3, 20} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {3, 21} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {3, 22} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {3, 23} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, -0.11263382211139406`], {3, 24} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {3, 25} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {3, 26} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {3, 27} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {3, 28} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, 29} -> + Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, 0.0014004115937454042`], {3, 30} -> + Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {3, 31} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, 0.0990678397300458], {3, 32} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, 0.45412395229305985`], {4, 5} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, 6} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, 0.13646163767421743`], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], {4, 10} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {4, 12} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {4, 15} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, -0.03544251396822046], {4, 16} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {4, 17} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, -0.03544251396822046], {4, 18} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {4, 19} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {4, 20} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {4, 21} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {4, 22} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {4, 23} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], {4, 24} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {4, 25} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, 0.13646163767421743`], {4, 26} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {4, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, 28} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], {4, 29} -> + Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {4, 30} -> + Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, -0.0014004115937454042`], {4, 31} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, 0.16136872833117036`], {4, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, -0.23954012515618292`], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {5, 8} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, 0.45619687405618636`], {5, 9} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, -0.04387994353782962], {5, 10} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, 0.04912752076041336], {5, 11} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {5, 13} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {5, 16} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, 0.2479052297980392], {5, 17} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {5, 18} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, 0.2479052297980392], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {5, 20} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {5, 21} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], {5, 22} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {5, 23} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, -0.04387994353782962], {5, 24} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, 0.04912752076041336], {5, 25} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {5, 26} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, 0.45619687405618636`], {5, 27} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, 0.22179319605394876`], {5, 28} -> + Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {5, 29} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], {5, 30} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {5, 31} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, -0.1668433676200188], {5, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, 0.4821278045577343], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, -0.12484288796949913`], {6, 8} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], {6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, 0.059412074076411546`], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, 0.09437594864128791], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {6, 13} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {6, 14} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {6, 15} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {6, 16} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {6, 17} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {6, 18} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {6, 19} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {6, 20} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {6, 21} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {6, 22} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {6, 23} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, 0.059412074076411546`], {6, 24} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, 0.09437594864128791], {6, 25} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, -0.12484288796949913`], {6, 26} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], {6, 27} -> + Complex[0.20263910536773755`, 0.], {6, 28} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, -0.22179319605394876`], {6, 29} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, 0.14858688449114604`], {6, 30} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {6, 31} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, 0.09400730406176475], {6, 32} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, 0.19241450807239194`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {7, 10} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], {7, 13} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {7, 14} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {7, 15} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, -0.13919179950515956`], {7, 16} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {7, 17} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, -0.13919179950515956`], {7, 18} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {7, 19} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {7, 20} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {7, 21} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {7, 22} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], {7, 23} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {7, 24} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], {7, 25} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, -0.19937008578078047`], {7, 26} -> + Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {7, 27} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {7, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, -0.45619687405618636`], {7, 29} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {7, 30} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {7, 31} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], {7, 32} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {8, 9} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {8, 10} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, 0.035808072295513985`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {8, 14} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {8, 16} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, 0.08953347157789894], {8, 17} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {8, 18} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, 0.08953347157789894], {8, 19} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {8, 20} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {8, 21} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {8, 22} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {8, 23} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {8, 24} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, 0.035808072295513985`], {8, 25} -> + Complex[0.5333747400652373, 0.], {8, 26} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, 0.19937008578078047`], {8, 27} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, 0.12484288796949913`], {8, 28} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {8, 29} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, -0.13646163767421743`], {8, 30} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {8, 31} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], {8, 32} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, 0.2803118968875541], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {9, 12} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, -0.13747106056552227`], {9, 13} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], {9, 14} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, 0.014151525468183115`], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {9, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, 0.014151525468183115`], {9, 18} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {9, 19} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], {9, 20} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {9, 21} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {9, 22} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, -0.13747106056552227`], {9, 23} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, -0.05916418261795878], {9, 24} -> + Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {9, 25} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], {9, 26} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {9, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, -0.09437594864128791], {9, 28} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, -0.04912752076041336], {9, 29} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {9, 30} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {9, 31} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], {9, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {10, 11} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {10, 12} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {10, 13} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], {10, 14} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, 0.07905444855796712], {10, 15} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, 0.04246480370392383], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, -0.026330641239406972`], {10, 17} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, 0.04246480370392383], {10, 18} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, -0.026330641239406972`], {10, 19} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], {10, 20} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, 0.07905444855796712], {10, 21} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {10, 22} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {10, 23} -> + Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {10, 24} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, 0.05916418261795878], {10, 25} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {10, 26} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, -0.01554709808796357], {10, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, -0.059412074076411546`], {10, 28} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {10, 29} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {10, 30} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, 0.11263382211139406`], {10, 31} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {10, 32} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, -0.13038007028245235`], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {11, 14} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, 0.07798472902890301], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {11, 16} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, 0.12925982418550483`], {11, 17} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {11, 18} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, 0.12925982418550483`], {11, 19} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {11, 20} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, 0.07798472902890301], {11, 21} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, 0.13067968221082676`], {11, 22} -> + Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {11, 23} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {11, 24} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, 0.13747106056552227`], {11, 25} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], {11, 26} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], {11, 27} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {11, 28} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {11, 29} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, 0.0007900461969849934], {11, 30} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {11, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {11, 32} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, 0.09474310902835915], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, -0.05490753841460036], {12, 15} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], {12, 16} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {12, 17} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], {12, 18} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {12, 19} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], {12, 20} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, -0.05490753841460036], {12, 21} -> + Complex[0.288790430194917, 0.], {12, 22} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, -0.13067968221082676`], {12, 23} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, 0.007048096041707605], {12, 24} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {12, 25} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], {12, 26} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {12, 27} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {12, 28} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], {12, 29} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {12, 30} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {12, 31} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {12, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, 16} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, 17} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, 18} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, -0.0383011718065015], {13, 20} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {13, 22} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, -0.07798472902890301], {13, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, -0.07905444855796712], {13, 24} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {13, 25} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {13, 26} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {13, 27} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {13, 28} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, 0.14922079251460418`], {13, 29} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {13, 30} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], {13, 31} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {13, 32} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 17} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, 18} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.29582940176126815`, 0.], {14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, 0.0383011718065015], {14, 21} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {14, 22} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {14, 23} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {14, 24} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, 0.14328868692391553`], {14, 25} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], {14, 26} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {14, 27} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {14, 28} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {14, 29} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {14, 30} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, -0.004668871253339259], {14, 31} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, 0.32277555558099397`], {14, 32} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {15, 16} -> + Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, -0.10986947258054452`], {15, 18} -> + Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {15, 19} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {15, 20} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {15, 21} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {15, 22} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {15, 23} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, 0.026330641239406972`], {15, 24} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {15, 25} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, -0.08953347157789894], {15, 26} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {15, 27} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {15, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {15, 29} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {15, 30} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {15, 31} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], {15, 32} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {16, 17} -> + Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, 0.10986947258054452`], {16, 19} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, 0.11473204575369803`], {16, 20} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {16, 21} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], {16, 22} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {16, 23} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {16, 24} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, -0.014151525468183115`], {16, 25} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {16, 26} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, 0.13919179950515956`], {16, 27} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {16, 28} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {16, 29} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, 0.03544251396822046], {16, 30} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], {16, 31} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], {16, 32} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {17, 20} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {17, 21} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {17, 22} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {17, 23} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, 0.026330641239406972`], {17, 24} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {17, 25} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, -0.08953347157789894], {17, 26} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {17, 27} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {17, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {17, 29} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {17, 30} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {17, 31} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], {17, 32} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {18, 19} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, 0.11473204575369803`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {18, 21} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], {18, 22} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {18, 23} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {18, 24} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, -0.014151525468183115`], {18, 25} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {18, 26} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, 0.13919179950515956`], {18, 27} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {18, 28} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {18, 29} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, 0.03544251396822046], {18, 30} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], {18, 31} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], {18, 32} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], {19, 20} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {19, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {19, 22} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, -0.07798472902890301], {19, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, -0.07905444855796712], {19, 24} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {19, 25} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {19, 26} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {19, 27} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {19, 28} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, 0.14922079251460418`], {19, 29} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {19, 30} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], {19, 31} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {19, 32} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], {20, 21} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {20, 22} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {20, 23} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {20, 24} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, 0.14328868692391553`], {20, 25} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], {20, 26} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {20, 27} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {20, 28} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {20, 29} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {20, 30} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, -0.004668871253339259], {20, 31} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, 0.32277555558099397`], {20, 32} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {21, 22} -> + Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {21, 23} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {21, 24} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, 0.13747106056552227`], {21, 25} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], {21, 26} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], {21, 27} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {21, 28} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {21, 29} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, 0.0007900461969849934], {21, 30} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {21, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {21, 32} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, 0.09474310902835915], {22, 23} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, 0.007048096041707605], {22, 24} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {22, 25} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], {22, 26} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {22, 27} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {22, 28} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], {22, 29} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {22, 30} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {22, 31} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {22, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {23, 24} -> + Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {23, 25} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], {23, 26} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {23, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, -0.09437594864128791], {23, 28} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, -0.04912752076041336], {23, 29} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {23, 30} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {23, 31} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], {23, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {24, 25} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {24, 26} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, -0.01554709808796357], {24, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, -0.059412074076411546`], {24, 28} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {24, 29} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {24, 30} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, 0.11263382211139406`], {24, 31} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {24, 32} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, -0.13038007028245235`], {25, 26} -> + Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {25, 27} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {25, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, -0.45619687405618636`], {25, 29} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {25, 30} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {25, 31} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], {25, 32} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {26, 27} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, 0.12484288796949913`], {26, 28} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {26, 29} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, -0.13646163767421743`], {26, 30} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {26, 31} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], {26, 32} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, 0.2803118968875541], {27, 28} -> + Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {27, 29} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], {27, 30} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {27, 31} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, -0.1668433676200188], {27, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, 0.4821278045577343], {28, 29} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, 0.14858688449114604`], {28, 30} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {28, 31} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, 0.09400730406176475], {28, 32} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, 0.19241450807239194`], {29, 30} -> + Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {29, 31} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, 0.0990678397300458], {29, 32} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, 0.45412395229305985`], {30, 31} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, 0.16136872833117036`], {30, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, -0.23954012515618292`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { + $CellContext`c[1], + $CellContext`c[2], + $CellContext`c[3], + $CellContext`c[4]}], + Editable->False, + SelectWithContents->True, + Selectable->False], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["WickState", + "SummaryHead"], "[", + DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = + "Ready"}, + TemplateBox[{ + 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Complex[0.06036066880126487, -0.16967333523499792`], + Complex[0.0678309681136268, -0.31720377148197304`]}, { + Complex[0.022804136157169308`, -0.04974423302758542], + Complex[0.0962888708570245, -0.15811787240987046`], + Complex[0.012564259022067488`, 0.12028908568184815`], + Complex[0.23857707146454205`, -0.230978844109279]}, { + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], + Complex[0.2571310317419955, -0.009486882760989052], + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], + Complex[0.32602960521749574`, 0.4427800292338828]}}, {{ + Complex[0.16619735695448307`, 0.10248090286290432`], + Complex[-0.10185986428421329`, 0.6623805938409351], + Complex[-0.22330749744864944`, -0.004844778892875989], + Complex[0.16508926717317823`, 0.3566109790957292]}, { + Complex[0.23329428917151418`, 0.17215543357342863`], + Complex[0.05535136214604841, 0.5355522231304224], + Complex[-0.032358426275859276`, -0.21540191490254632`], + Complex[0.29603930280783336`, -0.6528816057820233]}, { + Complex[-0.23195182875717876`, -0.23112477989312824`], + Complex[-0.015113552074627987`, -0.08034144282125823], + Complex[0.14635592819073845`, -0.14587425672070267`], + Complex[-0.09060654254936633, -0.417039841848608]}, { + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], + Complex[-0.4390455509040296, -0.052544079731776216`], + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], + Complex[-0.2978383812250926, 0.043678847750783484`]}}}, {{{ + Complex[-0.1593137200824323, 0.013412764900290378`], + Complex[-0.5145486849952703, 0.34100802192908464`], + Complex[0.15161292352106592`, 0.18392146106406904`], + Complex[0.07955219438522235, 0.28935645225084505`]}, { + Complex[0.13415479114756595`, -0.07757010000649706], + Complex[0.05304282560381651, -0.15787654906649123`], + Complex[-0.2613584882869106, 0.34148114779570343`], + Complex[-0.15676940204379025`, 0.4214380034569123]}, { + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], + Complex[0.1837878984656533, -0.21883550465263563`], + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], + Complex[0.43891258651443155`, 0.0741992627006739]}, { + Complex[0.13619460699433977`, -0.1577932957397995], + Complex[-0.3632992863469063, -0.15809831861823043`], + Complex[0.16085882371032906`, 0.23378891755394915`], + Complex[0.03142176755953406, 0.12693215999038798`]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.186700450349657, 0.08153155193177619], + Complex[-0.02382600995443485, -0.3107830480377137], + Complex[0.3495189178479763, 0.12804134376702397`], + Complex[0.6299716952165508, -0.009749873007820431]}, { + Complex[0.18714488119497355`, -0.1339794433982704], + Complex[0.05079269681685693, -0.4225778856669555], + Complex[0.28551005996007756`, 0.07971111129765984], + Complex[0.10537303981274923`, -0.06234935793852832]}, { + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], + Complex[-0.006811263998116934, -0.006324320856191834], + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], + Complex[-0.07850650319040442, 0.08996985911843679]}, { + 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Complex[0.08931254046091314, -0.12514120802029044`], + Complex[0.1513899027918974, -0.3474639674355249]}}, {{ + Complex[0.3944474729614066, 0.2188672060002173], + Complex[0.3096121239335217, 0.47673248261413864`], + Complex[-0.2382666838911986, -0.0024230464141801467`], + Complex[-0.19206924454095325`, -0.09196348615447132]}, { + Complex[0.09850742759746575, 0.13201703665249773`], + Complex[-0.09824475286720405, 0.26537804307649243`], + Complex[-0.15132264085215427`, -0.2556264006201731], + Complex[-0.05571181525456548, -0.00232440389180405]}, { + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], + Complex[-0.03999197651078942, -0.08108739701849048], + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], + Complex[-0.19794378627517756`, -0.18344740966364476`]}, { + Complex[0.05500540410168902, 0.09120545255702392], + Complex[-0.11166394499212068`, 0.15888871982827596`], + Complex[-0.11852257287681439`, -0.3006085542145621], + Complex[-0.10698386630910972`, -0.489463823816771]}}}, 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oPJG5VllYNcsmZ0T3xvH2Bz06EeexVjoiwEx/gcdwHoc "\[InvisibleSpace]", TagBox[ RowBox[{"{", - RowBox[{"36", ",", "36"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{"32", ",", "32"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { RowBox[{ TagBox["\"Symmetry: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], "\[InvisibleSpace]", @@ -13322,64 +14357,54 @@ oPJG5VllYNcsmZ0T3xvH2Bz06EeexVjoiwEx/gcdwHoc Magnification])}]], GraphicsBox[ RasterBox[CompressedData[" -1:eJzVWXk01XkflvJahlJipFFZkqlUJNE0PWWPRqiEaZXJmmmheSsj2jORUCQV -khpkKVOh7Msk3dXY47rXenEvGdJQvd5z5t/PH86ZOTM5557jPPee57N+n8/n -+/tpuH3v+N1UCQmJWX9+/v//AvG2JUpB5ZD48292zou2KDsuTHRWWFuEcTB+ -NsX3sXQhTni/e+sx0I70o4aBsi+ZWPQwY88vvEac1g9VS+zshfHGa9tEtU2w -NpsyKvWqC/Nyg6qE7mKk/Z7gMtunDd9aHDa++KAHDrsuJpdHiTFzWKukOI+N -sIayjpBRAdSYb32kk0SoaLZafkKNhZQHZpl6rs0w9b4/fGVVH5o91ydc7ONg -ndFqrT3cdDw2NO44E84H/4Opb3oqG0MB0Ttq3e/DfI/MrTkr2kic4qHsUn5S -cVF5oPJG5XnND/m74jQZiF+ZlLN6tAbdSRoCh1Qh+fs3iUc+qD+vRtWdlW9+ -C72OWVFT6vQNmrBrTZDroJCF5oVWuUNKbUjWEJpY+/aj0sKXJZzPxmUXu6Q8 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18}}, {0, 1}], AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> +1:eJzVWGlQlFcWxaCIbCIwHUZEBUU0agWJiiLjGXaDCwETARnEEdkGEEQEFYnS +xCi4DD0qUQQXQGUggAyIG7ggiCz2SjdIszbQNt006IDshjhV8/f+oCqpJD+6 +quvUV3c5795z73sme8Ld/VVVVFR0///73/+8Ws43s0YrMRkUGiZkeCPhYWBJ +ZL0AF/T0d9SweDB8f1ekNfwCtYubdYrPSsGuszVSe8/DYOZxVbOXXfjXzQSb +9pE+HD8Z5/LMVYBhldrdRqvyUeSQNpg4JkGdW8oaVhsfPrmppw6aP8RYvPc9 +8+AudDCuKAdKeKi71TK+tqUSHfsKW69/JcW35xIrkgK4+FsM6zmznoMqx07f ++MMyxJQuHh9x4cGOa3JqgW41nEZndjE+eUPilB3KLxUnlRfFA8WbdcyjXamm +bKR9kVFsNVIPWYZJp1uOnPx+VrpniX0OH+P511Ure3KRvbSJ7eMkQdU2J4X8 +IRvn/F2Zk4wG/J3ZZCA0UiD73b6RUX8+BI4/PRLnPUWN3FxtwqIblyM/5dxr +5iGLcX0G53EFunO3GCfrSaF99JrjKS4XOr7tzwvv1GFa1YzUr2rf4FZ1+xyN +cS5c/F6nbd9Xi1IuQxB14iOflrfXDu/jYVfo5Jj5ZBWkDu8K+l9ISZyyQ/ml +4qTyonigeD4WG6+jUcrF5fHoJZzQdiwOXbTTd4mSPEfKviP7cBGLX4e+hxO3 +D4gu49njd8/OfCnG7a2ylVsf8BEUMWbRElKKJpGXgWZ2Fwpjzq7TzWyEYYTB +csY7KeS2Vy8dcu1HQHaF0047PlSs7W/Hxebg7U8d3jbCDhxUCJoajDiQFqun ++Ec0wqUoQaG7V4GqCDdDzWl87MgNC3fPfY6glhkmLaJuEqfsUH6pOKm8KJ4r 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Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], {1, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, 11} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], {1, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, 13} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, + 14} -> Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, \ +-0.22986188863366275`], {1, 15} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, + 16} -> Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], \ +{1, 17} -> Complex[0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 18} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, 20} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, -0.22986188863366275`], {1, + 21} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], {1, 22} -> Complex[ - 0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, 23} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, 0.18558736962752792`], {1, + 0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, 23} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], {1, 24} -> Complex[ - 0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, 25} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, - 26} -> Complex[ - 0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], {1, 27} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, 0.1809373735116714], {1, 28} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, 0.154590481023119], {1, - 29} -> Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, \ --0.08613557464795678], {1, 30} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, 0.06573453711443833], {1, - 31} -> Complex[0.07140571807962026, 0.3254707548282041], { - 1, 32} -> Complex[-0.0838892214676934, - 0.35906971113552444`], {1, 33} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, 0.2915805668549216], {1, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.13232155584348976`, -0.2865643065030182], {1, 36} -> - 1, {2, 3} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, - 4} -> Complex[ - 0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, 5} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, - 6} -> Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], { - 2, 7} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, - 8} -> Complex[-0.006051982269297387, \ --0.008414767951100507], {2, 9} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], {2, - 10} -> Complex[-0.05909814548140835, - 0.07667698906457968], {2, 11} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, -0.15579730043133583`], {2, - 12} -> Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, - 0.2097207706920651], {2, 13} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, - 14} -> Complex[ - 0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 15} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, - 16} -> Complex[ - 0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 17} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, - 18} -> Complex[ - 0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, 19} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, + 0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, 25} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, + 26} -> Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], \ +{1, 27} -> Complex[0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, 28} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, -0.4821278045577343], {1, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.15997502039138747`, -0.45412395229305985`], {1, 30} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, 0.23954012515618292`], {1, + 32} -> 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, + 4} -> Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, \ +-0.16136872833117036`], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, -0.09400730406176475], {2, + 6} -> Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, + 0.1668433676200188], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], { + 2, 8} -> Complex[ + 0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 9} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, + 10} -> Complex[0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], { + 2, 11} -> Complex[ + 0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, + 13} -> Complex[-0.005519120018070173, \ +-0.32277555558099397`], {2, 14} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 15} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, + 16} -> Complex[-0.007195583582784125, + 0.06896354235277449], {2, 17} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, + 18} -> Complex[-0.007195583582784125, + 0.06896354235277449], {2, 19} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, 20} -> Complex[ - 0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, 21} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, + 0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 21} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, 23} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, + 24} -> Complex[0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], { + 2, 25} -> Complex[ + 0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], {2, 26} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, + 27} -> Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, \ +-0.09400730406176475], {2, 28} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, 0.1668433676200188], {2, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, 30} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, -0.16136872833117036`], {2, + 31} -> 1, {3, 4} -> + Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, + 6} -> Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], { + 3, 7} -> Complex[ + 0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, 0.13646163767421743`], {3, + 9} -> Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], { + 3, 10} -> Complex[ + 0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {3, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {3, + 14} -> Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, + 0.1439965761825238], {3, 15} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {3, + 16} -> Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, \ +-0.03544251396822046], {3, 17} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {3, + 18} -> Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, \ +-0.03544251396822046], {3, 19} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {3, + 20} -> Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, + 0.1439965761825238], {3, 21} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {3, 22} -> Complex[ - 0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 23} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, + 0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {3, 23} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], {3, 24} -> Complex[ - 0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 25} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, -0.15579730043133583`], {2, - 26} -> Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, - 0.2097207706920651], {2, 27} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], {2, - 28} -> Complex[-0.05909814548140835, - 0.07667698906457968], {2, 29} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, - 30} -> Complex[-0.006051982269297387, \ --0.008414767951100507], {2, 31} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], {2, 33} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, 35} -> - 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {3, 5} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, 0.30182786908398773`], {3, - 6} -> Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, \ --0.08045040304054488], {3, 7} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, -0.2690120226571733], {3, - 8} -> Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, - 0.2062898932256956], {3, 9} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, 0.01333219816254436], {3, - 10} -> Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], \ -{3, 11} -> Complex[0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {3, 12} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {3, - 13} -> Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, \ --0.05145411756901592], {3, 14} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, -0.04963088270675587], {3, - 15} -> Complex[ - 0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {3, 16} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {3, - 17} -> Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], { - 3, 18} -> Complex[ - 0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {3, 19} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], {3, 20} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {3, - 21} -> Complex[ - 0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {3, 22} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {3, - 23} -> Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, \ --0.05145411756901592], {3, 24} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, -0.04963088270675587], {3, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {3, 26} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {3, - 27} -> Complex[-0.2521578356402413, - 0.01333219816254436], {3, 28} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], {3, - 29} -> Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, \ --0.2690120226571733], {3, 30} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, 0.2062898932256956], {3, - 31} -> Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, - 0.30182786908398773`], {3, 32} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, -0.08045040304054488], {3, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.10920936073748258`, -0.03308934997069378], {3, 34} -> - Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {3, 35} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, -0.10568804847511024`], {3, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.13232155584348976`, 0.2865643065030182], {4, 5} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {4, + 0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {3, 25} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {3, + 26} -> Complex[-0.3396867137428587, + 0.13646163767421743`], {3, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, + 28} -> Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], \ +{3, 29} -> Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, -0.0014004115937454042`], {3, 30} -> + Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {3, 31} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, 0.16136872833117036`], {3, + 32} -> Complex[-0.09661499346651439, \ +-0.23954012515618292`], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {4, 6} -> Complex[ - 0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {4, 7} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, -0.04266786697540802], {4, + 0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {4, 8} -> Complex[ - 0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {4, 9} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {4, - 10} -> Complex[ - 0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {4, 11} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {4, - 12} -> Complex[-0.07901145315910152, - 0.12060096224364471`], {4, 13} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {4, - 14} -> Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, - 0.11027596484454191`], {4, 15} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], { - 4, 16} -> Complex[ - 0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {4, 17} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, -0.08845876363140671], {4, - 18} -> Complex[-0.1606002091580235, \ --0.04277649306205672], {4, 19} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, -0.08845876363140671], {4, - 20} -> Complex[-0.1606002091580235, \ --0.04277649306205672], {4, 21} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], { - 4, 22} -> Complex[ - 0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {4, 23} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {4, - 24} -> Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, - 0.11027596484454191`], {4, 25} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {4, - 26} -> Complex[-0.07901145315910152, - 0.12060096224364471`], {4, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {4, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {4, 29} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, -0.04266786697540802], {4, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {4, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {4, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {4, 33} -> - Complex[0.49636369297926336`, 0.], {4, 34} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, 0.03308934997069378], {4, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.35814065944152734`, 0.08293748621875244], {4, 36} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, -0.2915805668549216], {5, - 6} -> Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {5, 7} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, 0.18050668434763023`], {5, - 8} -> Complex[-0.08951618372581999, \ --0.1398945044720049], {5, 9} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {5, + 0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {4, 9} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, -0.11263382211139406`], {4, 10} -> Complex[ - 0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {5, 11} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, 0.24585233281751626`], {5, - 12} -> Complex[-0.06540345886434173, - 0.03247283136099954], {5, 13} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], {5, 14} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {5, - 15} -> Complex[ - 0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {5, 16} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {5, - 17} -> Complex[-0.0863909413535702, \ --0.18155756040588286`], {5, 18} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {5, - 19} -> Complex[-0.0863909413535702, \ --0.18155756040588286`], {5, 20} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {5, - 21} -> Complex[ - 0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {5, 22} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {5, - 23} -> Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], { - 5, 24} -> Complex[ - 0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {5, 25} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, 0.24585233281751626`], {5, - 26} -> Complex[-0.06540345886434173, - 0.03247283136099954], {5, 27} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {5, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {5, 29} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, 0.18050668434763023`], {5, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, -0.1398945044720049], {5, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.05957085045120364, -0.0686364172150267], {5, 32} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {5, 33} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, 0.07846271521707039], {5, - 34} -> Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, - 0.08045040304054488], {5, 35} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, -0.20164942303248495`], {5, - 36} -> Complex[-0.0838892214676934, \ --0.35906971113552444`], {6, 7} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {6, - 8} -> Complex[0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], { - 6, 9} -> Complex[ - 0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {6, 10} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, 0.2594729794590618], {6, - 11} -> Complex[-0.05197448003562596, - 0.034035129192128775`], {6, 12} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {6, - 13} -> Complex[ - 0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {6, 14} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, -0.054766912594803374`], {6, - 15} -> Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, \ --0.2023899803882464], {6, 16} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {6, - 17} -> Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], { - 6, 18} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {6, - 19} -> Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], { - 6, 20} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {6, - 21} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, -0.2023899803882464], {6, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {6, 23} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {6, - 24} -> Complex[-0.1091396557759862, \ --0.054766912594803374`], {6, 25} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, 0.034035129192128775`], {6, - 26} -> Complex[ - 0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {6, 27} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {6, - 28} -> Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, - 0.2594729794590618], {6, 29} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {6, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], {6, 31} -> - Complex[0.5058138015078811, 0.], {6, 32} -> - Complex[0.05957085045120364, 0.0686364172150267], {6, 33} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, 0.10280421447880453`], {6, - 34} -> Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, \ --0.30182786908398773`], {6, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, -0.03825515355084523], {6, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], {7, 8} -> - Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {7, 9} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {7, - 10} -> Complex[ - 0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {7, 11} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, -0.08387695970470208], {7, + 0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {4, 12} -> Complex[ - 0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {7, 13} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, 0.11992171449363792`], {7, + 0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {4, 13} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {4, 14} -> Complex[ - 0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {7, 15} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {7, - 16} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, \ --0.18394307455842968`], {7, 17} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {7, - 18} -> Complex[-0.3429240772478055, - 0.12113458402956634`], {7, 19} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {7, - 20} -> Complex[-0.3429240772478055, - 0.12113458402956634`], {7, 21} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {7, - 22} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, \ --0.18394307455842968`], {7, 23} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, 0.11992171449363792`], {7, + 0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {4, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {4, 17} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {4, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {4, 19} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {4, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {4, 21} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {4, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {4, 23} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, -0.11263382211139406`], {4, 24} -> Complex[ - 0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {7, 25} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, -0.08387695970470208], {7, + 0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {4, 25} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {4, 26} -> Complex[ - 0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {7, 27} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {7, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {7, 29} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, 0.1534965717731505], {7, - 30} -> Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {7, 31} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, -0.0906083646195344], {7, - 32} -> Complex[-0.08951618372581999, - 0.1398945044720049], {7, 33} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, -0.31356085339344003`], {7, - 34} -> Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, \ --0.2062898932256956], {7, 35} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, 0.008414767951100507], {7, - 36} -> Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, \ --0.06573453711443833], {8, 9} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {8, - 10} -> Complex[ - 0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {8, 11} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {8, 12} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {8, + 0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {4, 27} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {4, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, 29} -> + Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {4, 30} -> + Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, 0.0014004115937454042`], { + 4, 31} -> Complex[ + 0.26087816486149346`, 0.0990678397300458], {4, 32} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, 0.45412395229305985`], {5, + 6} -> Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, 0.45619687405618636`], {5, + 8} -> Complex[ + 0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {5, 9} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, -0.04387994353782962], {5, + 10} -> Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, + 0.04912752076041336], {5, 11} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {5, + 12} -> Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], { + 5, 13} -> Complex[ + 0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {5, + 15} -> Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, + 0.2479052297980392], {5, 16} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {5, + 17} -> Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, + 0.2479052297980392], {5, 18} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {5, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {5, 20} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {5, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {5, 22} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], {5, 23} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, -0.04387994353782962], {5, + 24} -> Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, + 0.04912752076041336], {5, 25} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, 0.45619687405618636`], {5, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {5, 27} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, 0.22179319605394876`], {5, + 28} -> Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {5, 29} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {5, + 30} -> Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], { + 5, 31} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, -0.1668433676200188], {5, + 32} -> Complex[-0.09765512477307971, + 0.4821278045577343], {6, 7} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], {6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, -0.12484288796949913`], {6, + 9} -> Complex[-0.05062234940479168, + 0.059412074076411546`], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, 0.09437594864128791], {6, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {6, 13} -> Complex[ - 0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {8, 14} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {8, - 15} -> Complex[-0.02849651545902821, - 0.13038883546342855`], {8, 16} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, 0.025091517498334166`], {8, - 17} -> Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, - 0.11085568682814102`], {8, 18} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {8, - 19} -> Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, - 0.11085568682814102`], {8, 20} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {8, - 21} -> Complex[-0.02849651545902821, - 0.13038883546342855`], {8, 22} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, 0.025091517498334166`], {8, - 23} -> Complex[ - 0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {8, 24} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {8, - 25} -> Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], { - 8, 26} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {8, - 27} -> Complex[ - 0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {8, 28} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {8, - 29} -> Complex[0.3480244926609176, 0.], {8, 30} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, -0.1534965717731505], {8, - 31} -> Complex[-0.06282282822605365, \ --0.17443733981734005`], {8, 32} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, -0.18050668434763023`], { - 8, 33} -> Complex[-0.07400883501291561, - 0.04266786697540802], {8, 34} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, 0.2690120226571733], {8, - 35} -> Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, - 0.2799821244558118], {8, 36} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, 0.08613557464795678], {9, - 10} -> Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {9, 11} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, 0.1342165202528226], {9, - 12} -> Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, - 0.07147202526604769], {9, 13} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {9, - 14} -> Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], { - 9, 15} -> Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, - 0.23052958058187878`], {9, 16} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], {9, - 17} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {9, - 18} -> Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, - 0.1963794168890443], {9, 19} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {9, - 20} -> Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, - 0.1963794168890443], {9, 21} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, 0.23052958058187878`], {9, - 22} -> Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, \ --0.21978330419104863`], {9, 23} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {9, - 24} -> Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], { - 9, 25} -> Complex[-0.002703366170010074, - 0.1342165202528226], {9, 26} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, 0.07147202526604769], {9, - 27} -> Complex[ - 0.10214442350629199`, -0.026260413784740505`], {9, 28} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {9, 29} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {9, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {9, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, -0.2594729794590618], {9, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.10082205206266875`, -0.054783259519745345`], {9, 33} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, -0.22507239863090805`], {9, - 34} -> Complex[-0.2841944960267362, 0.0881056163125139], { - 9, 35} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, -0.07667698906457968], {9, - 36} -> Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, \ --0.154590481023119], {10, 11} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {10, - 12} -> Complex[ - 0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], {10, 13} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {10, - 14} -> Complex[-0.09249860156321268, \ --0.12601316051490963`], {10, 15} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {10, - 16} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {10, - 17} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, -0.04516801561911384], {10, - 18} -> Complex[-0.09261261877802832, \ --0.1270548580331935], {10, 19} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, -0.04516801561911384], {10, - 20} -> Complex[-0.09261261877802832, \ --0.1270548580331935], {10, 21} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {10, - 22} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {10, - 23} -> Complex[ - 0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {10, 24} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, -0.12601316051490963`], {10, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {10, 26} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], { - 10, 27} -> Complex[0.33314595779251727`, 0.], {10, 28} -> - Complex[0.10214442350629199`, 0.026260413784740505`], {10, - 29} -> Complex[ - 0.22196866627101539`, 0.20220472842758744`], {10, 30} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, 0.009826517437731715], {10, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.18344402773596857`, -0.12440237009032867`], {10, 32} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, -0.15479143125784764`], {10, - 33} -> Complex[-0.09116148563358083, - 0.08672925004639812], {10, 34} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, -0.01333219816254436], {10, - 35} -> Complex[-0.5009225822231967, - 0.03036622844279574], {10, 36} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], {11, - 12} -> Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {11, 13} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {11, - 14} -> Complex[-0.005254583355195047, \ --0.07911629825938535], {11, 15} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {11, - 16} -> Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, \ --0.02799549139813756], {11, 17} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {11, + 0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {6, 14} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {6, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {6, 16} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {6, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {6, 18} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {6, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {6, 20} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {6, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {6, 22} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {6, + 23} -> Complex[-0.05062234940479168, + 0.059412074076411546`], {6, 24} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, 0.09437594864128791], {6, + 25} -> Complex[ + 0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], {6, 26} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, -0.12484288796949913`], {6, + 27} -> Complex[0.20263910536773755`, 0.], {6, 28} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, -0.22179319605394876`], {6, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {6, 30} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, 0.14858688449114604`], {6, + 31} -> Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, + 0.09400730406176475], {6, 32} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, 0.19241450807239194`], {7, + 8} -> Complex[0.5333747400652373, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {7, + 10} -> Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, + 0.035808072295513985`], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {7, + 12} -> Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, + 0.34468442336798244`], {7, 13} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {7, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {7, 15} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, 0.08953347157789894], {7, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {7, 17} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, 0.08953347157789894], {7, 18} -> Complex[ - 0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {11, 19} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {11, + 0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {7, 19} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {7, 20} -> Complex[ - 0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {11, 21} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {11, - 22} -> Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, \ --0.02799549139813756], {11, 23} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {11, - 24} -> Complex[-0.005254583355195047, \ --0.07911629825938535], {11, 25} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, 0.010244248183710654`], {11, - 26} -> Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {11, 27} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {11, - 28} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {11, - 29} -> Complex[-0.07072413917244547, - 0.06080711260518379], {11, 30} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {11, - 31} -> Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], { - 11, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, -0.03247283136099954], {11, - 33} -> Complex[-0.07901145315910152, \ --0.12060096224364471`], {11, 34} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {11, - 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {11, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {12, 13} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, -0.229189990199907], {12, - 14} -> Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, \ --0.06407563305713601], {12, 15} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {12, - 16} -> Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, - 0.06148505498780174], {12, 17} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, 0.15781559429956118`], {12, - 18} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {12, - 19} -> Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, - 0.15781559429956118`], {12, 20} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {12, - 21} -> Complex[ - 0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {12, 22} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, 0.06148505498780174], {12, - 23} -> Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, \ --0.229189990199907], {12, 24} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, -0.06407563305713601], {12, - 25} -> Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {12, 26} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, -0.010244248183710654`], {12, + 0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {7, 21} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {7, + 22} -> Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, + 0.34468442336798244`], {7, 23} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {7, + 24} -> Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, + 0.035808072295513985`], {7, 25} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, 0.19937008578078047`], {7, + 26} -> Complex[0.5333747400652373, 0.], {7, 27} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, 0.12484288796949913`], {7, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {7, 29} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {7, + 30} -> Complex[-0.3396867137428587, \ +-0.13646163767421743`], {7, 31} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], {7, 32} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, 0.2803118968875541], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {8, + 10} -> Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], { + 8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], { + 8, 12} -> Complex[ + 0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {8, 13} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {8, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {8, + 16} -> Complex[-0.06038101273760845, \ +-0.13919179950515956`], {8, 17} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {8, + 18} -> Complex[-0.06038101273760845, \ +-0.13919179950515956`], {8, 19} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {8, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {8, 21} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], { + 8, 22} -> Complex[ + 0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {8, 23} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {8, + 24} -> Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], { + 8, 25} -> Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {8, 26} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, -0.19937008578078047`], {8, 27} -> Complex[ - 0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {12, 28} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, -0.1342165202528226], {12, - 29} -> Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], { - 12, 30} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {12, - 31} -> Complex[-0.05197448003562596, \ --0.034035129192128775`], {12, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], { - 12, 33} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {12, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {12, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {12, - 36} -> Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, - 0.15967643343543628`], {13, 14} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {13, 15} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {13, - 16} -> Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, \ --0.00875520102328074], {13, 17} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], { - 13, 18} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {13, + 0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {8, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, -0.45619687405618636`], {8, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {8, 30} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {8, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], {8, 32} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {9, + 10} -> Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, -0.13747106056552227`], {9, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {9, 13} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], {9, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {9, 15} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {9, + 16} -> Complex[-0.07538887957770507, + 0.014151525468183115`], {9, 17} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {9, + 18} -> Complex[-0.07538887957770507, + 0.014151525468183115`], {9, 19} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], {9, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {9, 21} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, -0.13747106056552227`], {9, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {9, 23} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, -0.05916418261795878], {9, + 24} -> Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {9, 25} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {9, 26} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], { + 9, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, -0.09437594864128791], {9, + 28} -> Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, \ +-0.04912752076041336], {9, 29} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {9, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {9, 31} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], {9, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {10, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {10, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], {10, 14} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, 0.07905444855796712], {10, + 15} -> Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, \ +-0.026330641239406972`], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, 0.04246480370392383], {10, + 17} -> Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, \ +-0.026330641239406972`], {10, 18} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, 0.04246480370392383], {10, 19} -> Complex[ - 0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], {13, 20} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {13, + 0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], {10, 20} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, 0.07905444855796712], {10, 21} -> Complex[ - 0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {13, 22} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, -0.00875520102328074], { - 13, 23} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, 0.09262495833114717], {13, - 24} -> Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {13, 25} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, 0.06407563305713601], {13, - 26} -> Complex[-0.005254583355195047, - 0.07911629825938535], {13, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, 0.12601316051490963`], {13, - 28} -> Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], { - 13, 29} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {13, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], {13, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {13, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {13, 33} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, -0.11027596484454191`], { - 13, 34} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {13, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], {13, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {14, - 15} -> Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, - 0.12231882955045151`], {14, 16} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {14, - 17} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, -0.18913477597107048`], { - 14, 18} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {14, - 19} -> Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, \ --0.18913477597107048`], {14, 20} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {14, - 21} -> Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, - 0.12231882955045151`], {14, 22} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {14, - 23} -> Complex[0.35279363941541053`, 0.], {14, 24} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, -0.09262495833114717], {14, - 25} -> Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, - 0.229189990199907], {14, 26} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], {14, 27} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {14, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {14, 29} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {14, - 30} -> Complex[-0.03694461851812731, \ --0.11992171449363792`], {14, 31} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {14, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {14, 33} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, 0.039875195608224154`], {14, - 34} -> Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, - 0.05145411756901592], {14, 35} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], { - 14, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], { - 15, 16} -> Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {15, 17} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {15, + 0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {10, 22} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {10, + 23} -> Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {10, 24} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, 0.05916418261795878], {10, + 25} -> Complex[-0.07482735080148525, \ +-0.01554709808796357], {10, 26} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {10, + 27} -> Complex[-0.05062234940479168, \ +-0.059412074076411546`], {10, 28} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {10, + 29} -> Complex[-0.06778091820891004, + 0.11263382211139406`], {10, 30} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {10, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {10, 32} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, -0.13038007028245235`], {11, + 12} -> Complex[0.288790430194917, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], {11, + 14} -> Complex[-0.07986138310064092, \ +-0.05490753841460036], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {11, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], {11, 17} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {11, 18} -> Complex[ - 0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {15, 19} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {15, - 20} -> Complex[ - 0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {15, 21} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, -0.11355320674819902`], { - 15, 22} -> Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {15, 23} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {15, - 24} -> Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, - 0.00875520102328074], {15, 25} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {15, - 26} -> Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, - 0.02799549139813756], {15, 27} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, 0.08944943686956167], {15, - 28} -> Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, - 0.21978330419104863`], {15, 29} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {15, - 30} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, - 0.18394307455842968`], {15, 31} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {15, - 32} -> Complex[-0.00498052152715275, - 0.08042658142468531], {15, 33} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {15, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {15, 35} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {15, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {16, 17} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {16, + 0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], {11, 19} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], {11, + 20} -> Complex[-0.07986138310064092, \ +-0.05490753841460036], {11, 21} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, -0.13067968221082676`], { + 11, 22} -> Complex[0.288790430194917, 0.], {11, 23} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, 0.007048096041707605], {11, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {11, 25} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {11, + 26} -> Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, \ +-0.34468442336798244`], {11, 27} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {11, + 28} -> Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], { + 11, 29} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {11, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {11, 31} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], { + 11, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {12, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, 0.07798472902890301], {12, + 15} -> Complex[-0.07116526154293495, + 0.12925982418550483`], {12, 16} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {12, + 17} -> Complex[-0.07116526154293495, + 0.12925982418550483`], {12, 18} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {12, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {12, 20} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, 0.07798472902890301], {12, + 21} -> Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {12, 22} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, 0.13067968221082676`], { + 12, 23} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {12, + 24} -> Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, + 0.13747106056552227`], {12, 25} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], { + 12, 26} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], { + 12, 27} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {12, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {12, 29} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {12, + 30} -> Complex[-0.0832461030605116, + 0.0007900461969849934], {12, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {12, + 32} -> Complex[-0.1353776277549702, + 0.09474310902835915], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, 17} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, 18} -> Complex[ - 0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {16, 19} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {16, - 20} -> Complex[ - 0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {16, 21} -> - Complex[0.349552824256183, 0.], {16, 22} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, 0.11355320674819902`], { - 16, 23} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], { - 16, 24} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {16, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {16, 26} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], {16, 27} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, 0.05577367679001426], {16, - 28} -> Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, \ --0.23052958058187878`], {16, 29} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {16, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {16, - 31} -> Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, - 0.2023899803882464], {16, 32} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {16, - 33} -> Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, - 0.010763626429992096`], {16, 34} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {16, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {16, 36} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {17, - 18} -> Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {17, 19} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, 0.02423539675981027], {17, - 20} -> Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {17, 21} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {17, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {17, 23} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {17, + 0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, -0.0383011718065015], {13, + 20} -> Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 21} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, -0.07798472902890301], {13, + 22} -> Complex[-0.07986138310064092, + 0.05490753841460036], {13, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, -0.07905444855796712], {13, 24} -> Complex[ - 0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {17, 25} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, 0.1016185353576046], {17, + 0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {13, 25} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {13, 26} -> Complex[ - 0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {17, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, 0.1270548580331935], {17, - 28} -> Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, \ --0.1963794168890443], {17, 29} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, -0.0475059953974924], {17, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {17, - 31} -> Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, - 0.17856311543581216`], {17, 32} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {17, - 33} -> Complex[-0.1606002091580235, - 0.04277649306205672], {17, 34} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {17, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {17, 36} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {18, - 19} -> Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {18, 20} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, -0.02423539675981027], {18, + 0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {13, 27} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {13, + 28} -> Complex[-0.1475728871036449, + 