SharedSpaces was built by the VR Developer Tools team to demonstrate how you can quickly get people together in VR using the Oculus Social Platform APIs. This version was built for the Unreal Engine using the Photon SDK as the transport layer. Other versions are available, in particular one built for the Unity game engine.
Oculus | Group presence with destination, lobby and match ids. |
Photon | Transport via a room named after the lobby or match id. |
UE4 | Replication between room members with the master client as host. |
SharedSpaces networking is divided into three layers. The Oculus layer provides presence information needed to find and connect with friends. The Photon layer provides the transport layer for sending messages to other players. And the UE4 layer handles the replication of game objects.
In this overview we will explore each of these layers and show how we connected them together to make a simple multiplayer application which allows people to connect and play together, without the need for a dedicated server.
SharedSpaces is made of a few connected levels, known as destinations. In the center is your personal lobby with doors leading to the surrounding matches. The matches on the left are private and are reachable from your own lobby only. The match on the right is public, reachable from any lobby.
We use this layout as a direct representation of the new group presence apis. To get you to a SharedSpaces destination, we first set your destination and a pair of session identifiers in your group presence: one for your lobby session id, which should not change very often, and one for your match session id, only set when you join a match.
The destinations are specific areas of your application that are defined on the Oculus dashboard under Platform Services > Destinations. The lobby session id represents a tight group of people that want to stay together between games and possibly play as part of the same team during matches. The match session id is shared by people currently playing a match together, whether they are on the same team or not.
When you first launch SharedSpaces, you start in your own private lobby for which we create a unique id. To form a group to be with before and after matches, you invite people to share your lobby. If they accept the invitation, their lobby session id will be updated to be the same as yours, and whenever you will be in the lobby at the same time, you will be together in the same space.
You can think of the lobby as the base camp for your group. Different groups always go back to their respective lobbies after matches.
Members of your group are free to travel at any time between your lobby and their private matches. This only affects the match session ids of their group presence.
You can also grant access to your private match to anyone. You invite them from that match, and they join you when they accept the invitation. In SharedSpaces, accepting an invitation to a match only affects your match session id, not your lobby session id.
As a consequence, when they leave the match through the lobby door, users effectively go back to their separate lobbies if they are not members of the same group.
SharedSpaces also has the purple room to represent a public match that is reachable from all lobbies. Again, anybody is free to go from their lobby to the purple room at any time, and it only affects their match session id. It is a space where you can meet people from outside your group without a prior invitation.
To connect users, Photon has the concept of room. People in the same match or lobby instance will be in the same Photon room in order for data to flow between them. The transport layer is responsible for routing packets between your users who are most likely behind network firewalls.
Photon rooms have unique names. The name of the room that we will use comes directly from the social layer: we either use your match session id, if you have one, or your lobby session id, otherwise.
A key feature of the Photon room system is that it keeps track of the oldest member in the room, called the “master client”, here identified with stars.
Let’s look at Alice, Bob and Charlie entering the Purple room. Charlie is first to join, so the room is created for him and he is marked as its master client. Alice and Bob join shortly after and they are added as normal clients.
If Charlie, as the master client, leaves the room, a new master client is selected and all remaining clients are notified of that change. This is a key feature for the next networking layer.
UE4 has a client-server architecture. Clients connect to the server and rely on it to enforce the rules of the application and to replicate the objects that are relevant to each of them.
For applications that require a trusted authority, or powerful hardware, the server is typically running in a data center as a dedicated server. In this configuration, each UE4 client runs on its own headset and connects to that dedicated server.
For some applications, like SharedSpaces, we can instead host the server on one of the headsets as a listen-server. In that mode, Unreal Engine acts both as a server and as its first connected client. It will accept connections from the other players.
So for each room, we need to select one of the users to be the UE4 listen-server. This decision comes from the transport layer: the master client of the corresponding Photon room will be our host. In UE4 terms, the host opens a map with the ‘listen’ option while the clients connect to the master client using an address that is understood by our Photon Net Driver.
When the player hosting leaves, we perform a host migration. Here we can see that Alice is leaving the purple room. Photon picks Bob as the new master client. The remaining members of the room are notified and they reestablish their UE4 connections.
We end up with two Photon rooms, the Purple room is now hosted by Bob, with Charlie and Donna connected to him. Alice just left the room through the door to her lobby, but since she is the only one there, she becomes both the master client and host of her group lobby.
