- Sign up on accweather homepage as developer.
- Here is this forcast documentation
- Get API in MyApp section after sign up.
- Let's jump right into Quick start guide---->>>>>
- First you have to auto complete your location because accweather only accept full location but you're not going to put your full location so use Auto location search API
- Put your API key.
- also your location.
- Scroll down click on cURL to get URL of 'auto location search' and put it in your code.
- From 'Auto location search' you'll get location key, you'll use it to get weather condition.
- There are many options you can use them.
- Choice forcast API, you can choice any one of them.
- Now there are many weather options doc
- 1 Day weather
- 5 Day weather
- 10 Day weather
- 15 Day weather
- Put here location key and get weather condition and also you can use my code for better understanding.
- First you have to auto complete your location because accweather only accept full location but you're not going to put your full location so use Auto location search API