- Tidy up the statistics page (i.e. choose any previous month FOR WHICH THERE ARE ORDERS and display the data for that month) a. Implement a print feature for the statistics page
- Create statistics model
- Fully implmement printing feature a. Create label model, and have print button lead to a form to create labels? ii. If one can't implement this, figure it out so that the labels can be anything, but you print on the screen what the line-items are. This would invol ve dynamically adding label items to the page b. Check out cocoon example of double nested models with SimpleForm. i. an order accepts_nested_attributes_for :labels c. Advantage to label model: saves labels for future use, and can use best_in_place to edit them on the spot. d. Implement foriegn key with Label-LineItem association e. Implement join table between labels, orders, and line_items?
- Fix uniqueness validation
- Implement best-in-place for order show form and eliminate edit order form
- If it's past the ETA, color it red; if today is the ETA, color it yellow; if ETA is in the future, don't color it at all.
- Refactor edit and new order pages by moving the body to a partial
- Style table further with background-color a. And website. Use the blue and orange defined in the CSS i. Find an even lighter blue and lighter orange so everything looks very nice b. Use http://ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/graphics/cssgradientbackgroundmaker/default.html for CSS gradients c. Styling == LOW PRIORITY
- Write a script to create descriptive comments at the beginning of models or files