This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) done in 4.5 minor versions.
To get the diff between two versions, go to
- 4.5.0 (2013-12-12)
- Updated GCE images for roles builder (dicsydel)
- Added AMazon Linux images to EC2 roles builder (dicsydel)
- Euca support (dicsydel)
- Store server hostname onHostUp (dicsydel)
- Added i2 and c3 AWS instance types (dicsydel)
- OCS and Nebula support (dicsydel)
- Fixed RabbitMQ launch (dicsydel)
- Added nginx templates (dicsydel)
- show storage tab on FarmDesigner for windows on all platforms. (dicsydel)
- SCALRCORE-568 Global Variables are not cloned when cloning a Farm (dicsydel)
- Support of IDCF and ECS in RolesBuilder (dicsydel)
- Removed disbaleStaticNAT for server onBeforeHostTerminate (dicsydel)
- SCALRCORE-556 Fix. Argument 1 passed to FarmRoleStorage::setConfigs() must be an array, null given (dicsydel)
- SCALRCORE-557 Imporved keypairs support for Openstack. (dicsydel)
- Minor update for ENUM. Added apache vhosts automation to support new apache behavior (dicsydel)
- Added support for scripting run_as argument (dicsydel)
- SCALRCORE-540 Fix. ssh2 authentification failed (dicsydel)
- New Security groups functionality (dicsydel)
- New Chef functionality (dicsydel)
- Removed old upgrade files (dicsydel)
- Removed old farm sync functionality (dicsydel)
- SCALRCORE-522 RHEL second rebundle use scalarizr instead of api call (aws) (dicsydel)
- SCALRCORE-534 Fix E_ALL (dicsydel)
- Added SSH Key download link to Farms view page (dicsydel)
- Added support for IAD and SYD regions on RacksapceNGUS (dicsydel)
- Legacy stuff cleanup (dicsydel)
- SCALARIZR-1122 Minor fixes & improvements (dicsydel)
- Added RabbitMQ configuration to QueryEnv. Minor fixes and improvements. (dicsydel)
- Improvements in cronjobs (dicsydel)
- Hostname feature (dicsydel)
- Switch from XML to JSON messaging (dicsydel)
- Multiple fixes and improvements. Added beta hostname setting to Advanced tab and into HostInitResponse message (dicsydel)
- Improved chef support: Remove node if server was terminated (dicsydel)
- Added support for Scientific Linux (dicsydel)
- Fixed: better handling of EIPs that assigned to instances which are not under scalr management (dicsydel)
- Fixed SSH console for VPC instances. (dicsydel)
- Minimum size for cinder volumes changed from 100 to 1 gb. Rackspace should be handled separately. (dicsydel)
- Do not allow forcefully terminate Openstack and Cloudstack instances. (dicsydel)
- SCALRCORE-482 Mysql lvm volume config - pvs list is null (dicsydel)
- SCALRCORE-473 Fix FarmRoleStorageConfig::create() must be an array (dicsydel)
- Add: date when role was created and user who created it (dicsydel)
- Fix: be able to launch servers on terminated farm (dicsydel)
- Changed ListScripts API call. Added Revision argument. By default return 10 latest revisions. (dicsydel)
- Added CloudServerID to LaunchServer method result (dicsydel)
- SCALRCORE-477 Fix. HttpRequest::setRawPostData() is deprecated (dicsydel)
- Openstack Snapshots & Volumes management added to UI (dicsydel)
- New importing process. Added support for local script execution to php SCALARIZR-886 (dicsydel)
- Fixed incorrect volumeConfig when multiple ephemeral disks selected in UI (dicsydel)
- Added support for multiple disks on ephemeral storage on EC2 (dicsydel)
- Improved Openstack support. Attach floating IP on pending. (dicsydel)
- Do not remove improting server during failed import attempt (dicsydel)
- Servers improvements: added roles alias (dicsydel)
- SCALRCORE-446 Fix. Mongodb cluster terminate error in UI (dicsydel)
- Improved scripting logs (dicsydel)
- Added windows support for Openstack personailty (dicsydel)
- Added windows support for bundle process on Openstack. Improved messaging processing (dicsydel)
- Fixed: In new version of openstack flavor can be both integer and uuid (string). (dicsydel)
- Added subnet name (dicsydel)
- Added VPC name (dicsydel)
- Fixed cloning issue (cannot clone farm more than once) (dicsydel)
- Added volumes configuration to BeforHostTerminate event to be able to detach volumes. (dicsydel)
- Added support for farm role alias (dicsydel)
- Fixed cloudtsack images removal (dicsydel)
- SCALRCORE-601 pecl_http 2.0.0 is not supported yet. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-600 add backtrace for E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-576 Ensure saving user who launches farm in server properties (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-576 Added user information to server properties on server launch and terminate actions. (recipe)
- SCALARIZR-1254 Add Eucalyptus client. (recipe)
