diff --git a/data/data_analyst_20241207.csv b/data/data_analyst_20241207.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f27aecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/data_analyst_20241207.csv
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/data/data_scientist_20241207.csv b/data/data_scientist_20241207.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12b216a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/data_scientist_20241207.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3072 @@
+4084802979,https://it.linkedin.com/jobs/view/data-scientist-at-lottomatica-4084802979?position=3&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=aHmIjnfEN7%2FMrzdlM31GRw%3D%3D,Data Scientist,Lottomatica,"Rome, Latium, Italy","Siamo il Gruppo Lottomatica, leader nel settore del gioco regolamentato in Italia e uno dei maggiori operatori europei, in tutte le aree di attività: scommesse sportive, gioco online e macchine da intrattenimento. Offriamo ai nostri clienti esperienze di gioco sicure e di qualità, attraverso tutti i canali, ponendo la responsabilità e la sostenibilità al centro del business. Essere in Lottomatica è molto più che far parte di un'azienda: significa contribuire a un progetto imprenditoriale grande e responsabile.
+Siamo alla ricerca, per una Società del Gruppo, di un profilo di Data Scientist che entrerà a far parte del Dipartimento Betting & Digital Italye sarà coinvolta nella conduzione di analisi quantitative finalizzate al monitoraggio del comportamento della customer base e delle performance dei prodotti online.
+Principali attività:
+Monitoraggio giornaliero dei principali KPI’s riguardanti il business online ed analisi di verifica del raggiungimento degli obiettivi di budget/quote di mercato;
+Analisi del comportamento dei giocatori ed individuazione di insight funzionali al miglioramento della capacità di retention dei nostri clienti;
+Monitoraggio ed analisi dei risultati delle attività promozionali rivolte alla customer base online;
+Progetti di machine learning, principalmente orientati al profiling e customer insight: fraud detection, churn e propensity models, clustering, customer lifetime value e retention
+Elaborazione di report statistici e presentazioni finalizzate alla rappresentazione dei trend;
+Utilizzo tools di Visual Analytics per la strutturazione di dashboard finalizzate al monitoraggio del business
+Individuazione delle aree di sviluppo/manutenzione della piattaforma aziendale di datawarehouse.
+Esperienza pregressa nel ruolo in contesti strutturati
+Laurea e/o master in discipline statistiche/matematiche
+Passione per i numeri e spiccata capacità analitica
+Attitudine al problem solving e propensione al lavoro in team
+Ottima padronanza della suite MS Office (in particolare è richiesta l’utilizzo avanzato di MS Excel e PowerPoint)
+Conoscenza linguaggi di programmazione SQL, Python
+Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese
+Saranno un plus:
+Conoscenza tool di data visualization: Power BI
+Esperienza di modellazione predittiva
+Pregressa esperienza nei settori del Gaming e/o del Digital
+Cosa troverai in Lottomatica:
+Opportunità di lavorare nella più grande azienda di scommesse e giochi in Italia e una delle più grandi al mondo;
+Lavorare in un ambiente molto dinamico e migliorare le proprie competenze acquisendone di nuove;
+Essere sfidati a fornire soluzioni d'impatto per grandi organizzazioni e avere un impatto diretto sui loro dipendenti;
+Possibilità di partecipare a progetti di beneficenza, legalità e responsabilità attraverso l'impegno in Fondazione Lottomatica;
+Un modello di DNA aziendale definito in cui Inclusione, Valore della Diversità, Eccellenza e Collaborazione sono i pilastri;
+Far parte dell'azienda numero uno al mondo nel settore per impegno ESG;
+Eccellenti opportunità di crescita.
+Cosa offriamo:
+Contratto a tempo indeterminato e opportunità di lavoro ibrido;
+Laptop e cellulare aziendale;
+Ticket restaurant e premio di risultato;
+Welfare aziendale, polizza sanitaria integrativa, bonus asili nido
+Formazione continua su hard skills e soft skills;
+Stipendio annuo lordo commisurato all'esperienza (da 25k a 27k)
+Job Grade: 2
+Lottomatica attua una politica che garantisce pari opportunità e promuove diversità e inclusione, contro ogni forma di discriminazione.
+In Lottomatica crediamo che ogni persona sia unica e consideriamo la diversity come una fonte di arricchimento personale e organizzativo.
+Ci impegniamo ogni giorno affinché il nostro sia un ambiente aperto, sicuro e inclusivo, dove ogni persona possa essere pienamente se stessa indipendentemente da genere, religione, sesso, età, etnia, nazionalità, disabilità, stato civile o orientamento sessuale.
+We are the Lottomatica Group, leader in regulated gaming in Italy and one of the largest European operators, in all areas of activity: sports betting, online gaming and amusement machines. We offer our customers safe and quality gaming experiences, through all channels, putting responsibility and sustainability at the core of the business. Being in Lottomatica is much more than being part of a company: it means contributing to a great and responsible entrepreneurial project.
+We are looking, for a Group Company, for a profile as Data Scientist that will join the Betting & Digital Italy Department and will be involved in conducting quantitative analysis aimed at monitoring the behaviour of the customer base and the performance of online products.
+Previous experience in the role in structured contexts
+University degree and/or master's degree in statistics/mathematics
+Passion for numbers and strong analytical skills
+Aptitude for problem solving and propensity to work in a team
+Excellent command of the MS Office suite (in particular, advanced use of MS Excel and PowerPoint is required)
+Knowledge of SQL programming languages, Python
+Good knowledge of the English language
+The following will be a plus
+Knowledge of data visualisation tools: Power BI
+Experience in predictive modelling
+Previous experience in the Gaming and/or Digital sectors
+What you'll find at Lottomatica:
+Opportunity to work in the largest betting and gaming company in Italy and one of the largest in the world;
+Work in a very dynamic environment and improve your skills while acquiring new ones;
+Being challenged to provide impactful solutions for large organisations and have a direct impact on their employees;
+Opportunity to participate in charity, legality and responsibility projects through engagement in Fondazione Lottomatica;
+A defined corporate DNA model where Inclusion, Value of Diversity, Excellence and Collaboration are the pillars;
+Being part of the world's number one company in the industry for ESG commitment;
+Excellent growth opportunities.
+What we offer:
+Permanent contract and hybrid job opportunity;
+Laptop and company mobile phone;
+Ticket restaurant and performance bonus;
+Company welfare, supplementary health insurance, nursery bonus
+Ongoing training on hard skills and soft skills;
+Gross annual salary commensurate with experience (from 25k a 27k)
+Job Grade: 2
+Lottomatica implements a policy that guarantees equal opportunities and promotes diversity and inclusion, against all forms of discrimination. At Lottomatica we believe that each person is unique and we consider diversity as a source of personal and organizational enrichment. We strive every day for ours to be an open, safe and inclusive environment, where each person can be fully himself or herself regardless of gender, religion, sex, age, ethnicity, nationality, disability, marital status or sexual orientation.
+Show more ","
Siamo il Gruppo Lottomatica, leader nel settore del gioco regolamentato in Italia e uno dei maggiori operatori europei, in tutte le aree di attività: scommesse sportive, gioco online e macchine da intrattenimento. Offriamo ai nostri clienti esperienze di gioco sicure e di qualità, attraverso tutti i canali, ponendo la responsabilità e la sostenibilità al centro del business. Essere in Lottomatica è molto più che far parte di un'azienda: significa contribuire a un progetto imprenditoriale grande e responsabile.
Siamo alla ricerca, per una Società del Gruppo, di un profilo di Data Scientist che entrerà a far parte del Dipartimento Betting & Digital Italye sarà coinvolta nella conduzione di analisi quantitative finalizzate al monitoraggio del comportamento della customer base e delle performance dei prodotti online.
Principali attività:
Monitoraggio giornaliero dei principali KPI’s riguardanti il business online ed analisi di verifica del raggiungimento degli obiettivi di budget/quote di mercato;
Analisi del comportamento dei giocatori ed individuazione di insight funzionali al miglioramento della capacità di retention dei nostri clienti;
Monitoraggio ed analisi dei risultati delle attività promozionali rivolte alla customer base online;
Progetti di machine learning, principalmente orientati al profiling e customer insight: fraud detection, churn e propensity models, clustering, customer lifetime value e retention
Elaborazione di report statistici e presentazioni finalizzate alla rappresentazione dei trend;
Utilizzo tools di Visual Analytics per la strutturazione di dashboard finalizzate al monitoraggio del business
Individuazione delle aree di sviluppo/manutenzione della piattaforma aziendale di datawarehouse.
Esperienza pregressa nel ruolo in contesti strutturati
Laurea e/o master in discipline statistiche/matematiche
Passione per i numeri e spiccata capacità analitica
Attitudine al problem solving e propensione al lavoro in team
Ottima padronanza della suite MS Office (in particolare è richiesta l’utilizzo avanzato di MS Excel e PowerPoint)
Conoscenza linguaggi di programmazione SQL, Python
Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese
Saranno un plus:
Conoscenza tool di data visualization: Power BI
Esperienza di modellazione predittiva
Pregressa esperienza nei settori del Gaming e/o del Digital
Cosa troverai in Lottomatica:
Opportunità di lavorare nella più grande azienda di scommesse e giochi in Italia e una delle più grandi al mondo;
Lavorare in un ambiente molto dinamico e migliorare le proprie competenze acquisendone di nuove;
Essere sfidati a fornire soluzioni d'impatto per grandi organizzazioni e avere un impatto diretto sui loro dipendenti;
Possibilità di partecipare a progetti di beneficenza, legalità e responsabilità attraverso l'impegno in Fondazione Lottomatica;
Un modello di DNA aziendale definito in cui Inclusione, Valore della Diversità, Eccellenza e Collaborazione sono i pilastri;
Far parte dell'azienda numero uno al mondo nel settore per impegno ESG;
Eccellenti opportunità di crescita.
Cosa offriamo:
Contratto a tempo indeterminato e opportunità di lavoro ibrido;
Laptop e cellulare aziendale;
Ticket restaurant e premio di risultato;
Welfare aziendale, polizza sanitaria integrativa, bonus asili nido
Formazione continua su hard skills e soft skills;
Stipendio annuo lordo commisurato all'esperienza (da 25k a 27k)
Job Grade: 2
Lottomatica attua una politica che garantisce pari opportunità e promuove diversità e inclusione, contro ogni forma di discriminazione.
In Lottomatica crediamo che ogni persona sia unica e consideriamo la diversity come una fonte di arricchimento personale e organizzativo.
Ci impegniamo ogni giorno affinché il nostro sia un ambiente aperto, sicuro e inclusivo, dove ogni persona possa essere pienamente se stessa indipendentemente da genere, religione, sesso, età, etnia, nazionalità, disabilità, stato civile o orientamento sessuale.
We are the Lottomatica Group, leader in regulated gaming in Italy and one of the largest European operators, in all areas of activity: sports betting, online gaming and amusement machines. We offer our customers safe and quality gaming experiences, through all channels, putting responsibility and sustainability at the core of the business. Being in Lottomatica is much more than being part of a company: it means contributing to a great and responsible entrepreneurial project.
We are looking, for a Group Company, for a profile as Data Scientist that will join the Betting & Digital Italy Department and will be involved in conducting quantitative analysis aimed at monitoring the behaviour of the customer base and the performance of online products.
Previous experience in the role in structured contexts
University degree and/or master's degree in statistics/mathematics
Passion for numbers and strong analytical skills
Aptitude for problem solving and propensity to work in a team
Excellent command of the MS Office suite (in particular, advanced use of MS Excel and PowerPoint is required)
Knowledge of SQL programming languages, Python
Good knowledge of the English language
The following will be a plus
Knowledge of data visualisation tools: Power BI
Experience in predictive modelling
Previous experience in the Gaming and/or Digital sectors
What you'll find at Lottomatica:
Opportunity to work in the largest betting and gaming company in Italy and one of the largest in the world;
Work in a very dynamic environment and improve your skills while acquiring new ones;
Being challenged to provide impactful solutions for large organisations and have a direct impact on their employees;
Opportunity to participate in charity, legality and responsibility projects through engagement in Fondazione Lottomatica;
A defined corporate DNA model where Inclusion, Value of Diversity, Excellence and Collaboration are the pillars;
Being part of the world's number one company in the industry for ESG commitment;
Excellent growth opportunities.
What we offer:
Permanent contract and hybrid job opportunity;
Laptop and company mobile phone;
Ticket restaurant and performance bonus;
Company welfare, supplementary health insurance, nursery bonus
Ongoing training on hard skills and soft skills;
Gross annual salary commensurate with experience (from 25k a 27k)
Job Grade: 2
Lottomatica implements a policy that guarantees equal opportunities and promotes diversity and inclusion, against all forms of discrimination. At Lottomatica we believe that each person is unique and we consider diversity as a source of personal and organizational enrichment. We strive every day for ours to be an open, safe and inclusive environment, where each person can be fully himself or herself regardless of gender, religion, sex, age, ethnicity, nationality, disability, marital status or sexual orientation.
+4081414959,https://nl.linkedin.com/jobs/view/machine-learning-engineer-at-enjins-4081414959?position=4&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=MF3E%2Bx3mEqTIwMCEPwGQcA%3D%3D,Machine Learning Engineer,Enjins,"Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands","Hey there! 👋
+Are you an ambitious Machine Learning engineer? Do you want to use your data science and engineering skills to help fast-growing tech scale-ups by means of ML? Furthermore, are you ready for the adventure of expanding Enjins together with our ambitious team? Then keep reading!
+About Us 🚀
+At Enjins, we're committed to building AI solutions for meaningful change. We do this for customers in industries where a positive change can be made: Climate tech, Mobility and Marketplaces. Our portfolio includes partnerships with renowned names like Crisp, Groendus, SnappCar, Tier Mobility, Independer, PlanBlue (check our cases page for examples of our work).
+With our headquarters in the Netherlands (Utrecht) and a second hub in Berlin we have shown impressive growth year-over-year, a proven proposition that fits current market needs, and a strong branding that resembles quality, innovation, and pragmatism. In 2024, we'll continue to invest in expanding our sales team within the Utrecht Hub to further grow our reach in the Dutch scale-up ecosystem. As the AI industry is booming, we have ambitious goals for the coming years ahead. From this hub, our ML engineers develop innovative AI solutions in collaboration with various scale-up customers.
+At Enjins, our success hinges upon the quality of our team and the breadth of their ideas. We believe that truly remarkable insights and innovative solutions for our customers emerge from the rich interplay of diverse cultures, knowledge, and experiences among our workforces.
+What? [You'll be doing] 👀
+As a Machine Learning Engineer, you'll work within our growing Machine Learning team, comprising of 15 other equally amazing Machine Learning Engineers.
+In this role, there is plenty of room for your ideas. Our team is growing fast and we'll support your growth ambitions as much as possible. We're flexible, and as long as you're proactive and take responsibility for your own work, we'll be a great match!
+Some of the responsibilities [but not limited to;]
+You become a full member of our growing ML Engineering team
+You'll work in small teams on ML projects for innovative Dutch & foreign clients in ClimateTech, Mobility and Marketplaces.
+You'll develop and implement robust ML applications for these clients
+You'll apply your data engineering, computer science and machine learning knowledge on projects and you work with the latest technologies such as Kubernetes, Airflow and Kafka
+You'll translate the implications of the project to business stakeholders and focus on the human aspects to increase the impact of our ML applications
+Together we will keep building our young company Enjins, in which you will play a more and more important role!
+Within 1 month you'll:
+Finish the Enjins ML Engineering onboarding program, in which you will understand how Enjins work, be trained in our approach and become a certified cloud practitioner in AWS/Azure or GCP
+Start your first customer project!
+Within 3 months you'll:
+Develop and implement robust ML applications for your client, working on building new solutions and ironing out any old integration problems. This way laying the foundation of your ML engineering skills.
+Had multiple feedback moments with your project team before and after client meetings, to help you to improve your consulting and project management skills
+Within 6 months you'll:
+You'll identify new tools / methods / processes that work best
+Have helped in the interview process for additional ML Engineers to join Enjins' growing team
+Have helped your client move along rapidly - their velocity has increased significantly
+About you: 💬
+You have finished your Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or another (technical) degree that is of relevance
+You are ambitious and willing to invest in your personal development path towards a Senior ML Engineer
+You are pragmatic and proactive and you like to work in small teams for innovative clients
+You've excellent communication skills and enjoy translating complex problems to non-tech people
+You are not afraid to connect with our clients on board level (CEO, CTO, CFO, CIO, etc) to achieve maximum results
+You are fluent in English and are eligible to work in the Netherlands
+Your tech skills: 🔧
+You've extensive software engineering experience in Python, SQL and git. Other languages or frameworks are a big plus
+You have experience with at least one cloud platform (AWS, Azure or GCP) and its data engineering components
+You are familiar with software and data engineering concepts like containerization (Kubernetes & Docker), networking, ETL/ELT-tools and understand the basic concepts of MLOps
+You have experience with machine learning and know how to create ML models and bring them to production
+You are a passionate engineer who 1) wants to make a positive impact to our world and 2) loves discovering new programming languages, frameworks or cloud services. After all, our world is changing continuously!
+You've applied the above concepts in one or more relevant (side) jobs
+What to expect from us: ⚡️
+We look for people that want to enjoy the ride of a start-up and benefit from the freedom in the role:
+Join a dynamic team at the forefront of Data & AI technology
+Flourish in an empowering, innovative, and global environment
+A dedicated training program to improve your skills (MLEAP) and 1-on-1 coaching from Leads and our C-Level
+Become part of a diverse and driven team enjoying monthly social events such as themed parties, board game nights, sports tournaments, and pub quizzes
+Work from our office centrally located in Utrecht along the picturesque Oudegracht. Our office is not yet fully accessible to individuals with physical disabilities
+Receive an Apple MacBook Pro for work
+Enjoy 28 vacation days (based on full-time employment), comprising 20 statutory vacation days and an additional 8 days provided by the employer. You have the flexibility to utilise 3 national holidays (Easter Monday, Whit Monday, & Ascension Day) among the 8 days provided.
+Have we spiked your interest? 🌎
+Let's have a talk! In the first meeting you talk directly to one of our Lead ML engineers, so ask everything you want to know. If you want to reach out to us before applying with any questions, drop us an email at work@enjins.com
+Show more ","
+ Hey there! 👋
Are you an ambitious Machine Learning engineer? Do you want to use your data science and engineering skills to help fast-growing tech scale-ups by means of ML? Furthermore, are you ready for the adventure of expanding Enjins together with our ambitious team? Then keep reading!
About Us 🚀
At Enjins, we're committed to building AI solutions for meaningful change. We do this for customers in industries where a positive change can be made: Climate tech, Mobility and Marketplaces. Our portfolio includes partnerships with renowned names like Crisp, Groendus, SnappCar, Tier Mobility, Independer, PlanBlue (check our cases page for examples of our work).
With our headquarters in the Netherlands (Utrecht) and a second hub in Berlin we have shown impressive growth year-over-year, a proven proposition that fits current market needs, and a strong branding that resembles quality, innovation, and pragmatism. In 2024, we'll continue to invest in expanding our sales team within the Utrecht Hub to further grow our reach in the Dutch scale-up ecosystem. As the AI industry is booming, we have ambitious goals for the coming years ahead. From this hub, our ML engineers develop innovative AI solutions in collaboration with various scale-up customers.
At Enjins, our success hinges upon the quality of our team and the breadth of their ideas. We believe that truly remarkable insights and innovative solutions for our customers emerge from the rich interplay of diverse cultures, knowledge, and experiences among our workforces.
What? [You'll be doing] 👀
As a Machine Learning Engineer, you'll work within our growing Machine Learning team, comprising of 15 other equally amazing Machine Learning Engineers.
In this role, there is plenty of room for your ideas. Our team is growing fast and we'll support your growth ambitions as much as possible. We're flexible, and as long as you're proactive and take responsibility for your own work, we'll be a great match!
Some of the responsibilities [but not limited to;]
You become a full member of our growing ML Engineering team
You'll work in small teams on ML projects for innovative Dutch & foreign clients in ClimateTech, Mobility and Marketplaces.
You'll develop and implement robust ML applications for these clients
You'll apply your data engineering, computer science and machine learning knowledge on projects and you work with the latest technologies such as Kubernetes, Airflow and Kafka
You'll translate the implications of the project to business stakeholders and focus on the human aspects to increase the impact of our ML applications
Together we will keep building our young company Enjins, in which you will play a more and more important role!
Within 1 month you'll:
Finish the Enjins ML Engineering onboarding program, in which you will understand how Enjins work, be trained in our approach and become a certified cloud practitioner in AWS/Azure or GCP
Start your first customer project!
