The course on algorithmic art at Université de Montréal (IFT6251) is given in the winter 2024, Tuesday and Thursday 15.30 - 17.30; Z-337 Pav. Claire McNicoll.
To take this course, you need to know how to program (in any language) and the basics of github. Dan Shiffman's Git and Github for poets is a great resource.
- Éloge de l’ordinateur dans les arts visuels. Vera Molnar, 1984
- A Longer History of Generative Art. Nick Lambert, 2022.
Week 2 (Jan 16 & 18): programming languages for algorithmic art
- Work on Genuary
- sys|calls at ignite 2024
Week 4 (Jan 30 & Feb 1): Genuary
- presentations about Genuary art works
Week 5 (Feb 6 & 8): algorithms
- Generative art via grammatical evolution
- presentations art works with an algorithm
Week 6 (Feb 13 & 15): algorithms
- presentations art works with an algorithm
- on Feb 15 the class is at "carrefour des arts et des sciences" (Pavillon Lionel-Groulx)
Week 7 (Feb 20 & 22): data art
- Ryoji Ikeda: The aesthetics of data flow
- A Concise Taxonomy for Describing Data as an Art Material
- presentations of data artworks
- on Feb 22 the class is at the pavillon de la faculté d'aménagement, in room 0033
Week 8 (Feb 27 & 29): data art
- presentations of data artworks
- on Feb 29 we go to campus MIL, in room A-3541
- Prepare a presentation about a research topic in algorithmic art
- Vera Molnar. Weaving Variations
- Software art
- Can Digital and Physical Art Live Together?
- The Power of the Plotter
- Machines as Collaborators forArt and Rituals
- on March 19 we go in room C-8132 pavillon Lionel Groux (8th floor), 3150 rue jean-brillant
- on March 21 we are in the regular room
Week 12 (Mar 26 & 28): Exhibition
- March 26: Presentations and discussions before vernissage
- March 28: vernissage for the Algorithmic art course. Salle C-2081, Carrefour des arts et des sciences, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx.
- 9.00 - 17.00: setup the vernissage
- 17.00 - 20.00: vernissage
Week 13 (Apr 2 & 4):research in algorithmic art
- presentations about research in algorithmic art