Material-UI TextField has for long
time caused problems for Reagent users. The problem is that TextField
wraps the
element inside a component so that Reagent is not able to enable
input cursor fixes, which are required due to async rendering.
Note that this only happens when using controlled inputs. In some cases you can workaround the problem by using an uncontrolled input (i.e. :default-value
). See also Reagent controlled inputs.
Good news is that Material-UI v1 has a property that can be used to provide
the input component to TextField
(ns example.material-ui
(:require ["material-ui" :as mui]
[reagent.core :as r]))
(def text-field (r/adapt-react-class mui/TextField))
(def value (r/atom ""))
(def input-component
(fn [props]
[:input (-> props
(assoc :ref (:inputRef props))
(dissoc :inputRef))])))
(def example []
{:value @value
:on-change #(reset! value (.. e -target -value))
:InputProps {:inputComponent input-component}}])
can be used to convert Reagent component into React component,
which can then be passed into Material-UI. The component should be created once
(i.e. on top level) to ensure it is not unnecessarily redefined, causing the
component to be re-mounted.
For some reason Material-UI uses different name for ref
, so the inputRef
should be renamed by the input component.
Instead of providing :InputProps :inputComponent
option to every TextField
it is useful to wrap the TextField
component in a way that the option is added always:
(defn text-field [props & children]
(let [props (-> props
(assoc-in [:InputProps :inputComponent] input-component)
(apply r/create-element mui/TextField props (map r/as-element children))))
Here r/create-element
and reagent.impl.template/convert-prop-value
the same as what adapt-react-class
does, but allows modifying the props.
Check the example project for complete code. Some additional logic is
required to ensure option like :multiline
and :select
work correctly,
as they affect how the inputComponent
should work.
TODO: :multiline
without :rows
(i.e. automatic height) doesn't
work, because that requires Material-UI Input/Textarea
, which doesn't work
with Reagent cursor fix.