Within 3 months you'll:
Develop and implement robust ML applications for your client, working on building new solutions and ironing out any old integration problems. This way laying the foundation of your ML engineering skills.
Had multiple feedback moments with your project team before and after client meetings, to help you to improve your consulting and project management skills
Within 6 months you'll:
You'll identify new tools / methods / processes that work best
Have helped in the interview process for additional ML Engineers to join Enjins' growing team
Have helped your client move along rapidly - their velocity has increased significantly
About you: 💬
You have finished your Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or another (technical) degree that is of relevance
You are ambitious and willing to invest in your personal development path towards a Senior ML Engineer
You are pragmatic and proactive and you like to work in small teams for innovative clients
You've excellent communication skills and enjoy translating complex problems to non-tech people
You are not afraid to connect with our clients on board level (CEO, CTO, CFO, CIO, etc) to achieve maximum results
You are fluent in English and are eligible to work in the Netherlands
Your tech skills: 🔧
You've extensive software engineering experience in Python, SQL and git. Other languages or frameworks are a big plus
You have experience with at least one cloud platform (AWS, Azure or GCP) and its data engineering components
You are familiar with software and data engineering concepts like containerization (Kubernetes & Docker), networking, ETL/ELT-tools and understand the basic concepts of MLOps
You have experience with machine learning and know how to create ML models and bring them to production
You are a passionate engineer who 1) wants to make a positive impact to our world and 2) loves discovering new programming languages, frameworks or cloud services. After all, our world is changing continuously!
You've applied the above concepts in one or more relevant (side) jobs
What to expect from us: ⚡️
We look for people that want to enjoy the ride of a start-up and benefit from the freedom in the role:
Join a dynamic team at the forefront of Data & AI technology
Flourish in an empowering, innovative, and global environment
A dedicated training program to improve your skills (MLEAP) and 1-on-1 coaching from Leads and our C-Level
Become part of a diverse and driven team enjoying monthly social events such as themed parties, board game nights, sports tournaments, and pub quizzes
Work from our office centrally located in Utrecht along the picturesque Oudegracht. Our office is not yet fully accessible to individuals with physical disabilities
Receive an Apple MacBook Pro for work
Enjoy 28 vacation days (based on full-time employment), comprising 20 statutory vacation days and an additional 8 days provided by the employer. You have the flexibility to utilise 3 national holidays (Easter Monday, Whit Monday, & Ascension Day) among the 8 days provided.
Have we spiked your interest? 🌎
Let's have a talk! In the first meeting you talk directly to one of our Lead ML engineers, so ask everything you want to know. If you want to reach out to us before applying with any questions, drop us an email at work@enjins.com
+4090506472,https://pt.linkedin.com/jobs/view/data-scientist-at-growin-4090506472?position=5&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=oYj5yOPR9nnrG1y9FADqDQ%3D%3D,Data Scientist,Growin,"Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal","We Develop People Who Develop Technology
+And we want to develop you!
+At Growin people always come first.
+Why? Because we believe happy, talented people are the ones who can change the world: one code line at a time.
+We have several projects waiting for you all over Portugal - both hybrid and full remote - where you can grow professionally and take your career to the next level.
+Are you a savvy Data Scientist seeking a new challenge in a dynamic team of data experts? We want to know more about you!
+Tell us about your:
+experience with automate data collection processes
+experience in developing predictive models using algorithms
+experience in Python and PySpark
+ability to communicate in English
+We’ve got your back
+At Growin, we encourage our people to be the best versions of themselves. And we do it together, because we believeTogether We Grow Better.
+What's in it for you?
+a tailor-made career management plan
+opportunity to learn and grow professionally
+work-life balance
+a phenomenal and supportive team
+… and so much more!
+What are you waiting for to joinus?
+Powered by JazzHR
+Show more ","
+ We Develop People Who Develop Technology
And we want to develop you!
At Growin people always come first.
Why? Because we believe happy, talented people are the ones who can change the world: one code line at a time.
We have several projects waiting for you all over Portugal - both hybrid and full remote - where you can grow professionally and take your career to the next level.
Are you a savvy Data Scientist seeking a new challenge in a dynamic team of data experts? We want to know more about you!
Tell us about your:
experience with automate data collection processes
experience in developing predictive models using algorithms
experience in Python and PySpark
ability to communicate in English
We’ve got your back
At Growin, we encourage our people to be the best versions of themselves. And we do it together, because we believeTogether We Grow Better.
What's in it for you?
a tailor-made career management plan
opportunity to learn and grow professionally
work-life balance
a phenomenal and supportive team
… and so much more!
What are you waiting for to joinus?
Powered by JazzHR
+4090132020,https://pt.linkedin.com/jobs/view/data-scientist-product-at-moonpay-4090132020?position=9&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=p16M97Iw2ncxJ2fUBafJDQ%3D%3D,"Data Scientist, Product",MoonPay,"Lisbon, Portugal","About MoonPay 🌖💸
+Hi, we’re MoonPay. We’re here to onboard the world to Web3.
+Why? Because we think Web3 is a unique and democratising technology. It gives people back control of their money, digital identity, data, and property like nothing else before it.
+What we do
+We’re the leading infrastructure company in Web3. This means we offer our partners everything from payment solutions (we call them 'Ramps') to minting software for digital collectibles, like NFTs. And over 20 million people around the world now trust our products — just take a look on Trustpilot.
+We’re also big on collaborations. And we've worked on stunts, drops, and partnerships with some of the world's most prestigious and forward-thinking brands.
+But that’s not all. We have also built our own consumer app because we wanted to see if we could build a better Web3 account. It’s taken off in a big way, and we're working hard to continually improve it and to strive for perfection.
+So whatever your background, we’re sure there’s something for you here. Come help us build the future of Web3 and digital ownership.
+About the Opportunity ✍️
+We're on the lookout for a skilled Product Data Scientist to join our team, where you'll be pivotal in driving business growth and maximising our product performance. This is your chance to have a significant impact on our market-leading products, optimising product initiatives and delivering actionable insights across the wider product organisation. Join us and be part of an exciting journey to reshape our industry!
+What you will do
+Provide insights and recommendations to stakeholders based on a deep understanding of MoonPay products, and be able to identify and drive new opportunities for product improvements & enhanced customer experiences
+Work closely with the product teams and business stakeholders to review product performance, look for opportunities to optimise our products, and deliver data driven strategies for increased product performance
+Define KPIs, design tracking and set up monitoring for new product launches & changes
+Oversee and implement A/B tests and other experiments to drive forward optimization efforts
+Leverage and incorporate forecasting or predictive modelling techniques to drive recommendations / actionable insights
+Build robust data models downstream of backend services and external data sources
+Design, build and scale both internal and external data products, which drive informed decision making; examples include dashboards, reports, models, algorithms, integrations into other product lines
+Communicate complex concepts and findings to technical and non-technical audiences across different teams, including VPs, while ensuring clarity and understanding to drive critical business decisions
+As a Product Data Scientist you will be expected to:
+Independently lead projects from end-to-end
+Prioritise and manage competing tasks and deadlines effectively, aligning with goals and adapting to changing priorities
+Contribute to our overall approach and standards within the data discipline
+Be proactive in spearheading initiatives to support stakeholders and business partners around the organisation.
+About You
+You will be expected to be able to lead data projects from end-to-end, as well as support junior analysts on the team. You will be someone who can contribute to our overall approach and standards within the data discipline. You will be proactive in spearheading initiatives to support stakeholders and business partners around the organisation.
+What you will need…
+2-5+ years experience as a data scientist or data analyst
+Advanced SQL, data modelling, and data visualisation tools are second nature to you
+You have an understanding of the fundamentals of statistics and probability, including experience in conducting large-scale A/B tests
+You have experience working with product teams in an analytics role
+An active interest in cryptocurrency, and have interacted with crypto/blockchains in the past
+You have the versatility and willingness to learn new technologies on the job and adapt quickly to changing priorities within a very dynamic environment
+You are experienced in communicating with cross-functional stakeholders including product managers, engineers, and C-level executives
+Bonus points if you have:
+Worked with DBT, Google BigQuery, Looker and Python
+Worked with blockchain data (e.g. explored on-chain activity through Dune, Flipside or other tools
+Experience working in fintech
+Experience working in start-ups or scale-ups
+Most importantly, though, you will embody the core principles that everyone here at the MoonPay lives by. Our “BLOCK Values” are at the heart of everything we do - and they are…
+B - Be Hungry
+L - Level Up
+O - Own It
+C - Crypto Curious
+K - Kaizen
+MoonPay Perks
+Equity package 📈
+Unlimited holidays 🏝
+Paid parental leave 🍼
+Annual training budget 💻
+Home office setup allowance 🪑
+Monthly budget to spend on our products 💰
+Working in a disruptive and fast-growing industry where the possibilities are endless 🚀
+Freedom, autonomy and responsibility 💪
+Research has shown that women are less likely than men to apply for this role if they do not have experience in 100% of these areas. Please know that this list is indicative, and that we would still love to hear from you even if you feel that you are only a 75% match. Skills can be learnt, diversity cannot.
+Please let us know if you require any accommodations for the interview process, and we’ll do our best to provide assistance.
+Commitment To Diversity
+At MoonPay we believe that every voice matters. We strive to create a mindful and respectful environment where everyone can bring their authentic self to work, and experience a culture that is free of harassment, racism, and discrimination. That’s why we are committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace and are a proud equal opportunity employer. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law. This policy applies to all employment practices within our organization, including, but not limited to, hiring, recruiting, promotion, termination, layoff, and leave of absence.
+MoonPay is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations in our job application procedures for qualified individuals with disabilities. Please inform our Talent Team if you need any assistance completing any forms or to otherwise participate in the application process.
+Please be aware that MoonPay does not request an AI-led interview without seeing a recruiter or team member from MoonPay on video call. We won't ask for your personal identification documents or any money from you during your interview process with us. Be fraud smart! If you receive an email - claiming to be from MoonPay - but from an email address ending in anything other than @moonpay.com, please be aware that this is not us.
+Show more ","
About MoonPay 🌖💸
Hi, we’re MoonPay. We’re here to onboard the world to Web3.
Why? Because we think Web3 is a unique and democratising technology. It gives people back control of their money, digital identity, data, and property like nothing else before it.
What we do
We’re the leading infrastructure company in Web3. This means we offer our partners everything from payment solutions (we call them 'Ramps') to minting software for digital collectibles, like NFTs. And over 20 million people around the world now trust our products — just take a look on Trustpilot.
We’re also big on collaborations. And we've worked on stunts, drops, and partnerships with some of the world's most prestigious and forward-thinking brands.
But that’s not all. We have also built our own consumer app because we wanted to see if we could build a better Web3 account. It’s taken off in a big way, and we're working hard to continually improve it and to strive for perfection.
So whatever your background, we’re sure there’s something for you here. Come help us build the future of Web3 and digital ownership.
About the Opportunity ✍️
We're on the lookout for a skilled Product Data Scientist to join our team, where you'll be pivotal in driving business growth and maximising our product performance. This is your chance to have a significant impact on our market-leading products, optimising product initiatives and delivering actionable insights across the wider product organisation. Join us and be part of an exciting journey to reshape our industry!
What you will do
Provide insights and recommendations to stakeholders based on a deep understanding of MoonPay products, and be able to identify and drive new opportunities for product improvements & enhanced customer experiences
Work closely with the product teams and business stakeholders to review product performance, look for opportunities to optimise our products, and deliver data driven strategies for increased product performance
Define KPIs, design tracking and set up monitoring for new product launches & changes
Oversee and implement A/B tests and other experiments to drive forward optimization efforts
Leverage and incorporate forecasting or predictive modelling techniques to drive recommendations / actionable insights
Build robust data models downstream of backend services and external data sources
Design, build and scale both internal and external data products, which drive informed decision making; examples include dashboards, reports, models, algorithms, integrations into other product lines
Communicate complex concepts and findings to technical and non-technical audiences across different teams, including VPs, while ensuring clarity and understanding to drive critical business decisions
As a Product Data Scientist you will be expected to:
Independently lead projects from end-to-end
Prioritise and manage competing tasks and deadlines effectively, aligning with goals and adapting to changing priorities
Contribute to our overall approach and standards within the data discipline
Be proactive in spearheading initiatives to support stakeholders and business partners around the organisation.
About You
You will be expected to be able to lead data projects from end-to-end, as well as support junior analysts on the team. You will be someone who can contribute to our overall approach and standards within the data discipline. You will be proactive in spearheading initiatives to support stakeholders and business partners around the organisation.
What you will need…
2-5+ years experience as a data scientist or data analyst
Advanced SQL, data modelling, and data visualisation tools are second nature to you
You have an understanding of the fundamentals of statistics and probability, including experience in conducting large-scale A/B tests
You have experience working with product teams in an analytics role
An active interest in cryptocurrency, and have interacted with crypto/blockchains in the past
You have the versatility and willingness to learn new technologies on the job and adapt quickly to changing priorities within a very dynamic environment
You are experienced in communicating with cross-functional stakeholders including product managers, engineers, and C-level executives
Bonus points if you have:
Worked with DBT, Google BigQuery, Looker and Python
Worked with blockchain data (e.g. explored on-chain activity through Dune, Flipside or other tools
Experience working in fintech
Experience working in start-ups or scale-ups
Most importantly, though, you will embody the core principles that everyone here at the MoonPay lives by. Our “BLOCK Values” are at the heart of everything we do - and they are…
B - Be Hungry
L - Level Up
O - Own It
C - Crypto Curious
K - Kaizen
MoonPay Perks
Equity package 📈
Unlimited holidays 🏝
Paid parental leave 🍼
Annual training budget 💻
Home office setup allowance 🪑
Monthly budget to spend on our products 💰
Working in a disruptive and fast-growing industry where the possibilities are endless 🚀
Freedom, autonomy and responsibility 💪
Research has shown that women are less likely than men to apply for this role if they do not have experience in 100% of these areas. Please know that this list is indicative, and that we would still love to hear from you even if you feel that you are only a 75% match. Skills can be learnt, diversity cannot.
Please let us know if you require any accommodations for the interview process, and we’ll do our best to provide assistance.
Commitment To Diversity
At MoonPay we believe that every voice matters. We strive to create a mindful and respectful environment where everyone can bring their authentic self to work, and experience a culture that is free of harassment, racism, and discrimination. That’s why we are committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace and are a proud equal opportunity employer. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law. This policy applies to all employment practices within our organization, including, but not limited to, hiring, recruiting, promotion, termination, layoff, and leave of absence.
MoonPay is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations in our job application procedures for qualified individuals with disabilities. Please inform our Talent Team if you need any assistance completing any forms or to otherwise participate in the application process.
Please be aware that MoonPay does not request an AI-led interview without seeing a recruiter or team member from MoonPay on video call. We won't ask for your personal identification documents or any money from you during your interview process with us. Be fraud smart! If you receive an email - claiming to be from MoonPay - but from an email address ending in anything other than @moonpay.com, please be aware that this is not us.
+4090129176,https://ro.linkedin.com/jobs/view/data-scientist-product-at-moonpay-4090129176?position=22&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=EuuhZY38dzqa3wSOYrNNow%3D%3D,"Data Scientist, Product",MoonPay,"Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania","About MoonPay 🌖💸
+Hi, we’re MoonPay. We’re here to onboard the world to Web3.
+Why? Because we think Web3 is a unique and democratising technology. It gives people back control of their money, digital identity, data, and property like nothing else before it.
+What we do
+We’re the leading infrastructure company in Web3. This means we offer our partners everything from payment solutions (we call them 'Ramps') to minting software for digital collectibles, like NFTs. And over 20 million people around the world now trust our products — just take a look on Trustpilot.
+We’re also big on collaborations. And we've worked on stunts, drops, and partnerships with some of the world's most prestigious and forward-thinking brands.
+But that’s not all. We have also built our own consumer app because we wanted to see if we could build a better Web3 account. It’s taken off in a big way, and we're working hard to continually improve it and to strive for perfection.
+So whatever your background, we’re sure there’s something for you here. Come help us build the future of Web3 and digital ownership.
+About the Opportunity ✍️
+We're on the lookout for a skilled Product Data Scientist to join our team, where you'll be pivotal in driving business growth and maximising our product performance. This is your chance to have a significant impact on our market-leading products, optimising product initiatives and delivering actionable insights across the wider product organisation. Join us and be part of an exciting journey to reshape our industry!
+What you will do
+Provide insights and recommendations to stakeholders based on a deep understanding of MoonPay products, and be able to identify and drive new opportunities for product improvements & enhanced customer experiences
+Work closely with the product teams and business stakeholders to review product performance, look for opportunities to optimise our products, and deliver data driven strategies for increased product performance
+Define KPIs, design tracking and set up monitoring for new product launches & changes
+Oversee and implement A/B tests and other experiments to drive forward optimization efforts
+Leverage and incorporate forecasting or predictive modelling techniques to drive recommendations / actionable insights
+Build robust data models downstream of backend services and external data sources
+Design, build and scale both internal and external data products, which drive informed decision making; examples include dashboards, reports, models, algorithms, integrations into other product lines
+Communicate complex concepts and findings to technical and non-technical audiences across different teams, including VPs, while ensuring clarity and understanding to drive critical business decisions
+As a Product Data Scientist you will be expected to:
+Independently lead projects from end-to-end
+Prioritise and manage competing tasks and deadlines effectively, aligning with goals and adapting to changing priorities
+Contribute to our overall approach and standards within the data discipline
+Be proactive in spearheading initiatives to support stakeholders and business partners around the organisation.
+About You
+You will be expected to be able to lead data projects from end-to-end, as well as support junior analysts on the team. You will be someone who can contribute to our overall approach and standards within the data discipline. You will be proactive in spearheading initiatives to support stakeholders and business partners around the organisation.
+What you will need…
+2-5+ years experience as a data scientist or data analyst
+Advanced SQL, data modelling, and data visualisation tools are second nature to you
+You have an understanding of the fundamentals of statistics and probability, including experience in conducting large-scale A/B tests
+You have experience working with product teams in an analytics role
+An active interest in cryptocurrency, and have interacted with crypto/blockchains in the past
+You have the versatility and willingness to learn new technologies on the job and adapt quickly to changing priorities within a very dynamic environment
+You are experienced in communicating with cross-functional stakeholders including product managers, engineers, and C-level executives
+Bonus points if you have:
+Worked with DBT, Google BigQuery, Looker and Python
+Worked with blockchain data (e.g. explored on-chain activity through Dune, Flipside or other tools
+Experience working in fintech
+Experience working in start-ups or scale-ups
+Most importantly, though, you will embody the core principles that everyone here at the MoonPay lives by. Our “BLOCK Values” are at the heart of everything we do - and they are…
+B - Be Hungry
+L - Level Up
+O - Own It
+C - Crypto Curious
+K - Kaizen
+MoonPay Perks
+Equity package 📈
+Unlimited holidays 🏝
+Paid parental leave 🍼
+Annual training budget 💻
+Home office setup allowance 🪑
+Monthly budget to spend on our products 💰
+Working in a disruptive and fast-growing industry where the possibilities are endless 🚀
+Freedom, autonomy and responsibility 💪
+Research has shown that women are less likely than men to apply for this role if they do not have experience in 100% of these areas. Please know that this list is indicative, and that we would still love to hear from you even if you feel that you are only a 75% match. Skills can be learnt, diversity cannot.
+Please let us know if you require any accommodations for the interview process, and we’ll do our best to provide assistance.
+Commitment To Diversity
+At MoonPay we believe that every voice matters. We strive to create a mindful and respectful environment where everyone can bring their authentic self to work, and experience a culture that is free of harassment, racism, and discrimination. That’s why we are committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace and are a proud equal opportunity employer. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law. This policy applies to all employment practices within our organization, including, but not limited to, hiring, recruiting, promotion, termination, layoff, and leave of absence.
+MoonPay is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations in our job application procedures for qualified individuals with disabilities. Please inform our Talent Team if you need any assistance completing any forms or to otherwise participate in the application process.
+Please be aware that MoonPay does not request an AI-led interview without seeing a recruiter or team member from MoonPay on video call. We won't ask for your personal identification documents or any money from you during your interview process with us. Be fraud smart! If you receive an email - claiming to be from MoonPay - but from an email address ending in anything other than @moonpay.com, please be aware that this is not us.
+Show more ","
About MoonPay 🌖💸
Hi, we’re MoonPay. We’re here to onboard the world to Web3.
