Fix convex hull edge case (some small edge case that included at least three collinear lines would return the same point on both the upper and lower hull)
Shortest Path Faster Algorithm
Prim's algorithm
More formulas for geometry, trigonometry, сombinatorics, number theory
Hungarian algorithm
Sweeping line algorithm for finding the pair of intersecting segments in a set of segments
Add more Geometry stuff.
Add a list of debugging tips
Add a list of algorithm types to keep in mind when solving a problem
Add more formulas
Test Tridiagonal matrix algorithm on http://codeforces.com/contest/24/problem/D
Use the Node interface of Segment Tree in HLD.
Primitive root finder should only check prime divisors
Clean up undirected Euler path (and don't assume cycle)
Refactor matrix code (what about inverse?)
Simplify KMP
Implement our own Simplex method? Or simplify the current code?
Implement our own Dynamic convex hull trick?
How do we check how much memory is used by an executable?