0.14922079251460418`], {13, 29} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], { + 13, 30} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {13, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {13, 32} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], {14, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 18} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, + 19} -> Complex[0.29582940176126815`, 0.], {14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, 0.0383011718065015], {14, 21} -> Complex[ - 0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {18, 22} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {18, - 23} -> Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, - 0.18913477597107048`], {18, 24} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], { - 18, 25} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], { - 18, 26} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {18, - 27} -> Complex[-0.1350116019726202, - 0.04516801561911384], {18, 28} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, 0.09375100770632477], {18, - 29} -> Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, \ --0.11085568682814102`], {18, 30} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {18, - 31} -> Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], { + 0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {14, 22} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {14, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {14, 24} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, 0.14328868692391553`], {14, + 25} -> Complex[ + 0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {14, 26} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], { + 14, 27} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {14, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {14, 29} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, -0.004668871253339259], { + 14, 30} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {14, + 31} -> Complex[-0.005519120018070173, + 0.32277555558099397`], {14, 32} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {15, + 16} -> Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, 0.10986947258054452`], {15, + 18} -> Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {15, 19} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, 0.11473204575369803`], {15, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {15, 21} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {15, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], {15, 23} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {15, + 24} -> Complex[-0.07538887957770507, \ +-0.014151525468183115`], {15, 25} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, 0.13919179950515956`], {15, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {15, 27} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {15, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {15, 29} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], {15, + 30} -> Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, + 0.03544251396822046], {15, 31} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], {15, + 32} -> Complex[-0.0749459256389439, + 0.2284108346745835], {16, 17} -> + Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, -0.10986947258054452`], {16, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {16, 20} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {16, + 21} -> Complex[-0.07116526154293495, \ +-0.12925982418550483`], {16, 22} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {16, + 23} -> Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, + 0.026330641239406972`], {16, 24} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {16, + 25} -> Complex[ + 0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {16, 26} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, -0.08953347157789894], {16, + 27} -> Complex[ + 0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {16, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {16, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {16, 30} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {16, + 31} -> Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], { + 16, 32} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {17, + 18} -> Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, 0.11473204575369803`], {17, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {17, 21} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {17, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], {17, 23} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {17, + 24} -> Complex[-0.07538887957770507, \ +-0.014151525468183115`], {17, 25} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, 0.13919179950515956`], {17, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {17, 27} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {17, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {17, 29} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], {17, + 30} -> Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, + 0.03544251396822046], {17, 31} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], {17, + 32} -> Complex[-0.0749459256389439, + 0.2284108346745835], {18, 19} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {18, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {18, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {18, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {18, 23} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, 0.026330641239406972`], { + 18, 24} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {18, + 25} -> Complex[ + 0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {18, 26} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, -0.08953347157789894], {18, + 27} -> Complex[ + 0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {18, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {18, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {18, 30} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {18, + 31} -> Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], { 18, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {18, - 33} -> Complex[-0.1355879777222275, - 0.08845876363140671], {18, 34} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {18, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {18, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {19, - 20} -> Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {19, 21} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {19, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {19, 23} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {19, + Complex[0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {19, + 20} -> Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {19, 21} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, -0.07798472902890301], {19, + 22} -> Complex[-0.07986138310064092, + 0.05490753841460036], {19, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, -0.07905444855796712], {19, 24} -> Complex[ - 0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {19, 25} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, 0.1016185353576046], {19, + 0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {19, 25} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {19, 26} -> Complex[ - 0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {19, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, 0.1270548580331935], {19, - 28} -> Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, \ --0.1963794168890443], {19, 29} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, -0.0475059953974924], {19, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {19, - 31} -> Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, - 0.17856311543581216`], {19, 32} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {19, - 33} -> Complex[-0.1606002091580235, - 0.04277649306205672], {19, 34} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {19, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {19, 36} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {20, - 21} -> Complex[ - 0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {20, 22} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {20, - 23} -> Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, - 0.18913477597107048`], {20, 24} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], { - 20, 25} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], { - 20, 26} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {20, - 27} -> Complex[-0.1350116019726202, - 0.04516801561911384], {20, 28} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, 0.09375100770632477], {20, - 29} -> Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, \ --0.11085568682814102`], {20, 30} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {20, - 31} -> Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], { - 20, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {20, - 33} -> Complex[-0.1355879777222275, - 0.08845876363140671], {20, 34} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {20, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {20, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {21, - 22} -> Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {21, 23} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {21, - 24} -> Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, - 0.00875520102328074], {21, 25} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {21, - 26} -> Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, - 0.02799549139813756], {21, 27} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, 0.08944943686956167], {21, - 28} -> Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, - 0.21978330419104863`], {21, 29} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {21, - 30} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, - 0.18394307455842968`], {21, 31} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {21, - 32} -> Complex[-0.00498052152715275, - 0.08042658142468531], {21, 33} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {21, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {21, 35} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {21, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {22, 23} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], { - 22, 24} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {22, + 0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {19, 27} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {19, + 28} -> Complex[-0.1475728871036449, + 0.14922079251460418`], {19, 29} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], { + 19, 30} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {19, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {19, 32} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], {20, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {20, 22} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {20, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {20, 24} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, 0.14328868692391553`], {20, 25} -> Complex[ - 0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {22, 26} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], {22, 27} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, 0.05577367679001426], {22, - 28} -> Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, \ --0.23052958058187878`], {22, 29} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {22, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {22, - 31} -> Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, - 0.2023899803882464], {22, 32} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {22, - 33} -> Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, - 0.010763626429992096`], {22, 34} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {22, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {22, 36} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {23, - 24} -> Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {23, 25} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, 0.06407563305713601], {23, - 26} -> Complex[-0.005254583355195047, - 0.07911629825938535], {23, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, 0.12601316051490963`], {23, - 28} -> Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], { - 23, 29} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {23, + 0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {20, 26} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], { + 20, 27} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {20, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {20, 29} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, -0.004668871253339259], { + 20, 30} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {20, + 31} -> Complex[-0.005519120018070173, + 0.32277555558099397`], {20, 32} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {21, + 22} -> Complex[0.288790430194917, 0.], {21, 23} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, 0.007048096041707605], {21, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {21, 25} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {21, + 26} -> Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, \ +-0.34468442336798244`], {21, 27} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {21, + 28} -> Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], { + 21, 29} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {21, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {21, 31} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], { + 21, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {22, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {22, 24} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, 0.13747106056552227`], {22, + 25} -> Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, + 0.20231262751067364`], {22, 26} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], { + 22, 27} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {22, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {22, 29} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {22, + 30} -> Complex[-0.0832461030605116, + 0.0007900461969849934], {22, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {22, + 32} -> Complex[-0.1353776277549702, + 0.09474310902835915], {23, 24} -> + Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {23, 25} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {23, + 26} -> Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, \ +-0.035808072295513985`], {23, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, -0.09437594864128791], {23, + 28} -> Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, \ +-0.04912752076041336], {23, 29} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {23, 30} -> Complex[ - 0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], {23, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {23, + 0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {23, 31} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], {23, 32} -> Complex[ - 0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {23, 33} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, -0.11027596484454191`], { - 23, 34} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {23, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], {23, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {24, - 25} -> Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, - 0.229189990199907], {24, 26} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], {24, 27} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {24, + 0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {24, 25} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, -0.01554709808796357], {24, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {24, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, -0.059412074076411546`], { + 24, 28} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {24, + 29} -> Complex[-0.06778091820891004, + 0.11263382211139406`], {24, 30} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {24, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {24, 32} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, -0.13038007028245235`], {25, + 26} -> Complex[0.5333747400652373, 0.], {25, 27} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, 0.12484288796949913`], {25, 28} -> Complex[ - 0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {24, 29} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {24, - 30} -> Complex[-0.03694461851812731, \ --0.11992171449363792`], {24, 31} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {24, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {24, 33} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, 0.039875195608224154`], {24, - 34} -> Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, - 0.05145411756901592], {24, 35} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], { - 24, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], { - 25, 26} -> Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {25, 27} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {25, - 28} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {25, - 29} -> Complex[-0.07072413917244547, - 0.06080711260518379], {25, 30} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {25, - 31} -> Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], { - 25, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, -0.03247283136099954], {25, - 33} -> Complex[-0.07901145315910152, \ --0.12060096224364471`], {25, 34} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {25, - 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {25, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {26, 27} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {26, - 28} -> Complex[-0.002703366170010074, \ --0.1342165202528226], {26, 29} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], {26, 30} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {26, - 31} -> Complex[-0.05197448003562596, \ --0.034035129192128775`], {26, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], { - 26, 33} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {26, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {26, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {26, - 36} -> Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, - 0.15967643343543628`], {27, 28} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {27, 29} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {27, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {27, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, -0.2594729794590618], {27, + 0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {25, 29} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {25, + 30} -> Complex[-0.3396867137428587, \ +-0.13646163767421743`], {25, 31} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], {25, + 32} -> Complex[-0.2128973260243628, 0.2803118968875541], { + 26, 27} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {26, + 28} -> Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, \ +-0.45619687405618636`], {26, 29} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {26, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {26, 31} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], { + 26, 32} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {27, + 28} -> Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {27, 29} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {27, + 30} -> Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], { + 27, 31} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, -0.1668433676200188], {27, + 32} -> Complex[-0.09765512477307971, + 0.4821278045577343], {28, 29} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {28, + 30} -> Complex[-0.05442442802981293, + 0.14858688449114604`], {28, 31} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, 0.09400730406176475], {28, 32} -> Complex[ - 0.10082205206266875`, -0.054783259519745345`], {27, 33} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, -0.22507239863090805`], {27, - 34} -> Complex[-0.2841944960267362, - 0.0881056163125139], {27, 35} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, -0.07667698906457968], {27, - 36} -> Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, \ --0.154590481023119], {28, 29} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, 0.20220472842758744`], {28, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.020907170696056646`, 0.009826517437731715], {28, 31} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, -0.12440237009032867`], {28, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.05541102122851009, -0.15479143125784764`], {28, 33} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, 0.08672925004639812], {28, - 34} -> Complex[-0.2521578356402413, \ --0.01333219816254436], {28, 35} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, 0.03036622844279574], {28, - 36} -> Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], \ -{29, 30} -> Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {29, 31} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, -0.0906083646195344], {29, - 32} -> Complex[-0.08951618372581999, - 0.1398945044720049], {29, 33} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, -0.31356085339344003`], {29, - 34} -> Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, \ --0.2062898932256956], {29, 35} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, 0.008414767951100507], {29, - 36} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, -0.06573453711443833], {30, - 31} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, -0.17443733981734005`], {30, + 0.13546634634545274`, 0.19241450807239194`], {29, 30} -> + Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {29, 31} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, 0.16136872833117036`], {29, 32} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, -0.18050668434763023`], { - 30, 33} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, 0.04266786697540802], {30, - 34} -> Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, - 0.2690120226571733], {30, 35} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, 0.2799821244558118], {30, - 36} -> Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, - 0.08613557464795678], {31, 32} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {31, 33} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, 0.07846271521707039], {31, - 34} -> Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, - 0.08045040304054488], {31, 35} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, -0.20164942303248495`], {31, - 36} -> Complex[-0.0838892214676934, \ --0.35906971113552444`], {32, 33} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, 0.10280421447880453`], {32, - 34} -> Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, \ --0.30182786908398773`], {32, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, -0.03825515355084523], {32, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], {33, 34} -> 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Complex[0.42758138363477327`, -0.32132395556573284`], - Complex[0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], - Complex[0.27665696943595475`, -0.03008858541069303]}}, {{ - Complex[0.40871523016801836`, -0.3914161992146915], - Complex[0.13349318441649863`, 0.20795982040001967`], - Complex[-0.06763809937190401, 0.013232629169555005`], - Complex[-0.16643607446992745`, 0.04647603925314831]}, { - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, 0.07667698906457968], - Complex[-0.21519470881736716`, 0.17637701127028402`], - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, 0.154590481023119], - Complex[-0.35273246360518196`, -0.15796707304273339`]}, { - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], - Complex[-0.16555194244624516`, -0.04194109386058791], - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, -0.08613557464795678], - Complex[0.10332134600574336`, -0.07023148255996145]}, { - Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], - Complex[-0.2554035629956043, 0.013529437056424676`], - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, 0.35906971113552444`], - Complex[0.21991615350662097`, -0.10151011163037268`]}}}, {{{ - Complex[-0.01368758738520967, -0.23777209168407892`], - Complex[0.2503414865217611, -0.15948743107284857`], - Complex[-0.03994232656574391, -0.24068348995883046`], - Complex[-0.34707775670409796`, -0.06311906387645908]}, { - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], - Complex[-0.35604400486853827`, -0.19202003300499665`], - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], - Complex[0.05965686121477262, -0.11934556517969719`]}, { - Complex[0.2918182566849722, -0.1560488150630844], - Complex[-0.3469521645222371, -0.3001778222790187], - Complex[-0.1277481947510152, 0.010521080018301474`], - Complex[-0.06631005352268324, 0.27312236326349937`]}, { - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], - Complex[0.08162611181070703, 0.22402329196233706`], - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, 0.15967643343543628`], - Complex[0.07531904297420958, -0.15272107986304584`]}}, {{ - Complex[0.030629438373976914`, 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0.07039259563873915], - Complex[-0.06352751100469292, 0.023280642382329134`]}, { - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], - Complex[0.16145318386301, -0.17129348602271738`], - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], - Complex[0.12838126863645427`, -0.07650696033991101]}, { - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], - Complex[-0.24028961870410578`, 0.39818339174816486`], - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], - Complex[0.12223400142556862`, 0.02429598116105823]}, { - Complex[-0.32631810220655216`, 0.1492086982359996], - Complex[0.05766080135719996, -0.28235317729215736`], - Complex[-0.0598294552633834, -0.17660297273001005`], - Complex[0.2787005766777592, 0.08610654180035877]}}, {{ - Complex[-0.18027597983706614`, 0.18621633240065366`], - Complex[-0.2509929254124046, -0.22036382183049225`], - Complex[0.03193097321359681, 0.08016164657929792], - Complex[0.10268734577075919`, 0.022457609190944902`]}, { - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], - Complex[-0.3333440582606853, -0.34696015766298627`], - Complex[0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], - Complex[0.16444004482932767`, -0.03354664016459169]}, { - Complex[0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], - Complex[0.08667092556500258, 0.03207772345721513], - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], - Complex[-0.036480142723888234`, 0.2552259542422248]}, { - Complex[-0.13513084937672884`, 0.23193353915499637`], - Complex[-0.1215930846936491, 0.2103034689922707], - Complex[-0.17066899083240678`, 0.30057932892885286`], - Complex[0.002498830620524431, -0.1865032854960023]}}}, {{{ - Complex[0.1602424978888557, 0.12449912442406211`], - Complex[-0.1406613450432752, 0.16506661315729487`], - Complex[0.09661337368178458, 0.3965655903895604], - Complex[0.1747075510358761, 0.030985816041650405`]}, { - Complex[0.06921727495358904, 0.3737638513013193], - Complex[0.037320689344688684`, 0.03813923144433613], - Complex[0.011957248356972806`, 0.28158219249904803`], - Complex[0.20284117494628473`, -0.13542244365159856`]}, { - Complex[-0.1366235958687781, -0.022927244239727723`], - Complex[0.14080589561787266`, 0.30137375364482416`], - Complex[0.1419125191065882, -0.04606132582837804], - Complex[-0.004140301947261497, -0.10446853151827695`]}, { - Complex[-0.26398001434935564`, -0.037127407354014], - Complex[-0.17375731940135264`, 0.12748337551287386`], - Complex[-0.1462103221636279, 0.03719835734241454], - Complex[0.156687825402905, -0.041004228308001364`]}}, {{ - Complex[0.09056376729137025, 0.12903703571192585`], - Complex[0.15975136850429977`, -0.09579661629343296], - Complex[0.22392059548906296`, 0.17384782125675002`], - Complex[-0.11566937328920632`, 0.2036285052616825]}, { - Complex[-0.025874770511720754`, 0.07023555673715301], - Complex[0.40043128429152025`, -0.18119121031046845`], - Complex[0.3523027675575462, 0.048879960142675705`], - Complex[-0.04379726327543235, 0.006708937863314765]}, { - Complex[0.17283905164661448`, -0.34415914729547625`], - Complex[0.1402877745936879, 0.1297917646521906], - Complex[0.11350893278292475`, -0.20421446451923492`], - Complex[0.10296082468490665`, 0.10665556587747226`]}, { - Complex[-0.02434288647371114, 0.2762574156606259], - Complex[0.09870055262426544, -0.038643159461413286`], - Complex[0.15069598693099004`, -0.09534078439632095], - Complex[-0.04554246678213743, -0.2934646843989378]}}}}, - SymmetrizedArray[ - StructuredArray`StructuredData[{36, - 36}, {{{1, 3} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, 0.2915805668549216], {1, 4} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, -0.2865643065030182], {1, 5} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, 0.3254707548282041], {1, 6} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, 0.35906971113552444`], {1, 7} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, -0.08613557464795678], {1, 8} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, 0.06573453711443833], {1, 9} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, 0.1809373735116714], {1, 10} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, 0.154590481023119], {1, 11} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, 12} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], {1, 13} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, 0.18558736962752792`], {1, 14} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, 15} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, 16} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, 17} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, 18} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, 19} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, 20} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, 21} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, 22} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, 23} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, 0.18558736962752792`], {1, 24} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, 25} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, 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-0.008414767951100507], {2, 9} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], {2, 10} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, 0.07667698906457968], {2, 11} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, -0.15579730043133583`], {2, 12} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], {2, 13} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, 14} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 15} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, 16} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 17} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, 18} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, 19} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, 20} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, 21} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, 22} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 23} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, 24} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 25} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, -0.15579730043133583`], {2, 26} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], {2, 27} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], {2, 28} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, 0.07667698906457968], {2, 29} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, 30} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, -0.008414767951100507], {2, 31} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, 32} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], {2, 33} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, 34} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, 35} -> - 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {3, 5} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, 0.30182786908398773`], {3, 6} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, -0.08045040304054488], {3, 7} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, -0.2690120226571733], {3, 8} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, 0.2062898932256956], {3, 9} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, 0.01333219816254436], {3, 10} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], {3, 11} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {3, 12} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {3, 13} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, -0.05145411756901592], {3, 14} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, -0.04963088270675587], {3, 15} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {3, 16} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {3, 17} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], {3, 18} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {3, 19} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], {3, 20} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {3, 21} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {3, 22} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {3, 23} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, -0.05145411756901592], {3, 24} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, -0.04963088270675587], {3, 25} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {3, 26} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {3, 27} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, 0.01333219816254436], {3, 28} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], {3, 29} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, -0.2690120226571733], {3, 30} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, 0.2062898932256956], {3, 31} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, 0.30182786908398773`], {3, 32} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, -0.08045040304054488], {3, 33} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, -0.03308934997069378], {3, 34} -> - Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {3, 35} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, -0.10568804847511024`], {3, 36} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, 0.2865643065030182], {4, 5} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {4, 6} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {4, 7} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, -0.04266786697540802], {4, 8} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {4, 9} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {4, 10} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {4, 11} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {4, 12} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, 0.12060096224364471`], {4, 13} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {4, 14} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, 0.11027596484454191`], {4, 15} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], {4, 16} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {4, 17} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, -0.08845876363140671], {4, 18} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, -0.04277649306205672], {4, 19} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, -0.08845876363140671], {4, 20} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, -0.04277649306205672], {4, 21} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], {4, 22} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {4, 23} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {4, 24} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, 0.11027596484454191`], {4, 25} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {4, 26} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, 0.12060096224364471`], {4, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {4, 28} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {4, 29} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, -0.04266786697540802], {4, 30} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {4, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {4, 32} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {4, 33} -> - Complex[0.49636369297926336`, 0.], {4, 34} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, 0.03308934997069378], {4, 35} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, 0.08293748621875244], {4, 36} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, -0.2915805668549216], {5, 6} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {5, 7} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, 0.18050668434763023`], {5, 8} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, -0.1398945044720049], {5, 9} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {5, 10} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {5, 11} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, 0.24585233281751626`], {5, 12} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, 0.03247283136099954], {5, 13} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], {5, 14} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {5, 15} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {5, 16} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {5, 17} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, -0.18155756040588286`], {5, 18} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {5, 19} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, -0.18155756040588286`], {5, 20} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {5, 21} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {5, 22} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {5, 23} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], {5, 24} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {5, 25} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, 0.24585233281751626`], {5, 26} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, 0.03247283136099954], {5, 27} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {5, 28} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {5, 29} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, 0.18050668434763023`], {5, 30} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, -0.1398945044720049], {5, 31} -> - Complex[0.05957085045120364, -0.0686364172150267], {5, 32} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {5, 33} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, 0.07846271521707039], {5, 34} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, 0.08045040304054488], {5, 35} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, -0.20164942303248495`], {5, 36} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, -0.35906971113552444`], {6, 7} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {6, 8} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], {6, 9} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {6, 10} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, 0.2594729794590618], {6, 11} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, 0.034035129192128775`], {6, 12} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {6, 13} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {6, 14} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, -0.054766912594803374`], {6, 15} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, -0.2023899803882464], {6, 16} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {6, 17} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], {6, 18} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {6, 19} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], {6, 20} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {6, 21} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, -0.2023899803882464], {6, 22} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {6, 23} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {6, 24} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, -0.054766912594803374`], {6, 25} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, 0.034035129192128775`], {6, 26} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {6, 27} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {6, 28} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, 0.2594729794590618], {6, 29} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {6, 30} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], {6, 31} -> - Complex[0.5058138015078811, 0.], {6, 32} -> - Complex[0.05957085045120364, 0.0686364172150267], {6, 33} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, 0.10280421447880453`], {6, 34} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, -0.30182786908398773`], {6, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, -0.03825515355084523], {6, 36} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], {7, 8} -> - Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {7, 9} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {7, 10} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {7, 11} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, -0.08387695970470208], {7, 12} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {7, 13} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, 0.11992171449363792`], {7, 14} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {7, 15} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {7, 16} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, -0.18394307455842968`], {7, 17} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {7, 18} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, 0.12113458402956634`], {7, 19} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {7, 20} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, 0.12113458402956634`], {7, 21} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {7, 22} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, -0.18394307455842968`], {7, 23} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, 0.11992171449363792`], {7, 24} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {7, 25} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, -0.08387695970470208], {7, 26} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {7, 27} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {7, 28} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {7, 29} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, 0.1534965717731505], {7, 30} -> - Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {7, 31} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, -0.0906083646195344], {7, 32} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, 0.1398945044720049], {7, 33} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, -0.31356085339344003`], {7, 34} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, -0.2062898932256956], {7, 35} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, 0.008414767951100507], {7, 36} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, -0.06573453711443833], {8, 9} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {8, 10} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {8, 11} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {8, 12} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {8, 13} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {8, 14} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {8, 15} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, 0.13038883546342855`], {8, 16} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, 0.025091517498334166`], {8, 17} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, 0.11085568682814102`], {8, 18} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {8, 19} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, 0.11085568682814102`], {8, 20} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {8, 21} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, 0.13038883546342855`], {8, 22} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, 0.025091517498334166`], {8, 23} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {8, 24} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {8, 25} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {8, 26} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {8, 27} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {8, 28} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {8, 29} -> - Complex[0.3480244926609176, 0.], {8, 30} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, -0.1534965717731505], {8, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, -0.17443733981734005`], {8, 32} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, -0.18050668434763023`], {8, 33} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, 0.04266786697540802], {8, 34} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, 0.2690120226571733], {8, 35} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, 0.2799821244558118], {8, 36} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, 0.08613557464795678], {9, 10} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {9, 11} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, 0.1342165202528226], {9, 12} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, 0.07147202526604769], {9, 13} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {9, 14} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], {9, 15} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, 0.23052958058187878`], {9, 16} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], {9, 17} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {9, 18} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, 0.1963794168890443], {9, 19} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {9, 20} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, 0.1963794168890443], {9, 21} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, 0.23052958058187878`], {9, 22} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], {9, 23} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {9, 24} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], {9, 25} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, 0.1342165202528226], {9, 26} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, 0.07147202526604769], {9, 27} -> - Complex[0.10214442350629199`, -0.026260413784740505`], {9, 28} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {9, 29} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {9, 30} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {9, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, -0.2594729794590618], {9, 32} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, -0.054783259519745345`], {9, 33} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, -0.22507239863090805`], {9, 34} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, 0.0881056163125139], {9, 35} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, -0.07667698906457968], {9, 36} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, -0.154590481023119], {10, 11} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {10, 12} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], {10, 13} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {10, 14} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, -0.12601316051490963`], {10, 15} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {10, 16} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {10, 17} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, -0.04516801561911384], {10, 18} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, -0.1270548580331935], {10, 19} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, -0.04516801561911384], {10, 20} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, -0.1270548580331935], {10, 21} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {10, 22} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {10, 23} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {10, 24} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, -0.12601316051490963`], {10, 25} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {10, 26} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], {10, 27} -> - Complex[0.33314595779251727`, 0.], {10, 28} -> - Complex[0.10214442350629199`, 0.026260413784740505`], {10, 29} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, 0.20220472842758744`], {10, 30} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, 0.009826517437731715], {10, 31} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, -0.12440237009032867`], {10, 32} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, -0.15479143125784764`], {10, 33} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, 0.08672925004639812], {10, 34} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, -0.01333219816254436], {10, 35} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, 0.03036622844279574], {10, 36} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], {11, 12} -> - Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {11, 13} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {11, 14} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, -0.07911629825938535], {11, 15} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {11, 16} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, -0.02799549139813756], {11, 17} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {11, 18} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {11, 19} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {11, 20} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {11, 21} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {11, 22} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, -0.02799549139813756], {11, 23} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {11, 24} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, -0.07911629825938535], {11, 25} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, 0.010244248183710654`], {11, 26} -> - Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {11, 27} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {11, 28} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {11, 29} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, 0.06080711260518379], {11, 30} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {11, 31} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], {11, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, -0.03247283136099954], {11, 33} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, -0.12060096224364471`], {11, 34} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {11, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {11, 36} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {12, 13} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, -0.229189990199907], {12, 14} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, -0.06407563305713601], {12, 15} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {12, 16} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, 0.06148505498780174], {12, 17} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, 0.15781559429956118`], {12, 18} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {12, 19} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, 0.15781559429956118`], {12, 20} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {12, 21} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {12, 22} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, 0.06148505498780174], {12, 23} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, -0.229189990199907], {12, 24} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, -0.06407563305713601], {12, 25} -> - Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {12, 26} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, -0.010244248183710654`], {12, 27} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {12, 28} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, -0.1342165202528226], {12, 29} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], {12, 30} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {12, 31} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, -0.034035129192128775`], {12, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], {12, 33} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {12, 34} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {12, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {12, 36} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, 0.15967643343543628`], {13, 14} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {13, 15} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {13, 16} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, -0.00875520102328074], {13, 17} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], {13, 18} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {13, 19} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], {13, 20} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {13, 21} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {13, 22} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, -0.00875520102328074], {13, 23} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, 0.09262495833114717], {13, 24} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {13, 25} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, 0.06407563305713601], {13, 26} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, 0.07911629825938535], {13, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, 0.12601316051490963`], {13, 28} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], {13, 29} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {13, 30} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], {13, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {13, 32} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {13, 33} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, -0.11027596484454191`], {13, 34} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {13, 35} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], {13, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {14, 15} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, 0.12231882955045151`], {14, 16} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {14, 17} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, -0.18913477597107048`], {14, 18} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {14, 19} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, -0.18913477597107048`], {14, 20} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {14, 21} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, 0.12231882955045151`], {14, 22} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {14, 23} -> - Complex[0.35279363941541053`, 0.], {14, 24} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, -0.09262495833114717], {14, 25} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, 0.229189990199907], {14, 26} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], {14, 27} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {14, 28} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {14, 29} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {14, 30} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, -0.11992171449363792`], {14, 31} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {14, 32} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {14, 33} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, 0.039875195608224154`], {14, 34} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, 0.05145411756901592], {14, 35} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], {14, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], {15, 16} -> - Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {15, 17} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {15, 18} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {15, 19} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {15, 20} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {15, 21} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, -0.11355320674819902`], {15, 22} -> - Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {15, 23} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {15, 24} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, 0.00875520102328074], {15, 25} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {15, 26} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, 0.02799549139813756], {15, 27} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, 0.08944943686956167], {15, 28} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, 0.21978330419104863`], {15, 29} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {15, 30} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, 0.18394307455842968`], {15, 31} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {15, 32} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, 0.08042658142468531], {15, 33} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {15, 34} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {15, 35} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {15, 36} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {16, 17} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {16, 18} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {16, 19} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {16, 20} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {16, 21} -> - Complex[0.349552824256183, 0.], {16, 22} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, 0.11355320674819902`], {16, 23} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], {16, 24} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {16, 25} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {16, 26} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], {16, 27} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, 0.05577367679001426], {16, 28} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, -0.23052958058187878`], {16, 29} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {16, 30} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {16, 31} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, 0.2023899803882464], {16, 32} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {16, 33} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, 0.010763626429992096`], {16, 34} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {16, 35} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {16, 36} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {17, 18} -> - Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {17, 19} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, 0.02423539675981027], {17, 20} -> - Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {17, 21} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {17, 22} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {17, 23} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {17, 24} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {17, 25} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, 0.1016185353576046], {17, 26} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {17, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, 0.1270548580331935], {17, 28} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, -0.1963794168890443], {17, 29} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, -0.0475059953974924], {17, 30} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {17, 31} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, 0.17856311543581216`], {17, 32} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {17, 33} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, 0.04277649306205672], {17, 34} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {17, 35} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {17, 36} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {18, 19} -> - Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {18, 20} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, -0.02423539675981027], {18, 21} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {18, 22} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {18, 23} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, 0.18913477597107048`], {18, 24} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], {18, 25} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], {18, 26} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {18, 27} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, 0.04516801561911384], {18, 28} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, 0.09375100770632477], {18, 29} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, -0.11085568682814102`], {18, 30} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {18, 31} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], {18, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {18, 33} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, 0.08845876363140671], {18, 34} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {18, 35} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {18, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {19, 20} -> - Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {19, 21} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {19, 22} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {19, 23} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {19, 24} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {19, 25} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, 0.1016185353576046], {19, 26} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {19, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, 0.1270548580331935], {19, 28} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, -0.1963794168890443], {19, 29} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, -0.0475059953974924], {19, 30} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {19, 31} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, 0.17856311543581216`], {19, 32} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {19, 33} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, 0.04277649306205672], {19, 34} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {19, 35} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {19, 36} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {20, 21} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {20, 22} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {20, 23} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, 0.18913477597107048`], {20, 24} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], {20, 25} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], {20, 26} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {20, 27} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, 0.04516801561911384], {20, 28} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, 0.09375100770632477], {20, 29} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, -0.11085568682814102`], {20, 30} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {20, 31} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], {20, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {20, 33} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, 0.08845876363140671], {20, 34} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {20, 35} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {20, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {21, 22} -> - Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {21, 23} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {21, 24} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, 0.00875520102328074], {21, 25} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {21, 26} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, 0.02799549139813756], {21, 27} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, 0.08944943686956167], {21, 28} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, 0.21978330419104863`], {21, 29} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {21, 30} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, 0.18394307455842968`], {21, 31} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {21, 32} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, 0.08042658142468531], {21, 33} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {21, 34} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {21, 35} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {21, 36} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {22, 23} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], {22, 24} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {22, 25} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {22, 26} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], {22, 27} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, 0.05577367679001426], {22, 28} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, -0.23052958058187878`], {22, 29} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {22, 30} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {22, 31} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, 0.2023899803882464], {22, 32} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {22, 33} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, 0.010763626429992096`], {22, 34} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {22, 35} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {22, 36} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {23, 24} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {23, 25} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, 0.06407563305713601], {23, 26} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, 0.07911629825938535], {23, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, 0.12601316051490963`], {23, 28} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], {23, 29} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {23, 30} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], {23, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {23, 32} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {23, 33} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, -0.11027596484454191`], {23, 34} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {23, 35} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], {23, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {24, 25} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, 0.229189990199907], {24, 26} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], {24, 27} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {24, 28} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {24, 29} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {24, 30} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, -0.11992171449363792`], {24, 31} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {24, 32} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {24, 33} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, 0.039875195608224154`], {24, 34} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, 0.05145411756901592], {24, 35} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], {24, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], {25, 26} -> - Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {25, 27} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {25, 28} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {25, 29} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, 0.06080711260518379], {25, 30} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {25, 31} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], {25, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, -0.03247283136099954], {25, 33} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, -0.12060096224364471`], {25, 34} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {25, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {25, 36} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {26, 27} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {26, 28} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, -0.1342165202528226], {26, 29} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], {26, 30} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {26, 31} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, -0.034035129192128775`], {26, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], {26, 33} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {26, 34} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {26, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {26, 36} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, 0.15967643343543628`], {27, 28} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {27, 29} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {27, 30} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {27, 31} -> - 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Complex[0.205649088470696, 0.1952027311525777], + Complex[0.13206514972545308`, 0.1528064847296205], + Complex[0.07997909975257539, 0.035658916432852156`], + Complex[0.09276928341043214, 0.22612359610730548`]}, { + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], + Complex[0.06924778796823765, 0.3392611590971487], + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], + Complex[0.15091263428766727`, 0.2228612167998718]}, { + Complex[0.0010190112156733822`, 0.1129619972224615], + Complex[0.16898776080680572`, 0.18912093210280806`], + Complex[0.08931254046091314, -0.12514120802029044`], + Complex[0.1513899027918974, -0.3474639674355249]}}, {{ + Complex[0.3944474729614066, 0.2188672060002173], + Complex[0.3096121239335217, 0.47673248261413864`], + Complex[-0.2382666838911986, -0.0024230464141801467`], + Complex[-0.19206924454095325`, -0.09196348615447132]}, { + Complex[0.09850742759746575, 0.13201703665249773`], + Complex[-0.09824475286720405, 0.26537804307649243`], + Complex[-0.15132264085215427`, -0.2556264006201731], + Complex[-0.05571181525456548, -0.00232440389180405]}, { + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], + Complex[-0.03999197651078942, -0.08108739701849048], + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], + Complex[-0.19794378627517756`, -0.18344740966364476`]}, { + Complex[0.05500540410168902, 0.09120545255702392], + Complex[-0.11166394499212068`, 0.15888871982827596`], + Complex[-0.11852257287681439`, -0.3006085542145621], + Complex[-0.10698386630910972`, -0.489463823816771]}}}, {{{ + Complex[-0.20051145955164862`, -0.019978948991496662`], + Complex[-0.6026645637823169, 0.025745425656669832`], + Complex[0.059360091421089306`, 0.43821938618982414`], + Complex[-0.04296792298565183, 0.4142235632072107]}, { + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], + Complex[-0.2727492043214132, 0.03650760667605782], + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], + Complex[-0.0779157268128722, 0.11514790480422857`]}, { + Complex[0.15094883017161237`, -0.017967745813698206`], + Complex[0.07227379479966149, -0.1267397367640276], + Complex[-0.005234481095472324, 0.08375527438370217], + Complex[-0.055302208064202024`, -0.048534074509855855`]}, { + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], + Complex[-0.07419048161268496, -0.44785444839788086`], + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], + Complex[0.1618081612353034, 0.15437985466267745`]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.19935008044199365`, -0.01476401633281204], + Complex[-0.2928650289852777, -0.46687962670164623`], + Complex[0.5132821370143701, -0.08200379158801555], + Complex[0.39787211766682684`, 0.02018928830199271]}, { + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], + Complex[0.1545150779993909, -0.07185006552804889], + Complex[0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], + Complex[0.3726827733239779, -0.09985152182770193]}, { + Complex[0.19889965185547961`, -0.10176495470379088`], + Complex[0.14162344222586734`, 0.16542191643180643`], + Complex[-0.20384384748898732`, -0.023288188749349403`], + Complex[-0.10760410221567202`, -0.09726459002159923]}, { + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], + Complex[0.10259904200108994`, -0.38164006740997314`], + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], + Complex[-0.004173210656446616, 0.06838658845069481]}}}}, + SymmetrizedArray[ + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{32, + 32}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, -0.45412395229305985`], {1, 4} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, 0.23954012515618292`], {1, 5} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, 6} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, -0.4821278045577343], {1, 7} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, 8} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], {1, 9} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], {1, 10} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, 11} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], {1, 12} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, 13} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, 14} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, -0.22986188863366275`], {1, 15} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 16} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, 17} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 18} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, 19} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, 20} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, -0.22986188863366275`], {1, 21} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], {1, 22} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, 23} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], {1, 24} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, 25} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, 26} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], {1, 27} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, 28} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, -0.4821278045577343], {1, 29} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, -0.45412395229305985`], {1, 30} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, 0.23954012515618292`], {1, 32} -> + 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, 4} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, -0.16136872833117036`], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, -0.09400730406176475], {2, 6} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, 0.1668433676200188], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], {2, 8} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 9} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], {2, 11} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, 13} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, 14} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 15} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, 16} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, 0.06896354235277449], {2, 17} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, 18} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, 0.06896354235277449], {2, 19} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, 20} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 21} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, 22} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, 23} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, 24} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], {2, 25} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], {2, 26} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 27} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, -0.09400730406176475], {2, 28} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, 0.1668433676200188], {2, 29} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, 30} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, -0.16136872833117036`], {2, 31} -> + 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, 6} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, 0.13646163767421743`], {3, 9} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], {3, 10} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {3, 12} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {3, 14} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {3, 15} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {3, 16} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, -0.03544251396822046], {3, 17} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {3, 18} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, -0.03544251396822046], {3, 19} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {3, 20} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {3, 21} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {3, 22} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {3, 23} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], {3, 24} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {3, 25} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {3, 26} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, 0.13646163767421743`], {3, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, 28} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], {3, 29} -> + Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, -0.0014004115937454042`], {3, 30} -> + Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {3, 31} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, 0.16136872833117036`], {3, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, -0.23954012515618292`], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {4, 6} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {4, 9} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, -0.11263382211139406`], {4, 10} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {4, 12} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {4, 13} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {4, 14} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {4, 16} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {4, 17} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {4, 18} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {4, 19} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {4, 20} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {4, 21} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {4, 22} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {4, 23} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, -0.11263382211139406`], {4, 24} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {4, 25} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {4, 26} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {4, 27} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {4, 28} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, 29} -> + Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {4, 30} -> + Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, 0.0014004115937454042`], {4, 31} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, 0.0990678397300458], {4, 32} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, 0.45412395229305985`], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, 0.45619687405618636`], {5, 8} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {5, 9} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, -0.04387994353782962], {5, 10} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, 0.04912752076041336], {5, 11} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], {5, 13} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {5, 15} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, 0.2479052297980392], {5, 16} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {5, 17} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, 0.2479052297980392], {5, 18} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {5, 20} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {5, 21} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {5, 22} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], {5, 23} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, -0.04387994353782962], {5, 24} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, 0.04912752076041336], {5, 25} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, 0.45619687405618636`], {5, 26} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {5, 27} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, 0.22179319605394876`], {5, 28} -> + Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {5, 29} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {5, 30} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], {5, 31} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, -0.1668433676200188], {5, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, 0.4821278045577343], {6, 7} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], {6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, -0.12484288796949913`], {6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, 0.059412074076411546`], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, 0.09437594864128791], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {6, 13} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {6, 14} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {6, 15} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {6, 16} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {6, 17} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {6, 18} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {6, 19} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {6, 20} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {6, 21} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {6, 22} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {6, 23} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, 0.059412074076411546`], {6, 24} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, 0.09437594864128791], {6, 25} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], {6, 26} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, -0.12484288796949913`], {6, 27} -> + Complex[0.20263910536773755`, 0.], {6, 28} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, -0.22179319605394876`], {6, 29} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {6, 30} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, 0.14858688449114604`], {6, 31} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, 0.09400730406176475], {6, 32} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, 0.19241450807239194`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.5333747400652373, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, 0.035808072295513985`], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {7, 13} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {7, 14} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {7, 15} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, 0.08953347157789894], {7, 16} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {7, 17} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, 0.08953347157789894], {7, 18} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {7, 19} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {7, 20} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {7, 21} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {7, 22} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {7, 23} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {7, 24} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, 0.035808072295513985`], {7, 25} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, 0.19937008578078047`], {7, 26} -> + Complex[0.5333747400652373, 0.], {7, 27} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, 0.12484288796949913`], {7, 28} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {7, 29} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {7, 30} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, -0.13646163767421743`], {7, 31} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], {7, 32} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, 0.2803118968875541], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {8, 10} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {8, 13} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {8, 14} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {8, 16} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, -0.13919179950515956`], {8, 17} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {8, 18} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, -0.13919179950515956`], {8, 19} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {8, 20} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {8, 21} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], {8, 22} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {8, 23} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {8, 24} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], {8, 25} -> + Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {8, 26} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, -0.19937008578078047`], {8, 27} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {8, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, -0.45619687405618636`], {8, 29} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {8, 30} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {8, 31} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], {8, 32} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, -0.13747106056552227`], {9, 12} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {9, 13} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], {9, 14} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {9, 15} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {9, 16} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, 0.014151525468183115`], {9, 17} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {9, 18} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, 0.014151525468183115`], {9, 19} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], {9, 20} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {9, 21} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, -0.13747106056552227`], {9, 22} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {9, 23} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, -0.05916418261795878], {9, 24} -> + Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {9, 25} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {9, 26} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], {9, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, -0.09437594864128791], {9, 28} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, -0.04912752076041336], {9, 29} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {9, 30} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {9, 31} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], {9, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {10, 11} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {10, 13} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], {10, 14} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, 0.07905444855796712], {10, 15} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, -0.026330641239406972`], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, 0.04246480370392383], {10, 17} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, -0.026330641239406972`], {10, 18} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, 0.04246480370392383], {10, 19} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], {10, 20} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, 0.07905444855796712], {10, 21} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {10, 22} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {10, 23} -> + Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {10, 24} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, 0.05916418261795878], {10, 25} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, -0.01554709808796357], {10, 26} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {10, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, -0.059412074076411546`], {10, 28} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {10, 29} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, 0.11263382211139406`], {10, 30} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {10, 31} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {10, 32} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, -0.13038007028245235`], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.288790430194917, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], {11, 14} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, -0.05490753841460036], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], {11, 17} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {11, 18} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], {11, 19} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], {11, 20} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, -0.05490753841460036], {11, 21} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, -0.13067968221082676`], {11, 22} -> + Complex[0.288790430194917, 0.], {11, 23} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, 0.007048096041707605], {11, 24} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {11, 25} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {11, 26} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], {11, 27} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {11, 28} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], {11, 29} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {11, 30} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {11, 31} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {11, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, 0.07798472902890301], {12, 15} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, 0.12925982418550483`], {12, 16} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {12, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, 0.12925982418550483`], {12, 18} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {12, 19} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {12, 20} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, 0.07798472902890301], {12, 21} -> + Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {12, 22} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, 0.13067968221082676`], {12, 23} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {12, 24} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, 0.13747106056552227`], {12, 25} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], {12, 26} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], {12, 27} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {12, 28} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {12, 29} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {12, 30} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, 0.0007900461969849934], {12, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {12, 32} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, 0.09474310902835915], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, 16} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, 17} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, 18} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, -0.0383011718065015], {13, 20} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 21} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, -0.07798472902890301], {13, 22} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {13, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, -0.07905444855796712], {13, 24} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {13, 25} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {13, 26} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {13, 27} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {13, 28} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, 0.14922079251460418`], {13, 29} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], {13, 30} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {13, 31} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {13, 32} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], {14, 15} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, 17} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 18} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.29582940176126815`, 0.], {14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, 0.0383011718065015], {14, 21} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {14, 22} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {14, 23} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {14, 24} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, 0.14328868692391553`], {14, 25} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {14, 26} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], {14, 27} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {14, 28} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {14, 29} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, -0.004668871253339259], {14, 30} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {14, 31} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, 0.32277555558099397`], {14, 32} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {15, 16} -> + Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, 0.10986947258054452`], {15, 18} -> + Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {15, 19} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, 0.11473204575369803`], {15, 20} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {15, 21} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {15, 22} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], {15, 23} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {15, 24} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, -0.014151525468183115`], {15, 25} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, 0.13919179950515956`], {15, 26} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {15, 27} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {15, 28} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {15, 29} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], {15, 30} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, 0.03544251396822046], {15, 31} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], {15, 32} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], {16, 17} -> + Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, -0.10986947258054452`], {16, 19} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {16, 20} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {16, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {16, 22} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {16, 23} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, 0.026330641239406972`], {16, 24} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {16, 25} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {16, 26} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, -0.08953347157789894], {16, 27} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {16, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {16, 29} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {16, 30} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {16, 31} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], {16, 32} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, 0.11473204575369803`], {17, 20} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {17, 21} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {17, 22} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], {17, 23} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {17, 24} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, -0.014151525468183115`], {17, 25} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, 0.13919179950515956`], {17, 26} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {17, 27} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {17, 28} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {17, 29} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], {17, 30} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, 0.03544251396822046], {17, 31} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], {17, 32} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], {18, 19} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {18, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {18, 22} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {18, 23} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, 0.026330641239406972`], {18, 24} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {18, 25} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {18, 26} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, -0.08953347157789894], {18, 27} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {18, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {18, 29} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {18, 30} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {18, 31} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], {18, 32} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {19, 20} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {19, 21} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, -0.07798472902890301], {19, 22} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {19, 23} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, -0.07905444855796712], {19, 24} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {19, 25} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {19, 26} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {19, 27} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {19, 28} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, 0.14922079251460418`], {19, 29} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], {19, 30} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {19, 31} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {19, 32} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], {20, 21} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {20, 22} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {20, 23} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {20, 24} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, 0.14328868692391553`], {20, 25} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {20, 26} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], {20, 27} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {20, 28} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {20, 29} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, -0.004668871253339259], {20, 30} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {20, 31} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, 0.32277555558099397`], {20, 32} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {21, 22} -> + Complex[0.288790430194917, 0.], {21, 23} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, 0.007048096041707605], {21, 24} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {21, 25} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {21, 26} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], {21, 27} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {21, 28} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], {21, 29} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {21, 30} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {21, 31} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {21, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {22, 23} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {22, 24} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, 0.13747106056552227`], {22, 25} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], {22, 26} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], {22, 27} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {22, 28} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {22, 29} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {22, 30} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, 0.0007900461969849934], {22, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {22, 32} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, 0.09474310902835915], {23, 24} -> + Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {23, 25} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {23, 26} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], {23, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, -0.09437594864128791], {23, 28} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, -0.04912752076041336], {23, 29} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {23, 30} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {23, 31} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], {23, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {24, 25} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, -0.01554709808796357], {24, 26} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {24, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, -0.059412074076411546`], {24, 28} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {24, 29} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, 0.11263382211139406`], {24, 30} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {24, 31} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {24, 32} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, -0.13038007028245235`], {25, 26} 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0.2972876289713202], + Complex[0.34084517778834855`, -0.2333019226225273], + Complex[-0.19385457348075047`, 0.006233190196377511], + Complex[0.0891863490794428, -0.039089212721672956`]}, { + Complex[0.22413783737510187`, 0.2659647559326443], + Complex[0.08253673019323067, 0.5557729070125575], + Complex[0.06036066880126487, -0.16967333523499792`], + Complex[0.0678309681136268, -0.31720377148197304`]}, { + Complex[0.022804136157169308`, -0.04974423302758542], + Complex[0.0962888708570245, -0.15811787240987046`], + Complex[0.012564259022067488`, 0.12028908568184815`], + Complex[0.23857707146454205`, -0.230978844109279]}, { + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], + Complex[0.2571310317419955, -0.009486882760989052], + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], + Complex[0.32602960521749574`, 0.4427800292338828]}}, {{ + Complex[0.16619735695448307`, 0.10248090286290432`], + Complex[-0.10185986428421329`, 0.6623805938409351], + Complex[-0.22330749744864944`, 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StripOnInput -> False]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, DefaultBaseStyle -> "Column", - GridBoxItemSize -> { - "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], - "Column"], "SummaryItem"]}}, + GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, + "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Column"], "SummaryItem"]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> False, @@ -18234,1811 +18862,1470 @@ oPJG5VllYNcsmZ0T3xvH2Bz06EeexVjoiwEx/gcdwHoc "SummaryPanel"], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], "]"}], SymmetrizedArray[ - StructuredArray`StructuredData[{36, - 36}, {{{1, 3} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, -0.2865643065030182], {1, - 4} -> Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, - 0.2915805668549216], {1, 5} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, 0.35906971113552444`], {1, - 6} -> Complex[0.07140571807962026, 0.3254707548282041], { - 1, 7} -> Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, - 0.06573453711443833], {1, 8} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, -0.08613557464795678], {1, - 9} -> Complex[-0.1821537065194496, 0.1809373735116714], { - 1, 10} -> Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, - 0.154590481023119], {1, 11} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], {1, - 12} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, - 13} -> Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, - 0.18558736962752792`], {1, 14} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{32, + 32}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, -0.45412395229305985`], {1, + 4} -> Complex[-0.09661499346651439, + 0.23954012515618292`], {1, 5} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, + 6} -> Complex[-0.09765512477307971, -0.4821278045577343], \ +{1, 7} -> Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], {1, 8} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, + 9} -> Complex[ + 0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, 10} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], {1, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, 12} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], {1, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, 14} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, -0.22986188863366275`], {1, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 16} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 18} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, 20} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, -0.22986188863366275`], {1, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, 22} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], {1, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, 24} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], {1, + 25} -> Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], \ +{1, 26} -> Complex[0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, 27} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, + 28} -> Complex[-0.09765512477307971, \ +-0.4821278045577343], {1, 29} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, -0.45412395229305985`], {1, + 30} -> Complex[-0.09661499346651439, + 0.23954012515618292`], {1, 32} -> 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, + 4} -> Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, \ +-0.16136872833117036`], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, -0.09400730406176475], {2, + 6} -> Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, + 0.1668433676200188], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 8} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], { + 2, 9} -> Complex[ + 0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, + 13} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 15} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, + 16} -> Complex[-0.007195583582784125, + 0.06896354235277449], {2, 17} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, + 18} -> Complex[-0.007195583582784125, + 0.06896354235277449], {2, 19} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 21} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, 23} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], {2, 24} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, + 25} -> Complex[ + 0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 26} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], { + 2, 27} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, -0.09400730406176475], {2, + 28} -> Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, + 0.1668433676200188], {2, 29} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, + 30} -> Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, \ +-0.16136872833117036`], {2, 31} -> 1, {3, 4} -> + Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, + 6} -> Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], { + 3, 7} -> Complex[-0.3396867137428587, + 0.13646163767421743`], {3, 8} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {3, + 9} -> Complex[ + 0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {3, 10} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], {3, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {3, 12} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {3, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {3, 14} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {3, 15} -> Complex[ - 0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, 16} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, + 0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {3, 16} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, -0.03544251396822046], {3, 17} -> Complex[ - 0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, 18} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, + 0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {3, 18} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, -0.03544251396822046], {3, 19} -> Complex[ - 0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, 20} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, + 0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {3, 20} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {3, 21} -> Complex[ - 0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, 22} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, - 23} -> Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, - 0.18558736962752792`], {1, 24} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], {1, 26} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, - 27} -> Complex[-0.1821537065194496, - 0.1809373735116714], {1, 28} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, 0.154590481023119], {1, - 29} -> Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, - 0.06573453711443833], {1, 30} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, -0.08613557464795678], {1, - 31} -> Complex[-0.0838892214676934, - 0.35906971113552444`], {1, 32} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, 0.3254707548282041], {1, 33} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, -0.2865643065030182], {1, - 34} -> Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, - 0.2915805668549216], {1, 36} -> 1, {2, 3} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, - 4} -> Complex[ - 0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, 5} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], {2, 6} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, - 7} -> Complex[-0.006051982269297387, \ --0.008414767951100507], {2, 8} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, - 9} -> Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], \ -{2, 10} -> Complex[-0.05909814548140835, 0.07667698906457968], {2, 11} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], {2, - 12} -> Complex[-0.2191443754011676, \ --0.15579730043133583`], {2, 13} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, + 0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {3, 22} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {3, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {3, 24} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], {3, + 25} -> Complex[-0.3396867137428587, + 0.13646163767421743`], {3, 26} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {3, + 27} -> Complex[-0.05442442802981293, \ +-0.14858688449114604`], {3, 28} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], {3, + 29} -> Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, \ +-0.0014004115937454042`], {3, 30} -> Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {3, 31} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, 0.16136872833117036`], {3, + 32} -> Complex[-0.09661499346651439, \ +-0.23954012515618292`], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {4, + 6} -> Complex[ + 0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {4, + 8} -> Complex[ + 0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {4, + 10} -> Complex[-0.06778091820891004, \ +-0.11263382211139406`], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {4, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {4, 13} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {4, 14} -> Complex[ - 0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 15} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, + 0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {4, 16} -> Complex[ - 0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, 17} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, + 0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {4, 17} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {4, 18} -> Complex[ - 0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, 19} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, + 0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {4, 19} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {4, 20} -> Complex[ - 0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, 21} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, + 0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {4, 21} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {4, 22} -> Complex[ - 0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, 23} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, - 24} -> Complex[ - 0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 25} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], {2, - 26} -> Complex[-0.2191443754011676, \ --0.15579730043133583`], {2, 27} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], {2, - 28} -> Complex[-0.05909814548140835, - 0.07667698906457968], {2, 29} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, -0.008414767951100507], {2, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], {2, 32} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, 34} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, - 35} -> 1, {3, 4} -> - Complex[0.49636369297926336`, 0.], {3, 5} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {3, - 6} -> Complex[-0.06621032034440741, \ --0.10280421447880453`], {3, 7} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {3, - 8} -> Complex[-0.07400883501291561, \ --0.04266786697540802], {3, 9} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {3, - 10} -> Complex[ - 0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {3, 11} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, 0.12060096224364471`], {3, - 12} -> Complex[ - 0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {3, 13} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {3, - 14} -> Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, - 0.11027596484454191`], {3, 15} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {3, - 16} -> Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, \ --0.010763626429992096`], {3, 17} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, -0.04277649306205672], {3, - 18} -> Complex[-0.1355879777222275, \ --0.08845876363140671], {3, 19} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, -0.04277649306205672], {3, - 20} -> Complex[-0.1355879777222275, \ --0.08845876363140671], {3, 21} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {3, - 22} -> Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, \ --0.010763626429992096`], {3, 23} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {3, - 24} -> Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, - 0.11027596484454191`], {3, 25} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, 0.12060096224364471`], {3, + 0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {4, 23} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {4, + 24} -> Complex[-0.06778091820891004, \ +-0.11263382211139406`], {4, 25} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {4, 26} -> Complex[ - 0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {3, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {3, + 0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {4, 27} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {4, 28} -> Complex[ - 0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {3, 29} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {3, - 30} -> Complex[-0.07400883501291561, \ --0.04266786697540802], {3, 31} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {3, - 32} -> Complex[-0.06621032034440741, \ --0.10280421447880453`], {3, 33} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, 0.03308934997069378], {3, - 34} -> Complex[0.49636369297926336`, 0.], {3, 35} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, 0.08293748621875244], {3, - 36} -> Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, \ --0.2915805668549216], {4, 5} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, -0.08045040304054488], {4, - 6} -> Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, - 0.30182786908398773`], {4, 7} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, 0.2062898932256956], {4, - 8} -> Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, \ --0.2690120226571733], {4, 9} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, 0.01333219816254436], {4, - 10} -> Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], \ -{4, 11} -> Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {4, 12} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {4, - 13} -> Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, \ --0.05145411756901592], {4, 14} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, -0.04963088270675587], {4, - 15} -> Complex[ - 0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {4, 16} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {4, - 17} -> Complex[ - 0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {4, 18} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], {4, 19} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {4, - 20} -> Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], { - 4, 21} -> Complex[ - 0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {4, 22} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {4, - 23} -> Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, \ --0.05145411756901592], {4, 24} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, -0.04963088270675587], {4, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {4, 26} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {4, - 27} -> Complex[-0.2521578356402413, - 0.01333219816254436], {4, 28} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], {4, - 29} -> Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, - 0.2062898932256956], {4, 30} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, -0.2690120226571733], {4, - 31} -> Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, \ --0.08045040304054488], {4, 32} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, 0.30182786908398773`], {4, - 33} -> Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {4, 34} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, -0.03308934997069378], {4, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.32545613852497657`, -0.10568804847511024`], {4, 36} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, 0.2865643065030182], {5, 6} -> - Complex[0.5058138015078811, 0.], {5, 7} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], {5, 8} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {5, - 9} -> Complex[ - 0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {5, 10} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, 0.2594729794590618], {5, + 0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, 29} -> + Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {4, 30} -> + Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, 0.0014004115937454042`], { + 4, 31} -> Complex[ + 0.26087816486149346`, 0.0990678397300458], {4, 32} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, 0.45412395229305985`], {5, + 6} -> Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {5, + 8} -> Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, + 0.45619687405618636`], {5, 9} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, 0.04912752076041336], {5, + 10} -> Complex[-0.0964564876770649, \ +-0.04387994353782962], {5, 11} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {5, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {5, + 15} -> Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, + 0.2479052297980392], {5, 16} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {5, + 17} -> Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, + 0.2479052297980392], {5, 18} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {5, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {5, 20} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {5, + 21} -> Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], { + 5, 22} -> Complex[ + 0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {5, 23} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, 0.04912752076041336], {5, + 24} -> Complex[-0.0964564876770649, \ +-0.04387994353782962], {5, 25} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {5, + 26} -> Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, + 0.45619687405618636`], {5, 27} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, 0.22179319605394876`], {5, + 28} -> Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {5, 29} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {5, + 30} -> Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], { + 5, 31} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, -0.1668433676200188], {5, + 32} -> Complex[-0.09765512477307971, + 0.4821278045577343], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, -0.12484288796949913`], {6, + 8} -> Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], { + 6, 9} -> Complex[-0.05565875071499052, + 0.09437594864128791], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, 0.059412074076411546`], {6, 11} -> Complex[ - 0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {5, 12} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, 0.034035129192128775`], {5, + 0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {6, 13} -> Complex[ - 0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {5, 14} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, -0.054766912594803374`], {5, + 0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {6, 14} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {6, 15} -> Complex[ - 0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {5, 16} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, -0.2023899803882464], {5, - 17} -> Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, \ --0.17856311543581216`], {5, 18} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], {5, 19} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {5, - 20} -> Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], { - 5, 21} -> Complex[ - 0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {5, 22} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, -0.2023899803882464], {5, - 23} -> Complex[ - 0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {5, 24} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, -0.054766912594803374`], {5, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {5, 26} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, 0.034035129192128775`], {5, - 27} -> Complex[ - 0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {5, 28} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, 0.2594729794590618], {5, - 29} -> Complex[ - 0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], {5, 30} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {5, - 31} -> Complex[0.05957085045120364, 0.0686364172150267], { - 5, 32} -> Complex[0.5058138015078811, 0.], {5, 33} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, -0.30182786908398773`], {5, - 34} -> Complex[-0.06621032034440741, - 0.10280421447880453`], {5, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, -0.03825515355084523], {5, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], {6, 7} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, -0.1398945044720049], {6, - 8} -> Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, - 0.18050668434763023`], {6, 9} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {6, - 10} -> Complex[ - 0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {6, 11} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, 0.03247283136099954], {6, - 12} -> Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, - 0.24585233281751626`], {6, 13} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], {6, 14} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {6, - 15} -> Complex[-0.00498052152715275, \ --0.08042658142468531], {6, 16} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {6, + 0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {6, 16} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {6, 17} -> Complex[ - 0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {6, 18} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, -0.18155756040588286`], {6, + 0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {6, 18} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {6, 19} -> Complex[ - 0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {6, 20} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, -0.18155756040588286`], {6, - 21} -> Complex[-0.00498052152715275, \ --0.08042658142468531], {6, 22} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {6, - 23} -> Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], { - 6, 24} -> Complex[ - 0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {6, 25} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, 0.03247283136099954], {6, - 26} -> Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, - 0.24585233281751626`], {6, 27} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {6, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {6, 29} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, -0.1398945044720049], {6, - 30} -> Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, - 0.18050668434763023`], {6, 31} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {6, 32} -> - Complex[0.05957085045120364, -0.0686364172150267], {6, - 33} -> Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, - 0.08045040304054488], {6, 34} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, 0.07846271521707039], {6, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.0692138138097684, -0.20164942303248495`], {6, 36} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, -0.35906971113552444`], {7, - 8} -> Complex[0.3480244926609176, 0.], {7, 9} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {7, - 10} -> Complex[ - 0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {7, 11} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {7, - 12} -> Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {7, - 13} -> Complex[ - 0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {7, 14} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {7, - 15} -> Complex[-0.218113151712259, - 0.025091517498334166`], {7, 16} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, 0.13038883546342855`], {7, - 17} -> Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, - 0.0475059953974924], {7, 18} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, 0.11085568682814102`], {7, - 19} -> Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, - 0.0475059953974924], {7, 20} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, 0.11085568682814102`], {7, - 21} -> Complex[-0.218113151712259, - 0.025091517498334166`], {7, 22} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, 0.13038883546342855`], {7, - 23} -> Complex[ - 0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {7, 24} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {7, - 25} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {7, - 26} -> Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {7, - 27} -> Complex[ - 0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {7, 28} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {7, - 29} -> Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, \ --0.1534965717731505], {7, 30} -> Complex[0.3480244926609176, 0.], {7, 31} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, -0.18050668434763023`], { - 7, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, -0.17443733981734005`], {7, - 33} -> Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, - 0.2690120226571733], {7, 34} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, 0.04266786697540802], {7, - 35} -> Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, - 0.2799821244558118], {7, 36} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, 0.08613557464795678], {8, - 9} -> Complex[ - 0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {8, 10} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {8, + 0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {6, 20} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {6, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {6, 22} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {6, + 23} -> Complex[-0.05565875071499052, + 0.09437594864128791], {6, 24} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, 0.059412074076411546`], {6, + 25} -> Complex[-0.04788255890923551, \ +-0.12484288796949913`], {6, 26} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], {6, + 27} -> Complex[0.20263910536773755`, 0.], {6, 28} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, -0.22179319605394876`], {6, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {6, 30} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, 0.14858688449114604`], {6, + 31} -> Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, + 0.09400730406176475], {6, 32} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, 0.19241450807239194`], {7, + 8} -> Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {7, 11} -> Complex[ - 0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {8, 12} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, -0.08387695970470208], {8, - 13} -> Complex[-0.03694461851812731, - 0.11992171449363792`], {8, 14} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {8, - 15} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, \ --0.18394307455842968`], {8, 16} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {8, - 17} -> Complex[-0.3429240772478055, - 0.12113458402956634`], {8, 18} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {8, - 19} -> Complex[-0.3429240772478055, - 0.12113458402956634`], {8, 20} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {8, - 21} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, \ --0.18394307455842968`], {8, 22} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {8, - 23} -> Complex[-0.03694461851812731, - 0.11992171449363792`], {8, 24} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {8, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {8, 26} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, -0.08387695970470208], {8, - 27} -> Complex[ - 0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {8, 28} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {8, - 29} -> Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {8, 30} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, 0.1534965717731505], {8, - 31} -> Complex[-0.08951618372581999, - 0.1398945044720049], {8, 32} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, -0.0906083646195344], {8, - 33} -> Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, \ --0.2062898932256956], {8, 34} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, -0.31356085339344003`], {8, - 35} -> Complex[-0.006051982269297387, - 0.008414767951100507], {8, 36} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, -0.06573453711443833], {9, - 10} -> Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {9, 11} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, 0.07147202526604769], {9, - 12} -> Complex[-0.002703366170010074, - 0.1342165202528226], {9, 13} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {9, - 14} -> Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], { - 9, 15} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], {9, - 16} -> Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, - 0.23052958058187878`], {9, 17} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, 0.1963794168890443], {9, - 18} -> Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, \ --0.09375100770632477], {9, 19} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, 0.1963794168890443], {9, - 20} -> Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, \ --0.09375100770632477], {9, 21} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], {9, - 22} -> Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, - 0.23052958058187878`], {9, 23} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {9, - 24} -> Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], { - 9, 25} -> Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, - 0.07147202526604769], {9, 26} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, 0.1342165202528226], {9, - 27} -> Complex[ - 0.10214442350629199`, -0.026260413784740505`], {9, 28} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {9, 29} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {9, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {9, 31} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, -0.054783259519745345`], {9, - 32} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, -0.2594729794590618], {9, - 33} -> Complex[-0.2841944960267362, 0.0881056163125139], { - 9, 34} -> Complex[ - 0.16634996387262246`, -0.22507239863090805`], {9, 35} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, -0.07667698906457968], {9, - 36} -> Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, \ --0.154590481023119], {10, 11} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], { - 10, 12} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {10, - 13} -> Complex[ - 0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {10, 14} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, -0.12601316051490963`], {10, - 15} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {10, - 16} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {10, - 17} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, -0.1270548580331935], {10, - 18} -> Complex[-0.1350116019726202, \ --0.04516801561911384], {10, 19} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, -0.1270548580331935], {10, - 20} -> Complex[-0.1350116019726202, \ --0.04516801561911384], {10, 21} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {10, - 22} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {10, - 23} -> Complex[ - 0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {10, 24} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, -0.12601316051490963`], {10, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], {10, 26} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {10, - 27} -> Complex[0.33314595779251727`, 0.], {10, 28} -> - Complex[0.10214442350629199`, 0.026260413784740505`], {10, - 29} -> Complex[ - 0.020907170696056646`, 0.009826517437731715], {10, 30} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, 0.20220472842758744`], {10, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.05541102122851009, -0.15479143125784764`], {10, 32} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, -0.12440237009032867`], {10, - 33} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, -0.01333219816254436], {10, - 34} -> Complex[-0.09116148563358083, - 0.08672925004639812], {10, 35} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, 0.03036622844279574], {10, - 36} -> Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], \ -{11, 12} -> Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {11, 13} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, -0.229189990199907], {11, - 14} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, -0.06407563305713601], {11, - 15} -> Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, - 0.06148505498780174], {11, 16} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {11, - 17} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {11, - 18} -> Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, - 0.15781559429956118`], {11, 19} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {11, - 20} -> Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, - 0.15781559429956118`], {11, 21} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, 0.06148505498780174], {11, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {11, 23} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, -0.229189990199907], {11, - 24} -> Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, \ --0.06407563305713601], {11, 25} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, -0.010244248183710654`], {11, - 26} -> Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {11, 27} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {11, - 28} -> Complex[-0.002703366170010074, \ --0.1342165202528226], {11, 29} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {11, - 30} -> Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], { - 11, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], { - 11, 32} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, -0.034035129192128775`], { - 11, 33} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {11, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {11, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {11, - 36} -> Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, - 0.15967643343543628`], {12, 13} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {12, - 14} -> Complex[-0.005254583355195047, \ --0.07911629825938535], {12, 15} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, -0.02799549139813756], { - 12, 16} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {12, + 0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], { + 7, 13} -> Complex[ + 0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {7, 14} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {7, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {7, 16} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, -0.13919179950515956`], {7, 17} -> Complex[ - 0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {12, 18} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {12, + 0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {7, 18} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, -0.13919179950515956`], {7, 19} -> Complex[ - 0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {12, 20} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {12, - 21} -> Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, \ --0.02799549139813756], {12, 22} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {12, - 23} -> Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], { - 12, 24} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, -0.07911629825938535], {12, - 25} -> Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {12, 26} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, 0.010244248183710654`], {12, - 27} -> Complex[ - 0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {12, 28} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {12, - 29} -> Complex[ - 0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {12, 30} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, 0.06080711260518379], {12, - 31} -> Complex[-0.06540345886434173, \ --0.03247283136099954], {12, 32} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], {12, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {12, 34} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, -0.12060096224364471`], {12, - 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {12, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {13, 14} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {13, 15} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, -0.00875520102328074], { - 13, 16} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {13, - 17} -> Complex[ - 0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {13, 18} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], { - 13, 19} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {13, + 0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {7, 20} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {7, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {7, 22} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], { + 7, 23} -> Complex[ + 0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], {7, 24} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {7, + 25} -> Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, \ +-0.19937008578078047`], {7, 26} -> Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {7, 27} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {7, + 28} -> Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, \ +-0.45619687405618636`], {7, 29} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {7, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {7, 31} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], {7, + 32} -> Complex[ + 0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, 0.035808072295513985`], {8, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {8, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {8, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, 0.08953347157789894], {8, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {8, 17} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, 0.08953347157789894], {8, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {8, 19} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {8, 20} -> Complex[ - 0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], {13, 21} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, -0.00875520102328074], { - 13, 22} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {13, - 23} -> Complex[ - 0.06998304089724083, 0.09262495833114717], {13, 24} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {13, 25} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, 0.07911629825938535], {13, - 26} -> Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, - 0.06407563305713601], {13, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, 0.12601316051490963`], {13, - 28} -> Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], { - 13, 29} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], { - 13, 30} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {13, + 0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {8, 21} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {8, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {8, 23} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, 0.035808072295513985`], {8, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {8, 25} -> + Complex[0.5333747400652373, 0.], {8, 26} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, 0.19937008578078047`], {8, + 27} -> Complex[-0.04788255890923551, + 0.12484288796949913`], {8, 28} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {8, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {8, 30} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, -0.13646163767421743`], {8, + 31} -> Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], { + 8, 32} -> Complex[-0.2128973260243628, + 0.2803118968875541], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {9, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], {9, + 14} -> Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, + 0.07905444855796712], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, -0.026330641239406972`], { + 9, 16} -> Complex[-0.04860629109081113, + 0.04246480370392383], {9, 17} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, -0.026330641239406972`], { + 9, 18} -> Complex[-0.04860629109081113, + 0.04246480370392383], {9, 19} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], {9, + 20} -> Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, + 0.07905444855796712], {9, 21} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {9, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {9, 23} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, 0.05916418261795878], {9, + 24} -> Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {9, 25} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {9, + 26} -> Complex[-0.07482735080148525, \ +-0.01554709808796357], {9, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, -0.059412074076411546`], {9, + 28} -> Complex[-0.0964564876770649, + 0.04387994353782962], {9, 29} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, 0.11263382211139406`], {9, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {9, 31} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {9, + 32} -> Complex[-0.06765757529077783, \ +-0.13038007028245235`], {10, 11} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {10, + 12} -> Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, \ +-0.13747106056552227`], {10, 13} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], { + 10, 14} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {10, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, 0.014151525468183115`], {10, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {10, 18} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, 0.014151525468183115`], {10, + 19} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], { + 10, 20} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {10, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {10, 22} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, -0.13747106056552227`], { + 10, 23} -> Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {10, 24} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, -0.05916418261795878], {10, + 25} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], { + 10, 26} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {10, + 27} -> Complex[-0.05565875071499052, \ +-0.09437594864128791], {10, 28} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, -0.04912752076041336], {10, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {10, 30} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {10, + 31} -> Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], { + 10, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {11, + 12} -> Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {11, + 14} -> Complex[-0.03666874742079528, + 0.07798472902890301], {11, 15} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, 0.12925982418550483`], {11, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {11, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, 0.12925982418550483`], {11, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {11, 19} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {11, + 20} -> Complex[-0.03666874742079528, + 0.07798472902890301], {11, 21} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, 0.13067968221082676`], { + 11, 22} -> Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {11, 23} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, 0.13747106056552227`], {11, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {11, 25} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], { + 11, 26} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], { + 11, 27} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {11, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {11, 29} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {11, + 30} -> Complex[-0.0832461030605116, + 0.0007900461969849934], {11, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {11, + 32} -> Complex[-0.1353776277549702, + 0.09474310902835915], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], {12, + 14} -> Complex[-0.07986138310064092, \ +-0.05490753841460036], {12, 15} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {12, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], {12, 17} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {12, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], {12, 19} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], {12, + 20} -> Complex[-0.07986138310064092, \ +-0.05490753841460036], {12, 21} -> Complex[0.288790430194917, 0.], {12, 22} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, -0.13067968221082676`], { + 12, 23} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {12, + 24} -> Complex[-0.08930473416931554, + 0.007048096041707605], {12, 25} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], { + 12, 26} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {12, + 27} -> Complex[ + 0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {12, 28} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], {12, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {12, 30} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {12, 31} -> Complex[ - 0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {13, 32} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {13, - 33} -> Complex[-0.08996062722681389, - 0.04963088270675587], {13, 34} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, -0.11027596484454191`], { - 13, 35} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], { - 13, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {14, - 15} -> Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, \ --0.1383242023528445], {14, 16} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, 0.12231882955045151`], { - 14, 17} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {14, - 18} -> Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, \ --0.18913477597107048`], {14, 19} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {14, - 20} -> Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, \ --0.18913477597107048`], {14, 21} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {14, - 22} -> Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, - 0.12231882955045151`], {14, 23} -> - Complex[0.35279363941541053`, 0.], {14, 24} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, -0.09262495833114717], {14, - 25} -> Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], { + 0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {12, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {13, + 14} -> Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, 17} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, -0.0383011718065015], {13, + 20} -> Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {13, + 22} -> Complex[-0.03666874742079528, \ +-0.07798472902890301], {13, 23} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {13, + 24} -> Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, \ +-0.07905444855796712], {13, 25} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {13, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {13, 27} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {13, + 28} -> Complex[-0.1475728871036449, + 0.14922079251460418`], {13, 29} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], { + 13, 30} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {13, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {13, 32} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], {14, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 18} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, + 19} -> Complex[0.29582940176126815`, 0.], {14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, 0.0383011718065015], {14, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {14, 22} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {14, + 23} -> Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, + 0.14328868692391553`], {14, 24} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {14, + 25} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], { 14, 26} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, 0.229189990199907], {14, + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {14, 27} -> Complex[ - 0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {14, 28} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {14, - 29} -> Complex[-0.03694461851812731, \ --0.11992171449363792`], {14, 30} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {14, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {14, 32} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {14, - 33} -> Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, - 0.05145411756901592], {14, 34} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, 0.039875195608224154`], {14, - 35} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], { - 14, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], { - 15, 16} -> Complex[0.349552824256183, 0.], {15, 17} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {15, - 18} -> Complex[ - 0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {15, 19} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {15, + 0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {14, 28} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {14, + 29} -> Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, \ +-0.004668871253339259], {14, 30} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {14, + 31} -> Complex[-0.005519120018070173, + 0.32277555558099397`], {14, 32} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {15, + 16} -> Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, 0.10986947258054452`], {15, + 18} -> Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {15, 19} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, 0.11473204575369803`], {15, 20} -> Complex[ - 0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {15, 21} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, 0.11355320674819902`], { - 15, 22} -> Complex[0.349552824256183, 0.], {15, 23} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], { + 0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {15, 21} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], { + 15, 22} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {15, + 23} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, -0.014151525468183115`], { 15, 24} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {15, - 25} -> Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], { - 15, 26} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {15, - 27} -> Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, - 0.05577367679001426], {15, 28} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, -0.23052958058187878`], { - 15, 29} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {15, - 30} -> Complex[-0.02849651545902821, \ --0.13038883546342855`], {15, 31} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {15, - 32} -> Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, - 0.2023899803882464], {15, 33} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {15, - 34} -> Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, - 0.010763626429992096`], {15, 35} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {15, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {16, 17} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {16, - 18} -> Complex[ - 0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {16, 19} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {16, - 20} -> Complex[ - 0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {16, 21} -> - Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {16, 22} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, -0.11355320674819902`], { - 16, 23} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {16, - 24} -> Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, - 0.00875520102328074], {16, 25} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, 0.02799549139813756], {16, - 26} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {16, - 27} -> Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, - 0.08944943686956167], {16, 28} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, 0.21978330419104863`], {16, - 29} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, - 0.18394307455842968`], {16, 30} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {16, - 31} -> Complex[-0.00498052152715275, - 0.08042658142468531], {16, 32} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {16, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {16, 34} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {16, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {16, 36} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {17, - 18} -> Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {17, 19} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, -0.02423539675981027], {17, - 20} -> Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {17, 21} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {17, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {17, 23} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, 0.18913477597107048`], {17, - 24} -> Complex[ - 0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], {17, 25} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {17, - 26} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], { - 17, 27} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, 0.04516801561911384], {17, - 28} -> Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, - 0.09375100770632477], {17, 29} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {17, - 30} -> Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, \ --0.11085568682814102`], {17, 31} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {17, - 32} -> Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], { - 17, 33} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {17, - 34} -> Complex[-0.1355879777222275, - 0.08845876363140671], {17, 35} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {17, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {18, 19} -> - Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {18, 20} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, 0.02423539675981027], {18, + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {15, + 25} -> Complex[ + 0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {15, 26} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, 0.13919179950515956`], {15, + 27} -> Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], { + 15, 28} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {15, + 29} -> Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], { + 15, 30} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, 0.03544251396822046], {15, + 31} -> Complex[-0.007195583582784125, \ +-0.06896354235277449], {15, 32} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], {16, + 17} -> Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, -0.10986947258054452`], {16, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {16, 20} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {16, 21} -> Complex[ - 0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {18, 22} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {18, - 23} -> Complex[ - 0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {18, 24} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {18, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {18, 26} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, 0.1016185353576046], {18, - 27} -> Complex[-0.09261261877802832, - 0.1270548580331935], {18, 28} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, -0.1963794168890443], {18, - 29} -> Complex[-0.3429240772478055, \ --0.12113458402956634`], {18, 30} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, -0.0475059953974924], {18, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {18, 32} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, 0.17856311543581216`], {18, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {18, 34} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, 0.04277649306205672], {18, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {18, 36} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {19, - 20} -> Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {19, 21} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {19, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {19, 23} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, 0.18913477597107048`], {19, - 24} -> Complex[ - 0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], {19, 25} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {19, - 26} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], { - 19, 27} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, 0.04516801561911384], {19, - 28} -> Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, - 0.09375100770632477], {19, 29} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {19, - 30} -> Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, \ --0.11085568682814102`], {19, 31} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {19, - 32} -> Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], { - 19, 33} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {19, - 34} -> Complex[-0.1355879777222275, - 0.08845876363140671], {19, 35} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {19, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {20, 21} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {20, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {20, 23} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {20, + 0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {16, 22} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {16, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {16, 24} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, 0.026330641239406972`], { + 16, 25} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, -0.08953347157789894], {16, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {16, 27} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {16, + 28} -> Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, \ +-0.2479052297980392], {16, 29} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {16, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {16, 31} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], {16, + 32} -> Complex[ + 0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, 0.11473204575369803`], {17, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {17, 21} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], { + 17, 22} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {17, + 23} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, -0.014151525468183115`], { + 17, 24} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {17, + 25} -> Complex[ + 0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {17, 26} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, 0.13919179950515956`], {17, + 27} -> Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], { + 17, 28} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {17, + 29} -> Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], { + 17, 30} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, 0.03544251396822046], {17, + 31} -> Complex[-0.007195583582784125, \ +-0.06896354235277449], {17, 32} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], {18, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {18, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {18, 22} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {18, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {18, 24} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, 0.026330641239406972`], { + 18, 25} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, -0.08953347157789894], {18, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {18, 27} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {18, + 28} -> Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, \ +-0.2479052297980392], {18, 29} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {18, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {18, 31} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], {18, + 32} -> Complex[ + 0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {19, 20} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {19, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {19, + 22} -> Complex[-0.03666874742079528, \ +-0.07798472902890301], {19, 23} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {19, + 24} -> Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, \ +-0.07905444855796712], {19, 25} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {19, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {19, 27} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {19, + 28} -> Complex[-0.1475728871036449, + 0.14922079251460418`], {19, 29} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], { + 19, 30} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {19, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {19, 32} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], {20, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {20, 22} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {20, + 23} -> Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, + 0.14328868692391553`], {20, 24} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {20, + 25} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], { + 20, 26} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {20, + 27} -> Complex[ + 0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {20, 28} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {20, + 29} -> Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, \ +-0.004668871253339259], {20, 30} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {20, + 31} -> Complex[-0.005519120018070173, + 0.32277555558099397`], {20, 32} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {21, + 22} -> Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {21, 23} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, 0.13747106056552227`], {21, 24} -> Complex[ - 0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {20, 25} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {20, - 26} -> Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, - 0.1016185353576046], {20, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, 0.1270548580331935], {20, - 28} -> Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, \ --0.1963794168890443], {20, 29} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {20, - 30} -> Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, \ --0.0475059953974924], {20, 31} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {20, - 32} -> Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, - 0.17856311543581216`], {20, 33} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {20, - 34} -> Complex[-0.1606002091580235, - 0.04277649306205672], {20, 35} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {20, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {21, 22} -> - Complex[0.349552824256183, 0.], {21, 23} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], { - 21, 24} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {21, - 25} -> Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], { + 0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {21, 25} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], { 21, 26} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {21, - 27} -> Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, - 0.05577367679001426], {21, 28} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, -0.23052958058187878`], { - 21, 29} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {21, - 30} -> Complex[-0.02849651545902821, \ --0.13038883546342855`], {21, 31} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {21, - 32} -> Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, - 0.2023899803882464], {21, 33} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {21, - 34} -> Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, - 0.010763626429992096`], {21, 35} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {21, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {22, 23} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {22, - 24} -> Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, - 0.00875520102328074], {22, 25} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, 0.02799549139813756], {22, - 26} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {22, - 27} -> Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, - 0.08944943686956167], {22, 28} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, 0.21978330419104863`], {22, - 29} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, - 0.18394307455842968`], {22, 30} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {22, - 31} -> Complex[-0.00498052152715275, - 0.08042658142468531], {22, 32} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {22, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {22, 34} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {22, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {22, 36} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {23, - 24} -> Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {23, 25} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, 0.07911629825938535], {23, - 26} -> Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, - 0.06407563305713601], {23, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, 0.12601316051490963`], {23, - 28} -> Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], { - 23, 29} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], { - 23, 30} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {23, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {23, 32} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {23, - 33} -> Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], - {23, 34} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, -0.11027596484454191`], { - 23, 35} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], { - 23, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {24, - 25} -> Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], { - 24, 26} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, 0.229189990199907], {24, + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], { + 21, 27} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {21, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {21, 29} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {21, + 30} -> Complex[-0.0832461030605116, + 0.0007900461969849934], {21, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {21, + 32} -> Complex[-0.1353776277549702, + 0.09474310902835915], {22, 23} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {22, + 24} -> Complex[-0.08930473416931554, + 0.007048096041707605], {22, 25} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], { + 22, 26} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {22, 27} -> Complex[ - 0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {24, 28} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {24, - 29} -> Complex[-0.03694461851812731, \ --0.11992171449363792`], {24, 30} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {24, + 0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {22, 28} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], {22, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {22, 30} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {22, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {22, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {23, + 24} -> Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {23, 25} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {23, + 26} -> Complex[-0.07482735080148525, \ +-0.01554709808796357], {23, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, -0.059412074076411546`], { + 23, 28} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {23, + 29} -> Complex[-0.06778091820891004, + 0.11263382211139406`], {23, 30} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {23, 31} -> Complex[ - 0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {24, 32} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {24, - 33} -> Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, - 0.05145411756901592], {24, 34} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, 0.039875195608224154`], {24, - 35} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], { - 24, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], { - 25, 26} -> Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {25, 27} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {25, - 28} -> Complex[-0.002703366170010074, \ --0.1342165202528226], {25, 29} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {25, - 30} -> Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], { - 25, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], { - 25, 32} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, -0.034035129192128775`], { - 25, 33} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {25, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {25, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {25, - 36} -> Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, - 0.15967643343543628`], {26, 27} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {26, - 28} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {26, + 0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {23, 32} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, -0.13038007028245235`], {24, + 25} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], { + 24, 26} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {24, + 27} -> Complex[-0.05565875071499052, \ +-0.09437594864128791], {24, 28} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, -0.04912752076041336], {24, 29} -> Complex[ - 0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {26, 30} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, 0.06080711260518379], {26, - 31} -> Complex[-0.06540345886434173, \ --0.03247283136099954], {26, 32} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], {26, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {26, 34} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, -0.12060096224364471`], {26, - 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {26, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {27, 28} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {27, 29} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {27, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {27, 31} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, -0.054783259519745345`], { - 27, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, -0.2594729794590618], {27, - 33} -> Complex[-0.2841944960267362, 0.0881056163125139], { - 27, 34} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, -0.22507239863090805`], {27, - 35} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, -0.07667698906457968], {27, - 36} -> Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, \ --0.154590481023119], {28, 29} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, 0.009826517437731715], {28, + 0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {24, 30} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {24, + 31} -> Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], { + 24, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {25, + 26} -> Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {25, 27} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {25, + 28} -> Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, \ +-0.45619687405618636`], {25, 29} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {25, 30} -> Complex[ - 0.22196866627101539`, 0.20220472842758744`], {28, 31} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, -0.15479143125784764`], {28, + 0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {25, 31} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], { + 25, 32} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {26, + 27} -> Complex[-0.04788255890923551, + 0.12484288796949913`], {26, 28} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {26, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {26, 30} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, -0.13646163767421743`], {26, + 31} -> Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], { + 26, 32} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, 0.2803118968875541], {27, + 28} -> Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {27, 29} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {27, + 30} -> Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], { + 27, 31} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, -0.1668433676200188], {27, + 32} -> Complex[-0.09765512477307971, + 0.4821278045577343], {28, 29} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {28, + 30} -> Complex[-0.05442442802981293, + 0.14858688449114604`], {28, 31} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, 0.09400730406176475], {28, 32} -> Complex[ - 0.18344402773596857`, -0.12440237009032867`], {28, 33} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, -0.01333219816254436], {28, - 34} -> Complex[-0.09116148563358083, - 0.08672925004639812], {28, 35} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, 0.03036622844279574], {28, - 36} -> Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], \ -{29, 30} -> Complex[0.3480244926609176, 0.], {29, 31} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, -0.18050668434763023`], { - 29, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, -0.17443733981734005`], {29, - 33} -> Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, - 0.2690120226571733], {29, 34} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, 0.04266786697540802], {29, - 35} -> Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, - 0.2799821244558118], {29, 36} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, 0.08613557464795678], {30, - 31} -> Complex[-0.08951618372581999, - 0.1398945044720049], {30, 32} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, -0.0906083646195344], {30, - 33} -> Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, \ --0.2062898932256956], {30, 34} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, -0.31356085339344003`], {30, - 35} -> Complex[-0.006051982269297387, - 0.008414767951100507], {30, 36} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, -0.06573453711443833], {31, - 32} -> Complex[0.5058138015078811, 0.], {31, 33} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, -0.30182786908398773`], { - 31, 34} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, 0.10280421447880453`], {31, - 35} -> Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, \ --0.03825515355084523], {31, 36} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], {32, - 33} -> Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, - 0.08045040304054488], {32, 34} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, 0.07846271521707039], {32, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.0692138138097684, -0.20164942303248495`], {32, 36} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, -0.35906971113552444`], {33, - 34} -> Complex[0.49636369297926336`, 0.], {33, 35} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, 0.08293748621875244], {33, - 36} -> Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, \ --0.2915805668549216], {34, 35} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, -0.10568804847511024`], {34, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.13232155584348976`, 0.2865643065030182]}, - Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> - False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, - GridBoxAlignment -> { - "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> - False, GridBoxItemSize -> { - "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, - GridBoxSpacings -> { - "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, - BaseStyle -> { - ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, - PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, 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$CellContext`c[4, 4, 1], - $CellContext`c[3, 2, 1], - $CellContext`c[3, 2, 0], - $CellContext`c[3, 3, 1], - $CellContext`c[3, 3, 0], - $CellContext`c[3, 4, 0], - $CellContext`c[3, 4, 1], - $CellContext`c[2, 1, 1], - $CellContext`c[2, 1, 0], - $CellContext`c[1, 1, 1], - $CellContext`c[1, 3, 1]}, {{ - SparseArray[ - Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { - 1, {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, 1}}], - SparseArray[ - Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, {1, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {}}, {}}]}, {{{ - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, -0.10568804847511024`], - Complex[0.1841226407340772, 0.4644210067398907], - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, 0.2865643065030182], - Complex[0.04989518370504925, -0.18665208741165829`]}, { - Complex[-0.2177440230289007, 0.19081348483555569`], - Complex[0.2579619114268801, -0.07956430972969844], - Complex[-0.3105268134665331, -0.20603018117982785`], - Complex[-0.1190848809050218, -0.3121294018319221]}, { - Complex[-0.1492970958932202, 0.18621214262544897`], - Complex[0.0028551242050466386`, 0.15806174472013146`], - Complex[-0.07639682255932793, -0.13170825775245318`], - Complex[0.11748703732415075`, -0.08868051144124744]}, { - Complex[-0.314046719422647, -0.2896009262756371], - Complex[0.2256455237168773, 0.24689970637134065`], - Complex[-0.2178460929220627, 0.37230336936926456`], - Complex[0.01794957121250989, -0.06488431142349256]}}, {{ - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], - Complex[0.10464123961533933`, -0.15710677492865316`], - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, 0.2915805668549216], - Complex[-0.2732979855809666, 0.2577342807755634]}, { - Complex[-0.21612918655667462`, -0.00007950670131708311], - Complex[0.27185079204316426`, 0.1983952489611899], - Complex[-0.21337700481469163`, 0.5203562156790007], - Complex[-0.2129024022219681, -0.26686792187215175`]}, { - Complex[-0.015328979150833599`, -0.5166959703163483], - Complex[0.6154724640910653, -0.03185325872871505], - Complex[0.18302390131733287`, -0.35648412824160725`], - Complex[-0.03380281839098211, 0.2538518689132732]}, { - Complex[0.18084522856674318`, 0.002625084584484758], - Complex[0.07434022418627342, -0.2690671535290815], - Complex[0.26968328995478974`, -0.1038082384589159], - Complex[0.11672502257641577`, -0.5543160345567598]}}}, {{{ - Complex[-0.2588313163882107, -0.19488321206657472`], - Complex[-0.0393808388445982, 0.32793438752387605`], - Complex[-0.30520851173085295`, -0.20007075118246914`], - Complex[-0.0404067289477924, -0.2229268705522598]}, { - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, 0.03036622844279574], - Complex[0.012112518418208193`, -0.05416378896341312], - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], - Complex[0.10266251001861575`, -0.0419772622835155]}, { - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, 0.008414767951100507], - Complex[0.2621030911152236, -0.3890006163543744], - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, -0.06573453711443833], - Complex[-0.4408538494592626, 0.29220671877963955`]}, { - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, -0.03825515355084523], - Complex[0.42758138363477327`, -0.32132395556573284`], - Complex[0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], - Complex[0.27665696943595475`, -0.03008858541069303]}}, {{ - Complex[0.40871523016801836`, -0.3914161992146915], - Complex[0.13349318441649863`, 0.20795982040001967`], - Complex[-0.06763809937190401, 0.013232629169555005`], - Complex[-0.16643607446992745`, 0.04647603925314831]}, { - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, 0.07667698906457968], - Complex[-0.21519470881736716`, 0.17637701127028402`], - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, 0.154590481023119], - Complex[-0.35273246360518196`, -0.15796707304273339`]}, { - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], - Complex[-0.16555194244624516`, -0.04194109386058791], - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, -0.08613557464795678], - Complex[0.10332134600574336`, -0.07023148255996145]}, { - Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], - Complex[-0.2554035629956043, 0.013529437056424676`], - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, 0.35906971113552444`], - Complex[0.21991615350662097`, -0.10151011163037268`]}}}, {{{ - Complex[-0.01368758738520967, -0.23777209168407892`], - Complex[0.2503414865217611, -0.15948743107284857`], - Complex[-0.03994232656574391, -0.24068348995883046`], - Complex[-0.34707775670409796`, -0.06311906387645908]}, { - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], - Complex[-0.35604400486853827`, -0.19202003300499665`], - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], - Complex[0.05965686121477262, -0.11934556517969719`]}, { - Complex[0.2918182566849722, -0.1560488150630844], - Complex[-0.3469521645222371, -0.3001778222790187], - Complex[-0.1277481947510152, 0.010521080018301474`], - Complex[-0.06631005352268324, 0.27312236326349937`]}, { - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], - Complex[0.08162611181070703, 0.22402329196233706`], - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, 0.15967643343543628`], - Complex[0.07531904297420958, -0.15272107986304584`]}}, {{ - Complex[0.030629438373976914`, -0.20597933220226664`], - Complex[-0.5034951012109696, -0.1528174905060085], - Complex[-0.27041063956269074`, -0.2522877717519627], - Complex[0.14720351194291928`, -0.08784323112483998]}, { - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], - Complex[-0.2954182539539358, 0.1269226494967629], - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], - Complex[0.04296528508762501, -0.374281368603055]}, { - Complex[-0.19857936937631845`, 0.2914940928923156], - Complex[-0.17786777119229386`, 0.14331417218189915`], - Complex[-0.08146067387371154, 0.3807686961440316], - Complex[0.01833150829266631, 0.07910897096744227]}, { - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], - Complex[0.32247414581811346`, -0.3334374323683452], - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], - Complex[-0.06308093175862647, -0.21862997442732623`]}}}, {{{ - Complex[0.38561520853829834`, -0.0349760127027563], - Complex[-0.12045163122112326`, -0.3073390765981347], - Complex[0.07364742267667151, 0.07039259563873915], - Complex[-0.06352751100469292, 0.023280642382329134`]}, { - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], - Complex[0.16145318386301, -0.17129348602271738`], - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], - Complex[0.12838126863645427`, -0.07650696033991101]}, { - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], - Complex[-0.24028961870410578`, 0.39818339174816486`], - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], - Complex[0.12223400142556862`, 0.02429598116105823]}, { - Complex[-0.32631810220655216`, 0.1492086982359996], - Complex[0.05766080135719996, -0.28235317729215736`], - Complex[-0.0598294552633834, -0.17660297273001005`], - Complex[0.2787005766777592, 0.08610654180035877]}}, {{ - Complex[-0.18027597983706614`, 0.18621633240065366`], - Complex[-0.2509929254124046, -0.22036382183049225`], - Complex[0.03193097321359681, 0.08016164657929792], - Complex[0.10268734577075919`, 0.022457609190944902`]}, { - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 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0.28158219249904803`], - Complex[0.20284117494628473`, -0.13542244365159856`]}, { - Complex[-0.1366235958687781, -0.022927244239727723`], - Complex[0.14080589561787266`, 0.30137375364482416`], - Complex[0.1419125191065882, -0.04606132582837804], - Complex[-0.004140301947261497, -0.10446853151827695`]}, { - Complex[-0.26398001434935564`, -0.037127407354014], - Complex[-0.17375731940135264`, 0.12748337551287386`], - Complex[-0.1462103221636279, 0.03719835734241454], - Complex[0.156687825402905, -0.041004228308001364`]}}, {{ - Complex[0.09056376729137025, 0.12903703571192585`], - Complex[0.15975136850429977`, -0.09579661629343296], - Complex[0.22392059548906296`, 0.17384782125675002`], - Complex[-0.11566937328920632`, 0.2036285052616825]}, { - Complex[-0.025874770511720754`, 0.07023555673715301], - Complex[0.40043128429152025`, -0.18119121031046845`], - Complex[0.3523027675575462, 0.048879960142675705`], - Complex[-0.04379726327543235, 0.006708937863314765]}, { - Complex[0.17283905164661448`, -0.34415914729547625`], - Complex[0.1402877745936879, 0.1297917646521906], - Complex[0.11350893278292475`, -0.20421446451923492`], - Complex[0.10296082468490665`, 0.10665556587747226`]}, { - Complex[-0.02434288647371114, 0.2762574156606259], - Complex[0.09870055262426544, -0.038643159461413286`], - Complex[0.15069598693099004`, -0.09534078439632095], - Complex[-0.04554246678213743, -0.2934646843989378]}}}}, - SymmetrizedArray[ - StructuredArray`StructuredData[{36, - 36}, {{{1, 3} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, -0.2865643065030182], {1, 4} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, 0.2915805668549216], {1, 5} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, 0.35906971113552444`], {1, 6} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, 0.3254707548282041], {1, 7} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, 0.06573453711443833], {1, 8} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, -0.08613557464795678], {1, 9} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, 0.1809373735116714], {1, 10} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, 0.154590481023119], {1, 11} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], {1, 12} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, 13} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, 0.18558736962752792`], {1, 14} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, 15} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, 16} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, 17} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, 18} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, 19} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, 20} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, 21} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, 22} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, 23} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, 0.18558736962752792`], {1, 24} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, 25} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], {1, 26} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, 27} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, 0.1809373735116714], {1, 28} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, 0.154590481023119], {1, 29} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, 0.06573453711443833], {1, 30} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, -0.08613557464795678], {1, 31} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, 0.35906971113552444`], {1, 32} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, 0.3254707548282041], {1, 33} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, -0.2865643065030182], {1, 34} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, 0.2915805668549216], {1, 36} -> - 1, {2, 3} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, 4} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, 5} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], {2, 6} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, 7} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, -0.008414767951100507], {2, 8} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, 9} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], {2, 10} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, 0.07667698906457968], {2, 11} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], {2, 12} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, -0.15579730043133583`], {2, 13} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, 14} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 15} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 16} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, 17} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, 18} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, 19} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, 20} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, 21} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 22} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, 23} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, 24} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 25} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], {2, 26} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, -0.15579730043133583`], {2, 27} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], {2, 28} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, 0.07667698906457968], {2, 29} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, -0.008414767951100507], {2, 30} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, 31} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], {2, 32} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, 33} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, 34} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, 35} -> - 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.49636369297926336`, 0.], {3, 5} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {3, 6} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {3, 7} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {3, 8} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, -0.04266786697540802], {3, 9} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {3, 10} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {3, 11} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, 0.12060096224364471`], {3, 12} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {3, 13} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {3, 14} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, 0.11027596484454191`], {3, 15} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {3, 16} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], {3, 17} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, -0.04277649306205672], {3, 18} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, -0.08845876363140671], {3, 19} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, -0.04277649306205672], {3, 20} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, -0.08845876363140671], {3, 21} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {3, 22} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], {3, 23} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {3, 24} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, 0.11027596484454191`], {3, 25} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, 0.12060096224364471`], {3, 26} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {3, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {3, 28} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {3, 29} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {3, 30} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, -0.04266786697540802], {3, 31} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {3, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {3, 33} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, 0.03308934997069378], {3, 34} -> - Complex[0.49636369297926336`, 0.], {3, 35} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, 0.08293748621875244], {3, 36} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, -0.2915805668549216], {4, 5} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, -0.08045040304054488], {4, 6} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, 0.30182786908398773`], {4, 7} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, 0.2062898932256956], {4, 8} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, -0.2690120226571733], {4, 9} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, 0.01333219816254436], {4, 10} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], {4, 11} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {4, 12} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {4, 13} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, -0.05145411756901592], {4, 14} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, -0.04963088270675587], {4, 15} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {4, 16} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {4, 17} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {4, 18} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], {4, 19} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {4, 20} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], {4, 21} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {4, 22} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {4, 23} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, -0.05145411756901592], {4, 24} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, -0.04963088270675587], {4, 25} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {4, 26} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {4, 27} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, 0.01333219816254436], {4, 28} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], {4, 29} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, 0.2062898932256956], {4, 30} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, -0.2690120226571733], {4, 31} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, -0.08045040304054488], {4, 32} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, 0.30182786908398773`], {4, 33} -> - Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {4, 34} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, -0.03308934997069378], {4, 35} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, -0.10568804847511024`], {4, 36} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, 0.2865643065030182], {5, 6} -> - Complex[0.5058138015078811, 0.], {5, 7} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], {5, 8} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {5, 9} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {5, 10} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, 0.2594729794590618], {5, 11} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {5, 12} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, 0.034035129192128775`], {5, 13} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {5, 14} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, -0.054766912594803374`], {5, 15} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {5, 16} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, -0.2023899803882464], {5, 17} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {5, 18} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], {5, 19} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {5, 20} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], {5, 21} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {5, 22} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, -0.2023899803882464], {5, 23} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {5, 24} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, -0.054766912594803374`], {5, 25} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {5, 26} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, 0.034035129192128775`], {5, 27} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {5, 28} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, 0.2594729794590618], {5, 29} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], {5, 30} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {5, 31} -> - Complex[0.05957085045120364, 0.0686364172150267], {5, 32} -> - Complex[0.5058138015078811, 0.], {5, 33} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, -0.30182786908398773`], {5, 34} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, 0.10280421447880453`], {5, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, -0.03825515355084523], {5, 36} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], {6, 7} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, -0.1398945044720049], {6, 8} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, 0.18050668434763023`], {6, 9} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {6, 10} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {6, 11} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, 0.03247283136099954], {6, 12} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, 0.24585233281751626`], {6, 13} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], {6, 14} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {6, 15} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {6, 16} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {6, 17} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {6, 18} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, -0.18155756040588286`], {6, 19} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {6, 20} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, -0.18155756040588286`], {6, 21} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {6, 22} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {6, 23} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], {6, 24} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {6, 25} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, 0.03247283136099954], {6, 26} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, 0.24585233281751626`], {6, 27} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {6, 28} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {6, 29} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, -0.1398945044720049], {6, 30} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, 0.18050668434763023`], {6, 31} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {6, 32} -> - Complex[0.05957085045120364, -0.0686364172150267], {6, 33} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, 0.08045040304054488], {6, 34} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, 0.07846271521707039], {6, 35} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, -0.20164942303248495`], {6, 36} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, -0.35906971113552444`], {7, 8} -> - Complex[0.3480244926609176, 0.], {7, 9} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {7, 10} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {7, 11} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {7, 12} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {7, 13} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {7, 14} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {7, 15} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, 0.025091517498334166`], {7, 16} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, 0.13038883546342855`], {7, 17} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {7, 18} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, 0.11085568682814102`], {7, 19} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {7, 20} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, 0.11085568682814102`], {7, 21} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, 0.025091517498334166`], {7, 22} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, 0.13038883546342855`], {7, 23} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {7, 24} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {7, 25} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {7, 26} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {7, 27} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {7, 28} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {7, 29} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, -0.1534965717731505], {7, 30} -> - Complex[0.3480244926609176, 0.], {7, 31} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, -0.18050668434763023`], {7, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, -0.17443733981734005`], {7, 33} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, 0.2690120226571733], {7, 34} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, 0.04266786697540802], {7, 35} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, 0.2799821244558118], {7, 36} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, 0.08613557464795678], {8, 9} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {8, 10} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {8, 11} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {8, 12} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, -0.08387695970470208], {8, 13} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, 0.11992171449363792`], {8, 14} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {8, 15} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, -0.18394307455842968`], {8, 16} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {8, 17} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, 0.12113458402956634`], {8, 18} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {8, 19} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, 0.12113458402956634`], {8, 20} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {8, 21} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, -0.18394307455842968`], {8, 22} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {8, 23} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, 0.11992171449363792`], {8, 24} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {8, 25} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {8, 26} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, -0.08387695970470208], {8, 27} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {8, 28} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {8, 29} -> - Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {8, 30} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, 0.1534965717731505], {8, 31} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, 0.1398945044720049], {8, 32} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, -0.0906083646195344], {8, 33} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, -0.2062898932256956], {8, 34} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, -0.31356085339344003`], {8, 35} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, 0.008414767951100507], {8, 36} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, -0.06573453711443833], {9, 10} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {9, 11} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, 0.07147202526604769], {9, 12} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, 0.1342165202528226], {9, 13} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {9, 14} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], {9, 15} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], {9, 16} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, 0.23052958058187878`], {9, 17} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, 0.1963794168890443], {9, 18} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {9, 19} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, 0.1963794168890443], {9, 20} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {9, 21} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], {9, 22} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, 0.23052958058187878`], {9, 23} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {9, 24} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], {9, 25} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, 0.07147202526604769], {9, 26} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, 0.1342165202528226], {9, 27} -> - Complex[0.10214442350629199`, -0.026260413784740505`], {9, 28} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {9, 29} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {9, 30} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {9, 31} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, -0.054783259519745345`], {9, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, -0.2594729794590618], {9, 33} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, 0.0881056163125139], {9, 34} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, -0.22507239863090805`], {9, 35} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, -0.07667698906457968], {9, 36} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, -0.154590481023119], {10, 11} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], {10, 12} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {10, 13} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {10, 14} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, -0.12601316051490963`], {10, 15} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {10, 16} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {10, 17} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, -0.1270548580331935], {10, 18} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, -0.04516801561911384], {10, 19} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, -0.1270548580331935], {10, 20} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, -0.04516801561911384], {10, 21} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {10, 22} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {10, 23} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {10, 24} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, -0.12601316051490963`], {10, 25} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], {10, 26} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {10, 27} -> - Complex[0.33314595779251727`, 0.], {10, 28} -> - Complex[0.10214442350629199`, 0.026260413784740505`], {10, 29} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, 0.009826517437731715], {10, 30} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, 0.20220472842758744`], {10, 31} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, -0.15479143125784764`], {10, 32} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, -0.12440237009032867`], {10, 33} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, -0.01333219816254436], {10, 34} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, 0.08672925004639812], {10, 35} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, 0.03036622844279574], {10, 36} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], {11, 12} -> - Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {11, 13} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, -0.229189990199907], {11, 14} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, -0.06407563305713601], {11, 15} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, 0.06148505498780174], {11, 16} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {11, 17} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {11, 18} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, 0.15781559429956118`], {11, 19} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {11, 20} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, 0.15781559429956118`], {11, 21} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, 0.06148505498780174], {11, 22} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {11, 23} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, -0.229189990199907], {11, 24} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, -0.06407563305713601], {11, 25} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, -0.010244248183710654`], {11, 26} -> - Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {11, 27} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {11, 28} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, -0.1342165202528226], {11, 29} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {11, 30} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], {11, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], {11, 32} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, -0.034035129192128775`], {11, 33} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {11, 34} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {11, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {11, 36} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, 0.15967643343543628`], {12, 13} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {12, 14} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, -0.07911629825938535], {12, 15} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, -0.02799549139813756], {12, 16} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {12, 17} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {12, 18} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {12, 19} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {12, 20} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {12, 21} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, -0.02799549139813756], {12, 22} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {12, 23} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {12, 24} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, -0.07911629825938535], {12, 25} -> - Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {12, 26} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, 0.010244248183710654`], {12, 27} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {12, 28} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {12, 29} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {12, 30} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, 0.06080711260518379], {12, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, -0.03247283136099954], {12, 32} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], {12, 33} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {12, 34} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, -0.12060096224364471`], {12, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {12, 36} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {13, 14} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {13, 15} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, -0.00875520102328074], {13, 16} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {13, 17} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {13, 18} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], {13, 19} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {13, 20} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], {13, 21} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, -0.00875520102328074], {13, 22} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {13, 23} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, 0.09262495833114717], {13, 24} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {13, 25} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, 0.07911629825938535], {13, 26} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, 0.06407563305713601], {13, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, 0.12601316051490963`], {13, 28} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], {13, 29} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], {13, 30} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {13, 31} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {13, 32} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {13, 33} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {13, 34} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, -0.11027596484454191`], {13, 35} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], {13, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {14, 15} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {14, 16} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, 0.12231882955045151`], {14, 17} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {14, 18} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, -0.18913477597107048`], {14, 19} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {14, 20} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, -0.18913477597107048`], {14, 21} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {14, 22} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, 0.12231882955045151`], {14, 23} -> - Complex[0.35279363941541053`, 0.], {14, 24} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, -0.09262495833114717], {14, 25} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], {14, 26} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, 0.229189990199907], {14, 27} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {14, 28} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {14, 29} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, -0.11992171449363792`], {14, 30} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {14, 31} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {14, 32} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {14, 33} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, 0.05145411756901592], {14, 34} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, 0.039875195608224154`], {14, 35} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], {14, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], {15, 16} -> - Complex[0.349552824256183, 0.], {15, 17} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {15, 18} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {15, 19} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {15, 20} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {15, 21} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, 0.11355320674819902`], {15, 22} -> - Complex[0.349552824256183, 0.], {15, 23} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], {15, 24} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {15, 25} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], {15, 26} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {15, 27} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, 0.05577367679001426], {15, 28} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, -0.23052958058187878`], {15, 29} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {15, 30} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {15, 31} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {15, 32} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, 0.2023899803882464], {15, 33} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {15, 34} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, 0.010763626429992096`], {15, 35} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {15, 36} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {16, 17} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {16, 18} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {16, 19} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {16, 20} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {16, 21} -> - Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {16, 22} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, -0.11355320674819902`], {16, 23} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {16, 24} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, 0.00875520102328074], {16, 25} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, 0.02799549139813756], {16, 26} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {16, 27} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, 0.08944943686956167], {16, 28} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, 0.21978330419104863`], {16, 29} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, 0.18394307455842968`], {16, 30} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {16, 31} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, 0.08042658142468531], {16, 32} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {16, 33} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {16, 34} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {16, 35} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {16, 36} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {17, 18} -> - Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {17, 19} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, -0.02423539675981027], {17, 20} -> - Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {17, 21} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {17, 22} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {17, 23} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, 0.18913477597107048`], {17, 24} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], {17, 25} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {17, 26} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], {17, 27} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, 0.04516801561911384], {17, 28} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, 0.09375100770632477], {17, 29} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {17, 30} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, -0.11085568682814102`], {17, 31} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {17, 32} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], {17, 33} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {17, 34} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, 0.08845876363140671], {17, 35} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {17, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {18, 19} -> - Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {18, 20} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, 0.02423539675981027], {18, 21} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {18, 22} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {18, 23} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {18, 24} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {18, 25} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {18, 26} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, 0.1016185353576046], {18, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, 0.1270548580331935], {18, 28} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, -0.1963794168890443], {18, 29} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {18, 30} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, -0.0475059953974924], {18, 31} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {18, 32} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, 0.17856311543581216`], {18, 33} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {18, 34} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, 0.04277649306205672], {18, 35} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {18, 36} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {19, 20} -> - Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {19, 21} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {19, 22} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {19, 23} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, 0.18913477597107048`], {19, 24} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], {19, 25} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {19, 26} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], {19, 27} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, 0.04516801561911384], {19, 28} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, 0.09375100770632477], {19, 29} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {19, 30} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, -0.11085568682814102`], {19, 31} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {19, 32} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], {19, 33} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {19, 34} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, 0.08845876363140671], {19, 35} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {19, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {20, 21} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {20, 22} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {20, 23} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {20, 24} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {20, 25} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {20, 26} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, 0.1016185353576046], {20, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, 0.1270548580331935], {20, 28} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, -0.1963794168890443], {20, 29} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {20, 30} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, -0.0475059953974924], {20, 31} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {20, 32} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, 0.17856311543581216`], {20, 33} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {20, 34} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, 0.04277649306205672], {20, 35} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {20, 36} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {21, 22} -> - Complex[0.349552824256183, 0.], {21, 23} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], {21, 24} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {21, 25} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], {21, 26} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {21, 27} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, 0.05577367679001426], {21, 28} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, -0.23052958058187878`], {21, 29} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {21, 30} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {21, 31} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {21, 32} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, 0.2023899803882464], {21, 33} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {21, 34} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, 0.010763626429992096`], {21, 35} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {21, 36} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {22, 23} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {22, 24} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, 0.00875520102328074], {22, 25} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, 0.02799549139813756], {22, 26} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {22, 27} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, 0.08944943686956167], {22, 28} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, 0.21978330419104863`], {22, 29} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, 0.18394307455842968`], {22, 30} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {22, 31} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, 0.08042658142468531], {22, 32} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {22, 33} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {22, 34} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {22, 35} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {22, 36} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {23, 24} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {23, 25} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, 0.07911629825938535], {23, 26} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, 0.06407563305713601], {23, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, 0.12601316051490963`], {23, 28} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], {23, 29} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], {23, 30} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {23, 31} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {23, 32} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {23, 33} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {23, 34} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, -0.11027596484454191`], {23, 35} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], {23, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {24, 25} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], {24, 26} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, 0.229189990199907], {24, 27} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {24, 28} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {24, 29} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, -0.11992171449363792`], {24, 30} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {24, 31} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {24, 32} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {24, 33} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, 0.05145411756901592], {24, 34} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, 0.039875195608224154`], {24, 35} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], {24, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], {25, 26} -> - Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {25, 27} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {25, 28} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, -0.1342165202528226], {25, 29} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {25, 30} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], {25, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], {25, 32} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, -0.034035129192128775`], {25, 33} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {25, 34} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {25, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {25, 36} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, 0.15967643343543628`], {26, 27} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {26, 28} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {26, 29} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {26, 30} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, 0.06080711260518379], {26, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, -0.03247283136099954], {26, 32} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], {26, 33} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {26, 34} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, -0.12060096224364471`], {26, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {26, 36} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {27, 28} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {27, 29} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {27, 30} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {27, 31} -> - 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Complex[-0.23195182875717876`, -0.23112477989312824`], + Complex[-0.015113552074627987`, -0.08034144282125823], + Complex[0.14635592819073845`, -0.14587425672070267`], + Complex[-0.09060654254936633, -0.417039841848608]}, { + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], + Complex[-0.4390455509040296, -0.052544079731776216`], + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], + Complex[-0.2978383812250926, 0.043678847750783484`]}}}, {{{ + Complex[-0.1593137200824323, 0.013412764900290378`], + Complex[-0.5145486849952703, 0.34100802192908464`], + Complex[0.15161292352106592`, 0.18392146106406904`], + Complex[0.07955219438522235, 0.28935645225084505`]}, { + Complex[0.13415479114756595`, -0.07757010000649706], + Complex[0.05304282560381651, -0.15787654906649123`], + Complex[-0.2613584882869106, 0.34148114779570343`], + Complex[-0.15676940204379025`, 0.4214380034569123]}, { + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], + Complex[0.1837878984656533, -0.21883550465263563`], + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], + Complex[0.43891258651443155`, 0.0741992627006739]}, { + Complex[0.13619460699433977`, -0.1577932957397995], + Complex[-0.3632992863469063, -0.15809831861823043`], + Complex[0.16085882371032906`, 0.23378891755394915`], + Complex[0.03142176755953406, 0.12693215999038798`]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.186700450349657, 0.08153155193177619], + Complex[-0.02382600995443485, -0.3107830480377137], + Complex[0.3495189178479763, 0.12804134376702397`], + Complex[0.6299716952165508, -0.009749873007820431]}, { + Complex[0.18714488119497355`, -0.1339794433982704], + Complex[0.05079269681685693, -0.4225778856669555], + Complex[0.28551005996007756`, 0.07971111129765984], + Complex[0.10537303981274923`, -0.06234935793852832]}, { + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], + Complex[-0.006811263998116934, -0.006324320856191834], + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], + Complex[-0.07850650319040442, 0.08996985911843679]}, { + Complex[0.06426343869068082, -0.09112578109042907], + Complex[0.2553656323680869, -0.225716532831462], + Complex[-0.17356528059232826`, 0.021271004050220574`], + Complex[0.07427806473775235, -0.03678533347899745]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.26252913458365945`, 0.36816002543419984`], + Complex[0.5790881139680791, 0.0732051866974398], + Complex[-0.36285710059532195`, -0.28805800159041506`], + Complex[-0.438639576181108, -0.14724437865841383`]}, { + Complex[0.205649088470696, 0.1952027311525777], + Complex[0.13206514972545308`, 0.1528064847296205], + Complex[0.07997909975257539, 0.035658916432852156`], + Complex[0.09276928341043214, 0.22612359610730548`]}, { + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], + Complex[0.06924778796823765, 0.3392611590971487], + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], + Complex[0.15091263428766727`, 0.2228612167998718]}, { + Complex[0.0010190112156733822`, 0.1129619972224615], + Complex[0.16898776080680572`, 0.18912093210280806`], + Complex[0.08931254046091314, -0.12514120802029044`], + Complex[0.1513899027918974, -0.3474639674355249]}}, {{ + Complex[0.3944474729614066, 0.2188672060002173], + Complex[0.3096121239335217, 0.47673248261413864`], + Complex[-0.2382666838911986, -0.0024230464141801467`], + Complex[-0.19206924454095325`, -0.09196348615447132]}, { + Complex[0.09850742759746575, 0.13201703665249773`], + Complex[-0.09824475286720405, 0.26537804307649243`], + Complex[-0.15132264085215427`, -0.2556264006201731], + Complex[-0.05571181525456548, -0.00232440389180405]}, { + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], + Complex[-0.03999197651078942, -0.08108739701849048], + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], + Complex[-0.19794378627517756`, -0.18344740966364476`]}, { + Complex[0.05500540410168902, 0.09120545255702392], + Complex[-0.11166394499212068`, 0.15888871982827596`], + Complex[-0.11852257287681439`, -0.3006085542145621], + Complex[-0.10698386630910972`, -0.489463823816771]}}}, {{{ + Complex[-0.20051145955164862`, -0.019978948991496662`], + Complex[-0.6026645637823169, 0.025745425656669832`], + Complex[0.059360091421089306`, 0.43821938618982414`], + Complex[-0.04296792298565183, 0.4142235632072107]}, { + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], + Complex[-0.2727492043214132, 0.03650760667605782], + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], + Complex[-0.0779157268128722, 0.11514790480422857`]}, { + Complex[0.15094883017161237`, -0.017967745813698206`], + Complex[0.07227379479966149, -0.1267397367640276], + Complex[-0.005234481095472324, 0.08375527438370217], + Complex[-0.055302208064202024`, -0.048534074509855855`]}, { + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], + Complex[-0.07419048161268496, -0.44785444839788086`], + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], + Complex[0.1618081612353034, 0.15437985466267745`]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.19935008044199365`, -0.01476401633281204], + Complex[-0.2928650289852777, -0.46687962670164623`], + Complex[0.5132821370143701, -0.08200379158801555], + Complex[0.39787211766682684`, 0.02018928830199271]}, { + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], + Complex[0.1545150779993909, -0.07185006552804889], + Complex[0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], + Complex[0.3726827733239779, -0.09985152182770193]}, { + Complex[0.19889965185547961`, -0.10176495470379088`], + Complex[0.14162344222586734`, 0.16542191643180643`], + Complex[-0.20384384748898732`, -0.023288188749349403`], + Complex[-0.10760410221567202`, -0.09726459002159923]}, { + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], + Complex[0.10259904200108994`, -0.38164006740997314`], + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], + Complex[-0.004173210656446616, 0.06838658845069481]}}}}, + SymmetrizedArray[ + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{32, + 32}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, -0.45412395229305985`], {1, 4} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, 0.23954012515618292`], {1, 5} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, 6} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, -0.4821278045577343], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], {1, 8} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, 9} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, 10} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], {1, 11} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, 12} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], {1, 13} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, 14} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, -0.22986188863366275`], {1, 15} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 16} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, 17} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 18} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, 19} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, 20} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, -0.22986188863366275`], {1, 21} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, 22} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], {1, 23} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, 24} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], {1, 25} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], {1, 26} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, 27} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, 28} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, -0.4821278045577343], {1, 29} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, -0.45412395229305985`], {1, 30} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, 0.23954012515618292`], {1, 32} -> + 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, 4} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, -0.16136872833117036`], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, -0.09400730406176475], {2, 6} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, 0.1668433676200188], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 8} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], {2, 9} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, 11} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, 13} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, 14} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 15} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, 16} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, 0.06896354235277449], {2, 17} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, 18} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, 0.06896354235277449], {2, 19} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, 20} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 21} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, 22} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, 23} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], {2, 24} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, 25} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 26} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], {2, 27} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, -0.09400730406176475], {2, 28} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, 0.1668433676200188], {2, 29} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, 30} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, -0.16136872833117036`], {2, 31} -> + 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, 6} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], {3, 7} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, 0.13646163767421743`], {3, 8} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {3, 9} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {3, 10} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], {3, 11} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {3, 12} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {3, 13} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {3, 14} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {3, 15} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {3, 16} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, -0.03544251396822046], {3, 17} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {3, 18} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, -0.03544251396822046], {3, 19} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {3, 20} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {3, 21} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {3, 22} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {3, 23} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {3, 24} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], {3, 25} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, 0.13646163767421743`], {3, 26} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {3, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, 28} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], {3, 29} -> + Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, -0.0014004115937454042`], {3, 30} -> + Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {3, 31} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, 0.16136872833117036`], {3, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, -0.23954012515618292`], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {4, 6} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {4, 10} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, -0.11263382211139406`], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {4, 12} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {4, 13} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {4, 14} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {4, 16} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {4, 17} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {4, 18} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {4, 19} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {4, 20} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {4, 21} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {4, 22} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {4, 23} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {4, 24} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, -0.11263382211139406`], {4, 25} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {4, 26} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {4, 27} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {4, 28} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, 29} -> + Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {4, 30} -> + Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, 0.0014004115937454042`], {4, 31} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, 0.0990678397300458], {4, 32} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, 0.45412395229305985`], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {5, 8} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, 0.45619687405618636`], {5, 9} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, 0.04912752076041336], {5, 10} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, -0.04387994353782962], {5, 11} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {5, 13} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {5, 15} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, 0.2479052297980392], {5, 16} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {5, 17} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, 0.2479052297980392], {5, 18} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {5, 20} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {5, 21} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], {5, 22} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {5, 23} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, 0.04912752076041336], {5, 24} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, -0.04387994353782962], {5, 25} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {5, 26} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, 0.45619687405618636`], {5, 27} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, 0.22179319605394876`], {5, 28} -> + Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {5, 29} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {5, 30} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], {5, 31} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, -0.1668433676200188], {5, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, 0.4821278045577343], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, -0.12484288796949913`], {6, 8} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], {6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, 0.09437594864128791], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, 0.059412074076411546`], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {6, 13} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {6, 14} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {6, 15} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {6, 16} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {6, 17} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {6, 18} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {6, 19} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {6, 20} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {6, 21} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {6, 22} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {6, 23} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, 0.09437594864128791], {6, 24} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, 0.059412074076411546`], {6, 25} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, -0.12484288796949913`], {6, 26} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], {6, 27} -> + Complex[0.20263910536773755`, 0.], {6, 28} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, -0.22179319605394876`], {6, 29} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {6, 30} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, 0.14858688449114604`], {6, 31} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, 0.09400730406176475], {6, 32} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, 0.19241450807239194`], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], {7, 13} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {7, 14} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {7, 15} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {7, 16} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, -0.13919179950515956`], {7, 17} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {7, 18} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, -0.13919179950515956`], {7, 19} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {7, 20} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {7, 21} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {7, 22} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], {7, 23} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], {7, 24} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {7, 25} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, -0.19937008578078047`], {7, 26} -> + Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {7, 27} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {7, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, -0.45619687405618636`], {7, 29} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {7, 30} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {7, 31} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], {7, 32} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, 0.035808072295513985`], {8, 10} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {8, 14} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, 0.08953347157789894], {8, 16} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {8, 17} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, 0.08953347157789894], {8, 18} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {8, 19} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {8, 20} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {8, 21} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {8, 22} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {8, 23} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, 0.035808072295513985`], {8, 24} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {8, 25} -> + Complex[0.5333747400652373, 0.], {8, 26} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, 0.19937008578078047`], {8, 27} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, 0.12484288796949913`], {8, 28} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {8, 29} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {8, 30} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, -0.13646163767421743`], {8, 31} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], {8, 32} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, 0.2803118968875541], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {9, 12} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], {9, 14} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, 0.07905444855796712], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, -0.026330641239406972`], {9, 16} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, 0.04246480370392383], {9, 17} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, -0.026330641239406972`], {9, 18} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, 0.04246480370392383], {9, 19} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], {9, 20} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, 0.07905444855796712], {9, 21} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {9, 22} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {9, 23} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, 0.05916418261795878], {9, 24} -> + Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {9, 25} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {9, 26} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, -0.01554709808796357], {9, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, -0.059412074076411546`], {9, 28} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {9, 29} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, 0.11263382211139406`], {9, 30} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {9, 31} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {9, 32} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, -0.13038007028245235`], {10, 11} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, -0.13747106056552227`], {10, 13} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {10, 15} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {10, 16} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, 0.014151525468183115`], {10, 17} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {10, 18} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, 0.014151525468183115`], {10, 19} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], {10, 20} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {10, 21} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {10, 22} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, -0.13747106056552227`], {10, 23} -> + Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {10, 24} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, -0.05916418261795878], {10, 25} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], {10, 26} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {10, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, -0.09437594864128791], {10, 28} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, -0.04912752076041336], {10, 29} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {10, 30} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {10, 31} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], {10, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {11, 14} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, 0.07798472902890301], {11, 15} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, 0.12925982418550483`], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {11, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, 0.12925982418550483`], {11, 18} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {11, 19} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {11, 20} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, 0.07798472902890301], {11, 21} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, 0.13067968221082676`], {11, 22} -> + Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {11, 23} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, 0.13747106056552227`], {11, 24} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {11, 25} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], {11, 26} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], {11, 27} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {11, 28} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {11, 29} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {11, 30} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, 0.0007900461969849934], {11, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {11, 32} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, 0.09474310902835915], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, -0.05490753841460036], {12, 15} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {12, 16} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], {12, 17} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {12, 18} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], {12, 19} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], {12, 20} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, -0.05490753841460036], {12, 21} -> + Complex[0.288790430194917, 0.], {12, 22} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, -0.13067968221082676`], {12, 23} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {12, 24} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, 0.007048096041707605], {12, 25} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], {12, 26} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {12, 27} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {12, 28} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], {12, 29} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {12, 30} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {12, 31} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {12, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, 16} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, 17} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, 18} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, -0.0383011718065015], {13, 20} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {13, 22} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, -0.07798472902890301], {13, 23} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {13, 24} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, -0.07905444855796712], {13, 25} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {13, 26} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {13, 27} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {13, 28} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, 0.14922079251460418`], {13, 29} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], {13, 30} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {13, 31} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {13, 32} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], {14, 15} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, 17} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 18} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.29582940176126815`, 0.], {14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, 0.0383011718065015], {14, 21} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {14, 22} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {14, 23} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, 0.14328868692391553`], {14, 24} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {14, 25} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], {14, 26} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {14, 27} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {14, 28} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {14, 29} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, -0.004668871253339259], {14, 30} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {14, 31} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, 0.32277555558099397`], {14, 32} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {15, 16} -> + Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, 0.10986947258054452`], {15, 18} -> + Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {15, 19} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, 0.11473204575369803`], {15, 20} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {15, 21} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], {15, 22} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {15, 23} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, -0.014151525468183115`], {15, 24} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {15, 25} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {15, 26} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, 0.13919179950515956`], {15, 27} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {15, 28} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {15, 29} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], {15, 30} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, 0.03544251396822046], {15, 31} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], {15, 32} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], {16, 17} -> + Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, -0.10986947258054452`], {16, 19} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {16, 20} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {16, 21} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {16, 22} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {16, 23} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {16, 24} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, 0.026330641239406972`], {16, 25} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, -0.08953347157789894], {16, 26} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {16, 27} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {16, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {16, 29} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {16, 30} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {16, 31} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], {16, 32} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, 0.11473204575369803`], {17, 20} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {17, 21} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], {17, 22} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {17, 23} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, -0.014151525468183115`], {17, 24} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {17, 25} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {17, 26} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, 0.13919179950515956`], {17, 27} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {17, 28} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {17, 29} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], {17, 30} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, 0.03544251396822046], {17, 31} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], {17, 32} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], {18, 19} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {18, 21} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {18, 22} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {18, 23} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {18, 24} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, 0.026330641239406972`], {18, 25} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, -0.08953347157789894], {18, 26} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {18, 27} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {18, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {18, 29} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {18, 30} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {18, 31} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], {18, 32} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {19, 20} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {19, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {19, 22} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, -0.07798472902890301], {19, 23} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {19, 24} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, -0.07905444855796712], {19, 25} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {19, 26} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {19, 27} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {19, 28} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, 0.14922079251460418`], {19, 29} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], {19, 30} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {19, 31} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {19, 32} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], {20, 21} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {20, 22} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {20, 23} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, 0.14328868692391553`], {20, 24} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {20, 25} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], {20, 26} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {20, 27} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {20, 28} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {20, 29} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, -0.004668871253339259], {20, 30} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {20, 31} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, 0.32277555558099397`], {20, 32} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {21, 22} -> + Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {21, 23} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, 0.13747106056552227`], {21, 24} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {21, 25} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], {21, 26} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], {21, 27} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {21, 28} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {21, 29} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {21, 30} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, 0.0007900461969849934], {21, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {21, 32} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, 0.09474310902835915], {22, 23} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {22, 24} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, 0.007048096041707605], {22, 25} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], {22, 26} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {22, 27} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {22, 28} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], {22, 29} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {22, 30} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {22, 31} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {22, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {23, 24} -> + Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {23, 25} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {23, 26} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, -0.01554709808796357], {23, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, -0.059412074076411546`], {23, 28} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {23, 29} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, 0.11263382211139406`], {23, 30} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {23, 31} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {23, 32} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, -0.13038007028245235`], {24, 25} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], {24, 26} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {24, 27} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, -0.09437594864128791], {24, 28} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, -0.04912752076041336], {24, 29} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {24, 30} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {24, 31} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], {24, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {25, 26} -> + Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {25, 27} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {25, 28} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, -0.45619687405618636`], {25, 29} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {25, 30} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {25, 31} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], {25, 32} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {26, 27} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, 0.12484288796949913`], {26, 28} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {26, 29} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {26, 30} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, -0.13646163767421743`], {26, 31} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], {26, 32} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, 0.2803118968875541], {27, 28} -> + Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {27, 29} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {27, 30} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], {27, 31} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, -0.1668433676200188], {27, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, 0.4821278045577343], {28, 29} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {28, 30} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, 0.14858688449114604`], {28, 31} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, 0.09400730406176475], {28, 32} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, 0.19241450807239194`], {29, 30} -> + Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {29, 31} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, 0.16136872833117036`], {29, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, -0.23954012515618292`], {30, 31} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, 0.0990678397300458], {30, 32} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, 0.45412395229305985`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { + $CellContext`c[1], + $CellContext`c[2], + $CellContext`c[3], + $CellContext`c[4]}], + Editable->False, + SelectWithContents->True, + Selectable->False], ",", + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["WickState", + "SummaryHead"], "[", + DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = + "Ready"}, + TemplateBox[{ + PaneSelectorBox[{False -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = True), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{ + Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Bare modes: \"", 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-0.2803118968875541], + Complex[-0.2978383812250926, 0.043678847750783484`]}}}, {{{ + Complex[-0.1593137200824323, 0.013412764900290378`], + Complex[-0.5145486849952703, 0.34100802192908464`], + Complex[0.15161292352106592`, 0.18392146106406904`], + Complex[0.07955219438522235, 0.28935645225084505`]}, { + Complex[0.13415479114756595`, -0.07757010000649706], + Complex[0.05304282560381651, -0.15787654906649123`], + Complex[-0.2613584882869106, 0.34148114779570343`], + Complex[-0.15676940204379025`, 0.4214380034569123]}, { + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], + Complex[0.1837878984656533, -0.21883550465263563`], + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], + Complex[0.43891258651443155`, 0.0741992627006739]}, { + Complex[0.13619460699433977`, -0.1577932957397995], + Complex[-0.3632992863469063, -0.15809831861823043`], + Complex[0.16085882371032906`, 0.23378891755394915`], + Complex[0.03142176755953406, 0.12693215999038798`]}}, {{ + Complex[-0.186700450349657, 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Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, - 0.2915805668549216], {1, 5} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, 0.3254707548282041], {1, 6} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, 0.35906971113552444`], {1, - 7} -> Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, \ --0.08613557464795678], {1, 8} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, 0.06573453711443833], {1, - 9} -> Complex[-0.1821537065194496, 0.1809373735116714], { - 1, 10} -> Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, - 0.154590481023119], {1, 11} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, - 12} -> Complex[ - 0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], {1, 13} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, 0.18558736962752792`], {1, - 14} -> Complex[ - 0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, 15} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{32, + 32}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, 0.23954012515618292`], {1, + 4} -> Complex[ + 0.15997502039138747`, -0.45412395229305985`], {1, 5} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, -0.4821278045577343], {1, + 6} -> Complex[ + 0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], {1, 8} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, + 9} -> Complex[ + 0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, 10} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], {1, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, 12} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], {1, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, 14} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, -0.22986188863366275`], {1, + 15} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, 16} -> Complex[ - 0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, 17} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, + 0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, 18} -> Complex[ - 0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, 19} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, - 20} -> Complex[ - 0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, 21} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, 23} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, 0.18558736962752792`], {1, - 24} -> Complex[ - 0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, 25} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, - 26} -> Complex[ - 0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], {1, 27} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, 0.1809373735116714], {1, 28} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, 0.154590481023119], {1, - 29} -> Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, \ --0.08613557464795678], {1, 30} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, 0.06573453711443833], {1, - 31} -> Complex[0.07140571807962026, 0.3254707548282041], { - 1, 32} -> Complex[-0.0838892214676934, - 0.35906971113552444`], {1, 33} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, -0.2865643065030182], {1, - 34} -> Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, - 0.2915805668549216], {1, 36} -> 1, {2, 3} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, - 4} -> Complex[ - 0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, 5} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, - 6} -> Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], { - 2, 7} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, - 8} -> Complex[-0.006051982269297387, \ --0.008414767951100507], {2, 9} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], {2, - 10} -> Complex[-0.05909814548140835, - 0.07667698906457968], {2, 11} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, -0.15579730043133583`], {2, - 12} -> Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, - 0.2097207706920651], {2, 13} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, - 14} -> Complex[ - 0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 15} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, + 0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 19} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, + 20} -> Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, \ +-0.22986188863366275`], {1, 21} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, + 22} -> Complex[-0.1353776277549702, \ +-0.09474310902835915], {1, 23} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, + 24} -> Complex[-0.06765757529077783, + 0.13038007028245235`], {1, 25} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], {1, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, 27} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, -0.4821278045577343], {1, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, 29} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, 0.23954012515618292`], {1, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.15997502039138747`, -0.45412395229305985`], {1, 32} -> + 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, -0.16136872833117036`], {2, + 4} -> Complex[ + 0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, 0.1668433676200188], {2, + 6} -> Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, \ +-0.09400730406176475], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 8} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], { + 2, 9} -> Complex[ + 0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], {2, 10} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, + 13} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 15} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, 0.06896354235277449], {2, 16} -> Complex[ - 0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 17} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, - 18} -> Complex[ - 0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, 19} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, + 0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, 17} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, 0.06896354235277449], {2, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, 19} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, 20} -> Complex[ - 0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, 21} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, + 0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 21} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, 22} -> Complex[ - 0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 23} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, - 24} -> Complex[ - 0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 25} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, -0.15579730043133583`], {2, - 26} -> Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, - 0.2097207706920651], {2, 27} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], {2, - 28} -> Complex[-0.05909814548140835, - 0.07667698906457968], {2, 29} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, - 30} -> Complex[-0.006051982269297387, \ --0.008414767951100507], {2, 31} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], {2, 33} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, 35} -> - 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.49636369297926336`, 0.], {3, 5} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {3, + 0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, 23} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], {2, 24} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, + 25} -> Complex[ + 0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 26} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], { + 2, 27} -> Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, + 0.1668433676200188], {2, 28} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, -0.09400730406176475], {2, + 29} -> Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, \ +-0.16136872833117036`], {2, 30} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, + 31} -> 1, {3, 4} -> + Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, 6} -> Complex[ - 0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {3, 7} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, -0.04266786697540802], {3, + 0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {3, 8} -> Complex[ - 0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {3, 9} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {3, - 10} -> Complex[ - 0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {3, 11} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {3, - 12} -> Complex[-0.07901145315910152, - 0.12060096224364471`], {3, 13} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {3, - 14} -> Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, - 0.11027596484454191`], {3, 15} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], { - 3, 16} -> Complex[ - 0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {3, 17} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, -0.08845876363140671], {3, - 18} -> Complex[-0.1606002091580235, \ --0.04277649306205672], {3, 19} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, -0.08845876363140671], {3, - 20} -> Complex[-0.1606002091580235, \ --0.04277649306205672], {3, 21} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], { - 3, 22} -> Complex[ - 0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {3, 23} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {3, - 24} -> Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, - 0.11027596484454191`], {3, 25} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {3, - 26} -> Complex[-0.07901145315910152, - 0.12060096224364471`], {3, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {3, + 0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {3, 9} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {3, + 10} -> Complex[-0.06778091820891004, \ +-0.11263382211139406`], {3, 11} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {3, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {3, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {3, 15} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {3, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {3, 17} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {3, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {3, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {3, 21} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {3, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {3, 23} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {3, + 24} -> Complex[-0.06778091820891004, \ +-0.11263382211139406`], {3, 25} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {3, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {3, 27} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, 28} -> Complex[ - 0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {3, 29} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, -0.04266786697540802], {3, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {3, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {3, + 0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {3, 29} -> + Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, 0.0014004115937454042`], { + 3, 30} -> Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {3, 31} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, 0.0990678397300458], {3, 32} -> Complex[ - 0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {3, 33} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, 0.03308934997069378], {3, - 34} -> Complex[0.49636369297926336`, 0.], {3, 35} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, 0.08293748621875244], {3, - 36} -> Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, \ --0.2915805668549216], {4, 5} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, 0.30182786908398773`], {4, - 6} -> Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, \ --0.08045040304054488], {4, 7} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, -0.2690120226571733], {4, - 8} -> Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, - 0.2062898932256956], {4, 9} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, 0.01333219816254436], {4, - 10} -> Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], \ -{4, 11} -> Complex[0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {4, 12} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {4, - 13} -> Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, \ --0.05145411756901592], {4, 14} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, -0.04963088270675587], {4, + 0.15997502039138747`, 0.45412395229305985`], {4, 5} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], {4, 6} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, + 7} -> Complex[-0.3396867137428587, + 0.13646163767421743`], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {4, + 9} -> Complex[ + 0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {4, 10} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], {4, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {4, 12} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {4, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {4, + 15} -> Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, \ +-0.03544251396822046], {4, 16} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {4, + 17} -> Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, \ +-0.03544251396822046], {4, 18} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {4, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {4, 20} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {4, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {4, 22} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {4, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {4, 24} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], {4, + 25} -> Complex[-0.3396867137428587, + 0.13646163767421743`], {4, 26} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {4, + 27} -> Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], \ +{4, 28} -> Complex[-0.05442442802981293, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, 29} -> + Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {4, 30} -> + Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, -0.0014004115937454042`], { + 4, 31} -> Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, + 0.16136872833117036`], {4, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, -0.23954012515618292`], {5, + 6} -> Complex[0.20263910536773755`, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, -0.12484288796949913`], {5, + 8} -> Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], { + 5, 9} -> Complex[-0.05565875071499052, + 0.09437594864128791], {5, 10} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, 0.059412074076411546`], {5, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {5, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {5, 14} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {5, 15} -> Complex[ - 0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {4, 16} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {4, - 17} -> Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], { - 4, 18} -> Complex[ - 0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {4, 19} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], {4, 20} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {4, + 0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {5, 16} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {5, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {5, 18} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {5, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {5, 20} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {5, 21} -> Complex[ - 0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {4, 22} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {4, - 23} -> Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, \ --0.05145411756901592], {4, 24} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, -0.04963088270675587], {4, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {4, 26} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {4, - 27} -> Complex[-0.2521578356402413, - 0.01333219816254436], {4, 28} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], {4, - 29} -> Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, \ --0.2690120226571733], {4, 30} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, 0.2062898932256956], {4, - 31} -> Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, - 0.30182786908398773`], {4, 32} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, -0.08045040304054488], {4, - 33} -> Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {4, 34} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, -0.03308934997069378], {4, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.32545613852497657`, -0.10568804847511024`], {4, 36} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, 0.2865643065030182], {5, 6} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {5, 7} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, 0.18050668434763023`], {5, - 8} -> Complex[-0.08951618372581999, \ --0.1398945044720049], {5, 9} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {5, - 10} -> Complex[ - 0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {5, 11} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, 0.24585233281751626`], {5, - 12} -> Complex[-0.06540345886434173, - 0.03247283136099954], {5, 13} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], {5, 14} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {5, + 0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {5, 22} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {5, + 23} -> Complex[-0.05565875071499052, + 0.09437594864128791], {5, 24} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, 0.059412074076411546`], {5, + 25} -> Complex[-0.04788255890923551, \ +-0.12484288796949913`], {5, 26} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], {5, + 27} -> Complex[ + 0.1366899433196731, -0.22179319605394876`], {5, 28} -> + Complex[0.20263910536773755`, 0.], {5, 29} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, 0.14858688449114604`], {5, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {5, 31} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, 0.09400730406176475], {5, + 32} -> Complex[ + 0.13546634634545274`, 0.19241450807239194`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {6, + 8} -> Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, + 0.45619687405618636`], {6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, 0.04912752076041336], {6, + 10} -> Complex[-0.0964564876770649, \ +-0.04387994353782962], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {6, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {6, 15} -> Complex[ - 0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {5, 16} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {5, - 17} -> Complex[-0.0863909413535702, \ --0.18155756040588286`], {5, 18} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {5, - 19} -> Complex[-0.0863909413535702, \ --0.18155756040588286`], {5, 20} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {5, + 0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {6, 16} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, 0.2479052297980392], {6, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {6, 18} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, 0.2479052297980392], {6, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {6, 20} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {6, + 21} -> Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], { + 6, 22} -> Complex[ + 0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {6, 23} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, 0.04912752076041336], {6, + 24} -> Complex[-0.0964564876770649, \ +-0.04387994353782962], {6, 25} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {6, + 26} -> Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, + 0.45619687405618636`], {6, 27} -> + Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {6, 28} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, 0.22179319605394876`], {6, + 29} -> Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], { + 6, 30} -> Complex[ + 0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {6, 31} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, -0.1668433676200188], {6, + 32} -> Complex[-0.09765512477307971, + 0.4821278045577343], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {7, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], { + 7, 13} -> Complex[ + 0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {7, 14} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {7, + 15} -> Complex[-0.06038101273760845, \ +-0.13919179950515956`], {7, 16} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {7, + 17} -> Complex[-0.06038101273760845, \ +-0.13919179950515956`], {7, 18} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {7, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {7, 20} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {7, 21} -> Complex[ - 0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {5, 22} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {5, - 23} -> Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], { - 5, 24} -> Complex[ - 0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {5, 25} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, 0.24585233281751626`], {5, - 26} -> Complex[-0.06540345886434173, - 0.03247283136099954], {5, 27} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {5, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {5, 29} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, 0.18050668434763023`], {5, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, -0.1398945044720049], {5, - 31} -> Complex[ - 0.05957085045120364, -0.0686364172150267], {5, 32} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {5, 33} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, 0.08045040304054488], {5, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.02410019796458368, 0.07846271521707039], {5, 35} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, -0.20164942303248495`], {5, - 36} -> Complex[-0.0838892214676934, \ --0.35906971113552444`], {6, 7} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {6, - 8} -> Complex[0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], { - 6, 9} -> Complex[ - 0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {6, 10} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, 0.2594729794590618], {6, - 11} -> Complex[-0.05197448003562596, - 0.034035129192128775`], {6, 12} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {6, - 13} -> Complex[ - 0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {6, 14} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, -0.054766912594803374`], {6, - 15} -> Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, \ --0.2023899803882464], {6, 16} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {6, - 17} -> Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], { - 6, 18} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {6, - 19} -> Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], { - 6, 20} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {6, - 21} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, -0.2023899803882464], {6, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {6, 23} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {6, - 24} -> Complex[-0.1091396557759862, \ --0.054766912594803374`], {6, 25} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, 0.034035129192128775`], {6, - 26} -> Complex[ - 0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {6, 27} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {6, - 28} -> Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, - 0.2594729794590618], {6, 29} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {6, + 0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {7, 22} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], { + 7, 23} -> Complex[ + 0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], {7, 24} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {7, + 25} -> Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, \ +-0.19937008578078047`], {7, 26} -> Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {7, 27} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, -0.45619687405618636`], {7, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {7, 29} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {7, 30} -> Complex[ - 0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], {6, 31} -> - Complex[0.5058138015078811, 0.], {6, 32} -> - Complex[0.05957085045120364, 0.0686364172150267], {6, 33} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, -0.30182786908398773`], {6, - 34} -> Complex[-0.06621032034440741, - 0.10280421447880453`], {6, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, -0.03825515355084523], {6, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], {7, 8} -> - Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {7, 9} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {7, + 0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {7, 31} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], {7, + 32} -> Complex[ + 0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, 0.035808072295513985`], {8, 10} -> Complex[ - 0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {7, 11} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, -0.08387695970470208], {7, + 0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {8, 12} -> Complex[ - 0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {7, 13} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, 0.11992171449363792`], {7, + 0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {8, 14} -> Complex[ - 0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {7, 15} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {7, - 16} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, \ --0.18394307455842968`], {7, 17} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {7, - 18} -> Complex[-0.3429240772478055, - 0.12113458402956634`], {7, 19} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {7, - 20} -> Complex[-0.3429240772478055, - 0.12113458402956634`], {7, 21} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {7, - 22} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, \ --0.18394307455842968`], {7, 23} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, 0.11992171449363792`], {7, - 24} -> Complex[ - 0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {7, 25} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, -0.08387695970470208], {7, - 26} -> Complex[ - 0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {7, 27} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {7, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {7, 29} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, 0.1534965717731505], {7, - 30} -> Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {7, 31} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, -0.0906083646195344], {7, - 32} -> Complex[-0.08951618372581999, - 0.1398945044720049], {7, 33} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, -0.2062898932256956], {7, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.09671382069915349, -0.31356085339344003`], {7, 35} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, 0.008414767951100507], {7, - 36} -> Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, \ --0.06573453711443833], {8, 9} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {8, - 10} -> Complex[ - 0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {8, 11} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {8, 12} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {8, - 13} -> Complex[ - 0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {8, 14} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {8, - 15} -> Complex[-0.02849651545902821, - 0.13038883546342855`], {8, 16} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, 0.025091517498334166`], {8, - 17} -> Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, - 0.11085568682814102`], {8, 18} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {8, - 19} -> Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, - 0.11085568682814102`], {8, 20} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {8, - 21} -> Complex[-0.02849651545902821, - 0.13038883546342855`], {8, 22} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, 0.025091517498334166`], {8, - 23} -> Complex[ - 0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {8, 24} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {8, - 25} -> Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], { - 8, 26} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {8, - 27} -> Complex[ - 0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {8, 28} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {8, - 29} -> Complex[0.3480244926609176, 0.], {8, 30} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, -0.1534965717731505], {8, - 31} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, -0.17443733981734005`], {8, - 32} -> Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, \ --0.18050668434763023`], {8, 33} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, 0.2690120226571733], {8, - 34} -> Complex[-0.07400883501291561, - 0.04266786697540802], {8, 35} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, 0.2799821244558118], {8, - 36} -> Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, - 0.08613557464795678], {9, 10} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {9, 11} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, 0.1342165202528226], {9, - 12} -> Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, - 0.07147202526604769], {9, 13} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {9, - 14} -> Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], { - 9, 15} -> Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, - 0.23052958058187878`], {9, 16} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], {9, - 17} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {9, - 18} -> Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, - 0.1963794168890443], {9, 19} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {9, - 20} -> Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, - 0.1963794168890443], {9, 21} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, 0.23052958058187878`], {9, - 22} -> Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, \ --0.21978330419104863`], {9, 23} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {9, - 24} -> Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], { - 9, 25} -> Complex[-0.002703366170010074, - 0.1342165202528226], {9, 26} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, 0.07147202526604769], {9, + 0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {8, + 16} -> Complex[-0.1855462901651881, + 0.08953347157789894], {8, 17} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {8, + 18} -> Complex[-0.1855462901651881, + 0.08953347157789894], {8, 19} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {8, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {8, 21} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {8, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {8, 23} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, 0.035808072295513985`], {8, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {8, 25} -> + Complex[0.5333747400652373, 0.], {8, 26} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, 0.19937008578078047`], {8, 27} -> Complex[ - 0.10214442350629199`, -0.026260413784740505`], {9, 28} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {9, 29} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {9, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {9, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, -0.2594729794590618], {9, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.10082205206266875`, -0.054783259519745345`], {9, 33} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, 0.0881056163125139], {9, 34} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, -0.22507239863090805`], {9, - 35} -> Complex[-0.05909814548140835, \ --0.07667698906457968], {9, 36} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, -0.154590481023119], {10, - 11} -> Complex[0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], { - 10, 12} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], { - 10, 13} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {10, - 14} -> Complex[-0.09249860156321268, \ --0.12601316051490963`], {10, 15} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {10, - 16} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {10, - 17} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, -0.04516801561911384], {10, - 18} -> Complex[-0.09261261877802832, \ --0.1270548580331935], {10, 19} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, -0.04516801561911384], {10, - 20} -> Complex[-0.09261261877802832, \ --0.1270548580331935], {10, 21} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {10, - 22} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {10, - 23} -> Complex[ - 0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {10, 24} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, -0.12601316051490963`], {10, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {10, 26} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], { - 10, 27} -> Complex[0.33314595779251727`, 0.], {10, 28} -> - Complex[0.10214442350629199`, 0.026260413784740505`], {10, - 29} -> Complex[ - 0.22196866627101539`, 0.20220472842758744`], {10, 30} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, 0.009826517437731715], {10, + 0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {8, 28} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, 0.12484288796949913`], {8, + 29} -> Complex[-0.3396867137428587, \ +-0.13646163767421743`], {8, 30} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {8, + 31} -> Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], { + 8, 32} -> Complex[-0.2128973260243628, + 0.2803118968875541], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {9, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], {9, + 14} -> Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, + 0.07905444855796712], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, 0.04246480370392383], {9, + 16} -> Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, \ +-0.026330641239406972`], {9, 17} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, 0.04246480370392383], {9, + 18} -> Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, \ +-0.026330641239406972`], {9, 19} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], {9, + 20} -> Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, + 0.07905444855796712], {9, 21} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {9, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {9, 23} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, 0.05916418261795878], {9, + 24} -> Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {9, 25} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {9, + 26} -> Complex[-0.07482735080148525, \ +-0.01554709808796357], {9, 27} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {9, + 28} -> Complex[-0.05062234940479168, \ +-0.059412074076411546`], {9, 29} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {9, + 30} -> Complex[-0.06778091820891004, + 0.11263382211139406`], {9, 31} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {9, + 32} -> Complex[-0.06765757529077783, \ +-0.13038007028245235`], {10, 11} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {10, + 12} -> Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, \ +-0.13747106056552227`], {10, 13} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], { + 10, 14} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {10, + 15} -> Complex[-0.07538887957770507, + 0.014151525468183115`], {10, 16} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {10, + 17} -> Complex[-0.07538887957770507, + 0.014151525468183115`], {10, 18} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {10, + 19} -> Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, \ +-0.14328868692391553`], {10, 20} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {10, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {10, 22} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, -0.13747106056552227`], { + 10, 23} -> Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {10, 24} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, -0.05916418261795878], {10, + 25} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], { + 10, 26} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {10, + 27} -> Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, \ +-0.04912752076041336], {10, 28} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, -0.09437594864128791], {10, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {10, 30} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {10, 31} -> Complex[ - 0.18344402773596857`, -0.12440237009032867`], {10, 32} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, -0.15479143125784764`], {10, - 33} -> Complex[-0.2521578356402413, \ --0.01333219816254436], {10, 34} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, 0.08672925004639812], {10, - 35} -> Complex[-0.5009225822231967, - 0.03036622844279574], {10, 36} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], {11, - 12} -> Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {11, 13} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {11, - 14} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, -0.07911629825938535], {11, - 15} -> Complex[ - 0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {11, 16} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, -0.02799549139813756], { - 11, 17} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {11, + 0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], {10, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {11, + 12} -> Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {11, + 14} -> Complex[-0.03666874742079528, + 0.07798472902890301], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {11, + 16} -> Complex[-0.07116526154293495, + 0.12925982418550483`], {11, 17} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {11, + 18} -> Complex[-0.07116526154293495, + 0.12925982418550483`], {11, 19} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {11, + 20} -> Complex[-0.03666874742079528, + 0.07798472902890301], {11, 21} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, 0.13067968221082676`], { + 11, 22} -> Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {11, 23} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, 0.13747106056552227`], {11, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {11, 25} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], { + 11, 26} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], { + 11, 27} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {11, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {11, 29} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, 0.0007900461969849934], {11, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {11, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {11, + 32} -> Complex[-0.1353776277549702, + 0.09474310902835915], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], {12, + 14} -> Complex[-0.07986138310064092, \ +-0.05490753841460036], {12, 15} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], { + 12, 16} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {12, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], {12, 18} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {12, + 19} -> Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], { + 12, 20} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, -0.05490753841460036], {12, + 21} -> Complex[0.288790430194917, 0.], {12, 22} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, -0.13067968221082676`], { + 12, 23} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {12, + 24} -> Complex[-0.08930473416931554, + 0.007048096041707605], {12, 25} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], { + 12, 26} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {12, + 27} -> Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], { + 12, 28} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {12, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {12, 30} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {12, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {12, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {13, + 14} -> Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, 17} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, 18} -> Complex[ - 0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {11, 19} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {11, - 20} -> Complex[ - 0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {11, 21} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {11, - 22} -> Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, \ --0.02799549139813756], {11, 23} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {11, - 24} -> Complex[-0.005254583355195047, \ --0.07911629825938535], {11, 25} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, 0.010244248183710654`], {11, - 26} -> Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {11, 27} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {11, - 28} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {11, - 29} -> Complex[-0.07072413917244547, - 0.06080711260518379], {11, 30} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {11, - 31} -> Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], { - 11, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, -0.03247283136099954], {11, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {11, 34} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, -0.12060096224364471`], {11, - 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {11, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {12, 13} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, -0.229189990199907], {12, - 14} -> Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, \ --0.06407563305713601], {12, 15} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {12, - 16} -> Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, - 0.06148505498780174], {12, 17} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, 0.15781559429956118`], {12, - 18} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {12, - 19} -> Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, - 0.15781559429956118`], {12, 20} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {12, - 21} -> Complex[ - 0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {12, 22} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, 0.06148505498780174], {12, - 23} -> Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, \ --0.229189990199907], {12, 24} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, -0.06407563305713601], {12, - 25} -> Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {12, 26} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, -0.010244248183710654`], {12, - 27} -> Complex[ - 0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {12, 28} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, -0.1342165202528226], {12, - 29} -> Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], { - 12, 30} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {12, - 31} -> Complex[-0.05197448003562596, \ --0.034035129192128775`], {12, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], { - 12, 33} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {12, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {12, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {12, - 36} -> Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, - 0.15967643343543628`], {13, 14} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {13, 15} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {13, - 16} -> Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, \ --0.00875520102328074], {13, 17} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], { - 13, 18} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {13, - 19} -> Complex[ - 0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], {13, 20} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {13, + 0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, -0.0383011718065015], {13, + 20} -> Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {13, + 22} -> Complex[-0.03666874742079528, \ +-0.07798472902890301], {13, 23} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {13, + 24} -> Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, \ +-0.07905444855796712], {13, 25} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {13, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {13, 27} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, 0.14922079251460418`], {13, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {13, 29} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {13, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], {13, 31} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {13, + 32} -> Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, + 0.22986188863366275`], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 17} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, + 18} -> Complex[ + 0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.29582940176126815`, 0.], {14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, 0.0383011718065015], {14, 21} -> Complex[ - 0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {13, 22} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, -0.00875520102328074], { - 13, 23} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, 0.09262495833114717], {13, - 24} -> Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {13, 25} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, 0.06407563305713601], {13, - 26} -> Complex[-0.005254583355195047, - 0.07911629825938535], {13, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, 0.12601316051490963`], {13, - 28} -> Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], { - 13, 29} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {13, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], {13, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {13, + 0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {14, 22} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {14, + 23} -> Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, + 0.14328868692391553`], {14, 24} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {14, + 25} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], { + 14, 26} -> Complex[ + 0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {14, 27} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {14, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {14, 29} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {14, + 30} -> Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, \ +-0.004668871253339259], {14, 31} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, 0.32277555558099397`], {14, + 32} -> Complex[ + 0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {15, 16} -> + Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, -0.10986947258054452`], {15, + 18} -> Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {15, 19} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {15, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {15, 21} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {15, + 22} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {15, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {15, 24} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, 0.026330641239406972`], { + 15, 25} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, -0.08953347157789894], {15, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {15, 27} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {15, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {15, 29} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {15, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {15, 31} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], {15, 32} -> Complex[ - 0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {13, 33} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {13, - 34} -> Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, \ --0.11027596484454191`], {13, 35} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], { - 13, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {14, - 15} -> Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, - 0.12231882955045151`], {14, 16} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {14, - 17} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, -0.18913477597107048`], { - 14, 18} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {14, - 19} -> Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, \ --0.18913477597107048`], {14, 20} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {14, - 21} -> Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, - 0.12231882955045151`], {14, 22} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {14, - 23} -> Complex[0.35279363941541053`, 0.], {14, 24} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, -0.09262495833114717], {14, - 25} -> Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, - 0.229189990199907], {14, 26} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], {14, 27} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {14, + 0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {16, 17} -> + Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, 0.10986947258054452`], {16, + 19} -> Complex[-0.08476806338113038, + 0.11473204575369803`], {16, 20} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {16, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], {16, 22} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {16, + 23} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, -0.014151525468183115`], { + 16, 24} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {16, + 25} -> Complex[ + 0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {16, 26} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, 0.13919179950515956`], {16, + 27} -> Complex[ + 0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {16, 28} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {16, + 29} -> Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, + 0.03544251396822046], {16, 30} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], {16, + 31} -> Complex[-0.007195583582784125, \ +-0.06896354235277449], {16, 32} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], {17, + 18} -> Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {17, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {17, 21} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {17, + 22} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {17, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {17, 24} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, 0.026330641239406972`], { + 17, 25} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, -0.08953347157789894], {17, + 26} -> Complex[ + 0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {17, 27} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {17, 28} -> Complex[ - 0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {14, 29} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {14, - 30} -> Complex[-0.03694461851812731, \ --0.11992171449363792`], {14, 31} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {14, + 0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {17, 29} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {17, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {17, 31} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], {17, 32} -> Complex[ - 0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {14, 33} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, 0.05145411756901592], {14, - 34} -> Complex[-0.06287334385176857, - 0.039875195608224154`], {14, 35} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], { - 14, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], { - 15, 16} -> Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {15, 17} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {15, - 18} -> Complex[ - 0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {15, 19} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {15, - 20} -> Complex[ - 0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {15, 21} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, -0.11355320674819902`], { - 15, 22} -> Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {15, 23} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {15, - 24} -> Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, - 0.00875520102328074], {15, 25} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {15, - 26} -> Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, - 0.02799549139813756], {15, 27} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, 0.08944943686956167], {15, - 28} -> Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, - 0.21978330419104863`], {15, 29} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {15, - 30} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, - 0.18394307455842968`], {15, 31} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {15, - 32} -> Complex[-0.00498052152715275, - 0.08042658142468531], {15, 33} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {15, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {15, 35} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {15, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {16, 17} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {16, - 18} -> Complex[ - 0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {16, 19} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {16, + 0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {18, 19} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, 0.11473204575369803`], {18, 20} -> Complex[ - 0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {16, 21} -> - Complex[0.349552824256183, 0.], {16, 22} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, 0.11355320674819902`], { - 16, 23} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], { - 16, 24} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {16, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {16, 26} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], {16, 27} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, 0.05577367679001426], {16, - 28} -> Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, \ --0.23052958058187878`], {16, 29} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {16, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {16, - 31} -> Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, - 0.2023899803882464], {16, 32} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {16, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {16, 34} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, 0.010763626429992096`], { - 16, 35} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {16, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {17, 18} -> - Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {17, 19} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, 0.02423539675981027], {17, - 20} -> Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {17, 21} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {17, - 22} -> Complex[ - 0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {17, 23} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {17, - 24} -> Complex[ - 0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {17, 25} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, 0.1016185353576046], {17, + 0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {18, 21} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], { + 18, 22} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {18, + 23} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, -0.014151525468183115`], { + 18, 24} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {18, + 25} -> Complex[ + 0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {18, 26} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, 0.13919179950515956`], {18, + 27} -> Complex[ + 0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {18, 28} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {18, + 29} -> Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, + 0.03544251396822046], {18, 30} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], {18, + 31} -> Complex[-0.007195583582784125, \ +-0.06896354235277449], {18, 32} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], {19, + 20} -> Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {19, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {19, + 22} -> Complex[-0.03666874742079528, \ +-0.07798472902890301], {19, 23} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {19, + 24} -> Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, \ +-0.07905444855796712], {19, 25} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {19, 26} -> Complex[ - 0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {17, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, 0.1270548580331935], {17, - 28} -> Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, \ --0.1963794168890443], {17, 29} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, -0.0475059953974924], {17, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {17, - 31} -> Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, - 0.17856311543581216`], {17, 32} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {17, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {17, 34} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, 0.04277649306205672], {17, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {17, 36} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {18, - 19} -> Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {18, 20} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, -0.02423539675981027], {18, - 21} -> Complex[ - 0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {18, 22} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {18, - 23} -> Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, - 0.18913477597107048`], {18, 24} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], { - 18, 25} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], { - 18, 26} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {18, - 27} -> Complex[-0.1350116019726202, - 0.04516801561911384], {18, 28} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, 0.09375100770632477], {18, - 29} -> Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, \ --0.11085568682814102`], {18, 30} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {18, - 31} -> Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], { - 18, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {18, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {18, 34} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, 0.08845876363140671], {18, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {18, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {19, - 20} -> Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {19, 21} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {19, + 0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {19, 27} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, 0.14922079251460418`], {19, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {19, 29} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {19, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], {19, 31} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {19, + 32} -> Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, + 0.22986188863366275`], {20, 21} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {20, 22} -> Complex[ - 0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {19, 23} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {19, + 0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {20, 23} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, 0.14328868692391553`], {20, 24} -> Complex[ - 0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {19, 25} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, 0.1016185353576046], {19, - 26} -> Complex[ - 0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {19, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, 0.1270548580331935], {19, - 28} -> Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, \ --0.1963794168890443], {19, 29} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, -0.0475059953974924], {19, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {19, - 31} -> Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, - 0.17856311543581216`], {19, 32} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {19, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {19, 34} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, 0.04277649306205672], {19, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {19, 36} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {20, - 21} -> Complex[ - 0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {20, 22} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {20, - 23} -> Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, - 0.18913477597107048`], {20, 24} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], { - 20, 25} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], { + 0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {20, 25} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], { 20, 26} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {20, - 27} -> Complex[-0.1350116019726202, - 0.04516801561911384], {20, 28} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, 0.09375100770632477], {20, - 29} -> Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, \ --0.11085568682814102`], {20, 30} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {20, - 31} -> Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], { - 20, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {20, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {20, 34} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, 0.08845876363140671], {20, - 35} -> Complex[ - 0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {20, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {21, - 22} -> Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {21, 23} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {21, - 24} -> Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, - 0.00875520102328074], {21, 25} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {21, - 26} -> Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, - 0.02799549139813756], {21, 27} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, 0.08944943686956167], {21, - 28} -> Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, - 0.21978330419104863`], {21, 29} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {21, - 30} -> Complex[-0.07025866437087314, - 0.18394307455842968`], {21, 31} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {21, - 32} -> Complex[-0.00498052152715275, - 0.08042658142468531], {21, 33} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {21, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {21, 35} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {21, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {22, 23} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], { - 22, 24} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {22, - 25} -> Complex[ - 0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {22, 26} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], {22, 27} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, 0.05577367679001426], {22, - 28} -> Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, \ --0.23052958058187878`], {22, 29} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {22, - 30} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {22, - 31} -> Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, - 0.2023899803882464], {22, 32} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {22, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {22, 34} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, 0.010763626429992096`], { - 22, 35} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {22, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {23, 24} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {23, 25} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, 0.06407563305713601], {23, - 26} -> Complex[-0.005254583355195047, - 0.07911629825938535], {23, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, 0.12601316051490963`], {23, - 28} -> Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], { - 23, 29} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {23, - 30} -> Complex[ - 0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], {23, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {23, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {23, 33} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {23, - 34} -> Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, \ --0.11027596484454191`], {23, 35} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], { - 23, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {24, - 25} -> Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, - 0.229189990199907], {24, 26} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], {24, 27} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {24, - 28} -> Complex[ - 0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {24, 29} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {24, - 30} -> Complex[-0.03694461851812731, \ --0.11992171449363792`], {24, 31} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {24, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {24, 33} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, 0.05145411756901592], {24, - 34} -> Complex[-0.06287334385176857, - 0.039875195608224154`], {24, 35} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], { - 24, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], { - 25, 26} -> Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {25, 27} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {25, - 28} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {25, - 29} -> Complex[-0.07072413917244547, - 0.06080711260518379], {25, 30} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {25, - 31} -> Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], { - 25, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, -0.03247283136099954], {25, - 33} -> Complex[ - 0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {25, 34} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, -0.12060096224364471`], {25, - 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {25, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {26, 27} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {26, - 28} -> Complex[-0.002703366170010074, \ --0.1342165202528226], {26, 29} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], {26, 30} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {26, - 31} -> Complex[-0.05197448003562596, \ --0.034035129192128775`], {26, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], { - 26, 33} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {26, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {26, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {26, - 36} -> Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, - 0.15967643343543628`], {27, 28} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {27, 29} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {27, + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {20, + 27} -> Complex[ + 0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {20, 28} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {20, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {20, 30} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, -0.004668871253339259], { + 20, 31} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, 0.32277555558099397`], {20, + 32} -> Complex[ + 0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {21, 22} -> + Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {21, 23} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, 0.13747106056552227`], {21, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {21, 25} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], { + 21, 26} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], { + 21, 27} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {21, + 28} -> Complex[ + 0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {21, 29} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, 0.0007900461969849934], {21, + 30} -> Complex[ + 0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {21, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {21, + 32} -> Complex[-0.1353776277549702, + 0.09474310902835915], {22, 23} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {22, + 24} -> Complex[-0.08930473416931554, + 0.007048096041707605], {22, 25} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], { + 22, 26} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {22, + 27} -> Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], { + 22, 28} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {22, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {22, 30} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {22, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {22, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {23, + 24} -> Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {23, 25} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {23, + 26} -> Complex[-0.07482735080148525, \ +-0.01554709808796357], {23, 27} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {23, + 28} -> Complex[-0.05062234940479168, \ +-0.059412074076411546`], {23, 29} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {23, + 30} -> Complex[-0.06778091820891004, + 0.11263382211139406`], {23, 31} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {23, + 32} -> Complex[-0.06765757529077783, \ +-0.13038007028245235`], {24, 25} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], { + 24, 26} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {24, + 27} -> Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, \ +-0.04912752076041336], {24, 28} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, -0.09437594864128791], {24, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {24, 30} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {24, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], {24, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {25, + 26} -> Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {25, 27} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, -0.45619687405618636`], { + 25, 28} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {25, + 29} -> Complex[ + 0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {25, 30} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {25, + 31} -> Complex[ + 0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], {25, 32} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {26, + 27} -> Complex[ + 0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {26, 28} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, 0.12484288796949913`], {26, + 29} -> Complex[-0.3396867137428587, \ +-0.13646163767421743`], {26, 30} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {26, + 31} -> Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], { + 26, 32} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, 0.2803118968875541], {27, + 28} -> Complex[0.20263910536773755`, 0.], {27, 29} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, 0.14858688449114604`], {27, 30} -> Complex[ - 0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {27, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, -0.2594729794590618], {27, + 0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {27, 31} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, 0.09400730406176475], {27, 32} -> Complex[ - 0.10082205206266875`, -0.054783259519745345`], {27, 33} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, 0.0881056163125139], {27, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.16634996387262246`, -0.22507239863090805`], {27, 35} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, -0.07667698906457968], {27, - 36} -> Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, \ --0.154590481023119], {28, 29} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, 0.20220472842758744`], {28, + 0.13546634634545274`, 0.19241450807239194`], {28, 29} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], {28, 30} -> Complex[ - 0.020907170696056646`, 0.009826517437731715], {28, 31} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, -0.12440237009032867`], {28, - 32} -> Complex[ - 0.05541102122851009, -0.15479143125784764`], {28, 33} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, -0.01333219816254436], {28, - 34} -> Complex[-0.09116148563358083, - 0.08672925004639812], {28, 35} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, 0.03036622844279574], {28, - 36} -> Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], \ -{29, 30} -> Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {29, 31} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, -0.0906083646195344], {29, - 32} -> Complex[-0.08951618372581999, - 0.1398945044720049], {29, 33} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, -0.2062898932256956], {29, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.09671382069915349, -0.31356085339344003`], {29, 35} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, 0.008414767951100507], {29, - 36} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, -0.06573453711443833], {30, - 31} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, -0.17443733981734005`], {30, + 0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {28, 31} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, -0.1668433676200188], {28, + 32} -> Complex[-0.09765512477307971, + 0.4821278045577343], {29, 30} -> + Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {29, 31} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, 0.0990678397300458], {29, + 32} -> Complex[ + 0.15997502039138747`, 0.45412395229305985`], {30, 31} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, 0.16136872833117036`], {30, 32} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, -0.18050668434763023`], { - 30, 33} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, 0.2690120226571733], {30, - 34} -> Complex[-0.07400883501291561, - 0.04266786697540802], {30, 35} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, 0.2799821244558118], {30, - 36} -> Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, - 0.08613557464795678], {31, 32} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {31, 33} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, 0.08045040304054488], {31, - 34} -> Complex[ - 0.02410019796458368, 0.07846271521707039], {31, 35} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, -0.20164942303248495`], {31, - 36} -> Complex[-0.0838892214676934, \ --0.35906971113552444`], {32, 33} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, -0.30182786908398773`], { - 32, 34} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, 0.10280421447880453`], {32, - 35} -> Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, \ --0.03825515355084523], {32, 36} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], {33, - 34} -> Complex[0.49636369297926336`, 0.], {33, 35} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, 0.08293748621875244], {33, - 36} -> Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, \ --0.2915805668549216], {34, 35} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, -0.10568804847511024`], {34, - 36} -> Complex[ - 0.13232155584348976`, 0.2865643065030182]}, + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, -0.23954012515618292`]}, Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, - GridBoxAlignment -> { - "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> - False, GridBoxItemSize -> { - "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, - GridBoxSpacings -> { - "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, - BaseStyle -> { - ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, - PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, - GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, - AutoDelete -> False, - GridBoxItemSize -> { - "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, - BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, - Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, - "SummaryPanel"], - DynamicModuleValues:>{}], "]"}], - Q3`WickState[{ - $CellContext`c[1, 3, 0], - $CellContext`c[1, 1, 0], - $CellContext`c[2, 1, 1], - $CellContext`c[2, 1, 0], - $CellContext`c[3, 4, 1], - $CellContext`c[3, 4, 0], - $CellContext`c[3, 3, 0], - $CellContext`c[3, 3, 1], - $CellContext`c[3, 2, 1], - $CellContext`c[3, 2, 0], - $CellContext`c[4, 4, 1], - $CellContext`c[4, 4, 0], - $CellContext`c[4, 2, 1], - $CellContext`c[4, 2, 0], - $CellContext`c[5, 3, 1], - $CellContext`c[5, 3, 0], - $CellContext`c[5, 2, 1], - $CellContext`c[5, 2, 0], - $CellContext`c[5, 2, 1], - $CellContext`c[5, 2, 0], - $CellContext`c[5, 3, 1], - $CellContext`c[5, 3, 0], - $CellContext`c[4, 2, 1], - $CellContext`c[4, 2, 0], - $CellContext`c[4, 4, 1], - $CellContext`c[4, 4, 0], - $CellContext`c[3, 2, 1], - $CellContext`c[3, 2, 0], - $CellContext`c[3, 3, 0], - $CellContext`c[3, 3, 1], - $CellContext`c[3, 4, 1], - $CellContext`c[3, 4, 0], - $CellContext`c[2, 1, 1], - $CellContext`c[2, 1, 0], - $CellContext`c[1, 1, 1], - $CellContext`c[1, 3, 1]}, {{ - SparseArray[ - Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { - 1, {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, 1}}], - SparseArray[ - Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, {1, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {}}, {}}]}, {{{ - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, -0.10568804847511024`], - Complex[0.1841226407340772, 0.4644210067398907], - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, 0.2865643065030182], - Complex[0.04989518370504925, -0.18665208741165829`]}, { - Complex[-0.2177440230289007, 0.19081348483555569`], - Complex[0.2579619114268801, -0.07956430972969844], - Complex[-0.3105268134665331, -0.20603018117982785`], - Complex[-0.1190848809050218, -0.3121294018319221]}, { - Complex[-0.1492970958932202, 0.18621214262544897`], - Complex[0.0028551242050466386`, 0.15806174472013146`], - Complex[-0.07639682255932793, -0.13170825775245318`], - Complex[0.11748703732415075`, -0.08868051144124744]}, { - Complex[-0.314046719422647, -0.2896009262756371], - 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Complex[0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], - Complex[-0.2954182539539358, 0.1269226494967629], - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], - Complex[0.04296528508762501, -0.374281368603055]}, { - Complex[-0.19857936937631845`, 0.2914940928923156], - Complex[-0.17786777119229386`, 0.14331417218189915`], - Complex[-0.08146067387371154, 0.3807686961440316], - Complex[0.01833150829266631, 0.07910897096744227]}, { - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], - Complex[0.32247414581811346`, -0.3334374323683452], - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], - Complex[-0.06308093175862647, -0.21862997442732623`]}}}, {{{ - Complex[0.38561520853829834`, -0.0349760127027563], - Complex[-0.12045163122112326`, -0.3073390765981347], - Complex[0.07364742267667151, 0.07039259563873915], - Complex[-0.06352751100469292, 0.023280642382329134`]}, { - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], - Complex[0.16145318386301, -0.17129348602271738`], - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], - Complex[0.12838126863645427`, -0.07650696033991101]}, { - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], - Complex[-0.24028961870410578`, 0.39818339174816486`], - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], - Complex[0.12223400142556862`, 0.02429598116105823]}, { - Complex[-0.32631810220655216`, 0.1492086982359996], - Complex[0.05766080135719996, -0.28235317729215736`], - Complex[-0.0598294552633834, -0.17660297273001005`], - Complex[0.2787005766777592, 0.08610654180035877]}}, {{ - Complex[-0.18027597983706614`, 0.18621633240065366`], - Complex[-0.2509929254124046, -0.22036382183049225`], - Complex[0.03193097321359681, 0.08016164657929792], - Complex[0.10268734577075919`, 0.022457609190944902`]}, { - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], - Complex[-0.3333440582606853, -0.34696015766298627`], - Complex[0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], - Complex[0.16444004482932767`, -0.03354664016459169]}, { - Complex[0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], - Complex[0.08667092556500258, 0.03207772345721513], - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], - Complex[-0.036480142723888234`, 0.2552259542422248]}, { - Complex[-0.13513084937672884`, 0.23193353915499637`], - Complex[-0.1215930846936491, 0.2103034689922707], - Complex[-0.17066899083240678`, 0.30057932892885286`], - Complex[0.002498830620524431, -0.1865032854960023]}}}, {{{ - Complex[0.1602424978888557, 0.12449912442406211`], - Complex[-0.1406613450432752, 0.16506661315729487`], - Complex[0.09661337368178458, 0.3965655903895604], - Complex[0.1747075510358761, 0.030985816041650405`]}, { - Complex[0.06921727495358904, 0.3737638513013193], - Complex[0.037320689344688684`, 0.03813923144433613], - Complex[0.011957248356972806`, 0.28158219249904803`], - Complex[0.20284117494628473`, -0.13542244365159856`]}, { - Complex[-0.1366235958687781, -0.022927244239727723`], - Complex[0.14080589561787266`, 0.30137375364482416`], - Complex[0.1419125191065882, -0.04606132582837804], - Complex[-0.004140301947261497, -0.10446853151827695`]}, { - Complex[-0.26398001434935564`, -0.037127407354014], - Complex[-0.17375731940135264`, 0.12748337551287386`], - Complex[-0.1462103221636279, 0.03719835734241454], - Complex[0.156687825402905, -0.041004228308001364`]}}, {{ - Complex[0.09056376729137025, 0.12903703571192585`], - Complex[0.15975136850429977`, -0.09579661629343296], - Complex[0.22392059548906296`, 0.17384782125675002`], - Complex[-0.11566937328920632`, 0.2036285052616825]}, { - Complex[-0.025874770511720754`, 0.07023555673715301], - Complex[0.40043128429152025`, -0.18119121031046845`], - Complex[0.3523027675575462, 0.048879960142675705`], - Complex[-0.04379726327543235, 0.006708937863314765]}, { - Complex[0.17283905164661448`, -0.34415914729547625`], - Complex[0.1402877745936879, 0.1297917646521906], - Complex[0.11350893278292475`, -0.20421446451923492`], - Complex[0.10296082468490665`, 0.10665556587747226`]}, { - Complex[-0.02434288647371114, 0.2762574156606259], - Complex[0.09870055262426544, -0.038643159461413286`], - Complex[0.15069598693099004`, -0.09534078439632095], - Complex[-0.04554246678213743, -0.2934646843989378]}}}}, - SymmetrizedArray[ - StructuredArray`StructuredData[{36, - 36}, {{{1, 3} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, -0.2865643065030182], {1, 4} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, 0.2915805668549216], {1, 5} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, 0.3254707548282041], {1, 6} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, 0.35906971113552444`], {1, 7} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, -0.08613557464795678], {1, 8} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, 0.06573453711443833], {1, 9} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, 0.1809373735116714], {1, 10} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, 0.154590481023119], {1, 11} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, 12} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], {1, 13} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, 0.18558736962752792`], {1, 14} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, 15} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, 16} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, 17} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, 18} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, 19} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, -0.11162748046866011`], {1, 20} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, -0.16206552873281407`], {1, 21} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, -0.2513470741842914], {1, 22} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, 0.09626849124511486], {1, 23} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, 0.18558736962752792`], {1, 24} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, -0.10589894970182726`], {1, 25} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, -0.15967643343543628`], {1, 26} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, -0.017287640275502197`], {1, 27} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, 0.1809373735116714], {1, 28} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, 0.154590481023119], {1, 29} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, -0.08613557464795678], {1, 30} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, 0.06573453711443833], {1, 31} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, 0.3254707548282041], {1, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, 0.35906971113552444`], {1, 33} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, -0.2865643065030182], {1, 34} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, 0.2915805668549216], {1, 36} -> - 1, {2, 3} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, 4} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, 5} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, 6} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], {2, 7} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, 8} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, -0.008414767951100507], {2, 9} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], {2, 10} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, 0.07667698906457968], {2, 11} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, -0.15579730043133583`], {2, 12} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], {2, 13} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, 14} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 15} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, 16} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 17} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, 18} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, 19} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, -0.016173756793363754`], {2, 20} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, 0.2448019195395177], {2, 21} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, 0.15112987613524487`], {2, 22} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, 0.11528023790296092`], {2, 23} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, 0.22696868263028766`], {2, 24} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, 0.18407880112585107`], {2, 25} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, -0.15579730043133583`], {2, 26} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, 0.2097207706920651], {2, 27} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, -0.03036622844279574], {2, 28} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, 0.07667698906457968], {2, 29} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, -0.2799821244558118], {2, 30} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, -0.008414767951100507], {2, 31} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, 0.03825515355084523], {2, 32} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, 0.20164942303248495`], {2, 33} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, 0.10568804847511024`], {2, 34} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, -0.08293748621875244], {2, 35} -> - 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.49636369297926336`, 0.], {3, 5} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {3, 6} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {3, 7} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, -0.04266786697540802], {3, 8} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {3, 9} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {3, 10} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {3, 11} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {3, 12} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, 0.12060096224364471`], {3, 13} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {3, 14} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, 0.11027596484454191`], {3, 15} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], {3, 16} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {3, 17} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, -0.08845876363140671], {3, 18} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, -0.04277649306205672], {3, 19} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, -0.08845876363140671], {3, 20} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, -0.04277649306205672], {3, 21} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, -0.010763626429992096`], {3, 22} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, -0.08670073786995046], {3, 23} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, -0.039875195608224154`], {3, 24} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, 0.11027596484454191`], {3, 25} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, -0.01279589611612527], {3, 26} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, 0.12060096224364471`], {3, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, -0.08672925004639812], {3, 28} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, 0.22507239863090805`], {3, 29} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, -0.04266786697540802], {3, 30} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, 0.31356085339344003`], {3, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, -0.10280421447880453`], {3, 32} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, -0.07846271521707039], {3, 33} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, 0.03308934997069378], {3, 34} -> - Complex[0.49636369297926336`, 0.], {3, 35} -> - Complex[0.35814065944152734`, 0.08293748621875244], {3, 36} -> - Complex[-0.31535699021917946`, -0.2915805668549216], {4, 5} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, 0.30182786908398773`], {4, 6} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, -0.08045040304054488], {4, 7} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, -0.2690120226571733], {4, 8} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, 0.2062898932256956], {4, 9} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, 0.01333219816254436], {4, 10} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], {4, 11} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {4, 12} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {4, 13} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, -0.05145411756901592], {4, 14} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, -0.04963088270675587], {4, 15} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {4, 16} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {4, 17} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], {4, 18} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {4, 19} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, 0.1683352007294286], {4, 20} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, -0.1346840497441242], {4, 21} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, -0.1557462430493763], {4, 22} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, 0.16477324944202285`], {4, 23} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, -0.05145411756901592], {4, 24} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, -0.04963088270675587], {4, 25} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, -0.13961968957305576`], {4, 26} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, 0.21034493673282548`], {4, 27} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, 0.01333219816254436], {4, 28} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, -0.0881056163125139], {4, 29} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, -0.2690120226571733], {4, 30} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, 0.2062898932256956], {4, 31} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, 0.30182786908398773`], {4, 32} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, -0.08045040304054488], {4, 33} -> - Complex[0.503636307020737, 0.], {4, 34} -> - Complex[0.10920936073748258`, -0.03308934997069378], {4, 35} -> - Complex[0.32545613852497657`, -0.10568804847511024`], {4, 36} -> - Complex[0.13232155584348976`, 0.2865643065030182], {5, 6} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {5, 7} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, 0.18050668434763023`], {5, 8} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, -0.1398945044720049], {5, 9} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {5, 10} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {5, 11} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, 0.24585233281751626`], {5, 12} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, 0.03247283136099954], {5, 13} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], {5, 14} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {5, 15} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {5, 16} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {5, 17} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, -0.18155756040588286`], {5, 18} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {5, 19} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, -0.18155756040588286`], {5, 20} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, 0.05333192476596154], {5, 21} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, 0.07030539787536907], {5, 22} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, -0.08042658142468531], {5, 23} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, 0.091416725802769], {5, 24} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, -0.15943812713557814`], {5, 25} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, 0.24585233281751626`], {5, 26} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, 0.03247283136099954], {5, 27} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, 0.15479143125784764`], {5, 28} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, 0.054783259519745345`], {5, 29} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, 0.18050668434763023`], {5, 30} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, -0.1398945044720049], {5, 31} -> - Complex[0.05957085045120364, -0.0686364172150267], {5, 32} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {5, 33} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, 0.08045040304054488], {5, 34} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, 0.07846271521707039], {5, 35} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, -0.20164942303248495`], {5, 36} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, -0.35906971113552444`], {6, 7} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {6, 8} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], {6, 9} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {6, 10} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, 0.2594729794590618], {6, 11} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, 0.034035129192128775`], {6, 12} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {6, 13} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {6, 14} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, -0.054766912594803374`], {6, 15} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, -0.2023899803882464], {6, 16} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {6, 17} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], {6, 18} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {6, 19} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, -0.104114370134477], {6, 20} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, -0.17856311543581216`], {6, 21} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, -0.2023899803882464], {6, 22} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, -0.04037752804772983], {6, 23} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, 0.25866941133955584`], {6, 24} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, -0.054766912594803374`], {6, 25} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, 0.034035129192128775`], {6, 26} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, -0.3767537051917446], {6, 27} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, 0.12440237009032867`], {6, 28} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, 0.2594729794590618], {6, 29} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, 0.17443733981734005`], {6, 30} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, 0.0906083646195344], {6, 31} -> - Complex[0.5058138015078811, 0.], {6, 32} -> - Complex[0.05957085045120364, 0.0686364172150267], {6, 33} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, -0.30182786908398773`], {6, 34} -> - Complex[-0.06621032034440741, 0.10280421447880453`], {6, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17262974874231735`, -0.03825515355084523], {6, 36} -> - Complex[0.07140571807962026, -0.3254707548282041], {7, 8} -> - Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {7, 9} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {7, 10} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {7, 11} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, -0.08387695970470208], {7, 12} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {7, 13} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, 0.11992171449363792`], {7, 14} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {7, 15} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {7, 16} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, -0.18394307455842968`], {7, 17} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {7, 18} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, 0.12113458402956634`], {7, 19} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, -0.01569343622580683], {7, 20} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, 0.12113458402956634`], {7, 21} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, 0.07863950467973177], {7, 22} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, -0.18394307455842968`], {7, 23} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, 0.11992171449363792`], {7, 24} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, 0.33611710368003506`], {7, 25} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, -0.08387695970470208], {7, 26} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, -0.1422934683362202], {7, 27} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, -0.009826517437731715], {7, 28} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, 0.09232207202497354], {7, 29} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, 0.1534965717731505], {7, 30} -> - Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {7, 31} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, -0.0906083646195344], {7, 32} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, 0.1398945044720049], {7, 33} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, -0.2062898932256956], {7, 34} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, -0.31356085339344003`], {7, 35} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, 0.008414767951100507], {7, 36} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, -0.06573453711443833], {8, 9} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {8, 10} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {8, 11} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {8, 12} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {8, 13} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {8, 14} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {8, 15} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, 0.13038883546342855`], {8, 16} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, 0.025091517498334166`], {8, 17} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, 0.11085568682814102`], {8, 18} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {8, 19} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, 0.11085568682814102`], {8, 20} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, 0.0475059953974924], {8, 21} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, 0.13038883546342855`], {8, 22} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, 0.025091517498334166`], {8, 23} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, -0.24982130549270182`], {8, 24} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, -0.06462209257745277], {8, 25} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, 0.079839801475396], {8, 26} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, -0.06080711260518379], {8, 27} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, -0.20220472842758744`], {8, 28} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, -0.21116370706323376`], {8, 29} -> - Complex[0.3480244926609176, 0.], {8, 30} -> - Complex[-0.015725352039344952`, -0.1534965717731505], {8, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, -0.17443733981734005`], {8, 32} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, -0.18050668434763023`], {8, 33} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, 0.2690120226571733], {8, 34} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, 0.04266786697540802], {8, 35} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, 0.2799821244558118], {8, 36} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, 0.08613557464795678], {9, 10} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {9, 11} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, 0.1342165202528226], {9, 12} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, 0.07147202526604769], {9, 13} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {9, 14} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], {9, 15} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, 0.23052958058187878`], {9, 16} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], {9, 17} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {9, 18} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, 0.1963794168890443], {9, 19} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, -0.09375100770632477], {9, 20} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, 0.1963794168890443], {9, 21} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, 0.23052958058187878`], {9, 22} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, -0.21978330419104863`], {9, 23} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, -0.06710821743420367], {9, 24} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, 0.169253767952832], {9, 25} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, 0.1342165202528226], {9, 26} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, 0.07147202526604769], {9, 27} -> - Complex[0.10214442350629199`, -0.026260413784740505`], {9, 28} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {9, 29} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {9, 30} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {9, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, -0.2594729794590618], {9, 32} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, -0.054783259519745345`], {9, 33} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, 0.0881056163125139], {9, 34} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, -0.22507239863090805`], {9, 35} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, -0.07667698906457968], {9, 36} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, -0.154590481023119], {10, 11} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {10, 12} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], {10, 13} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {10, 14} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, -0.12601316051490963`], {10, 15} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {10, 16} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {10, 17} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, -0.04516801561911384], {10, 18} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, -0.1270548580331935], {10, 19} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, -0.04516801561911384], {10, 20} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, -0.1270548580331935], {10, 21} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, -0.05577367679001426], {10, 22} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, -0.08944943686956167], {10, 23} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, -0.09763016245015396], {10, 24} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, -0.12601316051490963`], {10, 25} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, 0.157106453123418], {10, 26} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, -0.17157026853359011`], {10, 27} -> - Complex[0.33314595779251727`, 0.], {10, 28} -> - Complex[0.10214442350629199`, 0.026260413784740505`], {10, 29} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, 0.20220472842758744`], {10, 30} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, 0.009826517437731715], {10, 31} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, -0.12440237009032867`], {10, 32} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, -0.15479143125784764`], {10, 33} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, -0.01333219816254436], {10, 34} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, 0.08672925004639812], {10, 35} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, 0.03036622844279574], {10, 36} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], {11, 12} -> - Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {11, 13} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {11, 14} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, -0.07911629825938535], {11, 15} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {11, 16} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, -0.02799549139813756], {11, 17} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {11, 18} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {11, 19} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, 0.09920939692115077], {11, 20} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, -0.24960895170610842`], {11, 21} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, -0.252921972711526], {11, 22} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, -0.02799549139813756], {11, 23} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, -0.017279120496164], {11, 24} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, -0.07911629825938535], {11, 25} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, 0.010244248183710654`], {11, 26} -> - Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {11, 27} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {11, 28} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {11, 29} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, 0.06080711260518379], {11, 30} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {11, 31} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], {11, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, -0.03247283136099954], {11, 33} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {11, 34} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, -0.12060096224364471`], {11, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {11, 36} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {12, 13} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, -0.229189990199907], {12, 14} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, -0.06407563305713601], {12, 15} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {12, 16} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, 0.06148505498780174], {12, 17} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, 0.15781559429956118`], {12, 18} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {12, 19} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, 0.15781559429956118`], {12, 20} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, -0.1016185353576046], {12, 21} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, -0.03092252970487717], {12, 22} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, 0.06148505498780174], {12, 23} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, -0.229189990199907], {12, 24} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, -0.06407563305713601], {12, 25} -> - Complex[0.2638704815566899, 0.], {12, 26} -> - Complex[0.03589005743520234, -0.010244248183710654`], {12, 27} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {12, 28} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, -0.1342165202528226], {12, 29} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], {12, 30} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {12, 31} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, -0.034035129192128775`], {12, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], {12, 33} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {12, 34} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {12, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {12, 36} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, 0.15967643343543628`], {13, 14} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {13, 15} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {13, 16} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, -0.00875520102328074], {13, 17} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], {13, 18} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {13, 19} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, -0.022673347542931065`], {13, 20} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, 0.20815325028445178`], {13, 21} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, 0.15881245002612598`], {13, 22} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, -0.00875520102328074], {13, 23} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, 0.09262495833114717], {13, 24} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {13, 25} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, 0.06407563305713601], {13, 26} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, 0.07911629825938535], {13, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, 0.12601316051490963`], {13, 28} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], {13, 29} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {13, 30} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], {13, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {13, 32} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {13, 33} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {13, 34} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, -0.11027596484454191`], {13, 35} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], {13, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {14, 15} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, 0.12231882955045151`], {14, 16} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {14, 17} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, -0.18913477597107048`], {14, 18} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {14, 19} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, -0.18913477597107048`], {14, 20} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, 0.08361488922564436], {14, 21} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, 0.12231882955045151`], {14, 22} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, -0.1383242023528445], {14, 23} -> - Complex[0.35279363941541053`, 0.], {14, 24} -> - Complex[0.06998304089724083, -0.09262495833114717], {14, 25} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, 0.229189990199907], {14, 26} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], {14, 27} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {14, 28} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {14, 29} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {14, 30} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, -0.11992171449363792`], {14, 31} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {14, 32} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {14, 33} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, 0.05145411756901592], {14, 34} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, 0.039875195608224154`], {14, 35} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], {14, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], {15, 16} -> - Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {15, 17} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {15, 18} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {15, 19} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, -0.1105782258057243], {15, 20} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, -0.07586465949937707], {15, 21} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, -0.11355320674819902`], {15, 22} -> - Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {15, 23} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {15, 24} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, 0.00875520102328074], {15, 25} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {15, 26} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, 0.02799549139813756], {15, 27} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, 0.08944943686956167], {15, 28} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, 0.21978330419104863`], {15, 29} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {15, 30} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, 0.18394307455842968`], {15, 31} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {15, 32} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, 0.08042658142468531], {15, 33} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {15, 34} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {15, 35} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {15, 36} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {16, 17} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {16, 18} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {16, 19} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, 0.09795082074318642], {16, 20} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, -0.006012121161366684], {16, 21} -> - Complex[0.349552824256183, 0.], {16, 22} -> - Complex[0.0018678498053481644`, 0.11355320674819902`], {16, 23} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], {16, 24} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {16, 25} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {16, 26} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], {16, 27} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, 0.05577367679001426], {16, 28} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, -0.23052958058187878`], {16, 29} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {16, 30} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {16, 31} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, 0.2023899803882464], {16, 32} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {16, 33} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {16, 34} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, 0.010763626429992096`], {16, 35} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {16, 36} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {17, 18} -> - Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {17, 19} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, 0.02423539675981027], {17, 20} -> - Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {17, 21} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {17, 22} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {17, 23} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {17, 24} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {17, 25} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, 0.1016185353576046], {17, 26} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {17, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, 0.1270548580331935], {17, 28} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, -0.1963794168890443], {17, 29} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, -0.0475059953974924], {17, 30} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {17, 31} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, 0.17856311543581216`], {17, 32} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {17, 33} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {17, 34} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, 0.04277649306205672], {17, 35} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {17, 36} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {18, 19} -> - Complex[0.27470470789916873`, 0.], {18, 20} -> - Complex[0.007773728117029734, -0.02423539675981027], {18, 21} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {18, 22} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {18, 23} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, 0.18913477597107048`], {18, 24} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], {18, 25} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], {18, 26} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {18, 27} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, 0.04516801561911384], {18, 28} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, 0.09375100770632477], {18, 29} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, -0.11085568682814102`], {18, 30} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {18, 31} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], {18, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {18, 33} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {18, 34} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, 0.08845876363140671], {18, 35} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {18, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {19, 20} -> - Complex[0.3905441579974116, 0.], {19, 21} -> - Complex[0.3520451599439639, 0.006012121161366684], {19, 22} -> - Complex[0.012115526439909248`, 0.07586465949937707], {19, 23} -> - Complex[0.047713220798493425`, -0.08361488922564436], {19, 24} -> - Complex[0.17469085565385242`, -0.20815325028445178`], {19, 25} -> - Complex[-0.018530669057524738`, 0.1016185353576046], {19, 26} -> - Complex[0.08241113354082491, 0.24960895170610842`], {19, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09261261877802832, 0.1270548580331935], {19, 28} -> - Complex[-0.14528807272467686`, -0.1963794168890443], {19, 29} -> - Complex[-0.041305971633540155`, -0.0475059953974924], {19, 30} -> - Complex[-0.3429240772478055, -0.12113458402956634`], {19, 31} -> - Complex[-0.24139750211906025`, 0.17856311543581216`], {19, 32} -> - Complex[0.09493687473979212, -0.05333192476596154], {19, 33} -> - Complex[0.20846784571655388`, 0.1346840497441242], {19, 34} -> - Complex[-0.1606002091580235, 0.04277649306205672], {19, 35} -> - Complex[0.020304980203947276`, -0.2448019195395177], {19, 36} -> - Complex[0.2104118170864423, 0.16206552873281407`], {20, 21} -> - Complex[0.008173587051180226, -0.09795082074318642], {20, 22} -> - Complex[0.14452293041969513`, 0.1105782258057243], {20, 23} -> - Complex[-0.12599372208886145`, 0.18913477597107048`], {20, 24} -> - Complex[0.039373147369999854`, 0.022673347542931065`], {20, 25} -> - Complex[-0.12879874504374314`, -0.15781559429956118`], {20, 26} -> - Complex[-0.004104217599466588, -0.09920939692115077], {20, 27} -> - Complex[-0.1350116019726202, 0.04516801561911384], {20, 28} -> - Complex[-0.27334468363839204`, 0.09375100770632477], {20, 29} -> - Complex[-0.19090563198557167`, -0.11085568682814102`], {20, 30} -> - Complex[-0.06511122587857304, 0.01569343622580683], {20, 31} -> - Complex[0.1302477399556314, 0.104114370134477], {20, 32} -> - Complex[-0.0863909413535702, 0.18155756040588286`], {20, 33} -> - Complex[0.09968546178967824, -0.1683352007294286], {20, 34} -> - Complex[-0.1355879777222275, 0.08845876363140671], {20, 35} -> - Complex[0.13747177730338656`, 0.016173756793363754`], {20, 36} -> - Complex[0.40662055959967014`, 0.11162748046866011`], {21, 22} -> - Complex[0.18939927318289235`, 0.], {21, 23} -> - Complex[-0.034285724395853735`, 0.1383242023528445], {21, 24} -> - Complex[-0.055024457915968744`, 0.00875520102328074], {21, 25} -> - Complex[-0.10573743372545524`, -0.06148505498780174], {21, 26} -> - Complex[-0.016434880239505067`, 0.02799549139813756], {21, 27} -> - Complex[-0.11316770831298564`, 0.08944943686956167], {21, 28} -> - Complex[-0.13637897517564893`, 0.21978330419104863`], {21, 29} -> - Complex[-0.218113151712259, -0.025091517498334166`], {21, 30} -> - Complex[-0.07025866437087314, 0.18394307455842968`], {21, 31} -> - Complex[0.06561103865616492, 0.04037752804772983], {21, 32} -> - Complex[-0.00498052152715275, 0.08042658142468531], {21, 33} -> - Complex[0.12372341411859573`, -0.16477324944202285`], {21, 34} -> - Complex[0.0896129289093057, 0.08670073786995046], {21, 35} -> - Complex[0.1862561519544158, -0.11528023790296092`], {21, 36} -> - Complex[0.23903733008036765`, -0.09626849124511486], {22, 23} -> - Complex[-0.042124735558062835`, -0.12231882955045151`], {22, 24} -> - Complex[0.12183252883416357`, -0.15881245002612598`], {22, 25} -> - Complex[0.029111053747052022`, 0.03092252970487717], {22, 26} -> - Complex[0.09504874694484183, 0.252921972711526], {22, 27} -> - Complex[-0.13187039110424337`, 0.05577367679001426], {22, 28} -> - Complex[-0.16219964087949312`, -0.23052958058187878`], {22, 29} -> - Complex[-0.02849651545902821, -0.13038883546342855`], {22, 30} -> - Complex[-0.3170629158392618, -0.07863950467973177], {22, 31} -> - Complex[-0.27597397639459753`, 0.2023899803882464], {22, 32} -> - Complex[0.01768967427913295, -0.07030539787536907], {22, 33} -> - Complex[0.27720818247658857`, 0.1557462430493763], {22, 34} -> - Complex[-0.10985803268384983`, 0.010763626429992096`], {22, 35} -> - Complex[0.07950629072406969, -0.15112987613524487`], {22, 36} -> - Complex[0.15935941360240716`, 0.2513470741842914], {23, 24} -> - Complex[0.3248309079027546, 0.], {23, 25} -> - Complex[-0.18045658269343973`, 0.06407563305713601], {23, 26} -> - Complex[-0.005254583355195047, 0.07911629825938535], {23, 27} -> - Complex[-0.09249860156321268, 0.12601316051490963`], {23, 28} -> - Complex[0.04387227616028566, -0.169253767952832], {23, 29} -> - Complex[-0.044451718879691376`, 0.06462209257745277], {23, 30} -> - Complex[0.015573345706232422`, -0.33611710368003506`], {23, 31} -> - Complex[-0.1091396557759862, 0.054766912594803374`], {23, 32} -> - Complex[0.11263046571451424`, 0.15943812713557814`], {23, 33} -> - Complex[-0.08996062722681389, 0.04963088270675587], {23, 34} -> - Complex[-0.24146580052003364`, -0.11027596484454191`], {23, 35} -> - Complex[0.054818062753627404`, -0.18407880112585107`], {23, 36} -> - Complex[0.17723552972332096`, 0.10589894970182726`], {24, 25} -> - Complex[-0.017700618374932788`, 0.229189990199907], {24, 26} -> - Complex[-0.1376685276414912, 0.017279120496164], {24, 27} -> - Complex[0.19742335371429923`, 0.09763016245015396], {24, 28} -> - Complex[0.19754043867481771`, 0.06710821743420367], {24, 29} -> - Complex[0.10074068312316217`, 0.24982130549270182`], {24, 30} -> - Complex[-0.03694461851812731, -0.11992171449363792`], {24, 31} -> - Complex[0.03210691866533716, -0.25866941133955584`], {24, 32} -> - Complex[0.20153478327455962`, -0.091416725802769], {24, 33} -> - Complex[-0.26044059541670533`, 0.05145411756901592], {24, 34} -> - Complex[-0.06287334385176857, 0.039875195608224154`], {24, 35} -> - Complex[-0.25377338518228143`, -0.22696868263028766`], {24, 36} -> - Complex[-0.14489279565325286`, -0.18558736962752792`], {25, 26} -> - Complex[0.35884454526493437`, 0.], {25, 27} -> - Complex[0.026461024624226184`, 0.17157026853359011`], {25, 28} -> - Complex[-0.10523618574474686`, -0.07147202526604769], {25, 29} -> - Complex[-0.07072413917244547, 0.06080711260518379], {25, 30} -> - Complex[0.017491034151456156`, 0.1422934683362202], {25, 31} -> - Complex[0.04881033618836923, 0.3767537051917446], {25, 32} -> - Complex[-0.06540345886434173, -0.03247283136099954], {25, 33} -> - Complex[0.15643971909026363`, -0.21034493673282548`], {25, 34} -> - Complex[-0.07901145315910152, -0.12060096224364471`], {25, 35} -> - Complex[-0.17746045053315712`, -0.2097207706920651], {25, 36} -> - Complex[0.12697363466636613`, 0.017287640275502197`], {26, 27} -> - Complex[0.14020706236902425`, -0.157106453123418], {26, 28} -> - Complex[-0.002703366170010074, -0.1342165202528226], {26, 29} -> - Complex[0.2158761295291703, -0.079839801475396], {26, 30} -> - Complex[-0.09078438719781487, 0.08387695970470208], {26, 31} -> - Complex[-0.05197448003562596, -0.034035129192128775`], {26, 32} -> - Complex[-0.10297491838992004`, -0.24585233281751626`], {26, 33} -> - Complex[0.07182371169440027, 0.13961968957305576`], {26, 34} -> - Complex[0.03971739520512007, 0.01279589611612527], {26, 35} -> - Complex[-0.2191443754011676, 0.15579730043133583`], {26, 36} -> - Complex[-0.28325062776683585`, 0.15967643343543628`], {27, 28} -> - Complex[0.4666612200115955, 0.], {27, 29} -> - Complex[0.13690201400056437`, 0.21116370706323376`], {27, 30} -> - Complex[0.32107941916226146`, -0.09232207202497354], {27, 31} -> - Complex[-0.10668413246766638`, -0.2594729794590618], {27, 32} -> - Complex[0.10082205206266875`, -0.054783259519745345`], {27, 33} -> - Complex[-0.2841944960267362, 0.0881056163125139], {27, 34} -> - Complex[0.16634996387262246`, -0.22507239863090805`], {27, 35} -> - Complex[-0.05909814548140835, -0.07667698906457968], {27, 36} -> - Complex[-0.45453234415494154`, -0.154590481023119], {28, 29} -> - Complex[0.22196866627101539`, 0.20220472842758744`], {28, 30} -> - Complex[0.020907170696056646`, 0.009826517437731715], {28, 31} -> - Complex[0.18344402773596857`, -0.12440237009032867`], {28, 32} -> - Complex[0.05541102122851009, -0.15479143125784764`], {28, 33} -> - Complex[-0.2521578356402413, -0.01333219816254436], {28, 34} -> - Complex[-0.09116148563358083, 0.08672925004639812], {28, 35} -> - Complex[-0.5009225822231967, 0.03036622844279574], {28, 36} -> - Complex[-0.1821537065194496, -0.1809373735116714], {29, 30} -> - Complex[0.5500421302238756, 0.], {29, 31} -> - Complex[0.11313471290638971`, -0.0906083646195344], {29, 32} -> - Complex[-0.08951618372581999, 0.1398945044720049], {29, 33} -> - Complex[-0.25897033958870125`, -0.2062898932256956], {29, 34} -> - Complex[0.09671382069915349, -0.31356085339344003`], {29, 35} -> - Complex[-0.006051982269297387, 0.008414767951100507], {29, 36} -> - Complex[-0.21414311351504042`, -0.06573453711443833], {30, 31} -> - Complex[-0.06282282822605365, -0.17443733981734005`], {30, 32} -> - Complex[-0.011194174176657017`, -0.18050668434763023`], {30, 33} -> - Complex[-0.17507327039387915`, 0.2690120226571733], {30, 34} -> - Complex[-0.07400883501291561, 0.04266786697540802], {30, 35} -> - Complex[-0.33111266457208555`, 0.2799821244558118], {30, 36} -> - Complex[-0.32833718354949015`, 0.08613557464795678], {31, 32} -> - Complex[0.3055029437591038, 0.], {31, 33} -> - Complex[-0.13144217108963616`, 0.08045040304054488], {31, 34} -> - Complex[0.02410019796458368, 0.07846271521707039], {31, 35} -> - Complex[0.0692138138097684, -0.20164942303248495`], {31, 36} -> - Complex[-0.0838892214676934, -0.35906971113552444`], {32, 33} -> - Complex[-0.18704231819170578`, -0.30182786908398773`], {32, 34} -> - 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0.0732051866974398], + Complex[-0.36285710059532195`, -0.28805800159041506`], + Complex[-0.438639576181108, -0.14724437865841383`]}, { + Complex[0.205649088470696, 0.1952027311525777], + Complex[0.13206514972545308`, 0.1528064847296205], + Complex[0.07997909975257539, 0.035658916432852156`], + Complex[0.09276928341043214, 0.22612359610730548`]}, { + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], + Complex[0.06924778796823765, 0.3392611590971487], + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], + Complex[0.15091263428766727`, 0.2228612167998718]}, { + Complex[0.0010190112156733822`, 0.1129619972224615], + Complex[0.16898776080680572`, 0.18912093210280806`], + Complex[0.08931254046091314, -0.12514120802029044`], + Complex[0.1513899027918974, -0.3474639674355249]}}, {{ + Complex[0.3944474729614066, 0.2188672060002173], + Complex[0.3096121239335217, 0.47673248261413864`], + Complex[-0.2382666838911986, -0.0024230464141801467`], + Complex[-0.19206924454095325`, -0.09196348615447132]}, { + Complex[0.09850742759746575, 0.13201703665249773`], + Complex[-0.09824475286720405, 0.26537804307649243`], + Complex[-0.15132264085215427`, -0.2556264006201731], + Complex[-0.05571181525456548, -0.00232440389180405]}, { + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], + Complex[-0.03999197651078942, -0.08108739701849048], + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], + Complex[-0.19794378627517756`, -0.18344740966364476`]}, { + Complex[0.05500540410168902, 0.09120545255702392], + Complex[-0.11166394499212068`, 0.15888871982827596`], + Complex[-0.11852257287681439`, -0.3006085542145621], + Complex[-0.10698386630910972`, -0.489463823816771]}}}, {{{ + Complex[-0.20051145955164862`, -0.019978948991496662`], + Complex[-0.6026645637823169, 0.025745425656669832`], + Complex[0.059360091421089306`, 0.43821938618982414`], + Complex[-0.04296792298565183, 0.4142235632072107]}, { + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], + 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Complex[0.3726827733239779, -0.09985152182770193]}, { + Complex[0.19889965185547961`, -0.10176495470379088`], + Complex[0.14162344222586734`, 0.16542191643180643`], + Complex[-0.20384384748898732`, -0.023288188749349403`], + Complex[-0.10760410221567202`, -0.09726459002159923]}, { + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], + Complex[0.10259904200108994`, -0.38164006740997314`], + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], + Complex[-0.004173210656446616, 0.06838658845069481]}}}}, + SymmetrizedArray[ + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{32, + 32}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, 0.23954012515618292`], {1, 4} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, -0.45412395229305985`], {1, 5} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, -0.4821278045577343], {1, 6} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, -0.19241450807239194`], {1, 7} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, -0.2803118968875541], {1, 8} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, -0.03177814393460615], {1, 9} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, 10} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, 0.13038007028245235`], {1, 11} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, 12} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], {1, 13} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, 14} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, -0.22986188863366275`], {1, 15} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, 16} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, -0.2284108346745835], {1, 18} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, 0.007390914815773142], {1, 19} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, 0.14887764782704088`], {1, 20} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, -0.22986188863366275`], {1, 21} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, -0.046546994330126934`], {1, 22} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, -0.09474310902835915], {1, 23} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, 0.03449935263782891], {1, 24} -> + 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Complex[0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, 12} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, 13} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, 14} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 15} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, 0.06896354235277449], {2, 16} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, 17} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, 0.06896354235277449], {2, 18} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, -0.0559800004451918], {2, 19} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, -0.32277555558099397`], {2, 20} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, 0.272212173030505], {2, 21} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, 0.11894266930455437`], {2, 22} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, -0.13663234668804805`], {2, 23} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, 0.2841723464925085], {2, 24} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, -0.30788890986999096`], {2, 25} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, -0.09992753883776476], {2, 26} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, -0.037686955531505785`], {2, 27} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, 0.1668433676200188], {2, 28} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, -0.09400730406176475], {2, 29} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, -0.16136872833117036`], {2, 30} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, -0.0990678397300458], {2, 31} -> + 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, 6} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {3, 8} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {3, 9} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {3, 10} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, -0.11263382211139406`], {3, 11} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {3, 12} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {3, 14} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {3, 15} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {3, 16} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {3, 17} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, -0.03223196939623798], {3, 18} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, 0.21628437576571974`], {3, 19} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, 0.004668871253339259], {3, 20} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, 0.030371398383274933`], {3, 21} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, 0.23700943627758006`], {3, 22} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, -0.19478861449336152`], {3, 23} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, 0.24891234255610362`], {3, 24} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, -0.11263382211139406`], {3, 25} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, -0.16890318060989123`], {3, 26} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, 0.18013517883484725`], {3, 27} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, -0.14858688449114604`], {3, 28} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, 0.005640195231622968], {3, 29} -> + Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, 0.0014004115937454042`], {3, 30} -> + Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {3, 31} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, 0.0990678397300458], {3, 32} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, 0.45412395229305985`], {4, 5} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], {4, 6} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, 7} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, 0.13646163767421743`], {4, 8} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {4, 10} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], {4, 11} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {4, 12} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {4, 13} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {4, 15} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, -0.03544251396822046], {4, 16} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {4, 17} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, -0.03544251396822046], {4, 18} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, -0.12024277886252119`], {4, 19} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, -0.12525309112556196`], {4, 20} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, 0.1439965761825238], {4, 21} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, -0.29819031736230395`], {4, 22} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, -0.0007900461969849934], {4, 23} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, 0.01981792746027898], {4, 24} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, 0.09165221630004965], {4, 25} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, 0.13646163767421743`], {4, 26} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, -0.19617830350078105`], {4, 27} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, -0.2271710392758403], {4, 28} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, -0.14858688449114604`], {4, 29} -> + Complex[0.4100313928008735, 0.], {4, 30} -> + Complex[-0.26639286607489965`, -0.0014004115937454042`], {4, 31} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, 0.16136872833117036`], {4, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, -0.23954012515618292`], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.20263910536773755`, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, -0.12484288796949913`], {5, 8} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], {5, 9} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, 0.09437594864128791], {5, 10} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, 0.059412074076411546`], {5, 11} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {5, 12} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {5, 13} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {5, 14} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {5, 15} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {5, 16} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {5, 17} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, -0.09831495930430345], {5, 18} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, 0.16679705600024786`], {5, 19} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, 0.1278205163933677], {5, 20} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, -0.07895370068527609], {5, 21} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, 0.07367368444009487], {5, 22} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, -0.07401317879009213], {5, 23} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, 0.09437594864128791], {5, 24} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, 0.059412074076411546`], {5, 25} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, -0.12484288796949913`], {5, 26} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, 0.1403167246372976], {5, 27} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, -0.22179319605394876`], {5, 28} -> + Complex[0.20263910536773755`, 0.], {5, 29} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, 0.14858688449114604`], {5, 30} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {5, 31} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, 0.09400730406176475], {5, 32} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, 0.19241450807239194`], {6, 7} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, 0.45619687405618636`], {6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, 0.04912752076041336], {6, 10} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, -0.04387994353782962], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {6, 13} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {6, 14} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {6, 15} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {6, 16} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, 0.2479052297980392], {6, 17} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, -0.14836338195316717`], {6, 18} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, 0.2479052297980392], {6, 19} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, 0.18915546654520524`], {6, 20} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, -0.14922079251460418`], {6, 21} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, 0.2990474561368582], {6, 22} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, -0.0009413154054021405], {6, 23} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, 0.04912752076041336], {6, 24} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, -0.04387994353782962], {6, 25} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, -0.4055803745838325], {6, 26} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, 0.45619687405618636`], {6, 27} -> + Complex[0.7973608946322628, 0.], {6, 28} -> + Complex[0.1366899433196731, 0.22179319605394876`], {6, 29} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], {6, 30} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {6, 31} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, -0.1668433676200188], {6, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, 0.4821278045577343], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {7, 11} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], {7, 13} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {7, 14} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {7, 15} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, -0.13919179950515956`], {7, 16} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {7, 17} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, -0.13919179950515956`], {7, 18} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, 0.12078716288411598`], {7, 19} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, -0.04960709547698468], {7, 20} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, 0.08855457473741418], {7, 21} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, -0.0909192260612194], {7, 22} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, -0.20231262751067364`], {7, 23} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, 0.25555554669124914`], {7, 24} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, 0.01554709808796357], {7, 25} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, -0.19937008578078047`], {7, 26} -> + Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {7, 27} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, -0.45619687405618636`], {7, 28} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {7, 29} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {7, 30} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {7, 31} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], {7, 32} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {8, 9} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, 0.035808072295513985`], {8, 10} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {8, 12} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {8, 14} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {8, 16} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, 0.08953347157789894], {8, 17} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, 0.08951514239750463], {8, 18} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, 0.08953347157789894], {8, 19} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, 0.037809566636026526`], {8, 20} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, -0.038145366086212794`], {8, 21} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, 0.34468442336798244`], {8, 22} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, 0.034502058514711414`], {8, 23} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, 0.035808072295513985`], {8, 24} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, -0.16425756045192152`], {8, 25} -> + Complex[0.5333747400652373, 0.], {8, 26} -> + Complex[-0.25986751190259594`, 0.19937008578078047`], {8, 27} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {8, 28} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, 0.12484288796949913`], {8, 29} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, -0.13646163767421743`], {8, 30} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {8, 31} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], {8, 32} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, 0.2803118968875541], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {9, 12} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {9, 13} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], {9, 14} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, 0.07905444855796712], {9, 15} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, 0.04246480370392383], {9, 16} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, -0.026330641239406972`], {9, 17} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, 0.04246480370392383], {9, 18} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, -0.026330641239406972`], {9, 19} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, -0.048441152283289074`], {9, 20} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, 0.07905444855796712], {9, 21} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, -0.007048096041707605], {9, 22} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, 0.05151250369655895], {9, 23} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, 0.05916418261795878], {9, 24} -> + Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {9, 25} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {9, 26} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, -0.01554709808796357], {9, 27} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {9, 28} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, -0.059412074076411546`], {9, 29} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {9, 30} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, 0.11263382211139406`], {9, 31} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {9, 32} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, -0.13038007028245235`], {10, 11} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {10, 12} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, -0.13747106056552227`], {10, 13} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {10, 15} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, 0.014151525468183115`], {10, 16} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {10, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, 0.014151525468183115`], {10, 18} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, -0.10630694451257516`], {10, 19} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, -0.14328868692391553`], {10, 20} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, 0.07682893410517902], {10, 21} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, -0.15505501766299976`], {10, 22} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, -0.13747106056552227`], {10, 23} -> + Complex[0.42635779992285405`, 0.], {10, 24} -> + Complex[-0.11019599040362683`, -0.05916418261795878], {10, 25} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], {10, 26} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {10, 27} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, -0.04912752076041336], {10, 28} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, -0.09437594864128791], {10, 29} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {10, 30} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {10, 31} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], {10, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {11, 14} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, 0.07798472902890301], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {11, 16} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, 0.12925982418550483`], {11, 17} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, 0.011714058141280672`], {11, 18} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, 0.12925982418550483`], {11, 19} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, -0.007688837072184563], {11, 20} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, 0.07798472902890301], {11, 21} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, 0.13067968221082676`], {11, 22} -> + Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {11, 23} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, 0.13747106056552227`], {11, 24} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {11, 25} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], {11, 26} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], {11, 27} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {11, 28} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {11, 29} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, 0.0007900461969849934], {11, 30} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {11, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {11, 32} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, 0.09474310902835915], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, -0.05490753841460036], {12, 15} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], {12, 16} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {12, 17} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, -0.19401579066298913`], {12, 18} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, 0.11387642571006557`], {12, 19} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, 0.05266749081168851], {12, 20} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, -0.05490753841460036], {12, 21} -> + Complex[0.288790430194917, 0.], {12, 22} -> + Complex[-0.013539473736158613`, -0.13067968221082676`], {12, 23} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {12, 24} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, 0.007048096041707605], {12, 25} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], {12, 26} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {12, 27} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], {12, 28} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {12, 29} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {12, 30} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {12, 31} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {12, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, 16} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, 17} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, 0.11080073531383203`], {13, 18} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, -0.01209924810690289], {13, 19} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, -0.0383011718065015], {13, 20} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {13, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {13, 22} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, -0.07798472902890301], {13, 23} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {13, 24} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, -0.07905444855796712], {13, 25} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {13, 26} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {13, 27} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, 0.14922079251460418`], {13, 28} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {13, 29} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {13, 30} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], {13, 31} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {13, 32} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 17} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, -0.11473204575369803`], {14, 18} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, 0.027872664118806813`], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.29582940176126815`, 0.], {14, 20} -> + Complex[-0.3220977038351225, 0.0383011718065015], {14, 21} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {14, 22} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {14, 23} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, 0.14328868692391553`], {14, 24} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {14, 25} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], {14, 26} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {14, 27} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {14, 28} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {14, 29} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {14, 30} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, -0.004668871253339259], {14, 31} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, 0.32277555558099397`], {14, 32} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {15, 16} -> + Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, -0.10986947258054452`], {15, 18} -> + Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {15, 19} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {15, 20} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {15, 21} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {15, 22} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {15, 23} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {15, 24} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, 0.026330641239406972`], {15, 25} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, -0.08953347157789894], {15, 26} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {15, 27} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {15, 28} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {15, 29} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {15, 30} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {15, 31} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], {15, 32} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {16, 17} -> + Complex[0.1576509820323173, 0.], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.07621780081525145, 0.10986947258054452`], {16, 19} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, 0.11473204575369803`], {16, 20} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {16, 21} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], {16, 22} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {16, 23} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, -0.014151525468183115`], {16, 24} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {16, 25} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {16, 26} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, 0.13919179950515956`], {16, 27} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {16, 28} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {16, 29} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, 0.03544251396822046], {16, 30} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], {16, 31} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], {16, 32} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.21788533841205476`, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[0.06970781907889996, -0.027872664118806813`], {17, 20} -> + Complex[0.006827467338087173, 0.01209924810690289], {17, 21} -> + Complex[0.15833164198889998`, -0.11387642571006557`], {17, 22} -> + Complex[-0.07116526154293495, -0.12925982418550483`], {17, 23} -> + Complex[0.1920939879748598, 0.10630694451257516`], {17, 24} -> + Complex[-0.026647065623548363`, 0.026330641239406972`], {17, 25} -> + Complex[-0.1855462901651881, -0.08953347157789894], {17, 26} -> + Complex[0.2559730175620584, -0.12078716288411598`], {17, 27} -> + Complex[-0.14277268958862907`, -0.2479052297980392], {17, 28} -> + Complex[0.05526746191692408, -0.16679705600024786`], {17, 29} -> + Complex[0.1504904090013878, 0.12024277886252119`], {17, 30} -> + Complex[0.0843470356919863, -0.21628437576571974`], {17, 31} -> + Complex[0.08124011098625433, 0.0559800004451918], {17, 32} -> + Complex[0.1737724935599298, -0.007390914815773142], {18, 19} -> + Complex[-0.08476806338113038, 0.11473204575369803`], {18, 20} -> + Complex[0.08723277223992514, -0.11080073531383203`], {18, 21} -> + Complex[0.0049348768685348095`, 0.19401579066298913`], {18, 22} -> + Complex[0.07267050201545142, -0.011714058141280672`], {18, 23} -> + Complex[-0.07538887957770507, -0.014151525468183115`], {18, 24} -> + Complex[-0.04860629109081113, -0.04246480370392383], {18, 25} -> + Complex[0.21051246235757812`, -0.08951514239750463], {18, 26} -> + Complex[-0.06038101273760845, 0.13919179950515956`], {18, 27} -> + Complex[0.23396340114239164`, 0.14836338195316717`], {18, 28} -> + Complex[0.0703816300525041, 0.09831495930430345], {18, 29} -> + Complex[-0.20988883047294088`, 0.03544251396822046], {18, 30} -> + Complex[0.1559809531435565, 0.03223196939623798], {18, 31} -> + Complex[-0.007195583582784125, -0.06896354235277449], {18, 32} -> + Complex[-0.0749459256389439, 0.2284108346745835], {19, 20} -> + Complex[0.4079525483141261, 0.], {19, 21} -> + Complex[-0.07986138310064092, 0.05490753841460036], {19, 22} -> + Complex[-0.03666874742079528, -0.07798472902890301], {19, 23} -> + Complex[0.2643754685221928, -0.07682893410517902], {19, 24} -> + Complex[-0.12725910621181818`, -0.07905444855796712], {19, 25} -> + Complex[0.05350396017855871, 0.038145366086212794`], {19, 26} -> + Complex[0.08074598001208205, -0.08855457473741418], {19, 27} -> + Complex[-0.1475728871036449, 0.14922079251460418`], {19, 28} -> + Complex[0.019232961701569087`, 0.07895370068527609], {19, 29} -> + Complex[-0.15607378409602476`, -0.1439965761825238], {19, 30} -> + Complex[0.27858075604955634`, -0.030371398383274933`], {19, 31} -> + Complex[0.11917354760172008`, -0.272212173030505], {19, 32} -> + Complex[-0.10354421178516458`, 0.22986188863366275`], {20, 21} -> + Complex[0.1011867533194991, -0.05266749081168851], {20, 22} -> + Complex[0.03249739020896987, 0.007688837072184563], {20, 23} -> + Complex[-0.15768324024018812`, 0.14328868692391553`], {20, 24} -> + Complex[0.12032699300738342`, 0.048441152283289074`], {20, 25} -> + Complex[-0.05181977912767945, -0.037809566636026526`], {20, 26} -> + Complex[0.022865123054102737`, 0.04960709547698468], {20, 27} -> + Complex[0.07063495593763104, -0.18915546654520524`], {20, 28} -> + Complex[0.005055667009208006, -0.1278205163933677], {20, 29} -> + Complex[0.1695753382061036, 0.12525309112556196`], {20, 30} -> + Complex[-0.14920571596040955`, -0.004668871253339259], {20, 31} -> + Complex[-0.005519120018070173, 0.32277555558099397`], {20, 32} -> + Complex[0.0926308918937118, -0.14887764782704088`], {21, 22} -> + Complex[0.1272054475990647, 0.], {21, 23} -> + Complex[-0.13939394787264447`, 0.13747106056552227`], {21, 24} -> + Complex[0.03975514319435934, -0.05151250369655895], {21, 25} -> + Complex[0.14683816981476766`, -0.034502058514711414`], {21, 26} -> + Complex[-0.021450925664317888`, 0.20231262751067364`], {21, 27} -> + Complex[0.16980607400071762`, 0.0009413154054021405], {21, 28} -> + Complex[0.05755533995669046, 0.07401317879009213], {21, 29} -> + Complex[-0.0832461030605116, 0.0007900461969849934], {21, 30} -> + Complex[0.10046002901967245`, 0.19478861449336152`], {21, 31} -> + Complex[0.014982384821209789`, 0.13663234668804805`], {21, 32} -> + Complex[-0.1353776277549702, 0.09474310902835915], {22, 23} -> + Complex[0.06842480050902869, 0.15505501766299976`], {22, 24} -> + Complex[-0.08930473416931554, 0.007048096041707605], {22, 25} -> + Complex[-0.11348480027122035`, -0.34468442336798244`], {22, 26} -> + Complex[0.23530920684103981`, 0.0909192260612194], {22, 27} -> + Complex[0.1668226451310518, -0.2990474561368582], {22, 28} -> + Complex[0.11084673340471671`, -0.07367368444009487], {22, 29} -> + Complex[0.012301908189476976`, 0.29819031736230395`], {22, 30} -> + Complex[0.09392733334800707, -0.23700943627758006`], {22, 31} -> + Complex[0.036746036528397724`, -0.11894266930455437`], {22, 32} -> + Complex[0.2806974213994702, 0.046546994330126934`], {23, 24} -> + Complex[0.135726527386378, 0.], {23, 25} -> + Complex[0.06308937077219877, 0.16425756045192152`], {23, 26} -> + Complex[-0.07482735080148525, -0.01554709808796357], {23, 27} -> + Complex[-0.0964564876770649, 0.04387994353782962], {23, 28} -> + Complex[-0.05062234940479168, -0.059412074076411546`], {23, 29} -> + Complex[0.06550651054263391, -0.09165221630004965], {23, 30} -> + Complex[-0.06778091820891004, 0.11263382211139406`], {23, 31} -> + Complex[0.07078276202467412, 0.30788890986999096`], {23, 32} -> + Complex[-0.06765757529077783, -0.13038007028245235`], {24, 25} -> + Complex[-0.18321791222949194`, -0.035808072295513985`], {24, 26} -> + Complex[0.22912253169347, -0.25555554669124914`], {24, 27} -> + Complex[-0.31513742950926715`, -0.04912752076041336], {24, 28} -> + Complex[-0.05565875071499052, -0.09437594864128791], {24, 29} -> + Complex[0.10029581103120666`, -0.01981792746027898], {24, 30} -> + Complex[0.11017975259513822`, -0.24891234255610362`], {24, 31} -> + Complex[0.2533574041138994, -0.2841723464925085], {24, 32} -> + Complex[0.020172727999101747`, -0.03449935263782891], {25, 26} -> + Complex[0.44279991664860185`, 0.], {25, 27} -> + Complex[-0.14372193892286123`, -0.45619687405618636`], {25, 28} -> + Complex[0.17363309069570285`, -0.1403167246372976], {25, 29} -> + Complex[0.10734135762637748`, 0.19617830350078105`], {25, 30} -> + Complex[0.26723944870955263`, -0.18013517883484725`], {25, 31} -> + Complex[0.040650102227546676`, 0.037686955531505785`], {25, 32} -> + Complex[0.26488016647622287`, 0.03177814393460615], {26, 27} -> + Complex[0.28259964162527906`, 0.4055803745838325], {26, 28} -> + Complex[-0.04788255890923551, 0.12484288796949913`], {26, 29} -> + Complex[-0.3396867137428587, -0.13646163767421743`], {26, 30} -> + Complex[0.1938167265709829, 0.16890318060989123`], {26, 31} -> + Complex[0.3366775563160397, 0.09992753883776476], {26, 32} -> + Complex[-0.2128973260243628, 0.2803118968875541], {27, 28} -> + Complex[0.20263910536773755`, 0.], {27, 29} -> + Complex[-0.05442442802981293, 0.14858688449114604`], {27, 30} -> + Complex[0.19808970731622894`, -0.005640195231622968], {27, 31} -> + Complex[-0.21598365653956714`, 0.09400730406176475], {27, 32} -> + Complex[0.13546634634545274`, 0.19241450807239194`], {28, 29} -> + Complex[-0.2333099993372808, 0.2271710392758403], {28, 30} -> + Complex[0.05442442802981287, 0.14858688449114604`], {28, 31} -> + Complex[-0.17155515501526808`, -0.1668433676200188], {28, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09765512477307971, 0.4821278045577343], {29, 30} -> + Complex[0.5899686071991268, 0.], {29, 31} -> + Complex[0.26087816486149346`, 0.0990678397300458], {29, 32} -> + Complex[0.15997502039138747`, 0.45412395229305985`], {30, 31} -> + Complex[-0.13729046784846416`, 0.16136872833117036`], {30, 32} -> + Complex[-0.09661499346651439, -0.23954012515618292`]}, + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], { + $CellContext`c[1], + $CellContext`c[2], + $CellContext`c[3], + $CellContext`c[4]}], + Editable->False, + SelectWithContents->True, + Selectable->False]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output", + CellLabel->"Out[8]=", + CellID->885928775,ExpressionUUID->"e6714e0f-7b75-4404-b8b9-63aa475220b9"] }, Open ]] }, Dynamic[CurrentValue[ EvaluationNotebook[], {TaggingRules, "Openers", "ExampleSection", "0"}, @@ -24797,7 +24699,7 @@ Cell[BoxData[GridBox[{ Cell[BoxData[ TemplateBox[{ Cell[ - TextData["WickOperate"]], "paclet:Q3/ref/WickOperate", + TextData["WickOperator"]], "paclet:Q3/ref/WickOperator", "Q3 Package Symbol"}, "PackageLink", BaseStyle->"InlineFormula"]], "InlineFormula", @@ -24833,8 +24735,8 @@ Cell[BoxData[GridBox[{ "377d4ff7-97a6-4284-ae34-586385fbe6eb"] }], "SeeAlso",ExpressionUUID->"d2219daf-b66a-413e-a28a-ec5ec2dde4e9"]} }]} - }]], "SeeAlsoSection",ExpressionUUID->"d7c45f73-c390-414e-afa2-\ -a5032ec34f78"], + }]], "SeeAlsoSection",ExpressionUUID->"8b019c8d-7418-499d-aca3-\ +2f8b032ad8e7"], Cell[BoxData[GridBox[{ { @@ -24863,8 +24765,8 @@ Cell[BoxData[GridBox[{ 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0.008602132075960674], Complex[3.469446951953614*^-18, -0.2780792901080426], - Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797062`*^-18], + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797064`*^-18], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, 0.2780792901080425]}, { - - Complex[-3.2526065174565133`*^-19, \ --0.00007843130586222762], + Complex[-3.252606517456514*^-19, -0.00007843130586222762], Complex[-7.894016335826398*^-6, 0.00860213207596067], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, -0.2780792901080425], Complex[-0.08602810901114219, 1.734723475976807*^-18]}}}}, @@ -4598,7 +4592,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 4} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], \ {1, 5} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, -0.09883807384038253], {1, 6} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], { + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], { 1, 7} -> Complex[ 0.0002620773276979446, 0.002603237866672337], {1, 8} -> Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, -0.002613753063531294], {1, @@ -4607,13 +4601,13 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, -0.002613753063531294], {1, 11} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, \ -0.09883807384038253], {1, 12} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], { + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], { 1, 13} -> Complex[ 0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 14} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], \ {1, 16} -> 1, {2, 3} -> Complex[ 0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 4} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { 2, 5} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, 6} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, \ @@ -4627,7 +4621,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp -0.09916907966616018], {2, 13} -> Complex[ 0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 14} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { 2, 15} -> 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 5} -> Complex[0.00976883383345901, 0.09670511030136163], {3, 6} -> @@ -4643,7 +4637,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp {3, 13} -> Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, -4.336808689942018*^-19], {3, 14} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 15} -> Complex[ - 1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 16} -> + 1.1079404294454619`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 16} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, 2.241454781417565*^-19], { 4, 5} -> Complex[ 0.00006578280908219793, -4.254244153408405*^-17], {4, 6} -> @@ -4669,7 +4663,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp 0.01942284716938378, 0.09330760721542969], {5, 10} -> Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, 0.003888044555498485], {5, 11} -> - Complex[-1.5523466945211156`*^-18, \ + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, \ -1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {5, 12} -> Complex[0.019669123004374556`, 0.], {5, 13} -> Complex[-0.009768833833459008, -0.09670511030136167], {5, @@ -4677,7 +4671,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp 7.28006620191595*^-19], {5, 15} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], { 5, 16} -> Complex[ - 1.6727401305043303`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {6, 7} -> + 1.6727401305043305`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {6, 7} -> Complex[-0.009673644515389308, -0.09494936515397917], {6, 8} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, 0.1924766868815898], {6, 9} -> @@ -4685,7 +4679,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp 10} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, 0.1924766868815898], {6, 11} -> Complex[0.9803308769956256, 0.], {6, 12} -> - Complex[-1.5523466945211156`*^-18, + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, 1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {6, 13} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, 4.254244153408405*^-17], { 6, 14} -> Complex[ @@ -4695,7 +4689,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp 0.09883807384038253], {7, 8} -> Complex[0.03895158675127773, 0.], {7, 9} -> Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, \ --2.6488597589047426`*^-18], {7, 10} -> +-2.648859758904743*^-18], {7, 10} -> Complex[0.03895158675127773, 0.], {7, 11} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, -0.1924766868815898], {7, 12} -> Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, \ @@ -4707,7 +4701,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, 0.002613753063531294], {8, 9} -> Complex[0.9610484132487226, 0.], {8, 10} -> Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, - 2.6488597589047426`*^-18], {8, 11} -> + 2.648859758904743*^-18], {8, 11} -> Complex[-0.009673644515389308, 0.09494936515397917], {8, 12} -> Complex[ 0.01942284716938378, -0.09330760721542969], {8, 13} -> @@ -4741,7 +4735,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp 7.28006620191595*^-19], {11, 15} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], { 11, 16} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], { + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], { 12, 13} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, 4.254244153408405*^-17], { 12, 14} -> @@ -4751,7 +4745,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], {13, 14} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {13, 15} -> Complex[ - 1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {13, + 1.1079404294454619`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {13, 16} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, 2.241454781417565*^-19], {14, 15} -> Complex[ @@ -4800,7 +4794,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[0.9850706849009015, 0.09916907966616015], Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.00001659457328293116, -0.0003313378120411801], - Complex[-1.1079404292417903`*^-8, 3.3198626353946485`*^-7]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292417905`*^-8, 3.319862635394647*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.975137171273682, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], @@ -4809,23 +4803,23 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[-0.009916907974532263, 0.09883807384038251], Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947762]}, { - Complex[-1.1079404292422813`*^-8, 3.3198626353948343`*^-7], + Complex[-1.1079404292422815`*^-8, 3.319862635394833*^-7], Complex[0.000016594573282933133`, -0.0003313378120411798], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947763], Complex[0.9850706849009013, 0.09916907966616012]}}, {{ - Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495183`*^-22], + Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495187`*^-22], Complex[-0.000016605652687225092`, 0.09916907966616013], - Complex[1.1079404289255492`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], - Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095884`*^-7]}, { + Complex[1.1079404289255494`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], + Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095874`*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], Complex[1.1079404291230823`*^-8, 4.433254424948396*^-21], - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], Complex[-1.1079404289878503`*^-8, -0.00033166995668250094`]}, { - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], Complex[1.1579790325831189`*^-18, -0.09916907966616013], Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], Complex[0.000016605652687226302`, 0.0991690796661601]}, { - Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, -3.3214464132085747`*^-7], + Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, -3.3214464132085736`*^-7], Complex[-1.1079404291781963`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825007], Complex[0.000016605652687224523`, -0.0991690796661601], Complex[-0.00995010820050242, 2.083853062282483*^-19]}}}, {{{ @@ -4887,9 +4881,9 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[-7.894016335826398*^-6, -0.008602132075960672]}, { Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, 0.008602132075960674], Complex[3.469446951953614*^-18, -0.2780792901080426], - Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797062`*^-18], + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797064`*^-18], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, 0.2780792901080425]}, { - Complex[-3.2526065174565133`*^-19, -0.00007843130586222762], + Complex[-3.252606517456514*^-19, -0.00007843130586222762], Complex[-7.894016335826398*^-6, 0.00860213207596067], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, -0.2780792901080425], Complex[-0.08602810901114219, 1.734723475976807*^-18]}}}}, @@ -4899,18 +4893,18 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 4} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], {1, 5} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, -0.09883807384038253], {1, 6} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 7} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 7} -> Complex[0.0002620773276979446, 0.002603237866672337], {1, 8} -> Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, -0.002613753063531294], {1, 9} -> Complex[0.0002620773276979446, 0.002603237866672337], {1, 10} -> Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, -0.002613753063531294], {1, 11} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, -0.09883807384038253], {1, 12} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 13} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 13} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 14} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], {1, 16} -> 1, {2, 3} -> Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 4} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 5} -> + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 5} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, 6} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], {2, 7} -> Complex[0.9411238678566561, -0.19341019859437134`], {2, 8} -> @@ -4920,7 +4914,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, 12} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], {2, 13} -> Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 14} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 15} -> + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 15} -> 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 5} -> Complex[0.00976883383345901, 0.09670511030136163], {3, 6} -> Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, -7.28006620191595*^-19], {3, 7} -> @@ -4932,7 +4926,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, -7.28006620191595*^-19], {3, 13} -> Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, -4.336808689942018*^-19], {3, 14} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 15} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 16} -> + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 16} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, 2.241454781417565*^-19], {4, 5} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, -4.254244153408405*^-17], {4, 6} -> Complex[-0.009768833833459008, 0.09670511030136167], {4, 7} -> @@ -4951,24 +4945,24 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, 0.003888044555498485], {5, 9} -> Complex[0.01942284716938378, 0.09330760721542969], {5, 10} -> Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, 0.003888044555498485], {5, 11} -> - Complex[-1.5523466945211156`*^-18, -1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {5, 12} -> + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, -1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {5, 12} -> Complex[0.019669123004374556`, 0.], {5, 13} -> Complex[-0.009768833833459008, -0.09670511030136167], {5, 14} -> Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, 7.28006620191595*^-19], {5, 15} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], {5, 16} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {6, 7} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {6, 7} -> Complex[-0.009673644515389308, -0.09494936515397917], {6, 8} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, 0.1924766868815898], {6, 9} -> Complex[-0.009673644515389308, -0.09494936515397917], {6, 10} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, 0.1924766868815898], {6, 11} -> Complex[0.9803308769956256, 0.], {6, 12} -> - Complex[-1.5523466945211156`*^-18, 1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {6, 13} -> + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, 1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {6, 13} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, 4.254244153408405*^-17], {6, 14} -> Complex[0.00976883383345901, -0.09670511030136163], {6, 15} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], {6, 16} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], {7, 8} -> Complex[0.03895158675127773, 0.], {7, 9} -> - Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, -2.6488597589047426`*^-18], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, -2.648859758904743*^-18], {7, 10} -> Complex[0.03895158675127773, 0.], {7, 11} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, -0.1924766868815898], {7, 12} -> Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, -0.003888044555498485], {7, 13} -> @@ -4977,7 +4971,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[0.03920689940953653, 0.], {7, 16} -> Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, 0.002613753063531294], {8, 9} -> Complex[0.9610484132487226, 0.], {8, 10} -> - Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, 2.6488597589047426`*^-18], {8, 11} -> + Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, 2.648859758904743*^-18], {8, 11} -> Complex[-0.009673644515389308, 0.09494936515397917], {8, 12} -> Complex[0.01942284716938378, -0.09330760721542969], {8, 13} -> Complex[0.019195862749159683`, -0.0002922745793314728], {8, 14} -> @@ -5001,13 +4995,13 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp Complex[-0.009768833833459008, -0.09670511030136167], {11, 14} -> Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, 7.28006620191595*^-19], {11, 15} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], {11, 16} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {12, 13} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {12, 13} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, 4.254244153408405*^-17], {12, 14} -> Complex[0.00976883383345901, -0.09670511030136163], {12, 15} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], {12, 16} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], {13, 14} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {13, 15} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {13, 16} -> + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {13, 16} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, 2.241454781417565*^-19], {14, 15} -> Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, -0.0003313378120411798], {14, 16} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646]}, @@ -5020,7 +5014,7 @@ W/dfEn9o75ukvUaat7T4j+X+S1tf0n9J85DUpyT9QNprtHhaf2jjLf3ZalVp SelectWithContents->True, Selectable->False]], "Output", CellLabel->"Out[8]=", - CellID->172884614,ExpressionUUID->"cb14def5-e72d-4d85-90e4-265fdc351686"] + CellID->635757137,ExpressionUUID->"cb892db8-18be-4a11-8d5d-5677fc57731a"] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ @@ -5042,7 +5036,7 @@ Cell[BoxData[ Cell[BoxData["0.00019451889857407487`"], "Output", CellLabel->"Out[9]=", - CellID->1964196010,ExpressionUUID->"2dd93251-c0e6-4ff0-a276-e5805ebe9ae2"] + CellID->320135365,ExpressionUUID->"3a865303-da13-4b61-ba0a-bed95de5bbd6"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ @@ -5201,7 +5195,7 @@ Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ - TagBox["NambuTransforms", "SummaryHead"], "[", + TagBox["NambuMatrices", "SummaryHead"], "[", DynamicModuleBox[{ Typeset`open$$ = False, 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TagBox["NambuMatrices", "SummaryHead"], "[", DynamicModuleBox[{ Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = "Ready"}, @@ -6603,8 +6597,8 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.00001659457328293116, -0.0003313378120411801], - Complex[-1.1079404292417903`*^-8, - 3.3198626353946485`*^-7]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292417905`*^-8, + 3.319862635394647*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.975137171273682, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], @@ -6614,9 +6608,8 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[-0.009916907974532263, 0.09883807384038251], Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947762]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292422815`*^-8, 3.319862635394833*^-7], - Complex[-1.1079404292422813`*^-8, - 3.3198626353948343`*^-7], Complex[0.000016594573282933133`, -0.0003313378120411798], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947763], Complex[0.9850706849009013, 0.09916907966616012]}}, @@ -6762,27 +6755,27 @@ HACo2sx4 "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, "SummaryPanel"], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], "]"}], {{ - Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495183`*^-22], + Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495187`*^-22], Complex[-0.000016605652687225092`, 0.09916907966616013], - Complex[1.1079404289255492`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], + Complex[1.1079404289255494`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], - Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095884`*^-7]}, { + Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095874`*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], Complex[1.1079404291230823`*^-8, 4.433254424948396*^-21], - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], Complex[-1.1079404289878503`*^-8, \ -0.00033166995668250094`]}, { - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], Complex[1.1579790325831189`*^-18, -0.09916907966616013], Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], Complex[0.000016605652687226302`, 0.0991690796661601]}, { Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, \ --3.3214464132085747`*^-7], +-3.3214464132085736`*^-7], Complex[-1.1079404291781963`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825007], Complex[0.000016605652687224523`, -0.0991690796661601], @@ -6816,8 +6809,8 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.00001659457328293116, -0.0003313378120411801], - Complex[-1.1079404292417903`*^-8, - 3.3198626353946485`*^-7]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292417905`*^-8, + 3.319862635394647*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.975137171273682, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], @@ -6827,33 +6820,32 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[-0.009916907974532263, 0.09883807384038251], Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947762]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292422815`*^-8, 3.319862635394833*^-7], - Complex[-1.1079404292422813`*^-8, - 3.3198626353948343`*^-7], Complex[0.000016594573282933133`, -0.0003313378120411798], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947763], Complex[0.9850706849009013, 0.09916907966616012]}}, {{ - Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495183`*^-22], + Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495187`*^-22], Complex[-0.000016605652687225092`, 0.09916907966616013], - Complex[1.1079404289255492`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], + Complex[1.1079404289255494`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], - Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095884`*^-7]}, { + Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095874`*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], Complex[1.1079404291230823`*^-8, 4.433254424948396*^-21], - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], Complex[-1.1079404289878503`*^-8, \ -0.00033166995668250094`]}, { - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], Complex[1.1579790325831189`*^-18, -0.09916907966616013], Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], Complex[0.000016605652687226302`, 0.0991690796661601]}, { Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, \ --3.3214464132085747`*^-7], +-3.3214464132085736`*^-7], Complex[-1.1079404291781963`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825007], Complex[0.000016605652687224523`, -0.0991690796661601], @@ -7082,7 +7074,7 @@ MHsB6BbE9A== Complex[0.9850706849009015, 0.09916907966616015], Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.00001659457328293116, -0.0003313378120411801], - Complex[-1.1079404292417903`*^-8, 3.3198626353946485`*^-7]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292417905`*^-8, 3.319862635394647*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.975137171273682, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], @@ -7091,23 +7083,23 @@ MHsB6BbE9A== Complex[-0.009916907974532263, 0.09883807384038251], Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947762]}, { - Complex[-1.1079404292422813`*^-8, 3.3198626353948343`*^-7], + Complex[-1.1079404292422815`*^-8, 3.319862635394833*^-7], Complex[0.000016594573282933133`, -0.0003313378120411798], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947763], Complex[0.9850706849009013, 0.09916907966616012]}}, {{ - Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495183`*^-22], + Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495187`*^-22], Complex[-0.000016605652687225092`, 0.09916907966616013], - Complex[1.1079404289255492`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], - Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095884`*^-7]}, { + Complex[1.1079404289255494`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], + Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095874`*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], Complex[1.1079404291230823`*^-8, 4.433254424948396*^-21], - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], Complex[-1.1079404289878503`*^-8, -0.00033166995668250094`]}, { - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], Complex[1.1579790325831189`*^-18, -0.09916907966616013], Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], Complex[0.000016605652687226302`, 0.0991690796661601]}, { - Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, -3.3214464132085747`*^-7], + Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, -3.3214464132085736`*^-7], Complex[-1.1079404291781963`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825007], Complex[0.000016605652687224523`, -0.0991690796661601], Complex[-0.00995010820050242, 2.083853062282483*^-19]}}}}, @@ -7122,7 +7114,7 @@ MHsB6BbE9A== SelectWithContents->True, Selectable->False]], "Output", CellLabel->"Out[11]=", - CellID->526466148,ExpressionUUID->"1e72d49c-c2da-40cf-b655-dc7729c74265"] + CellID->1072212266,ExpressionUUID->"fb61cd6b-ccf1-4bce-9abb-3da0f06fcaf5"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ @@ -7130,13 +7122,12 @@ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"vec", "[", "2", "]"}], "=", - RowBox[{"WickOperate", "[", - RowBox[{ - RowBox[{"Measurement", "[", - RowBox[{"c", "@", - RowBox[{"{", - RowBox[{"2", ",", "3"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], ",", - RowBox[{"vec", "[", "1", "]"}]}], "]"}]}]], "Input", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"Measurement", "[", + RowBox[{"c", "@", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"2", ",", "3"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "[", + RowBox[{"vec", "[", "1", "]"}], "]"}]}]], "Input", CellProlog:>Needs["Q3`"], CellLabel->"In[12]:=", CellID->185878624,ExpressionUUID->"df724cb4-111d-4d8b-88d5-b0f4af433b7e"], @@ -7329,7 +7320,7 @@ Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ - TagBox["NambuTransforms", "SummaryHead"], "[", + TagBox["NambuMatrices", "SummaryHead"], "[", DynamicModuleBox[{ Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = "Ready"}, @@ -7908,8 +7899,8 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.00001659457328293116, -0.0003313378120411801], - Complex[-1.1079404292417903`*^-8, - 3.3198626353946485`*^-7]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292417905`*^-8, + 3.319862635394647*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.975137171273682, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], @@ -7919,9 +7910,8 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[-0.009916907974532263, 0.09883807384038251], Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947762]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292422815`*^-8, 3.319862635394833*^-7], - Complex[-1.1079404292422813`*^-8, - 3.3198626353948343`*^-7], Complex[0.000016594573282933133`, -0.0003313378120411798], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947763], Complex[0.9850706849009013, 0.09916907966616012]}}, @@ -8067,27 +8057,27 @@ HACo2sx4 "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, "SummaryPanel"], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], "]"}], {{ - Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495183`*^-22], + Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495187`*^-22], Complex[-0.000016605652687225092`, 0.09916907966616013], - Complex[1.1079404289255492`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], + Complex[1.1079404289255494`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], - Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095884`*^-7]}, { + Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095874`*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], Complex[1.1079404291230823`*^-8, 4.433254424948396*^-21], - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], Complex[-1.1079404289878503`*^-8, \ -0.00033166995668250094`]}, { - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], Complex[1.1579790325831189`*^-18, -0.09916907966616013], Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], Complex[0.000016605652687226302`, 0.0991690796661601]}, { Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, \ --3.3214464132085747`*^-7], +-3.3214464132085736`*^-7], Complex[-1.1079404291781963`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825007], Complex[0.000016605652687224523`, -0.0991690796661601], @@ -8121,8 +8111,8 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.00001659457328293116, -0.0003313378120411801], - Complex[-1.1079404292417903`*^-8, - 3.3198626353946485`*^-7]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292417905`*^-8, + 3.319862635394647*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.975137171273682, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], @@ -8132,33 +8122,32 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[-0.009916907974532263, 0.09883807384038251], Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947762]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292422815`*^-8, 3.319862635394833*^-7], - Complex[-1.1079404292422813`*^-8, - 3.3198626353948343`*^-7], Complex[0.000016594573282933133`, -0.0003313378120411798], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947763], Complex[0.9850706849009013, 0.09916907966616012]}}, {{ - Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495183`*^-22], + Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495187`*^-22], Complex[-0.000016605652687225092`, 0.09916907966616013], - Complex[1.1079404289255492`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], + Complex[1.1079404289255494`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], - Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095884`*^-7]}, { + Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095874`*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], Complex[1.1079404291230823`*^-8, 4.433254424948396*^-21], - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], Complex[-1.1079404289878503`*^-8, \ -0.00033166995668250094`]}, { - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], Complex[1.1579790325831189`*^-18, -0.09916907966616013], Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], Complex[0.000016605652687226302`, 0.0991690796661601]}, { Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, \ --3.3214464132085747`*^-7], +-3.3214464132085736`*^-7], Complex[-1.1079404291781963`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825007], Complex[0.000016605652687224523`, -0.0991690796661601], @@ -8424,17 +8413,17 @@ O/3+wu0dKn/Uf1F9R3GOq8f105ThSG3iKGDYs6ImuUAFPUGxG+HLaN6w1xEc 12}, {{{1, 3} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 4} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], \ -{1, 5} -> Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 6} -> +{1, 5} -> Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 6} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, -0.09883807384038253], {1, 7} -> Complex[ - 1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 8} -> + 1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 8} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, -0.09883807384038253], {1, 9} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], { 1, 10} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], \ {1, 12} -> 1, {2, 3} -> Complex[ 0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 4} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { 2, 5} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], \ {2, 6} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, 7} -> @@ -8442,7 +8431,7 @@ O/3+wu0dKn/Uf1F9R3GOq8f105ThSG3iKGDYs6ImuUAFPUGxG+HLaN6w1xEc {2, 8} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, 9} -> Complex[ 0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 10} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { 2, 11} -> 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 5} -> Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, -7.28006620191595*^-19], \ @@ -8453,7 +8442,7 @@ O/3+wu0dKn/Uf1F9R3GOq8f105ThSG3iKGDYs6ImuUAFPUGxG+HLaN6w1xEc 6.938893903907228*^-18, -4.336808689942018*^-19], {3, 10} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 11} -> Complex[ - 1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 12} -> + 1.1079404294454619`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 12} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, 2.241454781417565*^-19], { 4, 5} -> Complex[-0.009768833833459008, 0.09670511030136167], {4, 6} -> @@ -8468,24 +8457,24 @@ O/3+wu0dKn/Uf1F9R3GOq8f105ThSG3iKGDYs6ImuUAFPUGxG+HLaN6w1xEc 0.000016594573282932862`, -0.0003313378120411798], {4, 12} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], { 5, 6} -> Complex[0.9803308769956256, 0.], {5, 7} -> - Complex[-1.5523466945211156`*^-18, + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, 1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {5, 8} -> Complex[0.9803308769956256, 0.], {5, 9} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, 4.254244153408405*^-17], { - 5, 10} -> Complex[ - 0.00976883383345901, -0.09670511030136163], {5, 11} -> - Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], {5, - 12} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, - 0.09883807384038253], {6, 7} -> - Complex[0.019669123004374556`, 0.], {6, 8} -> - Complex[-1.5523466945211156`*^-18, \ + 5, 10} -> + Complex[0.00976883383345901, -0.09670511030136163], {5, + 11} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, + 0.09883740970947764], {5, 12} -> + Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], {6, + 7} -> Complex[0.019669123004374556`, 0.], {6, 8} -> + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, \ -1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {6, 9} -> Complex[-0.009768833833459008, -0.09670511030136167], {6, 10} -> Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, 7.28006620191595*^-19], {6, 11} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], { 6, 12} -> Complex[ - 1.6727401305043303`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {7, 8} -> + 1.6727401305043305`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {7, 8} -> Complex[0.9803308769956256, 0.], {7, 9} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, 4.254244153408405*^-17], { 7, 10} -> Complex[ @@ -8498,10 +8487,10 @@ O/3+wu0dKn/Uf1F9R3GOq8f105ThSG3iKGDYs6ImuUAFPUGxG+HLaN6w1xEc 7.28006620191595*^-19], {8, 11} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], { 8, 12} -> Complex[ - 1.6727401305043303`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {9, 10} -> + 1.6727401305043305`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {9, 10} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {9, 11} -> Complex[ - 1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {9, 12} -> + 1.1079404294454619`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {9, 12} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, 2.241454781417565*^-19], { 10, 11} -> Complex[ @@ -8546,7 +8535,7 @@ O/3+wu0dKn/Uf1F9R3GOq8f105ThSG3iKGDYs6ImuUAFPUGxG+HLaN6w1xEc Complex[0.9850706849009015, 0.09916907966616015], Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.00001659457328293116, -0.0003313378120411801], - Complex[-1.1079404292417903`*^-8, 3.3198626353946485`*^-7]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292417905`*^-8, 3.319862635394647*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.975137171273682, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], @@ -8555,23 +8544,23 @@ O/3+wu0dKn/Uf1F9R3GOq8f105ThSG3iKGDYs6ImuUAFPUGxG+HLaN6w1xEc Complex[-0.009916907974532263, 0.09883807384038251], Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947762]}, { - Complex[-1.1079404292422813`*^-8, 3.3198626353948343`*^-7], + Complex[-1.1079404292422815`*^-8, 3.319862635394833*^-7], Complex[0.000016594573282933133`, -0.0003313378120411798], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947763], Complex[0.9850706849009013, 0.09916907966616012]}}, {{ - Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495183`*^-22], + Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495187`*^-22], Complex[-0.000016605652687225092`, 0.09916907966616013], - Complex[1.1079404289255492`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], - Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095884`*^-7]}, { + Complex[1.1079404289255494`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], + Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095874`*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], Complex[1.1079404291230823`*^-8, 4.433254424948396*^-21], - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], Complex[-1.1079404289878503`*^-8, -0.00033166995668250094`]}, { - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], Complex[1.1579790325831189`*^-18, -0.09916907966616013], Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], Complex[0.000016605652687226302`, 0.0991690796661601]}, { - Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, -3.3214464132085747`*^-7], + Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, -3.3214464132085736`*^-7], Complex[-1.1079404291781963`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825007], Complex[0.000016605652687224523`, -0.0991690796661601], Complex[-0.00995010820050242, 2.083853062282483*^-19]}}}}, @@ -8580,21 +8569,21 @@ O/3+wu0dKn/Uf1F9R3GOq8f105ThSG3iKGDYs6ImuUAFPUGxG+HLaN6w1xEc 12}, {{{1, 3} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 4} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], {1, 5} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 6} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 6} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, -0.09883807384038253], {1, 7} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 8} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 8} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, -0.09883807384038253], {1, 9} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 10} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], {1, 12} -> 1, {2, 3} -> Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 4} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 5} -> + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 5} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], {2, 6} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, 7} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], {2, 8} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, 9} -> Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 10} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 11} -> + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 11} -> 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 5} -> Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, -7.28006620191595*^-19], {3, 6} -> Complex[0.00976883383345901, 0.09670511030136163], {3, 7} -> @@ -8602,7 +8591,7 @@ O/3+wu0dKn/Uf1F9R3GOq8f105ThSG3iKGDYs6ImuUAFPUGxG+HLaN6w1xEc Complex[0.00976883383345901, 0.09670511030136163], {3, 9} -> Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, -4.336808689942018*^-19], {3, 10} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 11} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 12} -> + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 12} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, 2.241454781417565*^-19], {4, 5} -> Complex[-0.009768833833459008, 0.09670511030136167], {4, 6} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, -4.254244153408405*^-17], {4, 7} -> @@ -8613,18 +8602,18 @@ O/3+wu0dKn/Uf1F9R3GOq8f105ThSG3iKGDYs6ImuUAFPUGxG+HLaN6w1xEc Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, -0.0003313378120411798], {4, 12} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], {5, 6} -> Complex[0.9803308769956256, 0.], {5, 7} -> - Complex[-1.5523466945211156`*^-18, 1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {5, 8} -> + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, 1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {5, 8} -> Complex[0.9803308769956256, 0.], {5, 9} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, 4.254244153408405*^-17], {5, 10} -> Complex[0.00976883383345901, -0.09670511030136163], {5, 11} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], {5, 12} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], {6, 7} -> Complex[0.019669123004374556`, 0.], {6, 8} -> - Complex[-1.5523466945211156`*^-18, -1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {6, 9} -> + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, -1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {6, 9} -> Complex[-0.009768833833459008, -0.09670511030136167], {6, 10} -> Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, 7.28006620191595*^-19], {6, 11} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], {6, 12} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {7, 8} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {7, 8} -> Complex[0.9803308769956256, 0.], {7, 9} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, 4.254244153408405*^-17], {7, 10} -> Complex[0.00976883383345901, -0.09670511030136163], {7, 11} -> @@ -8633,9 +8622,9 @@ O/3+wu0dKn/Uf1F9R3GOq8f105ThSG3iKGDYs6ImuUAFPUGxG+HLaN6w1xEc Complex[-0.009768833833459008, -0.09670511030136167], {8, 10} -> Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, 7.28006620191595*^-19], {8, 11} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], {8, 12} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {9, 10} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {9, 10} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {9, 11} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {9, 12} -> + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {9, 12} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, 2.241454781417565*^-19], {10, 11} -> Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, -0.0003313378120411798], {10, 12} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646]}, @@ -8648,7 +8637,7 @@ O/3+wu0dKn/Uf1F9R3GOq8f105ThSG3iKGDYs6ImuUAFPUGxG+HLaN6w1xEc SelectWithContents->True, Selectable->False]], "Output", CellLabel->"Out[12]=", - CellID->560463635,ExpressionUUID->"6adb9bed-1562-402b-b198-fa529bb7e6b9"] + CellID->815330324,ExpressionUUID->"28944c0a-26d5-46d9-92f9-c6084cb39031"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ @@ -8656,9 +8645,9 @@ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ InterpretationBox[Cell[ "\t", "ExampleDelimiter",ExpressionUUID-> - "371ac103-8777-42a2-9c7d-29a73230963b"], + "dc41533e-50ee-4f9c-a7ec-78f6248a2d6f"], $Line = 0; Null]], "ExampleDelimiter", - CellID->910193498,ExpressionUUID->"52050f28-bcf6-4400-8d6f-9c7401132475"], + CellID->440779907,ExpressionUUID->"e163491c-ee73-404e-9eb4-c1d904e9127c"], Cell[TextData[{ "Here are some functions that support ", @@ -8684,10 +8673,11 @@ Cell[BoxData[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"2", ",", "3"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "[", "ws", "]"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", - RowBox[{"Readout", "[", - RowBox[{"c", "@", - RowBox[{"{", - RowBox[{"2", ",", "3"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], "Input", + RowBox[{"rec", "=", + RowBox[{"Readout", "[", + RowBox[{"c", "@", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"2", ",", "3"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}]}], "Input", CellProlog:>Needs["Q3`"], CellLabel->"In[1]:=", CellID->2051354619,ExpressionUUID->"c3167e9e-ade6-43f9-a4c6-32def9cc871d"], @@ -8952,7 +8942,7 @@ Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ - TagBox["NambuTransforms", "SummaryHead"], "[", + TagBox["NambuMatrices", "SummaryHead"], "[", DynamicModuleBox[{ Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = "Ready"}, @@ -9530,8 +9520,8 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.00001659457328293116, -0.0003313378120411801], - Complex[-1.1079404292417903`*^-8, - 3.3198626353946485`*^-7]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292417905`*^-8, + 3.319862635394647*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.975137171273682, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], @@ -9541,9 +9531,8 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[-0.009916907974532263, 0.09883807384038251], Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947762]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292422815`*^-8, 3.319862635394833*^-7], - Complex[-1.1079404292422813`*^-8, - 3.3198626353948343`*^-7], Complex[0.000016594573282933133`, -0.0003313378120411798], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947763], Complex[0.9850706849009013, 0.09916907966616012]}}, @@ -9689,27 +9678,27 @@ HACo2sx4 "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, "SummaryPanel"], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], "]"}], {{ - Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495183`*^-22], + Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495187`*^-22], Complex[-0.000016605652687225092`, 0.09916907966616013], - Complex[1.1079404289255492`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], + Complex[1.1079404289255494`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], - Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095884`*^-7]}, { + Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095874`*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], Complex[1.1079404291230823`*^-8, 4.433254424948396*^-21], - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], Complex[-1.1079404289878503`*^-8, \ -0.00033166995668250094`]}, { - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], Complex[1.1579790325831189`*^-18, -0.09916907966616013], Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], Complex[0.000016605652687226302`, 0.0991690796661601]}, { Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, \ --3.3214464132085747`*^-7], +-3.3214464132085736`*^-7], Complex[-1.1079404291781963`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825007], Complex[0.000016605652687224523`, -0.0991690796661601], @@ -10372,11 +10361,9 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, 0.008602132075960674], Complex[3.469446951953614*^-18, -0.2780792901080426], - Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797062`*^-18], + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797064`*^-18], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, 0.2780792901080425]}, { - - Complex[-3.2526065174565133`*^-19, \ --0.00007843130586222762], + Complex[-3.252606517456514*^-19, -0.00007843130586222762], Complex[-7.894016335826398*^-6, 0.00860213207596067], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, -0.2780792901080425], Complex[-0.08602810901114219, 1.734723475976807*^-18]}}, @@ -10409,8 +10396,8 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.00001659457328293116, -0.0003313378120411801], - Complex[-1.1079404292417903`*^-8, - 3.3198626353946485`*^-7]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292417905`*^-8, + 3.319862635394647*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.975137171273682, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], @@ -10420,33 +10407,32 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[-0.009916907974532263, 0.09883807384038251], Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947762]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292422815`*^-8, 3.319862635394833*^-7], - Complex[-1.1079404292422813`*^-8, - 3.3198626353948343`*^-7], Complex[0.000016594573282933133`, -0.0003313378120411798], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947763], Complex[0.9850706849009013, 0.09916907966616012]}}, {{ - Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495183`*^-22], + Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495187`*^-22], Complex[-0.000016605652687225092`, 0.09916907966616013], - Complex[1.1079404289255492`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], + Complex[1.1079404289255494`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], - Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095884`*^-7]}, { + Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095874`*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], Complex[1.1079404291230823`*^-8, 4.433254424948396*^-21], - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], Complex[-1.1079404289878503`*^-8, \ -0.00033166995668250094`]}, { - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], Complex[1.1579790325831189`*^-18, -0.09916907966616013], Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], Complex[0.000016605652687226302`, 0.0991690796661601]}, { Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, \ --3.3214464132085747`*^-7], +-3.3214464132085736`*^-7], Complex[-1.1079404291781963`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825007], Complex[0.000016605652687224523`, -0.0991690796661601], @@ -10523,11 +10509,9 @@ HACo2sx4 Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, 0.008602132075960674], Complex[3.469446951953614*^-18, -0.2780792901080426], - Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797062`*^-18], + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797064`*^-18], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, 0.2780792901080425]}, { - - Complex[-3.2526065174565133`*^-19, \ --0.00007843130586222762], + Complex[-3.252606517456514*^-19, -0.00007843130586222762], Complex[-7.894016335826398*^-6, 0.00860213207596067], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, -0.2780792901080425], Complex[-0.08602810901114219, 1.734723475976807*^-18]}}}}, @@ -10901,14 +10885,14 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 4} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], \ {1, 5} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, -0.09883807384038253], {1, 6} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], { + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], { 1, 7} -> Complex[ 0.0002620773276979446, 0.002603237866672337], {1, 8} -> Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, -0.002613753063531294], {1, 9} -> Complex[0.7859004070182107, -0.2609534572619835], { 1, 10} -> Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, \ --1.5178830414797062`*^-18], {1, 11} -> +-1.5178830414797064`*^-18], {1, 11} -> Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, 0.27807929010804266`], {1, 12} -> Complex[-0.08342383791858181, -0.26963368038096003`], {1, @@ -10918,19 +10902,19 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= 15} -> Complex[0.7859004070182107, -0.2609534572619835], { 1, 16} -> Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, \ --1.5178830414797062`*^-18], {1, 17} -> +-1.5178830414797064`*^-18], {1, 17} -> Complex[0.0002620773276979446, 0.002603237866672337], {1, 18} -> Complex[ 7.0302419351298*^-7, -0.002613753063531294], {1, 19} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, -0.09883807384038253], {1, 20} -> Complex[ - 1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 21} -> + 1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 21} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 22} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, \ -2.241454781417565*^-19], {1, 24} -> 1, {2, 3} -> Complex[ 0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 4} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { 2, 5} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, 6} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, \ @@ -10957,7 +10941,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= -0.09916907966616018], {2, 21} -> Complex[ 0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 22} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { 2, 23} -> 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 5} -> Complex[0.00976883383345901, 0.09670511030136163], {3, 6} -> @@ -10969,10 +10953,10 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= 10} -> Complex[ 0.05515660930576866, -0.00012490783968316095`], {3, 11} -> Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, - 1.8498670906598047`*^-6], {3, 12} -> + 1.8498670906598045`*^-6], {3, 12} -> Complex[0.026634445818647358`, 0.0778365212048925], {3, 13} -> Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, - 1.8498670906598047`*^-6], {3, 14} -> + 1.8498670906598045`*^-6], {3, 14} -> Complex[0.026634445818647358`, 0.0778365212048925], {3, 15} -> Complex[ 0.000016933675279148797`, 0.00012383773397451302`], {3, @@ -10988,7 +10972,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= 6.938893903907228*^-18, -4.336808689942018*^-19], {3, 22} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 23} -> Complex[ - 1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 24} -> + 1.1079404294454619`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 24} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, 2.241454781417565*^-19], { 4, 5} -> Complex[ 0.00006578280908219793, -4.254244153408405*^-17], {4, 6} -> @@ -11034,7 +11018,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= 0.01942284716938378, 0.09330760721542969], {5, 18} -> Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, 0.003888044555498485], {5, 19} -> - Complex[-1.5523466945211156`*^-18, \ + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, \ -1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {5, 20} -> Complex[0.019669123004374556`, 0.], {5, 21} -> Complex[-0.009768833833459008, -0.09670511030136167], {5, @@ -11042,7 +11026,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= 7.28006620191595*^-19], {5, 23} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], { 5, 24} -> Complex[ - 1.6727401305043303`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {6, 7} -> + 1.6727401305043305`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {6, 7} -> Complex[-0.009673644515389308, -0.09494936515397917], {6, 8} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, 0.1924766868815898], {6, 9} -> @@ -11064,7 +11048,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= 18} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, 0.1924766868815898], {6, 19} -> Complex[0.9803308769956256, 0.], {6, 20} -> - Complex[-1.5523466945211156`*^-18, + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, 1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {6, 21} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, 4.254244153408405*^-17], { 6, 22} -> Complex[ @@ -11086,7 +11070,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= 0.01859492038010707], {7, 16} -> Complex[-0.05378013717194569, 0.0004103023339935032], {7, 17} -> Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, \ --2.6488597589047426`*^-18], {7, 18} -> +-2.648859758904743*^-18], {7, 18} -> Complex[0.03895158675127773, 0.], {7, 19} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, -0.1924766868815898], {7, 20} -> Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, \ @@ -11110,7 +11094,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[0.05139730785671253, 0.018926590336789572`], {8, 17} -> Complex[0.9610484132487226, 0.], {8, 18} -> Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, - 2.6488597589047426`*^-18], {8, 19} -> + 2.648859758904743*^-18], {8, 19} -> Complex[-0.009673644515389308, 0.09494936515397917], {8, 20} -> Complex[ 0.01942284716938378, -0.09330760721542969], {8, 21} -> @@ -11121,15 +11105,14 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= 24} -> Complex[ 0.0002620773276979446, -0.002603237866672337], {9, 10} -> Complex[0.1547318858265081, 0.], {9, 11} -> - Complex[-0.004784170182671576, \ --2.0791270723304056`*^-17], {9, 12} -> - Complex[0.07261962399452813, 0.21892155188592954`], {9, - 13} -> Complex[-0.004784170182671576, \ --2.0791270723304056`*^-17], {9, 14} -> - Complex[0.07261962399452813, 0.21892155188592954`], {9, - 15} -> Complex[ - 4.163336342344337*^-17, 6.938893903907228*^-18], {9, 16} -> - Complex[0.1547318858265081, 0.], {9, 17} -> + Complex[-0.004784170182671576, -2.079127072330406*^-17], { + 9, 12} -> Complex[ + 0.07261962399452813, 0.21892155188592954`], {9, 13} -> + Complex[-0.004784170182671576, -2.079127072330406*^-17], { + 9, 14} -> Complex[ + 0.07261962399452813, 0.21892155188592954`], {9, 15} -> + Complex[4.163336342344337*^-17, 6.938893903907228*^-18], { + 9, 16} -> Complex[0.1547318858265081, 0.], {9, 17} -> Complex[0.05139730785671253, -0.018926590336789572`], {9, 18} -> Complex[-0.05378013717194569, \ -0.0004103023339935032], {9, 19} -> @@ -11142,14 +11125,14 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= 23} -> Complex[ 7.894016335854154*^-6, -0.008602132075960674], {9, 24} -> Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, - 1.5178830414797062`*^-18], {10, 11} -> + 1.5178830414797064`*^-18], {10, 11} -> Complex[-0.07261962399452816, 0.21892155188592985`], {10, 12} -> Complex[ - 0.004784170182671579, -2.7273105648872864`*^-16], {10, + 0.004784170182671579, -2.7273105648872874`*^-16], {10, 13} -> Complex[-0.07261962399452816, 0.21892155188592985`], {10, 14} -> Complex[ - 0.004784170182671579, -2.7273105648872864`*^-16], {10, + 0.004784170182671579, -2.7273105648872874`*^-16], {10, 15} -> Complex[0.8452681141734937, 0.], {10, 16} -> Complex[ 4.163336342344337*^-17, -6.938893903907228*^-18], {10, @@ -11168,9 +11151,9 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[0.7859004070182107, 0.2609534572619835], {11, 12} -> Complex[0.8452681141734925, 0.], {11, 13} -> Complex[-2.901596064114331*^-17, \ --1.0211829212097845`*^-17], {11, 14} -> +-1.0211829212097848`*^-17], {11, 14} -> Complex[0.8452681141734925, 0.], {11, 15} -> - Complex[0.004784170182671579, 2.7273105648872864`*^-16], { + Complex[0.004784170182671579, 2.7273105648872874`*^-16], { 11, 16} -> Complex[0.07261962399452813, -0.21892155188592954`], {11, 17} -> Complex[-0.00915537197655327, @@ -11188,10 +11171,10 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= 0.26963368038096003`], {12, 13} -> Complex[0.15473188582650818`, 0.], {12, 14} -> Complex[-2.901596064114331*^-17, - 1.0211829212097845`*^-17], {12, 15} -> + 1.0211829212097848`*^-17], {12, 15} -> Complex[-0.07261962399452816, -0.21892155188592985`], {12, 16} -> Complex[-0.004784170182671576, - 2.0791270723304056`*^-17], {12, 17} -> + 2.079127072330406*^-17], {12, 17} -> Complex[0.05327787465726625, 0.2618852763713944], {12, 18} -> Complex[-0.0007781305712618784, 0.01090395795893278], {12, 19} -> @@ -11201,12 +11184,12 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= 0.05515660930576871, 0.00012490783968316282`], {12, 21} -> Complex[-0.026634445818647365`, -0.271246719799264], {12, 22} -> Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, \ --1.8498670906598047`*^-6], {12, 23} -> +-1.8498670906598045`*^-6], {12, 23} -> Complex[-0.0013060825544481437`, 0.27807929010804266`], { 12, 24} -> Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, -0.27807929010804266`], { 13, 14} -> Complex[0.8452681141734925, 0.], {13, 15} -> - Complex[0.004784170182671579, 2.7273105648872864`*^-16], { + Complex[0.004784170182671579, 2.7273105648872874`*^-16], { 13, 16} -> Complex[0.07261962399452813, -0.21892155188592954`], {13, 17} -> Complex[-0.00915537197655327, @@ -11224,7 +11207,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= 0.26963368038096003`], {14, 15} -> Complex[-0.07261962399452816, -0.21892155188592985`], {14, 16} -> Complex[-0.004784170182671576, - 2.0791270723304056`*^-17], {14, 17} -> + 2.079127072330406*^-17], {14, 17} -> Complex[0.05327787465726625, 0.2618852763713944], {14, 18} -> Complex[-0.0007781305712618784, 0.01090395795893278], {14, 19} -> @@ -11234,7 +11217,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= 0.05515660930576871, 0.00012490783968316282`], {14, 21} -> Complex[-0.026634445818647365`, -0.271246719799264], {14, 22} -> Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, \ --1.8498670906598047`*^-6], {14, 23} -> +-1.8498670906598045`*^-6], {14, 23} -> Complex[-0.0013060825544481437`, 0.27807929010804266`], { 14, 24} -> Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, -0.27807929010804266`], { @@ -11253,7 +11236,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, -0.008602132075960674], { 15, 24} -> Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, - 1.5178830414797062`*^-18], {16, 17} -> + 1.5178830414797064`*^-18], {16, 17} -> Complex[0.05379673174522864, -0.0007416401460346826], {16, 18} -> Complex[-0.051397296777308234`, -0.01859492038010707], { @@ -11292,7 +11275,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= 7.28006620191595*^-19], {19, 23} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], { 19, 24} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], { + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], { 20, 21} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, 4.254244153408405*^-17], { 20, 22} -> @@ -11302,7 +11285,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], {21, 22} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {21, 23} -> Complex[ - 1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {21, + 1.1079404294454619`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {21, 24} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, 2.241454781417565*^-19], {22, 23} -> Complex[ @@ -11359,7 +11342,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[0.9850706849009015, 0.09916907966616015], Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.00001659457328293116, -0.0003313378120411801], - Complex[-1.1079404292417903`*^-8, 3.3198626353946485`*^-7]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292417905`*^-8, 3.319862635394647*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], Complex[0.975137171273682, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], @@ -11368,23 +11351,23 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[-0.009916907974532263, 0.09883807384038251], Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947762]}, { - Complex[-1.1079404292422813`*^-8, 3.3198626353948343`*^-7], + Complex[-1.1079404292422815`*^-8, 3.319862635394833*^-7], Complex[0.000016594573282933133`, -0.0003313378120411798], Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947763], Complex[0.9850706849009013, 0.09916907966616012]}}, {{ - Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495183`*^-22], + Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495187`*^-22], Complex[-0.000016605652687225092`, 0.09916907966616013], - Complex[1.1079404289255492`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], - Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095884`*^-7]}, { + Complex[1.1079404289255494`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], + Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095874`*^-7]}, { Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], Complex[1.1079404291230823`*^-8, 4.433254424948396*^-21], - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], Complex[-1.1079404289878503`*^-8, -0.00033166995668250094`]}, { - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], Complex[1.1579790325831189`*^-18, -0.09916907966616013], Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], Complex[0.000016605652687226302`, 0.0991690796661601]}, { - Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, -3.3214464132085747`*^-7], + Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, -3.3214464132085736`*^-7], Complex[-1.1079404291781963`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825007], Complex[0.000016605652687224523`, -0.0991690796661601], Complex[-0.00995010820050242, 2.083853062282483*^-19]}}}, {{{ @@ -11446,9 +11429,9 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[-7.894016335826398*^-6, -0.008602132075960672]}, { Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, 0.008602132075960674], Complex[3.469446951953614*^-18, -0.2780792901080426], - Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797062`*^-18], + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797064`*^-18], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, 0.2780792901080425]}, { - Complex[-3.2526065174565133`*^-19, -0.00007843130586222762], + Complex[-3.252606517456514*^-19, -0.00007843130586222762], Complex[-7.894016335826398*^-6, 0.00860213207596067], Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, -0.2780792901080425], Complex[-0.08602810901114219, 1.734723475976807*^-18]}}}}, @@ -11458,26 +11441,26 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 4} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], {1, 5} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, -0.09883807384038253], {1, 6} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 7} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 7} -> Complex[0.0002620773276979446, 0.002603237866672337], {1, 8} -> Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, -0.002613753063531294], {1, 9} -> Complex[0.7859004070182107, -0.2609534572619835], {1, 10} -> - Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797062`*^-18], {1, 11} -> + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797064`*^-18], {1, 11} -> Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, 0.27807929010804266`], {1, 12} -> Complex[-0.08342383791858181, -0.26963368038096003`], {1, 13} -> Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, 0.27807929010804266`], {1, 14} -> Complex[-0.08342383791858181, -0.26963368038096003`], {1, 15} -> Complex[0.7859004070182107, -0.2609534572619835], {1, 16} -> - Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797062`*^-18], {1, 17} -> + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797064`*^-18], {1, 17} -> Complex[0.0002620773276979446, 0.002603237866672337], {1, 18} -> Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, -0.002613753063531294], {1, 19} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, -0.09883807384038253], {1, 20} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 21} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 21} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 22} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], {1, 24} -> 1, {2, 3} -> Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 4} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 5} -> + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 5} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, 6} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], {2, 7} -> Complex[0.9411238678566561, -0.19341019859437134`], {2, 8} -> @@ -11495,7 +11478,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, 20} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], {2, 21} -> Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 22} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 23} -> + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 23} -> 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 5} -> Complex[0.00976883383345901, 0.09670511030136163], {3, 6} -> Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, -7.28006620191595*^-19], {3, 7} -> @@ -11503,9 +11486,9 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[-0.019179268175876747`, -0.0000390632327097088], {3, 9} -> Complex[0.000016933675279148797`, 0.00012383773397451302`], {3, 10} -> Complex[0.05515660930576866, -0.00012490783968316095`], {3, 11} -> - Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, 1.8498670906598047`*^-6], {3, 12} -> + Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, 1.8498670906598045`*^-6], {3, 12} -> Complex[0.026634445818647358`, 0.0778365212048925], {3, 13} -> - Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, 1.8498670906598047`*^-6], {3, 14} -> + Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, 1.8498670906598045`*^-6], {3, 14} -> Complex[0.026634445818647358`, 0.0778365212048925], {3, 15} -> Complex[0.000016933675279148797`, 0.00012383773397451302`], {3, 16} -> Complex[0.05515660930576866, -0.00012490783968316095`], {3, 17} -> @@ -11515,7 +11498,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, -7.28006620191595*^-19], {3, 21} -> Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, -4.336808689942018*^-19], {3, 22} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 23} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 24} -> + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 24} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, 2.241454781417565*^-19], {4, 5} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, -4.254244153408405*^-17], {4, 6} -> Complex[-0.009768833833459008, 0.09670511030136167], {4, 7} -> @@ -11550,12 +11533,12 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[-0.0009452962128001213, 1.849867090669304*^-6], {5, 17} -> Complex[0.01942284716938378, 0.09330760721542969], {5, 18} -> Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, 0.003888044555498485], {5, 19} -> - Complex[-1.5523466945211156`*^-18, -1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {5, 20} -> + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, -1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {5, 20} -> Complex[0.019669123004374556`, 0.], {5, 21} -> Complex[-0.009768833833459008, -0.09670511030136167], {5, 22} -> Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, 7.28006620191595*^-19], {5, 23} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], {5, 24} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {6, 7} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {6, 7} -> Complex[-0.009673644515389308, -0.09494936515397917], {6, 8} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, 0.1924766868815898], {6, 9} -> Complex[-0.03773674551714698, -0.19081560591987778`], {6, 10} -> @@ -11569,7 +11552,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[-0.009673644515389308, -0.09494936515397917], {6, 18} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, 0.1924766868815898], {6, 19} -> Complex[0.9803308769956256, 0.], {6, 20} -> - Complex[-1.5523466945211156`*^-18, 1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {6, 21} -> + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, 1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {6, 21} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, 4.254244153408405*^-17], {6, 22} -> Complex[0.00976883383345901, -0.09670511030136163], {6, 23} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], {6, 24} -> @@ -11583,7 +11566,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[-0.05329448030995345, -0.16271619670523418`], {7, 15} -> Complex[-0.051397296777308234`, 0.01859492038010707], {7, 16} -> Complex[-0.05378013717194569, 0.0004103023339935032], {7, 17} -> - Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, -2.6488597589047426`*^-18], {7, 18} -> + Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, -2.648859758904743*^-18], {7, 18} -> Complex[0.03895158675127773, 0.], {7, 19} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, -0.1924766868815898], {7, 20} -> Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, -0.003888044555498485], {7, 21} -> @@ -11600,7 +11583,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[0.05379673174522864, 0.0007416401460346826], {8, 16} -> Complex[0.05139730785671253, 0.018926590336789572`], {8, 17} -> Complex[0.9610484132487226, 0.], {8, 18} -> - Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, 2.6488597589047426`*^-18], {8, 19} -> + Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, 2.648859758904743*^-18], {8, 19} -> Complex[-0.009673644515389308, 0.09494936515397917], {8, 20} -> Complex[0.01942284716938378, -0.09330760721542969], {8, 21} -> Complex[0.019195862749159683`, -0.0002922745793314728], {8, 22} -> @@ -11608,9 +11591,9 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[0.9411238678566561, 0.19341019859437134`], {8, 24} -> Complex[0.0002620773276979446, -0.002603237866672337], {9, 10} -> Complex[0.1547318858265081, 0.], {9, 11} -> - Complex[-0.004784170182671576, -2.0791270723304056`*^-17], {9, 12} -> + Complex[-0.004784170182671576, -2.079127072330406*^-17], {9, 12} -> Complex[0.07261962399452813, 0.21892155188592954`], {9, 13} -> - Complex[-0.004784170182671576, -2.0791270723304056`*^-17], {9, 14} -> + Complex[-0.004784170182671576, -2.079127072330406*^-17], {9, 14} -> Complex[0.07261962399452813, 0.21892155188592954`], {9, 15} -> Complex[4.163336342344337*^-17, 6.938893903907228*^-18], {9, 16} -> Complex[0.1547318858265081, 0.], {9, 17} -> @@ -11621,11 +11604,11 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[-0.000017636699472665246`, -0.00012383773397450998`], {9, 22} -> Complex[0.05515660930576866, 0.00012490783968316095`], {9, 23} -> Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, -0.008602132075960674], {9, 24} -> - Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, 1.5178830414797062`*^-18], {10, 11} -> + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, 1.5178830414797064`*^-18], {10, 11} -> Complex[-0.07261962399452816, 0.21892155188592985`], {10, 12} -> - Complex[0.004784170182671579, -2.7273105648872864`*^-16], {10, 13} -> + Complex[0.004784170182671579, -2.7273105648872874`*^-16], {10, 13} -> Complex[-0.07261962399452816, 0.21892155188592985`], {10, 14} -> - Complex[0.004784170182671579, -2.7273105648872864`*^-16], {10, 15} -> + Complex[0.004784170182671579, -2.7273105648872874`*^-16], {10, 15} -> Complex[0.8452681141734937, 0.], {10, 16} -> Complex[4.163336342344337*^-17, -6.938893903907228*^-18], {10, 17} -> Complex[0.05379673174522864, -0.0007416401460346826], {10, 18} -> @@ -11637,9 +11620,9 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[0.0012981885381123139`, -0.008523700770098444], {10, 24} -> Complex[0.7859004070182107, 0.2609534572619835], {11, 12} -> Complex[0.8452681141734925, 0.], {11, 13} -> - Complex[-2.901596064114331*^-17, -1.0211829212097845`*^-17], {11, 14} -> + Complex[-2.901596064114331*^-17, -1.0211829212097848`*^-17], {11, 14} -> Complex[0.8452681141734925, 0.], {11, 15} -> - Complex[0.004784170182671579, 2.7273105648872864`*^-16], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.004784170182671579, 2.7273105648872874`*^-16], {11, 16} -> Complex[0.07261962399452813, -0.21892155188592954`], {11, 17} -> Complex[-0.00915537197655327, 0.10974136766841047`], {11, 18} -> Complex[-0.05329448030995345, 0.16271619670523418`], {11, 19} -> @@ -11650,19 +11633,19 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[-0.08472202645669408, 0.26947715803208194`], {11, 24} -> Complex[-0.08342383791858181, 0.26963368038096003`], {12, 13} -> Complex[0.15473188582650818`, 0.], {12, 14} -> - Complex[-2.901596064114331*^-17, 1.0211829212097845`*^-17], {12, 15} -> + Complex[-2.901596064114331*^-17, 1.0211829212097848`*^-17], {12, 15} -> Complex[-0.07261962399452816, -0.21892155188592985`], {12, 16} -> - Complex[-0.004784170182671576, 2.0791270723304056`*^-17], {12, 17} -> + Complex[-0.004784170182671576, 2.079127072330406*^-17], {12, 17} -> Complex[0.05327787465726625, 0.2618852763713944], {12, 18} -> Complex[-0.0007781305712618784, 0.01090395795893278], {12, 19} -> Complex[0.000017636699472639164`, 0.0001238377339745129], {12, 20} -> Complex[0.05515660930576871, 0.00012490783968316282`], {12, 21} -> Complex[-0.026634445818647365`, -0.271246719799264], {12, 22} -> - Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, -1.8498670906598047`*^-6], {12, 23} -> + Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, -1.8498670906598045`*^-6], {12, 23} -> Complex[-0.0013060825544481437`, 0.27807929010804266`], {12, 24} -> Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, -0.27807929010804266`], {13, 14} -> Complex[0.8452681141734925, 0.], {13, 15} -> - Complex[0.004784170182671579, 2.7273105648872864`*^-16], {13, 16} -> + Complex[0.004784170182671579, 2.7273105648872874`*^-16], {13, 16} -> Complex[0.07261962399452813, -0.21892155188592954`], {13, 17} -> Complex[-0.00915537197655327, 0.10974136766841047`], {13, 18} -> Complex[-0.05329448030995345, 0.16271619670523418`], {13, 19} -> @@ -11673,13 +11656,13 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[-0.08472202645669408, 0.26947715803208194`], {13, 24} -> Complex[-0.08342383791858181, 0.26963368038096003`], {14, 15} -> Complex[-0.07261962399452816, -0.21892155188592985`], {14, 16} -> - Complex[-0.004784170182671576, 2.0791270723304056`*^-17], {14, 17} -> + Complex[-0.004784170182671576, 2.079127072330406*^-17], {14, 17} -> Complex[0.05327787465726625, 0.2618852763713944], {14, 18} -> Complex[-0.0007781305712618784, 0.01090395795893278], {14, 19} -> Complex[0.000017636699472639164`, 0.0001238377339745129], {14, 20} -> Complex[0.05515660930576871, 0.00012490783968316282`], {14, 21} -> Complex[-0.026634445818647365`, -0.271246719799264], {14, 22} -> - Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, -1.8498670906598047`*^-6], {14, 23} -> + Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, -1.8498670906598045`*^-6], {14, 23} -> Complex[-0.0013060825544481437`, 0.27807929010804266`], {14, 24} -> Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, -0.27807929010804266`], {15, 16} -> Complex[0.1547318858265081, 0.], {15, 17} -> @@ -11690,7 +11673,7 