Why? Because we think Web3 is a unique and democratising technology. It gives people back control of their money, digital identity, data, and property like nothing else before it.
What we do
We’re the leading infrastructure company in Web3. This means we offer our partners everything from payment solutions (we call them 'Ramps') to minting software for digital collectibles, like NFTs. And over 20 million people around the world now trust our products — just take a look on Trustpilot.
We’re also big on collaborations. And we've worked on stunts, drops, and partnerships with some of the world's most prestigious and forward-thinking brands.
But that’s not all. We have also built our own consumer app because we wanted to see if we could build a better Web3 account. It’s taken off in a big way, and we're working hard to continually improve it and to strive for perfection.
So whatever your background, we’re sure there’s something for you here. Come help us build the future of Web3 and digital ownership.
About the Opportunity ✍️
We're on the lookout for a skilled Product Data Scientist to join our team, where you'll be pivotal in driving business growth and maximising our product performance. This is your chance to have a significant impact on our market-leading products, optimising product initiatives and delivering actionable insights across the wider product organisation. Join us and be part of an exciting journey to reshape our industry!
What you will do
Provide insights and recommendations to stakeholders based on a deep understanding of MoonPay products, and be able to identify and drive new opportunities for product improvements & enhanced customer experiences
Work closely with the product teams and business stakeholders to review product performance, look for opportunities to optimise our products, and deliver data driven strategies for increased product performance
Define KPIs, design tracking and set up monitoring for new product launches & changes
Oversee and implement A/B tests and other experiments to drive forward optimization efforts
Leverage and incorporate forecasting or predictive modelling techniques to drive recommendations / actionable insights
Build robust data models downstream of backend services and external data sources
Design, build and scale both internal and external data products, which drive informed decision making; examples include dashboards, reports, models, algorithms, integrations into other product lines
Communicate complex concepts and findings to technical and non-technical audiences across different teams, including VPs, while ensuring clarity and understanding to drive critical business decisions
As a Product Data Scientist you will be expected to:
Independently lead projects from end-to-end
Prioritise and manage competing tasks and deadlines effectively, aligning with goals and adapting to changing priorities
Contribute to our overall approach and standards within the data discipline
Be proactive in spearheading initiatives to support stakeholders and business partners around the organisation.
About You
You will be expected to be able to lead data projects from end-to-end, as well as support junior analysts on the team. You will be someone who can contribute to our overall approach and standards within the data discipline. You will be proactive in spearheading initiatives to support stakeholders and business partners around the organisation.
What you will need…
2-5+ years experience as a data scientist or data analyst
Advanced SQL, data modelling, and data visualisation tools are second nature to you
You have an understanding of the fundamentals of statistics and probability, including experience in conducting large-scale A/B tests
You have experience working with product teams in an analytics role
An active interest in cryptocurrency, and have interacted with crypto/blockchains in the past
You have the versatility and willingness to learn new technologies on the job and adapt quickly to changing priorities within a very dynamic environment
You are experienced in communicating with cross-functional stakeholders including product managers, engineers, and C-level executives
Bonus points if you have:
Worked with DBT, Google BigQuery, Looker and Python
Worked with blockchain data (e.g. explored on-chain activity through Dune, Flipside or other tools
Experience working in fintech
Experience working in start-ups or scale-ups
Most importantly, though, you will embody the core principles that everyone here at the MoonPay lives by. Our “BLOCK Values” are at the heart of everything we do - and they are…
B - Be Hungry
L - Level Up
O - Own It
C - Crypto Curious
K - Kaizen
MoonPay Perks
Equity package 📈
Unlimited holidays 🏝
Paid parental leave 🍼
Annual training budget 💻
Home office setup allowance 🪑
Monthly budget to spend on our products 💰
Working in a disruptive and fast-growing industry where the possibilities are endless 🚀
Freedom, autonomy and responsibility 💪
Research has shown that women are less likely than men to apply for this role if they do not have experience in 100% of these areas. Please know that this list is indicative, and that we would still love to hear from you even if you feel that you are only a 75% match. Skills can be learnt, diversity cannot.
Please let us know if you require any accommodations for the interview process, and we’ll do our best to provide assistance.
Commitment To Diversity
At MoonPay we believe that every voice matters. We strive to create a mindful and respectful environment where everyone can bring their authentic self to work, and experience a culture that is free of harassment, racism, and discrimination. That’s why we are committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace and are a proud equal opportunity employer. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law. This policy applies to all employment practices within our organization, including, but not limited to, hiring, recruiting, promotion, termination, layoff, and leave of absence.
MoonPay is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations in our job application procedures for qualified individuals with disabilities. Please inform our Talent Team if you need any assistance completing any forms or to otherwise participate in the application process.
Please be aware that MoonPay does not request an AI-led interview without seeing a recruiter or team member from MoonPay on video call. We won't ask for your personal identification documents or any money from you during your interview process with us. Be fraud smart! If you receive an email - claiming to be from MoonPay - but from an email address ending in anything other than @moonpay.com, please be aware that this is not us.
+4081445775,https://de.linkedin.com/jobs/view/machine-learning-engineer-search-at-wolt-4081445775?position=23&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=J4JFfI4sEkMHn6xurcPf3Q%3D%3D,"Machine Learning Engineer, Search",Wolt,"Berlin, Berlin, Germany","Job Description
+The Search Relevance team, within Wolt’s Search department, owns the ML components of the Search’s stack that retrieve and rank restaurants, stores, dishes and items. Thanks to the team’s ML capabilities, Wolt can find the right results for a customer query in different touchpoints of our customers’ journey.
+As a Senior Machine Learning Engineer in Wolt’s Search Relevance team you will:
+Develop, train, deploy and maintain retrieval and ranking models that will surface the right content for our customers’ queries;
+Work at Wolt’s scale: Wolt operates in 28 different markets with as many languages and millions of customers;
+Be part of a cross-disciplinary team with Applied Scientists, Software Engineers and Analysts to provide solutions to customer problems with a direct impact on the company’s business KPIs;
+Build the team’s ML infrastructure and raise the team’s ML engineering excellence bar;
+Monitor, maintain and troubleshoot the Search Relevance’s ML stack;
+Contribute to our MLOps practices and liaise with Wolt’s ML Platform team.
+📍This role can be based in one of our tech hubs in Berlin, Helsinki, or Stockholm.
+Our humble expectations
+You are experienced in end-to-end machine learning deployments and maintenance of ML systems and have at least 4+ years of experience in ML/MLOps;
+You have deployed and ran ML models in production at scale;
+You bring solid experience in scaling and troubleshooting machine learning deployments to the table. You can help with the technical issues the teams encounter;
+You are experienced in supporting real-time inference ML models in production;
+Good understanding of ML and MLOps principles as well as Software engineering experience in Python should complete your profile;
+Experienced in Docker, Kubernetes, workflow orchestration tools (e.g. Flyte), model and experiment registries (e.g. MLflow) and model serving systems (e.g. Seldon);
+Domain experience in Search is highly preferable. We value previous experience building, managing and improving highly performant search solutions;
+You have solid communication and collaboration skills and are experienced in coordinating initiatives with your team and main technical and non-technical stakeholders.
+Next Steps
+The position will be filled as soon as we find the right person, so make sure to apply as soon as you realize you really, really want to join us!
+The compensation will be a negotiable combination of monthly pay and DoorDash RSUs. The latter makes it exceptionally easy to be excited about our company growing and doing well, as you’ll own a piece of the pie.
+For any further questions about the position, you can turn to Product+ Talent Acquisition Partner - Fernanda (fernanda.prado.e.silva@wolt.com).
+About Wolt
+Wolt is a Helsinki-based technology company that provides an online platform for consumers, merchants and couriers. It connects people looking to order food and other goods with people interested in selling and delivering them. To enable this, Wolt develops a wide range of technologies from local logistics to retail software and financial solutions – as well as operating its own grocery stores under the Wolt Market brand. Wolt’s products include Wolt+ (subscription service for customers), Wolt for Work (meal benefits and office deliveries for companies), Wolt Drive (fast last-mile deliveries for merchants) and Wolt Self-Delivery (service for merchant partners with their own delivery staff). Wolt’s mission is to make cities better by empowering and growing local communities. Wolt was founded in 2014 and joined forces with DoorDash in 2022. DoorDash operates in 29 countries today, 25 of which are with the Wolt product and brand.
+Working in Product Development at Wolt
+At Wolt, we’re about getting things done. You’ll probably enjoy it here if you like taking ownership, developing yourself and being around friendly, humble and ambitious people.
+The behind the scenes of Wolt is run by an awesome bunch of over 700+ planners, builders, designers and data crunchers. We call ourselves Product+, as we’re the very core of Wolt’s products, tools and platforms. To build our products, we work in over 60 cross-functional, independent and autonomous teams. Teams are made up of a mix of talented individuals: engineers, designers, data scientists, analysts, and product leads. Each team takes ownership for solving customer problems in the best possible way.
+Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
+We want to have all sorts of people in our team – people like you and me, and people different from you and me. To be able to work with diverse teammates – when it comes to gender, age, ethnicity, life background, sexual orientation, political views, religion, or any other personal trait – we consciously aim to offer equal opportunity for everyone to work with us. This is because we believe diverse teams make the most thought-through decisions and build things in the most inclusive way.
+Join us today to build Wolt together.
+Show more ","
+ Job Description
The Search Relevance team, within Wolt’s Search department, owns the ML components of the Search’s stack that retrieve and rank restaurants, stores, dishes and items. Thanks to the team’s ML capabilities, Wolt can find the right results for a customer query in different touchpoints of our customers’ journey.
As a Senior Machine Learning Engineer in Wolt’s Search Relevance team you will:
Develop, train, deploy and maintain retrieval and ranking models that will surface the right content for our customers’ queries;
Work at Wolt’s scale: Wolt operates in 28 different markets with as many languages and millions of customers;
Be part of a cross-disciplinary team with Applied Scientists, Software Engineers and Analysts to provide solutions to customer problems with a direct impact on the company’s business KPIs;
Build the team’s ML infrastructure and raise the team’s ML engineering excellence bar;
Monitor, maintain and troubleshoot the Search Relevance’s ML stack;
Contribute to our MLOps practices and liaise with Wolt’s ML Platform team.
📍This role can be based in one of our tech hubs in Berlin, Helsinki, or Stockholm.
Our humble expectations
You are experienced in end-to-end machine learning deployments and maintenance of ML systems and have at least 4+ years of experience in ML/MLOps;
You have deployed and ran ML models in production at scale;
You bring solid experience in scaling and troubleshooting machine learning deployments to the table. You can help with the technical issues the teams encounter;
You are experienced in supporting real-time inference ML models in production;
Good understanding of ML and MLOps principles as well as Software engineering experience in Python should complete your profile;
Experienced in Docker, Kubernetes, workflow orchestration tools (e.g. Flyte), model and experiment registries (e.g. MLflow) and model serving systems (e.g. Seldon);
Domain experience in Search is highly preferable. We value previous experience building, managing and improving highly performant search solutions;
You have solid communication and collaboration skills and are experienced in coordinating initiatives with your team and main technical and non-technical stakeholders.
Next Steps
The position will be filled as soon as we find the right person, so make sure to apply as soon as you realize you really, really want to join us!
The compensation will be a negotiable combination of monthly pay and DoorDash RSUs. The latter makes it exceptionally easy to be excited about our company growing and doing well, as you’ll own a piece of the pie.
For any further questions about the position, you can turn to Product+ Talent Acquisition Partner - Fernanda (fernanda.prado.e.silva@wolt.com).
About Wolt
Wolt is a Helsinki-based technology company that provides an online platform for consumers, merchants and couriers. It connects people looking to order food and other goods with people interested in selling and delivering them. To enable this, Wolt develops a wide range of technologies from local logistics to retail software and financial solutions – as well as operating its own grocery stores under the Wolt Market brand. Wolt’s products include Wolt+ (subscription service for customers), Wolt for Work (meal benefits and office deliveries for companies), Wolt Drive (fast last-mile deliveries for merchants) and Wolt Self-Delivery (service for merchant partners with their own delivery staff). Wolt’s mission is to make cities better by empowering and growing local communities. Wolt was founded in 2014 and joined forces with DoorDash in 2022. DoorDash operates in 29 countries today, 25 of which are with the Wolt product and brand.
Working in Product Development at Wolt
At Wolt, we’re about getting things done. You’ll probably enjoy it here if you like taking ownership, developing yourself and being around friendly, humble and ambitious people.
The behind the scenes of Wolt is run by an awesome bunch of over 700+ planners, builders, designers and data crunchers. We call ourselves Product+, as we’re the very core of Wolt’s products, tools and platforms. To build our products, we work in over 60 cross-functional, independent and autonomous teams. Teams are made up of a mix of talented individuals: engineers, designers, data scientists, analysts, and product leads. Each team takes ownership for solving customer problems in the best possible way.
Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
We want to have all sorts of people in our team – people like you and me, and people different from you and me. To be able to work with diverse teammates – when it comes to gender, age, ethnicity, life background, sexual orientation, political views, religion, or any other personal trait – we consciously aim to offer equal opportunity for everyone to work with us. This is because we believe diverse teams make the most thought-through decisions and build things in the most inclusive way.
Join us today to build Wolt together.
+4077512019,https://pl.linkedin.com/jobs/view/data-scientist-at-evolution-4077512019?position=24&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=%2FcLU9sz0tHFZkUtEcXqU9g%3D%3D,Data Scientist,Evolution,"Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland","Evolution is an award-winning company, founded in 2006. Across our 20+ sites, we have 10 000+ people working in the fields of Product Innovation, Software Development, Game Presenters & Hosts, IT-support, Facility & Studio build as well as support services. Evolution provides a dynamic and creative work environment with a unique opportunity for the right people to enhance their skills and drive their passion. Our culture is rooted in Evolution’s core values ALIVE, do RIGHT and work TOGETHER and we operate guided by our vision to become the leading supplier of online casino in the world.
+Job Description
+Please note that we work in hybrid model, 3 days in the office and 2 days remotely.
+We are searching for a passionate Data Scientist to help with our Machine Learning tasks and statistical analysis.
+Main Duties & Responsibilities:
+Work with business and technical stakeholders to choose the most appropriate Machine Learning solutions;
+Design and develop ML models for use-cases like:
+recommender systems
+fraud detection
+chat text analysis
+Work with data engineers to select appropriate datasets and data representation methods;
+Work with game developers to make sure that the necessary data are available;
+Research and implement appropriate ML algorithms and tools;
+Devise metrics and evaluation processes for the performance and impact of your models;
+Train, test and retrain ML models;
+Work with other team members to deploy ML models to production;
+Use and, where necessary, extend existing ML libraries and frameworks.
+University degree in numerical field (Machine Learning, Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, etc.);
+Proven track record and excellent ability to understand, interpret and explain business data;
+At least 3 years of work experience in the Data Science field;
+Experience and understanding of linear algebra and statistical modelling;
+Experience with deploying ML solutions to production;
+In-depth knowledge in at least one ML field such as regression, classification, clustering, pattern mining or optimization;
+Experience with at least one ML framework such as Scikit-Learn, Keras, Tensorflow, Pytorch, MLLib;
+Hands-on with Python, in particular packages such as Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib (or equivalent);
+Experience with SQL and Big data tools such as Spark/Hive;
+Highly proficient in spoken and written English;
+Excellent communication skills and a pragmatic approach to problem solving;
+Willingness to learn and interest in latest trends in programming and ML.
+Nice to Have:
+Knowledge of Scala or Java;
+Experience with AWS or other cloud provider;
+Experience with Kafka, Clickhouse, Postgres, Kubernetes, Docker.
+Additional Information
+Working for one of the top gambling companies in the world
+Opportunity to influence the quality of the products, improve process and implement your ideas
+Social package, including sport compensation & medical insurance
+English classes
+Professional growth
+Sport activities, parties, team buildings
+At Evolution, we have implemented Whistleblower Protection Policy and provide secure and confidential channels for reporting legal or ethical concerns, available to anyone with a direct or indirect work relationship with the Company, including current and former Employees, Candidates, Shareholders, Contractors, Service Providers, Trainees, Entrepreneurs, and their proxies. To submit a report, please contact us via our dedicated whistleblowing channel at whistleblower@evolution.com
+Show more ","
+ Evolution is an award-winning company, founded in 2006. Across our 20+ sites, we have 10 000+ people working in the fields of Product Innovation, Software Development, Game Presenters & Hosts, IT-support, Facility & Studio build as well as support services. Evolution provides a dynamic and creative work environment with a unique opportunity for the right people to enhance their skills and drive their passion. Our culture is rooted in Evolution’s core values ALIVE, do RIGHT and work TOGETHER and we operate guided by our vision to become the leading supplier of online casino in the world.
Job Description
Please note that we work in hybrid model, 3 days in the office and 2 days remotely.
We are searching for a passionate Data Scientist to help with our Machine Learning tasks and statistical analysis.
Main Duties & Responsibilities:
Work with business and technical stakeholders to choose the most appropriate Machine Learning solutions;
Design and develop ML models for use-cases like:
recommender systems
fraud detection
chat text analysis
Work with data engineers to select appropriate datasets and data representation methods;
Work with game developers to make sure that the necessary data are available;
Research and implement appropriate ML algorithms and tools;
Devise metrics and evaluation processes for the performance and impact of your models;
Train, test and retrain ML models;
Work with other team members to deploy ML models to production;
Use and, where necessary, extend existing ML libraries and frameworks.
University degree in numerical field (Machine Learning, Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, etc.);
Proven track record and excellent ability to understand, interpret and explain business data;
At least 3 years of work experience in the Data Science field;
Experience and understanding of linear algebra and statistical modelling;
Experience with deploying ML solutions to production;
In-depth knowledge in at least one ML field such as regression, classification, clustering, pattern mining or optimization;
Experience with at least one ML framework such as Scikit-Learn, Keras, Tensorflow, Pytorch, MLLib;
Hands-on with Python, in particular packages such as Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib (or equivalent);
Experience with SQL and Big data tools such as Spark/Hive;
Highly proficient in spoken and written English;
Excellent communication skills and a pragmatic approach to problem solving;
Willingness to learn and interest in latest trends in programming and ML.
Nice to Have:
Knowledge of Scala or Java;
Experience with AWS or other cloud provider;
Experience with Kafka, Clickhouse, Postgres, Kubernetes, Docker.
Additional Information
Working for one of the top gambling companies in the world
Opportunity to influence the quality of the products, improve process and implement your ideas
Social package, including sport compensation & medical insurance
English classes
Professional growth
Sport activities, parties, team buildings
At Evolution, we have implemented Whistleblower Protection Policy and provide secure and confidential channels for reporting legal or ethical concerns, available to anyone with a direct or indirect work relationship with the Company, including current and former Employees, Candidates, Shareholders, Contractors, Service Providers, Trainees, Entrepreneurs, and their proxies. To submit a report, please contact us via our dedicated whistleblowing channel at whistleblower@evolution.com
+4077503600,https://de.linkedin.com/jobs/view/machine-learning-engineer-at-sr2-socially-responsible-recruitment-certified-b-corporation%E2%84%A2-4077503600?position=25&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=RaK2JTJqoK2IVFYm568sKQ%3D%3D,Machine Learning Engineer,SR2 | Socially Responsible Recruitment | Certified B Corporation™,"Munich, Bavaria, Germany","SR2 are partnered with a Global Data Consultancy, who are looking for Machine Learning specialists.
+In this role, you will leverage your expertise in data analysis and modelling to help their clients make informed, data-driven decisions. You will work on projects involving data collection, processing, and interpretation, turning complex data sets into actionable insights that drive business strategy. The ideal candidate will have strong analytical skills, proficiency in programming languages like Python or R, and experience with machine learning techniques.
+Bachelor’s or Master’s in Computer Science, Mathematics, or related field.
+Proficient in Python and ML frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, or scikit-learn.
+Familiar with cloud platforms such as AWS.
+Experience with Databricks is essential
+Strong problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication skills.
+6-12+ month contract with high probability of extension
+Hybrid with occasional travel to Munich
+Candidates have to be based in Germany
+2x Stage interview process
+If you're passionate about using data to solve real-world business challenges, we'd love to hear from you.
+Show more ","
SR2 are partnered with a Global Data Consultancy, who are looking for Machine Learning specialists.
In this role, you will leverage your expertise in data analysis and modelling to help their clients make informed, data-driven decisions. You will work on projects involving data collection, processing, and interpretation, turning complex data sets into actionable insights that drive business strategy. The ideal candidate will have strong analytical skills, proficiency in programming languages like Python or R, and experience with machine learning techniques.
