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Releases: raggebatman/Radiation

[v1.1.1] Revision

30 Sep 11:06
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  • Fixed an issue where radiation would start on the next round before warhead detonation.

  • New command radiation version


  • Command Commands.VersionCommand

  • Enum Enums.RadiationStatus

  • Method RadiationAPI.Status()


  • Coroutine tags now use constants rather than unique strings.

  • In events that stop radiation, StopDelay() now gets called as well as
    StopRadiation(). Previously only StopRadiation() would be called. StopRadiation()
    does call StopDelay() in its body but it is called after the check is done
    that determines whether or not radiation has started. The result would be that
    the radiation delay coroutine does not get killed when restarting the round if
    radiation had not been started, meaning that radiation would "leak through" to
    the next round.

  • Tuples are now used as return values instead of booleans. This mainly improves
    how command feedback is handled.


  • Permissions radiation.status and radiation.version, these can now be used
    by anyone with access to the Remote Admin console.

[v1.1.0] Minor release

25 Sep 19:59
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  • New command radiation status

  • Checks for if hints can be displayed when players change roles (e.g. on spawn)


  • Command Commands.StatusCommand

  • Event ServerEvents.OnPlayerChangeRole()

  • Enum Enums.RadiationDamage

  • Method RadiationAPI.RadiationDamageType()

  • Overloads for RadiationAPI.ShowHint(), RadiationAPI.DealDamage(), RadiationAPI.RadiationDamageType()

  • Property Plugin.radiationDelayed


  • Removed Plugin.StartRadiation() from Plugin.EnableRadiation()

  • Plugin.Singleton setter is now private

  • Plugin.radiationEnabled and Plugin.radiationStarted getters are now public

  • Improved logic in general

  • Janitored the config and updated the example

  • AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion to be more or less compliant

[v1.0.0] Initial release

24 Sep 20:59
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Initial Release