- Objective
- Step 1 - Enable Lingering for our User Account
- Step 2 - Copy the RHSI Image to our User Account
In this exercise, we're going to perform a few setup tasks needed to prepare for RHSI startup.
In a production environment, it'd be recommended to either include these tasks as part of the provisioning workflow, or handle them through automation. We're completing them here manually for eduational purposes.
To allow non-root containers to run after a session has been closed, lingering must be enabled for that user.
To enable it for our user, we'll use loginctl
sudo loginctl enable-linger $(YOUR-USER-HERE)
where the username is provided in the "Edge Device Credentials" of your student page.
If prompted to authenticate, use the password provided on your student page.
To save on bandwidth, the RHSI router image has been built into our RHDE image, and is available under the root
To copy the image over to our user, we'll use the podman scp
command. For reference on copying images without a registry, this blog post can be used.
For our purposes, the command will look like the below:
Here is the command (to copy the image and retag to 2.4.3):
sudo podman image scp root@localhost::registry.redhat.io/service-interconnect/skupper-router-rhel9:latest ansible@localhost::
podman tag registry.redhat.io/service-interconnect/skupper-router-rhel9:latest registry.redhat.io/service-interconnect/skupper-router-rhel9:2.4.3
Once complete, the image should now be available under our user: