- Add
to block related methodscfx_getBlockByHash
which needConflux-rust v1.1.5
or above. - Add one new RPC method
now only support hex string, will not accept non hex utf-8 string- Add cli
which can random generate a0x1 prefix ethereum
address Conflux
add a new methodgetEpochReceiptsByPivotBlockHash
- Support
option inConflux
initialization. - Add one util method
to return a tree structure traces. - Fix contract method override bug.
- Add a address utility method
- Support
option inConflux
initialization. - Add pending transaction status enum
currently have two value:FUTURE_NONCE
- Optimize the address convert performance.
add methodgetAccountPendingTransactions
to get one account's pending transaction.- Split API documents into several files, which is easy to read.
This version is corresponding to conflux-rust v1.1.3, check it's changelog for detailed info.
will respectnetworkId
flag even if the first parameter is an CIP37 address.- Add support for a standard token contract through
filter option add one more fieldoffset
- Add one RPC method
to get account's transaction pending info epochs
pubsub now accept one parametersubscription_epoch
the supported values arelatest_mined
(default) andlatest_state
- Include
, andtransactionPosition
for trace RPCs - When ABI encoding
type, if the data's length is not enough, will auto pad (right) toN
method rethurn three new fieldslatestState
- add two
related rpctraceTransaction
- add one debug rpc
- add two provider wrapper
to work with metamask
Notice: this is an update corresponding conflux-rust v1.1.2
's option can passnetworkId
now, and add a new methodupdateNetworkId
to sync networkId from RPC.format.address
will return new CIP37 addresses, if you pass a hex address,networkId
should also be passed as second parameter- add new method
to format hex address - Wallet's constructor add a parameter
- PrivateKeyAccount
need one more parameternetworkId
method need one more parameternetworkId
- Conflux's get methods will return new address, and same to contract method returned address.
response add new fieldtotalCirculating
response add new fieldnetworkId
- Add RPC method
which can used to get block's execution trace
// nodejs const { Contract } = require('js-conflux-sdk');
import { Contract } from 'js-conflux-sdk'
- add
for method from abi
console.log(contract.symbol.stateMutability) // "view"
console.log(contract.transfer.stateMutability) // "nonpayable"
rename EventLog.params to EventLog.arguments
await conflux.contract.Transfer(null, null, null).getLogs({
fromEpoch: 2868400,
toEpoch: 2868500,
/ [ { data: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001184b321b4e44', topics: [ '0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef', '0x0000000000000000000000001dc05200485776b79f195a1e617dbccb6826f1c4', '0x000000000000000000000000882c4ddb1d3210b5ae778360729c04cd3242df70' ], ... arguments: NamedTuple(from,to,value)(3) [ '0x1dc05200485776b79f195a1e617dbccb6826f1c4', '0x882c4ddb1d3210b5ae778360729c04cd3242df70', 308186218974788n ] } ] /
* add `subscribeLogs` for EventLog
subscription = await contract.Transfer(null, null, null).subscribeLogs();
subscription.on('data', data => { console.log(data); });
* contract decode constructor data with out bytecode
## v1.1.4
* add `conflux.getSupplyInfo`
## v1.1.3
* WebsocketProvider with Websocket options
new Conflux({ url: 'ws://', clientConfig: { maxReceivedFrameSize: 10_1000_1000, // 10 MB } })
## v1.1.2
* add `conflux.getVoteList`
* add `conflux.getDepositList`
* update `conflux.getTransactionReceipt`
## v1.1.1
fix: update request id avoid repeat
// old conflux.provider.requestId(); // "16055917399420726"
// new conflux.provider.requestId(); // "175d4b91862001f4f81eb443"
## v1.1.0
fix: use native websocket for front-end
* use BigInt for nodejs, JSBI for browser
// for nodejs
// old conflux.getBalance(ADDRESS); // JSBI(1) [ -1153374696, sign: false ]
// new conflux.getBalance(ADDRESS); // 3141592600n
## v1.0.1
fix: EventCoder, FunctionCoder, valueCoder decode return string but not JSBI