Bachelor’s or Master’s in Computer Science, Mathematics, or related field.
Proficient in Python and ML frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, or scikit-learn.
Familiar with cloud platforms such as AWS.
Experience with Databricks is essential
Strong problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication skills.
6-12+ month contract with high probability of extension
Hybrid with occasional travel to Munich
Candidates have to be based in Germany
2x Stage interview process
If you're passionate about using data to solve real-world business challenges, we'd love to hear from you.
+4082470618,https://es.linkedin.com/jobs/view/junior-machine-learning-engineer-at-institut-catal%C3%A0-de-nanoci%C3%A8ncia-i-nanotecnologia-icn2-4082470618?position=31&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=u7SOmvyGn5rdqjvONTwT7A%3D%3D,Junior Machine Learning Engineer,Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2),"Cerdanyola del Vallès, Catalonia, Spain","Main Tasks and responsibilities:
+The Machine Learning engineer will have the following responsibilities:
+Contribute to the design and implementation of the computational infrastructure for AI and ML within ICN2.
+Contribute to the design and implementation of algorithms to tackle research-oriented problems at ICN2.
+To support for competitive computational resources for ICN2.
+To review the methodological applications of different research groups.
+To collaborate in the creation of ML/AI training content.
+Education: Engineer or similar STEM career
+Knowledge and Professional Experience:
+The machine learning engineer should possess experience in Python programming, coupled with knowledge of machine learning and AI methods, including their deployment in popular Python libraries such as Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, Pandas, and Keras.
+English required.
+Personal Competences:
+Proven experience with interdisciplinary teams will be positively evaluated.
+Summary of conditions:
+Full time work (37,5h/week)
+Contract Length: Temporary (until 31/12/2026)
+Location: Bellaterra (Barcelona)
+Salary will depend on qualifications and demonstrated experience.
+Support to the relocation issues.
+Life Insurance.
+Estimated Incorporation date: as soon as possible
+Show more ","
Main Tasks and responsibilities:
The Machine Learning engineer will have the following responsibilities:
Contribute to the design and implementation of the computational infrastructure for AI and ML within ICN2.
Contribute to the design and implementation of algorithms to tackle research-oriented problems at ICN2.
To support for competitive computational resources for ICN2.
To review the methodological applications of different research groups.
To collaborate in the creation of ML/AI training content.
Education: Engineer or similar STEM career
Knowledge and Professional Experience:
The machine learning engineer should possess experience in Python programming, coupled with knowledge of machine learning and AI methods, including their deployment in popular Python libraries such as Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, Pandas, and Keras.
English required.
Personal Competences:
Proven experience with interdisciplinary teams will be positively evaluated.
Summary of conditions:
Full time work (37,5h/week)
Contract Length: Temporary (until 31/12/2026)
Location: Bellaterra (Barcelona)
Salary will depend on qualifications and demonstrated experience.
Support to the relocation issues.
Life Insurance.
Estimated Incorporation date: as soon as possible
+4082168419,https://es.linkedin.com/jobs/view/data-scientist-hybrid-2-week-at-nielseniq-4082168419?position=32&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=MGa2%2FqVDqdMBE875H1NAIQ%3D%3D,Data Scientist - (Hybrid : 2 /week),NielsenIQ,"Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain","Company Description
+NIQ is the world’s leading consumer intelligence company, delivering the most complete understanding of consumer buying behavior and revealing new pathways to growth. In 2023, NIQ combined with GfK, bringing together the two industry leaders with unparalleled global reach. With a holistic retail read and the most comprehensive consumer insights—delivered with advanced analytics through state-of-the-art platforms—NIQ delivers the Full View™. NIQ is an Advent International portfolio company with operations in 100+ markets, covering more than 90% of the world’s population.
+Job Description
+Our Media Measurement team uses state-of-the-art technologies and rigorous methods to track who is watching what, where, and how they engage with content. Our clients can evaluate who is consuming what content across different media, platforms and devices, and know what the audience thinks about that content. As people consume media content on more channels, and through more devices, than ever before, we are proud to provide a full view on media consumption to our clients.
+You will:
+Own together with your team several of our Data Science solutions throughout the full life cycle (brainstorming, design, implementation, productization and maintenance)
+Develop solutions based on data science, stats and machine learning models
+Improve methods and tools and contribute to our communities of practice in the area of Data Science
+Communicate with non-data scientists in Tech, Operations, Commercial, Product and understand the domain and the requirements
+Make data your best friends. Understand their strengths and use them. Be aware of their weaknesses and handle those in your solutions
+Screen the market for potential new Data Science approaches
+Foster knowledge exchange within the company
+Present GfK's Data Science expertise at conferences and workshops
+You have:
+2+ years of relevant experience
+a Master's degree / PhD that reflects modeling and statistics skills
+The ability to communicate complex methodology and technology to tech and non-tech audiences
+Expert statistical / machine learning modeling skills (e.g. statistical tests, classification, predictive modelling, handling of missing data, sampling, weighting)
+Experience with an analytical programming language (Python, R) and the respective ecosystem
+It would be a nice addition if you have:
+Knowledge of cloud computing environments and tooling (especially AWS)
+Advanced software development skills (unit testing, CI/CD, Git)
+Basic skills regarding database handling as SQL
+Basic knowledge of the always evolving Data Science ecosystem and its frameworks
+Additional Information
+A meaningful project, where you learn every day and show the team what you've got.
+The possibility to be part of a talented team, working with experienced individuals.
+A nice place to work, where we foster training, and personal development.
+Flex Office: a mix of remote and in-office work to boost our productivity and promote a healthy work-life balance
+Our Benefits
+Flexible working environment
+Volunteer time off
+LinkedIn Learning
+Employee-Assistance-Program (EAP)
+About NIQ
+NIQ is the world’s leading consumer intelligence company, delivering the most complete understanding of consumer buying behavior and revealing new pathways to growth. In 2023, NIQ combined with GfK, bringing together the two industry leaders with unparalleled global reach. With a holistic retail read and the most comprehensive consumer insights—delivered with advanced analytics through state-of-the-art platforms—NIQ delivers the Full View™. NIQ is an Advent International portfolio company with operations in 100+ markets, covering more than 90% of the world’s population.
+For more information, visit NIQ.com
+Want to keep up with our latest updates?
+Follow us on: LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
+Our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
+NIQ is committed to reflecting the diversity of the clients, communities, and markets we measure within our own workforce. We exist to count everyone and are on a mission to systematically embed inclusion and diversity into all aspects of our workforce, measurement, and products. We enthusiastically invite candidates who share that mission to join us. We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action-Employer, making decisions without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability status, age, marital status, protected veteran status or any other protected class. Our global non-discrimination policy covers these protected classes in every market in which we do business worldwide. Learn more about how we are driving diversity and inclusion in everything we do by visiting the NIQ News Center: https://nielseniq.com/global/en/news-center/diversity-inclusion
+Show more ","
+ Company Description
NIQ is the world’s leading consumer intelligence company, delivering the most complete understanding of consumer buying behavior and revealing new pathways to growth. In 2023, NIQ combined with GfK, bringing together the two industry leaders with unparalleled global reach. With a holistic retail read and the most comprehensive consumer insights—delivered with advanced analytics through state-of-the-art platforms—NIQ delivers the Full View™. NIQ is an Advent International portfolio company with operations in 100+ markets, covering more than 90% of the world’s population.
Job Description
Our Media Measurement team uses state-of-the-art technologies and rigorous methods to track who is watching what, where, and how they engage with content. Our clients can evaluate who is consuming what content across different media, platforms and devices, and know what the audience thinks about that content. As people consume media content on more channels, and through more devices, than ever before, we are proud to provide a full view on media consumption to our clients.
You will:
Own together with your team several of our Data Science solutions throughout the full life cycle (brainstorming, design, implementation, productization and maintenance)
Develop solutions based on data science, stats and machine learning models
Improve methods and tools and contribute to our communities of practice in the area of Data Science
Communicate with non-data scientists in Tech, Operations, Commercial, Product and understand the domain and the requirements
Make data your best friends. Understand their strengths and use them. Be aware of their weaknesses and handle those in your solutions
Screen the market for potential new Data Science approaches
Foster knowledge exchange within the company
Present GfK's Data Science expertise at conferences and workshops
You have:
2+ years of relevant experience
a Master's degree / PhD that reflects modeling and statistics skills
The ability to communicate complex methodology and technology to tech and non-tech audiences
Experience with an analytical programming language (Python, R) and the respective ecosystem
It would be a nice addition if you have:
Knowledge of cloud computing environments and tooling (especially AWS)
Advanced software development skills (unit testing, CI/CD, Git)
Basic skills regarding database handling as SQL
Basic knowledge of the always evolving Data Science ecosystem and its frameworks
Additional Information
A meaningful project, where you learn every day and show the team what you've got.
The possibility to be part of a talented team, working with experienced individuals.
A nice place to work, where we foster training, and personal development.
Flex Office: a mix of remote and in-office work to boost our productivity and promote a healthy work-life balance
Our Benefits
Flexible working environment
Volunteer time off
LinkedIn Learning
Employee-Assistance-Program (EAP)
About NIQ
NIQ is the world’s leading consumer intelligence company, delivering the most complete understanding of consumer buying behavior and revealing new pathways to growth. In 2023, NIQ combined with GfK, bringing together the two industry leaders with unparalleled global reach. With a holistic retail read and the most comprehensive consumer insights—delivered with advanced analytics through state-of-the-art platforms—NIQ delivers the Full View™. NIQ is an Advent International portfolio company with operations in 100+ markets, covering more than 90% of the world’s population.
For more information, visit NIQ.com
Want to keep up with our latest updates?
Follow us on: LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
Our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
NIQ is committed to reflecting the diversity of the clients, communities, and markets we measure within our own workforce. We exist to count everyone and are on a mission to systematically embed inclusion and diversity into all aspects of our workforce, measurement, and products. We enthusiastically invite candidates who share that mission to join us. We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action-Employer, making decisions without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability status, age, marital status, protected veteran status or any other protected class. Our global non-discrimination policy covers these protected classes in every market in which we do business worldwide. Learn more about how we are driving diversity and inclusion in everything we do by visiting the NIQ News Center: https://nielseniq.com/global/en/news-center/diversity-inclusion
+4087075443,https://gr.linkedin.com/jobs/view/research-scientist-at-pharmathen-4087075443?position=34&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=LzXyLIHXKpRr9SEDiEHEqQ%3D%3D,Research Scientist,Pharmathen,"Metamorfosi, Attiki, Greece","Pharmathen is one of the leading complex drug delivery and formulation developers and is among the top 50 pharmaceutical research companies in Europe. Driven by innovation, the company specializes in one of the most modern and technologically innovative sectors, developing Long Acting Injectables (LAI), Sustained Release formulations and Preservative Free Ophthalmics.
+Pharmathen's portfolio consists of over 100 products, produced at its facility in Sapes, Rodopi, approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and at its modernized production unit in Pallini, Attica.
+Pharmathen is one of the largest private investors in research and development in Greece, with steady investments of €35 million annually in the R&D sector and employs over 1,350 people from over 24 different nationalities. The company's enduring success is attributed to the passion for creativity, the ethics, and dedication of its people, who share the company's vision of making a difference in people's lives.
+Due to continuous growth and expansion, Pharmathen Pharmaceuticals offers a great opportunity for career development and is seeking to recruit a Research Scientist for the R&D Finished Dosage Forms department at our Metamorfosi premises.
+As a Research Scientist the ideal candidate will provide high quality support in analytical and formulation development in a GLP environment. Will also support all stages of a new product development and through preparation and analysis of R&D formulations.
+More particularly:
+What you will do:
+Perform the analytical method development & method validation of complex drugs to support all stages of drug development from drug substance characterization to finished product characterization, stability and support
+Participate in analysis of formulation /manufacturing process trials
+Deliver, evaluate and interprete experimental data
+Compile, maintain, review and interpret analytical and statistical data. Assist with the generating high quality technical documents required for method validation, stability, formulation and deficiency letters
+Maintain and follow all laboratory systems, GMPS
+Follow the rules as defined in the relevant EU and FDA guidelines
+Adhere to safety and housekeeping requirements
+Assume other activities and responsibilities as directed
+The ideal candidate should have:
+BSc Degree in Chemistry or relevant field /Technical institution degree
+At least 8 years of practical knowledge gained through experience accompanied by a technical or vocational training
+At least 2 years of experience in the Pharmaceutical Industry or equivalent experience
+Job-Specific Skills:
+Excellent communication in English language (writing & speaking)
+Computer literacy
+Troubleshooting skills
+Competent in analytical method development techniques (HPLC, GC,etc) and production lab instrumentation
+Demonstrated ability to work on multiple projects and meet timelines
+What you'll gain:
+Involvement in a high-caliber, team-oriented and dynamic atmosphere
+Exposure to challenging business issues and practices
+Great opportunity to leverage and develop your business knowledge and skills
+Join our team and experience the unique Pharmathen's culture that gives you the opportunity to innovate, to make decisions, to achieve your own potential and to chart your own career.
+Pharmathen is an equal opportunity employer. We welcome applications regardless of gender, race, age, religion, sexual orientation, and national origin.
+Show more ","
+ Pharmathen is one of the leading complex drug delivery and formulation developers and is among the top 50 pharmaceutical research companies in Europe. Driven by innovation, the company specializes in one of the most modern and technologically innovative sectors, developing Long Acting Injectables (LAI), Sustained Release formulations and Preservative Free Ophthalmics.
Pharmathen's portfolio consists of over 100 products, produced at its facility in Sapes, Rodopi, approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and at its modernized production unit in Pallini, Attica.
Pharmathen is one of the largest private investors in research and development in Greece, with steady investments of €35 million annually in the R&D sector and employs over 1,350 people from over 24 different nationalities. The company's enduring success is attributed to the passion for creativity, the ethics, and dedication of its people, who share the company's vision of making a difference in people's lives.
Due to continuous growth and expansion, Pharmathen Pharmaceuticals offers a great opportunity for career development and is seeking to recruit a Research Scientist for the R&D Finished Dosage Forms department at our Metamorfosi premises.
As a Research Scientist the ideal candidate will provide high quality support in analytical and formulation development in a GLP environment. Will also support all stages of a new product development and through preparation and analysis of R&D formulations.
More particularly:
What you will do:
Perform the analytical method development & method validation of complex drugs to support all stages of drug development from drug substance characterization to finished product characterization, stability and support
Participate in analysis of formulation /manufacturing process trials
Deliver, evaluate and interprete experimental data
Compile, maintain, review and interpret analytical and statistical data. Assist with the generating high quality technical documents required for method validation, stability, formulation and deficiency letters
Maintain and follow all laboratory systems, GMPS
Follow the rules as defined in the relevant EU and FDA guidelines
Adhere to safety and housekeeping requirements
Assume other activities and responsibilities as directed
The ideal candidate should have:
BSc Degree in Chemistry or relevant field /Technical institution degree
At least 8 years of practical knowledge gained through experience accompanied by a technical or vocational training
At least 2 years of experience in the Pharmaceutical Industry or equivalent experience
Job-Specific Skills:
Excellent communication in English language (writing & speaking)
Computer literacy
Troubleshooting skills
Competent in analytical method development techniques (HPLC, GC,etc) and production lab instrumentation
Demonstrated ability to work on multiple projects and meet timelines
What you'll gain:
Involvement in a high-caliber, team-oriented and dynamic atmosphere
Exposure to challenging business issues and practices
Great opportunity to leverage and develop your business knowledge and skills
Join our team and experience the unique Pharmathen's culture that gives you the opportunity to innovate, to make decisions, to achieve your own potential and to chart your own career.
Pharmathen is an equal opportunity employer. We welcome applications regardless of gender, race, age, religion, sexual orientation, and national origin.
+4090125969,https://es.linkedin.com/jobs/view/growth-data-scientist-at-moonpay-4090125969?position=41&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=Lr0vUEX%2BoWC4SCVn2NnszQ%3D%3D,Growth Data Scientist,MoonPay,"Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain","About MoonPay 🌖💸
+Hi, we’re MoonPay. We’re here to onboard the world to Web3.
+Why? Because we think Web3 is a unique and democratising technology. It gives people back control of their money, digital identity, data, and property like nothing else before it.
+What we do
+We’re the leading infrastructure company in Web3. This means we offer our partners everything from payment solutions (we call them 'Ramps') to minting software for digital collectibles, like NFTs. And over 20 million people around the world now trust our products — just take a look on Trustpilot.
+We’re also big on collaborations. And we've worked on stunts, drops, and partnerships with some of the world's most prestigious and forward-thinking brands.
+But that’s not all. We have also built our own consumer app because we wanted to see if we could build a better Web3 account. It’s taken off in a big way, and we're working hard to continually improve it and to strive for perfection.
+So whatever your background, we’re sure there’s something for you here. Come help us build the future of Web3 and digital ownership.
+About the Opportunity ✍️
+We're on the lookout for a skilled Senior Growth Analyst to join our team, where you'll be pivotal in driving business growth and maximising ROI. This is your chance to make a significant impact on our market-leading products, optimising growth initiatives and delivering actionable insights. Join us and be part of an exciting journey to reshape our industry!
+What you will do
+Provide analytical support to the growth marketing team across all facets of their work, including evaluation of customer acquisition cost, customer spending forecast, and finding an optimal mix of marketing channels
+Maintain and improve our marketing tracking and attribution systems
+Oversee and implement A/B tests and other experiments to drive forward optimization efforts
+Automate attribution and CRM campaign reporting
+Measure and optimise ROI of campaigns
+Leverage and incorporate forecasting or predictive modelling techniques to drive recommendations / actionable insights
+Develop data-driven strategies for acquisition, retention, and expansion
+Build robust data models downstream of backend services and external data sources
+Design, build and scale both internal and external data products, which drive informed decision making; examples include dashboards, reports, models, algorithms, integrations into other product lines
+Communicate complex concepts and findings effectively to technical and non-technical audiences across different teams, including VPs, while ensuring clarity and understanding to drive critical business decisions
+As a Senior you will be expected to:
+Independently lead projects from end-to-end
+Prioritise and manage competing tasks and deadlines effectively, aligning with goals and adapting to changing priorities
+Mentor and coach other data analysts on the team
+Contribute to our overall approach and standards within the data discipline
+Be proactive in spearheading initiatives to support stakeholders and business partners around the organisation.
+About You As a Senior you will be expected to be able to independently lead projects from end-to-end, as well as mentor and coach other data analysts on the team. You will be someone who can contribute to our overall approach and standards within the data discipline. You will be proactive in spearheading initiatives to support stakeholders and business partners around the organisation.What you will need
+Experience with mobile measurement platforms and web tracking tools (e.g. Braze, Appsflyer, Adjust, GA360/GA4, Mixpanel, Amplitude, Segment)
+Experience working in ROAS performance marketing framework with familiarity with AdTech and incrementality measurement approaches
+Experience with web analytics, web tracking and app tracking
+Advanced SQL, data modelling, and data visualisation tools are second nature to you
+You have a deep understanding of the fundamentals of statistics and probability, including experience in conducting large-scale A/B tests
+You have experience working with growth or product teams on acquisition, retention and campaign optimisations
+You have the versatility and willingness to learn new technologies on the job and adapt quickly to changing priorities within a very dynamic environment.
+You are experienced in communicating with cross-functional stakeholders including product managers, engineers, VP & C-level executives
+3-5+ years experience as a growth analyst
+Bonus points if
+You have experience working in fintech
+You have experience working in start-ups or scale-ups
+You have knowledge of cryptocurrency
+You have worked with DBT, Google BigQuery, Looker and Python
+Most importantly, though, you will embody the core principles that everyone here at the MoonPay lives by. Our “BLOCK Values” are at the heart of everything we do - and they are…
+B - Be Hungry
+L - Level Up
+O - Own It
+C - Crypto Curious
+K - Kaizen
+MoonPay Perks
+Equity package 📈
+Unlimited holidays 🏝
+Paid parental leave 🍼
+Annual training budget 💻
+Home office setup allowance 🪑
+Monthly budget to spend on our products 💰
+Working in a disruptive and fast-growing industry where the possibilities are endless 🚀
+Freedom, autonomy and responsibility 💪
+Research has shown that women are less likely than men to apply for this role if they do not have experience in 100% of these areas. Please know that this list is indicative, and that we would still love to hear from you even if you feel that you are only a 75% match. Skills can be learnt, diversity cannot.
+Please let us know if you require any accommodations for the interview process, and we’ll do our best to provide assistance.
