It just another handy module to load sw-precache-webpack plugin selectively either it is working on webpack or webpack-dev-server. Please read issues 1 / 2, if you have a question why there are two of modules for sw-precache.
$ yarn add sw-precache-webpack-plugin-loader --dev
$ npm install --save sw-precache-webpack-plugin-loader
const SWPrecacheWebpackPlugin = require('sw-precache-webpack-plugin-loader');
const packageJSON = require('./package.json');
plugins: [
new SWPrecacheWebpackPlugin({
// configs of sw-precache
cacheId: `${}-${packageJSON.version}`,
staticFileGlobs: [
path.join(webpackOutput.path, '**/*')
runtimeCaching: [{
urlPattern: /https:\/\/,
handler: 'networkFirst'
logger: function () {},
filename: 'sw.js',
// configs of sw-precache-webpack-plugin
minify: process.env.NODE_ENV ? 'production' : 'development'
- ragingwind/sw-precache-webpack-dev-server-plugin: Webpack Plugin for using sw-precache during development with webpack-dev-server
- goldhand/sw-precache-webpack-plugin: Webpack plugin that generates a service worker using sw-precache that will cache webpack's bundles' emitted assets. You can optionally pass sw-precache configuration options to webpack through this plugin.
MIT © Jimmy Moon