## v1.0.0
* add `defaultGasRatio` and `defaultStorageRatio`
conflux = new Conflux({ defaultGasRatio: 1.1, defaultStorageRatio: 1.1, ... })
* add `BaseAccount` and `PrivateKeyAccount`
Account `signTransaction` and `signMessage` to be `async`
* add wallet
wallet use for create and manage `Account` by address
account = conflux.wallet.addRandom() console.log(conflux.wallet.has(account.address)); // true
account = conflux.wallet.addPrivateKey(PRIVATE_KEY) console.log(conflux.wallet.has(account.address)); // true
account = conflux.wallet.addKeystore(keystore, password) console.log(conflux.wallet.has(account.address)); // true
wallet use for sendTransaction
// old account = conflux.Account(PRIVATE_KEY);
conflux.sendTransaction({ from: account.address, // address will call cfx_sendTranscion
... })
conflux.sendTransaction({ from: account, // must be instance of Account
to sign by sdk and call cfx_sendRawTransaction
... })
// new conflux.sendTransaction({ from: address, // if address not in conflux.wallet
, call cfx_sendTranscion
... })
account = conflux.wallet.addPrivate(PRIVATE_KEY);
conflux.sendTransaction({ from: account.address, // if account in conflux.wallet
, sign by account and call cfx_sendRawTransaction
... })
conflux.sendTransaction({ from: account, // same as from: account.address
, but some user think input account instance with privateKey is unsafe ... })
* add Subscription
await conflux.subscribe(name, ...args); // => id await conflux.subscribeEpochs(); // => Subscription with event 'data' await conflux.subscribeNewHeads(); // => Subscription with event 'data' await conflux.subscribeLogs(); // => Subscription with event 'data', 'revert' await conflux.unsubscribe(id); // => boolean await conflux.unsubscribe(subscription); // => boolean
* add internal contract
contract = conflux.InternalContract('AdminControl'); console.log(contract);
contract = conflux.InternalContract('SponsorWhitelistControl'); console.log(contract);
contract = conflux.InternalContract('Staking'); console.log(contract);
* add checksum address
// old conflux.getBalance('0x1B716c51381e76900EBAA7999A488511A4E1fD0a'); // ok conflux.getBalance('0x1B716c51381e76900EBAA7999A488511A4E1fD0A'); // ok
// new conflux.getBalance('0x1B716c51381e76900EBAA7999A488511A4E1fD0a'); // ok conflux.getBalance('0x1B716c51381e76900EBAA7999A488511A4E1fD0A'); // Error('address checksum error')
* `providerFactory` only accept first argument as override options
// old provider = providerFactory('http://localhost:12537')
// new provider = providerFactory({ url: 'http://localhost:12537' })
* add batch request
provider = providerFactory({ url: 'http://localhost:12537' })
array = await provider.batch([ { method: 'cfx_epochNumber' }, { method: 'cfx_getBalance', params: ['0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789'] }, ]) / [ '0x1381', '0x0', ] /
* add WebSocketProvider
provider = providerFactory({ url: 'ws://localhost:12535' })
provider.close(); // user need to close before process ternimal
* BaseProvider instanceof EventEmitter
const EventEmitter = require('events');
// old console.log(new BaseProvider() instanceof EventEmitter); // false console.log(new HttpProvider() instanceof EventEmitter); // false
// new console.log(new BaseProvider({}) instanceof EventEmitter); // true console.log(new HttpProvider({}) instanceof EventEmitter); // true console.log(new WebSocketProvider({}) instanceof EventEmitter); // true
* add CONST
const { CONST } = require('js-conflux-sdk');
/ { LATEST_MINED: 'latest_mined', LATEST_STATE: 'latest_state', LATEST_CONFIRMED: 'latest_confirmed', LATEST_CHECKPOINT: 'latest_checkpoint', EARLIEST: 'earliest' } /
* export `format` and `sign` without `util`
// old const { util: {format, sign} } = require('js-conflux-sdk');
// new const { format, sign } = require('js-conflux-sdk');
* add `Drip` to replace unit
// old const { util } = require('js-conflux-sdk');
const balance = await conflux.getBalance(ADDRESS); console.log(util.unit.fromDripToCFX(balance))
// new const { Drip } = require('js-conflux-sdk');
