Updating Documentation
This is still in progress. Documentation should be edited in the StackEdit. A different markdown editor can be used, if desired. However, StackEdit must be used to export the markdown into a HTML file, because the way GitHub renders Markdown is ugly.
Values of Instance Variables
Where an instance variable stores an object, mention it in the single-sentence description. Otherwise, include a line e.g. Value: 1
Constant vs. Mutable Distinguish between the two wherever the distinction is relevant. For example, there are certain classes where constants are used for internal parsing logic; the distinction is important there.
All development should take place on dev
or other branches specifically intended for development. The master
branch is only for production releases.
Sparing Push When pushing, don't just push all edited files. Select the changes appropriately and thoughtfully. Don't push tiny or otherwise meaningless changes. Merge conflicts should be avoided as much as possible.