Tested hardware: NFP-4000 series with 2x10G and 1x40G. NFP-6000 series is currently untested.
Before installing the P4STA-stamper (as described in the main readme) it is required to install the Netronome driver in the version 6.1.0. To do so:
tar -xf nfp-sdk-p4-rte-
sudo apt-get install realpath libftdi1 libjansson4 build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` dkms
sudo ./sdk6_rte_install.sh install
In order to change the mode of a 40G NFP-card to 4x10G, insert the following command on the server of the Netronome SmartNIC:
sudo ./nfp-media phy0=4x10G