+Commitment To Diversity
+At MoonPay we believe that every voice matters. We strive to create a mindful and respectful environment where everyone can bring their authentic self to work, and experience a culture that is free of harassment, racism, and discrimination. That’s why we are committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace and are a proud equal opportunity employer. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law. This policy applies to all employment practices within our organization, including, but not limited to, hiring, recruiting, promotion, termination, layoff, and leave of absence.
+MoonPay is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations in our job application procedures for qualified individuals with disabilities. Please inform our Talent Team if you need any assistance completing any forms or to otherwise participate in the application process.
+Please be aware that MoonPay does not request an AI-led interview without seeing a recruiter or team member from MoonPay on video call. We won't ask for your personal identification documents or any money from you during your interview process with us. Be fraud smart! If you receive an email - claiming to be from MoonPay - but from an email address ending in anything other than @moonpay.com, please be aware that this is not us.
+Show more ","
About MoonPay 🌖💸
Hi, we’re MoonPay. We’re here to onboard the world to Web3.
Why? Because we think Web3 is a unique and democratising technology. It gives people back control of their money, digital identity, data, and property like nothing else before it.
What we do
We’re the leading infrastructure company in Web3. This means we offer our partners everything from payment solutions (we call them 'Ramps') to minting software for digital collectibles, like NFTs. And over 20 million people around the world now trust our products — just take a look on Trustpilot.
We’re also big on collaborations. And we've worked on stunts, drops, and partnerships with some of the world's most prestigious and forward-thinking brands.
But that’s not all. We have also built our own consumer app because we wanted to see if we could build a better Web3 account. It’s taken off in a big way, and we're working hard to continually improve it and to strive for perfection.
So whatever your background, we’re sure there’s something for you here. Come help us build the future of Web3 and digital ownership.
About the Opportunity ✍️
We're on the lookout for a skilled Senior Growth Analyst to join our team, where you'll be pivotal in driving business growth and maximising ROI. This is your chance to make a significant impact on our market-leading products, optimising growth initiatives and delivering actionable insights. Join us and be part of an exciting journey to reshape our industry!
What you will do
Provide analytical support to the growth marketing team across all facets of their work, including evaluation of customer acquisition cost, customer spending forecast, and finding an optimal mix of marketing channels
Maintain and improve our marketing tracking and attribution systems
Oversee and implement A/B tests and other experiments to drive forward optimization efforts
Automate attribution and CRM campaign reporting
Measure and optimise ROI of campaigns
Leverage and incorporate forecasting or predictive modelling techniques to drive recommendations / actionable insights
Develop data-driven strategies for acquisition, retention, and expansion
Build robust data models downstream of backend services and external data sources
Design, build and scale both internal and external data products, which drive informed decision making; examples include dashboards, reports, models, algorithms, integrations into other product lines
Communicate complex concepts and findings effectively to technical and non-technical audiences across different teams, including VPs, while ensuring clarity and understanding to drive critical business decisions
As a Senior you will be expected to:
Independently lead projects from end-to-end
Prioritise and manage competing tasks and deadlines effectively, aligning with goals and adapting to changing priorities
Mentor and coach other data analysts on the team
Contribute to our overall approach and standards within the data discipline
Be proactive in spearheading initiatives to support stakeholders and business partners around the organisation.
About You As a Senior you will be expected to be able to independently lead projects from end-to-end, as well as mentor and coach other data analysts on the team. You will be someone who can contribute to our overall approach and standards within the data discipline. You will be proactive in spearheading initiatives to support stakeholders and business partners around the organisation.What you will need
Experience with mobile measurement platforms and web tracking tools (e.g. Braze, Appsflyer, Adjust, GA360/GA4, Mixpanel, Amplitude, Segment)
Experience working in ROAS performance marketing framework with familiarity with AdTech and incrementality measurement approaches
Experience with web analytics, web tracking and app tracking
Advanced SQL, data modelling, and data visualisation tools are second nature to you
You have a deep understanding of the fundamentals of statistics and probability, including experience in conducting large-scale A/B tests
You have experience working with growth or product teams on acquisition, retention and campaign optimisations
You have the versatility and willingness to learn new technologies on the job and adapt quickly to changing priorities within a very dynamic environment.
You are experienced in communicating with cross-functional stakeholders including product managers, engineers, VP & C-level executives
3-5+ years experience as a growth analyst
Bonus points if
You have experience working in fintech
You have experience working in start-ups or scale-ups
You have knowledge of cryptocurrency
You have worked with DBT, Google BigQuery, Looker and Python
Most importantly, though, you will embody the core principles that everyone here at the MoonPay lives by. Our “BLOCK Values” are at the heart of everything we do - and they are…
B - Be Hungry
L - Level Up
O - Own It
C - Crypto Curious
K - Kaizen
MoonPay Perks
Equity package 📈
Unlimited holidays 🏝
Paid parental leave 🍼
Annual training budget 💻
Home office setup allowance 🪑
Monthly budget to spend on our products 💰
Working in a disruptive and fast-growing industry where the possibilities are endless 🚀
Freedom, autonomy and responsibility 💪
Research has shown that women are less likely than men to apply for this role if they do not have experience in 100% of these areas. Please know that this list is indicative, and that we would still love to hear from you even if you feel that you are only a 75% match. Skills can be learnt, diversity cannot.
Please let us know if you require any accommodations for the interview process, and we’ll do our best to provide assistance.
Commitment To Diversity
At MoonPay we believe that every voice matters. We strive to create a mindful and respectful environment where everyone can bring their authentic self to work, and experience a culture that is free of harassment, racism, and discrimination. That’s why we are committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace and are a proud equal opportunity employer. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law. This policy applies to all employment practices within our organization, including, but not limited to, hiring, recruiting, promotion, termination, layoff, and leave of absence.
MoonPay is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations in our job application procedures for qualified individuals with disabilities. Please inform our Talent Team if you need any assistance completing any forms or to otherwise participate in the application process.
Please be aware that MoonPay does not request an AI-led interview without seeing a recruiter or team member from MoonPay on video call. We won't ask for your personal identification documents or any money from you during your interview process with us. Be fraud smart! If you receive an email - claiming to be from MoonPay - but from an email address ending in anything other than @moonpay.com, please be aware that this is not us.
+4082602273,https://it.linkedin.com/jobs/view/data-scientist-portafoglio-finanziario-junior-%E2%80%93-banca-mediolanum-at-banca-mediolanum-4082602273?position=43&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=5FfF7MpAllH1h46M7m%2BJIA%3D%3D,Data Scientist Portafoglio Finanziario Junior – Banca Mediolanum,Banca Mediolanum,"Basiglio, Lombardy, Italy","Società
+Banca Mediolanum Spa
+Data Scientist - Portafoglio Finanziario
+Responsabilità primarie
+Banca Mediolanum è un'organizzazione che ridefinisce il panorama finanziario con oltre tre decenni di innovazione. Attraverso le società che ne fanno parte, si dedica a fornire servizi finanziari, bancari e assicurativi su misura che rispondano alle esigenze uniche di ogni cliente. La Banca si impegna a costruire relazioni durature basate sulla fiducia, trasparenza e sull'attenzione ai dettagli. La nostra è una realtà dinamica, fondata su relazioni, responsabilità e libertà. La nostra cultura promuove la positività, la responsabilità e l’innovazione sostenibile. Siamo alla ricerca di talenti che condividano la nostra passione e i nostri valori. Siamo convinti che il successo di un'azienda sia il risultato del successo individuale dei suoi membri. In Gruppo Mediolanum, offriamo più di un lavoro: l'opportunità di contribuire a un cambiamento positivo e di crescere insieme a noi.
+Nell’ambito Della Direzione Servizi Di Investimento e Assicurativi, Ed In Particolare Nella Struttura Monitoraggio e Analisi Performance Stiamo Ricercando Una Risorsa Che Si Occuperà Di
+Supportare il team nelle attività di monitoraggio e analisi delle performance dei prodotti di risparmio gestito oltre all’analisi dei portafogli dei Clienti/Family Banker;
+Analisi delle caratteristiche dei portafogli dei clienti e dei Family Banker e dei relativi comportamenti finanziari al fine di elaborare strumenti efficaci ed utili a rafforzare le performance di portafoglio;
+Costruzione di KPI inerenti attività di monitoraggio;
+Costruzione di modelli statistici anche con l’utilizzo di Machine Learning;
+Monitoraggio della qualità di dati inseriti nei Database e attività correttive;
+Monitoraggio, Sviluppo e Analisi Prodotti e Servizi di Risparmio Gestito, in particolar modo sviluppando un senso critico nei confronti degli andamenti dei mercati e della concorrenza;
+Costruzione di Dashboard aziendali alla fine del monitoraggio delle variabili analizzate.
+Profilo competenze
+Laurea STEM o materie affini con predisposizione all’analisi numerica e quantitativa;
+Conoscenze dei mercati finanziali e del risparmio gestito;
+Utilizzo a livello avanzato di strumenti informatici (Excel, PowerPoint, VBA). È ritenuto requisito preferenziale la conoscenza dell’info-provider Bloomberg e/o Morningstar Direct;
+Conoscenza di PowerBI per la costruzione di Dashboard e Cruscotti Aziendali;
+Conoscenza di SQL e di Python;
+Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese, per interazione quotidiana con società estere del Gruppo;
+Forte propensione al lavoro di squadra, spirito di iniziativa, flessibilità, orientamento al risultato, lavorare per obiettivi e rispetto delle scadenze.
+Sede di lavoro: Basiglio – Milano 3 City - hybrid work
+I dati richiesti verranno trattati nell’assoluto rispetto delle disposizioni contenute nel Regolamento Europeo 679/2016 (General Data Protection Regulation - “GDPR” o “Normativa Privacy”) e sue successive modificazioni ed integrazioni.
+E’ possibile visionare l’informativa di Banca Mediolanum SPA, accedendo al seguente link: https://www.bancamediolanum.it/privacy/candidature.
+Il Gruppo Mediolanum si impegna a garantire la parità di trattamento a tutti i candidati secondo i principi di Diversity and Inclusion.
+Verranno presi in considerazione solo i curricula in linea con i requisiti minimi richiesti.
+Show more ","
+ Società
Banca Mediolanum Spa
Data Scientist - Portafoglio Finanziario
Responsabilità primarie
Banca Mediolanum è un'organizzazione che ridefinisce il panorama finanziario con oltre tre decenni di innovazione. Attraverso le società che ne fanno parte, si dedica a fornire servizi finanziari, bancari e assicurativi su misura che rispondano alle esigenze uniche di ogni cliente. La Banca si impegna a costruire relazioni durature basate sulla fiducia, trasparenza e sull'attenzione ai dettagli. La nostra è una realtà dinamica, fondata su relazioni, responsabilità e libertà. La nostra cultura promuove la positività, la responsabilità e l’innovazione sostenibile. Siamo alla ricerca di talenti che condividano la nostra passione e i nostri valori. Siamo convinti che il successo di un'azienda sia il risultato del successo individuale dei suoi membri. In Gruppo Mediolanum, offriamo più di un lavoro: l'opportunità di contribuire a un cambiamento positivo e di crescere insieme a noi.
Nell’ambito Della Direzione Servizi Di Investimento e Assicurativi, Ed In Particolare Nella Struttura Monitoraggio e Analisi Performance Stiamo Ricercando Una Risorsa Che Si Occuperà Di
Supportare il team nelle attività di monitoraggio e analisi delle performance dei prodotti di risparmio gestito oltre all’analisi dei portafogli dei Clienti/Family Banker;
Analisi delle caratteristiche dei portafogli dei clienti e dei Family Banker e dei relativi comportamenti finanziari al fine di elaborare strumenti efficaci ed utili a rafforzare le performance di portafoglio;
Costruzione di KPI inerenti attività di monitoraggio;
Costruzione di modelli statistici anche con l’utilizzo di Machine Learning;
Monitoraggio della qualità di dati inseriti nei Database e attività correttive;
Monitoraggio, Sviluppo e Analisi Prodotti e Servizi di Risparmio Gestito, in particolar modo sviluppando un senso critico nei confronti degli andamenti dei mercati e della concorrenza;
Costruzione di Dashboard aziendali alla fine del monitoraggio delle variabili analizzate.
Profilo competenze
Laurea STEM o materie affini con predisposizione all’analisi numerica e quantitativa;
Conoscenze dei mercati finanziali e del risparmio gestito;
Utilizzo a livello avanzato di strumenti informatici (Excel, PowerPoint, VBA). È ritenuto requisito preferenziale la conoscenza dell’info-provider Bloomberg e/o Morningstar Direct;
Conoscenza di PowerBI per la costruzione di Dashboard e Cruscotti Aziendali;
Conoscenza di SQL e di Python;
Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese, per interazione quotidiana con società estere del Gruppo;
Forte propensione al lavoro di squadra, spirito di iniziativa, flessibilità, orientamento al risultato, lavorare per obiettivi e rispetto delle scadenze.
Sede di lavoro: Basiglio – Milano 3 City - hybrid work
I dati richiesti verranno trattati nell’assoluto rispetto delle disposizioni contenute nel Regolamento Europeo 679/2016 (General Data Protection Regulation - “GDPR” o “Normativa Privacy”) e sue successive modificazioni ed integrazioni.
E’ possibile visionare l’informativa di Banca Mediolanum SPA, accedendo al seguente link: https://www.bancamediolanum.it/privacy/candidature.
Il Gruppo Mediolanum si impegna a garantire la parità di trattamento a tutti i candidati secondo i principi di Diversity and Inclusion.
Verranno presi in considerazione solo i curricula in linea con i requisiti minimi richiesti.
+4090126792,https://es.linkedin.com/jobs/view/growth-data-scientist-at-moonpay-4090126792?position=44&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=tg948siy%2FrDp%2F10lHJyZzA%3D%3D,Growth Data Scientist,MoonPay,"Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain","About MoonPay 🌖💸
+Hi, we’re MoonPay. We’re here to onboard the world to Web3.
+Why? Because we think Web3 is a unique and democratising technology. It gives people back control of their money, digital identity, data, and property like nothing else before it.
+What we do
+We’re the leading infrastructure company in Web3. This means we offer our partners everything from payment solutions (we call them 'Ramps') to minting software for digital collectibles, like NFTs. And over 20 million people around the world now trust our products — just take a look on Trustpilot.
+We’re also big on collaborations. And we've worked on stunts, drops, and partnerships with some of the world's most prestigious and forward-thinking brands.
+But that’s not all. We have also built our own consumer app because we wanted to see if we could build a better Web3 account. It’s taken off in a big way, and we're working hard to continually improve it and to strive for perfection.
+So whatever your background, we’re sure there’s something for you here. Come help us build the future of Web3 and digital ownership.
+About the Opportunity ✍️
+We're on the lookout for a skilled Senior Growth Analyst to join our team, where you'll be pivotal in driving business growth and maximising ROI. This is your chance to make a significant impact on our market-leading products, optimising growth initiatives and delivering actionable insights. Join us and be part of an exciting journey to reshape our industry!
+What you will do
+Provide analytical support to the growth marketing team across all facets of their work, including evaluation of customer acquisition cost, customer spending forecast, and finding an optimal mix of marketing channels
+Maintain and improve our marketing tracking and attribution systems
+Oversee and implement A/B tests and other experiments to drive forward optimization efforts
+Automate attribution and CRM campaign reporting
+Measure and optimise ROI of campaigns
+Leverage and incorporate forecasting or predictive modelling techniques to drive recommendations / actionable insights
+Develop data-driven strategies for acquisition, retention, and expansion
+Build robust data models downstream of backend services and external data sources
+Design, build and scale both internal and external data products, which drive informed decision making; examples include dashboards, reports, models, algorithms, integrations into other product lines
+Communicate complex concepts and findings effectively to technical and non-technical audiences across different teams, including VPs, while ensuring clarity and understanding to drive critical business decisions
+As a Senior you will be expected to:
+Independently lead projects from end-to-end
+Prioritise and manage competing tasks and deadlines effectively, aligning with goals and adapting to changing priorities
+Mentor and coach other data analysts on the team
+Contribute to our overall approach and standards within the data discipline
+Be proactive in spearheading initiatives to support stakeholders and business partners around the organisation.
+About You As a Senior you will be expected to be able to independently lead projects from end-to-end, as well as mentor and coach other data analysts on the team. You will be someone who can contribute to our overall approach and standards within the data discipline. You will be proactive in spearheading initiatives to support stakeholders and business partners around the organisation.What you will need
+Experience with mobile measurement platforms and web tracking tools (e.g. Braze, Appsflyer, Adjust, GA360/GA4, Mixpanel, Amplitude, Segment)
+Experience working in ROAS performance marketing framework with familiarity with AdTech and incrementality measurement approaches
+Experience with web analytics, web tracking and app tracking
+Advanced SQL, data modelling, and data visualisation tools are second nature to you
+You have a deep understanding of the fundamentals of statistics and probability, including experience in conducting large-scale A/B tests
+You have experience working with growth or product teams on acquisition, retention and campaign optimisations
+You have the versatility and willingness to learn new technologies on the job and adapt quickly to changing priorities within a very dynamic environment.
+You are experienced in communicating with cross-functional stakeholders including product managers, engineers, VP & C-level executives
+3-5+ years experience as a growth analyst
+Bonus points if
+You have experience working in fintech
+You have experience working in start-ups or scale-ups
+You have knowledge of cryptocurrency
+You have worked with DBT, Google BigQuery, Looker and Python
+Most importantly, though, you will embody the core principles that everyone here at the MoonPay lives by. Our “BLOCK Values” are at the heart of everything we do - and they are…
+B - Be Hungry
+L - Level Up
+O - Own It
+C - Crypto Curious
+K - Kaizen
+MoonPay Perks
+Equity package 📈
+Unlimited holidays 🏝
+Paid parental leave 🍼
+Annual training budget 💻
+Home office setup allowance 🪑
+Monthly budget to spend on our products 💰
+Working in a disruptive and fast-growing industry where the possibilities are endless 🚀
+Freedom, autonomy and responsibility 💪
+Research has shown that women are less likely than men to apply for this role if they do not have experience in 100% of these areas. Please know that this list is indicative, and that we would still love to hear from you even if you feel that you are only a 75% match. Skills can be learnt, diversity cannot.
+Please let us know if you require any accommodations for the interview process, and we’ll do our best to provide assistance.
+Commitment To Diversity
+At MoonPay we believe that every voice matters. We strive to create a mindful and respectful environment where everyone can bring their authentic self to work, and experience a culture that is free of harassment, racism, and discrimination. That’s why we are committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace and are a proud equal opportunity employer. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law. This policy applies to all employment practices within our organization, including, but not limited to, hiring, recruiting, promotion, termination, layoff, and leave of absence.
+MoonPay is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations in our job application procedures for qualified individuals with disabilities. Please inform our Talent Team if you need any assistance completing any forms or to otherwise participate in the application process.
+Please be aware that MoonPay does not request an AI-led interview without seeing a recruiter or team member from MoonPay on video call. We won't ask for your personal identification documents or any money from you during your interview process with us. Be fraud smart! If you receive an email - claiming to be from MoonPay - but from an email address ending in anything other than @moonpay.com, please be aware that this is not us.
+Show more ","
About MoonPay 🌖💸
Hi, we’re MoonPay. We’re here to onboard the world to Web3.
Why? Because we think Web3 is a unique and democratising technology. It gives people back control of their money, digital identity, data, and property like nothing else before it.
What we do
We’re the leading infrastructure company in Web3. This means we offer our partners everything from payment solutions (we call them 'Ramps') to minting software for digital collectibles, like NFTs. And over 20 million people around the world now trust our products — just take a look on Trustpilot.
We’re also big on collaborations. And we've worked on stunts, drops, and partnerships with some of the world's most prestigious and forward-thinking brands.
But that’s not all. We have also built our own consumer app because we wanted to see if we could build a better Web3 account. It’s taken off in a big way, and we're working hard to continually improve it and to strive for perfection.
So whatever your background, we’re sure there’s something for you here. Come help us build the future of Web3 and digital ownership.
About the Opportunity ✍️
We're on the lookout for a skilled Senior Growth Analyst to join our team, where you'll be pivotal in driving business growth and maximising ROI. This is your chance to make a significant impact on our market-leading products, optimising growth initiatives and delivering actionable insights. Join us and be part of an exciting journey to reshape our industry!
