diff --git a/twitter.py b/twitter.py
index 6ccc6f2..b1b451f 100644
--- a/twitter.py
+++ b/twitter.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import datetime
 import os
 import tweepy
@@ -24,68 +25,71 @@
 api = tweepy.API(auth, wait_on_rate_limit=True)
+today = datetime.date.today()
+date = today.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
 def tweet(match_updates):
     if match_updates["event type"] == 0:
-        tweet = "Today's {0} match between {1} and {2} is about to kick-off.\n\nWe should be set for an exciting match!\n\n#{3}vs{4}".format(match_updates.get("competition"), match_updates.get("home team"), match_updates.get("away team"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"))
+        tweet = "Today's {0} match between {1} and {2} is about to kick-off.\n\nWe should be set for an exciting match!\n\n#{3}vs{4} {5}".format(match_updates.get("competition"), match_updates.get("home team"), match_updates.get("away team"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"), date)
         print("Tweet sent!")
     if match_updates["event type"] == "Goal":
-        tweet = "GOAL!!!\n\n{0}'s {1} has scored a goal at the {2}' mark!\n\n{3} {4} - {5} {6}\n\n#{7}vs{8}".format(match_updates.get("team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team"), match_updates.get("home score"), match_updates.get("away team"), match_updates.get("away score"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"))
+        tweet = "GOAL!!!\n\n{0}'s {1} has scored a goal at the {2}' mark!\n\n{3} {4} - {5} {6}\n\n#{7}vs{8} {9}".format(match_updates.get("team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team"), match_updates.get("home score"), match_updates.get("away team"), match_updates.get("away score"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"), date)
         print("Tweet sent!")
     if match_updates["event type"] == "Assist":
-        tweet = "{0}'s {1} is credited for assisting the goal at the {2}' mark.\n\n#{3}vs{4}".format(match_updates.get("team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"))
+        tweet = "{0}'s {1} is credited for assisting the goal at the {2}' mark.\n\n#{3}vs{4} {5}".format(match_updates.get("team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"), date)
         print("Tweet sent!")
     if match_updates["event type"] == "Own Goal":
         if match_updates["team"] == match_updates["home team"]:
-            tweet = "Uh Oh...\n\n{0}'s {1} has scored an own goal at the {2}' mark!\n\n{3} {4} - {0} {5}\n\n#{6}vs{7}".format(match_updates.get("away team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team"), match_updates.get("home score"), match_updates.get("away score"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"))
+            tweet = "Uh Oh...\n\n{0}'s {1} has scored an own goal at the {2}' mark!\n\n{3} {4} - {0} {5}\n\n#{6}vs{7} {8}".format(match_updates.get("away team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team"), match_updates.get("home score"), match_updates.get("away score"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"), date)
             print("Tweet sent!")
         if match_updates["team"] == match_updates["away team"]:
-            tweet = "Uh Oh...\n\n{0}'s {1} has scored an own goal at the {2}' mark!\n\n{0} {3} - {4} {5}\n\n#{6}vs{7}".format(match_updates.get("home team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home score"), match_updates.get("away team"), match_updates.get("away score"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"))
+            tweet = "Uh Oh...\n\n{0}'s {1} has scored an own goal at the {2}' mark!\n\n{0} {3} - {4} {5}\n\n#{6}vs{7} {8}".format(match_updates.get("home team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home score"), match_updates.get("away team"), match_updates.get("away score"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"), date)
             print("Tweet sent!")
     if match_updates["event type"] == "Penalty Goal":
-        tweet = "WHAT INCREDIBLE PLACEMENT!\n\n{0}'s {1} kept his composure and scored his penalty kick at the {2}' mark!\n\n{3} {4} - {5} {6}\n\n#{7}vs{8}".format(match_updates.get("team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team"), match_updates.get("home score"), match_updates.get("away team"), match_updates.get("away score"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"))
+        tweet = "WHAT INCREDIBLE PLACEMENT!\n\n{0}'s {1} kept his composure and scored his penalty kick at the {2}' mark!\n\n{3} {4} - {5} {6}\n\n#{7}vs{8} {9}".format(match_updates.get("team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team"), match_updates.get("home score"), match_updates.get("away team"), match_updates.get("away score"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"), date)
         print("Tweet sent!")
