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478 lines (389 loc) · 27.7 KB

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478 lines (389 loc) · 27.7 KB

Flexmark Icon Logo flexmark-java

flexmark-java is a Java implementation of CommonMark 0.27 spec parser using the blocks first, inlines after Markdown parsing architecture.

Its strengths are speed, flexibility, Markdown source element based AST with details of the source position down to individual characters of lexemes that make up the element and extensibility.

The API allows granular control of the parsing process and is optimized for parsing with a large number of installed extensions. The parser and extensions come with plenty of options for parser behavior and HTML rendering variations. The end goal is to have the parser and renderer be able to mimic other parsers with great degree of accuracy. This is now partially complete with the implementation of Markdown Processor Family Emulation

Motivation for this project was the need to replace pegdown parser in my Markdown Navigator plugin for JetBrains IDEs. pegdown has a great feature set but its speed in general is less than ideal and for pathological input either hangs or practically hangs during parsing.

Changes Forced by Downgrade to Java 7

I tried to keep all changes caused by the downgrade in Java language level as mechanical as possible to make it easier to migrate. The biggest change is the lack of lambda syntax and no static extension methods in interfaces.

  • All VISIT_HANDLERS in GroupNameVisitor were moved to GroupNameVisitorExt class. A mechanical search and replace from .VISIT_HANDLERS to Ext.VISIT_HANDLERS should take care of the change

  • Lack of Lambda syntax will only have an effect if your project language level is downgraded. Otherwise, you can keep using lambda syntax.


  • Java 7 or above
  • The core has no dependencies; for extensions, see below

Build status codecov Maven Central status

Changes from commonmark-java project

  • The project is on Maven: com.vladsch.flexmark

  • Java compatibility back to 1.7

  • Android compatibility to be added

  • No attempt is made to keep API backward compatibility to the original project.

    The API has stabilized but some changes may be necessary before 1.0 release.

Pegdown Migration Helper

I added com.vladsch.flexmark.profiles.pegdown.PegdownOptionsAdapter class that converts pegdown Extensions.* flags to flexmark options and extensions list. Pegdown is included for convenience. These are located in flexmark-profile-pegdown module, which will be added to Maven on the next release. For now you can grab the source from this repo: and if you need it

You can pass your extension flags to static PegdownOptionsAdapter.flexmarkOptions(int) or you can instantiate PegdownOptionsAdapter and use convenience methods to set, add and remove extension flags. PegdownOptionsAdapter.getFlexmarkOptions() will return a fresh copy of DataHolder every time with the options reflecting pegdown extension flags.

import com.vladsch.flexmark.html.HtmlRenderer;
import com.vladsch.flexmark.parser.Parser;
import com.vladsch.flexmark.profiles.pegdown.Extensions;
import com.vladsch.flexmark.profiles.pegdown.PegdownOptionsAdapter;
import com.vladsch.flexmark.util.options.DataHolder;

public class PegdownOptions {
    static final DataHolder OPTIONS = PegdownOptionsAdapter.flexmarkOptions(
            Extensions.ALL | Extensions.MULTI_LINE_IMAGE_URLS

    static final Parser PARSER = Parser.builder(OPTIONS).build();
    static final HtmlRenderer RENDERER = HtmlRenderer.builder(OPTIONS).build();

    // use the PARSER to parse and RENDERER to render with pegdown compatibility

Markdown Processor Family Emulation

Latest addition was a rewrite of the list parser to better control emulation of other markdown processors as per Markdown Processors Emulation. Addition of processor presets to emulate specific markdown processing behaviour of these parsers is on a short to do list.

Some emulation families do a better better job of emulating their target than others. Most of the effort was directed at emulating how these processors parse standard Markdown and list related parsing specifically. For processors that extend original Markdown, you will need to add those extensions that are already implemented in flexmark-java to the Parser/Renderer builder options.

Extensions will be modified to include their own presets for specific processor emulation, if that processor has an equivalent extension implemented.

If you find a discrepancy please open an issue so it can be addressed.