What you will do
Provide analytical support to the growth marketing team across all facets of their work, including evaluation of customer acquisition cost, customer spending forecast, and finding an optimal mix of marketing channels
Maintain and improve our marketing tracking and attribution systems
Oversee and implement A/B tests and other experiments to drive forward optimization efforts
Automate attribution and CRM campaign reporting
Measure and optimise ROI of campaigns
Leverage and incorporate forecasting or predictive modelling techniques to drive recommendations / actionable insights
Develop data-driven strategies for acquisition, retention, and expansion
Build robust data models downstream of backend services and external data sources
Design, build and scale both internal and external data products, which drive informed decision making; examples include dashboards, reports, models, algorithms, integrations into other product lines
Communicate complex concepts and findings effectively to technical and non-technical audiences across different teams, including VPs, while ensuring clarity and understanding to drive critical business decisions
As a Senior you will be expected to:
Independently lead projects from end-to-end
Prioritise and manage competing tasks and deadlines effectively, aligning with goals and adapting to changing priorities
Mentor and coach other data analysts on the team
Contribute to our overall approach and standards within the data discipline
Be proactive in spearheading initiatives to support stakeholders and business partners around the organisation.
About You As a Senior you will be expected to be able to independently lead projects from end-to-end, as well as mentor and coach other data analysts on the team. You will be someone who can contribute to our overall approach and standards within the data discipline. You will be proactive in spearheading initiatives to support stakeholders and business partners around the organisation.What you will need
Experience with mobile measurement platforms and web tracking tools (e.g. Braze, Appsflyer, Adjust, GA360/GA4, Mixpanel, Amplitude, Segment)
Experience working in ROAS performance marketing framework with familiarity with AdTech and incrementality measurement approaches
Experience with web analytics, web tracking and app tracking
Advanced SQL, data modelling, and data visualisation tools are second nature to you
You have a deep understanding of the fundamentals of statistics and probability, including experience in conducting large-scale A/B tests
You have experience working with growth or product teams on acquisition, retention and campaign optimisations
You have the versatility and willingness to learn new technologies on the job and adapt quickly to changing priorities within a very dynamic environment.
You are experienced in communicating with cross-functional stakeholders including product managers, engineers, VP & C-level executives
3-5+ years experience as a growth analyst
Bonus points if
You have experience working in fintech
You have experience working in start-ups or scale-ups
You have knowledge of cryptocurrency
You have worked with DBT, Google BigQuery, Looker and Python
Most importantly, though, you will embody the core principles that everyone here at the MoonPay lives by. Our “BLOCK Values” are at the heart of everything we do - and they are…
B - Be Hungry
L - Level Up
O - Own It
C - Crypto Curious
K - Kaizen
MoonPay Perks
Equity package 📈
Unlimited holidays 🏝
Paid parental leave 🍼
Annual training budget 💻
Home office setup allowance 🪑
Monthly budget to spend on our products 💰
Working in a disruptive and fast-growing industry where the possibilities are endless 🚀
Freedom, autonomy and responsibility 💪
Research has shown that women are less likely than men to apply for this role if they do not have experience in 100% of these areas. Please know that this list is indicative, and that we would still love to hear from you even if you feel that you are only a 75% match. Skills can be learnt, diversity cannot.
Please let us know if you require any accommodations for the interview process, and we’ll do our best to provide assistance.
Commitment To Diversity
At MoonPay we believe that every voice matters. We strive to create a mindful and respectful environment where everyone can bring their authentic self to work, and experience a culture that is free of harassment, racism, and discrimination. That’s why we are committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace and are a proud equal opportunity employer. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law. This policy applies to all employment practices within our organization, including, but not limited to, hiring, recruiting, promotion, termination, layoff, and leave of absence.
MoonPay is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations in our job application procedures for qualified individuals with disabilities. Please inform our Talent Team if you need any assistance completing any forms or to otherwise participate in the application process.
Please be aware that MoonPay does not request an AI-led interview without seeing a recruiter or team member from MoonPay on video call. We won't ask for your personal identification documents or any money from you during your interview process with us. Be fraud smart! If you receive an email - claiming to be from MoonPay - but from an email address ending in anything other than @moonpay.com, please be aware that this is not us.
+4084444198,https://nl.linkedin.com/jobs/view/data-scientist-at-source-me-4084444198?position=45&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=Hb1i3cCjzthTUD%2B49cfPMQ%3D%3D,Data Scientist,SOURCE.ME,Amsterdam Area,"🌍 Data Scientist (R Focus)
+📍 Amsterdam, Hybrid
+🌱 B Corp company in the sustainability space
+Are you a Data Scientist with expert R skills? Join a purpose-driven team leading the way in asset-level data analysis for sustainability.
+💼 Your Role:
+🛠️ Own and enhance a sophisticated legacy R codebase, optimizing its performance and scalability.
+🔧 Streamline workflows by developing tools and methods that integrate diverse datasets seamlessly.
+🌡️ Apply advanced data science methodologies to uncover impactful climate insights.
+🐍 Spend 10–20% of your time transitioning system components to Python where valuable.
+🔍 What They’re Looking For:
+🎯 R expert with experience maintaining and improving legacy systems.
+🚀 Product-focused mindset, creating solutions that align with user needs and organizational goals.
+📊 Proven expertise in handling complex datasets and delivering actionable insights.
+Why Join?
+🌱 Purpose-driven mission: Work with a B Corp leader in sustainability, shaping a better future.
+💼 FContract:
+12-month engagement
+€80–€90 per hour
+Ideally based in the Netherlands and a registered contractor.
+Ready to make an impact with your R expertise and product-driven approach? Let’s chat!
+Show more ","
🌍 Data Scientist (R Focus)
📍 Amsterdam, Hybrid
🌱 B Corp company in the sustainability space
Are you a Data Scientist with expert R skills? Join a purpose-driven team leading the way in asset-level data analysis for sustainability.
💼 Your Role:
🛠️ Own and enhance a sophisticated legacy R codebase, optimizing its performance and scalability.
🔧 Streamline workflows by developing tools and methods that integrate diverse datasets seamlessly.
🌡️ Apply advanced data science methodologies to uncover impactful climate insights.
🐍 Spend 10–20% of your time transitioning system components to Python where valuable.
🔍 What They’re Looking For:
🎯 R expert with experience maintaining and improving legacy systems.
🚀 Product-focused mindset, creating solutions that align with user needs and organizational goals.
📊 Proven expertise in handling complex datasets and delivering actionable insights.
Why Join?
🌱 Purpose-driven mission: Work with a B Corp leader in sustainability, shaping a better future.
💼 FContract:
12-month engagement
€80–€90 per hour
Ideally based in the Netherlands and a registered contractor.
Ready to make an impact with your R expertise and product-driven approach? Let’s chat!
+4079962664,https://it.linkedin.com/jobs/view/data-scientist-p-iva-at-yuxme-4079962664?position=46&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=Xyo%2BGm6zkrfo0woKO0rTbg%3D%3D,Data Scientist-p.iva,Yuxme,"Piedmont, Italy","Yuxme is a cutting-edge software company specializing in simplifying accounting and electronic invoicing for small businesses and freelancers under Italy’s flat-rate tax regime. Our platform, Yuxme Forfettario Facile, is designed to automate billing, manage financial data, and ensure compliance with legal requirements, allowing users to focus on their business. We are part of a publicly traded tech group with over 500 professionals, including developers, designers, and consultants. At Yuxme, innovation drives our mission to revolutionize financial management!
+We are looking for an enthusiastic DATA SCIENTIST that will collaborate closely with the AI team by providing his expertise in NLP, on the Search Engine AI project, a chatbot that answers questions about corporate accounting.
+Yuxme is a cutting-edge software company specializing in simplifying accounting and electronic invoicing for small businesses and freelancers under Italy’s flat-rate tax regime. Our platform, Yuxme Forfettario Facile, is designed to automate billing, manage financial data, and ensure compliance with legal requirements, allowing users to focus on their business. We are part of a publicly traded tech group with over 500 professionals, including developers, designers, and consultants. At Yuxme, innovation drives our mission to revolutionize financial management!
+We are looking for an enthusiastic DATA SCIENTIST that will collaborate closely with the AI team by providing his expertise in NLP, on the Search Engine AI project, a chatbot that answers questions about corporate accounting.
+Very good knowledge of ML specifically with proven experience in the NLP
+Excellent Python programming
+Ability to work in a team
+Good level of English, as the team is international
+Fluent in Italian
+Financial background is a plus
+Maximum availability in p.iva, invoicing amount: 30k yearly
+Show more ","
Yuxme is a cutting-edge software company specializing in simplifying accounting and electronic invoicing for small businesses and freelancers under Italy’s flat-rate tax regime. Our platform, Yuxme Forfettario Facile, is designed to automate billing, manage financial data, and ensure compliance with legal requirements, allowing users to focus on their business. We are part of a publicly traded tech group with over 500 professionals, including developers, designers, and consultants. At Yuxme, innovation drives our mission to revolutionize financial management!
We are looking for an enthusiastic DATA SCIENTIST that will collaborate closely with the AI team by providing his expertise in NLP, on the Search Engine AI project, a chatbot that answers questions about corporate accounting.
Yuxme is a cutting-edge software company specializing in simplifying accounting and electronic invoicing for small businesses and freelancers under Italy’s flat-rate tax regime. Our platform, Yuxme Forfettario Facile, is designed to automate billing, manage financial data, and ensure compliance with legal requirements, allowing users to focus on their business. We are part of a publicly traded tech group with over 500 professionals, including developers, designers, and consultants. At Yuxme, innovation drives our mission to revolutionize financial management!
We are looking for an enthusiastic DATA SCIENTIST that will collaborate closely with the AI team by providing his expertise in NLP, on the Search Engine AI project, a chatbot that answers questions about corporate accounting.
Very good knowledge of ML specifically with proven experience in the NLP
Excellent Python programming
Ability to work in a team
Good level of English, as the team is international
Fluent in Italian
Financial background is a plus
Maximum availability in p.iva, invoicing amount: 30k yearly
+4081104333,https://es.linkedin.com/jobs/view/machine-learning-engineer-at-applus%2B-laboratories-4081104333?position=49&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=FUKmEou6Z%2FSBDKsWn4ls6w%3D%3D,Machine Learning Engineer,Applus+ Laboratories,"Cerdanyola del Vallès, Catalonia, Spain","The Digital Business Team develops promising digital solutions for global products and processes. It aims to organize Applus+ Laboratories' information, making it useful, fast, and reliable for both the Applus+ Group and its clients. The team’s mission is to be recognized as the most digital, innovative, and customer-oriented company, reducing digital operations' costs while increasing the value and portfolio of services.
+We are looking for a Data Science / AI Engineer to join our Digital team and contribute to the development of evolving data products and applications.
+What are we are looking for?
+Collect, organize, and analyze information to generate code, train models, verify and validate outputs, and draw meaningful conclusions.
+Have strong mathematical fundamentals and be proficient in numerical and statistical methods, as well as a variety of machine learning algorithms.
+Bring expertise in NLP and foundation models, with specific knowledge in transformers, tokenization, and encoding-decoding processes.
+Apply Explainable AI methodologies and use related Python libraries (e.g., SHAP, LIME).
+Demonstrate organized thinking, strong logic and reasoning skills, and effective communication, ensuring knowledge sharing through documentation and well-commented code.
+Possess a keen eye for detail to identify anomalies in data and code.
+Exhibit creativity and an ""out-of-the-box"" approach to problem-solving.
+Demonstrated experience coding in python specifically working in data science projects and using ML most common libraries.
+2+ year experience in ML / AI projects.
+Strong knowledge in machine learning / deep learning fundamentals and techniques.
+Specific knowledge on Computer Linguistics may be an advantage: NLP libraries like Spacy or NLTK, genAI frameworks such as LangChain and/or LlamaIndex, chunking, tokenization, embeddings...
+Specific expertness on foundation models will be considered.
+Previous experiences working with Generative AI and explainable AI are welcome.
+Our current tech stack is:
+Commonly used ML/AI libraries
+Azure AI
+Technical Requirements
+Proven coding experience (e.g., Python; other languages are a plus) in data science projects and familiarity with common ML libraries.
+Hands-on experience in ML/AI projects (preferred).
+Solid knowledge of data mining, machine learning, and deep learning fundamentals and techniques.
+Familiarity with computer linguistics: NLP libraries (e.g., SpaCy, NLTK), generative AI frameworks (e.g., LangChain, LlamaIndex), tokenization, embeddings, and chunking.
+Expertise in foundation models and previous work with Generative AI and Explainable AI is an advantage.
+Degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Applied Mathematics, or a related field.
+A master’s degree in Data Science or AI Engineering is an advantage.
+Fluent in Spanish and English.
+If you are passionate about neural networks, advanced AI algorithms, and challenging yourself, this is the right job for you!
+Show more ","
The Digital Business Team develops promising digital solutions for global products and processes. It aims to organize Applus+ Laboratories' information, making it useful, fast, and reliable for both the Applus+ Group and its clients. The team’s mission is to be recognized as the most digital, innovative, and customer-oriented company, reducing digital operations' costs while increasing the value and portfolio of services.
We are looking for a Data Science / AI Engineer to join our Digital team and contribute to the development of evolving data products and applications.
What are we are looking for?
Collect, organize, and analyze information to generate code, train models, verify and validate outputs, and draw meaningful conclusions.
Have strong mathematical fundamentals and be proficient in numerical and statistical methods, as well as a variety of machine learning algorithms.
Bring expertise in NLP and foundation models, with specific knowledge in transformers, tokenization, and encoding-decoding processes.
Apply Explainable AI methodologies and use related Python libraries (e.g., SHAP, LIME).
Demonstrate organized thinking, strong logic and reasoning skills, and effective communication, ensuring knowledge sharing through documentation and well-commented code.
Possess a keen eye for detail to identify anomalies in data and code.
Exhibit creativity and an ""out-of-the-box"" approach to problem-solving.
Demonstrated experience coding in python specifically working in data science projects and using ML most common libraries.
2+ year experience in ML / AI projects.
Strong knowledge in machine learning / deep learning fundamentals and techniques.
Specific knowledge on Computer Linguistics may be an advantage: NLP libraries like Spacy or NLTK, genAI frameworks such as LangChain and/or LlamaIndex, chunking, tokenization, embeddings...
Specific expertness on foundation models will be considered.
Previous experiences working with Generative AI and explainable AI are welcome.
Our current tech stack is:
Commonly used ML/AI libraries
Azure AI
Technical Requirements
Proven coding experience (e.g., Python; other languages are a plus) in data science projects and familiarity with common ML libraries.
Hands-on experience in ML/AI projects (preferred).
Solid knowledge of data mining, machine learning, and deep learning fundamentals and techniques.
Familiarity with computer linguistics: NLP libraries (e.g., SpaCy, NLTK), generative AI frameworks (e.g., LangChain, LlamaIndex), tokenization, embeddings, and chunking.
Expertise in foundation models and previous work with Generative AI and Explainable AI is an advantage.
Degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Applied Mathematics, or a related field.
A master’s degree in Data Science or AI Engineering is an advantage.
Fluent in Spanish and English.
If you are passionate about neural networks, advanced AI algorithms, and challenging yourself, this is the right job for you!
+4091803065,https://fr.linkedin.com/jobs/view/ing%C3%A9nieur-machine-learning-nlp-h-f-at-inferensia-4091803065?position=52&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=Aw9zLy2nU75v%2B9zCcUZc4A%3D%3D,Ingénieur Machine Learning & NLP (H/F),Inferensia,Greater Lyon Area,"Cette offre d’emploi est fournie par Pôle emploi
+DescriptionQui sommes-nous ? Inferensia est un acteur innovant du marché du Software, de la Data et de l'intelligence artificielle qui attache une grande importance à la valeur ajoutée de ses offres auprès des utilisateurs. Nous accompagnons nos clients en développant des solutions IA destinées à des usages spécifiques autour des métiers du risque et du contrôle normatif et réglementaire. Notre équipe développe les solutions suivantes : Kantik Solutions fraude : une solution Big Data de détection de fraudes comptables automatisée Kantik DOC AI : une solution IA multi-agents d'analyse documentaire Nos missions : - Accompagne nos clients sur leurs besoins stratégiques. - Développer des solutions innovantes pour faciliter les missions quotidiennes des utilisateurs. - Permettre à nos clients de se focaliser sur leur cœur de métier. - Assurer à nos clients les moyens de devenir autonomes sur nos solutions. Nous croyons fortement à la mutualisation de nos différentes expertises afin de produire des solutions nouvelles, performantes et innovantes. Nos valeurs sont le fondement de notre fonctionnement et constituent le moteur de cette belle aventure qu'est Inferensia : Compétence, Proximité, Ecoute et Innovation. Descriptif du poste Dans ce contexte actuel de très forte croissance, Inferensia renforce ses équipes en recrutant un/une Ingénieur Machine Learning & NLP. Les missions chez nos clients : - Analyser l'environnement et les besoins client pour développer les usages métiers auxquels l'IA peut répondre. - Proposer des solutions IA innovantes et assurer leurs mises en place. - Devenir un/une conseiller(ère) et référent(e) technique fiable sur les thématiques IA / NLP auprès de nos clients. - Assurer une veille technologique sur les différentes thématiques de l'IA. Le rôle d'ingénieur IA en interne : - Intervenir sur les projet internes de recherche & développement et devenir notre futur Lead Tech sur notre produit phare Kantik DOC AI. - Développer tous les nouveaux agents IA de la solution multi-agents Kantik DOC AI et assurer son évolution. - Explorer les différentes utilisations de l'IA pour le risque et le contrôle normatif et réglementaire. - Participer à l'élaboration de la stratégie produit. Profil recherché Hard Skills : - Intelligence artificielle : l'IA générative (LLMs), le NLP, le Machine Learning et le Deep Learning. - Configuration des modèles : des modèles d'IA, le FineTuning et le Prompt Engineering. - Langages de programmation : Python, Java et Scala. - Évaluation et monitoring : suivre l'utilisation d'un modèle d'IA (Metrics). - Mise en production : connaissances en MLOps et des outils de CI/CD. Soft Skills : - Être force de proposition sur la roadmap produit. - Curieux(euse) et autonome. - Impliqué(e) dans tous les aspects techniques de notre stack. - Avoir un impact sur les produits d'une start-up en croissance. - Un esprit R&D et une passion pour l'innovation et les solutions nouvelles. Possibilité de déplacements Vous êtes désireux(se) de vous investir dans des projets innovants et gagner rapidement en responsabilité, alors n'hésitez plus et répondez à l'annonce ! Déroulement des entretiens - Round 1 : Premier entretien de qualification de 10 min au téléphone avec notre Office Manager - Round 2 : 2ème entretien avec un Ingénieur IA et un Commercial. - Round 3 : 3ème entretien avec un Ingénieur IA et un Fondateur. - Bienvenue à bord
+Débutant accepté
+Savoirs et savoir-faire
+Adapter les outils de traitement statistique de données
+Conduire des travaux d'études et de recherche
+Définir et faire évoluer des procédés de traitement de l'information
+Assurer le suivi de la qualité des données
+Concevoir des modèles théoriques (calcul, simulation, modélisation)
+Définir les solutions de stockage et de structuration des données
+Exploiter des solutions de Data Science ou d'Intelligence Artificielle
+Gérer des données massives
+Optimiser des algorithmes, une application informatique et mettre en oeuvre leur développement
+Utiliser l'anglais en contexte professionnel
+Savoir-être professionnels
+Faire preuve d'autonomie
+Faire preuve de curiosité
+Faire preuve de rigueur et de précision
+Bac+5 et plus ou équivalents
+Source: Pole emploi (https://www.pole-emploi.fr)
+Show more ","
+ Cette offre d’emploi est fournie par Pôle emploi
DescriptionQui sommes-nous ? Inferensia est un acteur innovant du marché du Software, de la Data et de l'intelligence artificielle qui attache une grande importance à la valeur ajoutée de ses offres auprès des utilisateurs. Nous accompagnons nos clients en développant des solutions IA destinées à des usages spécifiques autour des métiers du risque et du contrôle normatif et réglementaire. Notre équipe développe les solutions suivantes : Kantik Solutions fraude : une solution Big Data de détection de fraudes comptables automatisée Kantik DOC AI : une solution IA multi-agents d'analyse documentaire Nos missions : - Accompagne nos clients sur leurs besoins stratégiques. - Développer des solutions innovantes pour faciliter les missions quotidiennes des utilisateurs. - Permettre à nos clients de se focaliser sur leur cœur de métier. - Assurer à nos clients les moyens de devenir autonomes sur nos solutions. Nous croyons fortement à la mutualisation de nos différentes expertises afin de produire des solutions nouvelles, performantes et innovantes. Nos valeurs sont le fondement de notre fonctionnement et constituent le moteur de cette belle aventure qu'est Inferensia : Compétence, Proximité, Ecoute et Innovation. Descriptif du poste Dans ce contexte actuel de très forte croissance, Inferensia renforce ses équipes en recrutant un/une Ingénieur Machine Learning & NLP. Les missions chez nos clients : - Analyser l'environnement et les besoins client pour développer les usages métiers auxquels l'IA peut répondre. - Proposer des solutions IA innovantes et assurer leurs mises en place. - Devenir un/une conseiller(ère) et référent(e) technique fiable sur les thématiques IA / NLP auprès de nos clients. - Assurer une veille technologique sur les différentes thématiques de l'IA. Le rôle d'ingénieur IA en interne : - Intervenir sur les projet internes de recherche & développement et devenir notre futur Lead Tech sur notre produit phare Kantik DOC AI. - Développer tous les nouveaux agents IA de la solution multi-agents Kantik DOC AI et assurer son évolution. - Explorer les différentes utilisations de l'IA pour le risque et le contrôle normatif et réglementaire. - Participer à l'élaboration de la stratégie produit. Profil recherché Hard Skills : - Intelligence artificielle : l'IA générative (LLMs), le NLP, le Machine Learning et le Deep Learning. - Configuration des modèles : des modèles d'IA, le FineTuning et le Prompt Engineering. - Langages de programmation : Python, Java et Scala. - Évaluation et monitoring : suivre l'utilisation d'un modèle d'IA (Metrics). - Mise en production : connaissances en MLOps et des outils de CI/CD. Soft Skills : - Être force de proposition sur la roadmap produit. - Curieux(euse) et autonome. - Impliqué(e) dans tous les aspects techniques de notre stack. - Avoir un impact sur les produits d'une start-up en croissance. - Un esprit R&D et une passion pour l'innovation et les solutions nouvelles. Possibilité de déplacements Vous êtes désireux(se) de vous investir dans des projets innovants et gagner rapidement en responsabilité, alors n'hésitez plus et répondez à l'annonce ! Déroulement des entretiens - Round 1 : Premier entretien de qualification de 10 min au téléphone avec notre Office Manager - Round 2 : 2ème entretien avec un Ingénieur IA et un Commercial. - Round 3 : 3ème entretien avec un Ingénieur IA et un Fondateur. - Bienvenue à bord
Débutant accepté
Savoirs et savoir-faire
Adapter les outils de traitement statistique de données
Conduire des travaux d'études et de recherche
Définir et faire évoluer des procédés de traitement de l'information
Assurer le suivi de la qualité des données
Concevoir des modèles théoriques (calcul, simulation, modélisation)
Définir les solutions de stockage et de structuration des données
Exploiter des solutions de Data Science ou d'Intelligence Artificielle
Gérer des données massives
Optimiser des algorithmes, une application informatique et mettre en oeuvre leur développement
Utiliser l'anglais en contexte professionnel
Savoir-être professionnels
Faire preuve d'autonomie
Faire preuve de curiosité
Faire preuve de rigueur et de précision
Bac+5 et plus ou équivalents
Source: Pole emploi (https://www.pole-emploi.fr)
+4091099424,https://it.linkedin.com/jobs/view/data-science-intern-at-iason-4091099424?position=56&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=3Cnyy%2BLRx6e%2BFYxF89Fm2Q%3D%3D,Data Science Intern,iason,"Milan, Lombardy, Italy","Data Science Intern"",""**Main Tasks** * Use data analysis and statistical techniques to extract value from data.* Choose, train and maintain Machine Learning algorithms to address business requests.* Report findings to both technical and non-technical audience. **Analytical and Technical Requirements** * MSc in Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Statistics, Data Science, Economy, Finance.* Organized and outstanding analytical skills.* Fundaments of probability, statistic and data modelling.* Knowledge of Python.* Team work and ability to work within deadlines.* Fluent English.* Ability to write technical documentation.
