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Development Setup
Setup a Developer Environment

This document will describe how to set up an Let's Connect! / eduVPN development environment for easy development and running it on your development system.

This is NOT meant to be used as installation instructions! See the deploy instructions instead!

We assume you will be using either macOS >= 10.14 (Mojave) or Fedora >= 30 for development work, but other distributions will of course also work, but some minor details, regarding installation of the required software, will be different.

See DEVELOPMENT_PRACTICES for more information about guidelines to follow.


Install the required software (dependencies):

$ sudo dnf -y install golang php-cli git composer php-date php-filter \
    php-hash php-json php-mbstring php-pcre php-pdo php-spl php-sodium \
    php-curl php-gd unzip


NOTE: tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Beta) on 2020-04-03:

Install the required software (dependencies):

$ sudo apt-get install curl git build-essential golang-go php7.4-sqlite3 \ 
    composer php7.4-curl php7.4-dom php7.4-cli unzip


We assume a clean macOS 10.14 (Mojave) installation. There is no need to install MacPorts or Homebrew, we explain how to get going without using them, but feel free to use them, for example to install Composer.

  1. install Xcode command line tools, if not already done
  2. install Go
  3. install Composer

The easiest way to install the command line tools is simply open the terminal on macOS and type xcode-select --install. This will ask if you want to install the tools. Agree to it.

Make sure you install the Go package for "Apple macOS", e.g. go1.12.9.darwin-amd64.pkg.

As for Composer, what I did is download the "Latest Snapshot" at the bottom of the page, make sure it is downloaded to your "Downloads" folder, otherwise change the command below, then:

$ mkdir -p ${HOME}/.local/bin
$ cp ${HOME}/Downloads/composer.phar ${HOME}/.local/bin/composer
$ chmod +x ${HOME}/.local/bin/composer
$ echo 'export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/.local/bin' >> ~/.bash_profile

Then restart the terminal and you should be good to go!


Download the script from this repository and run it. It will by default create a directory ${HOME}/Project/LC-v2 under which everything will be installed. No root is required!

$ curl -L -O
$ sh ./


All projects have unit tests included, they can be run from the project folder, e.g.:

$ cd ${HOME}/Projects/LC-v2/vpn-user-portal
$ vendor/bin/phpunit


A "launch" script is included to run the PHP built-in web server to be able to easily test the portals.

$ cd ${HOME}/Projects/LC-v2
$ sh ./

Now with your browser you can connect to the user portal on http://localhost:8082/.

You can login with the users foo and password bar or admin with password secret.

VPN Configuration

To generate the OpenVPN server configuration files:

$ cd ${HOME}/Projects/LC-v2/vpn-server-node
$ php bin/server-config.php

The configuration will be stored in the openvpn-config folder.

Software Releases


PROJECT_NAME=$(basename "${PWD}")

if [ -z "${1}" ]
    # we take the last "tag" of the Git repository as version
    PROJECT_VERSION=$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags)
    echo Version: "${PROJECT_VERSION}"

mkdir -p "${RELEASE_DIR}"
    echo "Version ${PROJECT_VERSION} already has a release!"
    exit 1

gpg2 --armor --detach-sign "${RELEASE_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}-${PROJECT_VERSION}.tar.xz"


PROJECT_NAME=$(basename "${PWD}")

rsync -avz -e ssh "${OUTPUT_DIR}/" "${REMOTE_HOST}:/var/www/${PROJECT_NAME}"

Make the scripts executable:

$ chmod +x ${HOME}/.local/bin/upload_site
$ chmod +x ${HOME}/.local/bin/make_release

Updating RPM Packages

The ${HOME}/Projects/LC-v2/rpm folder has RPM package descriptions, "SPEC" files. These can be used to build RPM packages (on Fedora).

Assuming you are developing on component and want to create a new (test) package. Do the following:

  1. Determine the last "commit" hash of the component you are building. E.g. with git log -1;
  2. Go to the rpm folder of the component, e.g. rpm/vpn-user-portal;
  3. Make sure you are on the master branch: git checkout master;
  4. "Bump" the SPEC file, e.g. rpmdev-bumpspec SPECS/vpn-user-portal.spec;
  5. Put the hash in the top as %global git <HASH>;
  6. Optionally update other parts of the SPEC file;
  7. Run local_build in order to trigger a local build, to make sure the package is correct and the unit tests properly run.

The local_build script looks like this:

if [ -d SPECS ]
    # we are in the package root
    spectool -g -R SPECS/*.spec
    cp SOURCES/* "${HOME}/rpmbuild/SOURCES"
    rpmbuild -bs SPECS/*.spec
    rpmbuild -bb SPECS/*.spec    
elif [ -d ../SPECS ]
    # we are in the SPECS directory already
    spectool -g -R ./*.spec
    cp ../SOURCES/* "${HOME}/rpmbuild/SOURCES"
    rpmbuild -bs ./*.spec
    rpmbuild -bb ./*.spec    
    echo "ERROR: cannot find SPEC file"
    exit 1

You can save it under ${HOME}/.local/bin/local_build. Make sure it is executable: chmod 0755 ${HOME}/.local/bin/local_build. Run this from the package directory, e.g rpm/vpn-user-portal.

If you want to have your own builder, please set it up using the "builder" project, look here.

Commit the package changes to master, and run the builder. It should pick up your new spec file.


  • One has to setup their own builder
  • There are multiple branches for the RPM packages depending on the version of the software, i.e. there is a v2 and a master branch. We need to explain that the v2 branch is for production packages of LC/eduVPN 2.x.
  • We still have to explain how to make a production release, i.e. explain minisign, tags, etc.