The .skel
file is a hierarchy of joints. Each joint lists some relevant data about its configuration. The .skel
data file has 8 keyword tokens which specify properties of a particular joint and are followed by data (usually floats). Not all joints will specify all properties, so reasonable default values should be used.
balljoint name{ (parent joint)
offset x y z (joint offset vector)
boxmin x y z (min corner of box to draw)
boxmax x y z (max corner of box to draw)
rotxlimit min max (x rotation DOF limits)
rotylimit min max (y rotation DOF limits)
rotzlimit min max (z rotation DOF limits)
pose x y z (values to pose DOFs)
balljoint name { } (child joint)
// e.g.
balljoint root {
offset 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
pose 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
boxmin -0.2 -0.3 -0.3
boxmax 0.2 0.2 0.3
balljoint head {
offset 0.000000 0.000000 -0.400000
pose 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
boxmin -0.2 -0.4 -0.4
boxmax 0.2 0.1 0.0
balljoint abdomen {
offset 0.000000 -0.200000 0.400000
pose 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
boxmin -0.1 -0.1 -0.1
boxmax 0.1 0.1 0.1
balljoint tail_01 {
offset 0.000000 0.400000 0.250000
pose 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
boxmin -0.3 -0.5 -0.1
boxmax 0.3 0.1 0.2
balljoint tail_02 {
: constant positional offset to add to the local joint transformation. It represents the location of a joint's pivot point described relative to the parent joint's space. This will almost always be specified for a joint, but if not, it should default to(0,0,0)
. -
parameters describe the min and max corners of a box representing the bone to render for the particular joint. If these are not specified for a joint, they should still have a reasonable default, say(-0.1,-0.1,-0.1)
. -
tokens describe the rotational joint DOF limits. Note that all angles are in radians. These should default to an essentially unlimited state if they are not specified in the file (i.e., -100000 to 100000 would be fine). -
token specifies values to pose the DOFs at. Normally, data like this would not be needed in a skeleton file, as the skeleton is usually posed by a higher level animation system. By default, these should be 0. If the pose specifies values outside of the range of the DOF limits, then it should get properly clamped before displaying. Again, remember that these values are in radians. -
token specifies a child balljoint which will have its own data and possibly its own children. There should not be any limit to the number of children allowed. Every balljoint has a name in the file.
View Projection Matrix
transforms from world space into the view space of the camera for rendering.- Can use the
class as a box to render a bone. It can be constructed with theboxmin
values of a particular bone. To draw it in the correct world-space location based on the joint's world matrixW
, we multiply it with the cameraview-projection matrix
to getV*W
. This should then be passed to the Cube::draw() function.
A character skeleton is a poseable framework of joints arranged in a tree structure. A joint allows relative movement within the skeleton. Joints are usually represented as affine transformation matrices. Joints can be rotational, translational, or other types. Usually, we use degree of freedom or DOF to represent a particular axis or dimension of movement within a joint.
Skeleton Posing Process:
- Specify all DOF values for the skeleton (done by higher level animation code)
- Recursively traverse through the joint hierarchy starting at the root and use forward kinematics to compute local and the world matrices of each joint (done by the skeleton system)
- Use joint world matrices to deform skin geometry (done by skin system)
Forward kinematics refers to the kinematic process of computing world space geometric data from a set of degrees of freedom such as joint angles. It passes movement through the skeleton from parent nodes to child nodes.
In the recursive tree traversal, each joint first computes its own local matrix
- Data
- Value
- Limits: min & max
- Methods
- SetValue() – (could clamp value to joint limits)
- GetValue()
- SetMinMax()
- Data
- positions
- normals
- indices
- modelMtx
- color
- Methods
- buildCube()
- drawCube()
Core Joint data
- DOFs (N floats)
- Local matrix: 𝐋
- World matrix: 𝐖
Additional data
- Joint offset vector
- DOF limits
- Type-specific data (rotation/translation axis, other constants…)
- Tree data (array of pointers to children, etc.)
- Load()
- Update(): recursively generate local matrix & concatenate
- AddChild()
- Draw()
Note: one could also make a Joint base class and derive various specific joint types (hinge, ball, prismatic…). In this case, one could have a virtual function called
that the base classUpdate()
bool Joint::Load(Tokenizer &t) {
while(1) {
char temp[256];
if(strcmp(temp,"offset")==0) {
else if // Check for other tokens
else if(strcmp(temp,"balljoint")==0) {
Joint *jnt=new Joint;
else if(strcmp(temp,"}")==0) return true;
else token.SkipLine(); // Unrecognized token
Joint tree (possibly just a pointer to the root joint)
Tree Data Structure:
The skeleton requires a basic N-tree data structure. A simple way to do this is to just have the base joint class store an array (vector) of child joints. To do the depth-first traversal in the
, each joint would just loop through it’s child joints and call theirUpdate()
- Load(): read file, load joint
- Update(): Update each joint (traverse tree & compute all joint matrices)
- Draw(): draw each joint (traverse tree)
bool Skeleton::Load(const char *file) {
Tokenizer token;
// Parse tree
Root=new Joint;
// Finish
return true;
void Joint::Update(Matrix& parent) {
… // Compute local matrix L
… // Compute world matrix W
… // Recursively call Update() on children
void Joint::Draw() {
… // Draw oriented box with OpenGL
… // Recursively call Draw() on children
Add a simple GUI to the program (such as ImGui, NanoGUI, or AntTweakBar) that allows the user to interactively adjust any of the DOFs in the skeleton.
- list all DOFs by name (i.e. "knee_r X") and have a slider for each one
- allows the user to adjust the value within the DOF limits
- display the active DOF name and value on the screen.
- have a next/last joint button that selects the current joint and just displays DOFs for that joint
- a fancy version could allow the user to select a joint in 3D with the mouse and edit the DOFs of that joint.
Whichever way is used, the name of the joint and the values of the DOFs must be displayed somewhere.
lists all of the DOFs by name and allows the user to adjust the value within the DOF limits.
- Slider bar changes:
- Camera distance, azimuth, inclination;
- DOFs of every joint.
- Press R to reset all DOF.