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202 lines (145 loc) · 6.56 KB

File metadata and controls

202 lines (145 loc) · 6.56 KB


  • If no token, null or undefined is given, token is parsed into nothing.
  • If token is "double-quoted" string, token is JSON.parsed .
  • If token is numerical string, token is parsed into number.
  • If token is date string and is in a valid format, token is parsed into date.

Inspired by aqbjs

const measured = require('@qwathi-ai/measured')

  dateformat: ['YYYY-MM-DD', 'DD-MM-YYYY'],
  decimalseparator: [',', '.'],
  decimalplaces: 3

assert(measured('').symbol === Symbol.for('nothing'))
assert(measured('"21-05-2020"').symbol === Symbol.for('date'))
assert(measured('10,49%').value === 0.105)

Set Options

Two options available in @qwathi-ai/measured.

Date format

Set a list of different date formats @qwathi-ai/measured should parse. This value defaults to the first date format given in the options . To get an exhaustive list of available date formats see string format.

Date format options can be given as a string parameter or an array of acceptable date formats.

assert(measured('2020-05-21').symbol === Symbol.for('date'))
assert(measured('05-21-2020').symbol === Symbol.for('unknown'))

assert(measured('2020-05-21').symbol === Symbol.for('unknown'))
assert(measured('05-21-2020').symbol === Symbol.for('date'))

measured.setoptions({dateformat: ['YYYY-MM-DD', 'MM-DD-YYYY']})
assert(measured('2020-05-21').symbol === Symbol.for('date'))
assert(measured('05-21-2020').symbol === Symbol.for('date'))

Decimal seperator

Set a list of different decimal separators to parse numbers. This value defaults to ".". Only "." and "," are allowed as inputs, otherwise an error it thrown.

// "."
assert(measured('10.4').symbol === Symbol.for('number'))
assert(measured('10,4').symbol === Symbol.for('unknown'))

// ","
assert(measured('10.4').symbol === Symbol.for('unknown'))
assert(measured('10,4').symbol === Symbol.for('number'))

// "," && "."
assert(measured('10.4').symbol === Symbol.for('number'))
assert(measured('10,4').symbol === Symbol.for('number'))

Decimal places

Set the default number of deciaml places, numbers should be formated to.

assert(measured('10.4234').value === 10.423)


Extend @qwathi-ai/measured by creating your own definition(s). For now, a definition requires three properties.

  • name : a name for the definition. Accepts both string value and symbols.
  • parse: a function defining how to process tokens.
  • intepretation : a function defining if a token can be processed. (Hmmm....)

Create a custom definition

Below is an example of a simple definition. It defines how to parse a greeting.

const measured = require('@qwathi-ai/measured')
const symbolForGreeting = Symbol.for('greeting')

const Greeting = {
  name: symbolForGreeting || 'greeting',
  intepretation: (token) => {
    return typeof token === 'string' && token.startsWith('hello') ? true : false
  parse: (token) => {
    if (!Greeting.intepretation) {
      throw TypeError(`Expected value of pattern "hello xxx".`)
   return token.replace('hello', 'how are you doing today,') + "?"

measured.define(Greeting) // measured.define( [ Greeting ] )
assert(measured('hello world').symbol === symbolForGreeting || Symbol.for('greeting'))
assert(measured('hello world').value === 'how are you doing today, world?')


A definition can be invoked using either the name or the symbol. It is recommended that a symbol is used to invoke custom definitions.

const greeting = measured.invoke(symbolForGreeting, 'hello Jamangile') // recommended
const greeting2 = measured.invoke(Symbol.for('greeting'), 'hello Jamangile') // works
const greeting3 = measured.invoke('greeting', 'hello Jamangile') // is converted to Symbol.for('geeting')

assert(greeting.value === 'how are you doing today, Jamangile?')
assert(greeting.value === greeting2.value)
assert(greeting.symbol === greeting2.symbol)
assert(greeting.value === greeting3.value)
assert(greeting.symbol === greeting3.symbol)


List all available definitions stored locally.



Removes a definition from local store.



Some helpers functions have been made available.

Is Valid Date

Checks that a token is a valid date and is with the correct format. @qwathi-ai/measured uses dayjs to check against a date format in the following manner.

  • Checks string formats exactly match formats listed in dateformat options property. This can be overwritten using the setoptions helper.
  • Checks that the date is valid.
assert(measured.isValidDate('05-21-2020') === true)
assert(measured.isValidDate('05-21-2020', 'MM-DD-YYYY') === true)

Is Valid Number

Validates that a token is a valid finite number.

  • Checks decimal seperators match seperators listed in decimalseparator options property.
  • Checks that the token is a valid finite number.
assert(measured.isValidNumber('-10,5') === true)

Parse Number

Parse a numerical string.

  • Checks decimal seperators match seperators listed in decimalseparator options property.
  • Checks that number is a valid finite number.
measured.setoptions({decimalplaces: 1})
assert(measured.parseNumber('-10,533') === -10.5)
assert(measured.parseNumber('-10,533', false) === -10.533)

Parse Date

Parse a string into a dayjs object.

  • Checks string formats exactly match formats listed in dateformat options property.
  • Checks that the date is valid.
  • Returns dayjs object
assert(measured.parseDate('05-21-2020').format('YYYY-MM-DD') === '2020-21-05')
assert(measured.parseDate('05-21-2020',['YYYY-MM-DD','MM-DD-YYYY']).format('YYYY-MM-DD') === '2020-21-05')