const balance = await conflux.getBalance(ADDRESS); console.log(Drip(balance).toCFX())
for input, use `Drip.fromXXX` to get drip number string
// old const { util } = require('js-conflux-sdk');
const tx = { to: ADDRESS, value: util.unit.fromCFXToDrip(0.1), ... }
// new const { Drip } = require('js-conflux-sdk');
const tx = { to: ADDRESS, value: Drip.fromCFX(0.1), ... }
* include all method from conflux JSON_RPC document
* friendly example code
example will guide user to use SDK step by step
* charming code organization
split abi coder with types
split contract method, event and override
## v0.13.4
* rename `send_transaction` to `cfx_sendTransaction`
## v0.13.3
* Account.encrypt returned address drop '0x' prefix
## v0.13.2
* use scrypt-js
## v0.13.1
* RPC returned all number as hex
* fix `sendTransaction`, `call`, `estimateGasAndCollateral` shallow copy `options`
## v0.13.0
* `Account.decrypt` required keystoreV3 object as input, and put `password` as second parameter
// old Account.decrypt('password', {salt:..., iv:..., cipher:..., mac:...})
// new Account.decrypt({ version: 3, id: '0bb47ee0-aac3-a006-2717-03877afa15f0', address: '0x1cad0b19bb29d4674531d6f115237e16afce377c', crypto: { ciphertext: 'a8ec41d2440311ce897bacb6f7942f3235113fa17c4ae6732e032336038a8f73', cipherparams: { iv: '85b5e092c1c32129e3d27df8c581514d' }, cipher: 'aes-128-ctr', kdf: 'scrypt', kdfparams: { dklen: 32, salt: 'b662f09bdf6751ac599219732609dceac430bc0629a7906eaa1451555f051ebc', n: 8192, r: 8, p: 1 }, mac: 'cc89df7ef6c27d284526a65cabf8e5042cdf1ec1aa4ee36dcf65b965fa34843d' } }, 'password')
* `Account.prototype.encrypt` returned keystoreV3 format object
const account = new Account('0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef');
// old account.encrypt('password') / { algorithm: 'aes-128-ctr', N: 8192, r: 8, p: 1, dkLen: 32, salt: '0xb662f09bdf6751ac599219732609dceac430bc0629a7906eaa1451555f051ebc', iv: '0x85b5e092c1c32129e3d27df8c581514d', cipher: '0xa8ec41d2440311ce897bacb6f7942f3235113fa17c4ae6732e032336038a8f73', mac: '0xcc89df7ef6c27d284526a65cabf8e5042cdf1ec1aa4ee36dcf65b965fa34843d' } /
// new account.encrypt('password') / { version: 3, id: '0bb47ee0-aac3-a006-2717-03877afa15f0', address: '0x1cad0b19bb29d4674531d6f115237e16afce377c', crypto: { ciphertext: 'a8ec41d2440311ce897bacb6f7942f3235113fa17c4ae6732e032336038a8f73', cipherparams: { iv: '85b5e092c1c32129e3d27df8c581514d' }, cipher: 'aes-128-ctr', kdf: 'scrypt', kdfparams: { dklen: 32, salt: 'b662f09bdf6751ac599219732609dceac430bc0629a7906eaa1451555f051ebc', n: 8192, r: 8, p: 1 }, mac: 'cc89df7ef6c27d284526a65cabf8e5042cdf1ec1aa4ee36dcf65b965fa34843d' } } /
* epochNumber accept `earliest`, `latest_checkpoint`, `latest_confirmed` label
## v0.12.0
* add `getAdmin`
await cfx.getAdmin('0x89996a8aefb2228593aae723d47f9517eef1341d') // "0x1be45681ac6c53d5a40475f7526bac1fe7590fb8"
* sendTransaction accept privateKey as `from`
cfx.sendTransaction({ from: PRIVATE_KEY, // accept Account instance or privateKey to: ADDRESS, // accept Account instance or address ..., })
* create Account accept address
new Account(PRIVATE_KEY); // {privateKey:'0x...', publicKey: '0x...', address: '0x...'} new Account(PUBLIC_KEY); // {publicKey: '0x...', address: '0x...'} new Account(ADDRESS); // {address: '0x...'}
## v0.11.0
* defaultGasPrice, only use for sendTransaction
cfx = new Conflux({ url: 'http://testnet-jsonrpc.conflux-chain.org:12537', defaultGasPrice: 100, })
// old cfx.call({ address: '0x...', data: '0x...', }); // => cfx_call{defaultGasPrice:'0x64',address:'0x...',data:'0x...'}
// new cfx.call({ address: '0x...', data: '0x...', }); // => cfx_call{address:'0x...',data:'0x...'}
* remove defaultEpoch, defaultChainId, defaultGas, defaultStorageLimit
// old cfx = new Conflux({ url: 'http://testnet-jsonrpc.conflux-chain.org:12537', defaultEpoch: 'latest_state', defaultChainId: 1, defaultGasPrice: 100, defaultGas: 10, defaultStorageLimit: 1, })
// new cfx = new Conflux({ url: 'http://testnet-jsonrpc.conflux-chain.org:12537', defaultGasPrice: 100, })
// user could epochNumber
and chainId
manual on each method.
## v0.10.3
* fix broken sourcemap
## v0.10.2
* fix: include crypto into browserify build
// old ConfluxJSSDK.util.sign.randomPrivateKey() // TypeError randomBytes is not a function
## v0.10.1
* add format.bytes
format.bytes('abcd'); // format.bytes([0, 1, 2, 3]); //
* add contract method & event type or signature indexes
// solidity function override(bytes memory str) public function override(string memory str) public
contract.override('str'); // Error: can not determine override
contract['override(string)']('str'); // specify override method by type contract['0x227ffd52']('str'); // specify override method by signature
## v0.10.0-alpha
* add `getStatus`
* remove `getRiskCoefficient` and replace with `getConfirmationRiskByHash`
// old cfx.getRiskCoefficient(epochNumber)
// new cfx.getConfirmationRiskByHash(blockHash)
* remove `getAccount` cause it's internal RPC.
* use `require` replace `import` to gen code.
## v0.9.2
* add defaultStorageLimit and defaultChainId for Conflux
// old const cfx = new Conflux({ url: 'http://localhost:8000', defaultGasPrice: 100, defaultGas: 100000, })
// new const cfx = new Conflux({ url: 'http://localhost:8000', defaultGasPrice: 100, defaultGas: 100000, defaultStorageLimit: 4096, defaultChainId: 0, })
## v0.9.1
* abi implicitly converting string to number
solidity method: `function add(uint,uint) public returns (uint);`
// old await contract.add(1, '2'); // error! can not accept string
// new version await contract.add(1, '2'); // good, converting string to number
## v0.9.0-beta
* format nonce as JSBI.BigInt
nonce = await cfx.getNextNonce(...)
// old 100000
// new JSBI.BigInt(100000)
* format transaction fields
tx = await cfx.getTransactionByHash(txHash) // old { storageLimit: "0x64", chainId: "0x0", epochHeight: "0x400", ... }
// new { storageLimit: JSBI.BigInt(100), // JSBI chainId: 0, epochHeight: 1024, ... }
* unit return string
// old unit.fromCFXToGDrip(123) => JSBI.BigInt(123000000000) unit.fromCFXToGDrip('0.1234567891') => Error('Cannot convert JSBI.BigInt')
// new unit.fromCFXToGDrip(123) => "123000000000" unit.fromCFXToGDrip('0.1234567891') => "123456789.1"
* contract fields "code" rename to "bytecode"
// old cfx.Contract({code, abi, address})
// new cfx.Contract({bytecode, abi, address})
* abi decodeData and decodeLog return object
result = contract.abi.decodeData('0x....')
// old ["Tom", JSBI.BigInt(18)]
// new { name: 'func' fullName: 'func(string name, uint age)', type: 'func(string,uint)', signature: '0x812600df', array: ["Tom", JSBI.BigInt(18)], object: { name: "Tom", age: JSBI.BigInt(18), } }