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Mixed Sources Design

This recipe showcases RapidStream's ability to optimize a complex design that combines various source types, such as handcrafted RTL Verilog, solutions generated using High-Level Synthesis (HLS), and Xilinx Compiled intellectual property (xci) blocks.

RapidStreamHLS in this recipe is a set of low-level API that provides the flexibility.

RapidStream Virtual Devices

To automatically optimize layout hints, resource information is required. We have pre-defined options for common devices: U50, U55c, U250, U280, VHK158, and VCK190. However, you can also utilize the DeviceFactory to support custom parts and boards.

This example utilizes the predefined U50 virtual device, which divides the FPGA part into four equal slots, each occupying half of a Super Logic Region (SLR):

U50 Partitioning Scheme

The Python snippet below demonstrates how to define the device configuration for the Alveo U50 device. The source file can be found in your RapidStream installation directory, such as <home_dir>/.rapidstream/opt/python3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rapidstream/assets/device_library/u50/

In this setup, the Alveo U50 device is divided into four slots. The function factory.set_slot_pblock specifies the coordinates and ranges of these slots in units of clock regions. For example, SLOT_X0Y0 encompasses all clock regions from CLOCKREGION_X0Y0 to CLOCKREGION_X3Y3. The function extract_slot_resources calls vivado to extract the resources within the clock regions defined by set_slot_pblock. Additionally, set_slot_capacity configures the LAGUNA routing resources for crossing SLR wires. Since the Alveo U50 contains two SLRs, only the north of SLOT_X0Y0 and SLOT_X1Y0, and the south of SLOT_X0Y1 and SLOT_X1Y1 have SLR crossing capacity.

def get_u50_default_device_factory() -> DeviceFactory:
    """Get a U50 default device factory."""
    factory = DeviceFactory(row=2, col=2, part_num=U50_PART_NAME, board_name=None)

    factory.set_slot_pblock(0, 0, ["-add CLOCKREGION_X0Y0:CLOCKREGION_X3Y3"])
    factory.set_slot_pblock(1, 0, ["-add CLOCKREGION_X4Y0:CLOCKREGION_X7Y3"])
    factory.set_slot_pblock(0, 1, ["-add CLOCKREGION_X0Y4:CLOCKREGION_X3Y7"])
    factory.set_slot_pblock(1, 1, ["-add CLOCKREGION_X4Y4:CLOCKREGION_X7Y7"])


    # set SLR crossing capacity
    factory.set_slot_capacity(0, 0, north=11520)
    factory.set_slot_capacity(0, 1, south=11520)
    factory.set_slot_capacity(1, 0, north=11520)
    factory.set_slot_capacity(1, 1, south=11520)

    return factory

def get_u50_default_device(output_path: Path | None = None) -> VirtualDevice:
    """Get a U50 default device."""
    factory = get_u50_default_device_factory()
    return factory.generate_virtual_device(output_path)

Design Source Format

RapidStream supports Verilog files, whether they are handcrafted or generated by tools. In this tutorial, we will recreate the VecAdd example from vitis_source, using source files from a different origin.

RapidStream Flow

The VecAddMix design has 3 types of input source:

  • read_mem_0, read_mem_1, write_mem_0 and kernel_add are generated by compiling HLS C++ code by Vitis_HLS.

  • A reset synchronouser module is from an .xci from Xilinx.

  • The HLS-generated modules above are connected by streaming-fifos which is a manual designed Verilog file in a top Verilog file.

Raidstream realies on the handshake interfaces to add pipeline registers to improve timing. For this case, rapidstream will infer the interface types of read_mem_0, read_mem_1, write_mem_0 and kernel_add from their HLS-generated reports. However, only both source and target ports qualify the handshake criteria can the link be pipelinable. For the streaming fifo modules, we need manually specify the types of ports in the Verilog file as below.

(* RS_HS = ""   *) input [DSIZE-1:0]  din_TDATA;
(* RS_HS = "inbound.valid"  *) input              din_TVALID;
(* RS_HS = "inbound.ready"  *) output             din_TREADY;
(* RS_HS = ""  *) output [DSIZE-1:0] dout_TDATA;
(* RS_HS = "outbound.valid" *) output             dout_TVALID;
(* RS_HS = "outbound.ready" *) input              dout_TREADY;
(* RS_CLK                   *) input              clk;
(* RS_RST = "ff"            *) input              rst_n;

In this example, there are:

  • Two handshake interfaces (RS_HS):
    • inbound interface: input streaming data
    • outbound interface: output streaming data
  • One default clock interface (RS_CLK) named clk
  • One reset interface (RS_RST) named rst_n

For the most up-to-date pragma syntax, refer to the RTL Interface Pragmas.

IP configuration files in the XCI format can be included, as demonstrated in this recipe. For instance, design_1_proc_sys_reset_0_0.xci can be added. The interfaces defined in the XCI files will be analyzed, and the files will be utilized to determine resource usage and perform evaluations.