- SCALARIZR-1254 changed md5 to sha256 hash (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-561 services_mongodb_snapshots_map PRIMARY KEY change. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-561 role_tags PRIMARY KEY change. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-561 role_properties PRIMARY KEY change. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-561 farm_settings PRIMARY KEY change. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-561 farm_role_storage_settings PRIMARY KEY change. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-561 farm_role_settings PRIMARY KEY change. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-561 client_settings PRIMARY KEY change. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-561 account_user_vars PRIMARY KEY change. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-561 account_user_vars PRIMARY KEY change. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-590 add OpenStack based cloud access permissions (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-561 account_user_settings PRIMARY KEY change. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-561 hasTableReferencedColumn method has been added. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-561 account_team_envs PRIMARY KEY change. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-561 server_properties PRIMARY KEY change. (recipe)
- FIx short tags over the project (recipe)
- SCALARIZR-1234 Fix DbMsr_CreateDataBundleResult issue (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-588 SimpleMailer microsoft-exchange servers with Outlook quoted-printable issue (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-586 adjust the list of allowed_clouds (recipe)
- short tags replaced (recipe)
- Fix bug in aws statistics plugin (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-564 SLOW_QUERY using index on datetime (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-569 Fix bug in upgrade script 20131031 (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-159 Improvement. Rewrite server termination process (recipe)
- SCALARIZR-1135 Openstack/Linix should be bundled by scalarizr (recipe)
- SCALARIZR-493 Fixed bug. Cannot load XML string. Json Serializer must be used. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-458 Add timeount of 3 seconds with 3 possible attempts on RequestLimitExceeded response. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-458 statistics plugin should not cause process termination when mysql error happens (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-555 Add index
to dm_deployment_task_logs table. (recipe) - SCALRCORE-541 Improvement. REPLACE changed to INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-550 Fix. Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (recipe)
- SCALARIZR-1135 create personality /etc/.scalr-user-data for ECS platform. (recipe)
- friendly errors messages (recipe)
- [AWS] Add aws_statistics rotation 2 days (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-431 New feature. Automatic upgrade system (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-521 email section should be mandatory (recipe)
- [AWS] Add aws_statistics rotation to RotateLogs routine. (recipe)
- [SLOW_QUERY] Optimized RotateLogs routine (recipe)
- SCALARIZR-1135 personality additional location (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-493 Fix obtaining an environment object from DI Container. (recipe)
- [AWS] Added SecurityGroup NotFound error type constant (recipe)
- UI-232 Fix TIMEZONE SYSTEM (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-515 slow query. add index (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-519 sync db schema (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-486 Fix. Comments starting with '#' are deprecated (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-458 Add AWS Client plugins feature (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-517 Fixed bug with config. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-513 Fixed bug. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-510 Fix. Only variables should be assigned by reference. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-511 Fix call to member function getAccountId() on a non-object (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-501 Add PhpTemplate support. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-512 undefined variable $filter (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-507 Add new options to ldap config. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-509 Implemented Quantum API floatingips service interface for openstack client (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-501 User Creation email text is unhelpful (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-505 adodb::getOne() limit 1 added (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-502 [AWS] Rewrite xxxFilterData classes. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-504 Acl improvements and fixes (not-owned-farms) (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-484 added error suppression handler to error handler. (recipe)