Let’s have a look at SharedSpaces in action.
When Alice starts SharedSpaces, she starts alone in her private lobby. She is the master client and host of the lobby, as indicated by the star next to her name.
Alice wants Bob to form a group with her so that they can be together between matches. To do that, she steps on the invite panel switch and she sends him an invitation from her lobby. By accepting, SharedSpaces starts on Bob’s headset with a deeplink message that will let him join Alice in game. From now on, Bob will have the same lobby session id as Alice and they will share the same lobby.
Bob goes through the blue door to start a private match, followed by Alice. They end up in the same Blue Room and they now have the same match session id that corresponds to their private room. Since Bob was there first, he is the one hosting the room and Alice is connected to him.
Alice decides to invite her friend Charlie to join their match, and he happens to be in his own lobby when he accepts the invitation. Charlie has his match session id updated with the private match id, but on the other hand he still retains his own lobby session id. He is still part of a different group.
When Bob leaves the blue room, Photon notifies Alice and Charlie that the master client has changed. A host migration is needed: Alice opens a new UE4 listen-server, since she is the new master client of the blue room, and Charlie connects to her.
As for Bob, he started hosting his group lobby.
Now when Charlie leaves the blue room, he does not join Bob. They are not part of the same group since they do have different lobby session ids. Instead, he goes back to his own separate lobby. This can be checked by stepping on the roster panel switch and you will see your different groups explicitly listed.
In the case of Alice, therefore, going back to lobby means that she will rejoin Bob who is waiting for her.
To have Charlie join their group, Alice or Bob simply need to send him an invitation from their lobby. Again, by accepting an invitation to lobby, you also accept to join a group. Charlie’s lobby session id is updated and the three of them will now share the same lobby between matches.
SharedSpaces uses the Oculus Platform and the Photon SDK. For each of these we have created a game instance subsystem deployed in its own separate plugin. This makes them easy to reuse in your own projects.
The plugins have their own documentation available here that you can access for details:
Let's dive into how these are used at the project level.
The most important piece of logic at the project level is the SharedSpaces Game Instance blueprint. In the Unreal Engine, the game instance is a persistent singleton object that exists for the duration of the process. It survives map loads, in particular.
You can see below its overall layout.
We can logically split it into an initialization with our subsystems and the use of those subsystems to establish communication between the players through a cascade of social, transport and application networking.
At the top we have the regions of the blueprint that take care of registering our event handlers with both major subsystems.
- Oculus Platform Subsystem
- On Login Complete: we need to wait to be fully logged in with Oculus before we identify ourself with the Photon system, since we reuse the same identifiers. Note that those identifiers are unique per user and per application, so this is not revealing any personal information.
- On Launch Intent Changed: this event is generated when the application is started. We only care about the case where the application was launched manually by the user (i.e. "normal" launch) so that we can start in the default destination.
- On Group Launch Intent Received: this event is triggered when the application receives an Oculus group presence launch intent. These are all the cases where the application is asked to join a specific destination with lobby and match identifiers, along with a deeplink message. Typically it will generated when the user explicitly accepts an invitation to join someone in game.
- Photon Subsystem
- On Master Server Disconnected: there are many situations that will cause a user to disconnect from the Photon servers. A typical one is when the headset is removed and goes dormant: we need to immediately notify all users that share that room that this user is gone, especially when he is the one hosting the UE4 server for the current shared space.
- On Room Joined or Created: event received in response to joining a room, potentially creating it first if it doesn't yet exist. This triggers a UE4 client/server connection optionally with a start position if we are rejoining the room.
- On Master Client Changed: this is an important event for ensuring host migration. The Photon master client is responsible for hosting the UE4 server, so when he leaves the room, all remaining users are notified of that change so that they can reestablish connection: the new master client starts a listen-server and the other users connect to him.
- On Application Enters Foreground: most often this is caused by the user removing his headset and putting it back on a bit later. Here we rejoin the room that we were in.
- On Leave Room: Photon requires you to be in only one room at a time. We explicitly leave the current room when we are about to join a new one. This event leads us to join this new room.
- On Master Server Connected: we mostly care about the case where we fail to reconnect, in which case we wait a moment before trying again.
