oc apply -f - <<'EOF'
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: CatalogSource
name: operator-certification-operator
namespace: openshift-marketplace
displayName: Operator Certification Operator
base64data: ""
mediatype: ""
image: quay.io/opdev/operator-certification-operator-index:latest
priority: -200
publisher: Red Hat
sourceType: grpc
interval: 10m0s
- Use the left-hand menu to navigate to Operators
- In the Operators submenu click on OperatorHub
- Use the Filter/Search box to filter on Operator Certification Operator
- Click the Operator Certification Operators tile
- In the flyout menu to the right click the Install button near the top
- On the next screen "Install Operator" scroll to the bottom of the page and click Install
- Click the View Operator button
- In the Project dropdown select the Project you wish to apply the Custom Resource
- Under OP: Operator Pipeline click Create instance
- The Create OperatorPipeline screen should be pre-populated with default values
- If the pre-installation steps were followed and all resource names are the same, nothing should need to be changed
- Click Create
- The CR will get created and the Operator will start reconciling
- Click on the name of the Custom Resource you created above operatorpipeline-sample
- Scroll down to the Conditions section
- Validate that all Status values are True
- If a resource fails reconciliation the Message section should indicate what needs correction
oc get pods -n openshift-operators
- Copy the full pod name of the
pod oc get logs -f -n openshift-operators <pod name> manager
- Check to see if the reconciliation occurred
- From the Operator Certification Operator main page
- Click Operator Pipeline in the display bar
- Click the three dots on the right for the Custom Resource
- Select Uninstall
- Navigate to Installed Operators
- Search for the Operator
- Click the three dots on the right
- Select Uninstall
oc delete catalogsource -n openshift-marketplace operator-certification-operator