title | description | category |
Multi Node |
Set up a controller with two nodes |
howto |
WORK IN PROGRESS (2020-04-06)
When you want to scale up your deployment, i.e. have multiple nodes connect with one controller, this document is for you!
This document will show how to set up multiple nodes. The OpenVPN clients will be distributed over the nodes using DNS round-robin.
If you already installed the software on one machine already, and want to
convert your current installation into a controller you can use the
At least 3 machines (or VMs) running CentOS 7. The two machines that will be the nodes ideally have the same specifications. They also SHOULD have CPU AES acceleration, e.g. AES-NI.
All three need to be set up with static IP configurations and working DNS. Make sure all works properly before starting the setup. For example, my test deployment uses:
Role | DNS Host | IPv4 | IPv6 |
Controller | frkovpn.tuxed.net | | 2001:610:188:418:145:0:6:71 |
Node A | node-a.frkovpn.tuxed.net | | 2001:610:188:418:145:0:6:72 |
Node B | node-b.frkovpn.tuxed.net | | 2001:610:188:418:145:0:6:73 |
We will use NAT for IPv4 and IPv6 client traffic.
Perform these steps on the hosts:
$ curl -L -O https://github.com/eduvpn/documentation/archive/v2.tar.gz
$ tar -xzf v2.tar.gz
$ cd documentation-2
TIP: whenever you modify a .php
file, make sure the syntax is correct
after editing:
$ php -l /path/to/file.php
This will tell you whether or not the syntax is correct!
On the controller host:
$ sudo -s
# ./deploy_centos_controller.sh
Make note of the credentials that are printed at the end, you can use them to test your server!
After the controller is installed, make sure you'll get a valid TLS
certificate, for example using the included lets_encrypt_centos.sh
# ./lets_encrypt_centos.sh
Now visit your site at https://frkovpn.tuxed.net/. Make sure there is no TLS error and you can login with the credentials you noted before.
By default there is an internet
profile. We will duplicate this and rename
it. For this, edit /etc/vpn-server-api/config.php
. You will find something
like this:
<?php return array (
'vpnProfiles' =>
array (
'internet' =>
array (
// ...
Now copy the internet
section below it and rename internet
to node-a
the duplicate to node-b
. Also add the useVpnDaemon
<?php return array (
'useVpnDaemon' => true,
'vpnProfiles' =>
array (
'node-a' =>
array (
// ...
'node-b' =>
array (
// ...
Modify the configuration keys in the respective sections:
Node | Option | Value |
a | managementIp | |
a | profileNumber | 1 |
a | hostName | node-a.frkovpn.tuxed.net |
a | displayName | Node A |
a | range | |
a | range6 | fd00:1:1:1::/64 |
b | managementIp | |
b | profileNumber | 2 |
b | hostName | node-b.frkovpn.tuxed.net |
b | displayName | Node B |
b | range | |
b | range6 | fd00:2:2:2::/64 |
You can of course choose your own range
and range6
, but make sure they are
not the same for both profiles.
Next, modify the RequireAny
section in
by adding the IP addresses of the
Require local
Require ip
Require ip 2001:610:188:418:145:0:6:72
Require ip
Require ip 2001:610:188:418:145:0:6:73
Restart Apache:
$ sudo systemctl restart httpd
Finally, we need to create a CA to secure the connection between the controller and nodes. You can do this on the controller, or on your own system. We use vpn-ca for this. You can easily install it on the controller:
$ sudo yum -y install vpn-ca
$ mkdir -p ${HOME}/ca
$ cd ${HOME}/ca
$ vpn-ca -init
$ vpn-ca -client vpn-daemon-client -not-after CA
$ vpn-ca -server vpn-daemon-node-a -not-after CA
$ vpn-ca -server vpn-daemon-node-b -not-after CA
$ chmod 0640 *.crt *.key
Now install the vpn-daemon-client
$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/vpn-server-api/vpn-daemon
$ sudo chmod 0710 /etc/vpn-server-api/vpn-daemon
$ sudo cp ca.crt vpn-daemon-client.crt vpn-daemon-client.key /etc/vpn-server-api/vpn-daemon
$ sudo chgrp -R apache /etc/vpn-server-api/vpn-daemon
Copy the ca.crt
, vpn-daemon-node-a.*
to Node A and ca.crt
to Node B for later use.