These game instance subsystems benefit from the same lifecycle guarantees as the game instance: they are singletons that live as long as the application. The only issue that we need to be careful of is the timing dependencies between the subsystems and the game instance itself. There are many ways to control the ordering of actions and here we have opted for the Oculus Platform Subsystem to notify the game instance by calling OculusPlatformSubsystemStarted event. No prior bindings are required as this is called by name in code.
The rest of the blueprint is concerned with the Network Launch sequence that is initiated with a user's social platform group presence which includes a destination and his lobby and match identifiers. Let's review the information required for connecting the players together:
Destination Api Name: you can define a list of destinations for your application on the Oculus application dashboard. These can be deep linked for seamless navigation to your application. In the case of SharedSpaces, we have created one destination for the lobby, and one for each of the colored rooms.
Level Name: in SharedSpaces, each destination is associated with a distinct level. This is a design choice — not a requirement — that helps us illustrate destinations with simple spaces of different colors. Which level to load for a given destination is stored in the configuration of that destination on the dashboard.
The deeplink message is an optional application-specific string. In the case of SharedSpaces, we have opted for a simple JSON format to store key-value pairs and every destination comes with a "map" key as shown here for the Red Room. -
Lobby Id: the Oculus group presence has a couple of identifiers to be more specific about your location. The first one is the lobby session id. People sharing a lobby session id are meant to stick together beyond a single match. When you open the roster panel (see below), people sharing the same lobby id appear grouped. What you decide to do with that grouping is more or less left for your application to decide, but there is a general expectation that people from the same lobby will still be together between matches and that when they participate to the same match, if applicable and possible, that they will be part of the same team.
In SharedSpaces, a unique lobby id is given to you when you start the application. As shown earlier in this document, you share your lobby id by inviting others to join you in the Lobby destination. If they accept the invitation to lobby, they join your team.
When at the Lobby destination, you join the Photon room named after your lobby id.
Match Id: the other identifier linked to your group presence is the match session id. You can think of it as the unique identifier of your current destination when you are not in your team lobby.
For the private matches (the Red, Green and Blue rooms), these match session ids are uniquely linked to your lobby (e.g. "RedRoom_for_Lobby123"). For public matches (the Purple room), these get a unique common shared name that is not linked to your lobby (e.g. "ThePurpleRoom"). There is currently only one purple room, which is a scheme that doesn't scale in real life. Public rooms should be handled using a matchmaking system to distribute players into separate instances for load balancing, taking your lobby session id into consideration to try to keep your team together. We have plans on expanding in that direction in a future version of the showcase.
When at a colored room destination, you join the Photon room named after your match id.
The group presence is set quite differently whether we are joining a lobby or a match. Similar to the level name, the destination type is also stored in the destination deeplink on the application dashboard. We query the destination by name and extract this information using the Get Is Lobby node from the deeplink. Since this way of storing data in the deeplink is application specific, that node is implemented in a project blueprint library (see SharedSpacesFunctionLibrary.h).
When joining a lobby, we set the user's presence to the lobby session id parameter passed to Network Launch. In the case of an invitation, this is the lobby id of the user who sent it which means that we join their team and their lobby. Note that when you join a lobby, your match session id is always cleared.
There are two ways to join a match: by going through a portal or by accepting an invitation. In the first case, we derive the match id based on the lobby of origin (e.g. "RedRoom_for_Lobby123"). Since all people present in a specific lobby instance have by definition the same lobby session id, they are guaranteed to join the same match by going through a given portal.
When accepting an invitation to a match, a user keeps his current presence lobby id and uses the match id passed to Network Launch as his presence lobby id.
Finally, in the case of a public match, we override the match id with that room's public name, as discussed earlier.
The name of the Photon room that we join is trivially based on the user's group presence set in the previous section: we use the match id if we have one, and the lobby id otherwise.
After ensuring that we have a connection to the Photon Master Server, we also ensure that we are not currently in a different Photon room. If we are, we first call the Leave blueprint node and during the callback we call Photon Join or Create Room again.
When all this is done, we call the Join or Create Room blueprint node on our Photon subsystem. If the room exists, we join it as a normal client, otherwise we create it and become its initial master client.
There are a few situations that require us to rejoin the current Photon room: when we lose connection to the Photon Master Server, which should be rare, and when our application goes back to foreground, which is much more frequent. You can find how we handle those events in the Photon initialization region of the blueprint.
