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Migration Guide 2.11

Falko Modler edited this page Jun 22, 2022 · 9 revisions

GraphQL endpoints are singleton by default

Previously, the default scope attached to a @GraphQLApi endpoint was @Dependent. Now, unless you explicitly add a scope annotation to your endpoint, it will act as a @Singleton bean. This is thus aligned with the default behavior of JAX-RS endpoints.

Unification of database dev services configuration

All database Dev Services now use the same database name, username and password:

  • Database name: quarkus
  • Username: quarkus
  • Password: quarkus

Except for Microsoft SQL Server, for which both the database and Testcontainers are less flexible:

  • Database name: none
  • Username: SA
  • Password: Quarkus123

jsoup removed from quarkus-bootstrap-bom

As a result of updating to Maven 3.8.6, jsoup was removed from quarkus-bootstrap-bom (quarkus-bom respectively). If you are using jsoup, you will have to add an explicit version to the respective dependency declaration.

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