+Show more ","
+ Data Science Intern"",""**Main Tasks** * Use data analysis and statistical techniques to extract value from data.* Choose, train and maintain Machine Learning algorithms to address business requests.* Report findings to both technical and non-technical audience. **Analytical and Technical Requirements** * MSc in Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Statistics, Data Science, Economy, Finance.* Organized and outstanding analytical skills.* Fundaments of probability, statistic and data modelling.* Knowledge of Python.* Team work and ability to work within deadlines.* Fluent English.* Ability to write technical documentation.
+4079964571,https://it.linkedin.com/jobs/view/data-scientist-p-iva-at-yuxme-4079964571?position=58&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=B1E%2BRQhA6%2BRGcF5tEP%2BPEQ%3D%3D,Data Scientist-p.iva,Yuxme,"Lombardy, Italy","Yuxme is a cutting-edge software company specializing in simplifying accounting and electronic invoicing for small businesses and freelancers under Italy’s flat-rate tax regime. Our platform, Yuxme Forfettario Facile, is designed to automate billing, manage financial data, and ensure compliance with legal requirements, allowing users to focus on their business. We are part of a publicly traded tech group with over 500 professionals, including developers, designers, and consultants. At Yuxme, innovation drives our mission to revolutionize financial management!
+We are looking for an enthusiastic DATA SCIENTIST that will collaborate closely with the AI team by providing his expertise in NLP, on the Search Engine AI project, a chatbot that answers questions about corporate accounting.
+Yuxme is a cutting-edge software company specializing in simplifying accounting and electronic invoicing for small businesses and freelancers under Italy’s flat-rate tax regime. Our platform, Yuxme Forfettario Facile, is designed to automate billing, manage financial data, and ensure compliance with legal requirements, allowing users to focus on their business. We are part of a publicly traded tech group with over 500 professionals, including developers, designers, and consultants. At Yuxme, innovation drives our mission to revolutionize financial management!
+We are looking for an enthusiastic DATA SCIENTIST that will collaborate closely with the AI team by providing his expertise in NLP, on the Search Engine AI project, a chatbot that answers questions about corporate accounting.
+Very good knowledge of ML specifically with proven experience in the NLP
+Excellent Python programming
+Ability to work in a team
+Good level of English, as the team is international
+Fluent in Italian
+Financial background is a plus
+Maximum availability in p.iva, invoicing amount: 30k yearly
+Show more ","
Yuxme is a cutting-edge software company specializing in simplifying accounting and electronic invoicing for small businesses and freelancers under Italy’s flat-rate tax regime. Our platform, Yuxme Forfettario Facile, is designed to automate billing, manage financial data, and ensure compliance with legal requirements, allowing users to focus on their business. We are part of a publicly traded tech group with over 500 professionals, including developers, designers, and consultants. At Yuxme, innovation drives our mission to revolutionize financial management!
We are looking for an enthusiastic DATA SCIENTIST that will collaborate closely with the AI team by providing his expertise in NLP, on the Search Engine AI project, a chatbot that answers questions about corporate accounting.
Yuxme is a cutting-edge software company specializing in simplifying accounting and electronic invoicing for small businesses and freelancers under Italy’s flat-rate tax regime. Our platform, Yuxme Forfettario Facile, is designed to automate billing, manage financial data, and ensure compliance with legal requirements, allowing users to focus on their business. We are part of a publicly traded tech group with over 500 professionals, including developers, designers, and consultants. At Yuxme, innovation drives our mission to revolutionize financial management!
We are looking for an enthusiastic DATA SCIENTIST that will collaborate closely with the AI team by providing his expertise in NLP, on the Search Engine AI project, a chatbot that answers questions about corporate accounting.
Very good knowledge of ML specifically with proven experience in the NLP
Excellent Python programming
Ability to work in a team
Good level of English, as the team is international
Fluent in Italian
Financial background is a plus
Maximum availability in p.iva, invoicing amount: 30k yearly
+4084763662,https://nl.linkedin.com/jobs/view/machine-learning-engineer-at-freeday-4084763662?position=59&pageNum=0&refId=iAV5UPycsjwtY7Ckp%2FGlNQ%3D%3D&trackingId=uqLykYHD9KmDfwa2TlBWUA%3D%3D,Machine Learning Engineer,Freeday,"The Randstad, Netherlands","At Freeday, we aim to unlock human potential by leveraging disruptive technologies and building an AI-powered digital workforce that excels in repetitive tasks. By automating these tasks, we allow people to focus on more creative, rewarding work. We are a young, fast-growing IT company with a dynamic, no-nonsense culture. Located in the heart of Rotterdam, our team is driven by innovation, collaboration, and a passion for AI's potential to change the world.
+Freeday is looking for a motivated Machine Learning Engineer to join our fast-growing AI team. This is an exciting opportunity to take your career to the next level by working on innovative machine-learning solutions that power our automated services. You will be involved in the development, deployment, and optimization of machine learning models, all within a supportive environment that encourages growth and learning.
+As a Machine Learning Engineer at Freeday, you'll be surrounded by forward-thinking, innovative minds and cutting-edge AI technologies. Whether you’ve had 1 or 3 years of experience, we want someone who’s eager to learn, thrive in a fast-paced environment, and contribute to the projects that will shape the future of automation.
+Design, develop, and implement machine learning models to drive our automated services.
+Collaborate closely with product and engineering teams to define project objectives and align machine learning efforts with business goals.
+Optimize machine learning algorithms for scalability and performance.
+Contribute to the deployment of machine learning models in production environments using MLOps practices.
+Continuously learn and adapt to new machine learning techniques and tools.
+Take ownership of your projects while working in close collaboration with more senior team members for guidance and support.
+What We Offer:
+A dynamic, fast-growing, and innovative work environment.
+A competitive salary and pension plan.
+Opportunities for professional development, including learning new machine learning techniques and tools.
+A fun, inclusive, and collaborative team culture with regular social events, sports activities, and team-building opportunities.
+The chance to work on impactful projects that automate workflows and unlock human potential.
+A company laptop to support your work effectively.
+Room for growth, initiative, and the chance to make a real difference within the team
+Our Culture:
+At Freeday, we’re not just about the work—we’re about you. We embrace a collaborative and innovative culture where ideas flow freely, and everyone is encouraged to take ownership. Whether you’re developing machine learning models or learning new skills, you’ll be part of a supportive environment where growth and personal development are key.
+1-3 years of experience in machine learning or a related role, preferably in the tech sector.
+Strong programming skills in Python and a good understanding of popular ML frameworks (such as TensorFlow, PyTorch).
+Basic familiarity with cloud technologies like AWS or Google Cloud.
+Some experience or familiarity with MLOps tools like MLflow or Kubeflow is a plus.
+You enjoy tackling challenges, are not afraid to take initiative, and thrive in a fast-paced environment.
+Passionate about automation, AI, and the potential of technology to solve real-world problems.
+Great communication skills and a team-oriented mindset.
+We're an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran, or disability status.
+Show more ","
At Freeday, we aim to unlock human potential by leveraging disruptive technologies and building an AI-powered digital workforce that excels in repetitive tasks. By automating these tasks, we allow people to focus on more creative, rewarding work. We are a young, fast-growing IT company with a dynamic, no-nonsense culture. Located in the heart of Rotterdam, our team is driven by innovation, collaboration, and a passion for AI's potential to change the world.
Freeday is looking for a motivated Machine Learning Engineer to join our fast-growing AI team. This is an exciting opportunity to take your career to the next level by working on innovative machine-learning solutions that power our automated services. You will be involved in the development, deployment, and optimization of machine learning models, all within a supportive environment that encourages growth and learning.
As a Machine Learning Engineer at Freeday, you'll be surrounded by forward-thinking, innovative minds and cutting-edge AI technologies. Whether you’ve had 1 or 3 years of experience, we want someone who’s eager to learn, thrive in a fast-paced environment, and contribute to the projects that will shape the future of automation.
Design, develop, and implement machine learning models to drive our automated services.
Collaborate closely with product and engineering teams to define project objectives and align machine learning efforts with business goals.
Optimize machine learning algorithms for scalability and performance.
Contribute to the deployment of machine learning models in production environments using MLOps practices.
Continuously learn and adapt to new machine learning techniques and tools.
Take ownership of your projects while working in close collaboration with more senior team members for guidance and support.
What We Offer:
A dynamic, fast-growing, and innovative work environment.
A competitive salary and pension plan.
Opportunities for professional development, including learning new machine learning techniques and tools.
A fun, inclusive, and collaborative team culture with regular social events, sports activities, and team-building opportunities.
The chance to work on impactful projects that automate workflows and unlock human potential.
A company laptop to support your work effectively.
Room for growth, initiative, and the chance to make a real difference within the team
Our Culture:
At Freeday, we’re not just about the work—we’re about you. We embrace a collaborative and innovative culture where ideas flow freely, and everyone is encouraged to take ownership. Whether you’re developing machine learning models or learning new skills, you’ll be part of a supportive environment where growth and personal development are key.
1-3 years of experience in machine learning or a related role, preferably in the tech sector.
Strong programming skills in Python and a good understanding of popular ML frameworks (such as TensorFlow, PyTorch).
Basic familiarity with cloud technologies like AWS or Google Cloud.
Some experience or familiarity with MLOps tools like MLflow or Kubeflow is a plus.
You enjoy tackling challenges, are not afraid to take initiative, and thrive in a fast-paced environment.
Passionate about automation, AI, and the potential of technology to solve real-world problems.
Great communication skills and a team-oriented mindset.
We're an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran, or disability status.
+4083345752,https://it.linkedin.com/jobs/view/data-scientist-at-brembo-4083345752?position=1&pageNum=2&refId=S%2FPWT8lePIXvHDYfzdrd5g%3D%3D&trackingId=TqUc7F%2BVf0U4kWuvEvnSAQ%3D%3D,Data Scientist,Brembo,"Stezzano, Lombardy, Italy","Brembo SGL Carbon Ceramic Brakes S.pA., a Joint Venture owned by Brembo and SGL Group, a leading company in the development, production and sale of carbon-ceramic brake discs for the automotive sector.
+We are looking for a Data Scientist who will be responsible for:
+- Analyses the data sets from the statistical and inferential point of view in order to identify correlation and predict or improve processes/products;
+- Develops, creates and evaluates validated statistical forecasting models based on pre-defined methodologies;
+- Ensures data cleaning, transformation and enrichment and certifies data integrity and validity, in accordance with the guidelines of the Domain Experts;
+- Ensures that relevant management functions receive a constant flow of information useful for decision-making;
+- Supports Project Managers in the different company areas to define the objectives of the various real data analysis activities;
+- Ensures the preparation of reports and presentations for the dissemination and communication of data;
+- Ensures constant benchmarking and alignment with international best practices, in order to assure the constant updating of methodologies and with the aim of identifying possible breakthrough innovations;
+- Presents the analyses carried out with clear and traceable results.
+Minimum Requirements:
+• Master's degree in Statistics, Mathematics or Engineering;
+• Fluent in English
+• Knowledge of a programming language (Python and/or similar)
+• Availability to travel
+Location: Stezzano (BG).
+L'azienda garantisce il trattamento dei dati ai sensi del Regolamento Europeo n. 2016/679, rinviando all’informativa privacy disponibile proseguendo con la presente candidatura. Verrà data risposta alle sole candidature ritenute interessanti sia relativamente alla posizione aperta sia per altre posizioni che di volta in volta potrebbero aprirsi. Brembo ritiene essenziale il rispetto del principio della parità di trattamento, essendo interdetta e preclusa qualsiasi forma di discriminazione o molestia, diretta o indiretta, nei confronti di ogni persona.
+Show more ","
Brembo SGL Carbon Ceramic Brakes S.pA., a Joint Venture owned by Brembo and SGL Group, a leading company in the development, production and sale of carbon-ceramic brake discs for the automotive sector.
We are looking for a Data Scientist who will be responsible for:
- Analyses the data sets from the statistical and inferential point of view in order to identify correlation and predict or improve processes/products;
- Develops, creates and evaluates validated statistical forecasting models based on pre-defined methodologies;
- Ensures data cleaning, transformation and enrichment and certifies data integrity and validity, in accordance with the guidelines of the Domain Experts;
- Ensures that relevant management functions receive a constant flow of information useful for decision-making;
- Supports Project Managers in the different company areas to define the objectives of the various real data analysis activities;
- Ensures the preparation of reports and presentations for the dissemination and communication of data;
- Ensures constant benchmarking and alignment with international best practices, in order to assure the constant updating of methodologies and with the aim of identifying possible breakthrough innovations;
- Presents the analyses carried out with clear and traceable results.
Minimum Requirements:
• Master's degree in Statistics, Mathematics or Engineering;
• Fluent in English
• Knowledge of a programming language (Python and/or similar)
• Availability to travel
Location: Stezzano (BG).
L'azienda garantisce il trattamento dei dati ai sensi del Regolamento Europeo n. 2016/679, rinviando all’informativa privacy disponibile proseguendo con la presente candidatura. Verrà data risposta alle sole candidature ritenute interessanti sia relativamente alla posizione aperta sia per altre posizioni che di volta in volta potrebbero aprirsi. Brembo ritiene essenziale il rispetto del principio della parità di trattamento, essendo interdetta e preclusa qualsiasi forma di discriminazione o molestia, diretta o indiretta, nei confronti di ogni persona.
+4082470618,https://es.linkedin.com/jobs/view/junior-machine-learning-engineer-at-institut-catal%C3%A0-de-nanoci%C3%A8ncia-i-nanotecnologia-icn2-4082470618?position=6&pageNum=2&refId=S%2FPWT8lePIXvHDYfzdrd5g%3D%3D&trackingId=4OF%2Fb9xYKGJ9J0Mwx4HOXQ%3D%3D,Junior Machine Learning Engineer,Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2),"Cerdanyola del Vallès, Catalonia, Spain","Main Tasks and responsibilities:
+The Machine Learning engineer will have the following responsibilities:
+Contribute to the design and implementation of the computational infrastructure for AI and ML within ICN2.
+Contribute to the design and implementation of algorithms to tackle research-oriented problems at ICN2.
+To support for competitive computational resources for ICN2.
+To review the methodological applications of different research groups.
+To collaborate in the creation of ML/AI training content.
+Education: Engineer or similar STEM career
+Knowledge and Professional Experience:
+The machine learning engineer should possess experience in Python programming, coupled with knowledge of machine learning and AI methods, including their deployment in popular Python libraries such as Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, Pandas, and Keras.
+English required.
+Personal Competences:
+Proven experience with interdisciplinary teams will be positively evaluated.
+Summary of conditions:
+Full time work (37,5h/week)
+Contract Length: Temporary (until 31/12/2026)
+Location: Bellaterra (Barcelona)
+Salary will depend on qualifications and demonstrated experience.
+Support to the relocation issues.
+Life Insurance.
+Estimated Incorporation date: as soon as possible
+Show more ","
Main Tasks and responsibilities:
The Machine Learning engineer will have the following responsibilities:
Contribute to the design and implementation of the computational infrastructure for AI and ML within ICN2.
Contribute to the design and implementation of algorithms to tackle research-oriented problems at ICN2.
To support for competitive computational resources for ICN2.
To review the methodological applications of different research groups.
To collaborate in the creation of ML/AI training content.
Education: Engineer or similar STEM career
Knowledge and Professional Experience:
The machine learning engineer should possess experience in Python programming, coupled with knowledge of machine learning and AI methods, including their deployment in popular Python libraries such as Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, Pandas, and Keras.
English required.
Personal Competences:
Proven experience with interdisciplinary teams will be positively evaluated.
Summary of conditions:
Full time work (37,5h/week)
Contract Length: Temporary (until 31/12/2026)
Location: Bellaterra (Barcelona)
Salary will depend on qualifications and demonstrated experience.
Support to the relocation issues.
Life Insurance.
Estimated Incorporation date: as soon as possible
+4082168419,https://es.linkedin.com/jobs/view/data-scientist-hybrid-2-week-at-nielseniq-4082168419?position=7&pageNum=2&refId=S%2FPWT8lePIXvHDYfzdrd5g%3D%3D&trackingId=GJpyXrgQc%2Fabu7ven611mw%3D%3D,Data Scientist - (Hybrid : 2 /week),NielsenIQ,"Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain","Company Description
+NIQ is the world’s leading consumer intelligence company, delivering the most complete understanding of consumer buying behavior and revealing new pathways to growth. In 2023, NIQ combined with GfK, bringing together the two industry leaders with unparalleled global reach. With a holistic retail read and the most comprehensive consumer insights—delivered with advanced analytics through state-of-the-art platforms—NIQ delivers the Full View™. NIQ is an Advent International portfolio company with operations in 100+ markets, covering more than 90% of the world’s population.