Step 1: Generate the HLS solutions

RapidStream can integrate modules or systems generated by High-Level Synthesis (HLS) into the project. Run the command below to generate the HLS solutions form read_mem, write_mem and kernel_add.

source <Vitis_install_path>/Vitis/2023.2/
make hls

You can find the HLS-generated Verilog files under build for different kernels. The interface information is automatically inferred from the HLS reports, such as ./build/

This liminates the need for manual pragma additions to the RTL files. For instance, stream_* interfaces with HLS axis protocols will be inferred as handshake interfaces. RapidStream uses .xml files instead of .rpt files for this purpose. The .rpt screenshot here is for a readable demonstration purpose:

== Interface
* Summary:
|     RTL Ports     | Dir | Bits|   Protocol   | Source Object|    C Type    |
|ap_clk             |   in|    1|  ap_ctrl_none|    kernel_add|  return value|
|ap_rst_n           |   in|    1|  ap_ctrl_none|    kernel_add|  return value|
|stream_in1_TVALID  |   in|    1|          axis|    stream_in1|       pointer|
|stream_in1_TDATA   |   in|   32|          axis|    stream_in1|       pointer|
|stream_in1_TREADY  |  out|    1|          axis|    stream_in1|       pointer|
|stream_in2_TVALID  |   in|    1|          axis|    stream_in2|       pointer|
|stream_in2_TDATA   |   in|   32|          axis|    stream_in2|       pointer|
|stream_in2_TREADY  |  out|    1|          axis|    stream_in2|       pointer|
|stream_out_TREADY  |   in|    1|          axis|    stream_out|       pointer|
|stream_out_TDATA   |  out|   32|          axis|    stream_out|       pointer|
|stream_out_TVALID  |  out|    1|          axis|    stream_out|       pointer|

Step 2: Run Rapidstream to Generate OOC Implementation

After we get the HLS solutions ready in step 1, we can use rapidstream to optimized the mixed design. For simplicity, we only generated the Out-of-Context implementation results for fast demonstration.

In file, we show how to use the APIs we provided to specify the constraints for proper optimization by rapidstream.

For the handcrafted RTL and xci files, we need to specify the source directory by:


For the HLS-generated solutions, we specify the directories as below, such that rapidstream can infer the interfaces from the .rpt or .xml files.


For better optimizing the manual designs, we must explicitly define the placement of ports on the device by applying constraints. For instance, if we want to assign ports to a specific region, such as HBM AXI 16-31, we need to utilize the appropriate API to allocate the ports to their designated slots X1Y0.

rs.assign_port_to_region(".*", "SLOT_X1Y0:SLOT_X1Y0")

We can utilize assign_cell_to_region in a regular expression manner to designate target cells to specific SLOT regions. To demonstrate this capability, we have intentionally assigned four modules to four distinct SLOTS as shown below.

rs.assign_cell_to_region(".*kernel_add.*", "SLOT_X0Y1:SLOT_X0Y1")
rs.assign_cell_to_region(".*fifo_read2kernel0.*", "SLOT_X0Y1:SLOT_X0Y1")
rs.assign_cell_to_region(".*fifo_read2kernel1.*", "SLOT_X0Y0:SLOT_X0Y0")
rs.assign_cell_to_region(".*fifo_kernel2write.*", "SLOT_X1Y1:SLOT_X1Y1")

After all, we run rapidstream to optimize the design by running the command below or execute make all:

source <Vitis_install_path>/Vitis/2023.2/
rapidstream ./

When execution is completed, we found the target modules are assigned to target SLOTS.

|name              | floorplan              |   ff |  lut | bram_18k | dsp | uram |
|fifo_read2kernel1 | SLOT_X0Y0_TO_SLOT_X0Y0 |   20 |   31 |        1 |   0 |    0 |
|read_mem_0        | SLOT_X1Y0_TO_SLOT_X1Y0 | 2509 | 1526 |       15 |   0 |    0 |
|read_mem_1        | SLOT_X1Y0_TO_SLOT_X1Y0 | 2509 | 1526 |       15 |   0 |    0 |
|reset_syncer      | SLOT_X1Y0_TO_SLOT_X1Y0 |   40 |   18 |        0 |   0 |    0 |
|write_mem_0       | SLOT_X1Y0_TO_SLOT_X1Y0 | 2359 | 1559 |       16 |   0 |    0 |
|fifo_read2kernel0 | SLOT_X0Y1_TO_SLOT_X0Y1 |   20 |   31 |        1 |   0 |    0 |
|kernel_add_0      | SLOT_X0Y1_TO_SLOT_X0Y1 |  645 |  310 |        0 |   2 |    0 |
|fifo_kernel2write | SLOT_X1Y1_TO_SLOT_X1Y1 |   20 |   31 |        1 |   0 |    0 |

The final OoC implementation layout is as below.

U50 Partitioning Scheme

Step 3: Check the Group Module Report

RapidStream mandates a clear distinction between communication and computation within user designs.

  • In Group modules, users are tasked solely with defining inter-submodule communication. For those familiar with Vivado IP Integrator flow, crafting a Group module mirrors the process of connecting IPs in IPI. RapidStream subsequently integrates appropriate pipeline registers into these Group modules.

  • In Leaf modules, users retain the flexibility to implement diverse computational patterns, as RapidStream leaves these Leaf modules unchanged.

For further details, please consult the code style section in our Documentation.

To generate a report on group types, execute the commands below or run make show_groups:

rapidstream ../../common/util/ \
	-i build/passes/0-imported.json \
	-o build/module_types.csv

The module types for your design can be found in build/module_types.csv. Below, we list the four Group modules. In this design, VecAddMix serves as a Group module, while the other three modules are added by RapidStream.

Module Name Group Type
VecAddMix grouped_module
__rs_ap_ctrl_start_ready_pipeline grouped_module

Step 4: Check results

The RapidStream flow performs design space exploration and creates optimized design checkpoint (.dcp) files. If you execution is successful, you should find the post-routed dcp located at:


To review the timing results for each generated design point, use this command:

find build/ -name timing_summary.rpt

These commands will help you locate and analyze the relevant files within the ./build/ directory.

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