🗺️ An interactive scratch off map. Keep track of which places you have been, how much of the world you have conquered, and where to go next.
- ⚛️ Next.js for UI building
- ⚡ Chakra UI for UI components
- 👻 Jotai for state management
- 📈 amCharts for map charts
- 🌎 REST Countries for country data
- 🤖 TypeScript for type-checking
- 💄 Prettier for formatting
- 🐶 Husky and lint-staged for commit hooks
- 🎬 Framer Motion for animations
- 🗃️ Supabase for data storage
- ✅ GitHub Actions for continuous integration
- 🏗️ Netlify for deployment
npm install
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.