- Fix. scalr is going to be switched over to php-5.4 (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-502 do not impose restrictions to xxxFilterData objects making them expect xxxFilterNameType object. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-498 [E_ALL] Fix Argument 1 must be object (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-500 Fix. Password is not presented in the welcome email message. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-453 Refactor API tests. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-494 Fix. environment may be null in the case when admin is authenticated. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-434 Fix. Internal scalr api should use ACL (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-483 Fix. Admin Shared roles management stopped working with ACLs. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-481 Fix. ACL does not cover API. (recipe)
- UI-195 ACL feature improvements (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-476 Fix. Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-471 Fix. AclIntegrity test. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-474 Fix. File name cannot be empty. (recipe)
- UI-193 Fix. Disable Administration for Full access (no admin) section (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-429 New feature. ACL (Access Control List) (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-470 Fix. Add missed methods. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-466 [LDAP] Add new options to config. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-460 [LDAP] Add group_nesting: yes option to scalr.connections.ldap config (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-458 Add queriesQuantity property to Aws. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-455 Fix database desing bug. (recipe)
- SCALARIZR-1089 Openstack personality for windows instances (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-447 Refactor openstack service. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-439 not-owned-farms feature needs in optimized keys. (recipe)
- SCALRCORE-444 Fix. roles/xGetList2 security issue (recipe)
- UI-178 LDAP authentication by API Key (recipe)
- UI-261 Fix (invar)
- UI-260 Fix (invar)
- add more information to login page (login info different accounts with the same email) (invar)
- fix dashboard widgets for new customers (invar)
- SMNG-219 Fix (invar)
- fix scrollbars (invar)
- SMNG-219 Fix (invar)
- SCALRCORE-572 Fix (invar)
- UI-254 Fix (invar)
- SCALRCORE-527 Fix (invar)
- SCALRCORE-572 Fix (invar)
- UI-199 Fix (invar)
- SCALRCORE-450 Fix (invar)
- fixes for lease management (invar)
- UI-21 Fix (invar)
- SCALRCORE-290 Fix (invar)
- UI-225 admin debug sql (invar)
- SCALRCORE-205 Fix (invar)
- SCALRCORE-566 Fix (invar)
- SCALRCORE-213 fix timezone issue. improvements in Scalr_Account_User (invar)
- add possibility to inverse beta flag via url (!beta). remove unused actions. use alias in farmRole name (invar)
- UI-101 Fix (invar)
- SCALRCORE-213 add filter by date&time in logs improve filterfield (invar)
- UI-243 Fix (invar)
- fix redirect after login (invar)
- UI-20 improve tests (invar)
- fix missing cloudLocation param (invar)
- SCALRCORE-450 Fix (invar)
- UI-128 Fix (invar)
- HOMER-5 Fix (invar)
- SCALRCORE-529 disable python mcrypt test by default (invar)
- allow to copy text in readonly mode (invar)
- UI-207 Fix (invar)
- UI-237 Fix (invar)
- SCALRCORE-514 Fix (invar)
- UI-231 extjs 4.2.2 (invar)
- UI-165 Fix (invar)
- remove old extjs theme (invar)
- UI-145 Fix (invar)
- UI-197 Fix (invar)
- UI-165 Fix (invar)
- UI-165 always check IP for user requests if defined in security settings (invar)
- SCALRCORE-450 add lease management (invar)
- SCALRCORE-452 Fix (invar)
- Fix. use for sort role_alias instead of role_name (invar)
- fix error reporting for mysql errors (was broken). fix dm/tasks sorts (invar)
- UI-203 add small checks in dashboard. revert back code for admin tests, that should be refactored (invar)
- UI-192 sync changes from farm level to farmrole level in Farm Designer (invar)
- UI-203 remove uservoice widget from dashboard (invar)
- UI-202 save state of columns in grid in 4.2 (invar)
- UI-181 add logo to login form (invar)
- add sorts to deployments manage page (invar)
- UI-198 Fix (invar)
- Fix. disable SysDebug in API (invar)
- [ADD] add openstack icon (invar)
- UI-197 Fix (invar)
- Fix. small UI fixes (invar)
- Fix. replace debug version of css with compressed (invar)
- SCALRCORE-471 fix & improve tests; make changes to Request, Controller (invar)
- SCALRCORE-452 added tests for Scalr_Util_CryptoTool (invar)
- UI-165 added protection from CSRF (invar)
- UI-178 enable api access by keys in ldap auth mode (invar)
- SCALRCORE-571 Make all graphics in scalr hi-res (For Retina display) (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-614 Delete *-d instances from everywhere in interface (igrkio)
- 18589-server-usage-statistics-dashboard (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-539 [NEW_UI] New Roles Edit/Create page (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-571 Make all graphics in scalr hi-res (For Retina display) (igrkio)
- remove beta flag: Redis no persistence (Redis tab), Run as (Orchestration tab), Server hostname format (Advanced tab), Nginx templates (Nginx tab) (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-571 Make all graphics in scalr hi-res (For Retina display) (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-611 MindTerm should be configurable (igrkio)
