diff --git a/web/Weblate-server.qmd b/web/Weblate-server.qmd
index a19c382..e67de54 100644
--- a/web/Weblate-server.qmd
+++ b/web/Weblate-server.qmd
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ The basic idea is to compare the Weblate repo (which copies the R subversion rep
     git reset --hard weblate/master # force-reset to match state on Weblate (usual caution with --hard applies)
-1. Revert unwanted changes to reduce noise, e.g. something like:
+1. Make needed manual changes to reduce noise and ensure quality, e.g. something like:
@@ -174,13 +174,19 @@ The basic idea is to compare the Weblate repo (which copies the R subversion rep
     set_branch <- \(branch) system2('git', c('checkout', branch))
-    # SUMMARIZE the changed translations, and delete empty .po files
+    po_report <- tools::checkPoFiles("")
+    if (length(po_report)) {
+      print(po_report)
+      stop("Fix above issues in .po files identified by tools::checkPoFiles() to proceed.")
+    }
     weblate_summary <- po_counts(po_files())
     svn_summary <- po_counts(po_files())
+    # SUMMARIZE the changed translations, and delete empty .po files
     po_summary <- merge(weblate_summary, svn_summary, by = "filename", all = TRUE, suffixes = c("_weblate", "_svn"))
     po_summary[, package := basename(dirname(dirname(filename)))]
     # Drop empty & record files