id | title | description |
store |
Store |
This document describes functions that you can use to communicate with a Read Model store through a `store` object. |
:::info TypeScript Support
A read model store has an associated TypeScript type:
- Type Name -
- Package -
The table below lists functions that you can use to communicate with a read model store through a store
Function Name | Description |
defineTable | Defines a new table within the store. |
find | Searches for data items. |
findOne | Searches for a single data item. |
count | Returns the number of items that meet a condition. |
insert | Inserts an item into a table. |
update | Updates data items. |
delete | Deletes data items. |
Defines a new table within the store.
Argument Name | Description |
tableName | The new table's name. |
tableDeclaration | An object that defines the new table's structure. |
Init: async store => {
await store.defineTable('Stories', {
indexes: { id: 'string', type: 'string' },
fields: [
Searches for data items based on the specified expression.
Argument Name | Description |
tableName | A table name. |
searchCondition | An object that defines a search expression. |
projectionCondition | Defines which fields should be included into the resulting data sample. |
sortCondition | Defines how to sort the resulting data sample. |
skip | A number of data items to skip. |
limit | The maximum number of data items to fetch. |
const getStories = async (type, store, { first, offset }) => {
try {
const search = type && type.constructor === String ? { type } : {}
const skip = first || 0
const stories = await store.find(
{ createdAt: -1 },
return Array.isArray(stories) ? stories : []
} catch (error) {
throw error
The projection argument should be an object, in which keys are field names and values are either 1
or 0
- 1 - specifies that the field should be included into the resulting data sample;
- 0 - specifies that a field should be excluded from the resulting sample.
The first field in a projection object defines how the projection is interpreted:
- If the first field's value is
, the projection works in inclusive mode. In this mode, you only need to specify included fields. All omitted fields are excluded. - If the first field's value is
, the projection works in exclusive mode. In this mode, only excluded fields should be specified explicitly and all omitted fields are included.
const findResult = await store.find(
{ field1: 1, field2: 1, field3: 1 }, // Return the specified fields
//{ field1: 0, field2: 0, field3: 0 }, // Return all fields except for the specified fields
{ id: sortOrder },
Searches for a data item based on the specified expression.
Argument Name | Description |
tableName | A table name. |
searchCondition | An object that defines a search expression. |
projectionCondition | Defines which fields should be included into the resulting data sample. |
[STORY_UPVOTED]: async (store, { aggregateId, payload: { userId } }) => {
const story = await store.findOne(
{ id: aggregateId },
{ votes: 1 }
await store.update(
{ id: aggregateId },
{ $set: { votes: story.votes.concat(userId) } }
Returns the number of items that meet the specified condition.
Argument Name | Description |
tableName | A table name. |
searchCondition | An object that defines a search expression. |
const getStoryCount = async (type, store) =>
const count = await store.count('Stories', {})
return count
Inserts an item into the specified table.
Argument Name | Description |
tableName | A table name. |
document | An object that is an item to insert. |
[STORY_CREATED]: async (
store, { aggregateId, timestamp, payload: { title, link, userId, userName, text } }
) => {
const isAsk = link == null || link === ''
const type = isAsk ? 'ask' : /^(Show HN)/.test(title) ? 'show' : 'story'
const story = {
id: aggregateId,
link: !isAsk ? link : '',
commentCount: 0,
votes: [],
createdAt: timestamp,
createdBy: userId,
createdByName: userName
await store.insert('Stories', story)
Searches for data items and updates them based on the specified update expression.
Argument Name | Description |
tableName | The name of the table to update. |
searchCondition | An object that defines a search expression. |
updateCondition | An object that defines an update expression. |
updateOptions | Specifies additional options for the update operation. |
[STORY_UPVOTED]: async (store, { aggregateId, payload: { userId } }) => {
const story = await store.findOne(
{ id: aggregateId },
{ votes: 1 }
await store.update(
{ id: aggregateId },
{ $set: { votes: story.votes.concat(userId) } }
Deletes data items based on the specified search expression.
Argument Name | Description |
tableName | A table name. |
searchCondition | An object that defines a search expression. |
[SHOPPING_LIST_REMOVED]: async (store, { aggregateId }) => {
await store.delete('ShoppingLists', { id: aggregateId })
Search expressions use operators to compare values and group expression clauses.
The following operators are supported:
Comparison operators:
Operator | Description |
$eq | Matches values that are equal to the specified value. |
$ne | Matches values that are not equal to the specified value. |
$lt | Matches values that are less than the specified value. |
$lte | Matches values that are less than or equal to the specified values. |
$gt | Matches values that are greater than the specified value. |
$gte | Matches values that are greater than or equal to the specified value. |
Logical Operators:
Operator | Description |
$and | Joins two expressions with an AND operation. |
$or | Joins two expressions with an OR operation. |
$not | Applies a NOT operation to invert an expression. |
const data = await store.find('Entries', {
$or: [
{ $and: [{ name: 'Second entry', id: 'id-2' }] },
{ $not: { id: { $gte: 'id-1' } } },