UE4 network connections are mainly established after joining (or rejoining) a Photon room. The key information that we need is our Photon room master client status, the host address associated with the current master client of the space that we are connecting to, and an optional start location.
When there is a change of master client, we are forced to perform a host migration which is basically just a question of reestablishing our UE4 network connections.
We create our UE4 connection using the open console command. That command takes a parameter that looks like an HTTP URL. It takes two different forms depending on whether or not we need to host the level or join an existing server.
- Master Client: open <level> # <startpos> ? listen
- Normal Client: open <address> # <startpos>
The Photon room master client opens up a level by name and uses the "?listen" parameter to indicate that we will also accept client connections. This is known as the listen-server mode. Everybody else simply opens a connection to that server using the address provided. In the case of SharedSpaces, that address is the application-specific user id of the host followed by ".oculus".
The start position takes two forms:
- Joining: the destination of origin
- Rejoining: the location and rotation in string form
As we have shown earlier, there are a number of different situations that cause users to join or rejoin a server, and we attempt to give the user a sensible start position.
The way it works is through the placement of a number of player start objects in the level. These look like console controllers with a flag.
Each player start has an optional Player Start Tag. In SharedSpaces, we have placed one default player start without any tag that is used when you start the game the first time. We have also placed player starts in front of all the portals with a tag that matches the corresponding destination. When you travel between spaces, we spawn you near the door that leads to your space of origin.
In the cases where you rejoin a space, let's say during a host migration, we instead use your current location and orientation to respawn you. To do that, we actually create a new player start for you at that location, and use it during the player spawn process.
The roster panel is an important part of the Oculus group presence system. It is a system panel that appears in 3D in your field of view, on top of any other game content that may be currently displayed. You can see who you are currently playing with, and who you have invited to join you.
In SharedSpaces, opening up the roster panel is done by moving your character on top of the corresponding pressure plate. The essence of the RosterPanelLaunchTrigger blueprint is to ask the Oculus Platform Subsystem to launch it.
An important caveat when opening a system panel is that VROS absorbs all controller input until the panel is closed again. In UE4 a consequence is that if your player triggers the panel while moving, he will continue moving even if you release the controller thumbstick. To prevent that, the blueprint waits for you character to stop moving and then does a final check that you are still on the pressure plate before opening the roster panel.
The invite panel can be opened directly from the roster panel (lower left button). It can also be opened directly with a separate call to the Oculus Platform Subsystem.
3. Portals
The Portal is a simple blueprint that issues a Network Launch on the SharedSpaces Game Instance for the player who enters its collision volume. After placing it in the level, either as is with it's built-in geometry made visible or right next to some existing object that represents a door, you must set its destination parameter. This is literally the name of a destination as you have defined them on the dashboard.
When the user enters the portal, we find his current lobby id and we query the name of the level from the destination's record. We perform a network launch with those values and with the match id empty in all cases, even when we travel to a match. This is allowed since match ids are derived from lobby session ids when we go through portals, as explained earlier.
The SharedSpaces Character is the classic UE4 mannequin with a few modifications.
In SharedSpaces, users are distinguished by their name, color, master client status and current destination. You can set a new random color on your character by pressing the trigger. You can even hide your character name (which is by default your Oculus name) by pressing the thumbstick down and choose between "Alice", "Bob" and "Charlie". This is a somewhat hidden feature that we have added to create our screenshots and videos.
Most objects are lost between level loads, including the player character. For that reason, we have opted for a trivial persistence mechanism: we simply copy these values to the corresponding variables on the SharedSpaces Game Instance. If you scroll back to the implementation diagram for UE4 Open Level, you will see where we use the current destination, for example.
Now let's talk about the replication of a user's name, color and master client status. These values need to be propagated to all players in order for them to see who's who, hopefully with a distinctive color and with a star above your head when you are the current master client.
Let's take the character color as an example. We have a linear color variable on the character used for replication called BodyColor. It's replication is set to RepNotify. This means that when the value is set on the server, it will be replicated down to all clients and that the corresponding notification function (in this case OnRep_BodyColor) will be called.
When a character calls SetBodyColor it does not directly set the BodyColor locally. Instead it sends a message to the server to set it there in order for the value to be replicated down to everybody, including itself.
NotifyServerOfBodyColor is an event meant to run on the server. It is set as reliable which means that it will eventually get there. The implementation of that event is simple, it simply sets the value of BodyColor on the server and replicates it to all with notification.