Before moving on to the nodes, make not of the vpn-server-node
secret under
the apiConsumers
section in /etc/vpn-server-api/config.php
. You'll need it
The instructions below will be only shown for Node A, but they are identical
for Node B... so you have to perform them twice, please note that on Node B
you should replace any occurrence of node-a
with node-b
. Ideally you
perform these steps in parallel on both machines.
Make sure you can reach the API endpoint:
$ curl https://frkovpn.tuxed.net/vpn-server-api/api.php
{"error":"missing authentication information"}
This error is expected as no secret was provided. This just makes sure the controller is configured correctly and allows requests from the nodes.
Next, it is time to install the software. You should have downloaded and unpacked the archive already, see Requirements.
$ cd documentation-2
$ sudo -s
# ./deploy_centos_node.sh
The script will ask for the API URL and the secret. The API URL is the URL we tested above. The secret is the one extracted at the end of the previous section.
The script will output some errors about being unable to start OpenVPN. This is because we changed the controller's default configuration. It is fine, we will fix that shortly!
First we install the vpn-daemon:
$ sudo yum -y install vpn-daemon
Modify /etc/sysconfig/vpn-daemon
Now copy the certificates/keys you copied to the node already before to the right place:
$ sudo cp ca.crt /etc/pki/vpn-daemon/
$ sudo cp vpn-daemon-node-a.crt /etc/pki/vpn-daemon/server.crt
$ sudo cp vpn-daemon-node-a.key /etc/pki/vpn-daemon/private/server.key
$ sudo chgrp -R vpn-daemon /etc/pki/vpn-daemon
Start/enable the daemon:
$ sudo systemctl enable --now vpn-daemon
Next we have to update the node configuration. Edit
and add the following configuration options:
'useVpnDaemon' => true,
'profileList' => ['node-a'],
The firewall also requires tweaking, open it to allow traffic from the controller to the node's VPN daemon:
In /etc/sysconfig/iptables
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 41194 -j ACCEPT
In /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables
, if you prefer using IPv6:
-A INPUT -s 2001:610:188:418:145:0:6:71/128 -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 41194 -j ACCEPT
Now you are ready to apply the changes and it should work without error:
$ sudo vpn-maint-apply-changes
Restart the firewall:
$ sudo systemctl restart iptables
$ sudo systemctl restart ip6tables
Make sure you repeat these steps on Node B as well!
Now is the time to test everything. Go to the portal at
, download a configuration, test it with your
client. Download a configuration for both profiles and make sure they work.
Login to the admin portal using the admin
user and password you noted at the
end of the controller install and make sure you see your client(s) under
"Connections" in the portal when connected to either "Node A" or "Node B"
profile with your VPN client.
Now that everything works, we can merge the profiles to setup a round-robin DNS based load balancing over the nodes.
On the controller you need to modify /etc/vpn-server-api/config.php
For the node-b
profile set hideProfile
to true
. The hostName
key in
both profiles gets the value nodes.frkovpn.tuxed.net
. Update the
of node-a
to something generic, e.g. Secure Internet
As, by default, each profile uses its own "TLS Crypt" key, we need to make sure both of them use to same key now that the profiles are "merged":
$ sudo cp /var/lib/vpn-server-api/tls-crypt-node-a.key /var/lib/vpn-server-api/ta.key
The ta.key
is the fallback "TLS Crypt" key. If that file exists, the profile
specific keys are ignored.
On the nodes, apply the changes again:
$ sudo vpn-maint-apply-changes
As for DNS, you can use the following configuration:
nodes.frkovpn IN A
IN AAAA 2001:610:188:418:145:0:6:72
IN AAAA 2001:610:188:418:145:0:6:73
From now on, the load should be distributed over the VPN nodes once you download a new configuration. You can monitor this through the portal on the "Connections" page. By connecting multiple devices you should see them connect to the different nodes instead of all to one node.
The vpn-maint-scripts
package has instructions for maintaining a multi node
setup. Please refer to those instructions