Name | Type | Description | Notes |
utxoId | String | UTXO ID for this output. | |
asset | Asset | ||
utxoType | String | Type of output. | |
createdOnChainId | String | Blockchain ID on which this output is created on. | |
consumedOnChainId | String | Blockchain ID on which this output is consumed on. | |
creationTxHash | String | Transaction ID that created this output. | |
consumingTxHash | String | Transaction ID that consumed this output. | [optional] |
consumingTxTimestamp | BigDecimal | Timestamp in seconds this output is consumed. | [optional] |
outputIndex | String | Postion of this output in a list of lexiographically sorted outputs of a transaction. | |
timestamp | BigDecimal | Timestamp in seconds this outptut is created on. | |
locktime | BigDecimal | Locktime in seconds after which this output can be consumed. | |
threshold | BigDecimal | Minimum number of signatures required to consume this output. | |
addresses | List<String> | Addresses that are eligible to sign the consumption of this output. | |
credentials | List<UtxoCredential> | Credentials that signed the transaction to consume this utxo |