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File metadata and controls

58 lines (50 loc) · 3.05 KB

Created By Rajib Chowdhury FOR Intus Window You need to have composer , npm and mysql installed in your PC create a database name url_shortner create a username : test_user user's password will be : test_user form phpmyadmin change test_user previlige set to global Open command prompt having admin previlige Go to the project directory using command prompt

Run following command in command prompt for dependency setup npm install composer install

php artisan migrate or import datbase provided as url_shortner.sql or you may run Database url_shortner.sql provided inside root folder

run database server or apache php artisan serve Above command will make the project live

now open your browser write : http://localhost:8000 submit a url it will generate two version of short url http://localhost:8000/{unique6alphanumeric} http://localhost:8000/something/{unique6alphanumeric}

You may open other browser and copy paste the short url and check whether it is okay 2 sample example of http://localhost:8000/a0001C http://localhost:8000/something/a0001C

Algorithom & techniques

  1. I have created short url for both safe and unsafe url
  2. I am not creating short link where url has 400,499+ error . So curl/http request sent to page first. It has some overehead time.
  3. I have handled and catched error related with internet off, database server is not on etc
  4. After submission url, validation done using laravel url validation method and regex
  5. If any url already exist in system, i have show the url and it's short code rather generating new url
  6. during short code creation, I have saved safe api response and api call time in database
  7. If user tried to recreate the url again(within 3 min), it will show api response from database
  8. Later after some period of time example(3 min), if user tried to recreate the link. System will show existing link and give api call to check api is safe and update last_check
  9. From vue I have called api for generatig short url. Api retured JSON data
  10. For ensuring security used middlewear so api call will only accept any request from http://localhost
  11. Sancutm also have installed. but to implement sanctum, login related work necessary . So not implemented considering curret scope.
  12. I have not used hash key for 6 unique alphanumeric code of short url. Because reducing a big hash code to generate 6 alphanumeric code, may create 5 alphanumeric duplicate code. But save hash code and hash related matching function provided inside code
  13. After submitting a link, I have save a link row in database. Then using returned unique row id, I have created 6 digit unique code . This number is converted to base 36 based on upto 5 place. For left most place, I used base 26 conversion ignored 0-9 for beautifcation of url.
  14. I used 2 alphanumeric array for this purpose
  15. Interium period returning response save button become disable
  16. Even if http or https different protocol used for request of same web page still it consider those two as same page
  17. Screenshot provided for create, existing url, unmatched url and redirection