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File metadata and controls

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Docker Notes

  • 1 container has 1 process only while 1 VM can have multiple processes

Creating and starting your first container

  1. Create container

    docker create -it --name=my_container_name ubuntu bash
  2. Start container

    docker start my_container_name
  3. Attach to container

    docker attach my_container_name
  4. Detach from container (escape sequence) using <Ctrl-d> or exit will kill the container

  5. Stop container

    docker stop my_container_name

Creating your own image

  1. Create repo in Docker Hub

  2. Tag an existing image

    docker tag <existing_image> <Docker Hub username>/<repo_name>:<tag_name>
    docker tag <existing_image> <Docker Hub username>/<repo_name>:latest
  3. Login to Docker (if using private repo)

    docker login --username <Docker Hub username>
  4. Push to repo

    docker push <Docker Hub username>/<repo_name>
  5. Pull repo

    docker pull <Docker Hub username>/<repo_name>:<tag_name>

    If <tag_name> is empty, defaults to latest


Automated script for setting up a Docker image

Standard name of Dockerfile is Dockerfile

Difference between CMD and RUN

  1. Edit Dockerfile

    FROM <image_name>:<tag_name>
    MAINTAINER <Name> <<email>>
    RUN <setup_command1>
    RUN <setup_command2>
    # Optional: Document which port will be used
    # Note that actual port specification should be passed through
    # docker run -p <local_port>:<container_port>
    EXPOSE <container_port>
    COPY <local_file_relative_to_Dockerfile> <container_file>
    CMD ["<runtime_cmd>", "<input>"]


    FROM ubuntu:latest
    MAINTAINER Rufus Wong <>
    RUN apt update && apt install -y openssh-server
    RUN mkdir -p /var/run/sshd
    # Assuming there exists file directory/
    COPY directory /directory/
    RUN chmod 777 /directory/
    CMD ["/directory/"]
    CMD ["echo","hello world"]
  2. Build Docker image

    docker build -t <image_name>:<tag_name> .

  3. Run Docker image

    docker run --name=my_container_name <image_name>:<tag_name>

    CMD is overrideable by the docker run command

    docker run --name=my_container_name <image_name>:<tag_name> echo "override CMD"

Give user sudo permission

FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN useradd --create-home --shell /bin/bash username
RUN echo "username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
USER username
WORKDIR /home/username

Docker Networking

By default, all docker containers are connected together via a shared virtual network

docker network ls
  • bridge: Default name of the virtual network

  • host: ???

  • null: ??? (seldom used)

    docker network inspect <virtual_network_name>

  • Gateway is the IP of the host on the virtual network

    • Containers will use the host as a gateway to connect outside

Port Forwarding

Ports used by containers by default are only accessible through <container_ip>:<container_port>

To expose it to be accessible through <host_ip>:<host_port>

docker run -p <host_port>:<container_port>

Creating a new private network

docker network create <virtual_network_name>

Move container to new network

docker network disconnect <old_network_name> <container_name>
docker network connect --ip <desired_ip> <new_network_name> <container_name>

Useful tools to install

apt install \
iputils-ping \


Docker Run (= docker create + docker start + docker attach)

docker run -it --rm --name=<container_name> <command>
  • -i to create interactive session
  • -t to use tty
  • --rm to automatically remove on exit

Connect to an existing container (e.g. started with docker run)

docker exec -it <id of running container> bash

List currently running docker instances

docker ps
docker container ls

List all currently available containers

docker container ls -a

List currently available images

docker image ls

Search for available images

docker search <image name>

Remove container

docker rm my_container_name # Only works if container stopped
docker rm -f my_container_name # Force remove container even if running

Pull image

docker pull <image_name>

Remove image

docker rmi <image_name or image ID>

Execute command in container and view results without attaching

docker exec <container_name> <command>

Note that variable expansion occurs outside container, to make it occur inside:

docker exec container bash -c 'echo "$ENV_VAR"'

Extra resources / examples


Failed to create an OpenGL context

  1. Set up nvidia-docker (
  2. Add the following to the .Dockerfile
  3. Rebuild image
  4. Run image with docker run --gpus all

Docker Swarm

Create swarm

docker swarm init --advertise-addr=

Ensure advertise-addr is accessible externally (configure firewall inbound rules)

Join swarm

docker swarm join --token <refer to response from docker swarm init>

Check swarm participants (only in swarm leader)

docker node ls

Start container (equivalent to docker run for non-swarm)

docker service create --name=<container name> --publish=80:80 nginx

Duplicate container to swarm participants

docker service update --replicas=5 <container name>

Check swarm containers

docker service ps <container name>