Major processor families are implemented and some family members also:

  • CommonMark (spec 0.27) - [x] GitHub Comments - [ ] League/CommonMark
  • FixedIndent - [x] MultiMarkdown - [x] Pegdown
  • Kramdown - [ ] GitHub Docs - [ ] Jekyll
  • - [ ] Php Markdown Extra

ℹ️ profiles to encapsulate configuration details for variants within the family will follow shortly.

History and Motivation

flexmark-java is a fork of commonmark-java project, modified to generate an AST which reflects all the elements in the original source, full source position tracking for all elements in the AST and easier JetBrains Open API PsiTree generation.

The API was changed to allow more granular control of the parsing process and optimized for parsing with a large number of installed extensions. The parser and extensions come with many tweaking options for parser behavior and HTML rendering variations. The end goal is to have the parser and renderer be able to mimic other parsers with great degree of accuracy.

Motivation for this was the need to replace pegdown parser in Markdown Navigator plugin. pegdown has a great feature set but its speed in general is less than ideal and for pathological input either hangs or practically hangs during parsing.

commonmark-java has an excellent parsing architecture that is easy to understand and extend. The goal was to ensure that adding source position tracking in the AST would not change the ease of parsing and generating the AST more than absolutely necessary.

Reasons for choosing commonmark-java as the parser are: speed, ease of understanding, ease of extending and speed. More detailed description in Pegdown - Achilles heel of the Markdown Navigator plugin. Now that I have reworked the core and added a few extensions I am extremely satisfied with my choice.

Another goal was to improve the ability of extensions to modify parser behavior so that any dialect of markdown could be implemented through the extension mechanism. An extensible options API was added to allow setting of all options in one place. Parser, renderer and extensions use these options for configuration, including disabling some core block parsers.

This is a work in progress with many API changes. No attempt is made to keep backward API compatibility to the original project and until the feature set is mostly complete, not even to earlier versions of this project.

Feature Comparison

Feature flexmark-java commmonmark-java pegdown
Relative parse time (less is better) ✔️ 1x (1) ✔️ 0.6x to 0.7x (2) ❌ 25x average, 20,000x to ∞ for pathological input (3)
All source elements in the AST ✔️ ✔️
AST elements with source position ✔️ ✔️ with some errors and idiosyncrasies
AST can be easily manipulated ✔️ AST post processing is an extension mechanism ✔️ AST post processing is an extension mechanism ❌ not an option. No node's parent information, children as List<>.
AST elements have detailed source position for all parts ✔️ ❌ only node start/end
Can disable core parsing features ✔️
Core parser implemented via the extension API ✔️ instanceOf tests for specific block parser and node classes ❌ core exposes few extension points
Easy to understand and modify parser implementation ✔️ ✔️ ❌ one PEG parser with complex interactions (3)
Parsing of block elements is independent from each other ✔️ ✔️ ❌ everything in one PEG grammar
Uniform configuration across: parser, renderer and all extensions ✔️ ❌ none beyond extension list int bit flags for core, none for extensions
Parsing performance optimized for use with extensions ✔️ ❌ parsing performance for core, extensions do what they can ❌ performance is not a feature
Feature rich with many configuration options and extensions out of the box ✔️ ❌ limited extensions, no options ✔️
Dependency definitions for processors to guarantee the right order of processing ✔️ ❌ order specified by extension list ordering, error prone ❌ not applicable, core defines where extension processing is added

flexmark-java pathological input of 100,000 [ parses in 68ms, 100,000 ] in 57ms, 100,000 nested [ ] parse in 55ms


commonmark-java pathological input of 100,000 [ parses in 30ms, 100,000 ] in 30ms, 100,000 nested [ ] parse in 43ms


pegdown pathological input of 17 [ parses in 650ms, 18 [ in 1300ms


  • YouTrack renderer added to allow rendering Markdown AST as YouTrack formatted text. Almost the same as JIRA but with a few differences.

  • JIRA renderer added to allow rendering Markdown AST as JIRA formatted text.

  • Parser is mature enough to be used as the parser in the Markdown Navigator plugin. Performance improvement is spectacular. Typing with preview enabled is now comfortable, even in larger files. Disabling the preview for major editing makes typing response similar to editing plain text files.

  • Optimized post processor processing to eliminate each processor from having to traverse the AST looking for nodes of interest. Parse time for large file (500k bytes, 10k lines) went from 1.39x commonmark-java down to 1.05x-1.20x range.