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[-0.000017636699472665246`, -0.00012383773397450998`], {15, 22} -> Complex[0.05515660930576866, 0.00012490783968316095`], {15, 23} -> Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, -0.008602132075960674], {15, 24} -> - Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, 1.5178830414797062`*^-18], {16, 17} -> + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, 1.5178830414797064`*^-18], {16, 17} -> Complex[0.05379673174522864, -0.0007416401460346826], {16, 18} -> Complex[-0.051397296777308234`, -0.01859492038010707], {16, 19} -> Complex[-0.03773674551714698, 0.19081560591987778`], {16, 20} -> @@ -11716,13 +11699,13 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= Complex[-0.009768833833459008, -0.09670511030136167], {19, 22} -> Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, 7.28006620191595*^-19], {19, 23} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], {19, 24} -> - Complex[1.6727401305043303`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {20, 21} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {20, 21} -> Complex[0.00006578280908219793, 4.254244153408405*^-17], {20, 22} -> Complex[0.00976883383345901, -0.09670511030136163], {20, 23} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], {20, 24} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], {21, 22} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {21, 23} -> - Complex[1.1079404294454617`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {21, 24} -> + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {21, 24} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, 2.241454781417565*^-19], {22, 23} -> Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, -0.0003313378120411798], {22, 24} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646]}, @@ -11735,280 +11718,3420 @@ RZ1D5dXfAH40arI= SelectWithContents->True, Selectable->False]], "Output", CellLabel->"Out[1]=", - CellID->79323700,ExpressionUUID->"1b38753d-beec-45be-8dae-ffb5c9845bdd"], + CellID->536292065,ExpressionUUID->"1ce8d112-4e76-452c-89bd-cf9a55b8db6d"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", "1"}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel->"Out[1]=", - CellID->1753564760,ExpressionUUID->"57170084-2e73-442b-98ec-fc3c31d0267c"] + CellID->471869996,ExpressionUUID->"509774fd-764f-43f4-97e2-2dd86f013e18"] }, Open ]], -Cell[CellGroupData[{ - -Cell[BoxData[ - RowBox[{"aa", "=", - RowBox[{"Take", "[", - RowBox[{"cc", ",", - RowBox[{"Ceiling", "[", - RowBox[{"$m", "/", "2"}], "]"}]}], "]"}]}]], "Input", +Cell[BoxData[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"prj", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"cc", ":", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"__", "?", "FermionQ"}], "}"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{"vv", ":", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"__", "?", "BinaryQ"}], "}"}]}]}], "]"}], ":=", + 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False, + FrameLabel -> {None, None}, FrameStyle -> Directive[ + Opacity[0.5], + Thickness[Tiny], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], + FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, + GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ + GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ + AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> {"Version" -> 1.2, + "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, "Effects" -> { + "Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, "HighlightPoint" -> { + "ratio" -> 2}, "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> + True, "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + Scaled[0.025]], + GridBox[{{ + 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Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}], + Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True, "AxisPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "DefaultBoundaryStyle" -> Automatic, + "DefaultGraphicsInteraction" -> { + "Version" -> 1.2, "TrackMousePosition" -> {True, False}, + "Effects" -> {"Highlight" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, + "HighlightPoint" -> {"ratio" -> 2}, + "Droplines" -> {"freeformCursorMode" -> True, + "placement" -> {"x" -> "All", "y" -> "None"}}}}, + "DefaultPlotStyle" -> Automatic, "DomainPadding" -> + Scaled[0.02], "RangePadding" -> Scaled[0.05]}, + PlotRangePadding -> Automatic, AxesStyle -> Large, + FrameStyle -> Large, ImageSize -> Large, PlotRangePadding -> + Scaled[0.025]], + GridBox[{{ + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Dimensions: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"24", ",", "24"}], "}"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}, { + RowBox[{ + TagBox["\"Symmetry: \"", "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + RowBox[{"Antisymmetric", "[", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"1", ",", "2"}], "}"}], "]"}], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> { + ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, + PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}], True -> GridBox[{{ + PaneBox[ + ButtonBox[ + DynamicBox[ + FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ + "FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxCloser"]], + ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = False), Appearance -> + None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> + "Preemptive"], Alignment -> {Center, Center}, ImageSize -> + Dynamic[{Automatic, + 3.5 (CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/AbsoluteCurrentValue[ + Magnification])}]], + GraphicsBox[ + RasterBox[CompressedData[" +1:eJztWns0leka19XQTeGoIaGSolKRpPzQRUxEd1EJqSSZIV2YMk7NlGoiuRUl +XZhKSZTUyGUmd/vb26XNoO3S3ht72zGTaWpqjrPW+fc557xnzVpn5pz2Wtba +a3vW+z3X3/N7nu/V99q7evsQJSWl8f/4+/t3PcU6Y/XD30PpHx+N7LLWGOca +LNz/aMt5g2okzUvNtnhdC2mqfrvrjS6kxgSlRVpXw/CTcvMS9zqMcHXXm/Kk +C+dMsV/a8RTTrLe98S0Ogr6qT5t1XS15js+eRZ7rDTikfVaeany2CZOGVl6x +t5Vh1a6EvQdCqlGaOWqauVstChulq3Zs74LN5yXuJ57ysO+ZLFyliY/+Mpto +uHaiPzncJWBAXrJ31OJeg3o8uVUoLZd2obDXvnJ6aCW8tb9u2ZSaAJHy6lzv +rka4RS8I107iw2Z8npfDyXYcvhwWszG4h9STVZ5VH1Z7Wf35e8WL9Xcqr2bs +zpl3YmU1zl705d1Pr0VcWFVx01dd8Hs39cDW8mroOXUn6OfVIOKhzZZ9el3Q +fzzIafXtanwblr1Hp6se5kluik/HdeN56YUSV1MO53qmewteNSGt+cK3uutl +4HzE0YHNfPhNPsNf9/A7zDiZtd9zrBixI1Mm9BiUQrP8ksbdKxEw/yJkXejs +eswYXf7F7pRqXIlYseCWSi3E4TXZPXZd2I1RZR6TOTyT8Yf9JuXQJBt0olMi +hWbJwTfjbvJxeEWpyqWCdmhmRvukRfbArGHE2IKbPPTOfB1g8WkjSkRPNV14 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+-1.5178830414797064`*^-18], {1, 17} -> + Complex[0.0002620773276979446, 0.002603237866672337], {1, + 18} -> Complex[ + 7.0302419351298*^-7, -0.002613753063531294], {1, 19} -> + Complex[-0.009916907974532265, -0.09883807384038253], {1, + 20} -> Complex[ + 1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 21} -> + Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, + 22} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, \ +-2.241454781417565*^-19], {1, 24} -> 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[ + 0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 4} -> + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { + 2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, + 6} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, \ +-0.09916907966616018], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.9411238678566561, -0.19341019859437134`], {2, + 8} -> Complex[0.03920689940953653, 0.], {2, 9} -> + Complex[0.0012981885381123139`, 0.008523700770098444], {2, + 10} -> Complex[ + 7.894016335854154*^-6, 0.008602132075960674], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.0013060825544481437`, -0.27807929010804266`], { + 2, 12} -> + Complex[-0.08472202645669408, -0.26947715803208194`], {2, + 13} -> Complex[-0.0013060825544481437`, \ +-0.27807929010804266`], {2, 14} -> + Complex[-0.08472202645669408, -0.26947715803208194`], {2, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.0012981885381123139`, 0.008523700770098444], {2, 16} -> + Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, 0.008602132075960674], {2, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.9411238678566561, -0.19341019859437134`], {2, 18} -> + Complex[0.03920689940953653, 0.], {2, 19} -> + Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, + 20} -> Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, \ +-0.09916907966616018], {2, 21} -> + Complex[ + 0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 22} -> + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], { + 2, 23} -> 1, {3, 4} -> + Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[0.00976883383345901, 0.09670511030136163], {3, 6} -> + Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, -7.28006620191595*^-19], \ +{3, 7} -> Complex[0.0188559291818235, -0.004174127585568078], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.019179268175876747`, -0.0000390632327097088], { + 3, 9} -> Complex[ + 0.000016933675279148797`, 0.00012383773397451302`], {3, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.05515660930576866, -0.00012490783968316095`], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, + 1.8498670906598045`*^-6], {3, 12} -> + Complex[0.026634445818647358`, 0.0778365212048925], {3, + 13} -> Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, + 1.8498670906598045`*^-6], {3, 14} -> + Complex[0.026634445818647358`, 0.0778365212048925], {3, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.000016933675279148797`, 0.00012383773397451302`], {3, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.05515660930576866, -0.00012490783968316095`], {3, 17} -> + Complex[0.0188559291818235, -0.004174127585568078], {3, + 18} -> Complex[-0.019179268175876747`, \ +-0.0000390632327097088], {3, 19} -> + Complex[0.00976883383345901, 0.09670511030136163], {3, + 20} -> Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, \ +-7.28006620191595*^-19], {3, 21} -> + Complex[ + 6.938893903907228*^-18, -4.336808689942018*^-19], {3, 22} -> + Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 23} -> + Complex[ + 1.1079404294454619`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 24} -> + Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, 2.241454781417565*^-19], { + 4, 5} -> Complex[ + 0.00006578280908219793, -4.254244153408405*^-17], {4, 6} -> + Complex[-0.009768833833459008, 0.09670511030136167], {4, + 7} -> Complex[ + 0.019195862749159683`, 0.0002922745793314728], {4, 8} -> + Complex[-0.01885591810241921, -0.00450579754225058], {4, + 9} -> Complex[0.8470224364690501, -0.1883181155038509], { + 4, 10} -> Complex[-0.000017636699472665246`, + 0.00012383773397450998`], {4, 11} -> + Complex[-0.026634445818647365`, 0.271246719799264], {4, + 12} -> Complex[-0.03773674551714702, -0.190815605919878], \ +{4, 13} -> Complex[-0.026634445818647365`, 0.271246719799264], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.03773674551714702, -0.190815605919878], {4, + 15} -> Complex[0.8470224364690501, -0.1883181155038509], { + 4, 16} -> Complex[-0.000017636699472665246`, + 0.00012383773397450998`], {4, 17} -> + Complex[0.019195862749159683`, 0.0002922745793314728], {4, + 18} -> + Complex[-0.01885591810241921, -0.00450579754225058], {4, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.00006578280908219793, -4.254244153408405*^-17], {4, 20} -> + Complex[-0.009768833833459008, 0.09670511030136167], {4, + 21} -> Complex[0.980330876995626, 0.], {4, 22} -> + Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, 4.336808689942018*^-19], { + 4, 23} -> Complex[ + 0.000016594573282932862`, -0.0003313378120411798], {4, + 24} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], { + 5, 6} -> Complex[0.019669123004374556`, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.01942284716938378, 0.09330760721542969], {5, 8} -> + Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, 0.003888044555498485], {5, + 9} -> Complex[-0.026634445818647372`, \ +-0.0778365212048926], {5, 10} -> + Complex[-0.0009452962128001213, 1.849867090669304*^-6], { + 5, 11} -> Complex[ + 0.05515660930576871, -0.00012490783968316282`], {5, 12} -> + Complex[-0.00001693367527912708, -0.0001238377339745108], \ +{5, 13} -> Complex[0.05515660930576871, -0.00012490783968316282`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[-0.00001693367527912708, -0.0001238377339745108], \ +{5, 15} -> Complex[-0.026634445818647372`, -0.0778365212048926], {5, 16} -> + Complex[-0.0009452962128001213, 1.849867090669304*^-6], { + 5, 17} -> Complex[ + 0.01942284716938378, 0.09330760721542969], {5, 18} -> + Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, 0.003888044555498485], {5, + 19} -> + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, \ +-1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {5, 20} -> + Complex[0.019669123004374556`, 0.], {5, 21} -> + Complex[-0.009768833833459008, -0.09670511030136167], {5, + 22} -> Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, + 7.28006620191595*^-19], {5, 23} -> + Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], { + 5, 24} -> Complex[ + 1.6727401305043305`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.009673644515389308, -0.09494936515397917], {6, + 8} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, + 0.1924766868815898], {6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.03773674551714698, -0.19081560591987778`], {6, + 10} -> Complex[ + 0.02663444581864737, -0.2712467197992639], {6, 11} -> + Complex[ + 0.000017636699472639164`, -0.0001238377339745129], {6, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.8470224364690492, -0.18831811550385083`], {6, 13} -> + Complex[ + 0.000017636699472639164`, -0.0001238377339745129], {6, + 14} -> Complex[ + 0.8470224364690492, -0.18831811550385083`], {6, 15} -> + Complex[-0.03773674551714698, -0.19081560591987778`], {6, + 16} -> Complex[ + 0.02663444581864737, -0.2712467197992639], {6, 17} -> + Complex[-0.009673644515389308, -0.09494936515397917], {6, + 18} -> Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, + 0.1924766868815898], {6, 19} -> + Complex[0.9803308769956256, 0.], {6, 20} -> + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, + 1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {6, 21} -> + Complex[0.00006578280908219793, 4.254244153408405*^-17], { + 6, 22} -> Complex[ + 0.00976883383345901, -0.09670511030136163], {6, 23} -> + Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], {6, + 24} -> Complex[-0.009916907974532265, + 0.09883807384038253], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.03895158675127773, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[-0.051397296777308234`, 0.01859492038010707], {7, + 10} -> Complex[-0.05378013717194569, + 0.0004103023339935032], {7, 11} -> + Complex[-0.0007781305712618784, -0.01090395795893278], {7, + 12} -> + Complex[-0.05329448030995345, -0.16271619670523418`], {7, + 13} -> Complex[-0.0007781305712618784, \ +-0.01090395795893278], {7, 14} -> + Complex[-0.05329448030995345, -0.16271619670523418`], {7, + 15} -> Complex[-0.051397296777308234`, + 0.01859492038010707], {7, 16} -> + Complex[-0.05378013717194569, 0.0004103023339935032], {7, + 17} -> Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, \ +-2.648859758904743*^-18], {7, 18} -> + Complex[0.03895158675127773, 0.], {7, 19} -> + Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, -0.1924766868815898], {7, + 20} -> Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, \ +-0.003888044555498485], {7, 21} -> + Complex[-0.01885591810241921, 0.00450579754225058], {7, + 22} -> Complex[-0.019179268175876747`, + 0.0000390632327097088], {7, 23} -> + Complex[0.03920689940953653, 0.], {7, 24} -> + Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, 0.002613753063531294], {8, + 9} -> Complex[ + 0.05379673174522864, 0.0007416401460346826], {8, 10} -> + Complex[0.05139730785671253, 0.018926590336789572`], {8, + 11} -> Complex[ + 0.05327787465726625, -0.2618852763713944], {8, 12} -> + Complex[-0.00915537197655327, -0.10974136766841047`], {8, + 13} -> Complex[ + 0.05327787465726625, -0.2618852763713944], {8, 14} -> + Complex[-0.00915537197655327, -0.10974136766841047`], {8, + 15} -> Complex[ + 0.05379673174522864, 0.0007416401460346826], {8, 16} -> + Complex[0.05139730785671253, 0.018926590336789572`], {8, + 17} -> Complex[0.9610484132487226, 0.], {8, 18} -> + Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, + 2.648859758904743*^-18], {8, 19} -> + Complex[-0.009673644515389308, 0.09494936515397917], {8, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.01942284716938378, -0.09330760721542969], {8, 21} -> + Complex[0.019195862749159683`, -0.0002922745793314728], { + 8, 22} -> Complex[ + 0.0188559291818235, 0.004174127585568078], {8, 23} -> + Complex[0.9411238678566561, 0.19341019859437134`], {8, + 24} -> Complex[ + 0.0002620773276979446, -0.002603237866672337], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.1547318858265081, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.004784170182671576, -2.079127072330406*^-17], { + 9, 12} -> Complex[ + 0.07261962399452813, 0.21892155188592954`], {9, 13} -> + Complex[-0.004784170182671576, -2.079127072330406*^-17], { + 9, 14} -> Complex[ + 0.07261962399452813, 0.21892155188592954`], {9, 15} -> + Complex[4.163336342344337*^-17, 6.938893903907228*^-18], { + 9, 16} -> Complex[0.1547318858265081, 0.], {9, 17} -> + Complex[0.05139730785671253, -0.018926590336789572`], {9, + 18} -> Complex[-0.05378013717194569, \ +-0.0004103023339935032], {9, 19} -> + Complex[0.02663444581864737, 0.2712467197992639], {9, 20} -> + Complex[-0.0009452962128001213, -1.849867090669304*^-6], { + 9, 21} -> + Complex[-0.000017636699472665246`, \ +-0.00012383773397450998`], {9, 22} -> + Complex[0.05515660930576866, 0.00012490783968316095`], {9, + 23} -> Complex[ + 7.894016335854154*^-6, -0.008602132075960674], {9, 24} -> + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, + 1.5178830414797064`*^-18], {10, 11} -> + Complex[-0.07261962399452816, 0.21892155188592985`], {10, + 12} -> Complex[ + 0.004784170182671579, -2.7273105648872874`*^-16], {10, + 13} -> Complex[-0.07261962399452816, + 0.21892155188592985`], {10, 14} -> + Complex[ + 0.004784170182671579, -2.7273105648872874`*^-16], {10, + 15} -> Complex[0.8452681141734937, 0.], {10, 16} -> + Complex[ + 4.163336342344337*^-17, -6.938893903907228*^-18], {10, + 17} -> Complex[ + 0.05379673174522864, -0.0007416401460346826], {10, 18} -> + Complex[-0.051397296777308234`, -0.01859492038010707], { + 10, 19} -> + Complex[-0.03773674551714698, 0.19081560591987778`], {10, + 20} -> Complex[-0.026634445818647372`, + 0.0778365212048926], {10, 21} -> + Complex[0.8470224364690501, 0.1883181155038509], {10, 22} -> + Complex[ + 0.000016933675279148797`, -0.00012383773397451302`], {10, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.0012981885381123139`, -0.008523700770098444], {10, 24} -> + Complex[0.7859004070182107, 0.2609534572619835], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.8452681141734925, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-2.901596064114331*^-17, \ +-1.0211829212097848`*^-17], {11, 14} -> + Complex[0.8452681141734925, 0.], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.004784170182671579, 2.7273105648872874`*^-16], { + 11, 16} -> + Complex[0.07261962399452813, -0.21892155188592954`], {11, + 17} -> Complex[-0.00915537197655327, + 0.10974136766841047`], {11, 18} -> + Complex[-0.05329448030995345, 0.16271619670523418`], {11, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.8470224364690492, 0.18831811550385083`], {11, 20} -> + Complex[-0.00001693367527912708, 0.0001238377339745108], { + 11, 21} -> + Complex[-0.03773674551714702, 0.190815605919878], {11, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.026634445818647358`, -0.0778365212048925], {11, 23} -> + Complex[-0.08472202645669408, 0.26947715803208194`], {11, + 24} -> Complex[-0.08342383791858181, + 0.26963368038096003`], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.15473188582650818`, 0.], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-2.901596064114331*^-17, + 1.0211829212097848`*^-17], {12, 15} -> + Complex[-0.07261962399452816, -0.21892155188592985`], {12, + 16} -> Complex[-0.004784170182671576, + 2.079127072330406*^-17], {12, 17} -> + Complex[0.05327787465726625, 0.2618852763713944], {12, + 18} -> Complex[-0.0007781305712618784, + 0.01090395795893278], {12, 19} -> + Complex[ + 0.000017636699472639164`, 0.0001238377339745129], {12, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.05515660930576871, 0.00012490783968316282`], {12, 21} -> + Complex[-0.026634445818647365`, -0.271246719799264], {12, + 22} -> Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, \ +-1.8498670906598045`*^-6], {12, 23} -> + Complex[-0.0013060825544481437`, 0.27807929010804266`], { + 12, 24} -> + Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, -0.27807929010804266`], { + 13, 14} -> Complex[0.8452681141734925, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[0.004784170182671579, 2.7273105648872874`*^-16], { + 13, 16} -> + Complex[0.07261962399452813, -0.21892155188592954`], {13, + 17} -> Complex[-0.00915537197655327, + 0.10974136766841047`], {13, 18} -> + Complex[-0.05329448030995345, 0.16271619670523418`], {13, + 19} -> Complex[ + 0.8470224364690492, 0.18831811550385083`], {13, 20} -> + Complex[-0.00001693367527912708, 0.0001238377339745108], { + 13, 21} -> + Complex[-0.03773674551714702, 0.190815605919878], {13, + 22} -> Complex[ + 0.026634445818647358`, -0.0778365212048925], {13, 23} -> + Complex[-0.08472202645669408, 0.26947715803208194`], {13, + 24} -> Complex[-0.08342383791858181, + 0.26963368038096003`], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.07261962399452816, -0.21892155188592985`], {14, + 16} -> Complex[-0.004784170182671576, + 2.079127072330406*^-17], {14, 17} -> + Complex[0.05327787465726625, 0.2618852763713944], {14, + 18} -> Complex[-0.0007781305712618784, + 0.01090395795893278], {14, 19} -> + Complex[ + 0.000017636699472639164`, 0.0001238377339745129], {14, + 20} -> Complex[ + 0.05515660930576871, 0.00012490783968316282`], {14, 21} -> + Complex[-0.026634445818647365`, -0.271246719799264], {14, + 22} -> Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, \ +-1.8498670906598045`*^-6], {14, 23} -> + Complex[-0.0013060825544481437`, 0.27807929010804266`], { + 14, 24} -> + Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, -0.27807929010804266`], { + 15, 16} -> Complex[0.1547318858265081, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[0.05139730785671253, -0.018926590336789572`], {15, + 18} -> + Complex[-0.05378013717194569, -0.0004103023339935032], { + 15, 19} -> + Complex[0.02663444581864737, 0.2712467197992639], {15, + 20} -> Complex[-0.0009452962128001213, \ +-1.849867090669304*^-6], {15, 21} -> + Complex[-0.000017636699472665246`, \ +-0.00012383773397450998`], {15, 22} -> + Complex[0.05515660930576866, 0.00012490783968316095`], { + 15, 23} -> + Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, -0.008602132075960674], { + 15, 24} -> + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, + 1.5178830414797064`*^-18], {16, 17} -> + Complex[0.05379673174522864, -0.0007416401460346826], {16, + 18} -> + Complex[-0.051397296777308234`, -0.01859492038010707], { + 16, 19} -> + Complex[-0.03773674551714698, 0.19081560591987778`], {16, + 20} -> Complex[-0.026634445818647372`, + 0.0778365212048926], {16, 21} -> + Complex[0.8470224364690501, 0.1883181155038509], {16, 22} -> + Complex[ + 0.000016933675279148797`, -0.00012383773397451302`], {16, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.0012981885381123139`, -0.008523700770098444], {16, 24} -> + Complex[0.7859004070182107, 0.2609534572619835], {17, 18} -> + Complex[0.03895158675127773, 0.], {17, 19} -> + Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, -0.1924766868815898], {17, + 20} -> + Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, -0.003888044555498485], { + 17, 21} -> + Complex[-0.01885591810241921, 0.00450579754225058], {17, + 22} -> Complex[-0.019179268175876747`, + 0.0000390632327097088], {17, 23} -> + Complex[0.03920689940953653, 0.], {17, 24} -> + Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, 0.002613753063531294], {18, + 19} -> Complex[-0.009673644515389308, + 0.09494936515397917], {18, 20} -> + Complex[0.01942284716938378, -0.09330760721542969], {18, + 21} -> Complex[ + 0.019195862749159683`, -0.0002922745793314728], {18, 22} -> + Complex[0.0188559291818235, 0.004174127585568078], {18, + 23} -> Complex[ + 0.9411238678566561, 0.19341019859437134`], {18, 24} -> + Complex[0.0002620773276979446, -0.002603237866672337], { + 19, 20} -> Complex[0.019669123004374556`, 0.], {19, 21} -> + Complex[-0.009768833833459008, -0.09670511030136167], {19, + 22} -> Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, + 7.28006620191595*^-19], {19, 23} -> + Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], { + 19, 24} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], { + 20, 21} -> + Complex[0.00006578280908219793, 4.254244153408405*^-17], { + 20, 22} -> + Complex[0.00976883383345901, -0.09670511030136163], {20, + 23} -> Complex[-0.009933502547815196, + 0.09883740970947764], {20, 24} -> + Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], {21, + 22} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {21, 23} -> + Complex[ + 1.1079404294454619`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {21, + 24} -> Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, + 2.241454781417565*^-19], {22, 23} -> + Complex[ + 0.000016594573282932862`, -0.0003313378120411798], {22, + 24} -> Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646]}, + + Antisymmetric[{1, 2}]}]], Selectable -> False, Editable -> + False, SelectWithContents -> True], "SummaryItem"]}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaseStyle -> { + ShowStringCharacters -> False, NumberMarks -> False, + PrintPrecision -> 3, ShowSyntaxStyles -> False}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, + AutoDelete -> False, + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + BaselinePosition -> {1, 1}]}, + Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], ImageSize -> Automatic]}, + "SummaryPanel"], + DynamicModuleValues:>{}], "]"}], + Q3`WickState[{ + $CellContext`c[1, 3, 0], + $CellContext`c[1, 1, 0], + $CellContext`c[2, 3, 1], + $CellContext`c[2, 3, 0], + $CellContext`c[2, 2, 1], + $CellContext`c[2, 2, 0], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 1], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 0], + $CellContext`c[4, 3, 1], + $CellContext`c[4, 3, 0], + $CellContext`c[4, 2, 0], + $CellContext`c[4, 2, 1], + $CellContext`c[4, 2, 0], + $CellContext`c[4, 2, 1], + $CellContext`c[4, 3, 1], + $CellContext`c[4, 3, 0], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 1], + $CellContext`c[3, 1, 0], + $CellContext`c[2, 2, 1], + $CellContext`c[2, 2, 0], + $CellContext`c[2, 3, 1], + $CellContext`c[2, 3, 0], + $CellContext`c[1, 1, 1], + $CellContext`c[1, 3, 1]}, {{ + SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, { + 1, {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}}}, {1, 1, 1, 1}}], SparseArray[ + Automatic, {4, 4}, 0, {1, {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {}}, {}}]}, {{{ + Complex[0.9850706849009015, 0.09916907966616015], + Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], + Complex[0.00001659457328293116, -0.0003313378120411801], + Complex[-1.1079404292417905`*^-8, 3.319862635394647*^-7]}, { + Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], + Complex[0.975137171273682, 0.09850607189743646], + Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], + Complex[0.000016594573282935792`, -0.0003313378120411798]}, { + Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, -0.0003313378120411798], + Complex[-0.009916907974532263, 0.09883807384038251], + Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], + Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947762]}, { + Complex[-1.1079404292422815`*^-8, 3.319862635394833*^-7], + Complex[0.000016594573282933133`, -0.0003313378120411798], + Complex[-0.009933502547815193, 0.09883740970947763], + Complex[0.9850706849009013, 0.09916907966616012]}}, {{ + Complex[0.009950108200502423, 2.5290913197495187`*^-22], + Complex[-0.000016605652687225092`, 0.09916907966616013], + Complex[1.1079404289255494`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825005], + Complex[8.92745146730816*^-21, 3.3214464132095874`*^-7]}, { + Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], + Complex[1.1079404291230823`*^-8, 4.433254424948396*^-21], + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], + Complex[-1.1079404289878503`*^-8, -0.00033166995668250094`]}, { + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], + Complex[1.1579790325831189`*^-18, -0.09916907966616013], + Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], + Complex[0.000016605652687226302`, 0.0991690796661601]}, { + Complex[-9.943302374432365*^-21, -3.3214464132085736`*^-7], + Complex[-1.1079404291781963`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825007], + Complex[0.000016605652687224523`, -0.0991690796661601], + Complex[-0.00995010820050242, 2.083853062282483*^-19]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.9411238678566561, 0.19341019859437134`], + Complex[-0.038944119057645055`, 0.19079644553084002`], + Complex[0.0002620773276979446, -0.002603237866672337], + Complex[-7.030241935192683*^-7, 0.000010495059269479881`]}, { + Complex[-0.038944119057645055`, 0.19079644553084002`], + Complex[0.9021790457748177, 0.18819320766416767`], + Complex[-0.03868204172994712, 0.19081745578696852`], + Complex[0.00026207732769795156`, -0.0026032378666723355`]}, { + Complex[0.00026207732769795156`, -0.002603237866672336], + Complex[-0.0386820417299471, 0.1908174557869685], + Complex[0.9021790457748181, 0.1881932076641677], + Complex[-0.03894411905764505, 0.19079644553083996`]}, { + Complex[-7.030241935192954*^-7, 0.000010495059269479117`], + Complex[0.0002620773276979446, -0.0026032378666723363`], + Complex[-0.03894411905764505, 0.19079644553084002`], + Complex[0.9411238678566558, 0.19341019859437122`]}}, {{ + Complex[0.03920689940953653, 0.], + Complex[-0.00026278035189146974`, 0.1934101985943713], + Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, -0.002613753063531294], + Complex[8.131516293641283*^-20, 0.000010515196858958871`]}, { + Complex[-0.0002627803518914715, -0.1934101985943714], + Complex[7.030241935184217*^-7, 4.353749348887104*^-19], + Complex[5.204170427930421*^-18, 0.19341019859437136`], + Complex[-7.030241935147147*^-7, -0.002613753063531294]}, { + Complex[7.030241935285925*^-7, 0.0026137530635312943`], + Complex[5.204170427930421*^-18, -0.1934101985943713], + Complex[-7.030241935355314*^-7, -6.505213034913027*^-19], + Complex[0.000262780351891468, 0.19341019859437125`]}, { + Complex[-8.131516293641283*^-20, -0.000010515196858957876`], + Complex[-7.030241935164494*^-7, 0.002613753063531293], + Complex[0.00026278035189146454`, -0.19341019859437125`], + Complex[-0.039206899409536505`, 8.673617379884035*^-19]}}}, {{{ + Complex[0.8706303274912398, 0.2780792901080426], + Complex[-0.08472202645669408, 0.2694771580320819], + Complex[0.0012981885381122965`, -0.008523700770098449], + Complex[-7.894016335830301*^-6, 0.00007809104301577483]}, { + Complex[-0.08472202645669408, 0.26947715803208194`], + Complex[0.78590040701821, 0.26095345726198343`], + Complex[-0.08342383791858181, 0.26963368038096003`], + Complex[0.0012981885381123139`, -0.008523700770098444]}, { + Complex[0.0012981885381123139`, -0.008523700770098444], + Complex[-0.08342383791858178, 0.26963368038096], + Complex[0.7859004070182107, 0.2609534572619835], + Complex[-0.08472202645669409, 0.26947715803208183`]}, { + Complex[-7.894016335830356*^-6, 0.00007809104301577258], + Complex[0.001298188538112293, -0.008523700770098444], + Complex[-0.08472202645669406, 0.2694771580320819], + Complex[0.8706303274912393, 0.2780792901080424]}}, {{ + Complex[0.08602810901114225, 1.734723475976807*^-18], + Complex[-0.0013060825544481472`, 0.2780792901080425], + Complex[7.894016335826398*^-6, -0.008602132075960674], + Complex[2.168404344971009*^-19, 0.00007843130586223016]}, { + Complex[-0.0013060825544481437`, -0.27807929010804266`], + Complex[7.894016335827523*^-6, 1.853308088592409*^-18], + Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, 0.27807929010804266`], + Complex[-7.894016335826398*^-6, -0.008602132075960672]}, { + Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, 0.008602132075960674], + Complex[3.469446951953614*^-18, -0.2780792901080426], + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797064`*^-18], + Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, 0.2780792901080425]}, { + Complex[-3.252606517456514*^-19, -0.00007843130586222762], + Complex[-7.894016335826398*^-6, 0.00860213207596067], + Complex[0.0013060825544481298`, -0.2780792901080425], + Complex[-0.08602810901114219, 1.734723475976807*^-18]}}}}, + SymmetrizedArray[ + StructuredArray`StructuredData[{24, + 24}, {{{1, 3} -> + Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 4} -> + Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], {1, 5} -> + Complex[-0.009916907974532265, -0.09883807384038253], {1, 6} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 7} -> + Complex[0.0002620773276979446, 0.002603237866672337], {1, 8} -> + Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, -0.002613753063531294], {1, 9} -> + Complex[0.7859004070182107, -0.2609534572619835], {1, 10} -> + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797064`*^-18], {1, 11} -> + Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, 0.27807929010804266`], {1, 12} -> + Complex[-0.08342383791858181, -0.26963368038096003`], {1, 13} -> + Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, 0.27807929010804266`], {1, 14} -> + Complex[-0.08342383791858181, -0.26963368038096003`], {1, 15} -> + Complex[0.7859004070182107, -0.2609534572619835], {1, 16} -> + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, -1.5178830414797064`*^-18], {1, 17} -> + Complex[0.0002620773276979446, 0.002603237866672337], {1, 18} -> + Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, -0.002613753063531294], {1, 19} -> + Complex[-0.009916907974532265, -0.09883807384038253], {1, 20} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, 0.09916907966616016], {1, 21} -> + Complex[0.9751371712736823, -0.09850607189743646], {1, 22} -> + Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, -2.241454781417565*^-19], {1, 24} -> + 1, {2, 3} -> + Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 4} -> + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 5} -> + Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, 6} -> + Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], {2, 7} -> + Complex[0.9411238678566561, -0.19341019859437134`], {2, 8} -> + Complex[0.03920689940953653, 0.], {2, 9} -> + Complex[0.0012981885381123139`, 0.008523700770098444], {2, 10} -> + Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, 0.008602132075960674], {2, 11} -> + Complex[-0.0013060825544481437`, -0.27807929010804266`], {2, 12} -> + Complex[-0.08472202645669408, -0.26947715803208194`], {2, 13} -> + Complex[-0.0013060825544481437`, -0.27807929010804266`], {2, 14} -> + Complex[-0.08472202645669408, -0.26947715803208194`], {2, 15} -> + Complex[0.0012981885381123139`, 0.008523700770098444], {2, 16} -> + Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, 0.008602132075960674], {2, 17} -> + Complex[0.9411238678566561, -0.19341019859437134`], {2, 18} -> + Complex[0.03920689940953653, 0.], {2, 19} -> + Complex[-0.009933502547815196, -0.09883740970947764], {2, 20} -> + Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, -0.09916907966616018], {2, 21} -> + Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, 0.0003313378120411798], {2, 22} -> + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, 0.0003316699566825008], {2, 23} -> + 1, {3, 4} -> Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 5} -> + Complex[0.00976883383345901, 0.09670511030136163], {3, 6} -> + Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, -7.28006620191595*^-19], {3, 7} -> + Complex[0.0188559291818235, -0.004174127585568078], {3, 8} -> + Complex[-0.019179268175876747`, -0.0000390632327097088], {3, 9} -> + Complex[0.000016933675279148797`, 0.00012383773397451302`], {3, 10} -> + Complex[0.05515660930576866, -0.00012490783968316095`], {3, 11} -> + Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, 1.8498670906598045`*^-6], {3, 12} -> + Complex[0.026634445818647358`, 0.0778365212048925], {3, 13} -> + Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, 1.8498670906598045`*^-6], {3, 14} -> + Complex[0.026634445818647358`, 0.0778365212048925], {3, 15} -> + Complex[0.000016933675279148797`, 0.00012383773397451302`], {3, 16} -> + Complex[0.05515660930576866, -0.00012490783968316095`], {3, 17} -> + Complex[0.0188559291818235, -0.004174127585568078], {3, 18} -> + Complex[-0.019179268175876747`, -0.0000390632327097088], {3, 19} -> + Complex[0.00976883383345901, 0.09670511030136163], {3, 20} -> + Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, -7.28006620191595*^-19], {3, 21} -> + Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, -4.336808689942018*^-19], {3, 22} -> + Complex[0.01966912300437454, 0.], {3, 23} -> + Complex[1.1079404294454619`*^-8, -0.0003316699566825008], {3, 24} -> + Complex[-1.107940429399415*^-8, 2.241454781417565*^-19], {4, 5} -> + Complex[0.00006578280908219793, -4.254244153408405*^-17], {4, 6} -> + Complex[-0.009768833833459008, 0.09670511030136167], {4, 7} -> + Complex[0.019195862749159683`, 0.0002922745793314728], {4, 8} -> + Complex[-0.01885591810241921, -0.00450579754225058], {4, 9} -> + Complex[0.8470224364690501, -0.1883181155038509], {4, 10} -> + Complex[-0.000017636699472665246`, 0.00012383773397450998`], {4, 11} -> + Complex[-0.026634445818647365`, 0.271246719799264], {4, 12} -> + Complex[-0.03773674551714702, -0.190815605919878], {4, 13} -> + Complex[-0.026634445818647365`, 0.271246719799264], {4, 14} -> + Complex[-0.03773674551714702, -0.190815605919878], {4, 15} -> + Complex[0.8470224364690501, -0.1883181155038509], {4, 16} -> + Complex[-0.000017636699472665246`, 0.00012383773397450998`], {4, 17} -> + Complex[0.019195862749159683`, 0.0002922745793314728], {4, 18} -> + Complex[-0.01885591810241921, -0.00450579754225058], {4, 19} -> + Complex[0.00006578280908219793, -4.254244153408405*^-17], {4, 20} -> + Complex[-0.009768833833459008, 0.09670511030136167], {4, 21} -> + Complex[0.980330876995626, 0.], {4, 22} -> + Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, 4.336808689942018*^-19], {4, 23} -> + Complex[0.000016594573282932862`, -0.0003313378120411798], {4, 24} -> + Complex[0.9751371712736823, 0.09850607189743646], {5, 6} -> + Complex[0.019669123004374556`, 0.], {5, 7} -> + Complex[0.01942284716938378, 0.09330760721542969], {5, 8} -> + Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, 0.003888044555498485], {5, 9} -> + Complex[-0.026634445818647372`, -0.0778365212048926], {5, 10} -> + Complex[-0.0009452962128001213, 1.849867090669304*^-6], {5, 11} -> + Complex[0.05515660930576871, -0.00012490783968316282`], {5, 12} -> + Complex[-0.00001693367527912708, -0.0001238377339745108], {5, 13} -> + Complex[0.05515660930576871, -0.00012490783968316282`], {5, 14} -> + Complex[-0.00001693367527912708, -0.0001238377339745108], {5, 15} -> + Complex[-0.026634445818647372`, -0.0778365212048926], {5, 16} -> + Complex[-0.0009452962128001213, 1.849867090669304*^-6], {5, 17} -> + Complex[0.01942284716938378, 0.09330760721542969], {5, 18} -> + Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, 0.003888044555498485], {5, 19} -> + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, -1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {5, 20} -> + Complex[0.019669123004374556`, 0.], {5, 21} -> + Complex[-0.009768833833459008, -0.09670511030136167], {5, 22} -> + Complex[-0.00006578280908219912, 7.28006620191595*^-19], {5, 23} -> + Complex[-0.000016605652687225828`, 0.09916907966616018], {5, 24} -> + Complex[1.6727401305043305`*^-18, -0.09916907966616016], {6, 7} -> + Complex[-0.009673644515389308, -0.09494936515397917], {6, 8} -> + Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, 0.1924766868815898], {6, 9} -> + Complex[-0.03773674551714698, -0.19081560591987778`], {6, 10} -> + Complex[0.02663444581864737, -0.2712467197992639], {6, 11} -> + Complex[0.000017636699472639164`, -0.0001238377339745129], {6, 12} -> + Complex[0.8470224364690492, -0.18831811550385083`], {6, 13} -> + Complex[0.000017636699472639164`, -0.0001238377339745129], {6, 14} -> + Complex[0.8470224364690492, -0.18831811550385083`], {6, 15} -> + Complex[-0.03773674551714698, -0.19081560591987778`], {6, 16} -> + Complex[0.02663444581864737, -0.2712467197992639], {6, 17} -> + Complex[-0.009673644515389308, -0.09494936515397917], {6, 18} -> + Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, 0.1924766868815898], {6, 19} -> + Complex[0.9803308769956256, 0.], {6, 20} -> + Complex[-1.552346694521116*^-18, 1.2661074609920407`*^-19], {6, 21} -> + Complex[0.00006578280908219793, 4.254244153408405*^-17], {6, 22} -> + Complex[0.00976883383345901, -0.09670511030136163], {6, 23} -> + Complex[-0.009933502547815196, 0.09883740970947764], {6, 24} -> + Complex[-0.009916907974532265, 0.09883807384038253], {7, 8} -> + Complex[0.03895158675127773, 0.], {7, 9} -> + Complex[-0.051397296777308234`, 0.01859492038010707], {7, 10} -> + Complex[-0.05378013717194569, 0.0004103023339935032], {7, 11} -> + Complex[-0.0007781305712618784, -0.01090395795893278], {7, 12} -> + Complex[-0.05329448030995345, -0.16271619670523418`], {7, 13} -> + Complex[-0.0007781305712618784, -0.01090395795893278], {7, 14} -> + Complex[-0.05329448030995345, -0.16271619670523418`], {7, 15} -> + Complex[-0.051397296777308234`, 0.01859492038010707], {7, 16} -> + Complex[-0.05378013717194569, 0.0004103023339935032], {7, 17} -> + Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, -2.648859758904743*^-18], {7, 18} -> + Complex[0.03895158675127773, 0.], {7, 19} -> + Complex[-0.019439452822070994`, -0.1924766868815898], {7, 20} -> + Complex[-0.0002598580324258793, -0.003888044555498485], {7, 21} -> + Complex[-0.01885591810241921, 0.00450579754225058], {7, 22} -> + Complex[-0.019179268175876747`, 0.0000390632327097088], {7, 23} -> + Complex[0.03920689940953653, 0.], {7, 24} -> + Complex[7.0302419351298*^-7, 0.002613753063531294], {8, 9} -> + Complex[0.05379673174522864, 0.0007416401460346826], {8, 10} -> + Complex[0.05139730785671253, 0.018926590336789572`], {8, 11} -> + Complex[0.05327787465726625, -0.2618852763713944], {8, 12} -> + Complex[-0.00915537197655327, -0.10974136766841047`], {8, 13} -> + Complex[0.05327787465726625, -0.2618852763713944], {8, 14} -> + Complex[-0.00915537197655327, -0.10974136766841047`], {8, 15} -> + Complex[0.05379673174522864, 0.0007416401460346826], {8, 16} -> + Complex[0.05139730785671253, 0.018926590336789572`], {8, 17} -> + Complex[0.9610484132487226, 0.], {8, 18} -> + Complex[-4.787980228365168*^-18, 2.648859758904743*^-18], {8, 19} -> + Complex[-0.009673644515389308, 0.09494936515397917], {8, 20} -> + Complex[0.01942284716938378, -0.09330760721542969], {8, 21} -> + Complex[0.019195862749159683`, -0.0002922745793314728], {8, 22} -> + Complex[0.0188559291818235, 0.004174127585568078], {8, 23} -> + Complex[0.9411238678566561, 0.19341019859437134`], {8, 24} -> + Complex[0.0002620773276979446, -0.002603237866672337], {9, 10} -> + Complex[0.1547318858265081, 0.], {9, 11} -> + Complex[-0.004784170182671576, -2.079127072330406*^-17], {9, 12} -> + Complex[0.07261962399452813, 0.21892155188592954`], {9, 13} -> + Complex[-0.004784170182671576, -2.079127072330406*^-17], {9, 14} -> + Complex[0.07261962399452813, 0.21892155188592954`], {9, 15} -> + Complex[4.163336342344337*^-17, 6.938893903907228*^-18], {9, 16} -> + Complex[0.1547318858265081, 0.], {9, 17} -> + Complex[0.05139730785671253, -0.018926590336789572`], {9, 18} -> + Complex[-0.05378013717194569, -0.0004103023339935032], {9, 19} -> + Complex[0.02663444581864737, 0.2712467197992639], {9, 20} -> + Complex[-0.0009452962128001213, -1.849867090669304*^-6], {9, 21} -> + Complex[-0.000017636699472665246`, -0.00012383773397450998`], {9, 22} -> + Complex[0.05515660930576866, 0.00012490783968316095`], {9, 23} -> + Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, -0.008602132075960674], {9, 24} -> + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, 1.5178830414797064`*^-18], {10, 11} -> + Complex[-0.07261962399452816, 0.21892155188592985`], {10, 12} -> + Complex[0.004784170182671579, -2.7273105648872874`*^-16], {10, 13} -> + Complex[-0.07261962399452816, 0.21892155188592985`], {10, 14} -> + Complex[0.004784170182671579, -2.7273105648872874`*^-16], {10, 15} -> + Complex[0.8452681141734937, 0.], {10, 16} -> + Complex[4.163336342344337*^-17, -6.938893903907228*^-18], {10, 17} -> + Complex[0.05379673174522864, -0.0007416401460346826], {10, 18} -> + Complex[-0.051397296777308234`, -0.01859492038010707], {10, 19} -> + Complex[-0.03773674551714698, 0.19081560591987778`], {10, 20} -> + Complex[-0.026634445818647372`, 0.0778365212048926], {10, 21} -> + Complex[0.8470224364690501, 0.1883181155038509], {10, 22} -> + Complex[0.000016933675279148797`, -0.00012383773397451302`], {10, 23} -> + Complex[0.0012981885381123139`, -0.008523700770098444], {10, 24} -> + Complex[0.7859004070182107, 0.2609534572619835], {11, 12} -> + Complex[0.8452681141734925, 0.], {11, 13} -> + Complex[-2.901596064114331*^-17, -1.0211829212097848`*^-17], {11, 14} -> + Complex[0.8452681141734925, 0.], {11, 15} -> + Complex[0.004784170182671579, 2.7273105648872874`*^-16], {11, 16} -> + Complex[0.07261962399452813, -0.21892155188592954`], {11, 17} -> + Complex[-0.00915537197655327, 0.10974136766841047`], {11, 18} -> + Complex[-0.05329448030995345, 0.16271619670523418`], {11, 19} -> + Complex[0.8470224364690492, 0.18831811550385083`], {11, 20} -> + Complex[-0.00001693367527912708, 0.0001238377339745108], {11, 21} -> + Complex[-0.03773674551714702, 0.190815605919878], {11, 22} -> + Complex[0.026634445818647358`, -0.0778365212048925], {11, 23} -> + Complex[-0.08472202645669408, 0.26947715803208194`], {11, 24} -> + Complex[-0.08342383791858181, 0.26963368038096003`], {12, 13} -> + Complex[0.15473188582650818`, 0.], {12, 14} -> + Complex[-2.901596064114331*^-17, 1.0211829212097848`*^-17], {12, 15} -> + Complex[-0.07261962399452816, -0.21892155188592985`], {12, 16} -> + Complex[-0.004784170182671576, 2.079127072330406*^-17], {12, 17} -> + Complex[0.05327787465726625, 0.2618852763713944], {12, 18} -> + Complex[-0.0007781305712618784, 0.01090395795893278], {12, 19} -> + Complex[0.000017636699472639164`, 0.0001238377339745129], {12, 20} -> + Complex[0.05515660930576871, 0.00012490783968316282`], {12, 21} -> + Complex[-0.026634445818647365`, -0.271246719799264], {12, 22} -> + Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, -1.8498670906598045`*^-6], {12, 23} -> + Complex[-0.0013060825544481437`, 0.27807929010804266`], {12, 24} -> + Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, -0.27807929010804266`], {13, 14} -> + Complex[0.8452681141734925, 0.], {13, 15} -> + Complex[0.004784170182671579, 2.7273105648872874`*^-16], {13, 16} -> + Complex[0.07261962399452813, -0.21892155188592954`], {13, 17} -> + Complex[-0.00915537197655327, 0.10974136766841047`], {13, 18} -> + Complex[-0.05329448030995345, 0.16271619670523418`], {13, 19} -> + Complex[0.8470224364690492, 0.18831811550385083`], {13, 20} -> + Complex[-0.00001693367527912708, 0.0001238377339745108], {13, 21} -> + Complex[-0.03773674551714702, 0.190815605919878], {13, 22} -> + Complex[0.026634445818647358`, -0.0778365212048925], {13, 23} -> + Complex[-0.08472202645669408, 0.26947715803208194`], {13, 24} -> + Complex[-0.08342383791858181, 0.26963368038096003`], {14, 15} -> + Complex[-0.07261962399452816, -0.21892155188592985`], {14, 16} -> + Complex[-0.004784170182671576, 2.079127072330406*^-17], {14, 17} -> + Complex[0.05327787465726625, 0.2618852763713944], {14, 18} -> + Complex[-0.0007781305712618784, 0.01090395795893278], {14, 19} -> + Complex[0.000017636699472639164`, 0.0001238377339745129], {14, 20} -> + Complex[0.05515660930576871, 0.00012490783968316282`], {14, 21} -> + Complex[-0.026634445818647365`, -0.271246719799264], {14, 22} -> + Complex[-0.0009452962128001206, -1.8498670906598045`*^-6], {14, 23} -> + Complex[-0.0013060825544481437`, 0.27807929010804266`], {14, 24} -> + Complex[6.938893903907228*^-18, -0.27807929010804266`], {15, 16} -> + Complex[0.1547318858265081, 0.], {15, 17} -> + Complex[0.05139730785671253, -0.018926590336789572`], {15, 18} -> + Complex[-0.05378013717194569, -0.0004103023339935032], {15, 19} -> + Complex[0.02663444581864737, 0.2712467197992639], {15, 20} -> + Complex[-0.0009452962128001213, -1.849867090669304*^-6], {15, 21} -> + Complex[-0.000017636699472665246`, -0.00012383773397450998`], {15, 22} -> + Complex[0.05515660930576866, 0.00012490783968316095`], {15, 23} -> + Complex[7.894016335854154*^-6, -0.008602132075960674], {15, 24} -> + Complex[-7.89401633587497*^-6, 1.5178830414797064`*^-18], {16, 17} -> + Complex[0.05379673174522864, -0.0007416401460346826], {16, 18} -> + Complex[-0.051397296777308234`, -0.01859492038010707], {16, 19} -> + Complex[-0.03773674551714698, 0.19081560591987778`], {16, 20} -> + Complex[-0.026634445818647372`, 0.0778365212048926], {16, 21} -> + Complex[0.8470224364690501, 0.1883181155038509], {16, 22} -> + Complex[0.000016933675279148797`, -0.00012383773397451302`], {16, 23} -> + 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CellID->413154735], -Cell[47662, 1444, 1728, 52, 40, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"bc9a2687-f849-434b-90fb-3a6765771879", - CellID->1077000394] +Cell[46942, 1418, 720, 24, 37, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a04a8062-ec64-457b-9a5f-8d7c9055cdb0", + CellID->1982145023], +Cell[47665, 1444, 1728, 52, 40, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"97feb138-037b-46ae-8afc-628dd6fc9be4", + CellID->2145069297] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[49427, 1501, 496, 14, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2d819bab-a2a4-4da4-b14a-5ec5c4b6e901", +Cell[49430, 1501, 496, 14, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2d819bab-a2a4-4da4-b14a-5ec5c4b6e901", CellID->2106863009], -Cell[49926, 1517, 7582, 131, 57, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"766a8ba8-ebf7-4495-8746-7ffde920d003", +Cell[49929, 1517, 7583, 131, 57, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b908f368-f181-4ded-a2d7-89c0eb4f655a", CellTags->"RasterizedOutput", - CellID->899691111] + CellID->1108221379] }, Open ]], -Cell[57523, 1651, 202, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"898f20d4-ec4d-475b-8313-0ce32ddeab36", +Cell[57527, 1651, 202, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"898f20d4-ec4d-475b-8313-0ce32ddeab36", CellID->832921913], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[57750, 1659, 188, 4, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2cf38f17-b72c-49a1-a7c0-e8119ef2ffaa", +Cell[57754, 1659, 188, 4, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2cf38f17-b72c-49a1-a7c0-e8119ef2ffaa", CellID->989849518], -Cell[57941, 1665, 7401, 172, 70, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3de49d93-8749-4585-81da-ccbac42d1a0c", - CellID->1416238676] +Cell[57945, 1665, 7401, 172, 70, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"8da04508-42d5-4731-9559-b8af452d5ccb", + CellID->1771562390] }, Open ]], -Cell[65357, 1840, 169, 3, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"e522c682-052a-4aaa-b63d-2e7f0d9e59ab", +Cell[65361, 1840, 169, 3, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"e522c682-052a-4aaa-b63d-2e7f0d9e59ab", CellID->18350583], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[65551, 1847, 382, 10, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0894c3d2-133a-4e1e-a1ce-b06398b930f4", +Cell[65555, 1847, 382, 10, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0894c3d2-133a-4e1e-a1ce-b06398b930f4", CellID->1232762840], -Cell[65936, 1859, 3777, 100, 232, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ce0f3ab1-713e-4322-aed1-50b3673942ac", - CellID->888204174] +Cell[65940, 1859, 3777, 100, 232, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b3fd84f9-c62b-42ac-b909-8aab0d4dea74", + CellID->520375262] }, Open ]], -Cell[69728, 1962, 176, 3, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"155db052-c481-4807-82e0-33a586c57351", +Cell[69732, 1962, 176, 3, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"155db052-c481-4807-82e0-33a586c57351", CellID->363488900], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[69929, 1969, 579, 17, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f4ffe248-32da-4c06-9b1f-8a01d10e9366", +Cell[69933, 1969, 579, 17, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f4ffe248-32da-4c06-9b1f-8a01d10e9366", CellID->1176894764], -Cell[70511, 1988, 8208, 166, 184, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b5213751-f205-4fa0-a58b-76f07be36b39", - CellID->101526361] +Cell[70515, 1988, 8208, 166, 184, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0884371b-9b00-497c-935c-42580edd0f72", + CellID->349793711] }, Open ]], -Cell[78734, 2157, 240, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"16a59e83-50a7-4e50-84b9-85dd07c5f1c0", +Cell[78738, 2157, 240, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"16a59e83-50a7-4e50-84b9-85dd07c5f1c0", CellID->524586804], -Cell[78977, 2163, 1147, 37, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"ede89c92-ae53-44ba-b5c6-d5b2a9afbea3", +Cell[78981, 2163, 1147, 37, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"ede89c92-ae53-44ba-b5c6-d5b2a9afbea3", CellID->1319797561], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[80149, 2204, 676, 21, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"128a8b68-8042-443b-90ce-b830106660d1", +Cell[80153, 2204, 676, 21, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"128a8b68-8042-443b-90ce-b830106660d1", CellID->1059257203], -Cell[80828, 2227, 2726, 59, 104, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"bab00ec8-70ce-40f8-aa34-040a3359d0e0", - CellID->556586352], -Cell[83557, 2288, 2640, 58, 108, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"cde1e561-9089-4801-bcad-537aa7484670", - CellID->108051732] +Cell[80832, 2227, 2727, 59, 104, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"21010b28-11c3-4396-8781-1a28cd40825b", + CellID->1542649436], +Cell[83562, 2288, 2640, 58, 108, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"d44b7077-345a-4b16-bc79-74f3a1f18794", + CellID->739000621] }, Open ]], -Cell[86212, 2349, 869, 20, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"ce0be207-0b3f-4d0d-a1c8-c471c8f7e61e", +Cell[86217, 2349, 869, 20, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"ce0be207-0b3f-4d0d-a1c8-c471c8f7e61e", CellID->1553546489], -Cell[87084, 2371, 4125, 99, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"4bd1a5dc-b3e8-4f82-9853-3b5dbc0a6cbf", +Cell[87089, 2371, 4125, 99, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"4bd1a5dc-b3e8-4f82-9853-3b5dbc0a6cbf", CellID->1004587520], -Cell[91212, 2472, 213, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"db413a85-f001-49d7-be53-0c7936409e9b", +Cell[91217, 2472, 213, 4, 70, "ExampleText",ExpressionUUID->"db413a85-f001-49d7-be53-0c7936409e9b", CellID->706653800], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[91450, 2480, 1009, 30, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"90ab5065-0668-4f30-82d1-6b1fd58bc06f", +Cell[91455, 2480, 1009, 30, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"90ab5065-0668-4f30-82d1-6b1fd58bc06f", CellID->288901277], -Cell[92462, 2512, 139383, 2510, 70, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"cb14def5-e72d-4d85-90e4-265fdc351686", - 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CellID->988862431] +Cell[232865, 5057, 42507, 806, 70, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a9f83c45-7844-41c1-b0e2-0187b8c5a9f4", + CellID->19298252] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[275532, 5874, 360, 10, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ef58f817-248f-4754-ad13-8150a2b644ca", +Cell[275409, 5868, 359, 10, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ef58f817-248f-4754-ad13-8150a2b644ca", CellID->995560812], -Cell[275895, 5886, 66100, 1238, 70, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1e72d49c-c2da-40cf-b655-dc7729c74265", - CellID->526466148] +Cell[275771, 5880, 66045, 1236, 70, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"fb61cd6b-ccf1-4bce-9abb-3da0f06fcaf5", + CellID->1072212266] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[342032, 7129, 420, 12, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"df724cb4-111d-4d8b-88d5-b0f4af433b7e", +Cell[341853, 7121, 381, 11, 70, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"df724cb4-111d-4d8b-88d5-b0f4af433b7e", CellID->185878624], -Cell[342455, 7143, 81788, 1507, 70, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6adb9bed-1562-402b-b198-fa529bb7e6b9", - CellID->560463635] +Cell[342237, 7134, 81724, 1505, 70, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"28944c0a-26d5-46d9-92f9-c6084cb39031", + CellID->815330324] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ -Cell[424280, 8655, 242, 5, 70, "ExampleDelimiter",ExpressionUUID->"52050f28-bcf6-4400-8d6f-9c7401132475", - 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"FooterCell",ExpressionUUID->"dd71d8b9-0532-4b1a-b4a9-bb0e7450e00f"] +Cell[137079, 3785, 714, 18, 70, "TutorialMoreAboutSection",ExpressionUUID->"ca145067-d29a-480c-8ba3-57ee19223df4"], +Cell[137796, 3805, 1073, 28, 70, "RelatedTutorialsSection",ExpressionUUID->"2e44e389-338c-4201-8b5c-555a62b8217a"], +Cell[138872, 3835, 3069, 83, 70, "TutorialRelatedLinksSection",ExpressionUUID->"489432ca-60f7-4fea-917c-41561cde8aae"] +}, Open ]], +Cell[141956, 3921, 78, 0, 70, "FooterCell",ExpressionUUID->"6175b0df-fec9-4503-a8a5-817bac7a7ea6"] } ] *) diff --git a/Q3/Kernel/Pauli.wl b/Q3/Kernel/Pauli.wl index d50cf94f1..5ab59dbe0 100644 --- a/Q3/Kernel/Pauli.wl +++ b/Q3/Kernel/Pauli.wl @@ -4746,11 +4746,11 @@ TraceDistance[a_, b_, ss:{___?SpeciesQ}] := Fidelity::usage = "Fidelity[\[Rho],\[Sigma]] returns the fidelity of the states \[Rho] and \[Sigma]. \[Rho] and \[Sigma] can take a vector (pure state), matrix (mixed state), ket expression (pure state), or opertor expression (mixed state).\nSee also ClassicalFidelity." Fidelity[a_?MatrixQ, b_?MatrixQ] := With[ - {c = MatrixPower[a, 1/2]}, + { c = MatrixPower[a, 1/2] }, Tr @ MatrixPower[c . b . c, 1/2] - ] +] -Fidelity[v_?VectorQ, m_?MatrixQ] := Chop @ Sqrt[Conjugate[v] . m . v] +Fidelity[v_?VectorQ, m_?MatrixQ] := Sqrt[Conjugate[v] . m . v] Fidelity[m_?MatrixQ, v_?VectorQ] := Fidelity[v, m] @@ -4796,9 +4796,7 @@ probabilityQ[_] = False (**** *****) -(* ***************************************************************** *) -(* *) -(* ***************************************************************** *) +(**** ****) Vertex::usage = "Vertex[a, b, ...] represents an interaction vertex.\nNot to be confused with Vertices in Graph or related functions." @@ -5089,9 +5087,7 @@ chiralVertexRulesShort[ii_List, jj_List, spec:{__Rule}] := spec chiralVertexRulesShort[ii_List, jj_List, spec:{row_, col_}] := Join[ vertexRulesShort[ii, row], vertexRulesShort[jj, col] ] -(* ***************************************************************** *) -(* *) -(* ***************************************************************** *) +(**** ****) (***** ****) diff --git a/Q3/Kernel/VonNeumann.wl b/Q3/Kernel/VonNeumann.wl index 26fe2c804..efc87e1af 100644 --- a/Q3/Kernel/VonNeumann.wl +++ b/Q3/Kernel/VonNeumann.wl @@ -7,57 +7,42 @@ BeginPackage["Q3`"] { VonNeumannEntropy, QuantumLog }; { RenyiEntropy }; -{ EntanglementEntropy }; +{ EntanglementEntropy, CrossEntropy }; { MutualInformation }; Begin["`Private`"] +(**** ****) + WeightedLog::usage = "WeightedLog[z] returns -z*Log[2, z], the weighted logarithm to base 2.\nWeightedLog[0] = 0.\nWeightedLog[p, q] returns -p*Log[2, q].\nWeightedLog[0, q] = 0.\nWeightedLog[p>0, 0] = \[Infinity]." SetAttributes[WeightedLog, Listable] WeightedLog[0] = 0 -WeightedLog[z_] := 0 /; Chop[z] == 0 - -WeightedLog[z_?Positive] := -z * Log2[z] - - -WeightedLog[0, _] = 0 - -WeightedLog[_?Positive, 0] = Infinity - -WeightedLog[p_?Positive, q_?Positive] := -p * Log2[q] - +WeightedLog[_?ZeroQ] = 0 WeightedLog[z_] := -z * Log2[z] -ShannonEntropy::usage = "ShannonEntropy[{p1, p2, \[Ellipsis]}] returns the base 2 Shannon entropy of the probability distribution {p1, p2, \[Ellipsis]}.\nShannonEntropy[{p1, p2, \[Ellipsis]}, {q1, q2, \[Ellipsis]}] returns the relative entropy between the two probability distributions {p1, p2, \[Ellipsis]} and {q1, q2, \[Ellipsis]}." +WeightedLog[0, _] = 0 -ShannonEntropy::noprb = "`` does not seem to be a probability distribution." +WeightedLog[_?ZeroQ, _] = 0 -ShannonEntropy[pp_?VectorQ] := - (Message[ShannonEntropy::noprb, pp]; 0) /; - Not @ AllTrue[Chop @ pp, NonNegative] +WeightedLog[_?Positive, _?ZeroQ] = Infinity -ShannonEntropy[pp_?VectorQ, qq_?VectorQ] := - (Message[ShannonEntropy::noprb, pp]; 0) /; - Not @ AllTrue[Chop @ pp, NonNegative] +WeightedLog[_, _?ZeroQ] = ComplexInfinity -ShannonEntropy[pp_?VectorQ, qq_?VectorQ] := - (Message[ShannonEntropy::noprb, qq]; 0) /; - Not @ AllTrue[Chop @ qq, NonNegative] +WeightedLog[p_, q_] := -p * Log2[q] -ShannonEntropy[pp_?VectorQ] := Total[WeightedLog @ pp] +(**** ****) -ShannonEntropy[pp_?VectorQ, qq_?VectorQ] := - Total[WeightedLog[pp, qq]] - Total[WeightedLog[pp]] +(**** ****) -QuantumLog::usage = "QuantumLog[p, q] returns -Tr[p ** Log[2, q]] for the observables p and q.\nQuantumLog[p, q, {s1, s2, \[Ellipsis]}] assumes that states p and q, either density operators or ket vectors, are defined for the systems {s1, s2, \[Ellipsis]}.\nQuantumLog is a low-level mathematical function intended for the use in VonNeumannEntropy or related functions." +QuantumLog::usage = "QuantumLog[p, q] returns -Tr[p ** Log[2, q]] for the density operators p and q.\nQuantumLog[p, q, {s1, s2, \[Ellipsis]}] assumes that states p and q, either density operators or ket vectors, are defined for the systems {s1, s2, \[Ellipsis]}.\nQuantumLog is a low-level mathematical function intended for the use in VonNeumannEntropy or related functions." QuantumLog[a_?VectorQ, b_?VectorQ] := If[Fidelity[a, b] == 1, 0, Infinity] @@ -70,7 +55,7 @@ QuantumLog[a_?MatrixQ, b_?VectorQ] := Module[ vec = Flatten[vec]; If[ AllTrue[vec, NumericQ], vec = Normalize[vec] ]; If[ Fidelity[vec, b] == 1, 0, Infinity ] - ] +] QuantumLog[a_?VectorQ, b_?MatrixQ] := Module[ {val, vec}, @@ -79,7 +64,7 @@ QuantumLog[a_?VectorQ, b_?MatrixQ] := Module[ vec = Orthogonalize[vec] ]; Total @ WeightedLog[Abs[Conjugate[a] . Transpose[vec]]^2, val] - ] +] QuantumLog[a_?MatrixQ, b_?MatrixQ] := Module[ { aval, avec, @@ -87,13 +72,13 @@ QuantumLog[a_?MatrixQ, b_?MatrixQ] := Module[ {aval, avec} = Eigensystem[a]; If[ AllTrue[Flatten @ avec, NumericQ] && Not[UnitaryMatrixQ @ avec], avec = Orthogonalize[avec] - ]; + ]; {bval, bvec} = Eigensystem[b]; If[ AllTrue[Flatten @ bvec, NumericQ] && Not[UnitaryMatrixQ @ bvec], bvec = Orthogonalize[bvec] - ]; + ]; Total @ WeightedLog[aval . Abs[Conjugate[avec] . Transpose[bvec]]^2, bval] - ] +] QuantumLog[a_, b_, ss:{___?SpeciesQ}] := @@ -101,6 +86,36 @@ QuantumLog[a_, b_, ss:{___?SpeciesQ}] := QuantumLog[a_, b_] := QuantumLog[a, b, Agents @ {a, b}] +(**** ****) + + +(**** ****) + +ShannonEntropy::usage = "ShannonEntropy[{p1, p2, \[Ellipsis]}] returns the base 2 Shannon entropy of the probability distribution {p1, p2, \[Ellipsis]}.\nShannonEntropy[{p1, p2, \[Ellipsis]}, {q1, q2, \[Ellipsis]}] returns the relative entropy between the two probability distributions {p1, p2, \[Ellipsis]} and {q1, q2, \[Ellipsis]}." + +ShannonEntropy::noprb = "`` does not seem to be a probability distribution." + +ShannonEntropy[pp_?VectorQ] := + (Message[ShannonEntropy::noprb, pp]; 0) /; + Not @ AllTrue[Chop @ pp, NonNegative] + +ShannonEntropy[pp_?VectorQ, qq_?VectorQ] := + (Message[ShannonEntropy::noprb, pp]; 0) /; + Not @ AllTrue[Chop @ pp, NonNegative] + +ShannonEntropy[pp_?VectorQ, qq_?VectorQ] := + (Message[ShannonEntropy::noprb, qq]; 0) /; + Not @ AllTrue[Chop @ qq, NonNegative] + +ShannonEntropy[pp_?VectorQ] := Total[WeightedLog @ pp] + +ShannonEntropy[pp_?VectorQ, qq_?VectorQ] := + Total[WeightedLog[pp, qq]] - Total[WeightedLog[pp]] + +(**** ****) + + +(**** ****) VonNeumannEntropy::usage = "VonNeumannEntropy[mat|vec] returns the base 2 VonNeumann entropy of the quantum state described by the density matrix 'mat' or vector 'vec'.\nVonNeumannEntropy[mat1, mat2] returns the quantum relative entropy of the mixed state mat1 with respect to mat2." @@ -127,6 +142,8 @@ VonNeumannEntropy[rho_, sgm_, ss:{___?SpeciesQ}] := VonNeumannEntropy[rho_, sgm_] := VonNeumannEntropy[rho, sgm, Agents @ {rho, sgm}] +(**** ****) + (**** ****) @@ -192,7 +209,8 @@ RenyiEntropy[a_?Positive, rho_?MatrixQ, sgm_?MatrixQ] := Dot[ MatrixPower[sgm, (1-a)/(2*a)], rho, MatrixPower[sgm, (1-a)/(2*a)] - ], a ] ] / (a - 1) + ], a ] + ] / (a - 1) RenyiEntropy[a_, rho_] := RenyiEntropy[a, rho, Agents @ rho] @@ -224,7 +242,7 @@ EntanglementEntropy::qubit = "`` does not seem to be a vector or matrix for qubi EntanglementEntropy[rho:(_?VectorQ|_?MatrixQ), jj:{__Integer}] := ( Message[EntanglementEntropy::qubit, rho]; rho - ) /; Not @ IntegerQ @ Log[2, Length @ rho] +) /; Not @ IntegerQ @ Log[2, Length @ rho] EntanglementEntropy[rho:(_?VectorQ|_?MatrixQ), jj:{__Integer}] := EntanglementEntropy[rho, ConstantArray[2, Log[2, Length @ rho]], jj] @@ -243,21 +261,37 @@ EntanglementEntropy[expr_, ss:{__?SpeciesQ}] := Module[ qq = Union[qq, rr]; jj = Flatten @ Map[FirstPosition[qq, #]&, Complement[qq, rr]]; VonNeumannEntropy @ PartialTrace[Matrix[expr, qq], Dimension[qq], jj] - ] +] EntanglementEntropy[expr_, jj:{__Integer}] := Module[ { nn = Length @ FirstCase[expr, _Ket, Infinity] }, VonNeumannEntropy @ PartialTrace[Matrix[expr], Complement[Range @ nn, jj]] - ] /; fPauliKetQ[expr] +] /; fPauliKetQ[expr] EntanglementEntropy[expr_, jj:{__Integer}] := Module[ { nn = Length @ FirstCase[expr, _Pauli, Infinity] }, VonNeumannEntropy @ PartialTrace[Matrix[expr], Complement[Range @ nn, jj]] - ] /; Not @ FreeQ[expr, _Pauli] +] /; Not @ FreeQ[expr, _Pauli] (**** ****) + +(**** ****) + +CrossEntropy::usage = "CrossEntropy[{p1, p2, \[Ellipsis]}, {q1, q2, \[Ellipsis]}] returns the classical cross-entropy between two probability distributions {p1, p2, \[Ellipsis]} and {q1, q2, \[Ellipsis]}.\nCrossEntropy[rho, sgm] returns the quantum cross-entropy between two density matrices rho and sgm." + +CrossEntropy[pp_?VectorQ, qq_?VectorQ] := Total @ WeightedLog[pp, pp] + +CrossEntropy[rho_?MatrixQ, sgm_?MatrixQ] := QuantumLog[rho, sgm] + +CrossEntropy[rho_, sgm_] := With[ + { ss = Agents @ {rho, sgm} }, + QuantumLog[Matrix[rho, ss], Matrix[sgm, ss]] +] + +(**** ****) + End[] EndPackage[] diff --git a/Q3/Kernel/Wick.wl b/Q3/Kernel/Wick.wl index d81bc0ac8..3c590443e 100644 --- a/Q3/Kernel/Wick.wl +++ b/Q3/Kernel/Wick.wl @@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ BeginPackage["Q3`"] { WickLogarithmicNegativity, WickTimeReversalMoment }; -{ WickState, WickHistory, WickOperate, WickUnitary, +{ WickState, WickHistory, WickOperator, WickUnitary, WickExpectation, WickGreensFunction }; -{ WickRandomCircuit }; +{ WickCircuit, WickRandomCircuit }; -{ EntanglementEntropy }; (* mainly in vonNeumann.wl *) +{ EntanglementEntropy, VonNeumannEntropy }; (* mainly in vonNeumann.wl *) Begin["`Private`"] @@ -125,12 +125,12 @@ WickLogarithmicNegativity[{grn_?MatrixQ, anm_?MatrixQ}, kk:{__Integer}, opts:Opt (**** ****) -(**** ****) +(**** ****) -NambuTransforms /: -MakeBoxes[NambuTransforms[trs:{{_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ}..}], fmt_] := +NambuMatrices /: +MakeBoxes[NambuMatrices[trs:{{_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ}..}], fmt_] := BoxForm`ArrangeSummaryBox[ - "NambuTransforms", trs, None, + "NambuMatrices", trs, None, { BoxForm`SummaryItem @ { "Number of Transformations: ", Length @ trs }, BoxForm`SummaryItem @ { "Dimensions of each: ", Dimensions @ trs[[1, 1]] } }, @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ MakeBoxes[NambuTransforms[trs:{{_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ}..}], fmt_] := "Interpretable" -> Automatic ] /; ArrayQ[trs] -(**** ****) +(**** ****) (**** ****) @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ MakeBoxes[vec:WickState[pp:{___?FermionQ}, mm:{{_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ}...}, ff_?M BoxForm`SummaryItem @ { "Initial occupation: ", vec["Initial occupation"] } }, { BoxForm`SummaryItem @ { "Encoded modes: ", pp }, - BoxForm`SummaryItem @ { "Transformations: ", NambuTransforms @ mm }, + BoxForm`SummaryItem @ { "Transformations: ", NambuMatrices @ mm }, BoxForm`SummaryItem @ { "Wick matrix: ", ff } }, fmt, @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ WickState[spec:({__?AnyFermionQ} | {_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ} | _?MatrixQ)..., aa_As Module[ { cc = Keys[aa], enc, trs, mat }, - {enc, trs, mat} = getWickMatrix[cc][spec, Dagger @ Keys @ theKetTrim @ aa]; + {enc, trs, mat} = wmBuild[cc][spec, Dagger @ Keys @ theKetTrim @ aa]; WickState[enc, trs, mat, cc] ] @@ -223,51 +223,49 @@ WickHistory[ws_WickState, t_Integer] := Module[ { dd, uu, mm, cc, rr, ss }, {dd, uu, mm, cc} = List @@ ws; dd = Select[dd, First[#] <= t &]; - mm = cutWickMatrix[mm, Length[dd]/2]; + mm = wmTake[mm, Length[dd]/2]; WickState[dd, Take[uu, UpTo[t]], mm, cc] ] -(**** ****) - - -(**** ****) - -WickOperate::usage = "WickOperate[{c1,c2,...,ck}, ws] returns the output state in the form of WickState upon applying c1**c2**...**ck on WickState ws.\nWickOperate[{u, v}, ws] returns the output state when applying the unitary operator specified by matrices {u, v}." - -Format[WickOperate[trs:{_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ}]] := - WickOperate[NambuTransforms @ trs] +WickHistory[{wc_WickCircuit, ws_WickState}] := Module[ + { cc, id, new, n }, + cc = Cases[First @ ws, c_[1, k_, 1] -> c[1, k, _], 1]; + id = WickUnitary @ theNambuOne[Length @ Last @ ws]; + new = FoldList[wcEvent, {cc, {id}}, First @ wc]; + wsClone[ws] /@ new +] -WickOperate[any_][ws_WickState] := WickOperate[any, ws] - - -WickOperate[msr_Measurement, ws_WickState] := msr[ws] - -WickOperate[trs_WickUnitary, ws_WickState] := trs[ws] -WickOperate[trs:{_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ}, ws_WickState] := - WickUnitary[trs][ws] +wsClone[ws_WickState][{enc_, trs_}] := Module[ + { dd, mm, n }, + dd = Cases[First @ ws, Alternatives @@ enc]; + n = Length[dd] / 2; + mm = wmTake[ws[[3]], n]; + WickState[dd, trs /. {WickUnitary -> Identity}, mm, Last @ ws] +] -(* For the vacuum state *) -WickOperate[op:{__?AnyFermionQ}, WickState[{}, {uv_}, {{}}, cc:{__?FermionQ}]] := - Module[ - {enc, trs, mat}, - {enc, trs, mat} = getWickMatrix[cc][op, uv]; - WickState[enc, trs, mat, cc] - ] +wcEvent[{enc_, trs_}, wu_WickUnitary] := Module[ + { t = Max[First /@ enc], + new }, + new = theNambuDot[wu, Last @ trs]; + new = If[ t < Length[trs], + Append[Most @ trs, new], + Append[trs, new] + ]; + {enc, new} +] -WickOperate[op:{__?AnyFermionQ}, ws_WickState] := - Module[ - { enc, trs, mat, dd }, - {enc, trs, mat} = List @@ Most[ws]; - dd = Join[Dagger @ Reverse @ op, op]; - dd = theWickCode[Last @ ws][dd, {Length @ trs}]; - {enc, trs, mat} = jamWickMatrix[dd, enc, trs, mat, Length[enc]/2]; - WickState[enc, trs, mat, Last @ ws] - ] +wcEvent[{enc_, trs_}, Measurement[cc_]] := Module[ + { t = Length[trs], + new }, + new = Prepend[#, t]& /@ Through[cc[_]]; + new = Join[new, enc]; + {new, trs} +] -(**** ****) +(**** ****) (**** ****) @@ -304,6 +302,41 @@ WickUnitary[trs:{_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ}][ws_WickState] := (**** ****) +(**** ****) + +WickOperator::usage = "WickOperator[{c1,c2,...,ck}] represents an operator equivalent to c1**c2**...**ck, but is to be applied to a Wick state. on WickState ws.\nWickOperator[Measurement[c]] or WickOperator[Measurement[{c1, c2, \[Ellipsis]}]] is equivalent to Measurement[\[Ellipsis]].\nWickOperator[{u, v}] is equivalent to WickUnitary[{u, v}]." + +WickOperator[msr_Measurement] = msr + +WickOperator[trs_WickUnitary] = trs + +WickOperator[trs:{_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ}] := + WickUnitary[trs] + + +(* For the vacuum state *) +WickOperator[op:{__?AnyFermionQ}][WickState[{}, {uv_}, {{}}, cc:{__?FermionQ}]] := + Module[ + {enc, trs, mat}, + {enc, trs, mat} = wmBuild[cc][op, uv]; + WickState[enc, trs, mat, cc] + ] + +WickOperator[{}][ws_WickState] = ws + +WickOperator[op:{__?AnyFermionQ}][ws_WickState] := + Module[ + { enc, trs, mat, dd }, + {enc, trs, mat} = List @@ Most[ws]; + dd = Join[Dagger @ Reverse @ op, op]; + dd = theWickCode[Last @ ws][dd, {Length @ trs}]; + {enc, trs, mat} = wmWedge[dd, enc, trs, mat, Length[enc]/2]; + WickState[enc, trs, mat, Last @ ws] + ] + +(**** ****) + + (**** ****) Measurement[c_?FermionQ][ws_WickState] := Module[ @@ -318,7 +351,7 @@ Measurement[c_?FermionQ][ws_WickState] := Module[ op = theWickCode[cc][{c, Dagger @ c}, {tt}]; (* op := c ** Dagger[c] *) (* For the expectation value of c ** Dagger[c] *) - {bb, vv, nn} = jamWickMatrix[op, aa, uu, mm, kk]; + {bb, vv, nn} = wmWedge[op, aa, uu, mm, kk]; (* Simulate the measurement process. *) (* NOTE: WickState is unnormalized. *) @@ -326,13 +359,13 @@ Measurement[c_?FermionQ][ws_WickState] := Module[ $MeasurementOut[c] = 0, $MeasurementOut[c] = 1; op = Reverse @ op; (* op := Dagger[c] ** c *) - {bb, vv, nn} = jamWickMatrix[op, aa, uu, mm, kk] + {bb, vv, nn} = wmWedge[op, aa, uu, mm, kk] ]; (* PrintTemporary["Measurement outcome on mode ", c, ": ", $MeasurementOut[c]]; *) (* Construct the post-measurment state. *) - {bb, vv, nn} = jamWickMatrix[op, bb, vv, nn, kk]; + {bb, vv, nn} = wmWedge[op, bb, vv, nn, kk]; WickState[bb, vv, nn, cc] ] @@ -375,7 +408,7 @@ WickExpectation[ws_WickState][ops:{__?AnyFermionQ}] := Module[ dd, pp, uv, mm, gg }, dd = theWickCode[cc][ops, {tt}]; {pp, uv, mm} = List @@ Most[ws]; - gg = Last @ jamWickMatrix[dd, pp, uv, mm, Length[pp]/2]; + gg = Last @ wmWedge[dd, pp, uv, mm, Length[pp]/2]; Pfaffian[gg] / Pfaffian[mm] ] @@ -384,7 +417,7 @@ WickExpectation[ws_WickState][ops:{__?AnyFermionQ}] := Module[ (**** ****) -WickGreensFunction::usage = "WickGreensFunction[ws] returns the pair {G, F} of normal Green's function G and anomalous Green's function F with respect to the Wick state ws." +WickGreensFunction::usage = "WickGreensFunction[ws] returns the pair {G, F} of normal Green's function G and anomalous Green's function F with respect to the Wick state ws.\nWickGreensFunction[ws, {d1, d2, \[Ellipsis]}] calculates the Green's functionns over the modes {d1, d2, \[Ellipsis]} out of all fermion modes in ws." WickGreensFunction[ws_WickState] := WickGreensFunction[ws, Last @ ws] @@ -403,22 +436,28 @@ WickGreensFunction[ws_WickState, dd:{___?FermionQ}] := Module[ bb = dagWickCode /@ aa; (* NOT dagWickCode[aa] *) (* Green's function *) - gg = Flatten @ Table[ - {i, j} -> Pfaffian @ Last @ jamWickMatrix[{aa[[i]], bb[[j]]}, pp, uv, mm, L], - {i, 1, n}, - {j, i, n} + gg = Table[ + {i, i} -> Re @ Pfaffian @ Last @ wmWedge[{aa[[i]], bb[[i]]}, pp, uv, mm, L], + {i, 1, n} + ]; (* supposed to be real *) + gg = Join[ gg, + Flatten @ Table[ + {i, j} -> Pfaffian @ Last @ wmWedge[{aa[[i]], bb[[j]]}, pp, uv, mm, L], + {i, 1, n}, + {j, i+1, n} + ] ]; gg = SymmetrizedArray[gg, {n, n}, Hermitian @ {1, 2}]; (* anomalous Green's function *) ff = Flatten @ Table[ - {i, j} -> Pfaffian @ Last @ jamWickMatrix[{aa[[i]], aa[[j]]}, pp, uv, mm, L], + {i, j} -> Pfaffian @ Last @ wmWedge[{aa[[i]], aa[[j]]}, pp, uv, mm, L], {i, 1, n}, {j, i+1, n} ]; ff = SymmetrizedArray[ff, {n, n}, Antisymmetric @ {1, 2}]; - Normal @ {gg, ff} / Pfaffian[mm] + {gg, ff} / Re[Pfaffian @ mm] (* This Pfaffian is supposed to be real. *) ] (**** ****) @@ -449,37 +488,34 @@ EntanglementEntropy[ws_WickState, dd:{__?FermionQ}] := Module[ id, ff }, id = One[Dimensions @ First @ gg]; gg = ArrayFlatten @ { gg, - {Topple @ Last @ gg, id - Transpose[First @ gg]} + {Topple[Last @ gg], id - Transpose[First @ gg]} }; id = One[Dimensions @ gg]; - ff = id - gg; - ff = ff . Check[ MatrixLog[ff], MatrixLog[tameMatrix[ff, ee]] ]; - gg = gg . Check[ MatrixLog[gg], MatrixLog[tameMatrix[gg, ee]] ]; - - (Tr[ff] + Tr[gg]) / 2 + (VonNeumannEntropy[gg] + VonNeumannEntropy[id - gg]) / 2 ] (**** ****) -(**** ****) +(**** ****) -getWickMatrix::usage = "getWickMatrix[{c1,c2,...}][spec] parse spec and create the Wick matrix." +wmBuild::usage = "wmBuild[{c1,c2,...}][spec] parse spec and create the Wick matrix." -getWickMatrix[cc_][pre___, aa:{_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ}, bb:{_?MatrixQ, v_?MatrixQ}.., Shortest[post___]] := - getWickMatrix[cc][pre, theNambuDot[aa, bb], post] +wmBuild[cc_][pre___, aa:{_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ}, bb:{_?MatrixQ, v_?MatrixQ}.., Shortest[post___]] := + wmBuild[cc][pre, theNambuDot[aa, bb], post] -getWickMatrix[cc_][pre___, aa_?MatrixQ, bb__?MatrixQ, Shortest[post___]] := - getWickMatrix[cc][pre, Dot[aa, bb], post] +wmBuild[cc_][pre___, aa_?MatrixQ, bb__?MatrixQ, Shortest[post___]] := + wmBuild[cc][pre, Dot[aa, bb], post] -getWickMatrix[cc_][pre___, aa_?MatrixQ, post___] := - getWickMatrix[cc][pre, toNambuForm @ aa, post] +wmBuild[cc_][pre___, aa_?MatrixQ, post___] := + wmBuild[cc][pre, toNambuForm @ aa, post] (* OUTPUT: {enc, trs, mat} enc: the list of encoded modes trs: the transformations of the encoded modes mat: the Wick matrix *) -getWickMatrix[cc:{__?FermionQ}][spec:({___?AnyFermionQ} | {_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ})...] := +wmBuild[cc:{__?FermionQ}][spec:({___?AnyFermionQ} | {_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ})...] := Module[ { trs = Cases[{spec}, {_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ}, {1}], enc = Flatten /@ SequenceSplit[{spec, {}}, {{_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ}}], @@ -507,12 +543,12 @@ getWickMatrix[cc:{__?FermionQ}][spec:({___?AnyFermionQ} | {_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ} {enc, trs, mat} ] -(**** ****) +(**** ****) -(**** ****) +(**** ****) -jamWickMatrix::usage = "jamWickMatrix[dd, pp, mm, mat, n] cleaves the Wick matrix mat at row and column n and add additional blocks with rows and columns corresponding to the new fermion modes dd." +wmWedge::usage = "wmWedge[dd, pp, mm, mat, n] cleaves the Wick matrix mat at row and column n and wedge into there additional blocks with rows and columns corresponding to the new fermion modes dd." (* INPUT dd : the list of new fermion modes to wedge into the Wick matrix mat. @@ -522,7 +558,7 @@ jamWickMatrix::usage = "jamWickMatrix[dd, pp, mm, mat, n] cleaves the Wick matri n : the row and column where the new modes to be wedged. *) (* NOTE: Both dd and pp are given in the form of encoded modes. *) -jamWickMatrix[ dd:{__?FermionQ}, (* encoded modes *) +wmWedge[ dd:{__?FermionQ}, (* encoded modes *) pp:{__?FermionQ}, uv:{{_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ}...}, mm_SymmetrizedArray, n_Integer] := Module[ { m = Length[dd], @@ -564,14 +600,14 @@ jamWickMatrix[ dd:{__?FermionQ}, (* encoded modes *) } ] -(**** ****) +(**** ****) -(**** ****) +(**** ****) -cutWickMatrix::usage = "cutWickMatrix[mat,k] takes the first and last k rows and columns of matrix mat." +wmTake::usage = "wmTake[mat,k] takes the first and last k rows and columns of Wick matrix mat." -cutWickMatrix[mat_SymmetrizedArray, k_Integer] := Module[ +wmTake[mat_SymmetrizedArray, k_Integer] := Module[ { n = First[Dimensions@mat], rr }, rr = Most@SymmetrizedArrayRules[mat]; @@ -587,12 +623,12 @@ cutWickMatrix[mat_SymmetrizedArray, k_Integer] := Module[ SymmetrizedArray[rr, {2 k, 2 k}, Antisymmetric@{1, 2}] ] -(**** ****) +(**** ****) (**** ****) -theWickContract::usage = "theWickContract[mm][{a, i, j}, {b, p, q}] calcualtes the elements of matrix M." +theWickContract::usage = "theWickContract[mm][a, b] calcualtes the Wick contraction between two dressed modes a and b." (* input: {level, species, sheer/dagger} *) (* mm:{{_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ}..} *) @@ -615,7 +651,7 @@ theWickContract[mm:{{_?MatrixQ, _?MatrixQ}..}][f_[i_, a_, 1], f_[j_, b_, 1]] := (**** ****) -theWickCode::usage = "theWickCode[rules][{c1, c2, ...}, {time}] converts each fermion operator c[k] to {time, k, 0} and Dagger[c[k]] to {time, k, 1}.\nIntended to be used with MapIndexed." +theWickCode::usage = "theWickCode[rules][{c[k1], c[k2], ...}, {time}] converts each fermion operator c[k] to c[time, k, 0] and Dagger[c[k]] to c[time, k, 1].\nIntended to be used with MapIndexed." (* output: {time, species, sheer/dagger} *) @@ -654,6 +690,9 @@ theNambuDot[{u1_?MatrixQ, v1_?MatrixQ}, {u2_?MatrixQ, v2_?MatrixQ}] := {u1.u2 + v1.Conjugate[v2], u1.v2 + v1.Conjugate[u2]} (* Convention: barc_i --> barU_{ij}barc_j with barU := {{U, V}, Conjugate @ {V, U}} *) +theNambuDot[a_WickUnitary, b_WickUnitary] := + WickUnitary @ theNambuDot[First @ a, First @ b] + theNambuOne::usage = "theNambuOne[n] returns the pair {One[n], Zero[n,n]}." @@ -672,7 +711,8 @@ toNambuForm[m_?MatrixQ] := {m, Zero @ Dimensions @ m} WickRandomCircuit::usage = "WickRandomCircuit[{c1, c2, \[Ellipsis]}, wu, p, t] simulates a random quantum circuit of depth t, where layers of Wick unitary wu alternate with layers of measurements on fermion modes selected randomly from {c1, c2, \[Ellipsis]} with probability p." Options[WickRandomCircuit] = { - "Samples" -> 50, + "InitialOccupation" -> Automatic, + "Samples" -> {10, 5}, "SaveData" -> False, "Overwrite" -> True, "Filename" -> Automatic, @@ -689,21 +729,25 @@ WickRandomCircuit[ Module[ { k = 0, progress = 0, - in, qc, data, n }, + in, qc, data, n, m }, PrintTemporary @ ProgressIndicator @ Dynamic[progress]; (* initial state with half-filling *) n = Length[cc]; - in = PadRight[Riffle[Table[1, Floor[n/2]], Table[0, Floor[n/2]]], n, 1]; - in = wu[WickState @ Ket[cc -> in]]; + in = OptionValue["InitialOccupation"]; + If[ in === Automatic, in = Riffle[Table[1, Floor[n/2]], Table[0, Floor[n/2]]] ]; + in = WickState @ Ket[cc -> PadRight[in, n]]; (* quantum circuit with randomly selected measurements *) - - n = OptionValue["Samples"]; + {n, m} = doAssureList[OptionValue["Samples"], 2]; data = Table[ - progress = ++k / n; - qc = Riffle[Measurement /@ RandomPick[cc, p, t], wu]; - Fold[Construct[#2, #1]&, in, qc], + qc = Riffle[ + Table[wu, t], + Measurement /@ RandomPick[cc, p, t] + ]; + { WickCircuit[qc, cc], + Table[progress = ++k/(n*m); Fold[Construct[#2, #1]&, in, qc], m] + }, n ]; @@ -729,6 +773,26 @@ Module[ (**** ****) +(**** ****) + +WickCircuit::usage = "WickCircuit[{g1, g2, \[Ellipsis]}, {c1, c2, \[Ellipsis]}] represents a Wick random circuit with gates g1, g2, \[Ellipsis] on fermion modes c1, c2, \[Ellipsis]." + +WickCircuit /: +MakeBoxes[wc:WickCircuit[gg:{(_Measurement | _WickUnitary)..}, cc:{___?FermionQ}], fmt_] := + BoxForm`ArrangeSummaryBox[ + WickCircuit, wc, None, + { BoxForm`SummaryItem @ { "Fermion modes: ", cc }, + BoxForm`SummaryItem @ { "Circuit depth: ", Length @ gg } + }, + { BoxForm`SummaryItem @ { "Some elements: ", gg[[;;UpTo[5]]] } + }, + fmt, + "Interpretable" -> Automatic + ] + +(**** ****) + + End[] EndPackage[] diff --git a/Q3/PacletInfo.wl b/Q3/PacletInfo.wl index ecce7fbeb..6dfaec90b 100644 --- a/Q3/PacletInfo.wl +++ b/Q3/PacletInfo.wl @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ Paclet[ "Name" -> "Q3", - "Version" -> "3.4.1", + "Version" -> "3.4.2", "WolframVersion" -> "12.3+", "Updating" -> Automatic, "Loading" -> "Startup", diff --git a/RELEASES.md b/RELEASES.md index 90584f48a..b60d3d924 100644 --- a/RELEASES.md +++ b/RELEASES.md @@ -1,5 +1,12 @@ # Release Notes +## 3.4.2 + +- New function: CrossEntropy +- Enhancement: WeightLog, QuantumLog, EntanglementEntropy, WickGreensFunction, WickHistory +- The output form of WickRandomCircuit has been changed. +- WickOperate has been renamed WickOperator. + ## 3.4.1 - New function StabilizerGenerators.