diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml
index c63febb..18d10d6 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml
@@ -30,3 +30,6 @@ jobs:
path: |
+ inf/*.inf
+ inf/*.cat
diff --git a/.github/workflows/devrelease.yml b/.github/workflows/devrelease.yml
index 90f17d1..2cbbd3d 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/devrelease.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/devrelease.yml
@@ -32,3 +32,5 @@ jobs:
+ inf/*.inf
+ inf/*.cat
diff --git a/.github/workflows/tagrelease.yml b/.github/workflows/tagrelease.yml
index 80f525a..3d00842 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/tagrelease.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/tagrelease.yml
@@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ jobs:
+ inf/*.inf
+ inf/*.cat
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a5ddc85..87797ad 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -9,18 +9,14 @@ is available in many stores around the globe. The board contains decent
hardware that supports _USB 2.0 Full-Speed_, has 3 independent _USARTs_
and enough processing power to handle high-speed _UART_ communications.
-**Note**: some Chinese-made _Blue Pill_ boards have an incorrect pull-up
-resistor soldered to the _USB D+_ line (_PA12_) which prevents them from being
-successfully detected as a USB device by the host. There is an existing
-software workaround for this issue, but it is not reliable.
-This firmware does not contain the workaround for faulty Blue Pill boards and
-requires the incorrect resistor to be replaced with the right one. Please refer
-to the section [Fixing USB on Blue Pill Boards](#fixing-usb-on-blue-pill-boards)
+**Note**: some _Blue Pill_ clones have an incorrect pull-up resistor soldered
+to the _USB D+_ line (_PA12_) which prevents them from being successfully
+detected by the host. Please refer to
+[Fixing USB on Blue Pill Boards](#fixing-usb-on-blue-pill-boards)
for more information.
-Some USB controllers work fine even with faulty _Blue Pill boards_. If your
-board appears to be OK with your computer, don't bother fixing it.
+Some USB controllers work fine even with faulty _Blue Pill_ boards. If your
+board works with your computer, don't bother fixing it.
## Features
@@ -32,18 +28,17 @@ board appears to be OK with your computer, don't bother fixing it.
* 1, 1.5, and 2 stop bits;
* Works with _CDC Class_ drives on _Linux_, _OS X_, and _Windows_;
* Supports all standard baud rates;
-* Supports non-standard baud rates2;
+* Supports non-standard baud rates;
* _DMA_ _RX_/_TX_ for high-speed communications;
* _IDLE line_ detection for short response time;
+* Signed _INF_ driver for _Windows XP, 7, and 8_;
* Built-in command shell for device parameters configuration;
-* No external dependencies other than CMSIS;
+* No external dependencies other than _CMSIS_;
(1) _UART1_ does not support hardware flow control because _RTS_/_CTS_ pins
(_PA12_, _PA11_) are used for _USB_ communication and cannot be remapped.
If you need hardware flow control, use _UART2_ or _UART3_.
-(2) As long as your CDC driver does not hesitate to ask.
## UART Signal Levels
Although _STM32F103C8T6_ installed on the Blue Pill board is a **3.3 V**
@@ -256,13 +251,27 @@ You can also flash _STM32F103C8T6_ via a built-in serial bootloader. Visit
for instructions and software.
+## Windows Driver (WinXP, 7, 8)
+_Windows_ versions prior to _Windows 10_ require an _INF_ file that maps
+the device Vendor ID / Product ID to the Microsoft _usbser.sys_ CDC ACM driver.
+_Windows 10_ does not require this and loads the standard driver automatically.
+A signed _INF_ file for _Windows XP, 7, and 8_ is included in the distribution.
+To install the _INF_ file, plug in _bluepill-serial-monster_ and point _Windows_
+to a directory containing both **bluepill-serial-monster.inf** and **bluepill-serial-monster.cat** files during a new device installation.
+Alternatively, you can open _Windows Device Manager_, right-click on any of the
+_Bluepill Serial Monster_ devices, choose _Update driver_ and point Windows to
+the _INF_ file directory from there.