+Job Description
+Our Media Measurement team uses state-of-the-art technologies and rigorous methods to track who is watching what, where, and how they engage with content. Our clients can evaluate who is consuming what content across different media, platforms and devices, and know what the audience thinks about that content. As people consume media content on more channels, and through more devices, than ever before, we are proud to provide a full view on media consumption to our clients.
+You will:
+Own together with your team several of our Data Science solutions throughout the full life cycle (brainstorming, design, implementation, productization and maintenance)
+Develop solutions based on data science, stats and machine learning models
+Improve methods and tools and contribute to our communities of practice in the area of Data Science
+Communicate with non-data scientists in Tech, Operations, Commercial, Product and understand the domain and the requirements
+Make data your best friends. Understand their strengths and use them. Be aware of their weaknesses and handle those in your solutions
+Screen the market for potential new Data Science approaches
+Foster knowledge exchange within the company
+Present GfK's Data Science expertise at conferences and workshops
+You have:
+2+ years of relevant experience
+a Master's degree / PhD that reflects modeling and statistics skills
+The ability to communicate complex methodology and technology to tech and non-tech audiences
+Expert statistical / machine learning modeling skills (e.g. statistical tests, classification, predictive modelling, handling of missing data, sampling, weighting)
+Experience with an analytical programming language (Python, R) and the respective ecosystem
+It would be a nice addition if you have:
+Knowledge of cloud computing environments and tooling (especially AWS)
+Advanced software development skills (unit testing, CI/CD, Git)
+Basic skills regarding database handling as SQL
+Basic knowledge of the always evolving Data Science ecosystem and its frameworks
+Additional Information
+A meaningful project, where you learn every day and show the team what you've got.
+The possibility to be part of a talented team, working with experienced individuals.
+A nice place to work, where we foster training, and personal development.
+Flex Office: a mix of remote and in-office work to boost our productivity and promote a healthy work-life balance
+Our Benefits
+Flexible working environment
+Volunteer time off
+LinkedIn Learning
+Employee-Assistance-Program (EAP)
+About NIQ
+NIQ is the world’s leading consumer intelligence company, delivering the most complete understanding of consumer buying behavior and revealing new pathways to growth. In 2023, NIQ combined with GfK, bringing together the two industry leaders with unparalleled global reach. With a holistic retail read and the most comprehensive consumer insights—delivered with advanced analytics through state-of-the-art platforms—NIQ delivers the Full View™. NIQ is an Advent International portfolio company with operations in 100+ markets, covering more than 90% of the world’s population.
+For more information, visit NIQ.com
+Want to keep up with our latest updates?
+Follow us on: LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
+Our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
+NIQ is committed to reflecting the diversity of the clients, communities, and markets we measure within our own workforce. We exist to count everyone and are on a mission to systematically embed inclusion and diversity into all aspects of our workforce, measurement, and products. We enthusiastically invite candidates who share that mission to join us. We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action-Employer, making decisions without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability status, age, marital status, protected veteran status or any other protected class. Our global non-discrimination policy covers these protected classes in every market in which we do business worldwide. Learn more about how we are driving diversity and inclusion in everything we do by visiting the NIQ News Center: https://nielseniq.com/global/en/news-center/diversity-inclusion
+Show more ","
+ Company Description
NIQ is the world’s leading consumer intelligence company, delivering the most complete understanding of consumer buying behavior and revealing new pathways to growth. In 2023, NIQ combined with GfK, bringing together the two industry leaders with unparalleled global reach. With a holistic retail read and the most comprehensive consumer insights—delivered with advanced analytics through state-of-the-art platforms—NIQ delivers the Full View™. NIQ is an Advent International portfolio company with operations in 100+ markets, covering more than 90% of the world’s population.
Job Description
Our Media Measurement team uses state-of-the-art technologies and rigorous methods to track who is watching what, where, and how they engage with content. Our clients can evaluate who is consuming what content across different media, platforms and devices, and know what the audience thinks about that content. As people consume media content on more channels, and through more devices, than ever before, we are proud to provide a full view on media consumption to our clients.
You will:
Own together with your team several of our Data Science solutions throughout the full life cycle (brainstorming, design, implementation, productization and maintenance)
Develop solutions based on data science, stats and machine learning models
Improve methods and tools and contribute to our communities of practice in the area of Data Science
Communicate with non-data scientists in Tech, Operations, Commercial, Product and understand the domain and the requirements
Make data your best friends. Understand their strengths and use them. Be aware of their weaknesses and handle those in your solutions
Screen the market for potential new Data Science approaches
Foster knowledge exchange within the company
Present GfK's Data Science expertise at conferences and workshops
You have:
2+ years of relevant experience
a Master's degree / PhD that reflects modeling and statistics skills
The ability to communicate complex methodology and technology to tech and non-tech audiences
Experience with an analytical programming language (Python, R) and the respective ecosystem
It would be a nice addition if you have:
Knowledge of cloud computing environments and tooling (especially AWS)
Advanced software development skills (unit testing, CI/CD, Git)
Basic skills regarding database handling as SQL
Basic knowledge of the always evolving Data Science ecosystem and its frameworks
Additional Information
A meaningful project, where you learn every day and show the team what you've got.
The possibility to be part of a talented team, working with experienced individuals.
A nice place to work, where we foster training, and personal development.
Flex Office: a mix of remote and in-office work to boost our productivity and promote a healthy work-life balance
Our Benefits
Flexible working environment
Volunteer time off
LinkedIn Learning
Employee-Assistance-Program (EAP)
About NIQ
NIQ is the world’s leading consumer intelligence company, delivering the most complete understanding of consumer buying behavior and revealing new pathways to growth. In 2023, NIQ combined with GfK, bringing together the two industry leaders with unparalleled global reach. With a holistic retail read and the most comprehensive consumer insights—delivered with advanced analytics through state-of-the-art platforms—NIQ delivers the Full View™. NIQ is an Advent International portfolio company with operations in 100+ markets, covering more than 90% of the world’s population.
For more information, visit NIQ.com
Want to keep up with our latest updates?
Follow us on: LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
Our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
NIQ is committed to reflecting the diversity of the clients, communities, and markets we measure within our own workforce. We exist to count everyone and are on a mission to systematically embed inclusion and diversity into all aspects of our workforce, measurement, and products. We enthusiastically invite candidates who share that mission to join us. We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action-Employer, making decisions without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability status, age, marital status, protected veteran status or any other protected class. Our global non-discrimination policy covers these protected classes in every market in which we do business worldwide. Learn more about how we are driving diversity and inclusion in everything we do by visiting the NIQ News Center: https://nielseniq.com/global/en/news-center/diversity-inclusion
+4087075443,https://gr.linkedin.com/jobs/view/research-scientist-at-pharmathen-4087075443?position=9&pageNum=2&refId=S%2FPWT8lePIXvHDYfzdrd5g%3D%3D&trackingId=MBlt1WaWvTrcuzluHf7p4g%3D%3D,Research Scientist,Pharmathen,"Metamorfosi, Attiki, Greece","Pharmathen is one of the leading complex drug delivery and formulation developers and is among the top 50 pharmaceutical research companies in Europe. Driven by innovation, the company specializes in one of the most modern and technologically innovative sectors, developing Long Acting Injectables (LAI), Sustained Release formulations and Preservative Free Ophthalmics.
+Pharmathen's portfolio consists of over 100 products, produced at its facility in Sapes, Rodopi, approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and at its modernized production unit in Pallini, Attica.
+Pharmathen is one of the largest private investors in research and development in Greece, with steady investments of €35 million annually in the R&D sector and employs over 1,350 people from over 24 different nationalities. The company's enduring success is attributed to the passion for creativity, the ethics, and dedication of its people, who share the company's vision of making a difference in people's lives.
+Due to continuous growth and expansion, Pharmathen Pharmaceuticals offers a great opportunity for career development and is seeking to recruit a Research Scientist for the R&D Finished Dosage Forms department at our Metamorfosi premises.
+As a Research Scientist the ideal candidate will provide high quality support in analytical and formulation development in a GLP environment. Will also support all stages of a new product development and through preparation and analysis of R&D formulations.
+More particularly:
+What you will do:
+Perform the analytical method development & method validation of complex drugs to support all stages of drug development from drug substance characterization to finished product characterization, stability and support
+Participate in analysis of formulation /manufacturing process trials
+Deliver, evaluate and interprete experimental data
+Compile, maintain, review and interpret analytical and statistical data. Assist with the generating high quality technical documents required for method validation, stability, formulation and deficiency letters
+Maintain and follow all laboratory systems, GMPS
+Follow the rules as defined in the relevant EU and FDA guidelines
+Adhere to safety and housekeeping requirements
+Assume other activities and responsibilities as directed
+The ideal candidate should have:
+BSc Degree in Chemistry or relevant field /Technical institution degree
+At least 8 years of practical knowledge gained through experience accompanied by a technical or vocational training
+At least 2 years of experience in the Pharmaceutical Industry or equivalent experience
+Job-Specific Skills:
+Excellent communication in English language (writing & speaking)
+Computer literacy
+Troubleshooting skills
+Competent in analytical method development techniques (HPLC, GC,etc) and production lab instrumentation
+Demonstrated ability to work on multiple projects and meet timelines
+What you'll gain:
+Involvement in a high-caliber, team-oriented and dynamic atmosphere
+Exposure to challenging business issues and practices
+Great opportunity to leverage and develop your business knowledge and skills
+Join our team and experience the unique Pharmathen's culture that gives you the opportunity to innovate, to make decisions, to achieve your own potential and to chart your own career.
+Pharmathen is an equal opportunity employer. We welcome applications regardless of gender, race, age, religion, sexual orientation, and national origin.
+Show more ","
+ Pharmathen is one of the leading complex drug delivery and formulation developers and is among the top 50 pharmaceutical research companies in Europe. Driven by innovation, the company specializes in one of the most modern and technologically innovative sectors, developing Long Acting Injectables (LAI), Sustained Release formulations and Preservative Free Ophthalmics.
Pharmathen's portfolio consists of over 100 products, produced at its facility in Sapes, Rodopi, approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and at its modernized production unit in Pallini, Attica.
Pharmathen is one of the largest private investors in research and development in Greece, with steady investments of €35 million annually in the R&D sector and employs over 1,350 people from over 24 different nationalities. The company's enduring success is attributed to the passion for creativity, the ethics, and dedication of its people, who share the company's vision of making a difference in people's lives.
Due to continuous growth and expansion, Pharmathen Pharmaceuticals offers a great opportunity for career development and is seeking to recruit a Research Scientist for the R&D Finished Dosage Forms department at our Metamorfosi premises.
As a Research Scientist the ideal candidate will provide high quality support in analytical and formulation development in a GLP environment. Will also support all stages of a new product development and through preparation and analysis of R&D formulations.
More particularly:
What you will do:
Perform the analytical method development & method validation of complex drugs to support all stages of drug development from drug substance characterization to finished product characterization, stability and support
Participate in analysis of formulation /manufacturing process trials
Deliver, evaluate and interprete experimental data
Compile, maintain, review and interpret analytical and statistical data. Assist with the generating high quality technical documents required for method validation, stability, formulation and deficiency letters
Maintain and follow all laboratory systems, GMPS
Follow the rules as defined in the relevant EU and FDA guidelines
Adhere to safety and housekeeping requirements
Assume other activities and responsibilities as directed
The ideal candidate should have:
BSc Degree in Chemistry or relevant field /Technical institution degree
At least 8 years of practical knowledge gained through experience accompanied by a technical or vocational training
At least 2 years of experience in the Pharmaceutical Industry or equivalent experience
Job-Specific Skills:
Excellent communication in English language (writing & speaking)
Computer literacy
Troubleshooting skills
Competent in analytical method development techniques (HPLC, GC,etc) and production lab instrumentation
Demonstrated ability to work on multiple projects and meet timelines
What you'll gain:
Involvement in a high-caliber, team-oriented and dynamic atmosphere
Exposure to challenging business issues and practices
Great opportunity to leverage and develop your business knowledge and skills
Join our team and experience the unique Pharmathen's culture that gives you the opportunity to innovate, to make decisions, to achieve your own potential and to chart your own career.
Pharmathen is an equal opportunity employer. We welcome applications regardless of gender, race, age, religion, sexual orientation, and national origin.
+4075834563,https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/data-scientist-at-birdseye-partners-4075834563?position=2&pageNum=0&refId=WvFnN%2F0uf67Wfp9hYr9KwA%3D%3D&trackingId=V21dlkTub4jLsEP8MdNszw%3D%3D,Data Scientist,Birdseye Partners,Greater Boston,"Our well funded biotech partner is seeking a Computational Data Scientist to join their team to help to enable new insights into drug discovery and development. The ideal candidate will have a quantitative background with strong problem solving skills who is excited to analyze large multi-dimensional datasets to drive solutions within drug development.
+Use statistical techniques to uncover relationships in complex biological data and identify patterns in multiplexed assay results.
+Build, evaluate, and implement analytical methods, workflows, and machine-learning models for discovery and development.
+Assist wet lab scientists with visualizations, user interfaces, and NGS data interpretation, ensuring timely results.
+Masters or PhD in Math, Data Science, Bioinformatics, or related fields with 3+ years of experience.
+Skilled in analyzing multi-dimensional datasets (NGS), proficient in Python analyses (pandas, numpy, scipy).
+Experienced in principal component analysis, multivariate regressions, ANOVA, Bayesian statistics, and biological applications.
+Familiar with ML and deep generative models (e.g., VAEs, GANs, CNNs)
+Proficient in Python, R, SQL, bash, and AI frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch, sklearn).
+Show more ","
Our well funded biotech partner is seeking a Computational Data Scientist to join their team to help to enable new insights into drug discovery and development. The ideal candidate will have a quantitative background with strong problem solving skills who is excited to analyze large multi-dimensional datasets to drive solutions within drug development.
Use statistical techniques to uncover relationships in complex biological data and identify patterns in multiplexed assay results.
Build, evaluate, and implement analytical methods, workflows, and machine-learning models for discovery and development.
Assist wet lab scientists with visualizations, user interfaces, and NGS data interpretation, ensuring timely results.
Masters or PhD in Math, Data Science, Bioinformatics, or related fields with 3+ years of experience.
Skilled in analyzing multi-dimensional datasets (NGS), proficient in Python analyses (pandas, numpy, scipy).
Experienced in principal component analysis, multivariate regressions, ANOVA, Bayesian statistics, and biological applications.
Familiar with ML and deep generative models (e.g., VAEs, GANs, CNNs)
Proficient in Python, R, SQL, bash, and AI frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch, sklearn).
+4078164952,https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/data-scientist-research-search-platform-at-google-4078164952?position=3&pageNum=0&refId=WvFnN%2F0uf67Wfp9hYr9KwA%3D%3D&trackingId=Vw5Cv7zTs6qGp9tN64TbVA%3D%3D,"Data Scientist, Research, Search Platform",Google,"Cambridge, MA","Note: By applying to this position you will have an opportunity to share your preferred working location from the following: Cambridge, MA, USA; Mountain View, CA, USA.Minimum qualifications:
+Master's degree in Statistics, Data Science, Mathematics, Physics, Economics, Operations Research, Engineering, or a related quantitative field.
+8 years of experience using analytics to solve product or business problems, coding (e.g., Python, R, SQL), querying databases or statistical analysis, or 6 years of work experience with a PhD degree.
+Preferred qualifications:
+6 years of experience (e.g., statistician/bioinformatician/product analyst), including with statistical data analysis such as linear models, multivariate analysis, causal inference, sampling methods engagements outside class work at school can be included.
+Experience translating analysis results into business recommendations.
+Experience in articulating business questions and using mathematical techniques to find an answer using available data.
+Ability to select the appropriate statistical tools for a given data analysis problem, along with demonstrated effectiveness in both written and verbal communication skills.
+Ability to lead and take initiative, along with a demonstrated willingness to teach others and learn new techniques.
+About the jobIn Google Search, we're reimagining what it means to search for information – any way and anywhere. To do that, we need to solve complex engineering challenges and expand our infrastructure, while maintaining a universally accessible and useful experience that people around the world rely on. In joining the Search team, you'll have an opportunity to make an impact on billions of people globally.
+The US base salary range for this full-time position is $177,000-$266,000 + bonus + equity + benefits. Our salary ranges are determined by role, level, and location. The range displayed on each job posting reflects the minimum and maximum target salaries for the position across all US locations. Within the range, individual pay is determined by work location and additional factors, including job-related skills, experience, and relevant education or training. Your recruiter can share more about the specific salary range for your preferred location during the hiring process.
+Please note that the compensation details listed in US role postings reflect the base salary only, and do not include bonus, equity, or benefits. Learn more about benefits at Google .
+Work with data sets. Solve difficult, non-routine analysis problems, applying advanced problem-solving methods as needed. Conduct analysis including data gathering and requirements specification, processing, analysis, deliverables, and presentations.
+Build and prototype analysis pipelines iteratively to provide insights at scale. Develop comprehensive understanding of Google data structures and metrics, advocating for changes where needed for both products development and business activity.
+Interact cross-functionally with many people and teams. Work with engineers to identify opportunities for, design, and assess improvements to google products.
+Make business recommendations (e.g. cost-benefit, forecasting, experiment analysis) with presentations of findings at multi-level stakeholders through visual displays of quantitative information.
+Research and develop analysis, forecasting methods to improve the quality of Google's user facing products; examples include ads quality, search quality, end-user behavioral modeling, and live experiments.
+Google is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer. We are committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, gender identity or Veteran status. We also consider qualified applicants regardless of criminal histories, consistent with legal requirements. See also Google's EEO Policy and EEO is the Law. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation, please let us know by completing our Accommodations for Applicants form .
+Show more ","
+ Note: By applying to this position you will have an opportunity to share your preferred working location from the following: Cambridge, MA, USA; Mountain View, CA, USA.Minimum qualifications:
Master's degree in Statistics, Data Science, Mathematics, Physics, Economics, Operations Research, Engineering, or a related quantitative field.
8 years of experience using analytics to solve product or business problems, coding (e.g., Python, R, SQL), querying databases or statistical analysis, or 6 years of work experience with a PhD degree.
Preferred qualifications:
6 years of experience (e.g., statistician/bioinformatician/product analyst), including with statistical data analysis such as linear models, multivariate analysis, causal inference, sampling methods engagements outside class work at school can be included.
Experience translating analysis results into business recommendations.
Experience in articulating business questions and using mathematical techniques to find an answer using available data.
Ability to select the appropriate statistical tools for a given data analysis problem, along with demonstrated effectiveness in both written and verbal communication skills.
Ability to lead and take initiative, along with a demonstrated willingness to teach others and learn new techniques.
About the jobIn Google Search, we're reimagining what it means to search for information – any way and anywhere. To do that, we need to solve complex engineering challenges and expand our infrastructure, while maintaining a universally accessible and useful experience that people around the world rely on. In joining the Search team, you'll have an opportunity to make an impact on billions of people globally.
The US base salary range for this full-time position is $177,000-$266,000 + bonus + equity + benefits. Our salary ranges are determined by role, level, and location. The range displayed on each job posting reflects the minimum and maximum target salaries for the position across all US locations. Within the range, individual pay is determined by work location and additional factors, including job-related skills, experience, and relevant education or training. Your recruiter can share more about the specific salary range for your preferred location during the hiring process.
Please note that the compensation details listed in US role postings reflect the base salary only, and do not include bonus, equity, or benefits. Learn more about benefits at Google .
Work with data sets. Solve difficult, non-routine analysis problems, applying advanced problem-solving methods as needed. Conduct analysis including data gathering and requirements specification, processing, analysis, deliverables, and presentations.
Build and prototype analysis pipelines iteratively to provide insights at scale. Develop comprehensive understanding of Google data structures and metrics, advocating for changes where needed for both products development and business activity.
Interact cross-functionally with many people and teams. Work with engineers to identify opportunities for, design, and assess improvements to google products.
Make business recommendations (e.g. cost-benefit, forecasting, experiment analysis) with presentations of findings at multi-level stakeholders through visual displays of quantitative information.
Research and develop analysis, forecasting methods to improve the quality of Google's user facing products; examples include ads quality, search quality, end-user behavioral modeling, and live experiments.
Google is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer. We are committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, gender identity or Veteran status. We also consider qualified applicants regardless of criminal histories, consistent with legal requirements. See also Google's EEO Policy and EEO is the Law. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation, please let us know by completing our Accommodations for Applicants form .