This package is composed by the modified (json output) 6s Fortan code and the python wrapper. The goal is to have the package available on conda-forge for linux, osx and windows.
conda-forge take care of the packaging for linux, osx and windows so that we don´t have to (see conda-forge).
What does the posix
( package? It's include as a dependency in the recipe to avoid a CMake error.
Build the package with the following command:
python -m build
Check it's content in the archive and then upload it to PyPi with the following command:
twine upload -r pypi dist/*
Build the package with the following command:
conda build .
convert it to other platforms with the following command:
conda convert --platform all <path_to_package> -o ~/output
upload it to the conda channel with the following command:
anaconda upload <path_to_package>