When a client receives the replicated value, OnRepBodyColor is called, and this is what actually changes the material parameter on the character. This is done for all clients, including the one that owns this character.
The camera components are highly configurable, but we wanted to experiment with a different behavior for this showcase that required some blueprint coding: the camera location would not change while the character moves as this is not comfortable for some people. When the character stops, and after some delay, the camera would reset behind the character with an orientation based on the character rotation. At all times, of course, the camera would rotate in sync with the headset when the user is looking in different directions.
To control this, we have two parameters on the SharedSpaces Character under Camera Logic: the time that we must wait after the character stops moving before we reset the camera behind him, and a minimum travel distance required between resets. Both parameters are intended to minimize the number of camera resets for comfort.
Every tick, on the local character, we perform a movement check. This gives us whether or not the character has moved (IsStationary) and the last time and location with movement (LastTimeWithMovement and LastLocationWithMovement).
After checking that we are using a VR headset, there are two gates that we need to go through before we allow the camera to reset. The first one checks that the character is stationary. The second one checks that we have moved enough since our last camera reset and waited enough since we stopped moving.
These two gates will automatically go through when a manual reset is requested by the user. In the sample, this is done by pressing the A or X buttons.
Finally, we play with the camera lag speed to indirectly freeze and reset the camera location. The camera boom (a Spring Arm Component) can be configured to follow the player at some distance and to slide smoothly to the correct location. In our case, we go to the extremes: very close to zero speed when we want the camera to stay in place, and a high speed when we want to reset it instantly.
5. In-Game Log
The grip button toggles the in-game log panel. For this technical showcase, most of the important events happen under the hood. This log panel is hooked to the persistent log that we have added to the Oculus Platform Subsystem. This ensures that the log persists between level loads.
These have a similar setup to the Portals. You will need to place the ExternalAppPortal blueprint and setup the Application app Id of the destination app and the destination name. These doors will call the Launch External App on the SharedSpaces Game Instance for the player who enters its collision volume. Then the SharedSpaces Game Instance will validate the inputs and call the Platform function Application Launch Other App.
This is the implementation for the App to App Travel platform feature.
When the user presses the Oculus button and selects Report, your application is required to notify the system how you will handle it. You may handle the report by providing your own in-app reporting flow or choose to defer to the system reporting flow by selecting Unhandled.
This is the implementation for the User Reporting platform feature.
To build and run your own copy of SharedSpaces, you will need to create an application for it on the Oculus developer dashboard.
You Oculus application identfier must be placed in SharedSpaces/Config/DefaultEngine.ini like so.
Note that SharedSpaces does not use the Oculus Online Subsystem (OSS), but the identifer is still needed and is found in that configuration section.
The identifier (App ID) can be found in the API section.
Note that you will need a MobileAppId
in order to make a Quest build, and you will need a RiftAppId
in order to use Quest Link.
2. Destinations
You need to recreate the SharedSpaces destinations in your own application. Destinations can be found under Platform Services.
You need to recreate the SharedSpaces destinations in your own application. Destinations can be found under Platform Services.
SharedSpaces has four destinations: a Lobby, three private rooms (the red, green and blue rooms) and one public room (the purple room). Here are the settings for each of them.
API Name | Deeplink Message | Display Name | Description |
Lobby | {"is_lobby":"true","map":"Lobby"} | Lobby | The Lobby |
RedRoom | {"map":"RedRoom"} | Red Room | The Red Room |
GreenRoom | {"map":"GreenRoom"} | Green Room | The Green Room |
BlueRoom | {"map":"BlueRoom"} | Blue Room | The Blue Room |
PurpleRoom | {"map":"PurpleRoom","public_room_name":"ThePurpleRoom"} | Purple Room | The Purple room |
In addition to these settings, you need to set Deeplink Type to Enabled and add an image for your destination. In the case of SharedSpaces, the destination is Audience is set to Everyone. Also make sure to set the max group launch capacity for each destination so that the group launch feature can be used.
You will need to request access to platform data needed by SharedSpaces. Under Data Use Checkup, add the following items and submit for certification.
- User ID
- User Profile
- Deep Linking
- Friends
- Invites
You will also need to create a Photon AppID and configure the app to use it. Find instructions for this here.