All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- the equal query operator for mongodb is formatted as { "key": value } instead of { "key": { "$eq": value } } to provide more flexibility
- added process options to define to allow or disallow specific keys.
- added key transformers.
- mongodb related logical and query operators are now provided as "formatter-functions".
This makes the parser much more flexible, however the
-function needs to be passed toNewParser()
from now on.
- custom operators can now define MongoFormatter as a function instead of a MongoOperator string to increase the flexibility
- allow nested parentheses, so it is possible to define filters like: userIds=in=(ObjectId("xxx"),ObjectId("yyy"))
- added the ability to handle empty rsql strings
- parser to parse rsql string to mongodb json filter string
- functionality to add custom operators