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Migration Guide 3.3

Yoann Rodière edited this page Aug 3, 2023 · 17 revisions


Additional dependency required for Oracle users

Quarkus 3.3.x upgrades to Flyway 9.20.0, which extracts the Oracle DB code to a separate dependency. See the Flyway extension documentation for more information.

Defaults for projectable/sortable on geo-point fields

Hibernate Search 6.2 changed how defaults are handled for geo-point fields.

If your Hibernate Search mapping includes geo-point fields that are using the default value for the projectable option, and are using either the default value or Sortable.NO for the sortable option, Elasticsearch schema validation will fail on startup because of missing docvalues on those fields.

To address that, either:

  • Revert to the previous defaults by adding projectable = Projectable.NO to the mapping annotation of relevant geo-point fields.

  • Or recreate your Elasticsearch indexes and reindex your database. The easiest way to do so is to use the MassIndexer with dropAndCreateSchemaOnStart(true).

Different DB schema for outbox-polling

If you use the quarkus-hibernate-search-orm-outbox-polling extension, be aware that the database schema for the tables used by that extension changed.

See for help on how to migrate to the new schema.

Deprecated/renamed configuration properties

  • quarkus.hibernate-search-orm.automatic-indexing.synchronization.strategy is now deprecated in favor of quarkus.hibernate-search-orm.indexing.plan.synchronization.strategy.

  • quarkus.hibernate-search-orm.automatic-indexing.enable-dirty-check is now deprecated with no alternative to replace it. A dirty check will always be performed when considering whether to trigger reindexing.

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