Edit qurator/sbb_images/webapp/annotator-config.json such that it points to the sqlite file that has been created by create-database.
Create a passwd file:
htpasswd -c .htpasswd username
Edit qurator/sbb_images/webapp/annotator-config.json such that it points to ".htpasswd".
Adapt the other options in that file such that they fit your desired image classification task:
- LABELS: The image classes that you want to assign to your images.
- PASSWD_FILE: The passwd file that contains the authentication data.
- SQLITE_FILE: The image database that has been created by create-database.
- NUM_ANNOTATIONS: Number of required annotations per image.
- WORKING_SET_SIZE: Number of "active" images within the annotations pool. Annotator randomly selects some image that is to be annotated from that pool. If some image from that pool has been NUM_ANNOTATIONS times annotated, it would be removed and a new randomly chosen image will be added to the pool.
- MAX_IMG_SIZE: If some image is on disk larger than MAX_IMG_SIZE, it would be scaled down to MAX_IMG_SIZE in order to save bandwidth.
env FLASK_APP=qurator/sbb_images/webapp/annotator.py env FLASK_ENV=development flask run
gunicorn --bind qurator.sbb_images.webapp.wsgi_annotator:app
You find the annotation interface at http://localhost:5000.