To save images from any source, such as LinkedIn, to Notion for personal notes without having to download and upload them manually. This app allows you to save the images to Firebase Storage and add the Firebase URL to your Notion page.
- Formik: To handle the Form and related actions
- Jotai: To save the state when changing from one form stage to another
- Firebase Storage: To save the images
- TailwindCSS: For styling
- Next.js: Clientside rendering mode
Commands for development mode
turbo run build --filter=firebase-client
turbo run dev --filter=delimiter-viewer
Commands to deploy the app locally
turbo run build --filter=delimiter-viewer
pnpx serve ./apps/delimiter-viewer/out
- Provides a form that can parse the delimited image URLs
- Provides a Gallery view of the Image URLs
- Can save the image to Firebase in path
- Can copy the Firebase URL to clipboard
- Add support for uploading multiple images at once.
- Improve UX experience by adding loading and notifications
- Improve Form Validation and Error Handling
- As the project is in a monorepo, extract Firebase functionality as a separate repo and use the same package for different projects.