Mobile app pentesting process:
- find info about company, mobile app
- find target app on Play Store (or Apple store)
- enumerate different app versions & patch notes
Static Analysis:
- reading app source code via manual/automated tools
- checking for hardcoded strings, security misconfigs in app
- can trigger additional enumeration steps if useful data is found
Dynamic Analysis:
- running the app and manipulating it
- intercepting traffic with proxies like Burp Suite, Proxyman
- dumping memory from the app to check for insecurely stored secrets
- checking local storage for files created at runtime
- can result in attacks related to OWASP Top Ten
- contains executive summary, specific vulnerabilities discovered
- provide criticality, steps to reproduce bug
Android Security Architecture:
Android is based on Linux (commands, file permissions, etc.).
Every app is run in a VM known as Android Runtime (ART) - Dalvik was the original runtime VM, but it is no longer utilized in modern Android OS.
ART is the modern translation layer from app's bytecode to device instructions; every app runs in its own sandboxed VM.
Similarly, in the file system, apps are isolated by creating a new user unique for that app.
For each app, the unique user is the owner of the app directory (UID between 10000 and 999999, with a similar username pattern).
This stops apps from interacting with each other unless explicitly granted permissions, or a
Content Provider
or aBroadcast Receiver
is exposed. -
Android also uses the concept of profiles - separated app data (Work profile, Personal profile, etc.) with access to system level functions, but it has isolated aspects for Data Loss Prevention.
Identity features such as Primary user, Secondary user, Guest user and Kid mode are also included.
Major layers in Android Architecture:
Linux Kernel:
- support for multiple CPU types, and 32-bit and 64-bit
- apps are explicitly told which version of ART/API to run on
- Android Manifest - minSDKVersion - higher version is more secure
- But lower SDK/Android versions have more customers, and more security vulnerabilities
- Access to physical components of Linux device are controlled by drivers
Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL):
- abstraction layer that allows apps to access hardware components irrespective of device manufacturer/type
- newer HAL types include automotives, IoT, gaming peripherals
Libraries (Native C or ART):
- C/C++ is the device's native language - it does not require a VM
- Java (for ART) is easier to code in, so it is more preferred - newer apps are built in Kotlin
Java API Layer:
- allows the app to interact with other apps, and also the device itself
- content providers - way of sharing data to other apps via a specific directory (if exported) in the format
- view system - used for making the app UI and normalizing it
- managers - for running things such as notifications, telephony, package & location
System Apps:
- pre-installed apps on Android device
- can set a new default app to replace the vendor-supplied or system app
App Security & Signing Process:
Every Android app can be reverse-engineered, rebuilt, re-signed and re-run.
The source code is available using tools like JADX-GUI or Apktool.
Integrity of apps can be ensured using app signing, which uses public-key cryptography
This includes 3 methods of verifying signatures - APK signature scheme v1, v2, v3; Google also implements Google Play signing.
For setup, install
andAndroid Studio
(preferably in host machine as Android Studio can crash VM). -
Android Studio
, tools likeDevice File Explorer
andAVD Manager
would be used often. -
AVD Manager
, we can choose a device which can pull APKs directly from Google Play - we can create 2 virtual devices, one with API level 29 (x86_64 arch preferred) and one with API level 23, for example, both supported by Google API. -
For devices with Google Play, the command
adb root
does not work; but for devices running images supported by Google API (the API level 23 one, for instance),adb root
works as the device is already rooted - and we can run further commands on the device usingadb shell