     if match_updates["event type"] == "Penalty Miss":
-        tweet = "Oh no!\n\n{0}'s {1} has failed to convert his penalty kick at the {2}' mark!\n\n#{3}vs{4}".format(match_updates.get("team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"))
+        tweet = "Oh no!\n\n{0}'s {1} has failed to convert his penalty kick at the {2}' mark!\n\n#{3}vs{4} {5}".format(match_updates.get("team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"), date)
         print("Tweet sent!")
     if match_updates["event type"] == "VAR":
-        tweet = "What unfortunate luck for {0}!\n\nVAR has decided that {0}'s {1} goal at the {2}' mark will not count!\n\n{3} {4} - {5} {6}\n\n#{7}vs{8}".format(match_updates.get("team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team"), match_updates.get("home score"), match_updates.get("away team"), match_updates.get("away score"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"))
+        tweet = "What unfortunate luck for {0}!\n\nVAR has decided that {0}'s {1} goal at the {2}' mark will not count!\n\n{3} {4} - {5} {6}\n\n#{7}vs{8} {9}".format(match_updates.get("team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team"), match_updates.get("home score"), match_updates.get("away team"), match_updates.get("away score"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"), date)
         print("Tweet sent!")
     if match_updates["event type"] == "Yellow Card":
-        tweet = "{0}'s {1} has received a yellow card for his actions at the {2}' mark!\n\n#{3}vs{4}".format(match_updates.get("team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"))
+        tweet = "{0}'s {1} has received a yellow card for his actions at the {2}' mark!\n\n#{3}vs{4} {5}".format(match_updates.get("team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"), date)
         print("Tweet sent!")
     if match_updates["event type"] == "Second Yellow Card":
-        tweet = "Goodbye {0}!\n\n{1}'s {0} has received his second yard at the {2}' mark and is forced off the pitch!\n\n{1} will be down a player for the rest of the match.\n\n#{3}vs{4}".format(match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("team"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"))
+        tweet = "Goodbye {0}!\n\n{1}'s {0} has received his second yard at the {2}' mark and is forced off the pitch!\n\n{1} will be down a player for the rest of the match.\n\n#{3}vs{4} {5}".format(match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("team"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"), date)
         print("Tweet sent!")
     if match_updates["event type"] == "Red Card":
-        tweet = "Things are getting serious now!\n\n{0}'s {1} has received a red card for his actions at the {2}' mark and is forced off the pitch!\n\n{0} will be down a player for the rest of the match.\n\n#{3}vs{4}".format(match_updates.get("team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"))
+        tweet = "Things are getting serious now!\n\n{0}'s {1} has received a red card for his actions at the {2}' mark and is forced off the pitch!\n\n{0} will be down a player for the rest of the match.\n\n#{3}vs{4} {5}".format(match_updates.get("team"), match_updates.get("player"), match_updates.get("minute"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"), date)
         print("Tweet sent!")
     if match_updates["event type"] == "HT":
-        tweet = "The first half of today's {0} match has finished, we will tune back in 15 minutes for the remainder of the match!\n\n{1} {2} - {3} {4}\n\n#{5}vs{6}".format(match_updates.get("competition"), match_updates.get("home team"), match_updates.get("home score"), match_updates.get("away team"), match_updates.get("away score"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"))
+        tweet = "The first half of today's {0} match has finished, we will tune back in 15 minutes for the remainder of the match!\n\n{1} {2} - {3} {4}\n\n#{5}vs{6} {7}".format(match_updates.get("competition"), match_updates.get("home team"), match_updates.get("home score"), match_updates.get("away team"), match_updates.get("away score"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"), date)
         print("Tweet sent!")
     if match_updates["event type"] == "FT":
-        tweet = "The final whistle has blown, and that is the end of today's {0} match!\n\n{1} {2} - {3} {4}\n\n#{5}vs{6}".format(match_updates.get("competition"), match_updates.get("home team"), match_updates.get("home score"), match_updates.get("away team"), match_updates.get("away score"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"))
+        tweet = "The final whistle has blown, and that is the end of today's {0} match!\n\n{1} {2} - {3} {4}\n\n#{5}vs{6} {7}".format(match_updates.get("competition"), match_updates.get("home team"), match_updates.get("home score"), match_updates.get("away team"), match_updates.get("away score"), match_updates.get("home team code"), match_updates.get("away team code"), date)
         print("Tweet sent!")