  • Took a few days to add some flexmark-java extension related functionality to Markdown Navigator to make working with test spec files and extension modules easier. I will move this out into a separate plugin but it makes working with the test spec files a pleasure.

  • Wiki added flexmark-java wiki

  • Unified options architecture to configure: parser, renderer and any custom extensions. This includes the list of extensions to use. Making a single argument configure the environment. These are also available during parsing and rendering phases for use by extensions.

    • Add options syntax to to allow varying parser/renderer options on a per spec example basis. This way all options available for the core or extension can be tested in a single file.
  • Test architecture based on original spec.txt augmented with:

    • expected AST so it is validated by tests
    • options can be specified for individual tests so that one file can validate all options available for the extension/core feature.
    • full spec file generated with expected HTML and AST replaced with generated counterparts to make updating expected test results easier for new or modified tests.
    • section and example number added to each example opening line for cross referencing test results to test source.
  • Rework HtmlRenderer to allow inserting rendered HTML into different parts of the generated HTML document. Now can generate HTML for top/bottom of document.

  • Enhance HtmlWriter to make it easier to generate indented html and eliminate the need to implement attribute map and boiler plate render children method in custom node renderers.

  • Add ParagraphPreProcessor interface to allow customizing of block processing of paragraph blocks on closing. Effectively, the mechanism of removing reference definitions from the start of the paragraph was generalized to be usable by any block and extensible.

  • Add LinkRefProcessor interface to allow customizing parsing of link refs for custom nodes, such as footnotes [^] and wiki links [[]] that affect parsing which could not be done with a post processor extension.

  • Parser options to be implemented:

    • GitHub Extensions
      • Fenced code blocks
      • Anchor links for headers with auto id generation
      • Table Spans option to be implemented for tables extension
      • Wiki Links with GitHub and Creole syntax
      • Emoji Shortcuts with use GitHub emoji URL option
    • GitHub Syntax
      • Strikethrough
      • Task Lists
      • No Atx Header Space
      • No Header indents
      • Hard Wraps (achieved with SOFT_BREAK option changed to "<br />")
      • Relaxed HR Rules Option
      • Wiki links
    • Publishing
      • Abbreviations
      • Footnotes
      • Definitions
      • Table of Contents
    • Typographic
      • Quotes
      • Smarts
    • Suppress
      • inline HTML: all, non-comments, comments
      • HTML blocks: all, non-comments, comments
    • Processor Extensions
      • Jekyll front matter
      • GitBook link URL encoding. Not applicable
      • HTML comment nodes: Block and Inline
      • Multi-line Image URLs
      • Spec Example Element
    • Commonmark Syntax suppression
      • Manual loose lists
      • Numbered lists always start with 1.
      • Fixed list item indent, items must be indented by at least 4 spaces
      • Relaxed list start option, allow lists to start when not preceded by a blank line.
  • AST is built based on Nodes in the source not nodes needed for HTML generation. New nodes:

    • Reference
    • Image
    • LinkRef
    • ImageRef
    • AutoLink
    • MailLink
    • Emphasis
    • StrongEmphasis
    • HtmlEntity
  • spec.txt now with an added section to each example that contains the expected AST so that the generated AST can be validated. The original spec.txt is also tested against so that any inadvertent changes in the file cause a false pass, they will be caught by the original tests in spec.txt

      ```````````````````````````````` example Links: 35
      [foo *bar](baz*)
      <p><a href="baz*">foo *bar</a></p>
      Document[0, 17]
        Paragraph[0, 17]
          Link[0, 15] textOpen:[0, 1, "["] text:[1, 9, "foo *bar"] textClose:[9, 10, "]"] linkOpen:[0, 0] urlOpen:[0, 0] url:[11, 15, "baz*"] urlClose:[0, 0] titleOpen:[0, 0] title:[0, 0] titleClose:[0, 0] linkClose:[0, 0]
            Text[1, 9] chars:[1, 9, "foo *bar"]

    Whitespace is left out. So all spans of text not in a node are implicitly white space.