## Fixing USB on Blue Pill Boards
_STM32 Blue Pill_ boards come in slightly different variations. Nevertheless,
their schematic is very similar. Below you will find the instructions on how to
identify and replace the incorrect USB pull-up resistor on any _Blue Pill_ board.
-With a digital multimeter, measure the resistance between **PA12** and **3.3 V**
+With a digital multimeter, measure resistance between **PA12** and **3.3 V**
pads on the board. If the resistance reads close to **1.5k** (**1500 ohms**),
then your board is either non-faulty or faulty for some other reason,
and this section does not apply.
@@ -272,7 +281,7 @@ you will have to locate the incorrect resistor on the board and replace it
with a **1.5k** or **1.8k** resistor.
If your board has component names on it, locate **R10**. Otherwise, trace the
-board to see where the incorrect resistor is located.
+board to find the incorrect resistor.
Once you identified the incorrect resistor, replace it with a **1.5k** or
**1.8k** resistor.
diff --git a/inf/bluepill-serial-monster.cat b/inf/bluepill-serial-monster.cat
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..54602d1
Binary files /dev/null and b/inf/bluepill-serial-monster.cat differ
diff --git a/inf/bluepill-serial-monster.inf b/inf/bluepill-serial-monster.inf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85c00d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inf/bluepill-serial-monster.inf
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+; Windows USB CDC ACM Setup File
+; Based on INF template which was:
+; Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
+; Copyright (c) 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
+; likely to be covered by the MLPL as found at:
+; .
+; For use only on Windows operating systems.
+Signature = "$Windows NT$"
+Class = Ports
+ClassGuid = {4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
+Provider = %PROVIDER%
+CatalogFile = bluepill-serial-monster.cat
+DriverVer = 11/19/2020,
+PnpLockdown = 1
+%MANUFACTURER% = DeviceList,NT,NTamd64
+DefaultDestDir = 12
+%DESCRIPTION% = DriverInstall,USB\VID_1209&PID_FFFE&MI_00
+%DESCRIPTION% = DriverInstall,USB\VID_1209&PID_FFFE&MI_02
+%DESCRIPTION% = DriverInstall,USB\VID_1209&PID_FFFE&MI_04
+%DESCRIPTION% = DriverInstall,USB\VID_1209&PID_FFFE&MI_00
+%DESCRIPTION% = DriverInstall,USB\VID_1209&PID_FFFE&MI_02
+%DESCRIPTION% = DriverInstall,USB\VID_1209&PID_FFFE&MI_04
+Include = mdmcpq.inf
+CopyFiles = FakeModemCopyFileSection
+AddReg = DriverInstall.NT.AddReg
+AddService = usbser, 0x00000002, DriverServiceInstall
+DisplayName = %SERVICE%
+ServiceType = 1
+StartType = 3
+ErrorControl = 1
+ServiceBinary = %12%\usbser.sys
+LoadOrderGroup = Base
+PROVIDER = "Kirill Kotyagin"
+MANUFACTURER = "Kirill Kotyagin"
+DESCRIPTION = "Blue Pill Serial Monster"
+SERVICE = "Blue Pill Serial Monster"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/usb_descriptors.c b/usb_descriptors.c
index 192fddf..8eaf929 100644
--- a/usb_descriptors.c
+++ b/usb_descriptors.c
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ const usb_endpoint_t usb_endpoints[usb_endpoint_address_last] = {
const usb_string_descriptor_t usb_string_lang = USB_ARRAY_DESC(usb_language_code_en_US);
const usb_string_descriptor_t usb_string_manufacturer = USB_STRING_DESC("R2AXZ Kirill Kotyagin");
-const usb_string_descriptor_t usb_string_product = USB_STRING_DESC("STM32 Blue Pill Serial Monster");
+const usb_string_descriptor_t usb_string_product = USB_STRING_DESC("Bluepill Serial Monster");
const usb_string_descriptor_t usb_string_serial = USB_STRING_DESC("NO SERIAL"); /* Placeholder, replaced by STM32 UID */
const usb_string_descriptor_t *usb_string_descriptors[usb_string_index_last] = {