- SCALARIZR-1294 Fix (igrkio)
- FarmDesigner add role chef settings (igrkio)
- SCALARIZR-1260 Security groups for Eucalyptus (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-603 Minor improvements on BundleTask view page (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-539 [NEW_UI] New Roles Edit/Create page (igrkio)
- fixes, changes (igrkio)
- 4024-old-mongo-db-version (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-596 Behaviors -> Automation (igrkio)
- UI-253 Edit button instead of Save in the Edit eucalyptus cloud credentials (igrkio)
- 18188-cant-change-m1small-to-m1medium (igrkio)
- UI-252 Role import related changes (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-585 Minor changes on Environment/Clouds settings page (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-539 [NEW_UI] New Roles Edit/Create page (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-585 Minor changes on Environment/Clouds settings page (igrkio)
- 3815-postgres-on-hi14xlarge-ssd-raid (igrkio)
- nebula, osc icons have been added (igrkio)
- SCALARIZR-813 Fix (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-371 Nginx templates (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-242 Fix (igrkio)
- deprecated server import has been removed (igrkio)
- UI-189 Fix (igrkio)
- UI-224 [NEW_UI] New Server Dashboard (Previously: Server Extended Information) (igrkio)
- UI-238 Delete "Ephemeral" choice from storage dropdown for rabbitmq (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-371 Nginx templates (igrkio)
- add role id column to the roles view + grid column order fix (igrkio)
- Oddity in POC code (igrkio)
- UI-129 add platform filter to roles view (igrkio)
- SCALARIZR-1219 server extended info is deprecated (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-565 Fix (igrkio)
- UI-224 [NEW_UI] New Server Dashboard (Previously: Server Extended Information) (igrkio)
- UI-101 livesearch has been finally replaced with filterfield (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-552 Configuration management (igrkio)
- SCALARIZR-1143 ubuntu1004 старый мускуль не работает на мастере (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-538 Minor changes in roles management (igrkio)
- SCALARIZR-1140 Scripting security (igrkio)
- UI-242 live chat icon overlaps text (igrkio)
- UI-223 [NEW_UI] New tab Security (Right now for EC2 only) (igrkio)
- radiobutton theme fix (igrkio)
- ecs logo update (igrkio)
- UI-206 Replace role in farm role. (igrkio)
- UI-223 New tab Security (Right now for EC2 only) (igrkio)
- UI-208 [NEW_UI] for Chef tab in Farm Designer (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-528 Deprecate deployments (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-222 Warn users when they forcefully terminate farm with rabbitmq role (igrkio)
- UI-208 [NEW_UI] for Chef tab in Farm Designer (igrkio)
- UI-235 Bug. Edit Security Groups for selected Farm Role (igrkio)
- UI-232 DB backups interface is messed up (igrkio)
- UI-234 Create bucket form looks ugly (igrkio)
- UI-186 New interface for "Create role from non-scalr server" (igrkio)
- SCALARIZR-1111 Storage for Windows (igrkio)
- UI-230 New persistance type for redis: nopersistance (igrkio)
- UI-229 Governance improvements (igrkio)
- UI-186 New interface for "Create role from non-scalr server" (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-497 Governance improvement (igrkio)
- UI-206 Replace role in farm role. (igrkio)
- UI-190 Delete emergency support on the dashboard (igrkio)
- readonly slider css (igrkio)
- Fix. theme related changes (igrkio)
- UI-206 Replace role in farm role. (igrkio)
- grid autoRefresh fix (igrkio)
- UI-206 Replace role in farm role. (igrkio)
- Fix. theme related changes (igrkio)
- Script execution mode wording change (Blocking/Non-blocking instead of Sync/Async) (igrkio)
- governance wording change (igrkio)
- UI-204 Do not allow force termination for Openstack/Cloudstack instances. (igrkio)
- UI-205 Refactor UI to support cloud aliases - fix (igrkio)
- scripting.default_instance_log_rotation_period (igrkio)
- UI-192 Global Variables are not updated when adding a Role to a Farm (igrkio)
- Fix. nginx proxy settings validation fixed (igrkio)
- SCALARIZR-886 Scripting (igrkio)
- UI-196 Teams & Environments (igrkio)
- Fix. theme related changes (igrkio)
- UI-205 Refactor UI to support cloud aliases (igrkio)
- 14634-script-log-searching-and-paging (igrkio)
- 3815-postgres-on-hi14xlarge-ssd-raid (igrkio)
- Fix. 14416-mongodb-instance-on-rackspace (igrkio)
- UI-184 Endpoints for OpenStack are not normalized (igrkio)
- Cloudstack storage - 'Local Disk offering' and 'reuse' (igrkio)
- fixed using invalid array on openstack (by invar) (igrkio)
- Fix. Show execution mode column in the scripts grid (igrkio)
- Fix. Misplaced descriptions in governance (igrkio)
- Fix. FarmDesigner vpc subnet field width (igrkio)
- Fix. Allow users to set default execution mode for scripts (igrkio)
- SCALRCORE-432 Farm Designer improvements (igrkio)