I am very pleased with the decision to switch to commonmark-java based parser. Even though I had to do major surgery on its innards to get full source position tracking and AST that matches source elements, it is a pleasure to work with and is now a pleasure to extend a parser based ot its original design. If you don't need source level element AST or the rest of what flexmark-java added and CommonMark is your target markdown parser then I encourage you to use commonmark-java as it is an excellent choice for your needs and its performance does not suffer for the overhead of features that you will not use.


After upgrading to spec 0.27 compliance and adding parser emulation for various list processing variations:

File commonmark-java flexmark-java intellij-markdown pegdown
README-SLOW 0.425ms 1.007ms 1.664ms 15.210ms
VERSION 0.791ms 1.659ms 3.871ms 42.589ms
commonMarkSpec 31.163ms 51.462ms 608.117ms 593.732ms
markdown_example 8.325ms 10.002ms 210.672ms 981.694ms
spec 4.685ms 6.973ms 34.622ms 297.876ms
table 0.230ms 0.503ms 0.654ms 3.477ms
table-format 1.622ms 2.689ms 3.792ms 22.820ms
wrap 3.396ms 7.875ms 15.658ms 86.634ms

Ratios of above:

File commonmark-java flexmark-java intellij-markdown pegdown
README-SLOW 1.00 2.37 3.92 35.79
VERSION 1.00 2.10 4.89 53.82
commonMarkSpec 1.00 1.65 19.51 19.05
markdown_example 1.00 1.20 25.31 117.92
spec 1.00 1.49 7.39 63.59
table 1.00 2.19 2.85 15.14
table-format 1.00 1.66 2.34 14.07
wrap 1.00 2.32 4.61 25.51
----------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
overall 1.00 1.62 17.36 40.37
File commonmark-java flexmark-java intellij-markdown pegdown
README-SLOW 0.42 1.00 1.65 15.11
VERSION 0.48 1.00 2.33 25.67
commonMarkSpec 0.61 1.00 11.82 11.54
markdown_example 0.83 1.00 21.06 98.15
spec 0.67 1.00 4.97 42.72
table 0.46 1.00 1.30 6.92
table-format 0.60 1.00 1.41 8.49
wrap 0.43 1.00 1.99 11.00
----------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
overall 0.62 1.00 10.70 24.88

Because these two files represent the pathological input for pegdown, I no longer run them as part of the benchmark to prevent skewing of the results. The results are here for posterity.

File commonmark-java flexmark-java intellij-markdown pegdown
hang-pegdown 0.082ms 0.326ms 0.342ms 659.138ms
hang-pegdown2 0.048ms 0.235ms 0.198ms 1312.944ms

Ratios of above:

File commonmark-java flexmark-java intellij-markdown pegdown
hang-pegdown 1.00 3.98 4.17 8048.38
hang-pegdown2 1.00 4.86 4.10 27207.32
----------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
overall 1.00 4.30 4.15 15151.91
File commonmark-java flexmark-java intellij-markdown pegdown
hang-pegdown 0.25 1.00 1.05 2024.27
hang-pegdown2 0.21 1.00 0.84 5594.73
----------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
overall 0.23 1.00 0.96 3519.73
  • is the version log file I use for Markdown Navigator
  • is a 33k line file used in intellij-markdown test suite for performance evaluation.
  • spec.txt commonmark spec markdown file in the commonmark-java project
  • is a file containing a single line of 17 characters [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ which causes pegdown to go into a hyper-exponential parse time.
  • a file containing a single line of 18 characters [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ which causes pegdown to go into a hyper-exponential parse time.
  • is a file I was using to test wrap on typing performance only to discover that it has nothing to do with the wrap on typing code when 0.1 seconds is taken by pegdown to parse the file. In the plugin the parsing may happen more than once: syntax highlighter pass, psi tree building pass, external annotator.
  • a file with 10,000+ lines containing 500kB+ of text.


Pull requests, issues and comments welcome 😄. For pull requests:

  • Add tests for new features and bug fixes, preferably in the ast_spec.txt format
  • Follow the existing style to make merging easier, as much as possible: 4 space indent.


Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Atlassian and others.

Copyright (c) 2016, Vladimir Schneider,

BSD (2-clause) licensed, see LICENSE.txt file.